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lesson eight(The Beauty of Britain) 英国的魅力

lesson eight(The Beauty of Britain) 英国的魅力
lesson eight(The Beauty of Britain) 英国的魅力

Unit Four Cultural Diversity

Text Three The Beauty of Britain

I. Pre-Reading Brainstorming Hints

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;


constitutional monarchy;

parliamentary government;

England; Scotland; Wales;

Northern Ireland;

imperialism; immigrants; colonialism;

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; subjective; cultural value; ethnocentric

II. Close Reading of the Text

[ Introduction]

adoring ( adj. ): deeply loving and highly respectful

eg. The small boy gave his pet rabbit an adoring look.

adoring ( adj. )--adorable ( adj. )--adore ( v. )--adorer/on ( n. )

eg. Maria doesn?t seem to like her sister?s adorable children.

The rock star is adored largely for his anti-establishment lyrics.

John doesn?t hide his adoration for Mary.

bring to light: to discover or reveal

eg. The investigation brought many new facts to light.

[Other phrases with "light"]

come to light: to be discovered or revealed

eg. Some new information about the accident has come to light.

shed light on: to make clearer

eg. These clues shed a new light on the mystery.

flow: to proceed steadily and easily顺畅:稳健而轻松地进行:

The preparations flowed smoothly准备工作顺利地进行

The rhythm of the poem flowed gracefully.这首诗的韵律优美流畅

lyrical( adj. ): (also lyric) poetic and romantic, expressing strong personal feelings, usually in a songlike form (

e.g. His paintings have a remarkable free-flowing and often lyrical style.

rhythm ( n. ): a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements

eg. the rhythm of the heartbeat

the rhythm of speech语调的抑扬顿挫

play [sing] in quick rhythm用快调奏乐[歌唱]

the rhythm of dancing跳舞的节拍

[ Compare ]

rhyme ( n./v. ): (of words or lines of poetry) to end with the same sound, including a vowel as in the case of "house" and "mouse".韵, 押韵, 押韵的词

tone up: to make stronger, healthier, or livelier

eg. Exercise tones up the muscles.运动使肌肉强化。

Swimming is the best way to tone up your body.

Please tone up the color in the photo: I look too pale.

[Other phrases with "tone”]

tone down: to reduce the forcefulness of; to moderate

The newspaper toned down its attack.那家报纸缓和了他们的攻击

eg. In his public statement he toned down the criticisms he made in private.

tone in: to match; to harmonize

eg. The black shoes would tone in better with your coat than the red ones.

This rug tones in well with the wallpaper and furniture.地毯和壁纸、家具配合得非常协调。authentic (adj.): genuine; known to have been made, painted, written, etc., by the person who has done it

eg. authentic news可靠的消息

an authentic signature真实手迹签字

authentic document真实的文件

Is that an authentic ancient Roman statue, or a modem copy?

Not all Chinese restaurants abroad provide authentic, unmodified Chinese food.

touch: (single) style of workmanship, performance, etc

The touch of a master, ie. expert style, eg. in painting 大师风范。

Play the piano with a light, heavy, firm, delicate touch 以轻快、有力、稳健、灵巧的指法弹钢琴。His work lacks that professional touch. 他的作品缺乏专业技巧。

(single) person?s special skill

I can?t do the crossword today. I must be losing my touch. 我今天填不出这纵横字谜了。一定是本事不济了。

Has he regained his old touch? 他恢复以前的能力了吗?

[Paragraph 1]

as ... as: (used in comparison, denoting the same degree)

eg. I thought it would be twice as easy to ride a one-wheel bike as it is to ride a two-wheel one.

P139. Ex. 1

define ( v. ): to explain the exact qualities, limits, duties, etc.

eg. This book tries to define the role of the national government in local affairs.

He finds it hard to define his feelings towards his cousin, as they haven?t seen each other for a very long time.

define (v.)--definition (n.)

eg. The definition of the President?s power was written into the Constitution.

Paraphrase: The beauty of our country.., is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy.

It is easy to enjoy the beauty of our country, just as it is difficult to describe it.

immensely ( adv. ): very much; enormously

eg. The Allies were immensely delighted to learn of Hitler?s death.

immensely ( adv. )--immense ( adj. )--immensity ( n. )

compass ( n.. ): an extent or range

illimitable ( adj. ): boundless

eg. the illimitable reaches of space and time

league ( n. ): large area; old measurement of distance of about three miles or five kilometers

deprive of: (usually deprive sb. of sth. ) to take away, or prevent from having or using

eg. This law, if passed, would deprive us of our most basic rights.

Why are handicapped children often deprived of education?

eg. He was bitter about his deprived childhood.

The refugees suffered terrible deprivations in the camps.

Paraphrase: ... are deprived of the grandeur that may accompany these things.

... we do not have the great beauty that usually goes with vast mountain ranges, plains or forests.

pack into: to fit, crush, or push into a space

eg. As soon as the door opened, the crowd began to pack into the hall.

They packed too much into the holiday and returned exhausted. ( = They pursued too many activities during the holiday. )

smallish (adj. ): rather small

[Word formation]

-ish: (Suffix)

1) (in nouns and adjectives) the people or language belonging to the stated country or place

eg. British / Turkish / Swedish / Spanish

2) (often derogatory) typical of the stated type, like the stated type

eg. selfish / foolish / childish / snobbish

3) (in .adjectives) to some degree, rather, quite (as in the present case)

eg. youngish / tallish / reddish / newish (L63, Paragraph 4)

4) (informal, in adjectives) about the stated number

eg. Come at eightish. ( = at about 8 o?clock)

He is fortyish. ( = about 40 years old)

round the corner :very near

eg. They live just (a)round the comer.

Politicians are always telling us that better times are just (a)round the comer. ( =coming soon)

adjust (to): to change slightly, especially in order to make right or make suitable for a particular purpose

eg. You can adjust the color on the TV by pressing this button.

If you are not making much money, it?s wise to adjust your expenses to your income.

