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I. Multiple Choice

1. to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.

A. Being exposed

B. Having exposed

C. After being exposed

D. Exposing

2. A television programme "Kim will fix it" invites viewers to say what they want to do.

A. being called

B. having been called

C. calling

D. called

3. The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, after 11 p.m.

A. to staying out

B. to stay out

C. staying out

D. stay out

4. the right decisions the future is probably the most important thing we’ll do in our lives.

A. Making; concerning

B. Make; concerning

C. To make; concerned

D.Making; concerned

5. The new engine right now will be used in the new type of airplane soon.

A. to be experimented on

B. being experimented on

C. having been experimented on

D. experimented on

6. Rose found her toy bear under the chair.

A. hiding

B. to hide

C. having hidden

D. hidden

7. When passing me he pretended me.

A. to see

B. not having seen

C. to have not seen

D. not to have seen

8. The Town Hall in the 1800's was the most distinguished building at that time.

A. to be completed

B. having been completed

C. completed

D. being completed

9. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work , he gladly accepted it.

A. finished

B. finishing

C. having finished

D. was finished

10. ——Come on! Please give me some idea about the project.

——Sorry. With so much work my mind, I almost break down.

A. filled

B. filling

C. to fill

D. being filled

11. The manager said his company was not going to any more staff for the moment.

A. take off

B. take down

C. take up

D. take on

12. Peter received a letter just now his grandma would come to see him soon.

A. said

B. says

C. saying

D. to say

13. I do appreciate able to come to my party tomorrow evening.

A. you will

B. you to be

C. your being

D. to your being

14. The boy around the neighborhood, of something that he wanted.

A. wandered; looking

B. wandered; looked

C. wandering; looking

D. wandering; looked

15. The book made this kind of paper is not popular, because the paper easily.

A. of; tear

B. from; tear

C. of; tears

D. from; tears

16. Frightened by the snake, the girl crying near the well.

A. burst in

B. burst upon

C. burst into

D. burst out

17. In the crowded bus we often find young people the old or the woman with a baby.

A. make a room for

B. making a room for

C. to make room for

D. making room for

18.——Have you received any e-mails recently?

——Yes. I letters and cards many times while I was in Germany.

A. have received

B. had received

C. received

D. would receive

19. With a lot of difficult problems , the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

A. settled

B. settling

C. to settle

D. being settled

20. ——Did Mary come? ——I don't know. She while I was out.

A. might have come

B. might come

C. must have come

D. should have come Ⅱ.Cloze Test

During Christmas break from college, a young man wanted to borrow his father’s car to drive to a New Year’s Eve 21 to be held in Vermont. The father was 22 about the son hitting one of the roadblocks that people set up all over the place on New Year’s Eve. The 23 that reached was that the son would be allowed to use the car, but he would not drink at all.

So he drove to Vermont, got completely 24 and attempted to drive home. On the way home he hit a roadblock. He was told to 25 the car and stand in a line of people that were being given the breath alcoholic 26 . However, the policeman 27 him out. He was 28 standing off to the side while the others were 29 the police officer how well they could walk a 30 line, etc.

At 7:00 a.m., his father got up to answer the 31 . There were 32 policemen there. They asked him if he was the 33 of that red FIAT. He replied, “Yes, I am.” One of the policemen asked him if he was driving the car the evening before and he said that his son had been the driver.

When the young man 34 himself in front of the policemen, he knew he was in some sort of 35 . Upon questioning, he 36 that he was driving the car, but when asked if he had been 37 , he said, “No!”When the policemen asked if he could see his car, he was unable to remember the 38 . He said that it was in the garage.

And when the four of them walked out to look at the car, instead of looking at the car he had driven the 39 before, they saw a 40 car parked there.

