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Study of Similarities and

Differences Between

and Juliet> and

Love is an eternal topic. There are countless numbers of stories about love. Despite various kinds of differences all loves share the same theme. Anicstal ever said ‘The impact of smashing what is invaluable is tragedy.’[1] Tragedy is the best and heart-striking way to display love.

and are two classical tragic love stories, both are masterpieces and enjoy worldwide reputation. They are told generation by generation and never fade away. The protagonists in the stories strive hardly for love against feudalism at the sacrifice of their lives. The two stories are like two trees, they look alike, but not the same.

Let me just briefly introduce the two stories. was written by Shakespeare during Renaissance period. Two protagonists in the story are Romeo and Juliet .At first Romeo loves a girl named Rosalind, who attended a ball held in Juliet’s home. On the purpose of seeing his lover, Romeo also attended the ball with mask covering the face. Instead of seeing Rosalind, he was deeply attracted by another girl, who was Juliet. They fell in love with each other on the first sight and dated that night. The second day Romeo went to priest Lawrence for help. Lawrence agreed to help them on the hope of making up the relationship

between the two families they came from. The two families won’t allow them to get married since they hate each other to death. However, with the help of Juliet’s wet nurse, Romeo and Juliet got married under Lawrence. One day Romeo met Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, who required a duel with him, Romeo refused but his friend accepted the duel for the sake of Montage family’s dignity and was killed. Romeo revenge for his friend and killed Tybalt in return. Then Romeo was banished by the dominator of the city. Not long after his reluctantly leaving his hometown, Count Paris went to The Capulet’s to propose a marriage, Mr Capulet agreed and required Juliet to marry count Paris next week. Juliet had no choice but to go to Lawrence for help. Lawrence provided her with a good idea which is that Juliet takes a kind of special medicine which will allow her to sleep for 42 hours, and everyone will believe that she died. After 42 hours she will come to alive again. Lawrence promised that he will inform Romeo of the plan. Everything was carried out just as planed, however, the messenger was delayed on the way, as a result Romeo didn’t get the information but the bad news. He bought a bottle of poison and determined to meet Juliet in the heaven, on arrival Juliet’s tomb, Romeo kissed his lover and taken the poison. No sooner had Romeo taken the poison than Juliet waked up, so sad to see her lover lying on the floor that she killed herself with a knife.

is a classical legend. The protagonists are Liang

Shanbo and Zhu Ying tai. Zhu Yingtai was born of a noble family, and she was born clever and smart with a outgoing and optimistic character. As the apple of her parents’ eye’s she was cherished by her parents. She was allowed to receive education, when Zhu Yingtai Grew up, she wanted to further her study outside her family to a place called Kuaiji. She persuaded his father by dressing as a boy. Her father made a compromise even though he was reluctant. On the way to KauiJi she met a scholar called Liang Shanbo and Liang did not recognize that ‘he’ was a female. With the same aspiration, they became sworn brothers. They lived together for three years studying together and helping each other until one day, Zhu Yingtai received a letter from home. She had to go back home. As a good friend, Liang Shanbo went to see off Zhu Yingtai on a road called ‘Shi Bali road’.Zhu could not suppress her affection for Liang, so she expressed her love for Liang in a implicit way, But Liang did not understand what she meant, Zhu had to say that ‘he ’had a little sister called Xiao Jiumei(which means that she ranks ninth among the girls of the family),who resembled her very much. She would like to act as a matchmaker between Liang and ‘his ’sister and reminded him to propose a marriage in a certain time, Zhu bid farewell to her lover and went home waiting for Liang Shanbo . However,Liang unfortunately missed the dated time, Zhu’s parents’had betrothed her to the son of a superior official called Ma Wencai. Upon knowing that Zhu was a female, he

could not wait to go to Zhu’s home to propose a marriage with Zhu, but he was not received by Zhu family because of his low station, and he was drive d away by the servants of Zhu family. So pressed and regretful Liang was that he died soon because of his failure in marrying Zhu, his lover. Before his death he requested his mother to bury him on the way between Zhu family and Ma family. Zhu was extremely sad to hear the news but she can not violate her parents’order, she had to marry Ma Liangcai , On the way to Ma’ home ,Zhu rerouted their way via Liang’s tomb. Upon arrival, she weeped with tears pouring down, when the god was touched by her love, the day became dark, thunder rolled and wind sweeped over. To everyone’s astonish Liang’s tomb craked with a big bang. Zhu jumped into the bomb without any hesitation, then the tomb came together and two butterflies flied out together, there is no doubt that Liang and Zhu changed into butterflies , and they will never depart away from each other.

How poignant stories, how sincere love! The two stories share many similarities. Firstly, the stories both happened in feudal society, in which free love is not accepted, Romeo and Juliet lived in a society dominated by Christy, which called on asceticism,But Romeo and Juliet broke the ethical codes,faithfully pursuing their love regardless of the hatred between the two families. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai lived in a society which is dominated by Confucianism,which stresses that

marriage should be arranged by parents and matchmakers. However, Liang and Zhu found their love themselves.

Secondly, Even though that their love were solid and faithful,they ended up in a tragic way. Both pairs killed themselves. :

Thirdly, their love were roughly interfered by their parents, who did not allow them to choose own lover, they had arranged bright future for their daughters. However, they just thought of their own prospect, ignoring what their daughters thought. They force their daughter to marry to the son of rich families.

