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1.a, an (without)

atheist, anonymous, anaerobic, apathetic, asexual, anarchy

2. ab (away from)

abnormal, absent, abduct, abstract, abandon, abolish

3. able, ible ( capable)

debatable, curable, fashionable, digestible

4. acro ( height)

acronym, acrobat, acrostic, acrophobia,

5. ad (toward)

addition, adhesive, adhere, address, advertise

6. aero (air)

aeronautics, aerodynamics, aerobatics, aeromechanics, aerobic 7. age, agi (to do or drive)

agent, agency, agitate, agitator, agile

8. alti ( height)

altitude, altimeter, alto

9. ambi (both)

ambidextrous, ambiguity, ambiguous

10. an (belonging to)

American, Mexican, Christian, Republican, Roman

11. andro, andry (male, man, human, husband) android, androcracy, androgynous, polyandry, monandry

12. Anglo (English)

Anglicized, Anglophile, Anglo-American, Anglophobia 13. ant (causing an action)

accelerant, antidepressant, buoyant, deodorant

14. ante (before)

antecedent, anterior, anteroom, antedate, antediluvian

15. anthrop (human)

anthropology, anthropoid, misanthropy, philanthropy

16. anti (against)

antibodies, antibiotics, antidote, antiabortion, anti-Union 17. aqua ( water)

aquarium, aquatic, aquamarine, aquifer, aqua phobia, aqueduct 18. arch ( chief, ruler)

archenemy, archbishop, monarchy, matriarch, patriarch

19. archaeo ( old)

archaic, archeology, archaeologist, archive

20. astr, aster ( star)

astrology, astronomy, asterisk, astronaut, astrological

21. ator ( one who does)

radiator, commentator, terminator, denominator, numerator 22. audi ( hear)

audience, audition, audio-visual, auditorium, auditor, audible

automobile, automaton, automatic, semi-automatic, autonomous 24. belli ( war)

bellicose, belligerent, rebellion, rebel, antebellum

25. bene ( well, good)

benefit, beneficiary, beneficial, benediction, benevolent

26. bi ( two)

biceps, bipolar, biannual, biweekly, bipedal, bisection, bicycle

27. biblio ( books)

bibliography, bibliomania, bibliographer, bibliophile

28. bio ( life)

biology, biophysics, biohazard, biometrics, biography, autobiography 29. cardio ( heart)

cardiologist, cardiac, cardiograph, pericardium, echocardiogram 30. ceed, cess ( go, yield)

process, recessive, exceed, necessity, proceed, accede

31. cent ( 100, 100th)

century, centimeter, cents, bicentennial, percentage, centuple

32. centr ( center)

centrifugal, central, centrally, centripetal, Anglo centric, decentralized 33. cephalo ( head)

cephalopod, cephalothorax, encephalitis, acephalous

certain, certify, certificate, certainly, ascertain, decertify, disconcerted 35. chiro ( hand)

chiropractic, chirography, chiropody, chiropteran, chiromancy

36. chrom ( color)

chromosome, chromatic, achromatic, polychromatic, panchromatic 37. chron ( time)

chronicles, chronology, chronic, synchronize, chronometer

38. chrys ( gold)

chrysolite, chrysoprase, chrysoberyl, chrysalid, chrysalis

39. cide ( kill)

insecticide, suicide, homicide, genocide, fratricide, matricide, patricide 40. circum ( around)

circumference, circumstance, circumspect, circumscribe, circumnavigate 41. claim, clam ( shout)

exclaim, declaim, claim, claimant, proclamation, exclamation

42. cline ( lean)

incline, recline, decline, inclination, declination

43. clude, clus ( shut)

exclude, include, exclusive, concluded, conclusive, conclusion, inclusion, exclusion

44. co ( with, together)

cooperate, coworker, collect, co-pilot, cohesive, coexist, collate

45. cogn ( to know)

cognition, cognizance, recognize, incognito, cognitive, recognition, cognate

46. contra ( against)

controversial, controversy, contrast, contradict, contrary, contraindicate 47. con ( together, with)

contract, conjunction, contents, conform, connect, contain, concentrate, construct, confront

