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1) Which is the best title of the passage?

2) Which of the following is this passage about?

3) In this passage the writer tries to tell us that____.

4) The passage tells us that_____.

5) This passage mainly talks about____.







Which is the best title of the passage?

The writer thinks________.

The writer wants to tell us__________.

The main idea of the passage is________.






1) How many times did the tiger come into the village?


2) From the second paragraph we know_____.



Which of the following is (NOT) true?

Which of the following descriptions about… is right?



What does the word “…” mean in paragraph 3?

What does the sentence “…” really mea n?

In the last paragraph, “…” means___.

What does the underlined word mean?



前缀或后缀-ful(形容词后缀), -less(无,没有,构成形容词), -ly(副词后缀), un-(不,非,未), dis-(相反,否定)re-(重新)

appear disappear, agree disagree, tie untie, happy unhappy, careful, careless, hope hopeless, comfortable uncomfortable




如:Australians put their shirt “tails” on the clothes line after washing, because they usually put them into their trousers. “tails” 一词原意为“尾巴”,而在此处的意思为衬衫的“_______”。


Microscope is an instrument(工具)that makes small near objects seems larger.Microscope means_______. *有时我们能从生词的前后找到解释性的文字。



Our Services

* Mu

25. We probably can see this “Services” in a ______________________.

A. library

B. cinema

C. hospital

D. shop

26. There are ______________________ kinds of videos in the library.

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. six

27. We can keep the books from this library no longer than ______________________.

A. one week

B. two weeks

C. three weeks

D. four weeks 【答案】






Jack had an unusual experience last night. He is sharing it with his friends. Ken and May.

Ken: What were you doing, Jack? What did you see?

Jack: It was half past nine last night and I was getting ready for bed. I heard some strange noise outside while I was brushing my teeth. I wondered what was happening and I went to the window and looked out. To my surprise, I saw a bright yellow green light in the sky.

May: Maybe the light you saw was a UFO! Or a ghost! A few years ago, an American man saw a flying saucer(飞碟) while he was driving along a road. He also saw some strange yellow light. You have heard about it, haven’t you?

Ken: Don’t be imaginative, May. Jack didn’t see anything, or anybody. It wasn’t a ghost. It was probably

a plane, or a shooting star. Perhaps Jack just made a horrible dream!

Jack: I am very serious. I did see something. The light disappeared and then suddenly some “tiny people”

were standing in the garden. There were four of them. Two of them ate some flowers in the garden. Ken: Oh, come on, Jack. I really doubt what you have said.

Jack: I am not joking! One of the people was looking at me through the window.

May: Really? What did it look like? Were you frightened?

Jack: Its whole body was green. It had no ears and nose. Its hands were huge. Its eyes were very big and looked like eggs. It looked at me and I could hardly move.

Ken: What happened then?

Jack: I was able to move eventually. I ran and got my camera at once.

May: And?

Jack: I didn’t have a film.

May: Oh no!

28. Ken suggested that Jack ______________________.

A. saw a ghost last night

B. possibly had a dream last night

C. met a UFO last night

D. was telling them something serious

29. The underlined word “eventually” mans ______________________.

A. at home

B. at last

C. in a short time

D. after a long time

30. The best title of the passage might “______________________.”

A. A horrible dream

B. A Flying saucer

C. A Ghost’s visit

D. Alien’s visit







When I was a baby, I interested you and made you laugh. Whenever I was “bad”, you'd shake your finger at me and ask: “How could you?”—but then you'd give up, and roll me over for a belly scratch(腹部抓痒) and I believed that life could not be any more perfect.

My housetraining was a long process, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. We went for long walks, runs in the park and car rides. We stopped for ice cream. I took long sleeps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day.

Step by step, you began spending more time at work and on your career, and more time searching for

a human friend. Finally, you fell in love. She, now your wife, is not a dog person, but I still welcomed her into our home. I was happy because you were happy. Then the human babies came along and I shared your excitement, I was attracted by their pinkness, how they smelled, and I wanted to mother them too. Your wife was afraid I would bite them. However, as they began to grow, I became their friend.

Now, you have a new job in another city and you and they will be moving to a flat that does not allow pets. You've made the right decision for your "family", but there was a time when I was your only family.

I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the dog pound(收容所). It smelled of dogs and cats, of fear, of hopelessness. You filled out the paperwork and said: “I know you will find a good home for her.” They shrugged(耸肩) and gave you a pained look.The children were in tears as they waved me goodbye. And "How could you?" were the only three words that swept over my mind.

Is it better to live with hope or without hope? At first, whenever anyone passed my pen, I rushed to the front, hoping it was you, that you had changed your mind and that this was all a bad dream.