21. A. party B. meeting C. dinner D. test

22. A. sure B. worried C. curious D. anxious

23. A. suggestion B. condition C. conclusion D. agreement

24. A. excited B. tired C. pleased D. drunk

25. A. stop B. get out of C. drive D. get into

26. A. punishment B. test C. education D. talk

27. A. gave B. made C. missed D. found

28. A. considered B. required C. suggested D. left

29. A. showing B. explaining C. asking D. telling

30. A. long B. straight C. calm D. direct

31. A. telephone B. call C. doorbell D. question

32. A. many B. two C. four D. one

33. A. manager B. father C. student D. owner

34. A. stood B. found C. put D. took

35. A. danger B. test C. trouble D. accident

36. A. believed B. told C. admitted D. said

37. A. driving B. hurting C. drinking D. missing

38. A. drive B. test C. time D. line

39. A. day B. morning C. night D. afternoon

40. A. similar B. familiar C. police D. damaged

III. Reading Comprehension

【A】Here’s a joke.

Bill Gates and the president of General Motors have met for lunch, and Bill is going on and on about computer technology. “If automotive technology had kept pace with computer technology over the past few decades, you would now be driving a V-32 instead of a V-8, and it would have a top speed of 10,000 miles per hour,”says Gates, “Or, you could have an economy car that weighs 30 pounds and gets a thousand miles to a gallon of gas. In either case, the sticker price (标价) of a new car would be less than $ 50. Why haven’t you guys kept up?”

The president of GM smiles and says, “Because the federal government won’t let us build cars that crash four times a day.”

Why is that funny (or not funny, as the case may be)? Human beings love to laugh, and the average adult laughs 17 times a day. Humans love to laugh so much that there are actually industries built around laughter. Jokes, sitcoms and comedies are all designed to get us laughing, because laughing feels good. For us it seems so natural, but the funny thing is that humans are the only species that laughs. Laughter is actually a complex response that involves many of the same skills used in solving problems.

Laughter is a great thing —that’s why we’ve all heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease. When we look at laughter — what it is, what happens in our brains when we laugh, what makes us laugh and how it can make us healthier and happier, there’s a huge amount about it that no one understands yet.

41. The best title of the passage is ________.

A. Joke

B. Laughter

C. Fun

D. Humor

42. Which of the following sentences in this passage is the most humorous?

A. You would now be driving a V-32 instead of V-8.

B. It would have a top speed of 10,000 miles per hour.

C. The sticker price of a new car would be less than $ 50.

D. The federal government won’t let us build cars that crash four times a day.

43. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Humans laugh because of jokes, sitcoms and comedies.

B. Humans laugh because it can fight disease.

C. Humans have gained skills to laugh since they are born.

D. Laughter is a complex response of humans.

44. What is the writer likely to talk about next?

A. What is laughter?

B. How do people laugh?

C. Why is laughter the best medicine?

D. Where does laughter take place?

【B】Do you know of Guo Degang? In recent months he has become well known in China as a crosstalker. He has never performed on TV before, but attending his crosstalk performance is becoming increasingly fashionable in Beijing, especially for youth and school children.

Guo arrived in Beijing from Tianjin in 1995 and came across a teahouse where he found several young people performing crosstalk. Being a crosstalker himself, he couldn’t help taking to the stage. Gradually, more and more people came to the teahouse to see him perform. He soon found himself playing to audiences numbering more than 100 in a teahouse that could only contain 80.

As his popularity grew, Guo thought over the future of his art. “Traditional crosstalk is at least half an hour long, but performances are no longer than five minutes on TV, which kills much of the story. TV is part of the fast-food culture and crosstalk is a face-to-face art form — it needs interaction, and is not suited to TV,” Guo said. He decided to bring it back to its roots: the teahouse and theater.

In 1996, Guo and some young crosstalk actors founded Deyun Crosstalk Association. Over the next ten years, the association organized countless performances in teahouses across Beijing. Despite their growing popularity, Guo ensured that ticket prices were kept low to make the art form accessible to everyone. Tickets to his performances are still 20 yuan today. And in keeping with technology and modern times, the association set up a BBS site on the Internet where fans could download recordings and discuss performances with actors.

He hopes that through their efforts, more young people will learn to appreciate crosstalk and perhaps train to be crosstalkers themselves.

45. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. Guo Degang and his traditional crosstalk

B. A traditional art form — crosstalk

C. The development history of crosstalk

D. Deyun Crosstalk Association

46. From the passage, we can know the crosstalk has its origin in ________.

A. the teahouse and theater

B. the TV show

C. the common people

D. the cinema

47. Of the following statements about the BBS site set up by association, which is NOT true?

A. Fans can download recordings on the site.

B. Fans have an opportunity to discuss performances with actors

C. This is a way to keep pace with technology and modern times.

D. On the site Fans can get professional training to be crosstalkers themselves.

48. From the passage, we can know the following EXCEPT ________.

A. the crosstalk is a face-to- face art which needs interaction

B. Guo was a crosstalker when he was in Tianjing

C. the performances of Guo are very popular

D. the tickets to Guo’s performances may rise in future

IV. Writing


四年级第八册第六单元整组教学 专题走进田园热爱生活 一.单元要点分析 本组教材围绕“走进田园,热爱乡村”这一专题,编排了四篇文章。都围绕乡村生活,田园风光来叙事描写。 《乡下人家》描写了富有诗意的乡村生活;《牧场之国》展现了异国的田园风光;《古诗词三首》更是生动地再现了一幅幅乡村风光,田园诗趣的图画;《麦哨》则侧重于描绘了乡村儿童在田间无拘无束,充满乐趣的童年生活。每篇文章虽然从不同角度描写了乡村的景色和生活,描写方法也各具特色,但都表达了同样的情感,即对乡村田园生活由衷地热爱,赞美与向往。 21 乡下人家 文章按房前屋后的空间顺序和春夏秋三季,白天傍晚夜间的时间顺序交叉描写,展现了乡下人家朴实自然和谐,充满诗情画意的乡村生活,也赞扬了乡下人家热爱生活,善于用自己勤劳的双手装点自己的家园,装点自己生活的美好品质。作者还通过对动植物拟人化的描写来表达自己热爱乡村生活的情感。 22 牧场之国 课文为我们描绘了荷兰牧场白日的辽阔无际,宁静和谐和夜晚的祥和寂静,神秘含蓄,让我们看到了荷兰牧场和运河交错的独特地形,看到了荷兰蓝天,碧草,牛羊组成的优美迷人,自然和谐的景观,所以作者四次讲到“这就是真正的荷兰”。这既是作者在向人们介绍荷兰的特点,更是对荷兰的美景发出的赞叹。本文语言生动,形象传神,比喻,拟人是本文语言上的一个突出特点。 23 古诗词三首 《古诗词三首》分别写了乡村田园与水乡渔村的勤劳,快乐的生活,表达了乡野生活的平静,安宁。在读中体会田园,渔乡的生活,或繁忙或闲适,或安宁,以读来体会理解,对诗歌展开想象,进行相象,补充,构成美好的画面,用自己的语言进行描绘,使文章更加生动,具体。 24 《麦哨》 以生动有情趣的笔调抒写着乡村孩子快乐的童年,在声声麦哨里,孩子们勤劳地割草,快乐地嬉戏,嘴馋地吮吸,表现了乡村浓浓的欢乐。教学中了解作者


新牛津高中英语模块六第一单元知识点整理及单元练习 M6 UNIT 1 一、词汇大集合 Page2-3 1. a popular form of comedy 一种流行的喜剧形式 2. stand up for your health 对你的健康有益 3. talk straight to audience members 直接与观众交流 4. tease an audience member 开一个观众的玩笑 5. depend upon 取决于 6. react to 对……的反应 7. a variety of 多种多样 8. queue up 排队 9. rely on 依赖于 10. visual humour 视觉幽默 11. be inspired by objects 被物体所激发 12. make jokes about/make fun of/play jokes on 开……的玩笑 13. play tennis 打网球 14. lose weight 减轻体重 15. trip over chairs 被椅子绊倒