48. corp ( body)

corpse, corps, corporation, corpuscle, corpulent, incorporate

49. cosm ( universe)

cosmic, cosmetics, cosmos, cosmonaut, cosmology, cosmopolitan

50. cracy ( government, rule)

democracy, technocracy, theocracy, plutocracy, bureaucracy

51. crat ( a gov’t supporter)

democrat, technocrat, aristocrat, plutocrat, autocrat, bureaucrat

52. cred ( belief)

credit, incredible, creed, credentials, discredit, sacred, incredulous

53. cryo ( cold)

cryogenics, cryogen, cryosurgery, cryobank, cryobiologist, cryometer 54. crypto ( hide, hidden)

cryptography, decryption, cryptographer, cryptology, encryption

55. cyclo, cycl ( wheel)

cyclone, bicycle, cycle, Cyclops, motorcycle, encyclopedia

56. cyte, cyto ( cell)

cytoplasm, lymphocyte, cytology, cytochemistry, hemocyte

57. de ( undo, away from)

decode, decay, derail, detract, destruct, depart, deduct, deflect

58. deca, deci ( ten, tenth)

decade, decagon, decimal, decimate, decathlon, decibels, decimeter 59. dem ( people)

demagogue, democracy, democrat, demand, demographics, demophobia 60. demi ( half)

demigod, demisemiquaver, demivolt, demibrigade, demiwolf, demilance 61. dent, dont ( teeth)

dentist, orthodontist, dental, denture, periodontist, odontalgia

62. derm ( skin)

dermatology, pachyderm, endoderm, exoderm, epidermic, dermatitis, taxidermy

63. di ( two)

dicast, dichotomy, dioxide, radius, dialogue, divide, disyllable

64. dict ( speak, word)

dictator, dictionary, diction, predict, jurisdiction, edict, verdict

65. dis ( reverse)

discolor, discourage, disorganized, disappear, disassemble, dislocated, disagree

66. doc ( teach)

doctor, docile, document, doctrine, indoctrinate, documentary

67. domin ( master)

dominion, dominate, dominant, predominant, domain

68. don ( give)

donor, donate, donation, abandon, pardon, guerdon, condone

69. dox ( beliefs)

orthodox, paradox, doxology, heterodoxy, unorthodox, paradoxical 70. duc, duct ( carry)

aqueduct, abduct, induce, introduction, conduct, reduce, seduce

71. dyna ( power)

dynasty, dynamite, dynamic, dynamo, hydrodynamic, aerodynamic 72. dys ( bad)

dyslexia, dysfunction, dysrhythmia, dyspepsia, dystrophy, dyssomnic 73. ecto ( outside)

ectoplasm, ectoderm, ectogenous, ectogenesis, ectomorphic

74. ectomy ( cut out)

appendectomy, tonsillectomy, hysterectomy, cardiectomy, cystectomy 75. endo ( inside)

endothermic, endoplasm, endogamy, endoderm, endocranial

76. epi ( on, at, after)

epidermis, episode, epic, epicenter, epidermic, epitaph, epigram

77. ex ( out)

exit, exaggerate, exterior, extrapolate, extract, excavate, excerpt, excise 78. extra ( outside a boundary)

extracurricular, extraterrestrial, extracranial, extradite

79. fac ( make)

factory, facilitate, manufacture, facility, efface, artifact, facsimile 80. fer ( carrying)

transfer, refer, prefer, ferry, defer, aquifer, circumference, conifer 81. fid ( trust)

confide, confidence, fidelity, bona fide, infidel, perfidy

82. fig ( form)

figure, figuration, figurine, configure, figurative, disfigure

83. flect, flex ( bend)

inflection, flexor, flexible, deflect, reflection, inflexible

84. frag, fract ( break)

