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三年级下册英语教案-Unit 《Clothes》|鲁科版五四学制三起

三年级下册英语教案-Unit 《Clothes》|鲁科版五四学制三起
三年级下册英语教案-Unit 《Clothes》|鲁科版五四学制三起

Unit 2 Clothes



2、能听懂、会说、认读单词:sweater,too, small等单词,并能结合句型灵活运用。

3、能听懂会说认读句型:I have a new sweater . Is this your cap? Whose coat is this?




能听懂、会说并认读句子:“I have a new sweater.”“Is this your cap?”“Whose coat is this?’’能够运用所学句型描述衣物并谈论衣物的所属关系。


whose coat is this? 的意思及运用。

Lesson 1 I have a new sweater.


教师播放第一册课本第45页Let’s chant部分的录音,复习颜色词,活跃课堂气氛,进入学习状态。


1.教师出示毛衣的图片,问学生:“What’s this?”教授单词sweater之后,可引导学生描述一下图片中的毛衣,如“It’s red.”“It’s big.”等。

2.教师出示本课Listen and say部分的挂图,让学生对Li Mi ng的新毛衣和旧毛衣进行描述,如“It’s too small.”“It’s new.”“It’s cool.”在此过程中出示单词卡片学习too ,small ,new和cool。

3.播放课文录音或教学光盘,提示学生进一步了解课文大意,注意Li Ming得到新毛衣以后的反应以及Jenny对新毛衣的评价。教师请学生找出“You have a new sweater.”并进行教授。最后教师可问学生Li Ming是否喜欢他的新毛衣,教师出示单词卡片,学习单词love。

4.播放Listen and say 部分的录音或教学光盘,请学生模仿跟读。



2.看课本Let’s talk部分的插图,先请学生观察图片理解本不跟内容,然后读出句子。最后播放Let’s talk部分的录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读。


1.指导学生分成两人一组进行交流,一人说出自己的物品,另一人进行描述。如一人指着自己的毛衣说:“I have a sweater.”另一人描述:“It’s green. It’s lovely.”

2.教师示范,指着自己身上穿的衣服说:“I have a new c oat. It’s yellow.”,请学生模仿,对自己的衣服进行描述。教师可引导学生扩大描述物品的范文,包括衣服、学习用品等。




3.请学生观察Let’s copy的部分单词中描红的字母,并进行摹写。

六、课外活动(Aft er—school Activities)



Lesson 2 Is this your cap?


“Simon says”游戏,方法如下:教师在发出指令前说“Simon says”,则学生做此动作;如果没说“Simon says”,则不做此动作。例如教师说:“Simon says touch your coat.”此时学生应触摸自己的外套。教师说:“Touch your coat.”此时学生不应触摸自己的外套。运用游戏,集中学生的注意力,同时为本课的学习作准备。


1.教师出示一顶帽子,问学生:“What’s this?”教授单词cap,引导学生描述帽子的颜色或大小。

2.教师出示Listen and say 部分的挂图,介绍情景:“Miss Zhang捡到了一顶帽子,让我没问呢看看这顶帽子是谁的。”播放课文录音或教学光盘,让学生找到帽子的主人。此过程中,教师应引导学生分析课文,并问学生:“What colour is Guo

Yang’s cap?What colour is Danny’s cap?”

3.教师再次播放课文录音,让学生仔细听Miss Zhang是怎样询问失主的,大家又是怎样回答的,请学生边听边找出相关语句“Is this your cap?”“Yes, it is.”“No, it isn’t.”教师教授这些语句。

4.播放Listen and say部分的录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读。



2.教师播放Let’s talk部分的录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读,同桌间练习。

3.教师播放Le t’s sing 部分的内容,学生模仿跟唱。对于歌词中wearing, dress等生词,教师应给予学生适当的帮助。


1.教师课前向学生借用一些物品,如文具、衣帽等,放在一个纸袋内。课上,教师从纸袋里拿出一件物品并随机问一位学生“Is this your ...?”如果是该生的,该生就回答Yes,it is.如果不是,则回答No,it isn’t.然后请学生相互询问,进行练习。





Lesson 3 Whose coat is this?