Fourthly, both the stories expressed the theme that love won’t yield to conventional thoughts. They expressed their love regardless of whatever barrels.ahead.

Despite the similarities, the two stories differ from each other in many aspects. Firstly, is a novel all characters in the story were fictional, opposite to this, was based on real story. There existed a pair of lovers called Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai respectively in China history. Secondly, the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet was caused directly by the messengers[2]. Besides, Romeo was too impulsive that he could not differentiate the fraud, which is a fatal character weakness. For example when Romeo got the news that Juliet died, he determined to kill himself without any hesitation. If he had thought about what had happened they would probably get together. Just

as he put himself ‘I am the toy of fate’. However the tragedy between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai lies in the fact that China was deeply affected by feudal ethics codes[3], which laid a strong foundation in the entire China society. They could not rebel against even challenge the values that all the society conform to. On view of this, the tragedy was inevitable. Thirdly, Romeo’s and Juliet’s parents opposed their love mainly because the two families hate each other. Differ from this, Zhu’s parents did not allow her to marry Liang because Liang came from low class, he was a poor scholar, a small potato[4]. He was not a appropriate match with Zhu. Fourthly, the two pairs of lovers expressed their love in different ways. Romeo and Juliet expressed their love much more directly. For example, Romeo and Juliet dated and expressed their affection to each other just after their first sight. They praised each other mutually. Zhu gradually fell in love with Liang during a period time of three years, but she expressed her affection for Liang in a very implicit way. She compared her and Liang as a couple of mandarin duck, even though Liang did not know that Zhu is a female. When they had to say goodbye to each other, Zhu tell Liang that ‘he’had a little sister and hoped that Liang would propose a marriage as soon as possible. Xiao Jiumei was actually Zhuyigtai .but she did not unveil the secret. Lastly, they guard their love in different ways. Romeo and Juliet defend for their love actively. They try what they can to be together. For example, they went to

Lawrence for help. Contrary to this kind of attitude, Zhu just wait passively which never help.

Tragedy presents people what is valuable in life after destroying it and comedies present people those valueless after smashing them.[5] Though there are different details in displaying tragedy. Tragedy itself is a good way to display love.


[2] 赵清阁.梁山伯与祝英台[M].上海:上海文化出版社,1956:44- 48.

[3] 乐黛云.比较文学与中国——乐黛云海外演讲录[M].北京:


[3] 鲁迅.中国悲剧引论[M].北京:新文学出版社,1932.


小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》教学设计 祖彬 课题名称:初中第16册欣赏课小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》 课型:欣赏课 教学方法:欣赏法、教授法、探讨法 教材分析: 小提琴协奏《梁祝》选材于我国家喻户晓的民间故事,以越剧中的曲调为素材,综合采用了交响乐与我国民间戏曲音乐的表现手法,依照剧情的发展进行创作的标题性音乐。这首带有浓郁的生活气息的交响乐作品,在国内外均引起了良好的反应。 教材将作品放在“音乐与戏剧这一单元里面,其主要目的就是要让学生通过聆听,感受音乐与戏剧的关系。采用分段聆听、对比聆听的方法,分步骤地解决乐曲中需要学生聆听和了解的内容,然后再用一个课时让学生完整聆听乐曲,以解决学生长时间聆听音乐的疲劳感和茫然感,让学生全身心地投入到乐曲的欣赏之中。 [教学目标]: 1.引导学生理解、分析《梁祝》、提高学生感受、分析、鉴赏音乐作品的能力,从而激发学生对民族音乐的热爱之情、增强民族自豪感。 2.掌握协奏曲定义、奏鸣曲式结构特点以及曲作者。 3.通过对比节奏、速度、力度,以及乐器的演奏技巧。感受音乐的表现手段从中获得情感体验,并能展开一定的联想空间。 [教学重点、难点]: 1.感受《梁祝》的音乐内涵,掌握《梁祝》的主体旋律。 2.通过启发引导让学生自己展开联想,领悟主题,通过讨论分析让学生探索创新。 [教具]:多媒体、钢琴、黑板、教材 [教学过程]: 一.组织教学:播放动画片《梁祝》的flash动画, 让学生初次感受主题音乐。 二.新课教学: 1.导入新课: 教师设问:同学们你们听过这个动画短片的音乐吗?谁知道这段音乐叫什么名字? (学生回答) 教师设问:有谁了解《梁祝》这个民间故事?试着给大家讲述一下。 (学生回答) 今天,我们就一起来欣赏这首被列入世界名曲,又被称作butterfly—lovers(蝴蝶的爱情)小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》。 设计目的:激发学生的兴趣,引导学生去欣赏乐曲。 2.相关知识:(教师讲授,出示多媒体课件) (1)教师简介《梁祝》在世界上的影响及地位: 小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》被中国听众被誉为“我们的交响音乐”。外国听众也认为乐曲是一部“非常迷人和神奇的音乐”,“最美妙的旋律”。 (2)曲作者简介: 何占豪:作曲家,浙江人。主要作品:小提琴齐奏曲《姊妹歌》,弦乐四重奏《过节》,交响乐《刘胡兰》、越剧《孔雀东南飞》配乐。