My beloved master, I will think of you and wait for you forever. I hope you receive more faithfulness(忠诚) from your family than you showed to me.

31. Who tells this story?

A. A dog.

B. A child.

C. A dog's owner.

D. A dog trainer

32. Which is true about the dog when it lived at the pound?

A. It hoped to be kept by another family.

B. It did not trust humans any more.

C. It was excited about the pound.

D. It continued to love its former owner.

33. What is the theme of the story?

A. Be faithful to those who love you.

B. Never expect too much.

C. Never complain about your life.

D. Be ready for changes.









English book Animal Farm (1945) tells a story about farm animals. They are fed up with (受够了) Mr Jones, the farmer. He treats them badly, so they decide to kick

him off the f arm and run the farm themselves.

One day an old pig called Old Major gathers the animals around him. He tells them that all animals should stand together. He says they should take over the farm. They say that all animals are equal.

After they get rid of (摆脱) Mr Jones, two pigs become the leaders of Animal Farm. One pig called Snowball is a great speaker. He has big ideas for Animal Farm. The other leader is a pig called Napoleon. Napoleon is a crafty (狡猾的) animal. He brings together supporters by offering them advantages.

Napoleon makes a war against Snowball and kicks him away from the farm. He turns Snowball into a big enemy. He says that Snowball is working with Farmer Jones and other farmers to do harm to Animal Farm.

But as it turns out it is Napoleon who is working with the enemies of the animals. He joins up with

the old human enemies of the animals. But he tells the animals that he is working for them. At the same time the animals work hard. It seems that it is as bad to live under Napoleon as it was under Farmer Jones!

Why is the story so important?

Animal Farm is an excellent choice for learners of English because it’s very short. The language is also simple.

Like many famous stories Animal Farm is not just a book. It was played on the BBC radio in 1947. The big m odern way of telling stories is in movies of course. Orwell’s book has become a film twice. Perhaps it won’t surprise you that the first one (1954) was a cartoon. In 1984 another film was made. This was a live-action (真人版的) film. The famous book has also been put on in the theater. In 1984

a play was made and it toured a number of British cities.

34. Which is the right order of what happened in the story?

a. Napoleon turns snowball into a big enemy.

b. Animals are tired of Mr Jones.

c. Snowball becomes one of the leaders.

d. Napoleon kicks snowball off the farm.

e. Animals get rid of Mr Jones.

A. e a b c d

B. a e b d c

C. b e c a d

D. b e a c d

35. Which of th e following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. George Orwell is the writer of the book Animal Farm.

B. All the learners of English should read this book.

C. The book became a film in 1947.

D. Snowball and Napoleon lead the farm in the end.

36. What do you think of Napoleon according to the passage?

A. Friendly and kind.

B. Polite and helpful.

C. Popular and honest

D. Dishonest and unkind

37. The purpose of the passage is ______________________.

A. to make an advertisement for a new book

B. to introduce us a famous novel

C. to show a world of animal

D. to attract us to watch a film








A mother returned home from the store very tiredly.As she put down all of the things on the kitchen table,her 8-year-old son ran up to her.He was waiting for her and wanted to tell her what his younger brother had done.

“While I was out playing and Dad was on a call,Tyler took his crayons and wrote on the wall! It’s on the new wallpaper you just hung up in the living room.I told him you would be mad at him for doing it again,but I couldn’t stop him.” She let out a long sound and asked,“He did it again?Where is your little brother now?” “He is in his room,”the son answered quickly.

She walked to the younger son’s room.She called his full name as she entered.Then,she found Tyler.He was trying to hide.He knew that the worst moment was corning! For the next 10 minutes,the room was full of her shouting about the expensive wallpaper.She punished the little boy for his bad behavior. Then,she headed for the living room to see what happened.As she saw the wall,her eyes flooded with tears at once.It said“I love Mommy”and was surrounded with a heart.

Well, the wallpaper remained,just as she found it,with an empty picture frame hung around it.A reminder t o her and to all:Take time to read the handwriting on the wall.

So when you are sure that something goes wrong,have you ever had any doubt that there might be a

misunderstanding? Take some time to give it a second thought.

71.What did Tyler do before his mother came back?

A. He had a big fight with his elder brother.

B.He broke all his crayons and threw them away.

C.He played games with his elder brother in their house.

D.He wrote something on the new wallpaper with his crayons.

72.Where was Tyler when his mother came home?

A.In his room. B.1n the living room. C.In his study.D.In the bathroom.

73.What can we learn from the underlined sentence?

A.The mother began to realize her mistake.

B.The mother was quite angry with her little son.

C.The mother didn’t get along well with her little son.