教师播放课本第13页的歌曲“What are you wearing?”复习以前学过的服装类的单词,营造学习氛围,激发学习兴趣。


1.教师出示Listen and say 部分的挂图并介绍情景:同学们在操场上踢足球,Danny 帮大家保管衣物。运动结束,Danny询问衣服的主人,请大家分发衣物。让学生仔细观察图片,找出Danny都保管了那些衣物。教师出示单词卡片,学习新单词jacket和trousers.

2.教师播放录音或教学光盘,提示学生注意Danny 是如何询问的,边听边找出

问句“Is this your coat, Guo Yang?”“Whose jacket is this?”“Whose trousers are these?”教师教授这些语句。

3.教师在学生已基本了解课文大意后,呈现图片coat ,jacket ,trousers, 依次提问“Whose coat/jacket is this?”“Whose trousers are these?”的答语为“They’re…”




2.观察Let’s talk部分的插图,先让学生说一说图片中有哪些衣物,然后问:“Whose jacket is this?”请学生回答。其余几件衣物让学生两人一组进行回答。最后播放录音或教学光盘,学生跟读模仿。


1、请学生四人一组仿照课文内容进行对话。一位学生借用组员的一些文具,然后用句型“Whose…is this?,Is this your…?,询问,其他组员回答“It’s…"“Yes,it is./No, it isn't.”



1、教师出示字母Ll Mm N n片,请学生认读,注意纠正学生的发音。


3、请学生观察课本Let's copy部分单词中标红的字母,并进行摹写。

4、完成配套练习册中的Read and copy部分。

六、课外活动(After-school Activities)



Lesson 4 Again , Please !


1.请学生演唱课本第13页的歌曲“What Are You Wearing?”并帮助学生替换衣物单词进行改编演唱。



1.观察Let’s talk 部分的插图,让学生感知课文内容。引导学生归纳本单元的句型“Whose …is this?”“It’s …”“Is this…?”“Yes, it is.”“No, it isn’t.”


3.教师出示单词卡片:sweater, cap ,coat ,jacket ,trousers ,让学生快速抢答这些单词。之后教师问:“Whose …is this/ are these?”学生回答。练过几次之后,可把任务交给学生,请一位学生询问,其他学生抢答。


1.请学生分为多人一组,每人拿出自己的一样物品放到桌子上进行介绍。例如“This is my pencil.”大家都介绍完之后,选出一位学生询问,例如“Whose pencil is this?”组内的一位成员回答。然后依次练习,看谁记得多、说得准。

2.请学生分组进行活动:根据教室内衣架上的衣物,用“Whose …is this?”“Is this …?”进行问答。

3.Fun Time部分。

(1)教师引导学生观察图片并读出句子“Look at Danny. His coat is black. He’s cool!”帮助学生理解本部分的意思。




四、课外活动(After-school Activities)



人教版英语九年级全一册教案:Unit14 SectionB(1a-1e)

Unit14 SectionB(1a-1e)教案 1.0 Teaching objectives 教学目标 Language targets 语言目标 Key Words and Chunks For applying: manager||,believe in||,hope to do||,in the future||,become||,accept||,invitation||,change||,graduate||,look forward to||,win a prize For comprehending: degree Sentence Structures 1) What do you hope to do in the future? 2) I hope to get a business degree and become a manager. 3) The students talk about what they want to do in the future. 4) To celebrate the end of junior high||,they are having a party. 5) They ask Mrs. Chen to come||,and she is happy to accept the invitation. 6) How have you changed since you started junior high school? 7) I remember you won a prize for science… Grammar Focus 1) The students talk about what they want to do in the future. (本句为一个宾语从句||,从句的语序为陈述句语序||。) 2)To celebrate the end of junior high||,they are having a party.(注意句首的动词不定式表示目的) 3)How have you changed since you started junior high school? (本句含有一个由


