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guideline for informal learning-unesco report


for the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning


Note from the Assistant Director-General for Education1

Acknowledgements from the Director of the UNESCO

Institute for Lifelong Lea r n i ng 2

Introduction 3

Vision 3

Purposes 3

Principles 4

Key areas of action at national level 4

1. Establishing RVA as a key component of a national lifelong learning strategy 4

2. Developing RVA systems that are accessible to all 5

3. Making RVA integral to education and training systems 5

4. Creating a coordinated national structure involving all stakeholders 5

5. Building the capacities of RVA personnel 6

6. Designing sustainable funding mechanisms 6

UNESCO commitments7

Glossary 8


For further infor m a t ion:

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Lea r n i ng

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www.un esc o.o r g/u il

Published by t h e

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Lea r n i ng

? UIL 2012

Printed in Ge r m a n y


Note from the Assistant Director-General for Education 1

UNESCO has played an important role in developing a vision of lifelong learning f o r all.

In the knowledge-based global economy, future prosperity and security as well as peace,

social harmony and environmental sustainability will depend on people’s ca p ac i t y to

make informed choices, to adapt to rapid change and to find sustainable solutions t o

pressing challenges. Today, more than ever, we must strive to offer learning oppo r t un i t i es

for all, throughout life, to improve the quality of life, to promote a more just society, a nd

to equip people to anticipate and tackle the challenges they face. Lifelong learning is t h e

essential organising principle for reaching this go a l.

Lifelong learning covers the full range of provision of learning opportunities, f r o m early childhood through schools to further and higher education. However, it e x t e nd s beyond

formal education to non-formal and informal learning for out-of-school y ou t h and adult

citizens. In recent years, in addition to traditional qualifications systems w h i c h mostly acknowledge learning in formal education, some Member States have d e v e l op e d mechanisms for the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of non-formal and

informal learning, and many more are in the process of doing so. The RVA of non-f o r m a l

and informal learning is indeed gaining relevance with regard to education and t r a i n i ng

policy. However, it is also of increasing importance in relation to themes such as po v e r t y reduction, job creation and employment, and social i n c l u s i on.

In 2009, the Belém Framework for Action, adopted by 144 delegations of UNESCO M e m b e r

States at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in B r a z il, reaffirmed the role of lifelong learning in addressing development issues globally, a nd

explicitly mandated UNESCO to develop guidelines to recognise, validate and accredit all

learning outcomes, including those acquired through non-formal and informal l ea r n i ng. It

called on Member States to develop or improve structures and mechanisms for t h e recognition of all forms of learning by establishing equivalency f r a m e w o r ks.

To move the Belém Framework for Action forward, the UNESCO Institute for L i f e l ong

Learning (UIL), on behalf of the UNESCO Education Sector, has taken the initiative to w o r k

with Member States to develop the UNESCO Guidelines on the Recognition, Va li d a t i on

and Accreditation (RVA) of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning. T h ese Guidelines were developed through a participatory process involving consultation w i t h

Member States to reflect their experience and diverse needs. They follow the p r o f ess i on a l

advice of an Experts’ Group comprising representatives of each of the regions and o f

leading international agencies. The preparation of these Guidelines also reflects i n s i gh t s

from studies on RVA policy and practice that were entrusted to UIL by 33C/Resolution 10 of

the 2005 UNESCO General C on f e r e n ce.

The overall aim of these Guidelines is to propose principles and mechanisms that ca n

assist Member States in developing or improving structures and procedures to r ec ogn i se

all forms of learning, particularly the outcomes of non-formal and informal l ea r n i ng.

While the Guidelines are not legally binding, Member States’ authorities are expected t o

make efforts to implement the Guidelines as appropriate to their specific national c on t e x t.

As these Guidelines demonstrate, UNESCO’s Education Sector remains committed t o

p r o v i d i ng technical assistance and capacity bu il d i ng, facilitating policy dialogue, n e t w o r k i ng

and sharing of experiences between Member States, and further developing c o ll a bo r a t i v e international research activity with the aim of realising lifelong learning for a ll.

Qian Tang, Ph.D.

Assistant Director-General for E du ca t i on


Acknowledgements from the Director of UIL 2

As a priority to follow up the Belém Framework for Action adopted at the Sixth I n t e r n a t i on a l Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in 2009, on behalf of UNESCO Sec r e t a r i a t,

the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) has taken the initiative to develop t h e

UNESCO Guidelines for the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of the Outcomes of Non-

formal and Informal Learning.

