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n 后 n+v, n+n, n+adj, n+of

前 adj+n, other/the/a+n+of, my(人称代词)+n, v+n(谓宾结构), prep+n v 后 v+adv, v+prep, v+n(谓宾结构)

前 adv+v, n+v, will(have)+v, to+v must(情态动词)+v

adj 后 adj+n

前 adv+adj, n+adj, be+adj, most+adj

adv 后 adv+v, adv+adj

前 v+adv, v+n+adv


60道选词填空题(带答案和解释) 1.在人群里能挤兑出聪明和狡猾,很难提炼出真正的智慧。我们会发现,在人口密度高的地方,多的是小聪明,绝少大。在人群之外,我们还需要一种高度,一种,一种虚静,去与天地对话,与万物对话,与永恒对话。 A.智慧境界B.智慧空旷 C.境界从容D.头脑历练 解析:与“小聪明”相对应的应该是大智慧,故先排除C、D 两项;与“高度”“虚静”并列的词语使用“空旷”较好,“境界”范围太广,表意不准确。故选B。 2.弹指一挥间,十多年过去了,电脑、网络的神速发展令我们。每过一阵,一项新的电脑和网络技 术就会出现。用手写作的人越来越少,用电脑写作的人越来越多。 A.眼花缭乱B.猝不及防 C.神魂颠倒D.应接不暇 解析:眼花缭乱,眼睛看见复杂纷繁的东西而感到迷乱;猝不及防,事情突然发生,来不及防备;神魂颠倒,精神、意志倒转,不正常;应接不暇,形容来人或事情太多,接待应付不过来。故选A。 3.科学家们证实,这种化学物质具有很强的水溶性,对土壤几乎没有亲和力,同时它又是很难分解的寿命很长的物质。甲基叔丁基乙醚见光可分解,阳光很难进入土壤和地下水中。,它一旦进入地下水中,人们就很难将它“请”出来,它渗入到更深水层的可能性则是不可避免的了。 A.因为所以然而最后B.虽说但是所以最终 C.由于故而但是而D.虽说但因此而 解析:根据语意可知,最后一句应是因果关系,先排除A、C 两项;分析余下两项,D 最合适。故选D。 4.人类正面临着全球变暖的挑战。联合国的一份报告向我们描述了气候变化产生的灾难性后果:森林和沙漠扩大,将使非洲成为受影响最广的地区;热带流行的疟疾和寄生虫病将向北,使欧洲出现流行病;地中海地区由于严重缺水会半沙漠化,滑雪运动在欧洲将荡然无存。 A.缩小扩展B.消失传播 C.消失蔓延D.缩小侵蚀解析:由“灾难性后果”可知,森林应该是“消失”,A、D 两项首先被排除;“传播”是个中性词,用它来描述疾病的恶劣程度不恰当,再排除B 项,C项最合适。故选C。

