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高三英语翻译练习(一) (3)


1. 直到生命垂危,她才知道她有多爱他。(It is not until …that…句型)

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2.她热衷于表演,所以一有戏剧演出,她都积极参加。(once引导的时间状语从句,be enthusiastic about,take part in)

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3.这让我想起了我父亲,在我眼中,他能轻易地解决一切困难。(who引导的非限制性定语从句,remind sb. of sth.,be capable


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4.在他50岁时,他已为世界作出了巨大的贡献,并为人们所崇敬。(make contributions to)

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5.她不知道自己是块作家胚子,一直在找教师的工作。是那场讲座让她幡然醒悟。(It is…that…强调句型,have the making

of ,bring sb. to his senses )

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6.过去她常常因小事与母亲吵架;但自从那次事故后,她与母亲建立起了亲密的关系。(quarrel with sb. over sth. , develop an

intimate relationship with )

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7.调查表明,现在的青少年在有困难的时候,都很少找父母帮忙。(a survey shows that ,turn to sb. for help)

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8.他并没有拒绝我,反而很乐意帮忙。(instead of,be willing to )


9.患难之交才是真交。因此,是朋友就该同甘共苦。(share happiness and sorrow )

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10.全世界的人都尊敬勤劳的人,看不起懒惰的人。(show respect for ,look down upon)

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1. It was not until her life was endangered that she realized how much she loved him.

2. She was enthusiastic about performing, so once there was a drama show, she would take an active part in it.

3. This reminds me of my father, who, in my eyes, was capable of solving all the problems easily.

4. When he was fifty years old, he had already made great contributions to the world and was greatly admired and respected by people.

5. She kept searching for a job as a teacher, having no idea that she had the making of a writer. It was that lecture that brought her to her senses.

6. She used to quarrel with her mother over some trifles/tiny things; but after that accident, she developed an intimate relationship with her.

7. A survey shows that nowadays teenagers seldom turn to their parents for help when they are in trouble.

8. Instead of turning me down, he was willing to help.

9. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Therefore, friends should share happiness and sorrow with each other.

10. People all over the world tend to show respect for the diligent people while looking down upon the lazy ones.


11. 他们很容易相信陌生人,丝毫不知道那会有什么后果。(with no idea + 同位语从句, tend to)



12.他一旦开始看书,就会完全被吸引,丝毫不知道身边发生了什么事。(once + 时间状语从句,with no idea + 同位语从句)_____________________________________________________________________________


13. 毫无疑问,我最后会成功的。(no doubt)



14. 那是一座大宫殿,里面有9, 999间房。(定语从句或非谓语,consist of)



15. 科学研究向我们展示了一个一直被忽略的事实:噪音对健康有害。(定语从句, do harm to)



16.你的故事使我想起了我十年前一次类似的经历。(定语从句,remind sb. Of sth.)



17. 毫无疑问,越来越多的事故发生在我们身边。(There is no denying the fact that…句型)



18. 只有在父母的帮助之下,他们才能过上幸福的生活。(only引导的倒装句, live a…life)



19. 虽然很疲惫,但是我们还是进行了一次比赛,看谁游得最快最远。(as引导的倒装句,have a competition)



20. 是我们采取行动保护环境的时候了。(It’s high time that…句型)




11.T hey tend to believe strangers easily, with no idea what consequences there will be.

12.Once he starts to read a book, he will be absorbed in it, with no idea what happens around him.

13.No doubt that I will succeed in the end.

14.That is a huge palace, which consists of 9,999 rooms/consisting of 9,999 rooms.

15.Scientific studies have shown a fact that/which has long been ignored: noise will do harm to our


16.Your story reminds me of a similar experience that I had ten years ago.

17.There is no denying the fact that more and more accidents take place around us.

18.Only with the help of their parents can they live a happy life.

19.Tired as we were, we still tried to have a competition to see who could swim the fastest and farthest.

20.It’s high time that we took measures to protect the environment.


21. 首先要做的事是找出你擅长什么,不擅长什么。(what, 主语从句,宾语从句)



22. 他既耐心又幽默,难怪他所有的学生都喜欢他。(no wonder)



23. 对每个学生来说,这都是在课外活动中获取丰富的知识的好机会。(It’s a + n. for sb. To do …, extracurricular activities)



24. 我知道你忙着学习,但我非常渴望知道怎样申请学生贷款。(be dying to do…, apply for, 并列句)



25. 就如专家指出,父母应鼓励孩子积极参加课外活动,而不是逼着他们去上课外班。(as, point out, instead of)



26. 总所周知,姚明是中国最出名的篮球运动员。(as is known to all, …)



27. 放松一下我们自己不会浪费时间;相反,这还能提高工作效率来节省时间。(on the contrary)



28. 从这篇文章中,我们知道听音乐是很有好处的。(From the passage, we can know that…)



29. 我的父母认为打篮球花费太多的时间和精力,而这些时间和精力本该花在学习上。(be supposed to)



30. 调查表明,因为对电脑的依赖,很多人书写的时候会写错字。(Research has shown that…)




21.What needs to be done first is to find out what you’re good at and what you are not.

22.He is not only patient but also humorous. No wonder all his students like him.

23.It’s a great chance for every student to absorb/gain rich knowledge through extracurricular activities.

24.I know you are occupied with study, but I’m dying to know how to apply for a student loan.

25.As experts have pointed out, parents should encourage their children to take an active part in the extracurricular activities, instead of forcing them to take extra courses.

26.As is known to all, YaoMing is the most famous basketball player in China.

27.Relaxing ourselves will not waste our time; on the contrary, it will save time by raising our working efficiency.

28.From the passage, we can know that it’s helpful to listen to music.

29.My parents think that playing basketball takes too much time and energy, which are supposed to be spent on study.

30.Research has shown that many people make spelling mistakes in hand-writing because of the reliance on the computer.

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