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Number of correct Listening answers IELTS band score 39-40 9.0

37-38 8.5 (错2-3个)

35-36 8.0 (错4-5个)

33-34 7.5 (错6-7个)

30-32 7.0 (错8-10个)

27-29 6.5 (错11-13个)

23-26 6.0 (错14-17个)

20-22 5.5 (错18-20个)

16-19 5.0

13-15 4.5

10-12 4.0

6-9 3.5

4-5 3.0

3 2.5

2 2.0

1 1.0

absent 0.0


Number of correct Reading answers IELTS band score 39-40 9.0

37-38 8.5 (错2-3个)

35-36 8.0 (错4-5个)

33-34 7.5 (错6-7个)

30-32 7.0 (错8-10个)

27-29 6.5 (错11-13个)

23-26 6.0 (错14-17个)

20-22 5.5 (错18-20个)

16-19 5.0

13-15 4.5

10-12 4.0

6-9 3.5

4-5 3.0

3 2.5

2 2.0

1 1.0

absent 0.0


2019年雅思考试巩固模拟试题及答案1 Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006’s improv ement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in 2001. And in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm


雅思考试评分标准 雅思考试评分工作由经过训练的评分人员和考官在考试中心进行。每隔一年对雅思考官进行测评,以确保评分符合雅思考试评分标准。在每个考试中心,会进行系统化的监测,并对一定比例的答题纸实施双重阅卷。雅思评分标准采用国际认可的9分制评分系统,充分包含了听说读写四项能力,准确反映考生的语言水平。 记录在成绩单上的,包括一个总分,及听力、阅读、写作和口语四个单项分,各科都是1-9分的评分制,四个项目独立记分,最后所得成绩取四项成绩的平均值。总分和四个单项分均允许半分。

九个分数段及其描述如下: 雅思听力评分标准 雅思听力达到6分需要在总共40题中对23-26题。 附上雅思听力评分标准(A类与G类是一样的):

雅思阅读评分标准 雅思阅读考试的评分标准是分为A类和G类两种的。针对留学和移民的考生,有不同的评分标准。

雅思写作评分标准 首先雅思写作考试要求在60分钟内完成两篇作文(Task 1 and Task 2)。写作中,以移民为主的培训类(General Training)和以留学为主的学术类(Academic)试题类型是不同的。 Task1(20分钟,150字) G类:书信类题目,投诉信,请求信,建议信,邀请信等 A类:图表题,曲线图,柱状图等,也有流程图和示意图等

Task2(40分钟,250字) A类与G类相同,考生可能需要对某个观点发表支持或反驳意见,或者讨论针 锋相对的一组观点,或者解释某种问题出现的原因并提出相应的解决办法。 评分并不是两部分平均,而是以Task2为主 由于考题不同,考量标准也会略有不同。以下是写作评分标准: Task 1 Task Fulfillment (完成任务) G类:书信作文应该完成书信的使命,题目里的每一项要求都不可或缺。 A类:图表作文应该在对于图表所给出的数据进行分析的基础上指出图表的总体 趋势和走向,并点明与总趋势不相吻合的特殊之处,而且还要有数据的支持Coherence and Cohesion (连贯与衔接) 文章通过一定的衔接手段(CohesiveDevices)来表明上下文的连贯性(Coherence)。衔接手段,或叫语篇纽带,经常用的有(logical)逻辑、(grammatical)语法和(semantic)语义三方面的连接词(connectors) Vocabulary and Sentence Structure (词汇和句子构成)