2017年6月英语六级阅读真题及答案 第1套 选词填空

2017年6月英语六级阅读真题及答案第1套选词填空 After becoming president of Purdue University in2013, Mitch Daniels asked the faculty to prove that their students have actually achieved one of higher education’s most important goals: critical thinking skills. Two years before, a nationwide study of college graduates had shown that more than a third had made no 26 gains in such mental abilities during their school years. Mr. Daniels needed to__27__ the high cost of attending Purdue to its students and their families. After all, the percentage of Americans who say a college degree is "very important" has fallen 28 in the last 5-6 years. Purdue now has a pilot test to assess students' critical thinking skills. Yet like many college " such as a graduate's ability to investigate and reason. However, the professors need not worry so much. The results of a recent experiment showed that professors can use __31__ metrics to measure how well students do in three key areas: critical thinking, written communication, and quantitative literacy. Despite the success of the experiment, the actual results are worrisome, and mostly __32__ earlier studies. The organizers of the experiment concluded that far fewer students were achieving high levels on critical thinking than they were doing for written communication or quantitative literacy. And that conclusion is based only on students nearing graduation. American universities, despite their global 33__ for excellence in teaching, have only begun to demonstrate what they can produce in real-world learning. Knowledge-based degrees are still important, but employers are still important, but employers are __34__ advanced thinking skills from college graduates. If the intellectual worth of a college degree can be __35__ measured, more people will seek higher education—and come out better thinkers. A. accurately B. confirm C. demanding D. doubtful E. drastically F. justify G. monopolized H. outcome I. predominance J. presuming K. reputation L. significant M. signify N. simultaneously O. standardized 答案:(26)L. significant (27)F. justify (28)E. drastically (29)D. doubtful (30)H. outcome (31)O. standardized (32)B. confirm (33)K. reputation (34)C. demanding (35)A. accurately 2017年6月英语六级阅读真题及答案第1套仔细阅读2篇 Open data sharers are still in the minority in many fields. Although many researchers broadly agree that public access to raw data would accelerate science, most are reluctant to post the results of their own labors online. Some communities have agreed to share online—geneticists, for example, post DNA sequence sat the GenBank repository (库) , and astronomers are accustomed to accessing images of galaxies and stars from, say, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a telescope that has observed some500 million objects—but these remain the excepti on, not the rule. Historically, scientists have objected to sharing for many reasons: it is a lot of work; until recently, good databases did not


小学三年级语文上册选词填空及答案(完整版) 一、选择正确的词语填空。 热闹喧闹 (1)一场(________)的音乐会开始了。 (2)图书室内,请大家保持安静,请勿(_______)。 舒服舒畅 (3)每一个张开的喙(________)地呼吸着。 (4)外面寒风呼啸,屋子里又(________)又暖和。 二、先比一比,再选择正确的词语填空,我能行! 灵活灵敏 1.小猫咪披着一件黑白相间的大衣,它有一双(______)的耳朵,还有一对水汪汪的大眼睛。 2小三毛的手和脚胖乎乎的,十分(_______)。 轻快轻巧 3.天上飞的小鸟多像只(________)的飞机呀! 4.童年是一首(________)的音乐,有着无尽的欢乐。 三、选词填空。 灵巧灵活灵敏 1.小狗的嗅觉很(____)。 2.妈妈有一双(____)的手,能编织出美丽的花篮。 3.小巧的脑袋,(____)的四肢,短小的尾巴,凑成了一只机灵可爱的小兔子。轻巧轻快轻松 4.这件事说起来(____),做起来却不容易。 5.这个周末作业比较少,我们很(____)。 6.我们迈着(____)的步子走在乡间的小路上。

四、选择正确的词语填空。 守株待兔狡兔三窟兔死狐悲 1.尽管犯罪分子(__________),但仍然被公安干警们一网打尽。2.匪徒一个接一个被捕入狱,匪首不免有(__________)之感。 3.美好的生活要靠劳动去创造,不能(__________),寄希望于侥幸。 五、选择合适的词语填在下面的括号里。 创造创举 1.赵州桥的建筑设计在建桥史上是一个伟大的(________)。 2.中国人民用自己的双手(________)了辉煌的历史和文明。 美观美丽 3.多么(________)的花朵啊! 4.这套家具的式样(________),我很喜欢。 六、选择恰当的词语填空。 无论……也……即使……也…… 不是……而是……不是……就是…… 1.(______)遇到什么困难,我们(_____)决不后退半步。 2.(______)爸爸妈妈不催,我(______)能自觉地学习。 3.放学回家后,我(______)先出去玩,(______)先做作业。 4.星期天,我们(______)去电影院,(______)去游乐场。 七、选择正确的词语填空。 新鲜清新 (1)雨过天晴,(_____)的空气迎面扑来。 (2)小丽生病了,同学们给她买了许多(________)的水果。 辽阔宽阔 (3)我们走在(_________)平坦的大路上。 (4)在祖国(______)的土地上,世世代代生活着勤劳勇敢的人民