人教版九年级英语第十一单元检测题含答案 () ----Good! Will you please show me it? A. what to use B. how to use C. when to use D. where to use ()2. He asked me if there was in today’s newspaper. A. anything interesting B. interesting anything C. something interesting D. interesting something ()3.----Where is Tom? ----He to the reading room. A. has been B. went C. has gone D. goes ()4. Every morning, we are asked taken our temperatures. A. if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. if had we ()5. How long the film ? A. did; begin B. has; begun C. has; been on D. has; been ()6. ----Lin Tao, could you me this book please? ---- Sorry, but I it for only half an hour. I haven’t finished it. A. borrow; have had B. borrow; have bought C. lend; have had D. lend; have bought ()7. Make some sentences, using the words. A. give B. gives C. gave D. given ()8. I don’t know when . When he , I’ll call you. ()9. ----Although you failed three times, I hope you can have try. ----- Thank you. I will. A. the fourth B. a fourth C. a fifth D. a five ()10. We couldn’t eat in the restaurant because of us had money on us. A. all; no B. any; no C. none; any D. no one; any ()11. ---- What should we do if we want to develop our village? ---- A lot of new roads , I think. A. must build B. must be built C. have to build D. have built ()12.---Mary is ill. She said that she go to the museum if she better tomorrow.


Unit12 SectionB(1a-1e)教案 1.0 Teaching objectives 教学目标 Language targets 语言目标 Key Words and Chunks For applying: fool, discovery, get dressed, show up, change, invite, stay up, all night For comprehending: costume, embarrassed, costume party Sentence Structures 1) Last Friday night, my friends invited me to his birthday party… 2) The other kids showed up, and I realized that my brother had fooled me. 3) What happened to Dave on April Fool's Day? 4) Has someone ever tricked you on April Fool's Day? 5) When I got there, I found that it wasn't a costume party. 6) I was the only person wearing a costume, and I was really embarrassed. 7) By the time I got to math class, I was tired because I had stayed up all night studying. Grammar Focus 1) When I got there, I found that it wasn't a costume party. (that引导宾语从句,可以省略) 2)I was the only person wearing a costume, and I was really embarrassed. (现在分词wearing 做定语,表示状态) 1.1.2 Ability goals 能力目标 1.1. 2.1 学会描述过去发生的事情。 1.1. 2.2 学会使用目标语言完成听力任务,在听力训练过程中注重听力策略训练。 1.1.3 Emotional goals 情感目标 页 1 第学会自我反思,正视生活中的困难。 学会树立勇气,勇敢面对生活中的意想不到的问题。 1.2 Important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点 1.2.1掌握过去的事情表达方式,并能理解听力中的相关表达。。 1.2.3 运用这些表达进行口语输出性练习。 2.0 Student analysis学情分析 2.1 Fundamental State基本情况


九年级英语14单元教案 【篇一:unit 14 全单元教案】 unit 14 i remember meeting all of you in grade 7. 教案教学目标: 1语言目标:掌握本单元重点词汇及复习语言点。 2 技能目标:能谈论过去和未来的生活. 3 情感目标:珍惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、未来生活的憧憬。树立远大人生目标。教学重点: 词汇: survey, standard, row, keyboard, method, instruction, text, level, degree, manager, gentleman, task, wing, double, shall, overcome, congratulate, caring, senior, thirsty, thankful, separate, ours, ahead 短语: in a row, look back at, make a mess, keep one’s cool, senior high, go by, believe in, first of all, be thirsty for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, along with, be responsible for, set out, separate from 句子: she helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty they were. how have you changed since you started junior high school? i’ve become much better at speaking english. what are you looking forward to? i’m looking forward to going to senior high school. 教学难点:对过去事件的描述。 课时划分:

七年级上册英语Starter Unit1教案

2015七年级上册英语Starter Unit1教案 教学设计 Period 1 1a­2e Ⅰ.教学准备 1.教师:准备录音机、磁带、多媒体课件、字母卡片,搜集一些表现不同国家初次见面的礼仪形式的图片 以及标示字母笔顺的flash。 2.学生:搜集含有字母Aa—Hh的广告用语和图片;自制字母卡片。 Ⅱ.教学目标 1.充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2.教给学生学习英语的方法和技巧。 3.使学生了解一些国家的见面礼仪。 4.学习本课的知识点: (1)词汇:good,morning,hi,hello (2)字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh (3)句型:Good morning!Hello/Hi! 5.训练学生听懂日常见面问候语以及英语字母的能力。 6.帮助学生掌握一些字母缩写词以及部分英文名字。