D. The mother wanted to make her little son feel relax ed

74.How did the mother feel when she saw what her little son wrote on the wallpaper?

A. Calm. B.Surprised. C.Moved D.Relaxed.

75.What is the main idea of the story?

A.It’s never too late to show love to our families.

B.Love from your mother often hides in small things.

C. It’s important to believe in your family members.

D.We’d better take time to learn from others’ mistakes.









71.D细节理解题。根据短文第二段中的句子“Tyler took his crayons and wrote on the wall! It’s on the new

wallpaper you just hung up in the living room.”可知,泰勒在妈妈回家前用蜡笔在墙纸上写字,故答案为D。

72.A细节理解题。根据短文第二段最后的句子“Where is your little brother now?”“He is in his room,”the son answered quickly.可知,妈妈回家时,泰勒正在自己的房间里。答案为A。

73.B 推理判断题。根据“He did it again? Where is your little brother now?” 及下一段的句子“the room was full of her shouting about the expensive wallpaper.She punished the little boy for his bad behavior.”上面提到泰勒已经被告状在新墙纸上乱画,此处的“他还在做吗”可以判断他的妈妈很生气,故答案为B。


3.When travelling.you are sure to try some exciting new kinds of food.The Wild Food Festival,in the town of Hokitika,the west of Coast of New Zealand,gives you the chance to try some strange food.It is a celebration of the areas special lifestyle and food.And it celebrates food that most people might not want to eat.It is held in March every year.

At the festival you will find huhu grubs and beetles on your plate.The festival also celebrates Maori food. the food of the traditional native people of New Nealand And visitors will eat the wild food with plenty of famous West Coast beer.What’s more,there are three stages at the festival,where there is live music and entertainment an day long.

If you have the chance to travel to Hokitita during the Wild Food Festival,you should book a hotel before it begins.or you can choose to stay at local schools.A number of local schools become camping grounds over the weekend of the festival.You can also stay i n Greymouth,because there are buses from Greymouth to the festival.

76.When is the Wild Food Festival held in the town of Hokitika every year?

A.In March. B.In April. C.In May. D.In June.

77.What will you find on your plate at the festival?

A.Huhu grubs and beetles. B.West Coast beer.

C.Fish and chicken. D.Pork and eggs.

78.Which activity can’t you do at the festival?

A.You can eat Maori food. B.You can enjoy live music and entertainment.

C.You can drink West Coast beer. D.You can make Maori food by yourself.

79.Which place can’t you stay during the festival?

A.A hotel. B. Local schools. C In Greymouth. D.An exciting place.






77.A 细节理解题。根据第二段开头的句子“At the festival you will find huhu grubs and beetles on your plate.”可知,在餐桌上会看到蚕蛾幼虫和甲虫。答案为A。

78.D细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“The festival also celebrates Maori food. And visitors will eat the wild food with plenty of famous West Coast beer. there is live music and entertainment an day long.” D.You can make Maori food by yourself.你可以自己做毛利食品。没有提及,故答案为D。

79.D细节理解题。根据短文最后一段中的句子“you should book a hotel before it begins.or you can choose to stay at local schools.You can also stay in Greymouth,”故D答案不是居住的场所。


4.White bread is thought to have a 1ong history.In ancient Egypt, people discovered white bread about 8,000 years ago.

There is something interesting about white bread.In the old times,many cities in ancient Greece said they owned the best quality.In the middle ages,bakers in England carefully guard their secrets of making bread.Anyone who hoped to learn the art of making bread must spend seven years on it.In times

of war and disasters(灾难),bread and wheat were the first things to be kept closely.

However,in the mid-1800s,an engineer from Switzerland invented a new kind mill to produce more white bread at a faster speed.Soon bread making became widely popular all over Europe.In 1928,America had the first company to produce and sell mountains of white bread.

80.How many countries are mentioned in the article?

A.Four. B.Five. C.Six D.Seven.

81.Who made white bread become more popular in Europe?

A. A Greek. B.An Egyptian. C An Englishman. D.A Swiss。

82.What does the underlined word“guard”means in Chinese?

A. 生产

B. 守卫

C. 销售 D.购买

83.Which of the following is true?

A.White bread has a history of about 800 years.

B.America had the first company to sell mountains of white bread.

C.Egypt produced the most white bread in the world.

D.It was easy to learn how to make white bread in ancient Britain.

84.What is the best title of the article?

A.The history of white bread. B Different kinds of bread.