He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.

adjust ( v. )--adjustable ( adj. )--adjustment ( n. )

eg. He bought an adjustable chair for his crippled brother.

We must make adjustments to our original plan.

Paraphrase: A mountain 12 000 feet high would be a horrible monster here, as wrong as a plain 400 miles long, a river as broad as the Mississippi.

A 12 000-foot-high mountain is too high to fit into this small country; it would be like a terrible monster standing in front of a dwarf. The same is true of a 400-mile-long plain and a river as broad as the Mississippi. They do not match the landscape here.

aviator (n.): (old use) the pilot of an aircraft

colossal (adj.): extremely large, immense

prairie (n.): a wide treeless grassy plain, especially in North America

desolating ( adj. ): causing to feel immensely sad and depressed; causing one to feel that one is without friends or hope; causing an intense feeling of isolation (from others)

eg. Prisoners of war who are kept in isolation describe the experience as desolating.

Studying abroad may be a desolating experience for those who cannot adjust to cultural differences.

eg. She was far from desolated by the disappearance of her rabbit: he had been quite a nuisance lately. For a certain period after her husband?s death, she was desolate; but she eventually re-married.

She was the only survivor of the war: her parents, relatives, husband, children had all died in the war, leaving her to live on in desolation.

[ Paragraph 2 ]

geographical feature: something noticeable in a particular area of the country, for example, a hill, river, or valley

features ( n. ): parts of the face such as the eyes, nose, and mouth

comparatively ( adv. ): when compared with others; rather

comparative ( adj. ) comparable( adj. )--compare ( v. )--comparison ( n. )

eg. Man is a comparatively new creature on the face of the earth.

He devoted his lifetime to the study of comparative literature.

A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat.火可以和太阳相比, 两者都可以发光发热。Let's make a comparative study of the two languages.让我们将这两种语言作一下比较研究。

After many hardships, he now lives in comparative ease.经过许多困难之后, 他现在的生活相对舒适。

His poetry isn?t bad, but it?s hardly comparable to Shakespeare?s.

The magazine article compares the different types of home computers currently available.

There is no comparison between frozen fish and freshly-caught one.

with ease: easily, without difficulty

eg. The car traveled up the hillside, taking the bends with ease.

As the window was open, the burglars entered the house with ease.

[Other phrases with "ease??]

at ease: feeling relaxed in a situation in which most people might feel a little nervous

eg. As a physician?s daughter I am quite at ease with the smell of disinfectant and hospital.

ill at ease: rather uncomfortable, anxious, worried

eg. He appeared embarrassed and iii at ease with the sustained applause that greeted him in the room. put/set sb. at his/her ease: to try to make someone feel comfortable

eg. An attentive host will manage to put his guests at their ease.

many a time = many times


many a + sing. noun + sing. verb = many + pt. noun + pl. verb

Many a is usually followed by a single noun plus a single verb form, while many is followed by plural nouns and plural verb forms. Many a is often used to strengthen the tone.

eg. Many a man has made a fortune and has no idea what to do with it.

Many men have made a fortune and have no idea what to do with it.

import (v. ): to buy goods, etc. from a foreign country and bring them into your own country

eg. to import flour from France; to import woolen textile into Japan

import (n.)--imports (n.)--importer (n.)--[Antonym] export (v.)

eg. The government is to introduce new controls on the import of tobacco. What are your country?s major imports.

Britain used to be the largest importer of tea.

China exports a lot of agricultural produce to Japan.

survey ( v. ): to look at, examine, or consider (a person, place, or condition) as a whole

eg. We surveyed the view from the top of the mountain.

survey ( n. ): a general examination or study of reactions, opinions, etc., especially carried out by asking people questions

eg. The latest survey shows very little support for the government?s new tax policy.

jagged ( adj. ): (also jaggy) having a rough uneven edge, often with sharp points

eg. The jagged range of the Yellow Mountain is a magnificent view.

ledge ( n. ): a narrow horizontal shelf coming out from a. wall, cliff or other upright surface

eg. a window ledge

in miniature: very like the stated thing or person, but much smaller

eg. Some people say that games are real life in miniature.

The World Park in Beijing displays in miniature famous buildings and landscapes from all over the world.

air ( n. ): the general character or appearance of, or feeling caused by, a person or a place

eg. She set about her task with an air of quiet confidence.

The fashion model carries herself with the air of a queen. ( = She has on her an elegant, queenly air. ) [ Other phrases with "air"]

in the air: not fully planned or settled; uncertain

eg. We may go to Dalian on May Day, but it?s all still up in the air.

be on/off (the) air: to be broadcasting / to stop broadcasting on the radio or television at the present moment

eg, Phoenix TV is on air 24 hours a day

Our program is off the air for only one hour during lunch break.

[Paragraph 3]

match ( v. ): to be equal to; to find an equal for

eg. He is color-blind, and so his socks never match.

Paraphrase: For variety of landscape, these Dales cannot be matched in this island or anywhere else. As far as the variety of landscape is concerned, these Dales have the most various kinds and nowhere in this island or, for that matter, anywhere else will you find their equal.

hanging woods: trees and bushes that grow on the sides of cliffs

moorland ( n. ): a wide, open, often high area of land covered with rough grass or low bushes

height ( n. ): a position or place above the ground

eg. We looked down from a great height to see the whole town below us.

Wuthering Heights remains a popular English novel.

manufacturing (adj.): making or producing especially by machinery or other industrial processes and usually in large quantities

[Paragraph 4]

exquisite ( adj. ): very finely made or done; extremely beautiful, or of the highest quality

eg. the exquisite design of a vase/exquisite manners

(in) moderation ( n. ): within proper or sensible limits

eg. A number of doctors maintain that drinking in moderation isn?t harmful to health.

moderation ( n. ): the ability to keep one?s feelings, desires and habits within reasonable limits; self-control; without self-indulgence

eg. He showed great moderation in not responding angrily to the attacks on his character.

