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1.- What would you like to drink, madam?- Can I have a glass of white wine?


A. Right B.Wrong

2. - Are you ready to order? ()

- Yes. I'll have a chicken salad please.

A. Right B.Wrong

3.- How can I book a cheap hotel? ()

- If l were you, I'd phone a travel agent.

A. Right B.Wrong

4. - Have you seen today's newspaper? ()

- Yes, I am.

A. Right B.Wrong

5.- What's your job? ()

- I'm a nurse.

A. Right B.Wrong



6. She's the person__ __owns the restaurant.

A. who B.which C.what

7. He's not tall ____ to play basketball.

A. enough B.too C.very

8. I missed the train, ____ I arrived at work on time.

A. Because

B. Although

C. If

9. The book was rather expensive, but I bought it

A. any way

B. even though

C. anyway

10. When I saw him, I ____ him ____ some money.

A. asked, for

B. ask, for

C. asked, with

11. A: Which jumper do you like?

B: The red ____ over there.

A. one

B. it

C. that

12. A: Could I see the manager now?

B: I'm sorry you can't. He has ____ to Hong Kong.

A. been

B. gone

C. stayed

13. You didn't order the cheese, ____?

A. do you

B. did you

C. have you

14. We built the house ____. Nobody helped us.

A. ourselves

B. ours

C. myself

15. You have ____ done a very good job.

A. very

B. indeed

C. certainly

16. Could you please tell us what kind of work ____ you have got experience?

A. in which

B. which

C. at that

17. Quick, call the doctor! I think I ____ my arm.

A. have broken

B. break

C. am breaking

18. A car hit her when she was walking ____ the road.

A. across

B. through

C. at

19. I went to his house but couldn't get in. There was ____ there.

A. no one

B. nothing

C. someone

20. Get up! Mary. Tom has ____ called you three times this morning.

A. yet

B. already

C. never

21. The school telephoned to tell me that my son had hurt ____ playing


A. herself

B. yourself

C. himself

22. You ____ wear a uniform at school. You can wear anything you like.

A. have to

B. don't have to

C. mustn't

23. ____ the rain and the wind, he came on time.

A. Apart from

B. In spite of

C. Although

24. I can't sit here, this chair is very ____.

A. uncomfortable

B. discomfortable

C. noncomfortable

25.If I ____ you, I'd sell that car as quickly as possible.

A. were

B. am

C. was



26. Jack is responsible for all the training.(用What针对划线部分提问)

27.“I can't find my notebook,” she said.(改为间接引语)

28. I'm tall and thin. My sister is too.(用so改写句子)

29. He's gone to Shanghai. He's negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式将两句合成一句)

30. Mary didn't stay at home. She went to see Tim.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句)



David and Xiaoyan arrived at the airport in good time. After checking in at the BA(British Airways) desk, they had their boarding passes checked, put

their bags through the X-ray machine and went through the passport control on their way to the departure lounge.

They didn't have anything to eat because they would eat on the plane, but they had a coffee and then they looked round the shops. Xiaoyan bought something for Mary, but David didn't buy anything.

Then they went to the gate. They had about 20 minutes to wait before embarking. Suddenly David realised that he hadn't got his camera with him. They went back and looked everywhere to see where he could have lost it - in the shops, in the cafe, at the X-ray machine, at the passport control and at the checking-in desk, but nobody had seen it.“I must have left it in the cafe,” said David, "I should have put it in my bag. I suppose someone must have walked off with it! "

31. When they arrived at the airport, they had

A. hardly any time

B. plenty of time

C. just enough time

32. They first went

A. to the checking-in desk

B. through customs

C. through the passport control

33. David realised that his camera was missing when he 'was

A. in the cafe

B. in the departure lounge

C at the gate

34. They looked for the camera everywhere except

A. in the shops

B. at the X-ray machine

C. on the plane

35. David thought he must have left it

A. in the cafe

B. in the taxi

C. at home


还是错误( Wrong),并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

If I lived on a desert island, I wouldn't be bored or lonely. I prefer being on my own, and I think I'd enjoy that. I'd make my own entertainment. If I had a pen and some paper, I'd write a novel. I've always wanted to do that, but I've never had time. If I didn't have to go to work, I'd have lots of time, wouldn't I? I'd be happy to leave my job as I don't like my boss; she's always complaining. If I had some tools, I'd have a garden and grow my own food. I'm quite good at gardening and really enjoy working outside. I'd grow lots of vegetables and fruit. I'd eat fish if I could catch them. I haven't been fishing since I was a child, but I'm sure I could remember how to do it. I wouldn't miss watching television or driving my car. The programs are all boring, and the roads are too busy these days. I'd miss my family and friends, but I think I'd be happier than I am now!