C. The most delicious food. D.How to make white bread.









80.B 细节理解题。根据In ancient Egypt,; bakers in England; many cities in ancient Greece; an engineer from Switzerland; America共5个国家,故选B。

81.D细节理解题。根据短文最后一段中的句子“…an engineer from Switzerland invented a new kind mill to produce more white bread at a faster speed.Soon b read making became widely popular all over Europe”可知,是瑞士的一名工程师让白面包在欧洲变的更受欢迎。故答案为D。


5. Name: Container Gardens by Number

Cover price: $l5.95

Our price: $9.49

A book covers 50 easy-to-follow container(容器)designs. Each design provides a simple numbered planting plan that shows exactly how to create each display, with an instruction of the finished container and in-depth plant information. The plans are easy to follow and for any type of living space or garden.

Name: Off the Beaten Path

Cover price: $30.00

Our price: $l9.80

The best-selling Reader’s Digest travel book has 40% new content including over 200 new place s of interest, over 200 new full-color photographs, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It introduces over l,000 of the United Stat es’ most beautiful must-see sights.

Name: l80l Home Treatment

Cover price: $40.00

Our price: $29.96

Plenty of health problems can be solved at home. Each and every treatment will be tested by a doctor to m ake sure it is safe and sound.

Lots of conditions are covered, from headaches, sunburn and bad breath to hiccups(打嗝).

Name: Best Weekend Projects

Cover price: $l7.95

Our price: $l3.96

Choose from 80 ideas to create an unusual living space. The projects are practical, as well as attractive, and will improve your home and yard and can be made in a weekend. These 80 well-designed projects are presented in a clear, easy-to-follow style.

31.How much money can you save if you want to buy a medical book?

A. $6.46.

B. $l0.20.

C. $l3.96.

D. $l0.04.

32. You can most probably read the passage in a ___________.

A. newspaper

B. travel guide

C. news story

D. telephone book

33. The writer writes the passage in order to ___________.

A. develop people’s reading habit

B. try to ask readers to buy the books

C. teach how to design your living space

D. introduce places of interest in the USA





32.A 考查推理判断题。【问题】你最有可能会在_______读到这篇文章。这些书籍包括旅游、园艺、家居、健康等多个方面,所以本文应该是报纸上的广告。选A。



6.As a kid, I read a story of a bird. It described a male bird which takes a lot of pain to build

a house and the female bird takes care of the baby in it. When the baby bird learns to fly, the whole family flies off to a different place leaving behind the beautiful nest for other birds to grow their

family in it. It made me confused(困惑的): How could they so easily give up their house built with so much effort?

One night, I got this dream. I was walking on the endless road with beautiful trees on the either side. Attracted by the greenery, I went on, then I saw a wonderful house. I explored the house. There was a sloping(斜的) roof which matched with the greenery around; the large central open yard reminded me of the activities that might have taken place there which felt lively even now. The small water body that kept the house cool added to the beauty of the house — of course, it was all dried up now. Such liveliness turns the house into a home. P eople say “THE HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS”, and now I felt it and was attracted deeply.

When I woke up from the dream, I was clear about everything. I realized what message my dream wanted to convey(传递) me. And years later, when I chose my career, I thought of the story of the bird and my dream, then I was sure what to do. I decided to choose architecture as my career. I wanted to do the same thing that the male bird in the story did, to take pain in building a beautiful house and let others stay in it. My dream comes true and the happiness that I gain now from this career is great.

34. When the writer read the story of the bird, he felt _______.

A. bored

B. confused

C. amazed

D. worried

35.In the writer's dream, what part of the house attracted him most?

A. The sloping roof of the house.

B. The body of water that keeps the house cool.

C. The large central open yard.

D. The liveliness that he felt around the house.

36. The underlined word “architecture” in Paragraph 3 means _______ in Chinese.

A. 考古

B. 天文



37.The passage is mainly about _______.

A. how the bird could give up their house easily

B. how the writer finally becomes an honest citizen

C. what we need to do when we choose our career

D. why the writer chooses architecture as his career






34.B 考查细节理解题。【问题】当作者阅读鸟的故事,他的感到_______。A. bored无聊的;无趣的;烦人的;B. confused 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的;C. amazed惊奇的,吃惊的;D. worried担心的。根据第一段最后一二句It made me confused(困惑的): How could they so easily give up their house built with so much effort?可知作者阅读鸟的故事,他的感到困惑。故选B。

35.D考查细节理解题。【问题】在作者的梦中,房子的哪一部分最吸引他? A. The sloping roof of the house. 房子的斜面屋顶;B. The body of water that keeps the house cool.保持房子凉爽的水体。C. The large central open yard. 大型中央天井;D. The liveliness that he felt around the house.房子的周围他感到的活力。根据第二段最后一二句Such liveliness turns the house into a home. People say “THE HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS”, and now I felt it and was attracted deeply.根据句意和语境可知选D。