Ⅲ.教学重点 (1)词汇:good,morning,hi,hello (2)字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh (3)句型:Good morning!Hello/Hi! Ⅳ.教学难点 让学生会读英文名字;将英语字母打乱顺序进行认 读和书写。 Ⅴ.教学步骤:Warm­up 1.教师向学生播放英国人说英语的视频,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2.教师可以利用英语歌曲、英文电影渲染气氛,营造学习英语的环境。然后可向学生展示自己的英语水平,让学生“亲其师,信其道”。 建议1:用英语进行自我介绍,可介绍自己的姓名、毕业学校、从教时间,以及自己取得的成就。但要注意 一定要口齿清晰、语音语调正确,说出英语的韵味来。 例如: T:Do you like English?Is English vg?day, let's learn English.And I'm your English teacher.Lduce myself.My n aI'I have tauglars.Duringars,I have g建议2:播放一段中国人说英语非常流利的视频,然后用英语介绍,告诉学生如


Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 单词:friendship 友谊, king 君主, pale 苍白的, queen 王后, examine 检查, nor 也不, palace 王宫, power 权力, wealth 财富, grey 阴沉的, lemon 柠檬, fame 名声, Prime 首相的 句型:The loud music makes me nervous. Soft and quiet music makes me relaxed. Money and fame don’t always make people happy.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. 能够用英语描述事情对自己感情的影响,复习被动语态。 2.情感态度价值观目标: 了解一些表达感情的词,能正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,特别是不好的事情对自己的正面影响。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词 2) 能够用英语描述自己的情感。 3)正确理解make 的用法。 2. 教学难点:掌握make的用法 Unit 11 Section A 1 (1a-2d) I. Leading in: Kinds of movies Review the kinds of movies and answer the question “How do you feel about the movie?” II. Learning 1. 1a. Look at the two restaurants below. Which would you like to go to? Why? 2. 1b.Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements. 3. 1c.Role-play a conversation between Amy and Tina. Tina:I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. Amy: But that music makes me sleepy. I want to have the hamburgers at Rockin’ Restaurant. Tina: Let’s go to the Rockin’ Restaurant. I love their hamburgers. Amy: Those awful pictures on the walls make me uncomfortable, and the loud music makes me nervous. Tina:So where do you want to go, Amy? Amy: Let’s go to Blue Ocean. The soft music makes me relaxed. 4. 2a. Listen and number the picture (1-4) in the order you hear them. 5. Listen again. Complete the statements. 1. Waiting for Amy drove Tina__________ (crazy). 2. Amy said loud music made her__________ (nervous). 3. Loud music makes John_____________. (want to dance) 4. T e movie was so sad that it made Tina______. (cry) 5. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him______________ (want to leave). 6. Role-play the conversation. 7. 2d Pole-play the conversation. Nancy: Hey Bert, I think I’ve made Alice mad and I’m not sure what to do about it. Bert: What happened? Nancy: You know Julie is Alice’s best friend, right? Bert: Uh-huh. Nancy: Well, the more I got to know Julie, the more I’ve realized that we have a lot in common. So we’ve been spending more time together lately. Bert: But what’s wrong with that? Nancy: Umm ... it makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now bet her friends with me than with her. Bert: I see. Mmm ... why don’t you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie? Then she won’t feel left out. Nancy: Oh, good idea! That can make our friendship stronger. III. Language points. 1. I’d rather go to the Blue Ocean Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. would rather do sth.,意为“宁可,宁愿还是……好些”。 e.g. I’d rather play tennis than swim. 比起游泳我宁愿去打台球。