三年级下册语文选词填空专项练习题 一、我会选择正确的词语写在括号里。 急性子慢性子感动夸奖 1小丽是个(______),干什么事情都急急忙忙的。 2.顾客听裁缝说不用接袖子,他也能做出最漂亮的春装后,(______)极了。 3.李岩干什么事情磨磨蹭蹭,慢慢吞吞的,真是个(______)。 4.裁缝说当顾客穿上了他做的美观大方的新棉袄的时候,大家都会(______)他。 二、选词填空。 清新清香 (1)清晨,我到公园去玩,一进门就闻到一阵(_________)。 (2)雨后的空气特别(_________)。。 因为……所以……凡是……都…… (3)(_________)有复眼的昆虫,视觉(________)很灵敏。 (4)(_________)尖头蚂蚱的形态好掌握,(________)国画家很喜欢画它。 三、选择合适的字词填空。(填序号) A.杆B.竿 1.李大爷扛着钓(____)去公园钓鱼了。 2.那里竖着一根木(____)。 A.荡漾B.飘荡 3.水面的小圆晕一圈圈地(____)开去。 4.一朵朵白云在天空中自由地(____)着。 四、读句子,选择恰当的词语填空。 可爱可怜 1.(______)的红头还没来得及跳开,就和草一起被大黄牛卷到嘴里了。

2.小弟弟才4岁,眼睛大大的,很(______)。 悄悄轻轻 3.红头向四周看了看,(______)地躲在一个草堆里不作声了。 4.秋天的雨(______)地打开了秋天的大门。 五、选择正确的词语填空。 热烈猛烈激烈 1.开学初,一年级教学楼下拉起横幅,上面写着“_______欢迎新同学”。2.当代社会竞争这么_________,每个人都承受着很大的压力。 3.风_________地摇动着路边的白桦树。 经常超常异常 4.这次期末考试,他_________发挥,取得了全科满分的好成绩。 5.登上领奖台,我的心情_________激动,手心不停地出汗。 6.我________看到这位大哥哥带着猫罐头去公园喂流浪猫。 六、选择恰当的词语填空。 审视注视 1.翠鸟一动不动地(________)着水面。 2.经过这次教训,我要重新(________)自己的言行。 教育教诲 3.老师天天(________)我们要好好学习。 4.我虽然离开了母校,但是王老师对我的(_______),使我永远不忘。 严肃严格 5.老师对我们的要求很(_________)。 6.爸爸的神情变得(_________)了。 准确正确 7.这道题你做的完全(_________)。 8.我认真地看,老实的画,自己觉得画得很(_________)。


大学英语四级阅读:选词填空技巧汇总 选词填空的考察形式 一篇280词左右的文章,文章中挖出10个空,并统一给出A-O 15个备选答案。选词填空区别于完形填空,有更大的解题难度,原因在于: 1. 完形填空每题都是四选一,选词填空第一题要十五选一,就算用到排除法,最后一题也要六选一,而且在十五个选项中还有五个根本不会用到,难度加大; 2. 完形填空每题的四个选项都是统一的词性,只需要辨析词义、搭配就基本可以作答,而选词填空的十五个选项有多个词性,解题时需要同时判断词性和词义,难度加大; 3. 完形填空每题的四个选项往往都是统一时态,统一形式,而在选词填空中会涉及选项的动词时态、第三人称单数形式、被动主动语态,名词的单复数等的辨析,难度加大。 针对选词填空的解题方法分为三步 1. 预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 2. 精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判 断每空的词性; 3. 把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 四级考试的常用后缀在判断选项词性时可以有一定帮助作用。在根据前后文判断每空的词性时,一些经常考察的形式如下: 名词:通常来说,冠词(如a,an,the)、形容词、介词后面搭配名词,即"a/an/the/adj./prep. + n。", 举例说明:Education soon became a _____. 冠词a后面加可数名词的单数形式,正确答案是nightmare,这句话的意思是"教育很快成了一种噩梦。" As the trade winds lessen in _____, the ocean temperatures rise causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5 degrees. (06-6) 介词in后面加名词,正确答案是strength,这句话的意思是"当信风强度减弱的时候,海洋温度上升,导致从东部流入的秘鲁洋流上升了5摄氏度之多。"较难的一个例子:Husbands and children now do some of these jobs, a ____ that has changed the target market for many products. (06-12) 这里可以用两种判断方法来判断横线处所填词的词性。第一种方法,用句子结构来判断,前面一句话,husbands and children now do some of these jobs,这是一个完整的句子,主语husbands and children,谓语动词do,宾语some of these jobs;后面的that 引导的是一个同位语从句,它所修饰的中心词就是a后面需要填的词,而定语从句的中心词是名词,所以横线处应填一个名词。第二种方法,根据刚才所说的"a + 名词"的语法规则来判断,横线处应该填一个名词,而且是一个可数名词的单数形式。正确答案是situation。这句话的意思是"丈夫和孩子现在也做一些这样的工作了,这种情况就改变了许多产品的目标市场。" 动词:动词的考点很多,我们来看其中三种: 1. 主语后缺谓语动词。举例说明:He ____ from his teachers, came home in tears and thought about dropping out. 在这句话里,主语是he,本来后面应该有一个动词作谓语,但是这里没有动词,而是在横线后面出现了一个介词短语from his teachers,这样这句话就缺少谓语动词,所以横线上应该填一个动词。正确答案是hid,这句话的意思是"他不愿见老师,