Drinking in moderation helps one to better appreciate alcohol.

compromise (between/on) (n.): the settling of arguments or differences by each side agreeing to some of the demands of the other

eg. Both sides are determined to get what they want, and there is no possibility of a compromise. Compromise is an inevitable part of marriage.

[ Note ]

“Compromise” in many western languages has a neutral connotation, whereas it has a bad connotation in Russian and Chinese.

compromise ( v. ): to settle (a dispute) by making concession

eg. They were forced to compromise in order to avoid a long, expensive legal battle.

compromising ( adj. ): making concession

eg. The only compromising plan now is to redraft our route.

uncompromising ( adj. ): not yielding, not giving in (Line 76, Paragraph 5)

eg. He is an uncompromising opponent of the government?s proposals for democratic re form. irrational ( adj. ): not (done by) wing reason; against reasonable behavior

eg. After taking the medicine he found in the cabinet, the child became quite irrational. Paraphrase: It looks like the result of one of those happy compromises that make our social and political plans so irrational and yet so successful.

The British people are moderate and conservative in politics; they often make concessions on social and political issues, which may seem to be unreasonable outwardly yet successful in reality. The British landscape, to the author, is just one of such compromises.

wildness (n.): the state of being, living or growing in natural conditions and having natural qualities tameness (n.): the state of being neither fierce nor wild, trained to live with people

Eg. Domesticated animals show some degree of tameness.

wilderness(n.): (occasionally derogatory.) any place where there is no sign of human presence or control (Compare Note 46)

pretend (v.): to give an appearance of something that is not tree, with the intention of deceiving

eg. She wasn?t really crying; she was only pretending.

He often pretends to be deaf when you ask him an awkward question!

pretense ( n. )--pretended ( adj. )

eg. Scarlet eventually abandoned the pretense that she didn?t want to go to the party.

The young man?s pretended sorrow over his divorce was soon found out.

insinuate (into) (v.): to cause to become part of (something) by indirect, artful methods

eg. The past invariably insinuates itself into our present life.

insinuate oneself into: to gradually gain sb. …s love, trust, etc. by pretending to be friendly and sincere eg. He tried to insinuate himself into his boss?s favor.

Paraphrase: They almost insinuate themselves into the countryside.

There is no distinct line between the cities and the countryside. The cities seem to be a natural part of the countryside.

suburb ( n. ): outlying residential district of a town or city

[Word Formation]

sub- (prefix):

1) under

eg. subway, subsoil

2) secondary, lower in rank:

eg. sub-committee, sub-species

3) not quite (as in the present case)

eg. subtropical, subnormal

4) secondary repetition (used with a verb)

eg. sublet, subdivide

moderate ( adj. ): of medium or average quantity or extent

eg. He earns a moderate income as a middle school teacher.

moderate ( adj. )--moderate ( v. )--moderation ( n. ) (See Note 42)

compel (v.): to force (someone) to do something

eg. Employees are compelled to join the company?s pension plan after a year?s service.

His conscience compelled him to admit his part in the affair.

at heart: in one?s deepest feelings; really; in fact

eg. He seems friendly, but he?s just a ruthless businessman at heart.

heart and soul: with all one?s attention and strength; completely

eg. He is heart and soul for this project.

in one’s heart of hearts: in one?s most secret feelings; in reality

eg. I told her I loved her, but in my heart of hearts I knew it Was not true.

take sth. to heart: to feel the effect of sth. deeply (and to take suitable action)

eg. Don?t take her creel remarks to heart.

set one’s heart on sth.: to want sth. very much and to expect to have or do it

eg. The children have set their hearts on going to the zoo.

Paraphrase: Nearly all Englishmen are at heart country gentlemen.

Almost all Englishmen in their innermost thoughts prefer the life of a country gentleman.

out of hours: outside of working hours; during one?s spare time

[Paragraph 5]

We must rein, ... which I suggest is the result of a compromise between wilderness and cultivation. [Note] embedded relative clause / sentence-relative clause:

Sometimes a relative clause refers not just to the noun before it, but to the whole sentence before. Compare:

eg. 1) He showed me a photo of his ex-girlfriend that upset me.

2) He showed me a photo of his ex-girlfriend, which upset me.

In the first sentence, it was the photo that was upsetting; the relative clause just refers to this noun. In the second instance it was not the photo which was upsetting, but the fact that he was so inconsiderate of my feeling that was upsetting; the relative clause refers to the whole sentence before it. In cases like this, which is always used, and there is always a comma.

Other examples:

eg. She can swim for 3 hours, which is good for a woman of 60.

He gave me a gift, which I think is a gesture of apology of his fault.

trim ( adj. ): tidy, in good order; pleasingly neat in appearance

trim (v.): to make neat or even by cutting or removing unwanted parts

eg. Trim hay stacks on the green field makes a pleasant sight.

Shouldn?t you trim the fence after the rain?

suggest (v.): to indicate or show; to give signs of

eg. Her expression suggested anger.

The latest figures suggest that business is improving.

hedge ( n. ): a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, usually cut level at the top dividing one garden or field from another

(in the) foreground (n.): nearest to or in the front of a scene or picture

eg. This photo of our town shows the church in the foreground.

She talks a lot because she likes to keep herself in the foreground.

[ Compare ]

in the background: behind the main objects or people in a view, a picture, or a photograph

eg. In the background of the picture stands the Statue of Liberty.

dragoon (v.):


dragoon sb. into doing sth.; be dragooned into: to harass somebody to do something; to be forced into doing something

eg. Don?t think you can dragoon him into lending you his books.

The government was dragooned into accepting the compromise.

Paraphrase:... Nature has not been dragooned into obedience.

Nature has not been forced into taking an obedient position, and the relationship between man and Nature is harmonious.

fit into: to adapt to; to match or harmonize

eg. She finds it difficult to fit herself into her new working environment.

snugly ( adv. ): cozily or comfortably

declare (v.): to say solemnly, to announce--declaration (n.)

eg. Smith declared at the meeting that he has decided to resign.

