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Tesco is preparing a legal battle to clear its name of involvement in the dairy price-fixing scandal that has cost consumers £270 million. Failure to prove that it had no part in collusion with other supermarkets and dairy processors may land it with a fine of at least £80 million. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) said yesterday that Asda, Sainsbury’s and the former Safeway, plus the dairy companies Wiseman, Dairy Crest and Cheese Company, had admitted being in a cartel to fix prices for milk, butter and cheese. They were fined a total of just over £116 million as part of a leniency deal offered by the watchdog to companies that owned up quickly to anti-competitive behaviour.

Officials at the OFT admitted privately that they did not think they would ever discover which company or individual had initiated the pricing formula. But the watchdog recognises that at the time supermarkets were under pressure from politicians and farmers to raise the cost of milk to save dairy farming, though it is not certain that money found its way to farmers. The OFT claimed in September that it had found evidence that the retail chains had passed future milk prices to dairy companies, which then reached a fixed price among themselves.

The average cost to each household is thought to be £11.25 over 2002 and 2003. Prices went up an extra 3p on a pint of milk, 15p on a quarter of a pound of butter and 15p on a half pound of cheese. There is no direct recompense for consumers, however, and the money will go to the Treasury. The National Consumer Council gave warning that the admissions would dent consumer confidence in leading high street names and that people would become sceptical of their claims. Farmers For Action, the group of farmers that has led protests over low milk prices since 2000, is seeking legal advice on whether it can now bring a claim for compensation.

The OFT investigation is continuing, however, in relation to Tesco, Morrisons and the dairy group Lactalis McLelland, and any legal action is expected to be delayed until that is completed.

Tesco was defiant and said that it was preparing a robust defence of its actions. Lucy Neville-Rolfe, its executive director, said: “As we have always said, we acted independently and we did not collude with anyone. Our position is different from our competitors and we are defending our own case vigorously. Our philosophy is to give a good deal to customers.”

Morrisons has supported the OFT in inquiries into the former Safeway business that it took over, but in a statement said that it was still making “strong representations”in its defence. A spokeswoman for Lactalis McLelland said that the company was “co-operating” with the OFT. Industry insiders suggested that the three companies were deliberately stalling the OFT investigation.

Sainsbury’s admitted yesterday that it had agreed to pay £26 million in fines, but denied that it had sought to profiteer. Justin King, the chief executive, said he was disappointed that the company had been penalised for actions meant to help farmers but recognised the benefit of a speedy settlement. Asda declined to say how much it would pay in fines and also said that its intention had been to help farmers under severe financial pressure.

1. From the first paragraph, we may infer that _____

[A] Tesco is the most resolute among all the retailers to defend its reputation.

[B] it is already proved that Tesco has colluded with Asda, Wiseman, Dairy Crest and Cheese Company in fixing the dairy price. [C] Tesco is offered a leniency deal of £80 million because of its quick response to the anti-competitive behaviors

[D] Tesco is trying its best to prove its innocence of the scandal.

2. Who is most probably the initiator of the pricing formula?

[A] Retail chains.

[B] Farmers.

[C] Dairy companies.

[D] Politicians

3. The word “defiant”(Line 1, Paragraph 5) most probably means _____.

[A] resisiting

[B] angry [C] deficient

[D] confident

4. We may infer from Morrisons’statement that _____

[A] Morrisons turn out to be the most defentive when dealing with OFT.

[B] Morrisons is reluctant to support the inquiries into the former Safeway business. [C] industry insiders suggest that Morrisons was trying to delay the OFT investigation with non-cooperation.

[D] Morrisons indeed refuses to admit its involvement in the scandal.

5. The writer’s attitude to Tesco can be said to be _____

[A] biased.

[B] objective.

[C] sympathetic.

[D] optimistic.




processor n. 加工者`cartel n. 卡特尔, 联合企业, 垄断集团leniency n. 宽大,慈悲,慈悲宽厚的行为dent v.使凹下, 凹进, 削弱

defiant adj.挑战的, 挑衅的, 目中无人的stall v.(使)停转, (使)停止, 迟延

profiteer vi. 牟取暴利


(1) They were fined a total of just over £116 million as part of a leniency deal offered by the watchdog to companies that owned up quickly to anti-competitive behaviour.

