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Stellar Activity and the Stromgren Photometric Metallicity Calibration of Intermediate-Type

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0408384v 1 20 A u g 2004Stellar Activity and the Str¨o mgren Photometric Metallicity

Calibration of Intermediate-Type Dwarf Stars

Sarah L.Martell and Graeme H.Smith

University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory,University of California

Santa Cruz,California 95064ABSTRACT We consider the e?ect of stellar activity,as measured by X-ray luminosity,on metallicities of Solar-neighborhood F and G dwarfs derived from Str¨o mgren pho-tometry.Rocha-Pinto &Maciel found evidence that Str¨o mgren colors systemat-ically underpredict [Fe/H]for stars with extremely high Ca II H &K emission.We investigate whether a recent photometric metallicity calibration derived by Martell &Laughlin might be subject to this e?ect,and whether the amount of underprediction could reliably be expressed as a function of log(L X /L bol ).Among those calibration stars used by Martell &Laughlin which are also in the Bright Star Catalogue and detected in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey there is no evidence for a correlation between photometric metallicity and stellar activity.However,many of the “very active stars”on which the Rocha-Pinto &Maciel result was based are members of interacting binaries or are very young in age,and are not included in the X-ray sample that we are using.Among normal dwarf stars it appears that stellar activity has little e?ect on the metallicity calibration of Str¨o mgren colors.

Subject headings:stars:activity —stars:metallicity


The e?ect of chromospheric activity on photometric techniques for measuring the metal-licities of stars has been explored by several authors commencing with Giampapa,Worden,&Gilliam (1979).With recent large photometric and spectroscopic surveys the question can be addressed in a statistically meaningful way (see e.g.,West et al.2004).Rocha-Pinto &

Maciel (1998)correlated the calcium emission line index log R ′HK against metallicities calcu-

lated from Str¨o mgren photometry,and found that their most-active stars had surprisingly low values of inferred [Fe /H]phot .

In highly-active stars,the equivalent width of metallic absorption lines can be reduced by chromospheric emission in the lines(see e.g.,Basri et al.1989).For extremely-active stars this e?ect may reduce the Str¨o mgren m1index,which is intended to measure line blanketing(Crawford1975),leading to a falsely low photometric metallicity.Rocha-Pinto& Maciel(1998)appealed to an activity-m1correlation to explain the apparent low photometric metallicity(and corresponding apparent old age)of the most-active nearby stars as an artifact of their chromospheric activity.In this paper we make a similar comparison,adopting as an indicator of stellar activity the soft X-ray luminosity measured by the ROSAT satellite, and using a photometric metallicity calibration(Martell&Laughlin2002,hereafter ML02) which was developed to be more accurate for higher-metallicity stars than the Schuster& Nissen(1989,hereafter SN89)calibration.

2.The metallicity data set

In ML02the authors used a set of664F,G,and K dwarfs located within100pc of the Sun to derive an empirical relation between Str¨o mgren photometric indices and metallicity. The selection criteria for the ML02“calibration stars”are as follows:they are the members of the Cayrel de Strobel,Soubiran,&Ralite(2001)compilation of[Fe/H]abundances which have absolute magnitudes M V>+1.0,Hipparcos parallaxes greater than0.01′′,and which are also in the Hauck-Mermilliod(1998)compilation of Str¨o mgren photometry.The calibra-tion used a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm(e.g.,Press et al.1992)to?nd the coe?cients for a general third-order polynomial relating[Fe/H]to the Str¨o mgren indices(b?y),m1, and c1.When the distributions of the residuals(i.e.,[Fe/H]spec?[Fe/H]phot)for the ML02 and SN89calibrations were compared,the former was found to be more accurate.This can be seen in Figure1,which shows a Gaussian?t to each distribution.Both the central o?set and the half-width at half-maximum of the?ts are smaller for the ML02calibration.

We have modi?ed slightly the methodology of ML02:in the Cayrel de Strobel et al.(2001)metallicity catalog,many stars have multiple[Fe/H]measurements,which were treated as separate objects for the purposes of the ML02polynomial?tting.For the present work we averaged such multiple[Fe/H]values together,both to reduce the e?ect of outlying measurements,and to prevent multiple-counting of stars in our histograms and plots.For stars with multiple observations,we took the observational error in[Fe/H]to be the standard deviation in the mean,calculated from those multiple measurements.For stars with single observations,or where the standard deviation was zero,we adopted as the error the mean of the standard deviation for all of the multiply-observed stars.That quantity has a value of0.0824dex.We then re?tted the ML02Str¨o mgren photometry-metallicity relation,and

while the values of the coe?cients did change,the overall quality of the?t stayed roughly constant.The same residual-distribution test was done as in ML02,and the results are also shown in Figure1.The Gaussian?ts to the new residual distribution(hereafter MS04)and that of ML02are almost equivalent:the center falls at?0.0248for the ML02calibration, and at?0.0266for the MS04calibration.The HWHM for ML02is0.0868,and0.0890for MS04.In the residual distribution for the SN89calibration,the center of the Gaussian?t is at?0.0517,and the HWHM is0.1097,values which are clearly di?erent from the ML02 and MS04calibrations.