36.C考查细节理解题。【问题】在第三段中划线单词“architecture”的中文意思是____________。根据下文I wanted to do the same thing that the male bird in the story did, to take pain in buildi ng a beautiful house and let others stay in it.(我想做故事里的公鸟同样的事情,艰辛地去建立一个美丽的房子,并让其他人住在里面。)结合句意和语境可知architecture是建筑的意思。故选C。

37.D考查主旨理解题。【问题】这篇文章主要关于__________________。A. how the bird could give up their house easily这只鸟怎么能轻易地放弃他们的房子;B. how the writer finally becomes an honest citizen作者如何最终成为一个诚实的公民;C. what we need to do when we choose our career当我们选择我们的职业时,我们需要做什么;D. why the writer chooses architecture as his career作者为什么选择建筑作为自己的事业。本文主要内容是作者小时候听到一个关于一种小鸟的故事,这种鸟的公鸟负责搭窝,母鸟负责抚养后代,小鸟长大后,他们飞走了,把鸟窝留给其他鸟。作者做了一个关于房子的梦,他决定长大后做一名建筑师,像那只公鸟一样。最后作者成功了,也收到了很多快乐。根据本文主要内容可知选D。


7.One day, a physically-deformed man came to our college and on his back was a notice saying,“Free shoe repairing for college students”.

Repairing shoes for free? Most of us didn’t believe it, and some even thought that it was just

a device(策略) to the students who would have to pay for shoes once they had been repaired. But the man

just smiled and said,“Save your money to buy some books.” These words really surprised me and I talked

with him,“You need to make a living. Why do you repair shoes for us for free?” He answered, while keeping on working,“I’m an illiterate(文盲), but I know how important knowledge is for everyone.

So I’d like to serve the students like you. I hope you can do well in your studies. In my opinion,money isn’t everything in life.”

After the chat, I felt he was great compared with me. He, a physically-deformed man who couldn’t

walk without a wheelchair, still tried his best to devote(奉献) himself to society. I would like to

thank him because he gave me a new direction in my life, and taught me what the true value of life is. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(每题1分,共5分)

61.This passage was written by_______.

A. a physically-deformed man

B. a reporter

C. a college student

D. a shoemaker

62.What words of the physically-deformed man surprised the writer?

A. Save your money to buy some books.

B. Free shoe repairing for college students.

C. How important knowledge is for everyone.

D. Money isn’t everything in life.

63.How did the physically-deformed man go out?

A. By car.

B. By bike.

C. On food.

D. By wheelchair.

64.What does the writer think of the physically-deformed man?

A. He is hard-working.

B. He is brave.

C. He is great.

D. He is healthy.

65.Which of the following word has the similar meaning to the word “ph ysically-deformed”?

A. sick

B. disabled

C. blind

D. deaf







62. A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第三行“Save your money to buy some books.” These words really surprised me and I talked with him,“You need to make a living.可知,“节约钱来买书”这句话使作者惊奇。故选A。

63.D细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句He, a physically-deformed man who couldn’t walk without a wheelchair...可知,这个残障人靠轮椅出行。故选D。

64. C总结归纳题。根据短文大意和最后一段的描述,可知作者认为这个残障人是个伟大的人。故选C。

65 B词义猜测题。根据最后一段第二句He, a physically-deformed man who couldn’t wal k without a wheelchair...可知,这个人是残疾的;disabled形容词,残疾的、有缺陷的。故选B。


8.Reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons. First , reading is fun. You can always keep yourself happy if like reading. You will never feel bored or tired. Next, you can read a book anywhere----in a car, on a plane, or even in the bathroom. All you need is a book! Another good reason for reading is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby, you will get better and better at it. And you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. As you r reading skills improve, you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much better.

Some people say that reading is out of date (过时的). This is not true. You can read on computers, and the better you read, the better your computer skills will be. Good readers may become writers, too. They always have more things to write about.

Reading is a wonderful hobby. Why not start reading ri ght now?

36.Reading can always keep yourself ______________.

A. happy

B. tired



37. You can read a book ______________.

A. when you are driving a car

B. anywhere

C. only on a plane

D. only in the reading room

38.You can read faster _____________.