雅思 ( IELTS ) 一、概况 IELTS (雅思)是International English Language Testing System (国际英语语言测试体系)的简称。 IELTS国际英语水平测试由英国剑桥大 学测试中心((The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicat - UCLES))、澳大利亚高校国际开发署(IDP Education Australia)及英国文化委 员会(The British Council)共同举办。1990年4月在中国推广。全球已有210 个考试中心,遍布105个城市。为准备进入以英语为主导教学语言的大学和学 院进修的学生或以英语为母语的国家(指英联邦国家)移民人士测试英语水平而设。英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、荷兰、英格兰、苏格兰、新加坡、美国(200所院校)以及许多国家的众多院校均采用并认可雅思成绩。澳洲7月1 日起留学全部递交雅思,不使用托福成绩。加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家 的移民局均将考试成绩作为技术及其他类移民中衡量英语语言能力的唯一标准。以上国家的学校和进修项目及许多国家院校都接受考试成绩,并设立不同的成 绩合格标准。 二、IELTS考试分类 培训类(General Training )目前较多适用于移民;学术类(Academic)目前较多适用于留学。不论那种考试, 不论你将此成绩用于何目的, 所有同类(G或A)考试同一次都使用同一份试卷,考试中不涉及你的专业知识, 只考试英 语水平能力。因本考试有口语项目,因此会比TOEFL更具有可信度。 通常经验,一名有中级英语基础的考生通过雅思参考书籍学习或考前培训班,2-3个月后可参加本考试。对中国考生来说,IELTS考试的词汇要求并不高,主要偏向生活化,但答题技巧和英国传统题型,因与TOEFL(托福)和国内英语 考试(4-6级)完全不同,所以掌握题型和快速解答就显得非常重要。 三、考试参考网站及组织机构 国际IELTS组织 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/976272749.html, 英国文化委员会中国考试部 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/976272749.html, 考试组织机构: 英国剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL 英国文化委员会British council 澳大利亚高校国际开发署idp 四、IELTS考试结构 考试全程时间2小时55分钟(包括听力的10分钟填写答案纸) (一)听力部分(General Traning和Academic试卷一致) 通常考生会听到4段语音(独白部分及2人或多人对话部分)。共给38-42 小题作答,你将只听到(一次)语音,不会重复(边听边作答)此部分。所以学 生作答时,千万别等待语音结束才作答(不要回头作答),考生可把答案先写


Time to cool it 1 REFRIGERATORS are the epitome of clunky technology: solid, reliable and just a little bit dull. They have not changed much over the past century, but then they have not needed to. They are based on a robust and effective idea--draw heat from the thing you want to cool by evaporating a liquid next to it, and then dump that heat by pumping the vapour elsewhere and condensing it. This method of pumping heat from one place to another served mankind well when refrigerators' main jobs were preserving food and, as air conditioners, cooling buildings. Today's high-tech world, however, demands high-tech refrigeration. Heat pumps are no longer up to the job. The search is on for something to replace them. 2 One set of candidates are known as paraelectric materials. These act like batteries when they undergo a temperature change: attach electrodes to them and they generate a current. This effect is used in infra-red cameras. An array of tiny pieces of paraelectric material can sense the heat radiated by, for example, a person, and the pattern of the array's electrical outputs can then be used to construct an image. But until recently no one had bothered much with the inverse of this process. That inverse exists, however. Apply an appropriate current to a paraelectric material and it will cool down. 3 Someone who is looking at this inverse effect is Alex Mischenko, of Cambridge University. Using commercially available paraelectric film, he and his colleagues have generated temperature drops five times bigger than any previously recorded. That may be enough to change the phenomenon from a laboratory curiosity to something with commercial applications. 4 As to what those applications might be, Dr Mischenko is still a little hazy. He has, nevertheless, set up a company to pursue them. He foresees putting his discovery to use in more efficient domestic fridges and air conditioners. The real money, though, may be in cooling computers. 5 Gadgets containing microprocessors have been getting hotter for a long time. One consequence of Moore's Law, which describes the doubling of the number of transistors on a chip every 18 months, is that the amount of heat produced doubles as well. In fact, it more than doubles, because besides increasing in number,the components are getting faster. Heat is released every time a logical operation is performed inside a microprocessor, so the faster the processor is, the more heat it generates. Doubling the frequency quadruples the heat output. And the frequency has doubled a lot. The first Pentium chips sold by Dr Moore's company,Intel, in 1993, ran at 60m cycles a second. The Pentium 4--the last "single-core" desktop processor--clocked up 3.2 billion cycles a second. 6 Disposing of this heat is a big obstruction to further miniaturisation and higher speeds. The innards of a desktop computer commonly hit 80℃. At 85℃, they