新版人教版九年级英语Unit14公开课教案unit 14-5

I remember meeting English 年级9 班级 课型fresh 课时 5 / 6 媒体a tape recorder, CAI 课题Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 2a ~ 2e 话题 School days 功能 1.Share past memories and experiences. 2.Look ahead to the future. 教 学目标知识 技能 1.Target language: I remember meeting all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at this school. You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. Our teachers and parents will be proud of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves. 2.Grammar: remember doing sth. 3.Words and expressions; (1)Curriculum words: gentleman, graduation, ceremony, congratulate, thirsty, thankful, lastly, task, ahead, responsible, separate, wing (2)Useful expressions: first of all, by thirsty, for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, be responsible, set out, separate from, be responsible for sth.新课标第一网 过程 方法 To know how to talk about the future by practicing and role-play. 情感 态度 After l earning this part, every student will have a dream of his future career. 学习策略 Identifying text type and purpose: Quickly read through a text to see what kind of writing it is, who wrote it and why it was written. 重点Target Language 难点To learn how to describe future careers. 教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图


Unit 1重点句型汇总 Section A 1. Where is your pen pal from? ●come from和be from是同义短语,但come from更强调动作。如: —Where do you come from? 你从哪里来? —I come from the United Kingdom. 我从英国来。 ●句型“Where + be + sb. + from?”通常用来询问“某人来自什么地方”。如:—Where are you from? 你是哪里人? —I’m from Shanghai. 我是上海人。 ●句型“Where + be + sth. + from?”通常用来询问“某物品产自哪里”。如:—Where is the car from? 这辆轿车产自哪里? —It’s from France.它产自法国。 2. —Where does he live? —Tokyo. ●live作不及物动词,意为“生活,居住”,后常接in + 地点名词或直接接表地点的副词here / there / home等。如: We live here / in New York. 我们住在这儿/ 纽约。 ●live还可表示“过着……生活”,此时为及物动词。如: We live a happy life. 我们过着幸福的生活。 3. What language does she speak? ●what language常用来对“某种语言”进行提问。 ●speak意为“说,讲”,后面常接表语言的名词。如: Can you speak French? 你会讲法语吗? Section B 1. Does she have any brothers or sisters? any意为“一些”,常用于疑问句或否定句中,修饰可数名词复数形式或不可数名词。如: There isn’t any milk in the glass. 杯子里没有牛奶。 2. I can speak English and a little French. a little意为“少量,一点儿”,常修饰不可数名词,具有肯定意义;little意为“几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词,具有否定意义。如: There’s a little water in the cup. 杯子里有点儿水。 He knows little English. 他几乎不懂英语。 3. Can you write to me soon? write to sb. 意为“给某人写信”。如: Please write to Jack.请给杰克写封信。 此短语常用于书信的结尾,提示别人尽快写回信。


