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https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a67497932.html,更新时间:2006-05-31 点击:188 【字体:大中小】加入收藏关闭本页1) dis(not, the opposite of) disadvantage, dislike, disagree, disappear, disar m, disaster, disastrous, disappoint, disable, disability, discharge, disclose, discount, discourage, discover, discovery, discrepancy, disease, disgrace, disg uise, disgust, dishonor, dishonest, dislike, dismay, disorder, dispatch, disper se, displace, displacement, displease, disregard, dissatisfy, distort , distrac t, disintegrate, isparage, dispassion, disproportionate

2) in- (not, in, into) inability, incorrect, inability, incapable, indirect, in human, injustice, informal, inside, include, inclusive, income, increase, incre asingly, incredible, indefinite, independence, independent, indifferent, indire ct, indispensable, individual, indoor, inertia , inevitable, infamous , infinit e, inhabit , inhabitant, inherent , inject, inland , inlet , inner, innocent, i nnumerable , input, inquire, inquiry, insane, insensitive, insert, inside, insi ght, insist, inspect, inspiration , inspire, install, installation, installment , instance, instant, instinct, insulate , intense, interior, internal, into, i ntrinsic, invade, invalid , invaluable , invariably , invasion, invert , invest igate, invisible, involve, inward, incomplete, indecisive, inedible, inept, ine vitably, infection, infirm, injection, innate, insatiable, insecurity, insider, insidious

3) im- (not, in, into) impossible, imbalance, immature, immoral, impatient, imp licit , impress, impression, import, immigrate, imprison, immerse

4) il- (not) illegal, illiterate, illogical ir- (not) irregular, irresponsible, irrespective

5) un- (not) unable, uncover, undo, undoubtedly, undress , uneasy, unemployment , unexpected, unfold , unfortunately, unimportant, unlike, unload, unusual, un aware, enlightened, unparalleled, unsustainable,

6) non- (not) nonsmoker, nonexistence, non-cooperation, nonstop, nonmetal, nonr esident, nonsense, nonfundamentalist, nonspecialist

7) mis- (wrong, wrongly) mislead, misspell, misstep, misfortune, misuse, misgui ded, misinformation

8) de- (showing the opposite, to remove, to reduce) deform, deface, demobilize, destruction, deforest, denationalize, depress, depression, decode, decrease, d egenerate , degrade , descend, descendant , descent

9) pre- (before, in advance) prefix, pre-historic, precaution, precede , preced ing, preclude , predecessor , predict, predominant , preface, prejudice, prelim inary, premature , premier , premise , premium , preparation, prepare, prepay, preside , president, presumably, presume , pretext , prevail, prevent, previou s, prewar, preconception, prediction, prescientific, presumptively

10) ante-, (before, in advance) anteroom, ante-Christian, antemeridian, anticip ate, antique

11) fore- (in advance, before, in or at the front) forearm, forehead, foreman, foretell , foresee , forefather , foreleg, forerunner , fore , foremost, foreca

st, forewarn

12) ex- (out, out of, former) ex-minister, ex-president, ex-Soviet Union, ex-wi fe, export, exclude, exclusive, excursion, exhibit, exile , exit, exotic , expa nd, expansion, expedition , expel , expend , expenditure , expense, explode, ex plosion, explosive, expose, exposition , exposure, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, exterior, external, extinct, extra, extract

13) post- (later than, after) postgraduate, postwar, postmeridian, postpone, po stscript

14) sub- (under, below, less important) sub, subject, subway, subtitle, subdivi de, submarine , sub-zero, submerge, submit, subordinate , subscribe , subsectio n, subsequent, subsidiary , subsidy , substance, substantial, substitute, subtr act, suburb, subconsciously, subtly

15) infra- (below in a range, beyond) infrastructure , infrared

16) re- (again, back to a former state) react, reaction, recall, recede , recei pt, recipient , reclaim , recognize, recognition, record, recorder, recover, re covery, recreation, recur , recycle , redundant , reflect, reflection, reflexio n, reform, refrain , refresh, refreshment , refund , refute , reinforce, rejec t, remember, remind, removal, remove, renaissance , renew, repay , repeat, repe atedly, repel , repetition, replace, replacement, represent, representative, re pression , reproduce, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, restore, resume, return, reunion , revise, revive

17) co-, col-, com-, con-, cor- (with together) co-existence, cooperative , co-author, coalition , coherent , coincide , coincidence , collaboration , colleag ue, collide , collision, collocation, compassion, compassionate, concentric, co nfederation, conjoin, coordinate, correlate, correlation, correspond