36.I wouldn't be bored or lonely if I lived on a desert island.

A. Right B.Wrong

37. I've never had time to read a novel.

A. Right B.Wrong

38.I would grow my own food.

A. Right B.Wrong

39. I'm sure I could remember how to fish.

A. Right B.Wrong

40.I would miss TV.

A. Right B.Wrong



41. It takes 45 minutes to get to the city centre from the hotel.

42. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant.

43. They enjoyed themselves at the party.

44. Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long.

45. She would buy a large house if she won the lottery.


Unit 1 Part Ⅱ Reading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)respectable 2)agony 3)put down 4)sequence 5)hold back 6)distribute 7)off and on 8)vivid 9)associate 10)finally 11)turn in 12)tackle 2. 1)has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2)was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3)a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time. 4)gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5)buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1)reputation; rigid; to inspire 2)and tedious; What’s more; out of date ideas 3)compose; career; avoid showing; hardly hold back Ⅱviolating Ⅲ;in upon Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze back; tedious; scanned; recall; vivid; off and on; turn out/in; career ; surprise; pulled; blowing; dressed; scene; extraordinary; image; turn; excitement ⅡTranslation As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2)His girlfriend advised him to get out of /get rid of his bad habits of smoking before it took hold. 3)Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4)It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5)It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2.Susan lost her legs because of/in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Part ⅡReading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)absolutely 2)available 3)every now and then 4)are urging/urged 5)destination 6)mostly 7)hangs out 8)right away 9)reunion 10)or something 11)estimate 12)going ahead 2. 1)in the examination was still on his mind. 2)was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game. 3)was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner. 4)has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time. 5)of equipping the new hospital was estimated at﹩2 million. 3. 1)were postponed; the awful; is estimated 2)reference; not available; am kind of 3)not much of a teacher; skips; go ahead Ⅱ;on Ⅲor less of/sort of 4. kind of/sort of 5. more or less 6. or something Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze up; awful; practically; neighborhood; correspondence; available; destination; reunion; Mostly; postponing; absolutely ; savings; embarrassment; phone; interrupted; touch; envelope; signed; message; needed ⅡHalf an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home. 2)Mary looks as if she is very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by


新一代大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译 UNIT 1 2、Indeed, we might feel as if we are suddenly awash in friends. Yet right before our eyes, we're also changing the way we conduct relationships. Face-to-face chatting is giving way to texting and messaging; people even prefer these electronic exchanges to, for instance, simply talking on a phone.Smaller circles of friends are being partially eclipsed by Facebook acquaintances routinely numbered in the hundreds. Amid these smaller trends, growing research suggests we could be entering a period of crisis for the entire concept of friendship. Where is all this leading modern-day society? Perhaps to a dark place, one where electronic stimuli slowly replace the joys of human contact.确实如此,我们似乎感到突然之间好友数量井喷。不过,我们眼前也正在改变为人处世的方式。面对面的聊天正在被短信取代;相比打个电话,人们甚至更愿意使用这些电子交流方式。脸谱网上的熟人圈儿动辄数百人,相比之下,现实生活中规模较小的朋友圈则显得黯淡少光。在这些较细微的趋势中,越来越多的研究表明友谊的整个概念正在遭受危机,而我们也许正在一步步地迈向这个危机时代。所有这一切要把现代社会引向何方?也许现代社会就此陷入黑暗深渊,在这个深渊里,人与人之间交往的乐趣慢慢地被电子诱惑所取代。 8、No single person is at fault, of course. The pressures on friendship today are broad. They arise from the demands of work, say, or a general busyness that means we have less quality time for others. How many individuals would say that friendship is the most important thing in their lives, only to move thousands of miles across the continent to take up a better-paid job?当然,这并不是某个人的错。如今,交友压力来自方方面面。比如来自工作压力,或是整天瞎忙,无法和他人享有高质量的沟通时间。有人嘴上说友谊是生命中最重要的东西,却为了一份收入颇丰的工作远赴千里之外。这样的人还少吗? 9、Of course, we learn how to make friends — or not — in our most formative years, as children. Recent studies on childhood, and how the contemporary life of the child affects friendships, are illuminating. Again, the general mood is one of concern, and a central conclusion often reached relates to a lack of what is called "unstructured time."当然,我们是在性格成型的最重要的孩提时期学会如何结交朋友或是如何断交。最近,关于儿童期和儿时生活对交友的影响的研究很有启发性。这些研究再一次关注了风气这个问题,其主要结论都与孩子缺少“计划外时间”有关。 10、Structured time results from the way an average day is parceled up for our kids —time for school, time for homework, time for music practice,