fragment, fragmentation, fragile, fraction, fracture, refract

85. frat ( brotherhood)

fratricide, fraternity, fraternize, fraternal

86. func ( work)

function, functional, functionary, malfunction, defunct, perfunctory 87. galacto ( milk)

galactic, galaxy, galactose, intergalactic, intragalactic, galactin 88. gamy ( marriage)

polygamy, bigamy, exogamy, monogamy, misogamy

89. gen ( born, produced)

hydrogen, pathogen, gender, genesis, generate, engender

90. geo ( earth)

geology, geothermal, geological, geometry, geography, geopolitical 91. gon ( angle)

polygon, hexagon, pentagon, octagon, diagonal, goniometer

92. grad, gress ( step)

graduate, gradual, gradation, progress, regress, ingress, egress 93. gram, graph ( write, draw)

grammar, graph, telegram, graphics, diagram, autograph

94. gyn ( women)

gynecologist, misogynist, philogynist, polygyny, gynarchy

95. hect ( hundred)

hectogram, hectometer, hectograph, hectoliter, hectare

96. hedral, hedron ( faces)

hexahedral, decahedron, polyhedral, pentahedron

97. helio ( sun)

heliocentric, heliograph, perihelion, heliosphere, heliology

98. hemo, hema ( blood)

hemoglobin, hemophobia, hemophilia, hematoma, hematic

99. hemi ( half)

hemisphere, hemistitch, hemicycle, hemifacial, hemivertebra

100. hepta ( seven)

heptagon, heptastitch, heptarchy, heptagram, heptathlon

101. hetero ( other)

heterosexual, heterodoxy, heterogeneous, heteromorphic

102. hex ( six)

hexagon, hexagonal, hexagram, hexapod, hexameter

103. homo (Greek)

same) homologous, homonym, homocentric, homogeneous, homophonic 104. homo, homi (Latin) ( man)

hominids, homosapien, homicide, hominoid, homiform

105. hydr ( water)

hydrocelectric, hydrant, dehydrate, hydrocarbon, hydraulics

106. hyper ( beyond)

hyperbole, hyperactive, hyperdrive, hyperglycemic

107. hypo ( below)

hypoglycemic, hypothesis, hypothermia, hypoxia

108. iatri, iatry ( treatment)

pediatrics, podiatry, psychiatry, geriatrics

109. idio ( individual, distinctive)

idiosyncrasy, idiot, idiom, idiomatic, idiographic

110. im ( not)

immature, immaterial, immodest, immoral, imperfect, impartial, impolite 111. im ( in)

imprint, impress, impart, implode, import, immerse, immigrant

112. in ( not)

inaccurate, incapable, inexcusable, incompetent, indefinite, ineffective 113. in ( in)

include, induct, indent, infect, infer, inflate, inject, ingredient, ingrained 114. inter ( between)

interstate, intercom, interrelate, intermediate, interfere, interpret 115. intra ( inside)

intramural, intravenous, intrastate, intracellular, intracranial

116. intro ( in, into)

introvert, introduction, introspective, introduce, introversion

117. itis ( inflammation)

neuritis, bronchitis, arthritis, bursitis, sinusitis, appendicitis

118. ject ( throw)

eject, reject, projector, dejected, injection, object, subject, interject 119. jud, jur, jus ( law)

judge, judicial, jury, juror, justice, justify

120. junc ( join)

conjunction, juncture, junction, adjunct, disjunction, subjunction 121. kilo ( one-thousand)

kilogram, kiloliter, kilometer, kilowatt, kiloton

122. lact ( milk)

lactometer, lactoprotein, lactose, lactation, lactic

123. lip, lipo ( fat)

lipoids, lipids, liposuction, lips

124. lith ( stone)