主体句式: They were fined a total of just over £116 million as part of a leniency deal…

结构分析: 这是一个复合句,其成分比较复杂。offered by the watchdog to companies作为一个分词短语来修饰前面的deal, 而后面that引导的定语从句又修饰companies。


(2) The National Consumer Council gave warning that the admissions would dent consumer confidence in leading high street names and that people would become sceptical of their claims. [主体句式] The National Consumer Council gave warning…

[结构分析] 这是一个复合句,句子的宾语warning 带着两个同位语从句,以that 引导;第一个同位语从句中,confidence in 后面是一个分词短语作介词的宾语。


[答案] D

[难度系数] ☆☆

[分析] 推理题。第一段主要讲述了Tesco公司已被卷入和其他公司联手划定牛奶价格的丑闻中,目前正在通过法律手段来证明自己与此无关。选项A的表述在文章中并没有明确表述,Tesco 虽然正在诉诸法律手段保卫其名誉,但是否态度最坚决我们无法得知。选项B, 文章中只是说明后几家公司承认其定价行为,但并为说明Tesco与他们联合。选项C,文章指出如果Tesco的丑闻被证实后会被处以的处罚并且是一种宽大措施,但金额应该为£116而不是£80。选项D,Tesco 正在竭力证明自己和传闻无关,这正是第一段论述的内容。


[难度系数] ☆☆☆

[分析] 细节题。关于价格形成最初由谁引起,第二段和第三段有相关论述。第二段提到,监察部门发现超市受到政治家和农民的压力要求上调牛奶价格,而OFT发现了零售商将牛奶未来的价格信息传递给了牛奶公司,牛奶公司内部自己确定了价格。第三段又提到牧场主机构和牧场主一直在抗议低廉的牛奶价格。由此可以推断,最有可能引发牛奶价格确定的源头就是牧场主。


[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆

[分析] 猜词题。根据其上下文的意思,Tesco 声称正在为自己的行为准备最坚决的辩护,其执行理事的一番话也表现了他们这种强硬的态度,可见他们采取了一种抵抗的态度,选项[A]最为符合。

[难度系数] ☆☆☆

[分析] 推理题。要结合上下文来理解Morrisons的意思,Morrisons has supported the OFT in inquiries into the former Safeway business that it took over, but in a statement said that it was still making “strong representations” in its defense. 前后两个分句是转折关系,可以看出Morrisons 的态度。虽然他协助OFT对于前Safeway的调查,但是他却声称在辩护中仍要做出抗议。行动上他是一种合作态度,但他还是要竭力维护自己的利益、并且没有任何迹象表明其承认了卷入丑闻的指控,因此选项D最为符合。而其余三个选项都与前面的意思分析相反。

[难度系数] ☆

[分析] 态度题。作者的态度可以通过材料的选择和措辞看出来,作者在文章中列出了Tesco 有关方面的事件,但一直没有做出任何的直接评判,也没有通过任何字眼来暗示自己的意思,因此可以认为作者采取了一种比较客观的态度。


Tesco为了摆脱限定奶制品价格风波,正在准备一场大官司。奶制品事件已经给消费者带来了两亿七千万的损失。如果不能证明自己并未和其他超市、奶制品加工商串通一气的话,它就得接受至少八千万的罚单。昨天,OFT声称Asda, Sainsbury’s 和前Safeway,还有奶制品公司Wiseman, Dairy Crest and Cheese Company都已承认它们联合设定了牛奶、黄油及奶酪的价格。他们总共的罚金只有差不多一亿一千六百万,这是监察部门对积极坦白反竞争行为公司的一种宽大处理。


2002和2003年间平均每户损失为11.25英镑。每品脱牛奶价格上涨3便士,每0.25磅黄油上涨15便士,每半磅奶酪涨15便士。但是消费者却没有任何的补偿,利润全部到了国库。全国消费者委员会警告说长此以往会损害消费者的信心,人们也会逐渐怀疑委员会的声明。Farmers For Action2002年以来一直领导农民抗议牛奶价格过低,目前在就是否可以申请补偿寻求法律意见。

不过OFT还在继续对Tesco, Morrisons 和奶制品集团Lactalis McLelland进行调查,任何法律行为都将推迟到调查结束。

Tesco对此不屑一顾,声称在为自己的行为准备最坚决的辩护。执行理事Lucy Neville-Rolfe说:“正如我们一贯宣称的,我们行动完全独立,和谁都没有联合。我们的立场和我们的对手不一样,我们在尽力保护我们的事业。我们的理念就是为消费者更好地服务。”