3.Many products for sale seem to scream at us, "Buy me! Buy me!" Advertising is a big busin ess in our world with many products competing for our attention. Think of the last time you boug ht clothes. You probably noticed the variety of colors, patterns, fabrics and brands you could choo se from. Which kind of soft drink would you like to have today or what kind of computer do you want? Advertisers are skilled in the art of making their products look the best to appeal to our se nses. But products aren't always what they seem. Sometimes advertising is deceptive and as cons umers ,we must be careful about what we choose to buy. It is important to learn to compare prod ucts and identify our purpose in purchasing the things we need. But the good thing about advertising is that it helps people to make decisions and refine thei r choices. In the United States, the Ad Council creates timely public service messages to the nation. Th eir purpose is to raise awareness of public problems that citizens can respond to. Inspiring ads ca use individuals to take action and even save lives. Pollution in America, for example has been red uced over the years because of the creative Public Service advertisements that the council provid es" Please, please don't be a litter bug, 'cause every 'litter bit' hurts." Many families have taught t heir children to place litter in the trash can in response to this catchy phrase, which has affected g enerations as each succeeding generation has taught their children not to litter. 4.Nature imposes difficult conditions upon the earth from time to time . The tornado and fo rest fire destroy natural resources ,homes and other structures ,and very often harm or kill peopl e . Technological tragedies happen with little or no warning as we see trains crash and airplanes f all from the sky shortly after take-off. As tragic as calamities are , they seem to bring out the best in human nature . people trained in em ergency care arrive at the scene and begin assisting the inj ured .Others come with equipment to remove debris. Men , women ,and young people willingly c ome to the scene of an accident , hoping to be of help in some way . These selfless acts of kindne ss make our world a better place . compassion eases the wounds of calamities. American Airlines flight number 587 crashed less than three minutes after taking off from JF K Airport in New York in November,2001. Witnesses s aw an engine fire develop on the plane’s nu mber one engine located under the left wing of the aircraft .seconds later ,the airliner crashed int o eight homes ,completely destroying four of them .All 260 people aboard the airplane were kille d along with six people at the crash site ,leaving many people to mourn the loss of their loved on es .the residents (people who live in the area of the crash ) rallied together to comfort those griev ing, while others removed bodies from the wreckage and did the necessary clean-up. 工程实施困难的条件下在地上的时候。龙卷风和森林火灾破坏自然资源,房屋和其他建筑物,和经常伤害或杀死人。技术的悲剧发生在很少或没有预警,因为我们看到火车事故,飞机起飞后不久就从天空坠落。一样悲惨的灾难,他们似乎显示出人性中最好的。在急诊受训的人到达现场并开始帮助受伤的人则跟设备清除残骸。男人,女人,和年轻人自愿来到事故现场,希望能有帮助。这些无私的善举让我们的世界变得更美好。同情减轻灾害的伤口。 美国航空公司587号航班坠毁不到三分钟后从纽约肯尼迪机场起飞,11月2001。目击者看到一个引擎火灾发展在飞机上的1号引擎位于下飞机的左翼,接着后,客机坠毁八家,完全摧毁了四个260名乘客的飞机遇难连同6人在事故现场,造成许多人悼念失去的亲人,居民(住在崩溃的面积)聚集在一起,安慰那些悲伤,而另一些人则从残骸,并把尸体移走必要的清理。 5.Success can be reached in different ways by people in different careers. Bill Gates began at age to program computers,His vision for personal computing has been central to the success of M icrosoft Corporation, the company he founded with his childhood friend in 1975 . The former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch, is a business legend. A famous quote by Mr. Welch is,” Chang before you have to. ”He believes in leading by example and encourages his empl oyees to do their best every day. Michael Jordan s aid,”I accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.” He is one of the best athl etes to ever play team sports. His great smile, athletic achievements, and pleasant personality ha ve made him one of the most famous athletes in the world. Michael Jordan spent a lot of time pla ying basketball as a child but in senior middle school he was taken off the team . Instead of giving up , he worked through adversity and became the greatest basketball player yet .


v1.0可编辑可修改 1分) ■0.0 —hi, tom, how 's everything with you ,a nd how are you A) Don' t men ti on it B) Hm not too bad C) Thanks D) Pretty fast 参考答案:B 收起解析 解析: 无 2分) 0.0 —Hello, I ' m Harry Potter. —Hello, my n ame is Charles Gree n, but __________

v1.0可编辑可修改 A) call my Charles B) call me at Charles C) call me Charles D) call Charles me 参考答案:C 收起解析 解析: 无 3分) 0.0 When Lily came home at 5 . yesterday, her mother kitche dinner in the n. A) cooked B) was cook ing C) cooks D) has cooked 参考答案:B 收起解析 解析:

无 4分) Professor Smith promised to look ______ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defe nse. A) after B) over C) on D) into B) on C) over D) up

参考答案:A 收起解析 解析: 无 6分) 0.0 Our house is about a mile from the railway stati on and there are not many houses______ . A) in betwee n B) far apart C) among them D) from each other 参考答案:A 收起解析 解析: 无 7分) He _____ a dva ntage of the mome nt to leave the room. A) had


Key to Exercises Opener Mary is thinking of getting a tattoo tomorrow afternoon. She asks Mel to join her, but Mel cannot because she has to work tomorrow. And then Mary invites Mel to go to a party tomorrow night. Mel hesitates at first, but finally decides to go with Mary. They will meet at eight o’clock. Abbreviation Meaning 1. TGIF Thank God it’s Friday 2. AMA Ask me anything 3. OMG Oh my God! 4. YOLO You only live once 5. FOMO Fear of missing out 6. FYI For your information 7. LOL Laugh out loud 8. TBH To be honest 9. PPL People 10. ETA Estimated time of arrival Transcript: A: Hey, Mary. B: Hey, Mel. A: TGIF.

B: TGIF. A: Mel, I need some advice on something. B: AMA A: Yeah, thanks. I’m thinking of getting a tattoo. B: OMG! Really Are you serious A: Well, YOLO. B: That’s true. A: Well. B: When are you going to do it A: I’m thinking tomorrow afternoon. Do you want to come B: Oh, I’d love to come, but I’ve got to work tomorrow. Oh, major FOMO. A: What a shame! B: Yeah, A: Well, FYI, there’s a party tomorrow night. And if you are not busy, you can come to that instead. B: I’m not busy, but TBH I really need to take it easy this weekend. A: What That’s so not like you. B: LOL, that’s true. A: Party is in Hackney Wick. It’s gonna be good, good music, good PPL. B: Oh, major FOMO again. Oh, what the hell Yes, why not I’ll go.

新一代大学英语视听说 2 答案 .doc

Unit 1 Personality and Development Listening and speaking 1, What does your taste in music reveal about your personality 1, creativity 2, favorite songs 3, 36,000 4, 104 different musical styles 5. their personality 6. conventional 7. more uneasy 8. outgoing 9. hard-working 10. stable 11. gentle 12.low 13. at ease with 14.intelligent Thinking and speaking

2. Does your career fit your personality? Listening and understanding 1, imaginations 2, designs 3. patterns 4. graphic designer 5. landscape architect 6. procedures 7. instructions 8. details and data 9. routine and order 10. accountant 11. cost estimator 12. see projects though 13. doers 14. big picture 15. sales agent 16. management analyst 17. logic 18. mysteries 19. detail 20. librarian 21. software engineer 22. results-driven 23. outdoors 24. jewelry 25. electrician 26. nuclear engineer 27. human interaction 28. personal coach 29. school psychologist 3. Easy ways to be an optimist

中国医科大学《大学英语1》在线作业 及答案

中国医科大学《大学英语1》在线作业 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 单选题 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. Equipment should be tested and maintained for proper operation on a regular(). A. base B. ground C. basis D. field 满分:2 分 2. — (). —I’m terribly busy these days. A. How do you do? B. How old are you? C. How are things with you, Jimmy? D. Where are you from? 满分:2 分 3. The weather turned out to be very good, () was more than I had expected. A. of which B. which C. that D. in which 满分:2 分 4. Canada is larger than () country in Asia. A. any B. any other C. other

D. another 满分:2 分 5. He is a man of great experience, () much can be learned. A. who B. that C. from which D. from whom 满分:2 分 6. — ()!— Congratulations on your promotion! A. I'm engaged B. It's a boy C. I got promoted D. Thank you for your support 满分:2 分 7. — Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired?— Thank you. (). A. It’s your duty. B. Don’t mention it C. Do as you like D. It couldn’t be better 满分:2 分 8. — Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?— (). A. No, I already have plans. B. I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out. C. No, I really don’t like being with you. D. I’d love t o, but I am busy tonight. 满分:2 分 9. He wandered () the countryside.