观<<梁山伯与祝英台>>有感 “快乐人儿快乐在,快乐人儿快乐在,青春换了新衣裳……”,随着轻快浪漫的片头曲,我们进入了精彩的电视剧世界…… 封建时期,一般都以科举考试选拔人才,学而优则仕。因此,不少人便从小就去私塾求学,期盼有朝一日能金榜题名,可是当时一直都是男尊女卑,剥夺了女性的许多自由和权力。正因如此,才引出了女扮男装求学的祝英台。 随着尼山书院的撞钟声响起,新一届的学生便陆续汇聚于此。途中,由于种种机缘巧合,梁山伯与祝英台结识了,谈得很投机,因此结拜成好兄弟,一起上私塾求学。这也为将来这对有情人感人肺腑的爱情故事埋下伏笔。我从小就看了这部电视剧。对于梁小冰扮演的祝英台十分赞叹。这位秀丽的姑娘,天真纯洁地睁着大大的眼睛,鼻梁高挺,配着一张樱桃小嘴,着实令人心动,是儿时心中的女神。 在书院里,学生们无忧无虑地读书学习,结交志同道合的朋友。闲时一起讨论学习理论,摆棋对弈,蹴鞠,一切都是那么的快乐、舒适。朗朗书声,悠悠的琴声,一阵阵的文化的气息,环绕着整座尼山书院。在这种封建剥削压迫的社会环境下,恐怕除了书院,再无如此惬意的地方。这里的一切都是那么纯真美好,没有那么多虚伪和奸诈,也不会培育出弑师毁校的赵中书和居心叵测、心狠手辣的马文才。同窗友谊是真的,当路秉章因其妻如意的事情被下大牢,梁山伯与祝英台等人冒着生命危险去趟那道浑水。这不是可贵的友谊吗?人生难得如此仗义的朋友,得珍惜时且珍惜。师生之情也是真的,当学生路秉章、梁山伯先后被害下狱之时,丁老师竭尽所能去挽救自己的学生,不惜得罪昔日的得意门生,当朝中书大人赵定方。这足以体现出老师对学生的关心和呵护。情侣之间的感情也是纯洁的,发自内心的。没有金钱利益的熏染,爱情的花朵开得如此纯洁,如此动人。 在这种婚姻大事父母做主的时代,梁山伯与祝英台这段自由恋爱自然受到保守力量的攻击。棒打鸳鸯,迫使这对深爱对方的痴情男女不能如愿的白发偕老。这种事情当然不止此处一家,当时人们饱受封建社会之苦,无法倾诉,便借这个感天动地的爱情故事来表达心中的愤恨。读了这部悲剧,对于父母理所当然地干涉驾驭子女,我相当愤慨。儿孙自有儿孙福,莫把儿孙当牛马。儿女的幸福就由他们自己去追求,去把握。上一辈的恩怨何苦拖累下一代,让他们为自己而活吧。 对于梁山伯的悲剧,社会因素是最主要的原因。不知各位观众有没有注意到,秋闱试举揭榜时,出现了两个真真实实的历史人物,陶渊明和孙山。陶渊明独爱菊,采菊东篱下,悠然现南山。他在此乡试排名第六,在处理掉娄敬文和辛平之后晋升四魁,被派彭泽令,因不满官场的腐败,弃官归隐。即使贫困,也不为这五斗米的官饷而折腰。这些足以说明,官场容不下为民请命的清廉正直之士。梁山伯被排挤,迫害是迟早的事。 除了外界原因之外,其自身也是很有问题的。在此我阐述一下自己的看法。梁山伯这个规规矩矩的读书人对于社会的状况以及官场的腐败全然不知。每次都是认为自己行得正,走得直就谁也奈何不了他。这是非常不明智的。在封建压迫制度下,官僚地主集团与百姓群众形


罗密欧:朱丽叶,凭着这一轮皎洁的月亮,它的银光涂染着这些果树的梢端,我发誓—— Romeo: juliet, With this round of bringing a moon, it's silver cov er these fruit tree's top, i promiss 朱丽叶:啊!不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。 juliet: oh, dont swear with the moon, it change often, every mon th has it's own wax and wane; if you swear with it, your love wil l be like it perhaps? 罗密欧:那么我指着什么起誓呢? Remeo: then what should i swear with?? 朱丽叶:不用起誓吧;或者要是你愿意的话,就凭着你优美的自身起誓,那是我所崇拜的偶像,我一定会相信你的。 Juliet: no need to sear; or if u wish, then swear with your own g raceful, that's the idol i adore, i will believe in you for sure. 罗密欧:要是我的出自深心的爱情—— Romeo: i swear from the bottom of my heart 朱丽叶:哦,好了,别起誓啦。我虽然喜欢你,却不喜欢今天晚上的密约;它太仓卒太轻率、太出人意外了,正像一闪电光,等不及人家开一声口,已经消隐了下去。好人,再会吧!这一朵爱的蓓蕾,靠着夏天的暖风的吹拂,也许会在我们下次相见的时候,开出鲜艳的花来。晚安,晚安!但愿恬静的安息同样降临到你我两人的心头! Juliet: oh, forget it, don't swear, althought i love you, but didn't like tonight's date; its too rush and surprised, it's like a bolt of li ghtning, cant even wait before i say something, its already gone. goodbye love! this is a love's bud, with the warm wind blow of summer, perhaps next time when we meet, it will bloom a colour