Morrisons协助OFT调查它所管理的前Safeway的交易,但是在一次声明中还称自己依然会在辩护中进行强烈的抗议。Lactalis McLelland的一个代言人说公司在和OFT“合作”,而企业内部人士暗示这三家公司在蓄意拖延OFT调查。

昨天Sainsbury’s承认已经同意支付两千六百万的罚金,但是却否认它在牟取暴利。执行董事Justin King说本来是要帮助农民却因此受到惩罚,感觉很失望,但他也承认尽快解决更为有利。Asda不愿意透露要赔付多少,并声称其初衷是要帮助那些有沉重经济压力的农民。


He emerged, all of a sudden, in 1957: the most explosive new poetic talent of the English post-war era. Poetry specialised, at that moment, in the wry chronicling of the everyday. The poetry of Yorkshire-born Ted Hughes, first published in a book call ed “The Hawk in the Rain” when he was 27, was unlike anything written by his immediate predecessor s. Driven by an almost Jacobean rhetoric, it had a visionary fervour. Its most eye-catching characteristic was Hughes's ability to get beneath the skins of animals: foxes, otters, pigs. These animals were the real thing all right, but they were also armorial devices—symbols of the countryside and lifeblood of the earth in which they were rooted. It gave his work a raw, primal stink.

It was not only England that thought so either. Hughes's book was also published in America, where it won the Galbraith prize, a major literary award. But then, in 1963, Sylvia Plath, a young American poet whom he had first met at Cambridge University in 1956, and who became his wife in the summer of that year, committed suicide. Hughes was vilified for long after that, especially by feminists in America. In 1998, the year he died, Hughes broke his own self-imposed public silence about their relationship in a book of loose-weave po ems called “Birthday Letters”. In this new and exhilarating collection of real letters, Hughes returns to the issue of his first wife's death, which he calls his “big and unmanageable event”. He felt his talent muffled by the perpetual eavesdropping upon his every move. Not until he decided to publish his own account of their relationship did the burden begin to lighten.

The analysis is raw, pained and ruthlessly self-aware. For all the moral torment, the writing itself has the same rush and vigour that possessed Hughes's early poetry. Some books of letters serve as a personalised historical chronicle. Poets' letters are seldom like that, and Hughes's are no exception. His are about a life of literary engagement: almost all of them include some musing on the state or the nature of writing, both Hughes's own or other people's. The trajectory of Hughes's literary career had him moving from obscurity to fame, and then, in the eyes of many, to life-long notoriety. These letters are filled with his wrestling with the consequences of being the part-private, part-public creature that he became, desperate to devote himself to his writing, and yet subject to endless invasions of his privacy.

Hughes is an absorbing and intricate commentator upon his own poetry, even when he is standing back from it and good-humouredly condemning himself for “its fantasticalia, its pretticisms and its infinite verballifications”. He also believed, from first to last, that poetry had a special place in the education of children. “What kids need”, he wrote in a 1988 letter to the secretary of state for education in the Conservative government, “is a headfull [sic] of songs that are not songs but blocks of refine d and achieved and exemplary language.” When that happens, children have “the guardian angel installed behind the tongue”. Lucky readers, big or small.

1.The poetry of Hughes’s forerunners is characteristic of ______

[A] its natural, crude flavor.

[B] its distorted depiction of people’s daily life.

[C] its penetrating sight.

[D] its fantastical enthusiasm.

2.The word “vilified” (Line 4, Paragraph 2)most probably means _____

[A] tortured

[B] harassed

[C] scolded

[D] tormented

3.According to the third paragraph, Hugh es’s collection of letters are _____

[A] the exact reason responsible for both his fame and notoriety.

[B] personalized description of his double identity as a public and a private figure.

[C] reflections of his struggle between his literary devotion and the reality.

[D] his meditation and exploration on the literary world and the essence of literature.

4. From the letters, we may find the cause of Hughe s’s internal struggle is _____

[A] his eager and unsatisfied passion for literature.

[B] that he is a part-private, part-public creature.

[C] that he is constrained by the fear of his privacy being exposed to the criticism of the public.