新一代大学英语综合教程1期末测试 词汇填空

新一代大学英语综合教程1期末测试词汇填空 Unit1 1.when i(hung out) 2.l don’t(at fault) 3.what used(and the like) 4.David my(when it comes to) 5.Many young(take up) 6.if the(on a broader scale) Unit2 1.people with(impact have on) 2.the professor’s(mesh with) 3.socially skilled(are adept at) 4.people with(confronted with) 5.with this(on the job) 6.one aafter(in effect) 7.the organization(enlist the help of) Unit3 1.science is(in terms) 2.l don’t(get in the way of) 3.we should(rather than) 4.for more(check out)5 .thedebate(come down to)6.the investigators(in vain)7.the students(in the firt instance)8.making english(conform to)9.the virtue(transform into)10.why did(put down) Unit4 1.(in view of)the heavy 2.the persecution(exclude form) 3.in snindler(felt compelled to) 4.we can’t(share respornsibility) 5.when the(denied) 6.During the(seek refuge) 7.the writing(by extension) 8.thousands of(poured into) Unit5 1.professor NYE(exercise of power) 2.the chinese(soft power) 3.the study(engage in) 4.we believe(gobble up) 5.there simply(soak up) 6.His whole(turn the tables) 7.the local(by happenstace) 8.we are(baby steps) 9.putin doesn’t(be perceived as)10.with written(date back) Unit7 1.unlike its(typical of) 2.with only(slip away) 3.the city(in the extreme) 4.when(a)long(sweep of) 5.humans are(wiping out) 6.the sumatran(originate in) 7.although some(in captivity) 8.to keep(spread into) 9.A caterpillar(pass through)8.to keep(spread into)9.A caterpillar(pass through)


Unit 1 Living in Harmony Enhance Your Language Awareness 1. Text A amaze bunch bundle capacity commerce conquer display drop roast rob style symbol vague figure Text B appreciate participate shift slip 1)My neighbours are a friendly bunch of people. 2)Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world. 3)The employees in this company work an eight-hour shift . 4)The professor came to the classroom with a bundle of newspapers under his arm. 5)A passenger asked the driver: “Could you drop me off near the post office? I'd like to post a letter.” 6)The little girl's capacity for learning languages astonished me. 7)How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games? 8)I like the typically French style of living. It is so romantic. 9)They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce . 10)They threatened to shoot him and rob him of all his possessions.


第一次在线作业 单选题 (共40道题) 展开 收起 1.( 2.5分) -- How do you do, Mr. Wang? --_________________. A、How do you do? B、I’m doing fine. C、Nice to meet you. D、I’m OK. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分) -- What’s up? --______________. ?A、How do you do? ?B、Hello. ?C、Nothing much. ?D、What’s down? 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分) -- ______________ -- Quite well.And you? ?A、Good to see you. ?B、How are you doing? ?C、Hi! ?D、What’s up? 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 4.(2.5分) He responded with great anger ________this unfair treatment of his classmates. ?A、for ?B、at

?C、to ?D、with 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 5.(2.5分) You should take an umbrella with you when you go to school _______of rain. ?A、in case ?B、in the case ?C、in cases ?D、in the cases 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分) He works ______. ?A、lone ?B、lonely ?C、alone ?D、lonesome 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 7.(2.5分) He got up at 6:00 that day but he ________up at 7:00. ?A、usually getts ?B、getts usually ?C、usually gets ?D、gets usually 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 8.(2.5分) The plane is scheduled to arrive ______ because of bad weather. ?A、lately ?B、late ?C、later ?D、latest


UNIT 1 Explore1: Reading comprehension: a b a b a Dealing with vocabulary: a b a a a b Application: 1.To say is easier than to do. 2.Mary wanted to make a lot of money, buy stock, and retire early. 3.She stayed up late either studying her English or going to parties. Explore 2: Reading comprehension: b a d Dealing with vocabulary: interact compatible massive contrast criticize hesitant Unit test part1: 1.prevails 2.a variety of 3.interact 4.hanging out 5.scale 6.In contrast 7.crucial 8.engage 9.in person 10.directly part2: b a c b a a part3: 1.25岁时马克?扎克伯格已经在Facebook辛勤工作了五年。那一年,也就是2009年,公司首次实现了盈利,并且吸引了3亿用户。他当时非常激动,但还是说这只是一个开始。他在Facebook上写道”我们的目标是把每个人联系起来,而我们才刚刚开始。"第二年,他就被《时代》杂志评选为"年度人物"。 2.Owned by Chinese tech giant Tencent, WeChat is a mobile messaging service that boasts over 300 million active users. Many former Weibo users join in as new members because it offers comparatively private forms of communication. Like many other Chinese social media platforms, WeChat allows its users to send voice messages, share social moments, purchase virtual goods, and meet new people via a format similar to that of chat roulette. UNIT 2 Explore 1:

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