新视野大学英语4选词填空答案及翻译 一 Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that the y are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them object to people saying there is anything different about them. “I’m really just a normal guy,”protests an actor who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period whe n they actually start to believe they are as great as their worshipping fans suggest. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if everyone should hear what they have to say. This period, however, does not often last long . They fall back to reality as fast as they had originally risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look down like an eagl e from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so high only to wake from your dream and realize you are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losing something they had gained. They often make desperate attempts to regain what they lost. Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become bankrupt financially and emotionally. The only real winners are those who are happ y to be back on the ground with the rest of us. 你了解名人吗?如果是这样,你可能发现他们与我们身边其余的人非常地相似。甚至,你可能已经听到他们反对的人说有什么不同。“我真的只是一个普通人,”一个最近已经飙升到了聚光灯下的演员抗议说。


2011年6月大学英语四级真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. The popular notion that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday. While elderly people __47__ to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger, this has a(n) __48__ effect on their brain's performance and they would benefit from getting more, according to research. Sean Drummond, a. psychiatrist (心理医生) at the University of California, San Diego, said older people are more likely to suffer from broken sleep, while younger people are better at sleeping __49__ straight through the night. More sleep in old age, however, is __50__ with better health, and most older people would feel better and more __51__ if they slept for longer periods, he said. “The ability to sleep in one chunk (整块时间) overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to __52__ well does not change,” Dr Drummond told the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego. “It's __53__ a myth that older people need less sleep. The more healthy an older adult is, the more they sleep like they did when they were __54__. Our data suggests that older adults would benefit from __55__ to get as much sleep as they did in their 30s. That's __56__ from person to person, but the amount of sleep we had at 35 is probably the same amount as we need at 75.” 答案Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth) 47 N tend 48 L negative 49 H efficiently 50 B associated 51 A alert 52 J function/ 53 F definitely 54 O younger 55 E continuing56 G different 文章大意:本文主要讲述的是关于老年人睡眠的问题:是否老年人与年轻人相比只需要较少的睡眠时间? 2010年12月英语四级考试真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were 47 . The study of how genes and environment interact to influence 48 activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important 49 to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology


六组高中英语选词填空题(含答案) 这个选词填空比较有挑战性,但是都是高中生必须掌握的单词,而且每个句子都牵扯到高中重点语法。 1.Traveling abroad isn’t as complicated as you imagine. As long as you take everything important into consideration, you’ll be fine. 2.I’m terribly sorry but I can’t permit sick leave without the letter of approval from the medical staff. 3.Employment rate is one of the many factors to evaluate the overall development of a country. 4.Despite my repeated explanation, I couldn’t convince him that I hadn’t been involved in that prank(恶作剧). 5.Honest as he is, he is too inexperienced a man to rely upon. 6.It’d hard to imagine any billionaire but him usually takes the economical class when traveling by air. 注意economic和economical的区别 7.It is usually believed that the more people who are unemployed, the higher the crime rate is. 8.Many people living in underdeveloped countries lack daily necessities to support their lives. 9.Many advertisements nowadays are so unreliable that the products they promote lack the functions mentioned in them. Being imaginative is a rare quality among employees, especially those who specialize in designing. It’s not uncommon that high prices are paid for good ideas.