[D] the moral torment exerted by himself.

5. By “lucky readers”in the last sentence, the author means_____

[A] children who are imparted with the beauty and wisdom of poetry.

[B] children who have a headfull of fantastic and verbally perfect songs.

[C] children who own blocks of refined and achieved and exemplary language.

[D] children who are believed to have the guardian angel installed behind the tongue.




wry adj. 枯燥乏味的predecessorn.前辈, 前任

rhetoric n. (措词、文体的)浮夸与修饰fervour n.热情

armorial adj.徽章的lifeblood n. 生命力或生命之源的力量

stink n. 气息,气味vilify vt.诽谤, 辱骂, 贬低, 轻视

muffle vt.压抑;阻止eavesdropping n.偷听

trajectory n. 道路;轨迹notoriety n.恶名, 丑名, 声名狼藉

absorbing adj.吸引人的, 非常有趣的intricate adj. 难以理解的


(1)But then, in 1963, Sylvia Plath, a young American poet whom he had first met at Cambridge University in 1956, and who became his wife in the summer of that year, committed suicide.

主体句式:But then Sylvia Plath committed suicide.

结构分析:这是一个同位语带有定语从句的复合句。whom和who引导的两个定语从句修饰a young American poet,整体作为Sylvia Plath的同位语。


(2)These letters are filled with his wrestling with the consequences of being the part-private, part-public creature that he became, desperate to devote himself to his writing, and yet subject to endless invasions of his privacy.

主体句式:These letters are filled with his wrestling.

结构分析:这是一个简单句,难点在于最后两个形容词词组的成分(desperate to devote himself to his writing, and yet subject to endless invasions of his privacy)。这两个形容词词组用来修饰前面的名词creature, 而creature后面紧跟着的that 引导的从句也是修饰它的定语从句。


[难度系数] ☆☆☆

[分析] 细节题。本文第一段讲述了休斯诗歌的特点。第一段第二句说明了当时盛行的诗歌的特色是the wry chronicling of the everyday,紧接着第三句就指出休斯的作品不同于他前辈的诗歌,接下来的几句都是讲述休斯作品具体是什么特色。由此可以推理,第二句所描写的就是其前人作品的特点,是“对日常生活的变形描述”,选项B为正确答案。

[难度系数] ☆

[分析] 猜词题。这个词的意思要根据上下文推断。该词出现的前一句讲述休斯妻子,一位美国诗人自杀了。紧接着就说,该事件发生后很长一段时间里美国的女权主义者对休斯采取了一种行动。后面又讲述了休斯在去世之前将他与妻子的关系情况以书信集的方式表达出来,直到这本集子出版他的负担才得以减轻。那么休斯一直背负着的就是一种精神负担,这部分是由那些女权主义者造成的,可能性比较大的就是一种精神上的谴责,答案[C]最为符合。

[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆


[难度系数] ☆☆☆

[分析] 细节题。题干是要求找出休斯内心挣扎的原因,这在第三段最后一句中有提及。文章指出书信中处处都体现了休斯和自己半隐密、半公开这么一个身份进行斗争的印迹:一方面他想在创作中完全投入,但又担心自己的隐私会受到侵害。可以看出,休斯之所以内心挣扎,是由

[难度系数] ☆☆

[分析] 细节题。理解这句话需要结合上下文来看,文章最后一段主要是讲述休斯认为诗歌在孩子教育方面发挥特殊的作用,他认为孩子需要的是诗歌,是精致、完美的语言,如果真的拥有这些了,那么孩子舌头后面就有了守卫天使,那他们就是幸运的读者了。虽然四个答案都仿佛正确,但从最根本来说,是因为读诗,孩子才会拥有以上所说的一切,才是幸运的,而且本段也着重强调诗歌对于孩子的重要性。因此,最佳答案为A。








Controled bleeding or cauterisation? That was the unappealing choice facing UBS, a Swiss bank which has been badly hurt by the carnage in America’s mortgage market. The bank opted for the latter. First it opened the wound, by announcing a hefty $10 billion write-down on its exposure to subprime-infected debt. UBS now expects a loss for the fourth quarter, which ends this month. Then came the hot iron: news of a series of measures to shore up the bank’s capital base, among them investments from sovereign-wealth funds in Singapore and the Middle East.