The resulting calibration is








The di?erences between photometric metallicities derived from this new calibration and those of ML02and Schuster&Nissen(1989)are shown in Figures2and3respectively as a function of the spectroscopic metallicity of the calibrating stars.These diagrams give an appreciation for the uncertainty in using these?tting functions to derive[Fe/H]from Str¨o mgren colors.We should point out that the calibration stars for ML02and MS04do not extend to metallicities as low as the calibrators used by Schuster&Nissen(1989),and these former calibrations should only be employed over the range in[Fe/H]shown in Figures 2and3.

The change in coe?cients between the ML02and MS04calibrations lead us to investi-gate how strongly the coe?cients depend on the assumed errors in the spectroscopic[Fe/H] values of the calibrating stars.If the errors are assumed to be the same for all stars,the coe?cients are insensitive to the value of the assumed error:they are the same whether the assumed error is0.05dex,0.10dex,or even0.20dex.

By contrast,more complicated behavior resulted when we allowed the errors in[Fe/H] to vary among the calibration stars.For each star with multiple[Fe/H]measurements we calculated the mean[Fe/H]value,the standard deviationσin these[Fe/H]values,and the

standard deviation in the meanσm.We then ran two di?erent?ts for the calibration stars, assuming in both cases that the error in[Fe/H]for each multiply-observed star was equal to the individual value ofσm calculated for that star.These two?ts di?ered in the error adopted for all of the singly-observed stars;in the?rst case this error was taken to be the average value ofσfrom the multiply-observed stars,while in the second case an error twice this amount was adopted.It is the former of these?ts that corresponds to equation(1). The coe?cients,as a rule,were larger for the second?t.Most of the terms involving(b?y) and m1stayed fairly constant,although two of the largest changes were in the coe?cients of(b?y)2m1and(b?y)m21,which are the two largest coe?cients in the calibration.

We also experimented with setting to zero the four coe?cients whose values varied the most with changes in the errors.This caused the other coe?cients to all decrease.However, the quality of the?ts,as measured by Gaussian parameters,stayed roughly constant as we varied the assumed values of the errors,and all had centers closer to zero and smaller HWHMs than the SN89calibration.

3.The ROSAT data set

The ROSAT observatory conducted an All-Sky Survey(RASS)of X-ray sources(Voges et al.1999)during1990and1991using the onboard PSPC imaging detector(Pfe?ermann et al.1987).H¨u nsch,Schmitt,&Voges(1998)searched the RASS data for detections at the locations of all main sequence and subgiant stars listed in the Bright Star Catalogue (BSC;Ho?eit&Warren1991).We sifted the“calibration stars”used by ML02for those also included in the catalog of H¨u nsch,Schmitt,&Voges(1998).This produced a set of 146stars that we refer to as the“RASS-BSC-calibration”sample.Figures4and5show the distribution of distances and spectroscopic metallicities respectively for these stars.Distances derived from the Hipparcos Catalogue(ESA1997),together with a table of bolometric corrections from Allen’s Astrophysical Quantities(Cox2000),were used to convert the RASS ?uxes in the0.1-2.4keV energy range into X-ray luminosities and to calculate log(L X/L bol).

According to H¨u nsch et al.(1998),the RASS has a typical?ux limit of10?13erg cm?2 s?1.This can readily be seen in Figure6,which shows a plot of the X-ray luminosities of the RASS-BSC-calibration stars versus distance.Very few of these stars are more than60 pc distant,and the majority are within25pc of the Sun.We note for comparison with Figure6that a solar-like dwarf with M V=4.7at a distance of20pc will have an apparent magnitude of V=6.2,at the limit of the Bright Star Catalogue.A star at this distance would require an X-ray luminosity of L X>5×1027ergs s?1to be detected in the RASS. Since the goal of this paper is to investigate whether the Str¨o mgren metallicity calibration

is compromised among stars with high log(L X/L bol),the RASS?ux limit may not adversely bias our analysis:the most-active of our calibration stars are above the RASS?ux limit all the way out to100pc.In the next section,we test for possible bias by showing that the photometric trends for the RASS-BSC-calibration stars within25pc are the same as for the full sample.However,we refrain from using the calibration data to form conclusions about any possible dependency of X-ray activity on stellar metallicity:the RASS?ux limit biases against the presence of low-metallicity stars in our sample because of their relatively low space density in the Solar neighborhood compared to near-solar abundance stars.Indeed, nearly all of the RASS-BSC stars found in our Str¨o mgren-[Fe/H]calibration sample have metallicities of[Fe/H]>?0.5.