《梁祝》观后感 民俗学课上第一次看到徐克版的《梁祝》,对于我,看完真是感触颇多啊。 被誉为中国四大民间传说的梁山伯与祝英台的故事,滥觞于东晋时代,如今不仅故事本身在民间广为流传,由其改编而成的小提琴协奏曲、越剧更是名扬海内外。 长久以来,梁祝故事一直是文人圈与民间共同感兴趣的题目,表演和研究一直没有停止过,即使是1949年解放后,梁祝故事也因其强调“反封建”的意义,传播更加广泛。然而,国内学者的研究似乎被“反封建”这一要素所锚定,停滞不前。比如,有学者说,“他的悲剧是一个由于受封建教育的毒害太深……既不能、也不会、更不敢积极争取,不配享受爱情蜜果的酸臭腐儒”。更有甚者,认为梁山伯在知道祝英台被许配后不敢努力争取,而祝英台自甘认命,就此认为梁祝的主题是批评梁山伯“懦弱无能”,祝英台“作茧自缚”,且断言“这样的作品,能视为爱情作品吗”。 值得庆幸的是,随着西方民俗学研究理论的引入,我们得以重新解读梁祝,探究其流传甚广的深层原因。正如西方在小红帽的故事上“仁者见仁,智者见智”一样,本文中,笔者尝试利用民俗学,特别是神话理论中的人类学派、神话-仪式学派、结构主义、精神分析理论和女性主义理论,对梁祝进行全视角的解读。每一种理论都有其合理性与局限性,我们通过对于各种理论的整合,互相取长补短,冀图获得对于梁祝的最深刻的了解。 94版的《梁祝》24岁的吴奇隆,20岁的杨采妮,翩翩少年,盈盈少女,正是青春年少,风华正茂,祝英台的天真活泼,梁山伯的真诚善良,都展现的淋漓尽致。 祝英台出身名门大户,无忧无虑,清纯有加,活泼亲和,却不习女红,不善礼节,不通琴棋书画。那时的她,喜欢抓来蝴蝶,攀上屋檐远眺。英台在去书院读书之前一直是唯父母之命是从。祝母嫌英台走路大摇大摆有违女子礼节,便命下人用短绳绑住祝英台的双腿,用以限制英台的走路步幅,但没想到,这样一来,英台走起路来像个机器人一样,更加难看。看似逗笑幽默的桥段,从更深层来讲,它突出了祝英台与封建社会的矛盾与对立。 “不管多么开心都好,千万不要变实。” 初到崇绮书院,正值阳春三月,山中莺飞草长,落英缤纷。学生们白衣胜雪,端坐在山坡下的空地里由夫子指点琴艺。夫子批评梁山伯“只有琴音,全无神绪”,而山伯却不知情为何物。夫子滔滔不绝,忽然山路上的一行人引过所有学生的目光,镜头随着梁山伯的视角移动而移动,梁祝二人目光交汇。此时此刻,你们可否能知今后那惊心动魄的爱恋,一切早已注定。文库巧遇,不打不相识,友谊初成;敲钟时的互扮鬼脸;同床共寝的嬉笑怒骂;帮英台作弊、陪英台秉烛复习……终成知己。 东晋时期,门第风气极盛。白衣僧人若虚在青山碧水间轻描淡写说出来的话却正是那个时代所有有情人的悲哀。上一代的情感悲剧也暗暗预示着梁祝二人的悲剧结局。祝母在年轻时也曾在书院与男子相爱,而结局是嫁入祝家。但是她不但没有因自己的遭遇同情女儿,反而处处阻挠,不敢反抗自己内心对封建思想的恐惧。这更是一种悲哀。 “我早知道我抱着的不是男孩子。”



《梁祝》细腻地呈现一段唯美彻骨、惊天动地的爱情。出身富裕人家的祝英台反抗传统社会对女子的不平等待遇和束缚,争取到与男孩子一同读书受教育的机会。继而挑战长久以来“门当户对”的观念,与同窗三年的平民子弟梁山伯相恋,为自己争取婚姻自由。然而,保守的年代却棒打鸳鸯两分离。但梁、祝的情,终究感天动地!二人化成彩蝶翩翩飞舞,溶入多彩、自由的天空,所经之处,花儿漫天开放. 梁山伯与祝英台的故事是中国四大民间传说之一,被称为东方的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”。我们透过祝英台女扮男装所表现的反抗封建礼教的表层思想,能更深一步地把握到社会进步中要求男女平等、呼唤女权回归这一深层的民族潜意识。如果没有梁祝的悲剧,人们就不会认识到传统的包办婚姻制度的弱点和局限,就无法看到其他选择的可能性。传统的婚姻制度就将继续保持原样。 如果说,梁祝婚姻被残酷葬送具有强烈的悲剧意义,那么它的“化蝶”结尾便富有积极意义。活着追求不到的东西,在死后继续“追求”,终于得到。“化蝶”的结局,正是日益厚积的冲击封建礼教的强烈社会心理的生动反映。千百年来,这种结局鼓舞着人们向一切顽固封建势力作顽强的抗争。