Bad news had been expected. UBS’s third-quarter write-down of over SFr4 billionin October looked overly optimistic compared with more aggressive markdowns at other banks such as Citigroup and Merrill Lynch. Steep falls in the market value of subprime debt since the end of the third quarter made it certain that UBS would take more pain, given its sizeable exposure to toxic collateralised-debt obligations (CDOs). Analysts at Citigroup were predicting in November that write-downs of up to SFr14 billion were possible.

Why then did this new batch of red ink still come as a shock? The answer lies not in the scale of the overall loss, more in UBS’s decision to take the hit in one go. The bank’s mark-to-model approach to valuing its subprime-related holdings had been based on payments data from the underlying mortgage loans. Although these data show a worsening in credit quality, the deterioration is slower than mark-to-market valuations, which have the effect of instantly crystallising all expected future losses.

Thanks to this gradualist approach, UBS had been expected to take write-downs in managed increments of SFr2 billion-3 billion over a period of several quarters. It now appears that the bank has incorporated market values into its model, sending its fourth-quarter write-downs into orbit. The change of approach may be on the advice of auditors and regulators but it is more likely to reflect a desire by UBS’s bosses to avoid months of speculation about the bank’s exposure, something that Marcel Rohner, the chief executive, described as “distracting”.

In a particular indignity for a bank long associated with conservatism, concerns about the level of

UBS’s capital ratio had even started to surface. Hence the moves to strengthen its tier-one capital, an important measure of bank solidity, by SFr19.4 billion, a great deal more than the write-down. The majority of that money will come from sovereign-wealth funds, the white knights of choice for today’s bank in distress. Singapore’s GIC, which manages the city-state’s foreign reserves, has pledged to buy SFr11 billion-worth of convertible bonds in UBS; an unnamed Middle Eastern investor will put in a further SFr2 billion. UBS will also raise money by selling treasury shares, and save cash by issuing its 2007 dividend in the form of shares. Its capital ratio is expected to end up above 12% in the fourth quarter, a strong position.

Hopeful talk of lines being drawn under the subprime crisis has been a feature of banks’ quarterly reporting since September. Marrying bigger-than-expected write-downs with bigger-than-expected boosts to capital looks like the right treatment in this environment. But UBS still cannot be sure that its problems are over. Further deterioration in its subprime asset values is possible; the broader economic impact of the credit crunch is unclear; and the dam age to the bank’s reputation cannot yet be quantified. The patient still needs watching.

1. The author uses the metaphor “hot iron”to imply that_____

[A] UBS again becomes a victim of America’s mortgage market.

[B] UBS’s capital base has obtained adequate financial support to digest its debt.

[C] those measures will forcefully stop UBS from further loss.

[D] good news from those measures would prevent UBS from bankruptcy.

2. Compared with the mark-to-market valuations, the mark-to-model approach could _____

[A] slow down the worsening in credit quality.

[B] present the effect of instantly crystallization of all expected future loss.

[C] show data against a worsening the credit quality.

[D] accelerate the deterioration in credit quality.

3. The reason that Marcel Rohner thought the

change of approach was “distracting” is _____ [A] this change was unexpected to take place in such a situation.

[B] this change was result of the advice of auditors and regulators.

[C] this change was not favorite to UBS’s speculation about the bank’s exposure.

[D] this change was taken to make people dispel their guess.

4. The phrase “the white knights”(Line 4, Paragraph 5) most probably means____ [A] rich people.

[B] wealthy saviors.

[C] generous investors.

[D] brave fighters.

5. The author’s attitude towards UBS’s future is______

[A] optimistic.

[B] pessimistic.

[C] uncertain.

[D] none of the above.


本篇文章介绍了UBS银行目前面临的困境以及其解决困境的一系列措施。第一段讲述UBS 银行面对困境时作了强行解决的选择;第二段讲述UBS目前面临的不好的因素;第三段第四段分析了其估值的方式;第五段讲述UBS解决资金困难的一系列措施;第六段分析UBS面临的一些问题。


carnage n. 大屠杀, 残杀hefty adj. 异常大的或相当多的

write-down n.[会计]账面价值的故意降低shore up 支持

markdowns n. 削价increment n.增加, 增量

distracting adj.转移注意力的indignity n.轻蔑, 侮辱, 侮辱的行为

solidity n.可靠性pledge vi.保证, 使发誓;抵押, 典当

boost n.增加;提高crunch n. 危急情况,紧急状态


Then came the hot iron: news of a series of measures to shore up the bank’s capital base, among them investments from sovereign-wealth funds in Singapore and the Middle East.