2016年12月大学英语六级选词填空试题 及答案 The typical pre-industrial family not only had a good many children, but numerous other dependents as well---grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousions. Such "extended" families were suited for survival in slow paced __1__ societies. But such families are hard to __2__. They are immobile.Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in pursuit of jobs, and to move again whenever necessary. Thus the extended family __3__ shed its excess weight and the so-called "nuclear" family emerged---a stripped-down, portable family unit __4__ only of parents and a small set of children. This new style family, far more __5__ than the traditional extended family, became the standard model in all the industrial counties. Super-industrialism, however, the next stage of eco-technological development, __6__ even higher mobility.


When we think of green buildings, we tend to think of new ones-the kind of high-tech, solar-paneled masterpieces that make the covers of architecture magazines. But the US has more than 100 million existing homes, and it would be __1__ wasteful to tear them all down and __2__ them with greener versions. An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the construction of those houses. And it would take an average of 65 years for the __3__ carbon emissions from a new energy-efficient home to make up for the resources lost by destroying an old one. So in the broadest __4__, the greenest home is the one that has already been built. But at the same time, nearly half of US carbon emissions come from heating, cooling and __5__ our homes, offices and other buildings. "You can't deal with climate change without dealing with existing building," says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust. With some __6__, the oldest homes tend to be the least energy-efficient. Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000, mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that __7__ over time and let in more outside air. Fortunately, there are a __8__ number of relatively simple changes that can green older homes, from __9__ ones like Lincoln's Cottage to your own postwar home. And efficiency upgrades (升级) can save more than just the earth; they can help __10__ property owners from rising power costs. [A] accommodations [B] clumsy [C] doubtfully [D] exceptions [E] expand [F] historic [G] incredibly [H] powering [I] protect [J] reduced [K] replace [L] sense [M] shifted [N] supplying [O] vast


选词填空强化训练50题 1.很长一段时间以来,文学( )了,学家们似乎都已经退隐到超凡脱俗的文学世界里,或专营文学技术的革新,或致力于自我感情的( )。在各种重大历史场合很难看到文学的身影。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.消失装饰 B.寂静掩饰 C.沉默宣泄 D.沉寂雕饰 2.希望大家对我们的工作提出批评,使我们能够得到。填入划 横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.教正 B.教益 C.教训 D.教义 3.在这种情况下,保存一点点文明变得十分,只能保存痛苦。因为只有痛苦,才能把衰败的过程延缓,在衰败之后种下复兴的希望。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.痛苦同时 B.重要因而 C.艰巨后来 D.艰难甚至 4.我们平日总以为人类的那些早期圣哲一定踩踏在的地平线上,谁知越过这种想象中的荒昧回溯远处,却是一种时髦而的生活形态。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.荒芜精巧 B.荒昧精致 C.荒凉精细 D.愚昧精美 5.现在有学者根据金字塔所包含的各种建造数据与天体运行规则的对应性、预见性,这是古人对后人的一种智能。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.宣称遗愿 B.宣告暗示 C.断言遗嘱 D.断定嘱托 6.浅海处,一眼可见密密层层色彩斑斓的珊瑚礁,还有比珊瑚更的鱼群游弋其间。海底也有峡谷,只见珊瑚礁猛地于海底悬崖之下,当然也滑出了我们的视线。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.华丽坠落 B.美丽沉浮 C.优雅掉落 D.艳丽滑落 7.这样的河山,出现伟大时一定气韵,蒙受灾难时一定悲情漫漫,处于平和时一定淡然漠然。它本身没有太大的主调,只等历史来浓浓地。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.非凡衬托 B.生动营造 C.轩昂渲染 D.贯通映衬 8.想想也对,仇恨可以用仁慈浇灭,强敌可以用武力,自然灾难虽然不容易对付但形态明确,而谎言呢?仁慈和武力都没有用,而形态又是那么。怪不得它千年葱茏、万古不灭。有那么多小人躲藏在谎言后面战无不胜、攻无不克。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.征服暧昧 B.占领含糊 C.驯服模糊 D.制服推诿 9.由于蒲松龄把他在现实生活里所到的各种人物个性以及人情世故很的概括在这些神鬼怪异的身上,这就使小说中出现的花妖狐魅具有,人们对这些异类并不感到可怕,倒觉得它们可亲可爱,十分的亲切感人。