To investigate the question of whether chromospheric activity a?ects the metallicity de-rived from Str¨o mgren photometry,we looked for trends involving[Fe/H]phot,[Fe/H]spec,and log(L X/L bol)among the RASS-BSC-calibration stars.Figure7shows the di?erence between [Fe/H]spec and[Fe/H]phot derived from equation(1)as a function of log(L X/L bol)for the full set of RASS-BSC-calibration stars out to100pc,and a best-?t line obtained by a regression of[Fe/H]spec–[Fe/H]phot versus log(L X/L bol).The slope of the best-?t line is0.0121±0.0144, which is fairly consistent with there being no trend.The linear Pearson correlation coe?cient calculated for the data is0.0696.Figure8shows the same quantities for those RASS-BSC-calibration stars within25pc,and the slope of that best-?t line is0.0210±0.0179.The correlation coe?cient for these data is0.1287.Both correlation coe?cients are quite small; there appears to be no signi?cant evidence that metallicities derived from equation(1)are compromised by stellar activity among normal solar neighborhood dwarf stars.

We have conducted a similar analysis using the same set of stars but the photometric metallicity calibration of Schuster&Nissen(1989)rather than equation(1).The results are shown in Figures9and10,again for stars within100pc and25pc of the Sun respectively. Once again there is no evidence that the photometric metallicities depart from the spectro-scopic values in any way correlated with stellar activity.The correlation coe?cient is0.0915 for the100-pc set and0.1775for the25-pc set.

The lack of trends in Figures7-10is not surprising:the H¨u nsch et al.(1998)stars in our calibration set have little overlap with the Rocha-Pinto&Maciel(1998)“very active”stars, among which the authors?nd that stellar activity may a?ect the Str¨o mgren colors.Those “very active”stars have log R′HK>?4.3,and tend to be either very young,or in close or interacting binary systems.We?nd that the lower limit on X-ray luminosity for their“very

active”category of stars is log(L X/L bol)≈?4.1.There are only?ve stars(out of146)with such high X-ray luminosity in our RASS-BSC-calibration set,none of which are within25 pc of the Sun.Hence the sample of RASS-BSC stars that we have been using,as selected from the compilation of H¨u nsch et al.(1998),avoids the uppermost end of the stellar X-ray luminosity function.

In summary,we?nd no evidence for a trend in[Fe/H]spec?[Fe/H]phot with log(L X/L bol), regardless of whether[Fe/H]phot is based on equation(1)or the previous widely-used cali-bration of Schuster&Nissen(1989).We conclude that for most normal single stars,there is no need to apply a correction for chromospheric activity to metallicity calibrations based on Str¨o mgren photometry.



Cayrel de Strobel,G.,Soubiran,C.,&Ralite,N.2001,A&A,373,159

Cox,A.N.2000,Allen’s Astrophysical Quantities,4th edition(New York:Springer Verlag) Crawford,D.L.1975,AJ,80,955

ESA.1997,The Hipparcos Catalogue ESA SP-1200(Noordwijk:ESA)



Ho?eit,D.E.,&Warren,W.H.Jr.1991,The Bright Star Catalogue,5th Rev.(New Haven, Yale Univ.)

H¨u nsch,M.,Schmitt,J.H.M.M.,Voges,W.1998,A&AS,132,155


Pfe?ermann,E.,et al.1987,SPIE,733,519

Press,W.H.,et al.1992,Numerical Recipes in Fortran:The Art of Scienti?c Computing (Cambridge:Cambridge Univ.Press)


Schuster,W.J.&Nissen P.E.1989,A&A,221,65

Voges,W.,et al.1999,A&A,349,389

West,A.A.et al.2004,astro-ph/0403486

Figure Captions

Fig.1.—Histograms of[Fe/H]phot?[Fe/H]spec,for the current calibration(MS04,solid line), ML02(dotted line),and SN89(dashed line),together with Gaussian?ts to each.These histograms provide a visual representation of how well the various photometric calibrations reproduce the spectroscopic metallicities.The calibrations of MS04and ML02are quite similar,but that of SN89?ts the calibration stars less well.

Fig. 2.—The di?erence between photometric metallicities derived from the current cal-ibration(MS04)and that of Martell&Laughlin(ML02)versus spectroscopic metallicity [Fe/H]spec for the calibration stars.

Fig.3.—The di?erence between photometric metallicities derived from the current calibra-tion(MS04)and the standard calibration of Schuster&Nissen(SN89)versus[Fe/H]spec for the MS04calibration stars.

Fig.4.—Distribution of distances for the RASS-BSC-calibration stars.

Fig.5.—Distribution of[Fe/H]spec for the RASS-BSC-calibration stars.

Fig.6.—Distance versus log L X for the RASS-BSC-calibration stars.The solid line shows the maximum distance at which a star of a given L X would have been detected in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey.

Fig.7.—Di?erence between[Fe/H]spec and photometric metallicity,calculated using the MS04calibration,versus log(L X/L bol)for RASS-BSC-calibration stars.

Fig.8.—Di?erence between[Fe/H]spec and photometric metallicity,calculated using the MS04calibration,versus log(L X/L bol)for RASS-BSC-calibration stars within25pc.

Fig.9.—Di?erence between[Fe/H]spec and photometric metallicity,calculated using the SN89calibration,versus log(L X/L bol)for RASS-BSC-calibration stars.

Fig.10.—Di?erence between[Fe/H]spec and photometric metallicity,calculated using the SN89calibration,versus log(L X/L bol)for RASS-BSC-calibration stars within25pc.





















Distance (pc)


