[主体句式] Then came the hot iron.

[结构分析] 这是一个有复杂同位语的一个简单句。news of …是前面the hot iron的同位语,to shore up the bank’s capital base是不定式短语作定语修饰前面的measures, 而后面among them …也是用来修饰measures,具体介绍其中的一些措施。

[句子译文]紧接着就来了hot iron :报道有一系列的措施来支持银行的资本基础,其中就有新加坡和中东的君主财富基金。

The change of approach may be on the advice of auditors and regulators but it is more likely to reflect a desire by UBS’s bosses to avoid months of speculation about the bank’s exposure, something that Marcel Rohner, the chief executive, described as “distracting”.

[主体句式] The change of approach may be… but …

[结构分析] 这是一个并列句,but 引导的分句比较复杂,to avoide …不定式短语作前面a desire 的定语,而something that…是a desire的同位语,该同位语中又包含了一个定语从句。

[句子译文] 方法改变可能是审计员或调节员建议的,但更反映了UBS高层的不愿数月都预计银行曝光的意愿,这个被首席执行官Marcel Rohner形容为“转移注意力(的方案)”。


[难度系数] ☆☆☆

[分析] 细节题。作者将一系列的措施比喻为“烙铁”,而这些措施又是为UBS提供资金,是一


[难度系数] ☆☆☆

[分析] 细节题。题干是关于mark-to-model估量方法的,这在文章第三段中有提及。关键的一句话就是,和mark-to-market方法相比,这种恶化要慢一些,因为市场方法可迅速估算出未来所有有可能的损失。要注意的是,which have the effect of instantly crystallising all expected future losses是修饰mark-to-market 方法的定语从句,这一点容易让读者混淆。

[难度系数] ☆☆

[分析] 推理题。题干中提到的转变是指UBS评估方法由模式方法转变为将市场结合进来的方法,Marcel认为这种转变是“转移注意力的”,由上文可知这种转变是UBS高层为了避免数月来对银行曝光的猜测。因此,所说的“转移注意力”是避免人们的各种猜测,那么答案D最为符合。另外需要注意的是C选项的内容只是对原文内容作了很小的巧妙修改,但意思却与原文

[难度系数] ☆☆

[分析] 猜词题。根据上下文,绝大部分的救助基金来自君主财产基金,这个基金对于许多身处困境的银行来说就是白衣骑士,可以推断“白衣骑士”可能代表救助他人的人,答案中B和C


[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆

[分析] 态度题。这篇文章比较客观地描述了UBS目前的困境和其为了摆脱这个困境要解决的方法,作者虽然在前面几次都提到UBS得到了一些资助,有望转好。但文章最后一段提出UBS 目前也面临众多问题,所以结局还有待观察。文章的最后一句明确表明了作者不确定的态度。



也应该会有些坏消息。十月,UBS四分之三的资产价值缩水超过40亿瑞士法郎,这与其他银行(如Citigroup 和Merrill Lynch)更为严重的状况相比而言还是较为乐观的。第三季度末次级债市场价值的急剧下落使得UBS将会面临更多的苦痛,尤其是它相当大的一部分资产都受到抵押的影响。Citigroup分析师在11月预言可能会有140亿瑞士法郎的损失。


正是由于采取了这个缓和的方式,UBS可望在几个季度内将资产账面价值增长控制在20到30亿瑞士法郎。目前显示出该银行已经将市场价值纳入其模式中,从而将第四季度的资产账面价值控制在一定范围内。方法改变可能是审计员或调节员建议的,但更反映了UBS高层要避免数月来对银行曝光的猜测——这被首席执行官Marcel Rohner形容为“转移注意力(的方案)”。




Just as Norman Mailer, John Updike and Philip Roth were at various times regarded as the greatest American novelist since the second world war, John Ashbery and Robert Lowell vied for the title of greatest American poet. Yet the two men could not be more different. Lowell was a public figure who engaged with politics—in 1967 he marched shoulder-to-shoulder with Mailer in protest against the Vietnam war, as described in Mailer's novel “The Armies of the Night”. Lowell took on substantial themes and envisioned himself as a tragic, heroic figure, fighting against his own demons. Mr Ashbery's verse, by contrast, is more beguilingly casual. In his hands, the making of a poem can feel like the tumbling of dice on a table top. Visible on the page is a delicately playful strewing of words, looking to engage with each other in a shyly puzzled fashion. And there is an element of Dada-like play in his unpredictability of address with its perpetual shifting of tones.