新目标英语九年级Unit12教学设计 一、教学内容及分析 本单元是新目标英语九年级Unit12You’re supposed to shake hands. 其话题是:谈论习俗(Talk what you are supposed to do),了解各地不同的风俗习惯,从而让学生知道那些事应该做的,哪些是不应该做的,要学会尊重不同的文化知识,提高学生对文明生活的认识,加深学生对中外文化的了解,拓展学生的文化视野,养成良好的行为习惯,培养学生的学习兴趣。Section A 1a-2c引出本单元的话题和新的目标语言:be supposed to do sth,并通过交换生在一位美国朋友家吃晚饭时所犯的一些礼仪错误的学习,进一步训练目标语言,并进行更多的听说训练。3a-4这部分通过阅读训练,学习两个不同国家的不同时间观念,训练学生的阅读能力和写作能力。Section B学习运用目标语言,谈论一些国家的餐桌礼仪,并引导写出中国的餐桌礼仪,激励学生了解更多的风俗文化知识。Self check用来检测本单元所学的语言知识,加强写作训练。Reading,通过让学生阅读教材,了解电子邮件的优点及电子邮件的使用环境并学会使用电子邮件。学生在这一部分学习理解一些有用的词汇的短语,并训练学生的阅读能力。因为本单元涉及的国家比较多,而且风俗文化各不相同,在教学中要善于归纳总结,便于学生更容易的掌握。 二、学习者特征分析 学生在八年级上册第2单元“What’s the matter?”中已学过情态动词should /shouldn’t 的用法。而本单元的话题是谈论习俗,通过用新的目标语言:be supposed to do sth来谈论,让学生知道那些事应该做的,哪些是不应该做的。在表达“应该做与不应该做”时两种方法都行,所以在学生掌握了“谈论习俗”的基本用法后就能够运用新的目标语言进行交际,来谈论各国的不同的文化习俗。 三、单元整体目标分析 1、知识与能力:1)语言技能目标 (1)能运用be supposed to do sth 来谈论各国不同的风俗文化。 (2)能运用be / be not supposed to…should / shouldn’t… It’s polite/ rude to…对他人的行为举止进行评价。 (3)能够用e—mail message向他人介绍不同国家的餐桌礼仪。 2)语言知识目标(1) 掌握并正确运用单词:greet, bow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands, customs, land, drop by, after all, relaxed, a bit, wipe, napkin, stick, chopstick, rude, point, pick up. table manners, behave, be/get used to, cut up, full, fork, gradually… (2) 掌握并正确运用句型:1. What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet someone? You’re supposed to…. 2. When were you supposed to arrive? 3. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00. 4. It’s polit e∕rude…. (3) 掌握并运用语法:be supposed to + to infinitives 2.过程与方法


九年级英语Unit14学案+教案 Unit14 He’s already visited the place where his ancestors lived. 课型:Reading 班级:______________ 姓名:_______________ 一、教学目标 1.Fast-reading to get a general idea of the text. 2.Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text. 3.Learn the words and phrases from the context. 二、教学重点、难点 1.Train students’ reading and writing skills. 2.Learn to talk about recent things. 三、预习导航 (一)词汇训练---Match the new words and phrases 1.祖先,祖宗 2.根,根源 3.海外的,国外的 4.政府 5.目的,意图 6.到目前为止 7.幸亏,由于,因为 8.盼望,期望https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac3607550.html,ernment B.purpose C.root D.overseas E.ancestor F.look forward to G.thands to H.so far (二)知识大挑战----Translate 1. 体验乡村生活 2. 喝乡村井水 3. 在乡间散步 4. 看村民日常劳作 5. 多亏“寻根(活动)” 6. 给年轻的海外华人这个更多了解自己身世的机会 7. 期待找到更多有关我家族的信息 (三)思维空间----请同学们在爸爸、妈妈的帮助下画出自己家的“家谱图(不少于三代人)” (四)自学乐园----Fill in the blanks 1.Robert and Cathy are young _______ .One is Canada, the other is American.They are both less than ___ years old. ______ of them can speak Chinese. grandfather


人教版(新目标)初中七上Unit 1 My name's Gina教案 Period One Teaching aims(教学目标) 1.学会问候他人 2.学会如何做自我介绍, 认识新朋友,并正确称呼他们的英文名字 3.从对话中学会获取更多他人的基本信息 5.初步学会使用部分形容词性物主代词 Language points(语言点) ` 1.要求掌握以下句式: (1)—What’s your name —My name is… (2)—Hi. My name’s Gina. —I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! --- Nice to meet you, too. (3)what’s =what is I’m =I am name’s =name is 2.要求掌握以下词汇:(1)生词:name, am, nice, meet, what, hello " (2)人称代词和形容词性物主代词:I, you, my, your, his, her (上述数词和部分形容词性物主代词本应在第二和第三课时中出现,但可以在第一课时中非正式出现,给学生初步的印象,为后面的学习作铺垫。) Difficulties(难点):本课难点是大量的人名和形容词性物主代词,而学生在描述时容易混淆男名和女名,在运用代词时容易错用人称代词和物主代词。 Teaching steps(教学步骤) 1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) (1) Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together. (2)Warm greetings to the students2 T: Hello! / Hi! # S: Hello! / Hi! T: You are very beautiful/cool/… S: Thank you. 2. Presentation(呈现新知识) (1)T: Hello! My name is Lily. What’s your name S: (引导学生回答) My name is Tom. T: It’s a good / nice name.