18) inter- (between, among) interchange, interchangeable, interdependent, inter personal, interview, interact , interaction, intercourse , interface , interfer e, interference, Internet, interrupt, interval, intervene

19) macro- (large) macroeconomics , macrocosm , macrostructure

20) micro- (extremely small) microcomputer, microeconomics , microscope, microp hone, microsurgery, microelectronics, microbiologist

21) super- (greater or more than) super, supermarket, supersonic , superman, su perpower, supernatural, supervise , superb, superficial, superintendent , super ior, superiority , supreme, supersystem

22) sur- (more than, beyond) surplus, surtax, surface, surpass , surround, surv ival, survive, suspect

23) ultra- (beyond, very, too) ultramodern, ultrasound, ultra-violet

24) auto- (of or by oneself) auto, autocriticism, autoland, automobile, automat ion , automatic, autobiography , autonomous , autonomy

25) mal- (bad, badly) malfunction, maltreat , malnutrition , malpractice

26) tele- (at or over a long distance, by or for television) telegram, televisi

on, telegraph, telephone, telecommunications , telescope, telescreen, teleswitc h, televise

28) semi-, hemi- (half) semicircle, semiconductor, semi-colony , semifinal, hem isphere

29) uni-, mono- (one) uniform, unify , union, unique, unit, unite, unity, unive rse, universal, university, monologue , monoplane, monopoly , monotone, monoton ous , carbon monoxide

30) bi-, di- (two) biweekly, bicycle, bilateral , billion, bilingual, dialogue, carbon dioxide

31) tri- (three) tricycle , triangle, triangular, trilogy , triple, trigonometr y

32) quadri-, quadru- (four) quadruple, quadrangle

33) penta- (five) pentagon, Pentagon, Pentium

34) hexa- (six) hexagon, hexangular mill- (thousand) millennium, millimeter

35) sept- (seven) September, Sept-Wolves nona- (nine) nonagon, November

36) octa- (eight) octagon, octave, octopus, October 38) deci-, deca- (ten) deca de, decimal

39) centi- (hundredth part) centigrade, centimeter, centipede, century

40) kilo- (thousand) kilo, kilometer, kilogram (me), kilowatt

42) multi- (many) multipurpose, multinational, multiple, multiply, multitude

43)counter-,anti-,contra- (opposite, against counteract, counterattack, counter clockwise, counterrevolutionary, antibiotic, antigravity, antimatter, antiwar, antinuclear, contradict , contradiction, contramissile, contranatural, contrar y, contrast, anticonsumerism

44) mini- (smallest, short) minibus, miniskirt, minimum, minister, ministry, mi nor, minority, minute

45) max- (greatest) maximum, maximal, maximize

46) out- (outside, beyond) outdo, outwit, outlive, outnumber, outdoor, outstand ing, outskirts , outward, outcome, outer, outing , outline, outlook, output, ou trage , outside

47) over- (too much, above, additional) overwork, overuse, overtake, overpass , overthrow , overturn , overall, overdue , overhead, overhear , overlook, overs eas, overtime

48) trans- (across, on or to the other side of) transaction , transatlantic, tr anscend , transfer, transform, transistor , transit , transition , translate, t ranslation, transmission, transmit, transmitter, transparent, transplant, trans port, transportation

49) under- (too little, below) underdevelop, underdevelopment, underestimate, u

ndergraduate, underground, underlie , underline, undersea, underlying , undermi ne , underneath, underwear

50) neo- (new) neo-Nazism, neolithic

51) be- (cause to be or have) befriend, belittle

52) bio- (life) biology, biography , autobiography, antibiotic, biochemistry, b iosphere, biomedical

53) en- em- (cause to become, put into the stated condition) embody, empower, e ndanger, enlarge, enrich, encompass, enthrone, entrench

54) extra- (outside, beyond) extracurricular, extraordinary

55) mid- (middle) midday, midnight

56) poly- (many) polycentric, polydirectional, polysyllabic

57) pseudo- (not real, false) pseudomemory, pseudonym, pseudoscience

58) thermo- (heat) thermochemistry, thermometer

59) vice- (next in rank below) vice-chairman, vice-president

60) aero- (air) aerial , aeroplane, aeronautics, aerospace

61) cross- (across, going between the stated things and joining them) cross-cou ntry, crossbreed

62) intra- (inside, within; into) intracity, intra-department, intranet

63) pro- (in favor of, supporting) pro-America, pro-abortion

64) self- self-employed, self-taught

65) step- (not by birth but through a parent who has remarried) stepmother, ste pchildren

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