16. walk into doors 撞到房门 17. fall down on stage 摔倒在舞台上 18. absurd humour 荒唐的幽默 19. do impressions 模仿 20. have affection for 喜欢…… 21. only a few of 仅仅有一些 22. later on in life 在之后的人生中 23. one such person 一个这样的人 24. go on to act in films 接着在电影中表演 25. host the Academy Awards 主持奥斯卡颁奖仪式 26. perform his stand up routine 按照他的惯例表演节目 27. be broadcast live 广播直播 28. one little-know fact 一个鲜为人知的事实 29. be very quick thinking 有敏捷的思维 30. come up with 想出 31. a technical problem 一个技术问题 32. make up a new joke 编出一个新笑话 33. get his start in silent films 从无声电影起家 34. howl with laughter 哄堂大笑 35. be popular with 受……的欢迎 36. all age groups 所有年龄段


第六单元人间真情 姓名:年级: 一、默写古诗。 《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》《送元二使安西》 故人西辞黄鹤楼,渭城朝雨浥轻尘, 烟花三月下扬州。客舍青青柳色新。 孤帆远影碧空尽,劝君更尽一杯酒, 唯见长江天际流。西出阳关无故人。 二、词语解释。 故人:老朋友。 烟花:形容花开地繁茂,想浮动的烟雾。 尽:尽头,指消失。 唯见:只见。 天际:天边。 朝雨:早晨下的雨。 浥:湿润。 更尽:再饮完。 三、古诗填空。 1、《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》中叙述送别地点和友人去向的诗句是: 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。 2、诗人用孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。表达了帆影消逝,自己还在凝望江面的意境,巧妙地将情景交融在一起。 3、《送元二使安西》既没有刻画酒席场面,也没有直接抒发离情别绪,但我们根据诗句劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。能想象出一对好友祝酒话别的情景。 4、《送元二使安西》中交代送别环境的诗句是渭城朝雨浥轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。 四、重点语段分析。 1、假如遇上老人来走搭石,年轻人总要伏下身子背老人过去,人们把这看成理所当然的事。《搭石》 “这”指的是假如遇上老人来走搭石,年轻人总要伏下身子背老人过去。这个事例表明家乡人有尊老敬老的传统美德。 2、一排排搭石,任人走,任人踏,它们联结着故乡的小路,也联结着乡亲们美好的情感。《搭石》 “它们”指的是一排排搭石。“乡亲们美好的情感”指的是乡亲们无私奉献的精神和一心一意为他人着想的传统美德。 3、那血脉亲情,如同生命的火种,必将一代一代传下去。《跨越海峡的生命桥》 这句话的意思是:这座用爱心架起的生命桥一定会永远屹立在两岸同胞的心中,这种血脉亲情是生命的火种,必将愈燃愈烈,经久不息,世代相传。 4、“跨越海峡的生命桥”指的是台湾人民和大陆人民难以割舍的血脉亲情。


Project Making an action plan Reading 1.At the beginning of this class, let’s watch a video. From it, we know that when a nation is in trouble, the people all over the world will give a hand. And we also know that when a destructive disaster happens, medical aid is especially important to the injured people. Today we’ll read a diary entry of a nurse who works for an international organization that provides medical service around the world. After that, I’m sure you’ll have a better understanding about what can be done to help poor people in poor areas. 2. Pair work: Have a discussion about the following questions: Have you ever heard of an organization called MSF? What does MSF stand for? What does it mean in English? Who do you think the members of MSF are? For reference About MSF: The MSF role in emergency medical aid Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 70 countries. In countries where health structures are insufficient or even non-existent, MSF collaborates with authorities such as the Ministry of Health to provide assistance. MSF works in rehabilitation of hospitals and dispensaries, vaccination programmes and water and sanitation projects. MSF also works in remote health care centres, slum areas and provides training of local personnel. All this is done with the objective of rebuilding health structures to acceptable levels. Raising Awareness In carrying out humanitarian assistance, MSF seeks also to raise awareness of crisis situations; MSF acts as a witness and will speak out, either in private or in public about the plight of populations in danger for whom MSF works. In doing so, MSF sets out to alleviate human suffering, to protect life and health and to restore and ensure respect for the human beings and their fundamental human rights. Only a small percentage of the populations that find themselves in a situation of danger gain the attention of the media. MSF teams travel to places that many people have never heard of, to assist those who have fallen victim to natural or man-made disasters. MSF volunteers have a story to tell when they return from their missions, and they use their experiences to speak of what they have seen. For MSF, raising awareness for these populations and the situations they are in is an important task. Whenever possible, MSF volunteers give interviews and make presentations. MSF offices worldwide facilitate the organization of gatherings, for individuals and groups who want to speak in their home communities. MSF also mounts exhibitions and, from time to time, releases publications, with the aim of raising awareness.