Scene I ( Julia and Romeo are classmates. Julia has liked Romeo for a long time. Today, Julia determines to show her feelings to Romeo. He passes by Betty and Clover. Julia is waiting for the bus. ) Betty & Clover: Wow…so handsome. Julia: Hi, Romeo. Romeo: Hi. Julia: Your clothes fit you well. Romeo: Oh! Thanks. You look charming, too. Julia: Oh! Really? In fact, I ……have something to tell you. Romeo: What is it? Julia: Un ~It’s a little difficult to say. Just…just… (shy!) Romeo: Just what? Julia: Just…I like you!! (determined) (Romeo and Julia stop action) Clover: Oh! My goodness! Do you hear what she said? Betty: Yeah! To my surprise. Clover: Look at her! So fat, so black, and… Betty: Yeah….you can say that again. Romeo: (surprised) But I want a thin girl. Julia: Okay! Give me some time. And I’ll show you. ——————————————————————————– Scene II (Julia had a plan of losing weight.she goes to the pharmacy to buy the most popular medicine “Slim Body” ) Frank: May I help you? Julia: Do you have this kind of medicine called “Slim Body”? Frank: Of course we do. (Now, Allen comes in at the same time.) Allen: Frank, do you have “Slim Body”? I want to buy more. It makes me lose weight from 300 kilos to 70 kilos. Frank: Wow. Amazing! Here you are! Allen: Thanks. (Go out.) Julia: I want to buy a dozen of it. (After eating “Slim Body”, Julia gets the trots,and she failed. Then, she decided to go on a diet.) (In the restaurant) Clerk: Can I take your order?


《梁祝》赏析 记得周总理曾比喻过:“请你欣赏一部彩色歌剧电影——中国的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。” 一个千古传颂的故事,一段柔美、深情地旋律,打动了多少爱乐人的心。小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》,就是这样一首令欣赏者为之倾倒的我国优秀的音乐作品之一。 作品创作背景简析: 这是一部以广泛流传的民间故事《梁山伯与祝英台》为题材,以越剧音乐为素材而写成的单乐章小提琴协奏曲。如今已列入世界名曲,Butterfly-loves(《蝴蝶的爱情》)。 小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》(以下间称为《梁祝》)是陈钢与何占豪就读于上海音乐学院时的作品,作于1958年冬,翌年5月首演于上海获得好评,首演由俞丽拿担任小提琴独奏。题材是家喻户晓的民间故事,以越剧中的曲调为素材,成功地创作了这部单乐章、带标题的小提琴协奏曲。《梁祝》描述了梁、祝二人的真挚爱情,对封建礼教进行了愤怒的控诉与鞭笞,反映了人民反封建的思想感情及对这一爱情悲剧的深切同情。乐曲的结构为奏鸣曲式,由引子、呈示部、展开部、再现部组成。作品从故事中择取“草桥结拜”、“英台抗婚”和“坟前化蝶”三个主要情节,分别作为乐曲呈示部、展开部及再现部的内容。运用西洋协奏曲中的奏鸣曲式,很好地表现了戏剧性的矛盾冲突。并吸收了我国戏曲中丰富的表现手法,使之既有交响性又有民族特色.

下面依结构欣赏作品 引子: 乐曲一开始由长笛奏出了华彩的旋律,呈现出一派春光明媚、鸟语花香的景象。由双簧管奏出的主题音调,取自越剧的过门音乐。 呈示部: 主部主题——在竖琴的伴奏下,小提琴演译出纯朴而美丽的“爱情主题。” (这段旋律在整部作品中起到了举足轻重的作用。多少人听了段旋律都为之陶醉。作者在选取这段主题时可是费了一番苦心。当年他们还是上海音乐学院作曲系的学生。何占豪曾在杭州越剧团当演员,他对越剧音乐既熟悉又喜爱。在创作《梁祝》时,故事流传在浙江一带,越剧是浙江的代表剧种,他决心从越剧音乐中取材。据平时的观察,许多越剧名演员,不论他们演出任何剧目,只要唱到一段唱腔时,台下都会博得热烈地掌声为之呼应。作者抓住了这段唱腔作为《梁祝》中“爱情主题”的基本音调。这段主题是全曲的核心的音调。) 副部主题: 与柔美、抒情的主部主题形成鲜明的对比。音乐转入活泼、欢快的回旋曲。独奏与乐队交替出现,描写梁祝同窗共读时的生活情景。(传说中祝英台女扮男装去读书,在途中与梁山伯相识后两人情投意合,结拜为兄弟。这段音乐主题就是表现梁祝同窗三载共读共玩时的情景。)在这段快板过后,音乐转入慢板,副部主题中的结束部。在弦乐颤音的衬托下,梁祝二人同窗三载就要分别,音乐表现十八相送、长亭惜别的依恋之情。(传说中二人在临别时,祝英台假意说家中有个妹妹愿嫁与梁山伯,约梁山伯去探望。故事就这样发展了下去。)