The development of the UNESCO Guidelines for the Recognition, Validation a nd Accreditation of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning has been a t r u l y participatory process, and all suggestions on key areas of action are based on the r es u l t s

of an extensive consultation with Member States. We express our sincere gratitude t o the

national authorities of 42 Member States which provided valuable feedback and v i t a l information to a set of consultation questions on policy and practice in the r ec ogn i t i on,

validation and accreditation (RVA) of learning ou t c o m es.

UIL is most grateful to a remarkable group of international experts who met at UIL i n

October 2011 to share their insights and experiences in creating this work. They i n c l ud e

Sabine Seidel, Expert of the Institute of Development Planning and Research, Ge r m a n y;

Abdalla Ababenh, Director of National Centre for Human Resources Development, J o r d a n;

Kaylash Allgoo, Director of Mauritius Qualifications Authority, Mauritius; Juan de D i o s

Castro, General Director and Sara Elena Mendoza, Deputy Director of Diversified C on t e n t s

of the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA), Mexico; Sombat Suwanpitak, De pu t y Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Thailand; Jens Bj?rn?vold, Se n i o r

Expert of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (C e d e f op);

Richard Walther, Coordinator of the Association for Development of Education in A f r i ca (ADEA) 2012 Triennale Conference; Michel Aribaud, Specialist in Qualifications S y s t e m

of European Training Foundation (ETF); and Marie-Odile Paulet, Expert of the N a t i on a l Commission for UNESCO, F r a n ce.

We are also thankful to colleagues at UNESCO Headquarters, Regional Bureaux, C l u s t e r

and National Offices as well as Educational Institutes for their support in the e n t i r e process.

Our special thanks go to Borhene Chakroun, Chief of the Section for Technical and Vocational Education and Training at UNESCO Headquarters, Daniela Eroles and Maria

E ug e n i a Letelier of the Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean,

a nd Shyamal Majumdar, Head of the UNESCO International Centre for Technical and

V o ca t i on a l Education and Training for their very valuable comments on the final draft of

the t e x t.

The UIL Task Force for this initiative consisted of Carolyn Medel-A?onuevo, De pu t y Director; Madhu Singh, Senior Programme Specialist; Raúl Valdés-Cotera, P r og r a mm e Specialist; and Jin Yang, Senior Programme Specialist. The copy-editing was und e r t ake n

by Virman Man, Head of UIL P ub li ca t i on s.

With the launching of the UNESCO Guidelines for the Recognition, Validation and Accredi t a t ion

of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning, my colleagues and I will do all we ca n

to facilitate collaborative research and provide technical assistance and ca p ac i t y-bu il d i ng

to Member States in their construction and implementation of the RVA s y s t e m s.

Arne C a r l se n

D i r ec t o r

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Lea r n i ng

UNESCO GUIDELINES3 for the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation

of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning

In t rodu c t ion

Lifelong learning has been central to UNESCO’s mission to promote every individual’s r i gh t

to education. The Faure Report – Learning to Be (1972) – and the Delors Report – Lea r n i ng:

the Treasure Within (1996) – have contributed to the development of policy and p r ac t i ce in

lifelong learning and to the creation of learning societies in UNESCO Member S t a t es. Encompassing formal, non-formal and informal learning, lifelong learning e m ph as i ses the integration of learning and living – in life-wide contexts across family and c o mm un i t y settings, in study, work and leisure, and throughout an individual’s li f e.

Today, in a complex and fast-changing world, it is necessary for individuals to acquire a nd

adapt competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) through all forms of learning to c op e

with various challenges. However, qualifications systems in many societies still focus on

formal learning in educational institutions. As a result, a large part of individuals’ l ea r n i ng

remains unrecognised, and many individuals’ motivation and confidence to c on t i nu e

learning is not well promoted. This leads to a huge under-utilisation of human t a l e n t and resources in society. Therefore, the learning outcomes that young people and a du l t s

acquire in the course of their life in non-formal and informal settings need to be m a d e

visible, assessed and acc r e d i t e d.

The demand for the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of all forms of l ea r n i ng

with a focus on non-formal and informal learning outcomes was expressed through t h e

Belém Framework for Action, adopted by 144 Delegations of UNESCO Member S t a t es

at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in Brazil i n December 2009. It called on UNESCO to develop Guidelines on all learning ou t c o m es,

including those acquired through non-formal and informal learning, so that these m a y

be recognised and validated. At the same time, Member States committed themselves t o developing or improving structures and mechanisms for the recognition of all forms o f

learning by establishing equivalency f r a m e w o r ks.