外研社六年级英语下册 第四模块测试题

第四模块测试题 ( ) 1. It you’re going to stay hungry. A .likes B. looks c. looks like ( ) 2. The birds are singing the tree. A. about B. on C. in ( )3. I want to the bus. A. driving B. drive C. drives ( )4.I want a hot dog lots of cheese A. in B. to C. with ( ) 5. I bought you a book _______America. A. about B. for C. with ( )6. It’s raining and we are ________a tree. A. in B. under C. on ( )7. Now the train is coming _______the station. A. to B. at C. in ( ) 8. – I had a very funny day Sunday. A . on B. at C. in ( ) 9. – I going to have a birthday party ? A. Is B. Are C. Am ( )10. – are you wearing a raincoat? –Because it’s going to rain. A. What B. When C. Why A. a B. the C. / ( ) 12. Here your hamburgers. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 13. Tom can help her her bag. A. with B. / C. for ( ) 14. Hold on the balloons, please. A. to B. under C. after ( ) 15. The weather very good. A. be B. were C. are D. is 二、选择恰当的选项补全单词。 三、按要求完成下列题。 1. Kate is making you a car.(变为同义句) 2. They will go and play football.(变为否定句) 3. Can I help you? (变为同义句) 四、情境连线: ( )1、How are you ? A. He’s getting on the bus. ( )2、Where is your mum? B. Yes, you are. ( )3、Am I going to have a birthday party? C. I’m fine thank you .and you?


四年级下册第六单元教材解读 语文要素: ·学习怎样把握长文章的主要内容。 ·按一定顺序把事情的过程写清楚。 要素分析: 新课标中在第二学段的目标与内容中就明确提出“能初步把握文章的主要内容”这个目标要求。 “能初步把握文章的主要内容”在小学语文阅读能力中属于分析概括能力,在它的训练形成过程中,提取信息的能力、作出解释的能力和整体把握的能力都得到培养和形成。 四年级上册第四单元就提出“了解故事的起因、经过、结果,学习把握文章的主要内容”,要求在这个单元复述故事的过程,学习把握文章主要内容。 四年级上册第七单元提出“关注人物和事件,学习把握文章的主要内容”。 五年级上册第八单元提出“阅读时注意根据要求梳理信息,把握内容要点”旨在加强方法的迁移运用,培养学生把握说明下文章主要内容的能力。 六年级上册第八单元的“交流平台”对小学阶段学子的“把握文章的主要内容”意义和方法做了归纳总结。 编排特点及编写意图 把握长文章的主要内容对于中年级学生来说有一定的难度,但这一单元选取的都是故事性较强的长文章,文章的内容都是反应学生生活的,贴近学

生生活与心理,并且长文章都己经被分成了几个部分,学生只需要在概括每个部分意思的基础上,把握整篇文章的主要内容就可以。 《小英雄雨来》课后第二题,要求学生照样子给其它四个部分列小标题,并说说主要内容。编者用序号来标识,一方面是想让学生见一下这样的长文章的标识的形式,另一方面是想让他们自己概括每个部分的主要内容。 《我家的男子汉》,它的阅读提示是让学生结合课文中的小标题,说说为什么说这个孩子是男子汉,以及作者对他的情感。这篇课文是要让学生直接借助小标题,概括每个部分的主要内容。当然,为了训练学生的概括能力,阅读提示也提出了可以给每个部分换个小标题的要求。 《芦花鞋》是用空行的方式来标识每个部分。阅读提示是要引导学生给每个部分列出小标题,把握课文的主要内容。通过这样的训练,学生就能够初步掌握长文章主要内容的方法,就是先概括每个部分的主要意思,再把每个部分的意思连起来,这个单元的教学就要充分利用学生的已知,以及四年级上册的怎样把握一件事,和多件事的主要内容。 除此之外,教科书还在《小英雄雨来》中通过泡泡提示了阅读长文章过程中需要注意的问题。比如可以提醒学生读完一个部分后,可以停下来想一想,这个部分讲的是什么,及时进行概括。这样可以删繁就简,减轻记忆的负担。还有一个方法,如果你遗忘了前面的内容,你可以回读。 教学提示:


Task Writing to a foreign friend This section consists of a series of activities which provide you with opportunities to learn and practice the listening, speaking, reading and writing skill. This section is divided into three steps and each step is preceded with a skills building part. Through listening and reading, you will get information about Chinese crosstalk. You are asked to use the information you have got to write an e-mail to a foreign friend answering his questions about Chinese crosstalk. Skills building 1: identifying priorities In this part, you will learn how to identify the most important part and the least important part of a task. Now look at the sentences on the blackboard. I need to know how many of you will go to watch the play this Saturday. I’ll have to book the tickets. I want to know why you are so interested in the play. I would like to know how you will go to the theatre. Discuss in your groups and decide which one means the most important request and which one is the least important request. And give me your reasons. ( Do not judge whether their answers are right or not directly. Take notes of the reasons beside the sentences on the blackboard.) If you want to know whether your judgment is right or wrong, you can refer to the guideline and the three points in skills building 1 on page 10. Now have you known how to identify the most urgent request? Let’s come back to the sentences on the blackboard and check if you have judged correctly. Step 1: answering questions This part is designed to help you develop your listening skills. You are first asked to take some notes while listening to a telephone message and decide which requests are the most important, somewhat important or the least important, according to what you have learnt in Skills building 1. Then you will listen to an English radio talk show and read a magazine article to get more information needed to find the answers to the questions asked by a foreign friend. 1 read Part A on page 10 to make sure what you are asked to do when listening to the recording. While listening, you should take some notes and pay attention to the words used in Bill’s requests,


Module 4 Unit 1 基础篇 一、单词 1 超市______________ 2 聚会___________ 3 提,拎_________ 4 所有事情/ 东西_____________ 5 卡片_________ 6 小心的______________ 7 掉下_________ 8 气球___________ 9 楼梯____________ 10 混乱__________________ 二、词组 1 在超市__________________ = __________________ 2. 举办一个生日派对________________________ 3 将要/ 计划/ 打算做某事____________________4 小心点儿__________________ 5 飞走_______________ 6 生日蛋糕___________________7 生日快乐____________________8 掉落______________9 上楼______________10 下楼_________________ 三、选择 ( ) 1 ____ I going to have a birthday party? A Am B Is C Are D Do ( ) 2 Look at the balloons . They ____ “Welcome”. A are B were C say D write ( ) 3 Look , the oranges are falling ____ the stairs . A on B down C in D at ( ) 4 Winter comes , the birds fly ____ to the warm places . A on B in C at D away 四、选词填空 1 My mother is buying things _______ my birthday . ( to , for ) 2 The things are too heavy . I can’t carry __________. (everything , anything ) 3 The oranges are falling _________ .(away , down ) 4 The balloons are flying _________ (down , away ) 5 It’s dangerous ! Be ____________ ! (quiet , careful ) 6 The pencils ______ falling down . ( are , is ) 7 What a _______ ( miss , mess ) 8 The __________ are colorful . ( balloon , balloons ) 五、用所给词的适当形式填空 1 The books are too heavy . I can’t carry _______ all . ( they ) 2 My kite is flying away . Who can help _______ ( I ) . 3 The apples are falling down the ___________ ( stair ) . 4 Please pick _______ the pencil for me . ( down ) 5 My mother is __________ the room . ( clean ) 6 Look , the birds are _______________ ( fly away ). 六、连词成句 1 me can who help ? 2 birthday going I have am to a party . 3 buying his for things him father is . 4 blackboard she to is walking the . 5 Daming’s making am card I birthday . 九、句型转换 1 He is sitting down now .(变成否定句)________________________________________________________________ 2 My mother is at the supermarket .(对划线部分提问)____________________________________________________ 3 He is playing basketball .(对划线部分提问)____________________________________________________________ 4 I’m going to rest in my bedroom .(对划线部分提问)______________________________________________________ 5 The ducks are swimming in the water .(对划线部分提问)__________________________________________________ Module 4 Unit 2 拓展篇 阅读材料 Dr Wang is a children’s dentist . Most of his patients are children . Children like to come to his office . He tells them about their teeth . He cleans their teeth well . He also take care of their toothache and fixes their broken teeth . Then he gives them a gift . He lives in the country , but his office is in the city . He has to get up at 6 : 15 every morning . Then he drives to work . It takes half an hour to get to his office . He finishes his breakfast there . At about 8:00 he begins to work . 判断对错 ( ) 1 Dr Wang is a dentist . ( ) 2 Most of Dr Wang’s patients are children . ( ) 3 Dr Wang lives in the city . ( ) 4 Dr Wang has to get up at 6:00 every morning . ( ) 5 Dr Wang has his breakfast in his office . 选择正确答案 ( ) 1 Dr Wang is ______ . A a doctor B a patient C a man doctor D a children’s dentist