2019年英语六级选词填空习题及答案(9) Sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticismfrom coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessiveamount of __1__ or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychologicaland research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as __2__ orquitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.The early years of development are __3__ years for learning about oneself. The sport settingis one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to__4__ with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives.Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can __5__affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents’ and coaches’ criticisms to heart and find aflaw(缺陷)in themselves.Coaches and parents should also be __6__ that youth sport participation does not become workfor children. That outcome of the game should not be more important than the __7__ of learning thesport and other life lessons. In today’s youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying moreabout who will win instead of __8__ themselves and the sport. Following a game many parents andcoaches __9__ on the outcome and find fault with youngsters’ performances. Positive reinforcementshould be provided regardless of the outcome. Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivatesand has a greater effect on learning that criticism. Again,


选词填空专题训练 (一)剧烈激烈热烈 1、他的讲话刚刚结束,会场上立即爆发出()的掌声。 2、那摞碗又()得晃动起来。 3、他好像在和什么人进行()的争吵。 (二)幻想理想梦想 1、傣家竹楼是傣族人最()的居住房屋。 2、有些人总想不劳而获,这简直是()。 3、卖火柴的小女孩()着跟着奶奶一起走向新年的幸福中去。 (三)阻止阻挡阻挠 1、客家民居的特殊点在于它还可以()兵匪、野兽及土著的袭击。 2、虽然帝国主义百般(),京张铁路还是提前竣工了。 3、小弟弟想摘公园里的花,被他的姐姐()了。 (四)愿望希望渴望 许多房屋大门上刻着这样的正楷对联:“承前祖德勤和俭,启后子孙读与耕”,表现了先辈()子孙和睦相处,勤俭持家的()。 (五)含糊模糊 1、爸爸的话说得很(),我没有听懂。 2、以前的事,我记不清了,有些()。 (六)僻静寂静 1、那是一个()的小院,平时很少有人去。 2、也深了,树林里一片()。

(七)粗暴残暴 1、教育孩子不能简单(),要有耐心。 2、()的匪徒把父亲绑起来,拖走了。 (八)激烈剧烈 1、我的心()地跳动起来,用恐怖的眼光瞅了瞅父亲。 2、()的战斗打响了,山冈上响起了战士们豪迈的喊杀声。 (九)聪明聪慧 1、书是阳光,能照亮人生之路;书是钥匙,能开启()之门。 2、小李是个()的孩子,挺讨人喜欢的。 (十)侃侃而谈夸夸其谈 1、做事要脚踏实地,不要() 2、语文老师在课堂上(),同学们听得津津有味。 (十一)敏感敏锐 1、警察叔叔的目光十分(),一下子就能看到案子的症结所在。 2、有些动物对气味很(),比如猫对腥味、狗对臭味等等。 (十二)绚烂绚丽 1、在九寨沟众多的湖泊中,五彩池素以小巧秀美,色彩()而著称。 2、生命是盛开的花朵,()多姿,灿烂芬芳。 (十三)疲倦疲惫 1、因为我昨晚没有休息好,所以今天感觉很()。 2、小明读书手不释卷,有时甚至会读到半夜直到()不堪为止。(十四)凶悍凶猛

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