人音版八年级音乐下册 梁山伯与祝英台教学设计

《梁山伯与祝英台》教案 教学目的: 1、欣赏小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》全曲。 2、初步认识奏鸣曲式的结构,引子、呈示部、展开部、再现部、尾声。 3、欣赏过程中音乐的表现手段与故事内容相融合,理性分析与情感抒发相结合,情感在音乐中获得体验,并能展开一定的联想空间。 重点难点: 从小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》中获得音乐情感的体验。 教学准备: 多媒体 教学过程: 一、导入: 播放《梁祝》音乐片段,教师语言导入。梁祝是中国古代四大爱情故事之首,大家都比较熟悉。今天我们来欣赏一下,用音乐表达的《梁祝》。 二、新课教学: 1、请学生(分小组)把自己课前收集到的有关《梁祝》的资料上台来与大家进行分享。(各种传说、故事背景等等)。 师:我想同学们都听说过梁山伯与祝英台的故事,请你们分小组上台来介绍一下你们所收集到的有关梁祝的资料。 生:分小组介绍。 师:谁来讲讲你所知道的《梁祝》的故事。 生:讲述故事。 师:同学们讲得都非常的精彩,说明是用了心去收集的。(介绍自己收集的资料与学生分享)。知道梁祝故事的人,听过梁祝音乐的人,都永远会为这种千古传咏的爱情故事所深深撼动,爱情就是这样,它是两情相悦两厢倾慕两性向往生死相随之最完美体现。而更让人永世不忘的就是那感人心魄的绝唱。梁祝的化身,就是那翩翩起舞紧密相随的蝴蝶,在云南民间传说中是指美凤蝶。从它诞生以来,就一直成为世人的爱情楷模和民族伟大情操的典范,它深刻蕴育着民族精神和忠贞理想,中国人民深深喜爱梁祝,世界人民也同样是喜爱梁祝!人民用不同的音乐形式来表达这种情愫,在其中赋予着高尚的精神寄托。小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》就是用它那优美动听的音乐向世人讲述着古老而优美动人的传说。 2、介绍乐曲。 A、协奏曲的概念。(是指一件或多件独奏乐器与管弦乐队相互竞奏,并显示其个性及技巧的





Analyze the Character of Romeo—Romeo and Juliet Class 1, English Education,2008 Department of Foreign Studies Junior 2010年11月6日 Abstract The famous tragedy Romeo and Juliet show me the purest and the deepest love in the world . I was happy for their happiness ,sad for their sadness. The novel leads me to a new world with the Middle Ages’ opulent and delicate. All in all ,I ‘m totally moved by this romantic love story . From "Poetics" which was written by Aristotle tell a more complete theory of tragedy, he thought that tragedy can be divided into three categories, namely, the fate of the tragedy, character, tragedy and social tragedies. Obviously, Romeo is character tragedy. Key words: perplexed; contradicted; emotional ;fervent Content: Verona, Italy, two famous households , theCaplet and the Montague. A clash between two families let a shadow over the city. They have bitter and deep-seated hatred. One day, Romeo ,the only son of Montague , join in a party which held by Caplet ‘s family. In the ball, Juliet Caplet met Romeo, they are falling love at the first sight. At the end of the ball, Romeo can not stop thinking of Juliet, so he slip into the backyard . He heard the thoughts of Juliet occasionally, so he talk with Juliet. They are into a deep love and can not be separated. With the help of the priests,the young couple married. Father hope to eliminate the long-standing hatred between the two families. But Juliet's cousin, Tybalt want to have a fight with Romeo, he reject Romeo's peace hope and killing the man which named Mercutio. Romeo crazy to beat Tybalt and kill him. And then,by the judgement of prince,Romeo was punished by expulsion. Juliet is so sad for the news that Romeo is expulsion, but her father think she is sad for her cousin’s death,so he let Juliet get marry with Paris she doesn’t love immediately. Juliet have to drink the poison which can let she sleep three days as dead .Meanwhile,priest send a letter to Romeo, but the priest's letter did not reach the hands of Romeo. Romeo heard Juliet was dead and then arrived at the church, drink the poison and dead before Juliet wake up .when Juliet wake up ,she saw her love dead and then kill herself. The deep-seated hatred between two families that led to a younger generation of romantic tragedy. About William Shakespeare:


赏析梁祝 一.教学题目 小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》 二.授课年级 八年级 三.教学目标 1.引导学生分析、理解梁祝,提高学生感受、鉴赏音乐的能力。 2.通过学习作品,使学生初步了解“协奏曲”的题材特色,初步认识奏鸣曲式的结构,即引子(序奏)、呈示部、展开部、再现部。 3.通过聆听《梁祝》,模唱主部主旋律,体验音乐的情感表达。 四.教学重点 1.认识《梁祝》音乐的内涵。 2.使学生在欣赏音乐的过程中认识学习曲式结构的基本常识。 五.教学难点 如何使学生在小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》中认识到音乐的内涵和音乐情感的体验。 六.教具 钢琴、多媒体、黑板 七.课的类型 单一课 八.主要教学方法 欣赏法、视唱法 九.教材分析 《梁祝》是一部描写梁祝二人的真挚爱情,并对封建礼教进行愤怒控诉与鞭挞,反映人民群众反封建思想感情的爱情悲剧。《梁祝》由何占豪、陈钢作曲,1959年创作而成并同年首演。他们为了探索交响音乐的民族化,选择了这一家喻户晓的民间传说为题材,戏曲了越剧中的曲调作为素材成功的创作了这部单乐章、带标题的小提琴协奏曲。乐曲的结构为奏鸣曲式,由引子、呈示部、展开部、再现部组成。作品从故事中择取了“草桥结拜”、“英台抗婚”、“坟前化蝶”三个主要情节分别作为乐曲呈示部、展开部及再现部的内容。同时,作者吸收了我国戏曲中丰富的表现手法,使之既有交响性又有民族特色。 十.教学过程