四上Unit Six Meet My Family 教材分析:本单元内容主要围绕家庭成员展开。通过学习,学生能介绍自我的设计 己的家庭和描述自己的家庭成员等。学习内容贴近学生的生活,教师在学习中易于创设情景,学生也会比较感兴趣。 一、单元教学目标 (一)、能力目标 1. 能够简单介绍自己的家庭,如:This is my uncle. 2. 能够简单描述家庭成员,如:He’s a baseball player. He looks strong. 3. 能听懂一些简单的指令,如:Act like a …….并能按照指令做出相应的动作。 4. 会唱歌曲“Father and Mother”。 (二)、知识目标 1.掌握单词father, mother, sister, brother, doctor, nurse, driver, farmer,能熟练听、说、读、写。 2.认读、理解A、B部分let’s learn 、Let’s talk中的单词和句子及Let’s chant部分的句型。 3.了解Story time、Good to know 等部分的内容。 (三)、情感、策略、文化等有关目标 1.情感态度:培养学生热爱家庭,热爱生活的美好情感。 2.学习策略:积极运用所学英语进行表达、交流。 3.文化目标:了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗。 二、重点、难点 重点:1.能够简单介绍自己的家庭。 2.一般疑问句的学习和简单运用。 难点:综合运用本单元的主要句型描述自己的家庭成员。 三、课时安排:六课时 第一课时:A Let’s learn Group work C Good to know


Reading Stand-up for Your Health Step 1: Lead-in T: Do you know who this person is? S: Charlie Chaplin, a famous American comedian. T: What kind of imagine will appear in your mind? S: He always wears a small black hat, very wide trousers and a moustache, and carries a stick that he swings in the air as he walks. T: How do you feel at the sight of him? S: He is humorous and makes us laugh. T: what’s the style of his film? S: In his film, he’s never the Mr. Big and he always has much trouble in his life. However, he uses his sense of humor to teach people that there are always ways to face problems if you are able to laugh. T: Do you think laughing is good for people’s health? S: Yes. Laughter is a bridge that can lead people to health, happiness and peace. It is a good therapy to help people get rid of bitterness and forget all the problems. T: Today, we’ll learn a passage entitled “Stand-up for your health!” Do you know the meaning of “Stand-up” here? Does it mean you have to stand up to keep healthy? S: No. “Stand-up” is a kind of comedy in which the comedian stands in front of the audience and talk directly to audience members. Step 2: Fast-reading for general idea. Go through the passage as quickly as possible and find answers to the three questions in Part A. 1 What is the article about? 2 How many types of stand-up are there? Answers 1 It’s about stand-up comedy. 2 There are four main types. 3 It’s good for our health. Step 3: Careful-reading for detailed information 1 What is special about stand-up comedy? 2 what are the four main types of stand-up? 3 When did Billy Crystal begin practicing stand-up? 4 What is one reason Billy Crystal has become so famous? 5 How many times has Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards? 6 Who were Bob Hope and George Burns? 7 What dies your brain do when you laugh?