雅思口语考试考察点及评分标准介绍 口语一直是中国考生普遍存在的缺陷,一方面因为非母语出身先天条件,还有一方面中式思维的灌输,让考生总是吐出中式英语的强调。本文文都国际教育小编为大家带来雅思口语考察点及雅思口语考试评分标准的相关内容介绍。 雅思口语考察点介绍: 第一项:流利度和连贯性(Fluency & coherence) 在流利度和连贯性里面6、7分对考生的一个要求叫做speaks at length,回答要有一定长度,换句话说在流利度和连贯性里面要求大家最主要的就是要多说一些,更多的展现你的英语,只有你在15分钟里面你能更多的去展示你的英语,才能够拿到更好的分数。雅思口语考试的分数越高他对你的要求就会越严格,看一下8分是怎么样要求的,在8分里面他是这样要求:说话要流利,几乎没有重复、自我修正,犹豫。在流利度和连贯性上最根本的一点就要多说一些,其次要避免的是这三点:重复、自我修正以及犹豫。 第二项:词汇资源(Lexical Resource) 词汇资源7分的要求是这样的,uses vocabulary resource flexibly,discuss a variety of topics,uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary。用词汇量要灵活,去讨论大量的话题,要用一些不太常见的,不太滥用的单词比较地道的单词以及习惯用语。如果描述一下北京那个的交通堵塞应该怎么去说,咱们同学首先想到的叫做traffic jam,老外除了会说traffic jam,还经常会说traffic congestion,还有很多人会说the conject traffic,heavy traffic这就是一些地道的不常见的英语。 第三项:语法(Grammatical Range) 有同学存在这样的一个误区认为雅思口语考试他是不考语法的,其实不是,雅思口语考试对6分的要求是uses a mix of simple structures,用大量的简单和复杂句型的组合就可以了,所以口语当中可以用简单和复杂句交替的去说就可以了。7分要求是uses a range of complex structure with some flexibility,用大量的复杂句型,同时还要有灵活度。以及7分下面的一个要求更严格一些,frequently produces error-free sentences and some grammatical mistakes persist,也就是你的语法要正确不能经常说一些错误的东西,所以对大家说句子说句型的准确度其实要求是很严格的。 最后一项pronunciation发音,这是口语里面最难提高的一项,发音评分标准反复要求的是pronunciation features,叫做语音特色或者语音特点就是平时我们说话能够更像老外,更像native speaker。老外在说的时候会用到一些连读,吞音,弱化。比如a good teacher,d是要吞掉的。love his job,需要把h去掉,


雅思考试(IELTS),外文名International English Language Testing System,由剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部、英国文化协会及IDP教育集团共同管理,是一种针英语能力,为打算到使用英语的国家学习、工作或定居的人们设置的英语水平考试。 雅思考试分学术类和培训类两种,分别针对申请留学的学生和计划在英语语言国家参加工作或移民的人士。考试分听、说、读、写四个部分,总分9分。 雅思考试已获得全球135个国家逾9000所教育机构、雇主单位、专业协会和政府部门的认可;雅思考试作为全球留学及移民类英语测评的领导者,每年有超过200万人次的考生参加雅思考试。 发展现状 截至2014年,雅思考试已获得全球135个国家逾9000所教育机构、雇主单位、专业协会和政府部门的认可。 雅思考试获得了英国、澳大利亚和加拿大院校的100%认可,也是这3个国家技术移民签证申请的语言能力证明。其中,雅思考试是中国与加拿大学生合作计划(SPP)和学习植入计划(SDS)申请中唯一被认可的语言考试。在,多所大学资助应届毕业生参加雅思考试,在政府公务员综合招聘中,雅思考试被作为英语语言能力的证明,此外,雅思分数也是很多公司招聘条件之一。雅思考试还是马来西亚、新加坡、荷兰、瑞典、芬兰等国家的部分院校英语授课项目首选的英语语言能力证明。2014年,在美国,共有超过3,000所院校认可雅思成绩,包括所有的常青藤盟校(哈佛、普林斯顿、耶鲁、宾夕法尼亚、布朗、哥伦比亚、康奈尔、达特茅斯)和大多数美国大学排名前100的院校。截至2014年,中国大陆已有15万学生用雅思成绩申请美国院校。 考试类型 雅思考试分为两种类型,分别是学术类(A类)和培训类(G类)。学术类雅思考试对考生的英语水平进行测试,评估考生的英语水平是否满足申请本科及研究生及以上学位的要求,适合准备出国留学的同学。培训类雅思考试着重考核基本语言技能,适用于计划在英语国家参加工作或移民,或申请培训及非文凭类课程的人士。