Who wrote up the first declaration of fights for women in England?

Paraphrase: ..."No nonsense now. Man, the drainer, the tiller, the builder, has settled here."

Stop talking about meaningless things such as Nature and harmony. Man has moved here: he drains and tills the soil and builds on the ground. It is inevitable that Nature must be tamed to suit human?s needs. motto (n.): a short sentence or a few words (often in Latin) taken as the guiding principle. 0fa person, of a school, etc.

e,g. "E pluribus unum is the official motto of the U.S. government. [ = out of many (people, states), one (country) ]

"Live and let Live. ": to accept the behavior of other people; to be tolerant

eg. In the world of business it should be "live and let live": it should be cooperation instead of exploitation.

Paraphrase: The motto is, "Live and let Live."

We should respect the ways of Nature, and allow it to live its own life while we make a life of our own. We should create a "win-win" situation between Nature and ourselves.

harmony ( n. ): a state of complete agreement in feelings, ideas, etc.

harmonious ( adj. ) harmoniously ( adj. )--harmonize ( v. )

eg. to live in harmony with nature / one?s in-laws or neighbor

The whole class sang harmoniously after two-hours? practice.

The green wall-paper does not harmonize well with your furniture.

enchantment ( n. ): a delightful influence or feeling of delight

eg. The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment.

enchantment ( n. )--enchant ( v. ) enchanted ( adj. )--enchanting ( adj. )

eg. The book has enchanted the readers of five continents.

The girl was enchanted with the HARRY POTYER series, one of the best fairytales of the last century.

He was grateful that his wife bore him three enchanting children.

More supplementary exercises for EX VI:

Contraction: sometimes we can make a sentence shorter by omitting one or more words to achieve brevity or to avoid repetition. This is called ellipsis. Rewrite the following sentences, leaving out words which can be omitted.

1. His words moved everyone who was present.

2. What a pity it is you can?t go to the lecture.

3. Though he is still a young man he is a leading biologist in that country.

4. You can do it this way if you care to do it.

5. Fill in the blanks with articles wherever they are necessary.

6. As it was scheduled, they met on January 20 at the Chinese Embassy.

7. What will be the result if they do not come?

8. The sooner you do it, the better it will be.

9. Is there anything wrong with the tape-recorder?

10. When you are in need, don?t hesitate to ask me for money.

11. The boy looked as if he were afraid of nothing.

12. His face tanned and his hands are big and strong.

Find out the unnecessary repetition in the following sentences.

1.Tom is a recent newcomer to our class.

2.The true fact is, I never liked him.

3.I first began to feel sick when we went into the classroom.

4.It was his customary habit to sit at the table by the window.

5.At one time total extinction threatened the panda.

6.He was frightened with fear by the mysterious sound behind him

7.In this modern world of today, people never walk when they can ride.

8.Without a doubt, this month has certainly been the coldest January on record.

9.It was the most interesting book I had ever read before in my life.

10.We asked Mr. Wilson to give us advice because of the fact that he is such a wise man.

11.There were many children who like collecting stamps.

12.I studied history in the afternoon. Then in the evening I studied English. After that, I treated myself to a



报关常用英语大全 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

accepingbank呈兑银行acceptinghouse呈兑行 actualtare实际皮重 acctualweight实际重量 advaloremduty从税价 advaloremfreight从税运价 adviceofshipment装运通知,装船通知 airbilloflading空运提单

airfreight空运费 airwaybill航空运单airportofdestination目的地Art.No.货号 atsight见票即付authorizedagent指定的代理人banker\\’sbill银行汇票bearer持票人

billoflading提单 bookinglist定舱清单,装货定舱表cargoinbuld散装货 cargoinsurance货物运输保险 caseNo.箱号 cashagainstbilloflading凭提单付款cashagainstdelivery货到付款cashagainstshippingducuments凭单付款cashanddelivery付款交货,货到付款

certificateoforigin产地证明书certificateofquality货物品质证书,质量证书certificateofquantity货物数量证明书,数量证书CFR成本加运费到.......价 chargeableweight计费重量 charges费用 cleanbilloflading清洁提单 commission佣金


单证( Documents) 1、进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1。金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票) 2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3。用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原 产地证明、商检证等)declaration form 报关单 Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。the person in charge of the declaration invoice 负责的人的声明发票发票ocean bill of lading 提单air waybill 空运提单packing list 或packing specification (装箱单)shipping order(装货单) letter of cred it (L|C )(信用证)in sura nee policy (保险单)sales con firmati on 售货确认书contract (合同)(commod ity (货物),quantity (数量),unit price (单价),total amount (总价),country of ori gin and manufacturer (生产国和制造厂家), packing(装箱单), shipping mark(运输标志), date of shipment (装船日期,装船期,装运期),port of shipment (装货港;出发港;起运港),port of dest in ation (目的港,目的地,目地港),in sura nee (保险;保险费;保险契约;赔偿金), Payment 付款,支付,付款方式down payment 定金,首期,头期款deferred payme nt 延期付款,延付货款,分期付款, shipment 装运,装船,装载的货物partial shipment 分批装运,分批装船,分批Short shipment 短装,装载不足,装货不足shipping advice 装船通知,装运通知,已装船通知shipping text advice 装船通知shipping craigslist advice 装船通知, guara ntee of quality (质量的保证),claims索赔,债权要求Claims adjuster 公证行,理赔人,索赔调查人broad claims 宽泛的论点force majeure (不可抗力),late delivery and penalty (迟交货及罚款), arbitration 仲裁certificate(commodity inspection certificate 商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin 原产地证) place o f dispatch 起运地,Date of completion of discharge 卸货日期,date of inspection 检验日期,place of arrival 到货地点,date of arrival 到货日期,means of conveyance 运输工具,B/L or way bill NO.提单或运单号,in voice No.发票号,con tract No.合同号,Qua ntity /We ight declared 报检数量/重量,description of goods 品名,consignor 品名,consignee 收货人,place of issue 签证地点,date of issue 签证日期,authorized officer 授权签字人,s ignature 签名,conclusion 评定,official stamp 印章, 报关英语常用词汇 import 进口export 出口import & export corporation(Corp.) import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback 出口退税import & export licence processing with imported ( supplied) materials 进(来)料加工buyer 买方seller 卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-owner 货物是在集装箱 What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released. 货物现在被释放 Commodity(commodity inspection) 商品检验merchandise 泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles )




一、报关英语常用单词词组 accepting bank承兑银行 accepting house承兑行 actual tare实际皮重 actual weight实际重量 ad valorem duty从价税 ad valorem freight从价运费 advice of shipment装运通知,装船通知 air bill of lading空运提单 air freight charge航空运费 air fieight空运费 air waybill航空运单 airport of departure始发站 airport of destination目的站 Art.No.货号 at sight见票即付 authorized agent指定的代理人 banker's bill银行汇票 bearer持票人 bill of lading提单 booking list订舱清单,装货订舱表 cargo in bulk散装货 cargo insurance货物运输保险 case No.箱号 cash against bill of lading凭提单付款 cash against delivery货到付款 cash against shipping documents凭单付款 cash and delivery付款交货,货到付款 certificate of origin产地证明书,原产地证明书certificate of quality货物品质证书,质量证书certificate of quantity货物数量证明书,数量证书CFR成本加运费到…价 chargeable weight记费重量 charges费用 clean bill of lading清洁提单 commission佣金 commodity code商品编码 compensation赔偿,补偿 complaint投诉 conditions of carriage货运条件 confirmation确认 confirmed credit保兑信用证 confirming bank保兑银行 confirming house保兑商行 consignee收货人 consignee's address收货人地址consignment agent寄售代理人 consignment business寄售业务 consignment contract寄售合同 consignment invoice寄售发票 consignment note发货通知书 consignment sales寄售 consignor发货人,寄售人 consular invoice领事签证发票,领事发票 container bill of lading集装箱提单 container depot集装箱装卸站 container集装箱,包装容器 container-carrying vessel集装箱船 containerize用集装箱发运 cost, insurance and freight(CIF)成本,保价加运费(价),到岸价 county of origin生产国,原产国 coverage保险范围 customs bonded warehouse海关保税仓库 customs drawback报关单 customs duty rate海关退税 customs duty关税税率 customs entry进口报关 customs formalities海关报关手续 customs free depot海关免税仓库 customs house海关 customs import tariff海关进口税则 customs invoice海关发票 customs quota关税配额 customs valuation海关估价 date of arrival到达日期 date of delivery交货日期 date of shipment装船日期/装运期 delivered duty paid完税后交货价 delivered duty unpaid未完税交货价 delivered alongside the vessel船边交货 description品名,商品名称 direct steamer直达船 dirty bill of lading不清洁提单 discharging port卸货港口 documentary acceptance跟单承兑 documentary bill跟单票据 documentary collection跟单托收 documentary credit跟单信用证 documentary draft跟单汇票 documents against acceptance(D/A)承兑交单 documents against payment(D/P)付款交单


英国历代国王一览表(一)英格兰王国 ENGLAND

【注1】 (1)Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁-撒克逊人:日耳曼民族,盎格鲁人,撒克逊人和朱特人的一支,5世纪和6世纪居住在英国 (2)Normandy诺曼底:英吉利海峡的历史地区,以前为法国西北一个省。古代高卢的一部分,这一地区相继被罗马人、弗兰克人和诺斯人征服,诺曼人征服(1066年)后和英法百年战争期间(1337-1453年)归属英格兰,于1450年归还法国。二战中联军登陆(1944年6月6日)地点即为诺曼底海滩 (3)Plantagenet (1).金雀花王朝:从亨利二世到理查德三世(1154-1485年)的一系列英王的家族名称 (2).[英]【史】金雀花王朝的, 安茹王朝的, 不兰他日奈王朝的(指由12世纪亨利二世即位至15世纪查理三世死的王朝) (4)Lancaster兰开斯特王朝:从1399年至1461年的英格兰王朝,产生过三位英格兰国王,亨利四世、亨利五世和亨利六世。在玫瑰战争期间它的标志是一朵红玫瑰(5)York约克王朝:英国统治王朝(1461—1485年),包括爱德华四世、爱德华五世和理查德三世,在玫瑰战争期间其标志是白玫瑰 (6)Tudor都铎王朝:英格兰统治王朝(1485-1603年),包括亨利七世及其后代亨利八世、爱德华六世、玛丽一世和伊丽莎白一世 (7)Stuart斯图亚特王朝:统治苏格兰(1371年-1603年)及英格兰和苏格兰(1603-1649年和1660年-1714年)的王室 (8)Hanover汉诺威:英国统治家族(1714-1901年)。当1837年维多利亚登上王位时,汉诺威与大不列颠的王权相分离 (9)Windsor温莎:英国的统治家族(从1917年始),包括1917年采用这个名字的乔治五世及他的后继者,爱德华八世、乔治六世和伊丽莎白二世 【注2】 (1)盎格鲁-撒克逊王朝时期(802 - 1066)对应中国唐朝(618 - 907)至北宋(960 - 1127)时期 (2)诺曼底王朝时期(1066 –1154)对应中国北宋(960 - 1127)至南宋(1127 - 1279)时期 (3)金雀花王朝时期(1154 –1359)对应中国南宋(1127 - 1279)至元朝(1271 - 1368)时期 (4)兰开斯特王朝时期(1399 – 1461)对应中国明(1356 - 1644)初时期 (5)约克王朝时期(1461 – 1485)对应中国明(1356 - 1644)初时期 (6)都铎王朝时期(1485 – 1603)对应中国明朝(1356 - 1644)时期 (7)斯图亚特王朝时期(1603 – 1714)对应中国明末至清(1636 - 1911)初 (8)汉诺威王朝时期(1714 – 1910)对应中国清初至清晚期 (9)温莎王室时期(1910 - )对应中国民国至今 【注3】 (1)Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁-撒克逊人:日耳曼民族,盎格鲁人,撒克逊人和朱特人的一支,