The RVA of non-formal and informal learning is a key lever in making lifelong learning a

reality. It renders visible and gives value to the hidden and unrecognised competences t h a t individuals have obtained through various means and in different phases of their li v es.

Valuing and recognising these learning outcomes may significantly improve i nd i v i du a l s’

self-esteem and well-being, motivate them to further learning, and strengthen their l a bou r

market opportunities. RVA may help to integrate broader sections of the population i n t o

an open and flexible education and training system and to build inclusive s o c i e t i es.

P urpo s e s

The overall aim of these Guidelines is to propose principles and mechanisms that ca n

assist Member States in developing or improving structures and procedures to r ec ogn i se

the outcomes of all forms of learning, particularly those of non-formal and i n f o r m a l

l ea r n i ng.

More specifically, the purposes are: 4

? to advocate for the importance of recognising the value of non-formal and i n f o r m a l l ea r n i ng;

? to develop a common understanding of RVA and outline the major considerations i n developing a national RVA s y s t e m;

? to assist Member States in developing tools, standards and mechanisms to i d e n t i f y, document, validate and recognise the learning outcomes of non-formal and i n f o r m a l

learning; a nd

? to create an international platform to facilitate and ensure continuous dialogue on RVA among Member S t a t es.

P rin c iple s

? Ensuring equity and inclusiveness in access to learning opportunities. Every i nd i v i du a l should have the right to access and engage in any form of learning suited to his/ h e r

needs, and have their learning outcomes made visible and v a l u e d.

? Promoting the equal value of learning outcomes of formal, non-formal and i n f o r m a l learning. Competences that every individual has accumulated through non-f o r m a l and

informal learning should be treated on a par with those that are obtained t h r ough formal

l ea r n i ng.

? Ensuring the centrality of individuals in the RVA process. The process should r es p ec t and reflect i nd i v i du a l s′ needs, and their participation should be on a voluntary basis.

? Improving flexibility and openness of formal education and training. Education a nd training systems should consider diverse forms of learning, taking into acc oun t learners’

needs and e x p e r i e n ces.

? Promoting quality assurance in the entire RVA process. It is imperative that c r i t e r i a and procedures for assessing and validating non-formal and informal learning a r e

relevant, reliable, fair and t r a n s p a r e n t.

? Strengthening partnerships among all stakeholders. It is important to emphasise a shared responsibility from design through to implementation and evaluation of t h e

RVA s y s t e m.

Key areas of action at national level

1. Establishing RVA as a key component of a national lifelong learning s t ra t egy

Lifelong learning goes beyond formal education and training. It includes learning at w o r k, in

the family and community, and in leisure time. A national lifelong learning s t r a t e g y aims to

facilitate individuals’ access to competences enabling them to continue l ea r n i ng, enter the

labour market and to attain professional and social mobility. Such a s t r a t e g y would be incomplete if it did not include the RVA of competences or outcomes gained i n all learning

se tt i ng s.

In this context it is suggested that Member S t a t es

(1) develop a national lifelong learning strategy, with RVA of non-formal and i n f o r m a l

learning as a key pillar and as a means to improving personal fulfilment, access to a nd

mobility within education and in the labour m a r ke t;

(2) facilitate the development of national references or standards that integrate the RVA of

non-formal and informal learning, and, based on the national context, establish a

national qualifications framework (NQF); a nd

(3) develop equivalencies between the outcomes of formal, non-formal and i n f o r m a l

learning in the national reference, standards or NQFs through a shared understanding

of learning ou t c o m es.

2. Developing RVA systems that are accessible to all 5

When available and accessible, RVA processes should allow broad groups of popu l a t i on s

to have their learning outcomes assessed, validated and recognised, whether ac qu i r e d non-

formally or informally. This gives individuals an incentive to continue to l ea r n, empowers

them and enables them to become more active in the labour market a nd in society in general.

For disadvantaged groups particularly, it can create a more level playing-field in education and t r a i n i ng.

In this context it is suggested that Member S t a t es

(1) develop procedures that identify, document, assess, validate and accredit l ea r n i ng

outcomes, giving due consideration to those from experiential learning, se l f-d i r ec t e d

learning and other forms of non-standardised learning outside of formal e du ca t i on and

training i n s t i t u t i on s;

(2) make use of both formative assessment (which draws more attention to i d e n t i fi ca t i on,

documentation, advice and counselling) and summative assessment (which a i m s

explicitly to validate and recognise learning outcomes, leading to acc r e d i t a t i on);

(3) offer information, guidance and counselling services to clarify RVA procedures so t h a t

individuals become more aware of their own competences and more motivated t o learn

further and to have their learning recognised, a nd

(4) provide special support through flexible arrangements for early school-leavers, a du l t s

with special learning needs, people and workers with low levels of education a nd those

excluded from the labour m a r ke t.