Neolithic, megalith, lithology, lithosphere, Paleolithic

125. loc ( place)

location, local, locally, locale, locate, locus, loci

126. log ( word)

log book, logotype, dialogue, monologue, prolog, epilog 127. lumin ( light)

luminous, luminary, illuminate, luminescence, bioluminescent 128. luna ( moon)

lunar, lunacy, lunatic, lunate, sublunar, superlunar

129. macro ( large, long)

macroscopic, macron, macroeconomics, macrocosm

130. magna ( great, large)

magnate, magnanimous, magnify, magnitude, magnificent 131. mal ( bad)

malignity, malicious, malice, maladjusted, malnutrition, malevolent 132. mand ( to order)

mandate, mandatory, demand, command, remanded, reprimand 133. mania ( madness)

pyromania, maniac, bibliomania, megalomaniac, egomania 134. mani, manu ( hand)

manufacture, manuscript, manual, manipulate, manicure

135. matri, mater ( mother)

matriarch, matrimony, matron, maternal, maternity

136. mech ( machine)

mechanical, mechanism, mechanic, mechanize, biomechanics 137. medi ( middle)

median, mediate, media, medium, mediocre, medial

138. mega ( large, great, l million)

megaphone, megabyte, megahertz, megalosaur

139. mem ( mindful)

memoir, memorial, memory, remember, commemorate, memento 140. meso ( middle, between)

mesodermal, Mesozoic, Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica

141. meta ( change)

metamorphosis, metabolism, metabolic, metamorphic

142. meter, metr ( measure)

kilometer, meters, metric, thermometer, altimeter, symmetry 143. micro (small)

microscope, microphone, microwave, microchip, microbe, micron 144. migr (move)

migration, migrant, migratory, emigrate, immigrate, migrate 145. milli (1/1000, 1000)

millimeter, millisecond, million, millipede, milligram, milliliter 146. min, mini ( small)

miniature, diminish, minimal, minimize, minute, minimum 147. miss (send)

missionary, missive, dismiss, remission, commissioned

148. mit ( send)

emit, remit, transmit, omit, commit, admit, intermittent

149. mono ( one, single)

monologue, monotheism, monogamy, monocle, monotonous 150. morph ( form)

amorphous, dimorphic, morphology, metamorphosis

151. mort ( death)

mortal, mortician, immortality, mortuary, mortgage, mortified 152. multi ( many, much)

multifold, multilingual, multiphy, multinational, multitude 153. neo ( new)

neoclassical, neophyte, neon, neophobia, Neolithic

154. neuro ( nerve)

neurology, neurosis, neuron, neurobiology, neurologist

155. nom, nym ( name)

autonomy, astronomy, economy, antonym, synonym, nominate 156. non ( no, not, without)

nondescript, nonfiction, nonsense, nonfat, non sequitur, nonfatal 157. nov ( new)

novel, renovate, novice, novelties, nova, Nova Scotia

158. ocul ( eye)

binoculars, monocular, oculist, ocular, oculomotor

159. oct ( eight)

octagon, octogenarian, octopus, October, octave, octonocular 160. oid ( resemble)

crystalloid, android, celluloid, humanoid, fibroid, osteoid 161. omni ( all)

omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnidirectional, omnibus 162. opt (Greek) ( eye)

optical, optometer, optometry, optic, opthalmic

163. opt (Latin) ( choice, best)

option, optimal, optional, optimism, optimize

164. ord ( organize)

order, ordinance, ordain, coordinate, disorderly, inordinate

165. ortho ( straight, correct)

orthodox, orthodontist, unorthodox, orthotics

166. osteo ( bone)

osteoarthritis, osteopathy, osteology, osteoporosis

167. ovi, ovo ( egg)

oviduct, ovoid, ovoviviparous, oviparous, ovicide

168. paleo ( ancient)

paleontology, paleography, Paleolithic

169. pan ( all)

panacea, pandemonium, pantheism, Pan-American, panoply

170. para ( beside)

parallel, paramedic, paradigm, paragraph, parasite

171. path, pathy (

feeling) telepathy, antipathy, apathy, sympathy, empathic, pathetic 172. patri ( father)