成都中考英语阅读填表题真题训练 2008成都 B.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,补全表格中所缺的信息。请将答案按编号依次填入表格内的题号后横线上。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) In the past,people used to travel to foreign countries because they thought they would be different in many ways—the buildings,the food,the national dresses and so on.At present,however,one large city is similar to another.They all have their Hilton or Sheraton Hotels everywhere.They all have their McDonald’s.their KFCs and their Pizza Huts.Office buildings look the same everywhere,and most city centers are full of office buildings.And of course,people are driving the same brands (品牌) of Japanese or European cars.Then what is the foreign travel for? What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country that they cannot experience at home? The answer could be.that people are very interested in the past.It is a nation’s history and culture that are the main attractions.Most people travel overseas to find out what foreign countries history and cultures used to be like。not what。they arc 1ike today.Tourists try to learn the history and culture of foreign countries by visiting different kinds of museums. Every country also has its own beautiful places for tourists to visit.Their own special scenery(风景) would certainly attract tourists from other countries. Finally,there is perhaps a country’s attraction:its people.A country is not just its old buildings,its works of art(艺术品) or beautiful places,it’s also the people who live in it.This is why a country such as Thailand attracts millions of people.The tourists come mainly because of the friendliness(友好) of the people there.It is why the Pacific islands are also so popular.The friendly,smiling people make visitors feel welcome. 2009成都 B. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,补全表格中所缺信息。请将答案按编号依次填入表格内的题号后横线上。(共5小题,每小题1分:计5分) Cars are very important in the life of the Americans. Without a car, most American people would feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor, he doesn’t really feel poor when he


2020届中考英语阅读理解50篇 (绝对精品训练题,接近实战考题,值得下载练习) 1 When I was a kid in Minnesota, watermelon was expensive. One of my father’s friends, Bernie, was a rich businessman, who owned a large store in St. Paul. Every summer, when the first watermelons arrived, Bernie would call. Dad and I would go to Bernie’s place. We’d sit on the edge of the dock(码头), feet dangling(摇晃), and got ready for a big meal. Bernie would take his knife, cut our first watermelon, hand us both a big piece and sit down next to us. Then we’d bury our faces in watermelon, eating only the heart—the reddest, juiciest, firmest, sweetest, most seed-free part—and throw away the rest. Bernie was my father’s idea of a rich man. I always thought it was because he was such a successful businessman. Years later, I realized that it was not Bernie’s wealth itself but his way of dealing with it that my father liked. Bernie knew how to stop working, get together with friends and eat only the heart of the watermelon. What I learned from Bernie is that being rich is a state of mind. Some of us, no matter how much money we have, will never be free enough to eat only the heart of the watermelon. If you don’t take the time to dangle your feet over the dock and enjoy life’s small pleasure, your work is probably hurting your life. For many years, I forgot that lesson I’d learned as a kid on the loading dock. I was too busy making all the money I could. Well, I’ve relearned it. I hope I have time left to enjoy the success of others and to take pleasure in the day. That’s the heart of the watermelon. I have learned again to throw t he rest away. 1. We learned from the second paragraph that the writer and his father were feeling ______. A. relaxed B. worried C. hungry D. proud 2. How did the writer and his father eat the watermelon? A. They ate it in a polite way. B. They only ate its best part. C. They ate every part of it. D. They shared only one piece. 3. In the eyes of the writer’s father, Bernie ______. A. was just a rich businessman B. worked hard all the time C. lived a rich but healthy life D. knew how to make money


中考英语阅读理解训练 Passage 1 The car stopped. Minka's heart was beating fast,but her legs carried her forward. Faces flashed through the car windows.She looked at the front passenger seat,but Betty Jane was not there.Through the back window,she saw white hair.Minka stepped forward,opened the door and was met with flowers. From behind them,she saw her daughter's face,the one she'd seen only in photographs,and heard the voice she'd heard only over the phone.Everything disappeared behind one longing(渴望)一to get her daughter into her arms.And then,she was. Minka's sight can't see it clearly.Her voice stuck in her throat(喉咙).Her arms wrapped tightly around her girl.She'd waited more than 28,000days for this,her daughter safe in her embrace(拥抱).The joy of it was boundless. Finally Minka let go a little,pulling back to see that dear face again一a face as lined as her own.But Minka believed she knew those pale blue eyes.She lookedinto them,and then her daughter kissed her cheek.Minka managed to speak,her words ‘I love you' that had never been spoken. "You are as wonderful as I thought you would be." Minka said.