2019年雅思IELTS考试备考资料模拟试题及答案14 The nervous system of vertebrates is characterized by a hollow, dorsal nerve cord that ends in the head region as an enlargement, the brain. Even in its most primitive form this cord and its attached nerves are the result of evolutionary specialization, and their further evolution from lower to higher vertebrate classes is a process that is far from fully understood. Nevertheless, the basic arrangements are similar in all vertebrates, and the study of lower animals gives insight into the form and structure of the nervous system of higher animals. Moreover, for any species, the study of the embryological development of the nervous system is indispensable for an understanding of adult morphology. In any vertebrate two chief parts of the nervous system may be distinguished. These are the central nervous system (the nerve cord mentions above), consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, consisting of the cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves, together with their motor and sensory endings. The term "autonomic nervous system" refers to the parts of the central and peripheral systems that supply and regulate the activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and many glands. The nervous system is composed of many millions of nerve and glial cells, together with blood vessels and a small amount of connective tissue. The nerve cells, or "neurons", are characterized by many processes and are specialized in that they exhibit to a great degree the phenomena of irritability and conductivity. The glial cells of the central nervous system are supporting cells collectively termed


List ening Answer Sheet 78 | IELTS Specimen Materials ? ? 1IELT S Li st e n i ng A nsw e r Sh ee t C e ntr e numb e r : P le as e wr i t e your nam e b el ow, 090807060504030201th e n wr i t e your s ix d i g i t Cand i dat e numb e r i n th e bo xe s and shad e th e numb e r i n th e gr i d on th e r i ght i n P EN C IL. Te st dat e (shade O NE box for the day, O NE box for the month and O NE box for the year: Day : M onth : P EN C IL must b e us e d to comp le t e th i s sh ee t 191817161514131211102928272625242322212031 3009080706050403020112 1110L ast 2 d i g i ts o f th e

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智课网IELTS备考资料 开封雅思:雅思听力分数计算方法 雅思听力分数怎么算?雅思听力考完过后,很多同学开始担心自己的雅思听力分数,但是又不知道雅思听力分数怎么算。智课教育小编整理了一篇关于雅思听力分数的评分表,同学们可以对照这个雅思听力分数评分表进行评分,一起来看看这个雅思听力分数评分表吧。 雅思听力分数标准对照表如下: 四、真假题练习方法: 关于雅思分数的详情介绍 评分人员 雅思考试的所有阅卷工作由经过训练的评分人员和考官在考试中心进行。 评分人员受过专门训练,了解雅思评分相关政策,而且切实做到按照评分标准给听力和阅读考卷评分。每隔一年对评分人员进行测评,以确保评分符合标准。在每个考试中心,会进行系统化的监测,并对一定比例的答题纸实施双重阅卷。 对于雅思写作和口语考官的招聘和培训按照既定标准进行。除了会持续监测考官的表现之外,还会每隔一年测评考官,以确保按照标准评分。 计分方式 考试成绩记录在成绩单上,包括一个总分,及听力、阅读、写作和口语四个单项分,考生的考试成绩采用1-9分的评分制来测评,四个项目独立记分,最后所得成绩取四项成绩的平均值。总分和四个单项分均允许半分。 分数标准 9分成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解. 8分非常良好,能将英语运用自如,只是偶尔有不连接的错误和不恰当,在不熟悉的状况下可能出现误