过程老师活动学生活动设计意图 引入1.说出梁祝的故事 2.弹梁祝的主部旋律,提 问大家是不是很熟悉这首 歌曲,然后提出今天的课 题《梁山伯与祝英台》。 3.再次弹奏逐步旋律,让 学生哼唱,加深印象。 听老师弹奏回 答问题 让学生对梁祝有 一个初步了解。 作品体裁介绍和作者简介1.讲述梁祝的创作背景 2.介绍何占豪、陈钢两个 作曲者 3.讲述小提琴协奏曲的含 义。 使学生掌握作者 及作品体裁,知道 小提琴协奏曲的 含义是什么。 欣赏小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》1.提出问题,主部主题在 呈示部出现了几次。 2.逐段播放视频: 一.引子 1.播放引子部分的音乐, 提出问题音乐是由什么乐 器开始演奏的。 二.呈示部 1.播放主部主题,回答之 前的问题。 2.提出问题爱情主题由什 么乐器演奏,表达了梁祝 怎样的感情? 3.播放副部主题的音乐, 提出问题这里的节奏与前 面主部主题的区别在哪 里,想一想这段音乐描写 的是梁祝里哪一部分的情 节。 4.播放结束部的音乐,让 学生认真欣赏小提琴与大 提琴之间传递的情感。 三.展开部 1.欣赏前想学生介绍这一 部分的故事情节。 2.播放展开部音乐,让学 生认真聆听音乐表达的感 情。 1.带着问题欣赏 音乐 2.听音乐并回答 老师的问题。 听音乐回答老 师的问题 听音乐回答问 题 提高学生感 受、分析、 鉴赏音乐作 品的能力, 体会音乐中 的情绪变 化。


科 课 课 课
目:音乐 人民音乐出版社 题:《梁山伯与祝英台》 型:欣赏课 时:1 课时
教 学 目 标: (一) 喜欢以中国民间传说《梁山伯与祝英台》为题材的音乐,能受到梁祝的真挚爱情及对封 建势力强烈反抗精神的感染,产生对这一爱情悲剧的理解与同情。b5E2RGbCAP (二) 欣赏小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》及越剧《梁山伯与祝英台》选段《十八相送》。 了解两部作品的关系,学习分析音乐的结构形式等音乐表现要素,加深对音乐情感的感受和体 验。p1EanqFDPw (三)结合具体作品协奏曲、奏鸣曲式等有关知识。 教学重难点: 能够感受、体验《梁祝》的音乐情绪,并能体会音乐中的结构和音乐中表现的要素。 教 教 具: 教学光碟 多媒体
法: 讲解法、视图法、欣赏法
(一) 导 入:
小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》由何占豪、陈钢作曲。1959 年写成并首演。当时作者是 上海音乐学院的学生。他们为了探索交响音乐的民族化,选择了这一家喻户晓的民间传说为题 材,吸取了越剧中的曲调为素材,成功地创作了这部单乐章、带标题的小提琴协奏曲。
《梁山伯与祝英台》描述了梁、祝二人的真挚爱情,对封建礼教进行了愤怒的控诉与鞭挞,反 映了人民反封建的思想感情及对这一爱情悲剧的深切同情。RTCrpUDGiT 这部交响作品在民族化、群众化方面作了大胆的创新与成功的尝试,在国内外演出均受到热 烈欢迎,我国群众称之为“我们自己的交响音乐。”《梁祝》以中华民族音乐的鲜明风格与特 点,得到国际公认。5PCzVD7HxA


First scene Friar came to the centre of the stage Friar: (quite solemn) Attention please, I am friar. There are two clans in our region, one is “Montague” (Then Montague comes back from the left side of the stage, holding up a signboard to show his identity—Montague), the other is “Capulet”(Capulet emerges from the right side, with similar actions) Friar: However, the two clans are in constant conflicts, even to the degree of fighting with each other upon encountering with the other side.(the moment when each of their eyes falls on their counterparts, they throw away their signboard, pull hammer from their back, gallop towards the other side and then fight with each other. Then other performers stand in line with their mouths mantled by hands, so much surprised as to fall down backwards). Friar: (dodge himself from the fights) Their feud has greatly influenced the social order of our city, so I have to come up with a solution, stimulated by a ball held by the Capulet (Lights become faint, lower the curtain)


《梁山伯与祝英台》故事简介 东晋时期,浙江上虞县祝家庄,玉水河边,有个祝员外之女英台,美丽聪颖,自幼随兄习诗文,慕班昭、蔡文姬的才学,恨家无良师,一心想往杭州访师求学。祝员外拒绝了女儿的请求,祝英台求学心切,伪装卖卜者,对祝员外说:"按卦而断,还是让令爱出门的好。"祝父见女儿乔扮男装,一无破绽,为了不忍使她失望,只得勉强应允。英台女扮男装,远去杭州求学。途中,邂逅了赴杭求学的会稽(今绍兴)书生梁山伯,一见如故,相读甚欢,在草桥亭上撮土为香,义结金兰。不日,二人来到杭州城的万松书院,拜师入学。从此,同窗共读,形影不离。梁祝同学三年,情深似海。英台深爱山伯,但山伯却始终不知她是女子,只念兄弟之情,并没有特别的感受。祝父思女,催归甚急,英台只得仓促回乡。梁祝分手,依依不舍。在十八里相送途中,英台不断借物抚意,暗示爱情。山伯忠厚纯朴,不解其故。英台无奈,谎称家中九妹,品貌与己酷似,愿替山伯作媒,可是梁山伯家贫,未能如期而至,待山伯去祝家求婚时,岂知祝父已将英台许配给家住贸城(今鄞县)的太守之子马文才。美满姻缘,已成沧影。二人楼台相会,泪眼相向,凄然而别。临别时,立下誓言:生不能同衾,死也要同穴!后梁山伯被朝廷沼为鄞县(今鄞州区)令。然山伯忧郁成疾,不久身亡。遗命葬贸城九龙墟。英台闻山伯噩耗,誓以身殉。英台被迫出嫁时,绕道去梁山伯墓前祭奠,在祝英台哀恸感应下,风雨雷电大作,坟墓爆裂,英台翩然跃入坟中,墓复合拢,风停雨霁,彩虹高悬,梁祝化为蝴蝶,在人间蹁跹飞舞。 《梁祝》细腻地呈现一段唯美彻骨、惊天动地的爱情。 出身富裕人家的祝英台反抗传统社会对女子的不平等待遇和束缚,争取到与男孩子一同读书受教育的机会。继而挑战长久以来“门当户对”的观念,与同窗三年的平民子弟梁山伯相恋,为自己争取婚姻自由。然而,保守的年代却棒打鸳鸯两分离。但梁、祝的情,终究感天动地!二人化成彩蝶翩翩飞舞,溶入多彩、自由的天空,所经之处,花儿漫天开放梁山伯与祝英台的故事是中国四大民间传说之一,被称为东方的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”。