高一英语 阅读黄金阅读理解试题(六)

高一英语阅读英语黄金阅读理解试题(六) When the famous dancer Fred Astaire was interviewed for a job by a Hollywood producer, the movie "expert" turned him down, saying, "Can't sing. Can't act. Dances a little." Here's another stupid mistake. When the great scientist Albert Einstein was at school, his teachers considered him rather dull. And a final story, the famous Polish pianist Paderewski was told by a teacher that he'd never be a success as a performer because the middle finger on each hand was too short. What lessons can be drawn from these three experiences? First, true genius(天才) cannot be suppressed(压抑). For some reason or other it works its way out. Second, early judgments of a person's abilities may be unfair or just wrong. Third, when there is a real determination to succeed, obstacles fall by the wayside. The famous motto "ad astra per aspera" can be translated as "To the stars through hardships". Astaire, Einstein and Paderewski proved their critics wrong. 1. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage? A. Fred Astaire was a famous dancer. B. True ability will always make itself known. C. Some people never get discouraged. D. Albert Einstein proved his teachers wrong. 2. When Paderewski's teachers told him he'd never be a success, they were _______. A. being humorous B. cheerful, though concerned C. somewhat hesitant D. seriously mistaken 3. "Ad astra per aspera" is used in the passage _______. A. as a motto for the three men's lives B. to show the value of Latin C. to send the reader to the dictionary D. to point out that genius is always recognized early 4. The writer of the passage thinks that the reader _______. A. knows that the three men were successful men B. someday dreams to become like one of the men C. sympathizes with(同情) the poor teachers of the three men D. knows that Fred Astaire was an actor famous for performing Shakespeare's plays 【答案解析】本文以爱因斯坦等三位名人为例阐述了过早给人定论是错误的。 1. B。主旨题。根据第 2 段…true genius cannot be suppressed. For so me reason or other it works its way out 可知答案为 B。 2. D。细节题。根据最后一句…Astaire, Einstein and Paderewski proved their critics wrong.可知答案为 D。 3. A。推断题。根据最后一段可推知答案为 A。 4. A。推断题。根据全文可知答案为 A。


教学资料范本 【2020最新】四川省中考英语试题(解析版) 编辑:__________________ 时间:__________________

一、单选题(共10小题) 1.—Sally, may I use your iPad? _________ is broken. —OK, here you are. A.Your B.Yours C.Mine D.My 2.When I got into the room, Green was talking _________ the phone. A.on B.wit C.to D.in 3.Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _________ at the party.A.dances B.was dancing C.has danced D.is dancing 4.A new school _________ last year in my hometown. A.set up B.sets up C.is set up D.was set up 5.—Would you like some more noodles, Celia? —Yes, just _________, please. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 6.y.We have already done _________ of the work. A.two-three B.two-third C.two-thirds D.second-three 7.We stopped _________, but there was not any sound. A.to listen B.listens


中考英语阅读理解精选篇一中考英语阅读理解 真题及答案 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

中考英语阅读理解100篇:中考英语阅读理解真题及答案(1) Edward rose early on the New-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet. When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore. He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family. “I wish you a Happy New Year.” said Edward, as he was passing on. The man shook his head. “You are no t from this country.” said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language. But he pointed to his mouth and to the children shaking with cold, as if (好像) to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.” Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble. He took out his dollars and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife. They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, “We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time.” When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought. He hung his head a moment, but quickly looked up. “I have bought no books”, said he. “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hu ngry then.” He went on, “I think I can wait for my books till next New Year.” “My dear boy,” said his father, “here are some books for you, more as a prize for your goodness of heart than as a New-year gift” “I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family. It was nice for a little boy to do so. Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year.” 48. Edward expected to _________ with the money he got from his father. A. help the poor family B. buy something to eat C. buy some pretty books D. learn another language 49. Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him A. He couldn’t understand the boy B. He wouldn’t accept the money C. He didn’t like the boy’s language D. He was too cold to say anything


2019年中考英语阅读理解精选练习 (名师精选真题实战训练+答案,值得下载练习) Passage A (2019中考选练) Good morning, class! We know that there are too many net bars around us. The Internet is popular and it makes our lives colorful. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English. We can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us clever in 聊 playing computer games. We can send E-mails to our friends quickly. We can chat( 天) freely online with our friends. It can help us get in touch with people from all over the world. But some students spend too much time in playing computer game and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. Teenagers even get to have boyfriends or girlfriends online. They write too many letters to each other. It takes them to much time to chat online so they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don’t study we any more. I think we mustn’t get online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. We should get online with adults(成人)--our teacher or parents. At the same time, if we have lots of free time, we can do some out-of-class activities at school. We usually have activities from 4:50 to 5:50 in the afternoon. We have different kinds of activities. If you are interested in sports, you can play basketball or football. We can go to the English Corner. We can practice talking in English there. We hope we can spend more time on our subjects or on such activities that we can learn a lot from and less time on the Internet. Thank you for listening to me.That’s all. ( ) 1.The short passage is about __________.