解,可将复杂细节的争论掌握的相当好. 7分良好,有能力运用英语,虽然在某些情况有时会发生不准确、不适当和误解,大致可将复杂的英语掌握的不错,也理解其全部内容. 6分 (澳大利亚移民&英国留学分数线)及格,大致能有效的运用英语,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解 发生,能使用并理解相当复杂的英语,特别是在熟悉的情况时. 5分 (加拿大移民&新西兰移民分数线)适当及格,可部分运用英语,在大多数情况下可应付全部的意思,虽然可能犯下许多错误,在本身领域内应可掌握基本的沟通. 4分 (英国预科分数线)水平有限,只限在熟悉的状况下有基本的理解力,在理解与表达上常发生问题,无法使用复杂英语. 3分水平极有限,在极熟悉的情况下,只能进行一般的沟通理解. 2分只属于偶尔使用英语,除非在熟悉的情况,使用单词和简短的短句表达最基本的信息,在说写方面有重大的障碍. 1分不能通过,可能只能说几个单词,无法沟通. 0分考生没有参加考试,没有可评估的信息. 单项评分标准 1.雅思听力和阅读 客观题,所以只需要计算答对数量即可。 2.雅思写作评分标准 文章的语言表达:5分或5分以下的作文一般语法错误较多。6分作文则一般没有致命的语法错误,用词和句子基本准确。而7分以上的作文用词丰富(Variety)、句子结构复杂(Complexity)。 以Task1为例,一名在IELTS学术类考试中写作获得6分的考生,达到这一等级对应的写作水准是: (A)在任务完成方面,达到写作任务各项要求、能确切选择有用信息进行全面评述、呈现并强调主 要特点或要点,但细节可能与要点无关、不恰当或不准确。 (B)连贯及衔接方面,信息和分论点安排连贯,论证过程清楚,有效使用衔接手段,但句内或句间


2020年11月21日雅思考试真题及答案 雅思线下11月21日已结束,雅思又上热搜,很多小伙伴看到阅读的书剑,内心都一惊。11月难度再次刷新,不知道12月的会不会简单点……那么2020年11月21日雅思考试试题如何呢?我们一起回顾下: 2020年11月21日雅思听力真题及答案SECTION 1 主题:旅游咨询 题型:填空 参考答案: 1. 13 July 2. Temple 3. ferry 4. moderate 5. dancing 6. castle 7. breakfast 8. house 9. Harvey 10. 45 days SECTION 2

主题:交响音乐会介绍 题型:选择+匹配 参考答案: 11. new people 12. who can play violin 13. attend two rehearsals every week 14. play in local area 15. E 16. F 17. A 18. G 19. B 20. H SECTION 3 主题:关于学习的调研网课讨论 题型:选择+匹配 SECTION 4 主题:气候与建筑 题型:填空 参考答案: 31. both in rural areas and in cities 32. received funds of a city bank

33. skyscrapers: lower levels of acid in damaging pollutants 34. in recent years, Alter Project focuses on the buildings made of stone 35. glasses used to reduce pollution in skyscrapers 36. are affected by the increased rainfall 37. humidity affects the constrictions made of wood 38. are worried about the soil that protects the foundation of buildings 39. architects monitor the evidence of the movement of buildings 40. government should make guidelines for architects 2020年11月21日雅思阅读真题及答案Passage 1 主题:新旧公园 题型:匹配+选择 参考答案: 1. A:visibility and accessibility of parks 2. B:park numbers increased 3. C:reasons why park popularity declined 4. D:importance of park design 5. E:different opinions in the park roles 6. F:different functions of parks 7. David 8. James