3. Making RVA integral to education and training systems

In most cases, traditional qu a li fi ca t i on s of formal education and learning have been d e fi n e d

with reference to fixed durations, subject, levels and location of study. The integration o f

RVA into formal systems stresses the importance of what learners actually know, are a b l e

to do and understand. This integration is crucial to creating alternative pathways in op e n

and flexible education and training systems, meeting individuals’ diverse n ee d s.

In this context it is suggested that Member S t a t es

(1) develop a mechanism for the formal education and training system that pays m o r e

attention to the quality of learning ou t c o m es;

(2) create awareness and acceptance in formal education and training systems of t h e

learning outcomes gained in non-traditional se tt i ng s;

(3) use RVA to build bridges between the different education and training sectors and t o

promote the integration of formal, non-formal and informal learning; a nd

(4) develop approaches to increase interaction between educational i n s t i t u t i on s,

enterprises and voluntary organisations to translate learning outcomes from w o r k i ng

and life experiences into credits and/or qu a li fi ca t i on s.

4. Creating a coordinated national structure involving all stakeholders

RVA concerns stakeholders from different sectors (formal education institutions, i ndu s t r y

and enterprises, social partners, adult education providers and voluntary o r g a n i sa t i on s)

and depends on their commitment to its smooth operation. It is therefore necessary t o

create a structure that involves all stakeholders through social dialogue and bu il d i ng consensus on principles for developing, implementing and financing national RVA s y s t e m s.

In this context it is suggested that Member States 6

(1) ensure all stakeholders have clearly-defined roles and responsibilities in d e v e l op i ng a

coherent and coordinated national structure to oversee the design, i m p l e m e n t a t i on

and quality assurance of the RVA s y s t e m;

(2) establish mechanisms to adopt credible and quality RVA procedures, standards a nd

instruments, as well as awarding qu a li fi ca t i on s;

(3) facilitate RVA implementation by putting in place effective administrative processes f o r

receiving applications, organising assessment and providing feedback on ou t c o m es,

recording results, awarding qualifications and designing appeal processes; a nd

(4) make efforts to build the RVA infrastructure at local level so that it is a v a il a b l e where

people live, work and learn, and make RVA a part of existing institutions i n

c o mm un i t i es.

5. Building the capacities of RVA personnel

The quality of RVA hinges significantly on the capability of RVA administrators, assess o r s, facilitators, counsellors and other practitioners to set up and maintain inclusive RVA practices. The ongoing and continuous training of RVA personnel ensures reliability a nd

trust in RVA p r ac t i ces.

In this context it is suggested that Member S t a t es

(1) ensure appropriate qualifications, skills and competences of RVA personnel, a ll o w i ng

them to manage and conduct the assessment and validation processes in their s p ec i fi c

socio-economic contexts; a nd

(2) establish a system for the training of RVA personnel, and facilitate networks f o r mutual

learning at local and national levels, and across countries, to enhance t h e i r

competences and to develop best p r ac t i ce.

6. Designing sustainable funding mechanisms

Although RVA has multiple benefits, the cost can be a barrier to its promotion, in p a r t i c u l a r

to meeting the learning needs of the disadvantaged. Developing a sustainable f und i ng mechanism is key to establishing an RVA system. To make RVA available on a b r o a d e r

scale and accessible to more learners, funding has to come from diversified sou r ces.

In this context it is suggested that Member S t a t es

(1) provide sufficient financial resources to build the basic infrastructure of the RVA

s y s t e m.

(2) develop sustainable cost-sharing mechanisms involving m u l t i-s t ake ho l d e r

partnerships i.e. public, private, community, as well as individual learners. P ub li c

funds and private contributions to education institutions, as well as training l e v i es

from enterprises, should also be used to fund the implementation of RVA;

(3) make special provision for access to RVA arrangements at a reduced rate or free o f

charge for vulnerable groups and individuals; and

(4) conduct cost-benefit analyses to develop evidence on the benefits of RVA f o r individuals,

enterprises, education institutions and for society as a w ho l e.

UNESCO Commitments 7

In many Member States, the RVA of non-formal and informal learning outcomes is a n e w endeavour. Given the complexities in establishing an effective RVA system, there is a

need to strengthen international cooperation and capacity-building in the fi e l d.