America The Founding of Colonies殖民地的建立 First Inhabitants:American Indians Discovery of the New World: 1492 Christopher Columbus →the discoverer of America (Italian)Spanish Queen’ s support 1501-2 Amerigo Vespucci →the new land was name after him as America. reached the mouth of Amazon River America—the New World Europe—the Old World 13 colonies: New England Colonies: Mid Atlantic Colonies: Southern Colonies: Massachusetts →(2nd colony,1620)New York Maryland New Hampshire Pennsylvania Virginia →(1st colony,1607)Rhode Island Delaware North Carolina Connecticut South Carolina Georgia →(the last colony,1733)New England Region(6个): Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont 建立原因: Virginia, 1607 Virginia Company For foreign expansion as a way of easing religious dispute and economic distress in England 105 men (no women) Jamestown in honor of the king Massachusetts In 1620 102 Puritans (“Pilgrim Fathers”), in Mayflower, from Plymouth in England to America First in Plymouth (today’s Massachusetts); and then Boston Seek religious freedom Mayflower Compact <五月花号公约>:self-government Hardships when arrived the help of the Indians Thanksgiving Day to thank the Indians and the God for protection The next three colonies Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire Reasons: 1. religious disputes and struggles in Massachusetts intensified 2. more immigrants


外贸常用术语大全 装运shipment. loading 装上货轮to ship, to load, to take on a ship 装运费shipping charges, shipping commission 装运单||载货单shipping invoice 装运单据shipping documents 大副收据mates receipt 装船单shipping order 提货单delivery order, dandy note 装船通知shipping advice 包裹收据parcel receipt 准装货单shipping permit 租船契约charter party 租船人charterer 程租船||航次租赁voyage charter 期租船time charter 允许装卸时间lay days, laying days 工作日working days 连续天数running days, consecutive days 滞期费demurrage 滞期日数demurrage days 速遣费dispatch money 空舱费dead freight 退关short shipment, goods short shipped, goods shut out, shut-outs 赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity, trust receipt 装载loading 卸货unloading, discharging, landing 装运重量shipping weight, in-take-weight 卸货重量landing weight 压舱ballasting 压舱货in ballast 舱单manifest 船泊登记证书ships certificate of registry 航海日记ships log 船员名册muster-roll (船员, 乘客)健康证明bill of health 光票clean bill 不清洁提单foul bill 有疑问提单suspected bill 包装用语 用木箱包装to be cased. to be encased 用袋装to be bagged


英国政体的演变过程 南昌大学建筑工程学院给水排水工程101班 李若昭 6002210019 【摘要】英国现行的政体是议会民主制和君主立宪制,而且英国没有总统;英国的国家元首即形式上的最高领袖是国王。但是实权在内阁,内阁首相就是政府的真正首脑。内阁对议会负责是因为议会由国王,上议院和下议院组成的。本文主要探讨英国现行政体的形成过程,并分析其中重要的几次变革。【关键词】君主;议会制;首相责任制 英国的现行政体被认为是当今世界上最完备的政体——议会代议制和责任内阁制。从最初建国的绝对君制,英国政体经历了长达7个多世纪的演变与改革。从而使英国以一个强国的身份,在风云变幻的世界大舞台上一直扮演着重要的角色。 英国政体的初步奠定——绝对君主制 公元827年,西塞克斯王爱格伯特(Egbert)统一了七国,历史上第一次出现了英格兰这一名称。这时的英格兰,政治上有耆老会议(全国最有势力的贵族会议),国王的一切重大政务,都要经过耆老会议的批准,由此而形成了英国贵族制约国王的传统。1066年诺曼人征服,在英国建立了诺曼王朝(征服者威廉一世建立,1066-1154),随着征服分封了众多的追随者,并由国王的直接附庸组成大议会,负责决定重大事务,提出法令建议,确定赋税征收。大议会每年召开三次,因过于庞大,开会有困难,于是又有一个较小的库里亚(御前会议), 由宫廷大臣参加,也邀请贵族、骑士参加。库里亚具有财政机关和最高法院职能。同时,诺曼王朝开始在英国推行诺曼法。诺曼法本质上是一种契约法:它不是建立在国王的单方支配和臣民的单方服从基础上,而是建立在国王和受封者之间相对的权力义务上。不管国王和受封哪一方,只要是单方面拒绝行使自己的义务,或者是寻求契约以外的权利,权益受害的一方都可以投诉于法庭获得救济。如果法律解决不了,则受害者有权解除封建契约,国王可收回领地,附庸可放弃效忠义务。显然,独立的司法,在这时已经有了苗头。 限制王权的里程碑——《大宪章》 这一时期,随着王权的强大,王权和法律的关系就成了英国人注目的重大问题。1199年登基的约翰王,仗着手中的权力,践踏封建契约,横征暴敛,残害民众,破坏了以往的封建传统,导致了国内封建领主的普遍不满。在坎特伯利大主教的支持下,封建领主领导了反约翰王的起义。值得庆幸的是,约翰王因为刚刚在对法作战中失利,没有力量同国内的封建领主抗衡,而是以契约的方式达成了与封建贵族的“和解”,并由此而产生了等级代表机构-- 国会。这个契约,就是有名的《大宪章》。《大宪章》共65条,其内容分三部分:第一部分为国 王与领主关系规定;第二部分为国王施政方针与程序规定;第三部分为国王与领主争端处理规定。按照《大宪章》的规定,国王要保障贵族和骑士的封建继承权,不得违例向封建主征收高额捐税;不得任意逮捕、监禁、放逐自由人或没收他们的财产;承认伦敦等城市的自治权。为了保证宪章能够顺利执行,由25名男爵组成一个委员会,对国王进行监督。如果宪章遭到破坏,封建领主有权以军事手段强迫国王履约。英国以后的宪政,追根溯源即来自《大