雅思IELTS考试需交多少钱 篇一:雅思考试费用和缴费方式 智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思考试费用和缴费方式 摘要:雅思考试费用是多少?有哪些缴费方式?缴费时有哪些注意事项?这些问题你都了解吗?小马过河为广大考生集中搜集整理,希望对大家有所帮助。 1. 什么是IELTS费用? IELTS费用包括IELTS考试费,IELTS转考费和IELTS退考费。 考生必须缴纳IELTS考试费以完成报名注册手续。 转考费用是指已完成注册的考生在转考截止日期前更改考点或考试日期所需缴纳的费用。 退考费是指在退考截止日期前考生申请办理取消考试所需缴纳的费用。退考费从考生已缴纳的IELTS考试费中扣除。 2. IELTS考试费用,IELTS转考费用和IELTS退考费各是多少? IELTS考试费用:RMB 1450 IELTS转考费用:RMB 500

IELTS退考费用:RMB 750(考生收到的退款为RMB700。) 3. 我该如何缴纳IELTS费用 三种缴纳方法: 通过中国工商银行网上付款 通过 招商 银行网上付款 通过银行电汇付款直接汇入教育部 考试 中心(NEEA)帐户 4. 如果用网上付款方式,我需要办理哪些手续? 首先您需要一张由中国工商银行或招商银行认可的具有网上付款功能的银行卡。具体办理办法和程序请登录 中国工商银行网上付款服务中心 5. 如果我在进行网上付款时网络连接断掉,该如何? 在这种情况下,通常您的付款过程是处于未完成阶段。请联系银行服务热线以确定您的付款程序和状态。 6. 如果用银行电汇方式付款,我需要办理哪些手续?

当您选择用银行电汇方式付款,点击‘电汇’键,您将会看到汇款 时所需的基本信息,包括: 教育部考试中心(NEEA)银行帐户 教育部考试中心(NEEA)开户行名称和地址 人民币汇款金额 7. 如果用网上付款方式,付款结果何时会在我的帐户中体现出来? 通常教育部考试中心IELTS注册报名系统会即时收到您的付款确认,偶尔也有出现延迟的情况,如银行系统延迟向教育部考试中心 IELTS系统确认您的付款状态。 8. 如果用银行电汇付款方式,付款结果何时会在我的帐户中体现出来? 根据不同银行反映时间略有不同。通常为1-5天,随后教育部考试 中心(NEEA) IELTS注册系统会向您确认收到付款。 9. 如何确认我的IELTS费用已付? 不论您采用何种付款方式,教育部考试中心(NEEA) IELTS报名网站 都会在收到您的付款后,通过电子邮件向您确认付款情况,您也可 以在网站上的“我的状态”页面查询。 10. 可否通过教育部考试中心(NEEA) IELTS报名网站查看我的付款 程序?


Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Foreign languages have increasingly gained popularity among students these years, given that the world is shrinking and each country now has a more frequent contact with the outside world. Many people[c1]argue that children should begin learning a foreign language at elementary school, instead of waiting until [c2] they enter secondary school. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, despite the fact that parents do not want to put too much pressure on their children, they also do not want them to lose at the starting line. This means, if the kids start to learn a foreign language early, their parents are relieved from the thought that their kids will have to catch up later on, which is true to some extent. On the other hand, it is scientifically proved that children tend to learn a language faster before the age of 12. As far as I know, my friends who started to learn English when they were six or seven now have a much more satisfactory English level than those who started at12 or 13. So it is wise to have foreign language course in primary school curriculum. Additionally, learning a foreign language at an earlier age can lay children a solid foundation for future studying.Rather than just learning a language itself, children learn a lot more about the learning methods. As a result, when they enter secondary school, they can explore more languages and enrich their knowledge by extensive readings.



2019年雅思考试巩固模拟试题及答案1 Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in 2001. And in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted, not immobilised, by this setback. D. In 2007 the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it