特长班复习讲义 第六模块第四单元

第六模块第四单元 第一课时单词词组及语言点 一、Key Phrases 1.出毛病;失常 2.谈到;涉及;指 3.由-----组成 4.sth 荣幸地做某事 5.接受;雇用 6.以……为基础 7.建立友好的关系 8.涉及……的 9.另外…… 10.提高人对……的意识 11.把……加到…… 12.教育的匮乏 13.同意做某事 14.代表…… 15.发展中的国家 16.工作条件 17.集中…… 18.缺乏…… 19.劝告做某事 20.关心…… 21.捷径,门路 22.使某人想起 23.………的收藏 24.特殊任务战士 25.……的缺少 26.贫穷的生活 27.自来水 28.亲善大使 29.吸引当地人的注意 30.一笔钱 31.在……的保护下 32.饮用水 33.可利用的;可以得到的 34.初等教育 35.在联合国网站上查询 1

36.维和行动 37.来自于世界各地 38.生活标准 39.工作条件 40.次序颠倒 41.混乱 42.增重 43.从……到……地方 44.……的限制 45.回想 二、Explain the useful points refer v. 1)refer to sb./ sth. 涉及,提到 In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays. The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors. 2)refer sb. to sth. 托付,交付 My doctor referred me to a hospital specialist. 3)refer (sb.) to sth. 参考 She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes. He referred to a history book to find out the dates of ?t he French Revolution. ?r eference n. [C or U] 提及,涉及 Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any reference to weddings. I am writing with/in reference to your letter of 15 March. [C]参考书 相关高考试题 1. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it shopping and eating. (2006 天津) A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to 2. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ________his notes. (2005浙江) A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on in honour of sb./ sth. 为了纪念……;为了表示对……的敬意 a banquet in honour of the president [C]荣耀的人或事; 荣幸 She received an honour for her services to the community. He was buried with full military honours It’s a great honour to be invited. 2


、单项选择题:in B. ( )1. It you' re going to stay hungry. A .likes B. looks c. looks like ( )2. The birds are singing the tree. A. about B. on C. i n ( )3. I want to the bus. A. driv ing B. drive C . drives ( )want a hot dog lots of cheese A. in B. to C. with ( )5. I bought you a book _______ America. A. about B. for C. with ( )6. It ' s raining and we are a tree. A. un der C ;.on ( )7. Now the train is coming the stati on. A. to B. at C. i n ( )8.- I had a very funny day Sun day. A . on B. at C. in ( )9. —I going to have a birthday party ? A. Is B. Are C. Am ( )1 - are you weari ng a rain coat? -Because it 's going to rai n. A. What B.

When C. Why 三、按要求完成下列题。 ( )11. —can you play suona ? - Y es, I can. 1. Kate is making you a car.( 变为同义句) A. a B. the C. / Kate is a car you. ()12. Here your hamburgers. 2. They will go and play football.( 变为否定句) A. is B. are C. be ()13. Tom can help her her bag. A. with B. / C. for They go and play football. 3. Can I help you?( 变为同义句) Can I for you ? ()14. Hold on the ballo ons, please. 4. Lin tao can help me.( 对画线部分提问) A. to B. un der C. after help me ? ()15. The weather very good. A. be B. were C. are D. is 二、选择恰当的选项补全单词。 5. Does the tiger (live) in the zoo? 四、情境连线: ()1. L k A. aa B. ee C. oo ( )1、How are ()2. t e A. im B. in C. mi you ? A. He' s () A. rg B. ry C. vy ()4. C A. om B. ew C. ow ()5. l y A. p; a B. q; a C. p; e gett ing on the bus. ( )2、Whereis your mum? B Y es, you are.

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