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龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9812928359.html,




[摘要] 目的探讨全麻诱导前给予不同剂量的右美托咪定对小儿全麻后苏醒期躁动及苏醒

时间的影响。方法 2015年1~6月选择60例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ,4~6岁择期全麻下腺样体切除术的学龄前儿童,采用随机数字表法,将其分为3组(n=20):右美托咪定0.3 μg/kg组(A

组)、右美托咪定0.5 μg/kg组(B组)、对照组(C组)。A、B组分别在全麻诱导前给予0.3 μg/kg和0.5 μg/kg静脉微泵输注右美托咪定(10 min),对照组静脉输注等容量生理盐水。记录观察入室时、麻醉诱导期、术中及恢复期生命体征变化,计算从手术结束到拔管的苏醒时间、全麻术后恢复期苏醒躁动及评分、复苏室停留时间及术后相关并发症等。结果恢复期与C组相比,A、B组的HR和MAP下降(P0.05);B组较A组术后苏醒躁动发生率及评分较低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论全麻诱导前给予0.5 μg/kg右美托咪定可以更好地降低全麻后苏醒期躁动的发生率,改善血流动力学,同时不延长苏醒及恢复期的时间。

[关键词] 右美托咪定;苏醒期躁动;全麻;苏醒时间

[中图分类号] R726.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2016)12-0112-04

Influence of different dosage of dexmedetomidine on emergence agitation under general anesthesia and recovering time in children patients

ZHANG Ziqiang ZHU Bo WU Qinli CHEN Lei

Department of Anesthesia, the Jiaxing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiaxing 314001, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the influence of administration of different dose of dexmedetominide before general anesthesia on the emergence agitation and recovering time. Methods From January to June 2015 60 children aging from 4 to 6 years old with ASA Ⅰ-Ⅱ who were performed adenoidectomy under general anesthesia were selected. Random number table was adopted to divide the 60 patients into 3 groups(n=20):dexmedetominide 0.3 μg/kg group(group A),dexmedetominide 0.5 μg/kg group(group B) and control group(group C). Vein micropump infusion of 0.3 μg/kg and 0.5 μg/kg dexmedetominide was respectively administrated into group A and B before general anesthesia (10 min) and the control group was administrated normal saline of the same volume. Vital signs at the time of entering operative room, anesthetic induction period,during the operation and recovering period were observed and recorded, recovering time from the end of operation to extubation were calculated, agitation and rating of reviving period after general

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