报关常用英语大全 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

accepingbank呈兑银行acceptinghouse呈兑行 actualtare实际皮重 acctualweight实际重量advaloremduty从税价advaloremfreight从税运价adviceofshipment装运通知,装船通知airbilloflading空运提单 airfreight空运费 airwaybill航空运单airportofdestination目的地

. 货号 at sight 见票即付 authorized agent 指定的代理人 banker\\’s bill 银行汇 票 bearer 持票人 bill of lading 提单 booking list 定舱清单,装货定舱 表 cargo in buld 散装货 cargo insurance 货物运输保险 case No. 箱 号 cash against bill of lading 凭提单付款 cash against delivery 货到付 款 cash against shipping ducuments 凭单付款 cash and delivery 付款交货,货到付 款 certificate of origin 产地证明书 certificate of quality 货物品质证书,质量证 书 certificate of quantity 货物数量证明书,数量证书 CFR 成本加运费到....... 价 chargeable weight 计费重量 charges 费用 clean bill of lading 清洁提 单 commission 佣金 commodity code 商品编码 compensation 赔偿,补 偿 complaint 投诉 condisions of carriage 货运条件 confirmation 确 认 confirmed credit 保兑信用证 confirming bank 保兑银行 confirming house 保付商行 consignee 收货人 congsignee\\’s address 收货人地址 consignment agent 寄售代理人 consighment business 寄售业


英国历史著名国王的历史事件 英国王室(英文常简称Er)是现存最古老的王室之一,每代君主的加冕仪式都严格奉行完全一样的传统,这使得英国王室的加冕典礼成为现存的、依然举行的最古老的仪式。英国历史10个著名国王的历史事件有哪些的呢?本文是整理英国历史10个著名国王的历史事件的资料,仅供参考。 英国历史10个著名国王的历史事件伊利莎白一世是英国人最欢迎的君主,她在位45年,终身未嫁,被称为嫁给英格兰的女王。她同时还是法兰西名义上的女王。她执政初期正是国内宗教纷争严重的时刻,经过四十余年的努力,她不但让英国国内得以巩固,也让英国成为欧洲乃至世界上最富强的国家。 她统治的时期被称为“黄金时代”,涌现出如莎士比亚、弗朗西斯;培根等著名人物。英国海军还一举击败了当时世界上最强的西班牙海军“无敌舰队”成为海上霸主。 虽然她宁愿牺牲婚姻来保证英国的统一,但是英国依然在她死后50年陷入了内战。 爱格伯特是第一个统一英格兰的国王,至少表面上是这个样子的。在他任期内英国依然处于混乱不堪的状态之中,但是他成功打破了七国割据的局面,为英国的真正统一打下了基础。 爱德华一世是一位能征善战的国王,文治武功均空前绝后,他执

政期间为英国掠夺了大量财富和土地。同时因为对苏格兰人民采取残酷镇压而被冠以“英格兰铁锤”之名。 爱德华一世十分重视军事,他改革了军队,并发展出“长弓兵”,使英国军队作战能力大大加强。让英国具备了与其它列强争雄的能力。爱德华一世是影响世界进程的重要人 英国君主在英国历史上扮演了重要的角色,塑造了日不落帝国的神话,英国到迄今为止一共有45名君主,其中有7位女王。在历史的长河中,英国也不缺乏给人们留下深刻印象的君主,下面细数英国历史上最著名的君主: 伊丽莎白一世女王 伊利莎白一世是英国人最欢迎的君主,她在位45年,终身未嫁,被称为嫁给英格兰的女王。她同时还是法兰西名义上的女王。她执政初期正是国内宗教纷争严重的时刻,经过四十余年的努力,她不但让英国国内得以巩固,也让英国成为欧洲乃至世界上最富强的国家。 她统治的时期被称为“黄金时代”,涌现出如莎士比亚、弗朗西斯;培根等著名人物。英国海军还一举击败了当时世界上最强的西班牙海军“无敌舰队”成为海上霸主。 虽然她宁愿牺牲婚姻来保证英国的统一,但是英国依然在她死后50年陷入了内战。 爱格伯特 爱格伯特是第一个统一英格兰的国王,至少表面上是这个样子


报关单常用英文缩写 单证(Documents) 1、进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1。金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票) 2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3。用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等) declaration form报关单ν Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, areνtaken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。 the person in charge of the declarationν invoice发票ν ocean bill of lading提单ν air waybill空运提单ν packing list或packing specification(装箱单)ν shipping order(装货单)ν letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)ν insurance policy(保险单)ν sales confirmation售货确认书ν

contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of or igin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipme nt, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarant ee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration) certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证 animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证 certificate of origin原产地证) import进口 export出口 import & export corporation(Corp.) import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export busine ss) export drawback出口退税 import & export licence processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工 buyer买方 seller卖方 The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the sel ler. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject t o Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-o wner What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released.) Commodity(commodity inspection)


都铎王朝:1485~1603(近代英国开始) 1588年:击败西班牙无敌舰队,树立海上霸权。显示了在王权统治下的民族国家的力量。 斯图亚特王朝1603~1714 1600年,英国东印度公司成立 1638年,苏格兰起义 1640年,议会重新召开,英国在全球第一个爆发资产阶级革命,成为资产阶级革命的先驱。 (1642~1651年:英国内战爆发) 1642年,英国内战爆发 1644年,马斯顿荒原战役 1649年,结束内战查理一世被处决(1.30),克伦威尔宣布共和政体(5.19) 1651年,第一个航海条例颁布 1652年,第一次英荷战争 1660年:(查理二世)王朝复辟【詹姆斯二世(查理二世儿子)继承王位,后被罢黜。】 1685年:牛顿发现万有引力定律 1687年,牛顿出版《自然哲学的数学原理》 1688年,光荣革命 1689年,确定了君主立宪制。玛丽二世(詹姆斯二世