初中音乐教案《梁山伯与祝英台》--小提琴协奏曲赏析 教学目的 1、欣赏小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》引子和呈示部,能区分长笛、双簧管、小提琴的音色,能哼唱主部主题。 2、了解梁祝的故事情节。 3、初步认识奏鸣曲式的结构,引子、呈示部、展开部、再现部。 4、欣赏过程中音乐的表现手段与故事内容相融合,理性分析与情感抒发相结合,情感在音乐中获得体验,并能展开一定的联想空间。 重点难点 通过聆听,记住音乐主题。 教学过程 一、师唱《化蝶》碧草青青花盛开,彩蝶双双久徘徊,千古传颂深深爱,山伯永恋祝英台,同窗共读整三载,促膝并肩两无猜,十八相送情切切,谁知一别在楼台。 今天我们欣赏的小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》,在民间流传已有一千四百六十多年被誉为爱情的千古绝唱,被称为中国的罗密欧与朱丽叶。 二、新课教学: (一)出示课件:介绍作者,协奏曲的概念以及熟悉美丽传说。 1、出示题目:小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》。 2、作者简介。 3、简单介绍梁祝二人的性格特点。 4、看视频,真切感受梁山伯与祝英台真挚的爱情。 (二)欣赏乐曲。(出示课件) 1、展示整个乐曲的结构:

引子(春光明媚、鸟语花香)——呈示部(草桥结拜、同窗三载、共读共玩、十八相送)——展开部(封建势力、抗婚、楼台会、哭灵投坟)——再现部(仙境、化蝶、传颂) 2、引子片段欣赏 (1)欣赏引子1音乐 感受长笛用纯净甜美的音色吹奏出明亮跳跃的华彩旋律,展示出一幅风和日丽、鸟语花香的春天美景。 (2)欣赏引子2音乐 了解双簧管以宽广、厚重、圆润的音色,奏出优美的背景过门音调,取自越剧的过场音乐。 (3)再次欣赏引子部,加深感受。 3、呈示部片段赏析 (1)小提琴奏出一段优美的爱情主题后,大提琴的低音与之形成对答,抒发了梁祝相爱的甜美。这段音乐可谓全曲的中心。 4、随乐而动 随音乐做古典神韵组合:提沉。 5、欣赏副部主题音乐。 这段节奏明朗、欢快,多处运用调音的演奏方式,使旋律活泼、跳跃,独奏与乐队交替,生动地表现了梁祝同窗三载,共读共玩的愉快生活。 6、填表格,区别“引子部”“主部主题”“副部主题”在乐器使用、速度及音乐情绪等方面的区别? 三、小结 今天,我们学习了《梁祝》音乐引子,呈示部中草桥结拜,同窗三载,共读共玩,感受了梁山伯与祝英台从相识——相知——相爱的过程,可美好的事情总不能那么随心所愿,英台被一纸家书召回,两人的故事还在上演,只是,情绪不再是欢快的了。最

英文读后感——罗密欧与朱丽叶 Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet Montague and Capulet are two big families in the same city. There are feuds between them so armed clash occurs often. Romeo is a son of Montague, 17 years old. He has both moral integrity and great learning that people around all like him. One day, Rosaline, the girl he loves is sent to convent. He is extremely sad. So his friends advise him to sneak into Capulet’s dinner party to find more beautiful girls. Then he wears a mask and sneaks into the banquet with his friends. However, he is deeply attracted by Capulet’s only daughter, Juliet, in the party. Juliet is the major part that night. As a 13-year-old girl, she is beautiful as a fairy. Romeo showed his admiration to Juliet. And Juliet also has a soft spot for Romeo. But they don’t know each other’s identification that time. When the case is entirely cleared, Romeo still can’t free him from his admiration to Juliet. He climbs over the walls to Capulet’s orchard at deep night. Just the moment he hears Juliet can’t refrain from calling his name by the window. Obviously, they fell in love with each other at the first time. The next day, Romeo goes to the monastery nearby to see the priest and asks for his help. The priest agrees to give him a hand because in the priest’s opinion, maybe it will be an approach to ease the two families’contradiction if succeeds. Romeo calls Juliet to the monastery by Juliet’s