patriarch, expatriate, patriotism, patriotic, repatriated

173. ped, pod ( foot)

pedestrian, pedestal, centipede, pedal, podium, podiatrist, orthopedics 174. ped, pedo ( children)

pedophilia, pedogogue, pediatrician, pedophobia

175. pel, pulse ( drive)

compel, dispel, propel, expel, repel, repellent, impulse, repulse, propulsion

176. pend ( hang)

pendant, pendulum, pendulous, suspend, depend, impending, expendature 177. penta ( five)

pentagon, pentacle, pentagram, pentameter

178. peri ( around)

periscope, pericardium, peripheral, perimeter, perigee

179. pharma ( drug)

pharmaceutical, pharmacist, pharmacology, pharmacy

180. phil ( love,

philharmonic, philosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy, philter

181. phob, phobia ( fear)

claustrophobia, phobic, aquaphobia, phobophobia

182. phon ( sound)

telephone, phonics, phonetic, polyphonic, microphone, cacophony 183. photo ( light)

photograph, photosynthesis, photoelectric, telephoto, photons

184. plac ( peace)

placid, placate, complacent, placebo, implacable

185. poli ( city)

policy, political, metropolis, acropolis, police, cosmopolitan 186. poly ( many)

polychromatic, polygon, polyphonic, polytheistic, polynomial 187. pop ( people)

population, populate, popular, popularity, popularize

188. port ( carry)

transport, portage, portal, export, import, report, deportation 189. post ( after)

posterior, postmodern, posthumous, postscript, postpone, postwar 190. pre ( before)

prefix, preface, predetermine, prevent, previous, preexisting, precede 191. pro ( forward)

proclaim, progress, project, prospect, promote, proceed

192. proto ( first, origin)

prototype, protocol, protostar, protozoan, protons

193. pseudo ( false)

pseudoscience, pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudomania

194. psych ( mind)

psychotic, psychic, psychosis, psychology, psychiatry, psyche 195. punc ( point, dot)

punctuate, punctual, puncture, punctuation, punch, acupuncture

196. pyro ( fore, heat)

pyromania, pyrometer, pyrophobia, Pyrex, pyrotechnics

197. quadr ( four)

quadrilateral, quadrillion, quadruple, quadrant, quadrennial 198. re ( again, back)

reread, replay, reenactment, rerun, resend, recall, revoke, rescind 199. rect, reg ( straighten)

rectangle, rectify, correct, direct, regular, regulate, regiment 200. retro ( backward)

retroactive, retrofit, retrograde, retrorocket, retrovirus

201. rupt ( break)

rupture, disrupt, interrupt, erupt, abrupt, corruption, disruption 202. saur, saurus ( lizard)

dinosaur, sauropod, saurian, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus 203. scop ( see)

scope, telescope, microscopic, horoscope, laparoscopy

204. scrib, script ( write)

scribble, scribe, script, scripture, inscription, prescribe, describe 205. sect ( cut)

section, dissect, insect, intersect, sector, bisect, resect

206. semi ( half,

semicircle, semidetached, semiannual, semiofficial, semitransparent

207. sens, sent ( feel)

sentimental, resent, sense, sensation, sensitive, consented

208. sign ( mark)

significant, signify, assign, resign, signal, insignia, design 209. somna ( sleep)

somnambulate, somnambulism, insomnia, hypersomnia

210. soph ( wise)

sophomore, sophisticated, philosophy, philosopher

211. spec ( look)

spectacle, special, respect, specify, introspective, spectator, inspect 212. stat ( stand)

station, statue, stature, static, status, state, statistics

213. strict ( tighten,

constrict, restrict, restrictions, strict, strictures

214. struct ( build)

construct, structure, destruction, instruct, structural

215. sub ( under)

subway, submarine, subordinate, subscription, substitution 216. super ( above, beyond)

superficial, supercharge, superintendent, supervise, supersede 217. surg, surr ( to rise)

surge, surrender, resurrect, resurrection, insurrection, upsurge

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