九年级英语第十二单元教案Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected

Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Unit 12 Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词及短语:unexpected, by the time, backpack, oversleep, ring, give …a lift, 2)掌握By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home. 3) 掌握过去完成时时态,结构及用法。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 能学会合理安排自己的学习和生活,做到守时守信。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点:过去完成时的用法。 2. 教学难点:用过去完成时叙述过去的事件。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Warm-up Greeting. Ⅱ. Lead-in Do you remember any unexpected situation in your daily life? 展示几张尴尬的人的图片。 Ask: What do you think of the people in these pictures? Ss: They look scared/bad. T: What happened to the boy? Ss: He broke his arm. He is getting an electric shock. T: I was late for work today. When I got up, I found my clock had rung. It was 7:30. By the time I went to the bathroom, my son had been in. So I had to wait. When I went out, I found my motorbike had broken down. (老师讲述自己迟到的经历,激起学生对一下内容的学习)。Now look at t he picture, let’s learn something about Tina’s bad day。 Ⅲ. Presentation 1. Work on 1a. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in 1a and ask: What happened to the girl? 2. Think and discuss in group: What happened to the girl? Possible answers: She got up late. By the time she got up, someone had already gotten in the bathroom. She rushed out the door. The bus had left before she got to the station. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. …. 3. Ask Ss to tell a story about the girl. Ⅳ. Listening Work on 1b. 1. Listen to the tape of 1b. Complete the sentences. 1. By the time I got up, my brother _____ already _______ in the shower. 2. By the time I got outside, the bus _____ already ______. 3. When I got to school, I realized I _____ ______ my backpack at home. 2. 过去完成时用法: (1) 构成:由―助动词had (用于各种人称和数) + 过去分词‖构成 否定式:had not + 过去分词 缩写形式:hadn’t (2) 用法:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。 (3) 它所表示动作发生的时间是―过去的过去‖。 ①表示过去某一时间可用by, before 等构成的短语来表示。 ②也可以用when, before 等引导的时间状语从句来表示。 ③还可以通过状语从句或通过上下文暗示。 例如: When I got there, you had already eaten your meal. 当我到达那里时,你已经开始吃了。 By the time he got here, the bus had left. 在他到达那里之前,汽车已经离开了。 V. Pair work Work on 1c. Take turns being Mary. Look at the pictures and talk about what happened this morning. A: What happened? B: I overslept. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower. … VI. Listening

人教版英语九年级全一册教案Unit14 SectionB2a 2e

Unit14 SectionB(2a-2e)教案1.0教情分析 1.1 Teaching objectives 教学目标 1.1.1 Language targets 语言目标1.1.1.1 Key Words and Chunks For applying: gentleman, first of all, thirsty, thankful, be thankful to sb., task, separate, separate from For comprehending: graduation, ceremony, congratulate, lastly, ahead, ahead of, along with, responsible, be responsible for, set out Sentence Structures1.1.1.2 1) Who do you think wrote it? 2) First of all, I'd like to congratulate all the students who are here today. 3) I remember meeting all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at school. 4) You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. so proud of you.I'm5) You've all grown up so much and 6) Although you've all worked very hard over the last three years, none of you did it alone. 7) Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. 8) You'll make mistakes along the way, but the key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up. 9) I don't need to tell you that life in senior high school will be harder and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of you. 10)But along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you. 11) Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions. 12) As you set out on your new journey, you shouldn't forget where you came from. 页 1 第 13) It is always hard to separate from those who you have spent so much time with for the past three years.Grammar Focus1.1.1.3 此句为否定结构的祈使句。用1) Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. ()”。意为“千万不要辜负你周围的人Never代替don't,加强语气, you came from. where your new journey, you shouldn't forget 2) As you set out on 在“”,整句话意为…as在这里意为“当的时候(此句为as引导的时间状语从句,)不应忘了你来自何处。”新的旅行启程之际,此句含两个3) Please consider what

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