In this context, UNESCO will play an active role in the following a r eas:

(1) developing an RVA observatory for collecting and disseminating best practices a t

different stages in the development of RVA s y s t e m s;

(2) facilitating policy dialogue, networking and sharing of experiences between M e m b e r

States through peer-learning activities and cooperation among key stakeholders i n

different r e g i on s;

(3) facilitating studies on different RVA systems, mechanisms, instruments and t oo l s

through collaborative international research in the field of RVA; a nd

(4) responding to the request of Member States to provide technical assistance a nd

capacity-building to key national stakeholders and practitioners to enable them t o

construct and implement the RVA s y s t e m s.


Recognition, Validation and Accreditation (RVA) of all forms of learning outcomes is a

practice that makes visible and values the full range of competences (knowledge, sk ill s

and attitudes) that individuals have obtained in various contexts, and through v a r i ou s

means in different phases of their li v es.

? Recognition is a process of granting official status to learning outcomes a nd/o r competences, which can lead to the acknowledgement of their value in s o c i e t y.

? Validation is the confirmation by an approved body that learning ou t c o m es or competences acquired by an individual have been assessed a g a i n s t reference points or

standards through pre-defined assessment m e t hodo l og i es.

is a process by which an approved body, on the basis of assessment o f

? Accreditation

learning outcomes and/or competences according to different purposes and m e t hod s,

awards qualifications (certificates, diplomas or titles), or grants equivalences, c r e d i t

units or exemptions, or issues documents such as portfolios of competences. In s o m e

cases, the term accreditation applies to the evaluation of the quality of an i n s t i t u t i on

or a programme as a w ho l e.

Competences and learning outcomes

indicate a satisfactory state of knowledge, skills and attitudes and t h e

? Competences

ability to apply them in a variety of s i t u a t i on s.

? Learning outcomes are achievements of what a learner knows, u nderstands and i s able to do as a result of a learning p r o cess.

Formal, non-formal and informal learning

? Formal learning takes place in education and training institutions, is recognised b y relevant national authorities and leads to diplomas and qualifications. Formal l ea r n i ng

is structured according to educational arrangements such as curricula, qu a li fi ca t i on s

and teaching-learning r e qu i r e m e n t s.

? Non-formal learning is learning that has been acquired in addition or alternatively to formal learning. In some cases, it is also structured according to e du ca t i on a l and

training arrangements, but more flexible. It usually takes place in c o mm un i t y-based

settings, the workplace and through the activities of civil s o c i e t y organisations. T hrough

the recognition, validation and accreditation p r o cess, non-formal learning can also

lead to qualifications and other r ec ogn i t i on s.

? Informal learning

is learning that occurs in daily life, in the family, in the w o r k p l ace, in communities and through interests and activities of individuals. Through t h e

recognition, validation and accreditation process, competences gained in i n f o r m a l

learning can be made visible, and can contribute to qualifications and o t h e r

recognitions. In some cases, the term experiential learning is used to refer to i n f o r m a l

learning that focuses on learning from e x p e r i e n ce

Qualifications and National Qualification Frameworks 9

? Qualification refers to what an individual is qualified to do. In the Guidelines, a qualification is an official record (certificate, d i p l o m a, degree) of learning ac h i e v e m e n t,

which recognises the results of all forms of learning, including the sa t i s f ac t o r y

p e r f o r m a n ce o f a setoff r e l a t e d t asks. I t ca n a l s o b e a c ond i t i on t h a t m u s t b e m e t

o r c o m p li e d with for an individual to enter or progress in an occupation and/or for

further l ea r n i ng.

? National Qualification Frameworks (NQF) are systems of equivalences a nd classifications of qualifications relating to a set of nationally agreed s t a nd a r d s/c r i t e r i a

developed by competent public authorities. NQFs recognise learning outcomes a nd

competences from all forms of l ea r n i ng.


refers to a state of being of equal value. The term is usually used to g i v e

? Equivalence

equal value to the competences a learner obtained from outside the formal e du ca t i on

and training system with those gained in the formal education and training sy s t e m.


Delors,J. et al. 1996. Learning: The Treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International

Commission on Education for the Twenty-First Century, Paris: UNESCO.

Faure, E. et al. 1972. Learning to Be: The World of Education Today and Tomorrow, Paris: UNESCO.

Original edition : Faure, E. et al. 1972. Apprendre à être, Paris: UNESCO-Fayard.

Available from:


UIL. 2010.Belém Framework for Action. Harnessing the power and potential of adult learning and education for a viable future.

The final document of the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education

(CONFINTEA VI) which was adopted on 4 December 2009.

Available from: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a04010268.html,/images/0018/001877/187789m.pdf