女儿)执政。制定《权利法案》 1694年,英格兰银行成立 1698年:伦敦股票交易所成立 1701年:制定《王位继承法》 汉诺威王朝:1714~1917 1714年,王位传给查理一世的外甥家族、德国的汉诺威王室。接着是乔治一世、二世、三世、四世执政。乔治三世在位期间,美国独立,英国击败拿破仑。 1721年,华尔波尔成为英国第一任首相责任内阁制开始逐渐形成 1760~1830年:工业革命 1775~1783年:美国独立战争 18世纪后半叶至19世纪上半叶,成为世界上第一个 完成工业革命的国家。 19世纪是大英帝国的全盛时期 1814年:史蒂芬逊发明火车 1815年,英国威灵顿公爵在滑铁卢击败了拿破仑1837年:维多利亚女王即位【1837—1901年,英国的黄金时代,先进的工业国,贸易跃居世界首位。炮舰政策,夺取海上霸权,侵占殖民地,号称“日不落帝国”、“海上殖民霸主”。】



二.报关英语常用词汇 import进口export出口 importn & export corporation(Corp.) importn & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback出口退税n importn & export licence processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工n buyer买方seller卖方 The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo, cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo, bonded cargo, cargo-owner What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released. Commodity(commodity inspection) merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品 article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles) luggage 行李物品 postal items 邮递物品 You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty. means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory. ocean vessel船名 packing(bag袋, bale包,bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages 合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶,carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱,pallet 托盘,container ,in bulk) weight重量 gross weight毛重net weight净重 tare皮重 quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases. description of goods货名 name and specifications of commodity品名及规格 type类型 mode (term)of trade贸易方式 name of trading country贸易国 date of importation进口日期 value价值 total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying value The duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value


英国政治制度的演变 一、封建君主制 时间:449——1215 内容:1、封臣对封君的义务:“效忠”、“帮助”、“劝告”; 2、封君对封臣的义务:“保护”和维持“封臣”。 特征:“义务性”、“直属性”、“权力分散性”、“世袭性”。二、等级君主制 形成:1215年,《大宪章》的颁布,维护封君封臣的既定原则,维护教俗封建贵族的特权。 1265年召开的英国议会, 标志着英国等级君主制的初步形成。 时间:1215——1485 内容:1、司法和军事等方面的权利渐渐集中到中央; 2、等级代表会议则主要掌控国家赋税的批准权和 分摊权。 特征:君主的权力相对受到约束。 作用:等级君主制相对于中世纪早期的政治混乱和割据状态而言,具有历史进步意义,推动了社会经济的进 一步发展。 三、专制君主制 时间:1485——1649

内容:统治者君主(皇帝或国王王)拥有统治国家和公民自由的所有权力而没有法律或法定程序的制约。 特征:权力的高度集中 作用: 四、共和制 时间:1649——1653 内容:共和制国家最高权掌握在由选举产生,并有一定任期的国家机关或公职人员手中的政权组织形式。资本主义民主共和制根据立法机关与行政机关关系的不同,分为议会制共和制和总统制共和制。 民主制是相对于集权制而言的,区别在于:权力的行使必须体现大多数人的意志和利益。 而共和制是相对于君主制而言的,区别在于:国家的权力机关和国家元首是由选举产生还是世袭 五、君主立宪制 时间:1689——至今 确立:1689年《权利法案》的颁布。 发展: 1、责任内阁制: 起源:16——18世纪,枢密院外交委员会演化而来。当时即有内阁之称,但性质是封建君主的咨询机构。 形成:18世纪早期,英王退出内阁,沃波尔主持内阁会议。


报关常用英语大全 acceping bank 呈兑银行accepting house 呈兑行 actual tare 实际皮重 acctual weight 实际重量 ad valorem duty 从税价 ad valorem freight 从税运价advice of shipment 装运通知,装船通知air bill of lading 空运提单 air freight 空运费 air waybill 航空运单 airport of destination 目的地Art.No. 货号at sight 见票即付authorized agent 指定的代理人banker\\“s bill 银行汇票 bearer 持票人bill of lading 提单booking list 定舱清单,装货定舱表cargo in buld 散装货 cargo insurance 货物运输保险case No. 箱号 cash against bill of lading 凭提单付款 cash against delivery 货到付款cash against shipping ducuments 凭单付款 cash and delivery 付款交货,货到付款 certificate of origin 产地证明书certificate of quality 货物品质证书,质量证书 certificate of quantity 货物数量证明书,数量证书 CFR 成本加运费到.......价chargeable weight 计费重量charges 费用 clean bill of lading 清洁提单commission 佣金 commodity code 商品编码compensation 赔偿,补偿complaint 投诉 condisions of carriage 货运条件confirmation 确认 confirmed credit 保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑银行confirming house 保付商行consignee 收货人congsignee\\”s address 收货人地 址consignment agent 寄售代理人 consighment business 寄售业 二.报关英语常用词汇 import进口export出口 importn & export corporation(Corp.) importn & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback出口退税n importn & export licence processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工n buyer买方seller卖方 The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo, cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo, bonded cargo, cargo-owner What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released. Commodity(commodity inspection) merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一 商品 article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles) luggage 行李物品 postal items 邮递物品 You don’t hav e to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty means of transport(conveyance)运 输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory. ocean vessel船名 packing(bag袋, bale包,bottle, coil 圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages合计件 数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单 位,drum桶,carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱,pallet托盘, container ,in bulk) weight重量 gross weight毛重 net weight净重 tare皮重 quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases. description of goods货名 name and specifications of commodity品名及规格 type类型 mode (term)of trade贸易方式 name of trading country贸易国 date of importation进口日期 value价值 total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying value The duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty. The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs. price价格 unit price单价 total price总价 total amount总价 consignor发货人consignee收货人 While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packing Declaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the