山东新高考高二英语阅读强化黄金组合训练(含答案解析) (一) Ⅰ阅读理解 She was sitting up at four months, walking at eight months and completing 100-piece jigsaw puzzles(拼图玩具) at 15 months. So it is no surprise that Abigail Wilson, 15, from Connecticut,USA, recently made history when she became the youngest black girl ever accepted into an American university! “I’m proud of myself for getting in,but I usually find it hard to get excited. It’s pretty cool, I guess,”said Abigail. Her mother, Nancy, said that Abigail was a quiet baby, born two weeks late on Christmas Day.She didn’t speak her first words until she was 22 months old! Nancy and her husband thought something must be wrong, but when she started to talk, her speech was perfect. She already knew her colours, letters and was able to read. Her parents read her normal bedtime stories and they didn’t know she was learning all of it. Abigail has always been the youngest person in her class. At six she was in the fourth grade, at ten she took her first high school class in Maths.She has studied several languages, including Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and German. Abigail says that she doesn’t usually plan when she studies, she calls herself scatterbrained and she always delays(拖延) things up to the last minute. This gives her the motivation(热情) to really do something. In her free time, Abigail plays basketball, surfs the Internet, reads, cooks and hangs out with her friends: they are all 17 and 18. She has also studied music. Her mother says that Abigail’s music lessons helped her to be a normal teen. She believes that Abigail needed to be in a situation where she had to fail in order to learn. “She found playing the piano very difficult, but it made her learn better,”said Nancy. “She can’t always be successful, she won’t be able to learn anything!People always learn more from their failures than from their successes”.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了一位15岁上大学的天才少女。 1.Why is it no surprise that Abigail went to university at 15? A.She was a hard-working girl. B.She was always ahead of other kids. C.She was brought up in a special way. D.She was no different than other black girls. B解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的She was sitting up at four months,walking at eight months and completing 100-piece jigsaw puzzles(拼图玩具) at 15 months.可知,因为Abigail 从小就处处领先同龄人,所以她15岁上大学并不让人吃惊。 2.What can we learn about Abigail?


中考英语阅读理解本章综合与测试(解析版)经典1 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 C Jodie’s Daddy is a Garbageman (垃圾清理工) Mr. Swales wanted to find out what his students’ parents did. He had just called Jodie when some girls burst out laughing. Shirley shouted, “Jodie’s Daddy is a Garbageman!” Everybody in the class laughed out loud, except Jodie. She felt her face turn red. “Silence!” Mr Swales said, “Being a garbagemen is a difficult and useful job. We should all be thankful to Jodie’s father.” Jodie’s father came to walk her home from school as usual, but she didn’t run up to him the way she always did. When they got back home, Jodie went to her room and cried for a long time. Her father came into her room, “What happened, Jodie? Why are you so sad?” Jodie told her father what had happened and looked at him. He didn’t seem angry or hurt. “Well,” he said, “they are right. Being a garbageman is a dirty job. Tomorrow’s Saturday. Come to work with me, Jodie.” The place really smell too go od. Jodie wrinkled her nose. “Don’t worry, kid. In five minutes you won’t smell a thing.” said her father. Everybody there was working hard, and they seemed to have a good time. Jodie’s father handed her a pair of gloves and told her to get the little plastic bags and throw them into the truck. It was fun, but also hard work. Jodie’s arms soom got tired. At last, no more garbage was left and Jodie felt very happy. “Garbage is disgusting, but when we clear it away, everything’s nice and cle an. You can make yourself happy only by making other happy. That’s why I like being a garbageman so much.” Jodie give her dirty, smeely garbageman daddy a big kiss(吻). She said, “When I grow up, I will be a garbagegirl!” Now whenever someone asks Jodie what her daddy does, she says, “He’s a garbageman! Everybody makes garbage, but my daddy takes it away!” (1)What happened in My Swale’s class? A. He wanted to show what job was the most useful. B. He asked an improper question. C. Jodie gave an honest answer. D. Jodie was laughed at. (2)Why did Jodie’s fathe r take her to his workplace? A. To make Jodie calm down B. To prove how dirty his job was.C To help Jodie learn about his job. C. To help Jodie learn about his job. D. To keep Jodie away from her classmates.


2019-2020年中考英语阅读理解训练:12 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Hello, everyone. A problem with teenagers’ safety becomes serious because the school violence (暴力) happens more often in some areas. We are planning to build an organization named School Watch to make sure that students have a safe environment. Please be part of our plan! What is School Watch? School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom and you do the same for them. Is it for everyone? Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer. What else can it do? School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help schoolmates who have problems with their homework. Who is the Best School Watcher? Our school will look for the Best School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one! How do you start? To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of the plan in your grade. You can check the official website at www. schoolwatch. com if you want to get more information. 31. School Watch can help its members _________. A. save the environment B. organize sports activities C. improve the quality of school life D. go on school trips 32. Anyone can become a member of School Watch because _________.

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