Lowell, who died in 1977 at the age of 60, addressed the world head on. By contrast, Mr. Ashbery, who celebrated his 80th birthday earlier this year, glances wryly at the world and its absurdities. In this edition of his later poems, a substantial gathering of verses selected from six volumes published over the past 20 years, his poetry does not so much consist of themes to be explored as comic routines to be improvised. He mocks the very idea of the gravity of poetry itself. His tone can be alarmingly inconsequential, as if the reader is there to be perpetually wrong-footed. He shifts easily from the elevated to the work-a-day. His poems are endlessly digressive and there are often echoes of other poets in his writings, though these always come lightly at the reader, as though they were scents on the breeze.

Lowell wrote in strict formal measures; some of his last books consisted of entire sequences of sonnets. Mr. Ashbery can also be partial to particular forms of verse, though these tend to be of a fairly eccentric kind—the cento(a patchwork of other poets' works), for example, and the pantoum(a Malaysian form, said to have been introduced to 19th-century Europe by Victor Hugo). Often he writes in a free-flowing, conversational manner that depends for its success upon the fact that the ending of lines is untrammeled by any concern about whether or not they scan. Within many of his poems, there often seems to be a gently humorous antagonism between one stanza and the next. Mr. Ashbery likes using similes in his poetry. This is often the poet's stock-in-trade, but he seems to single them out in order to send up the very idea of the simile in poetry, as in “Violet s blossomed loudly/ like a swear word in an empty tank”.

Life, for Lowell, was a serious matter, just as he was a serious man. Mr Ashbery's approach, as evinced by his poetry, is more that of a gentle shrug of amused bewilderment. Unlike Lowell's, his poems are neither autobiographical nor confessional. He doesn't take himself that seriously. “Is all of life a tepid housewarming?” For a poet this is a tougher question to answer than you might think.

1. The word “substantial” (Line 5, Paragraph 1) most probably means_____

[A] philosophical.

[B] grand.

[C] indispensable.

[D] authentic.

2. The last words of Lowell mean that_____.

[A] the world should go forward endlessly.

[B] the world should move on without absurdities.

[C] the world should function as well without his existence.

[D] the world should go on its path for a bright future. 3. Which one of the following is NOT the characteristics of Ashbery’s poetry?

[A] Some lines are borrowed from the other poets’ works.

[B] Stanzas are different from each other in one poem.

[C] Words are scattered casually in his poetry.

[D] Tones are continuously changing from the highbrow to the common.

4. Mr. Ashbery’s similes in poetry are different from that of the other poets in that_____

[A] he likes to single them out as they very essence of poetry’s technique.

[B] he uses them in an eccentric way that can

hardly be imitated by other poets.

[C] he uses simile to make fun of simile.

[D] he uses simile to express his complex definition of the idea of simile.

5. Why the author thinks the question Ashbery raised is a tougher one for a poet than we might think?

[A] Because as a matter of fact Ashbey is most focused on tough matters.

[B] Because Ashbey turns out to be a more serious poet than Lowell.

[C] Because Ashbey is able to better discern the dilemma of being a poet.

[D] Because the theme of life is worth thinking for a poet.




vie v.竞争envision vt.想象, 预想

dice n.骰子strew vt.散播, 点缀, 撒满

wryly adv.挖苦地, 表情冷漠地improvise v.临时准备

digressive adj.离题的cento n.摘录

pantoum n.(根据隔行同韵的马来诗体改编的) 由隔行同韵的四行诗节组成的诗untrammeled adj.自由自在的, 无阻碍的tepid adj.微温的, 温热的;不太热烈的


(1)In this edition of his later poems, a substantial gathering of verses selected from six volumes

published over the past 20 years, his poetry does not so much consist of themes to be explored as comic routines to be improvised.

[主体结构] His poetry does not so much consist of …

[结构分析] 本句为简单句,作状语的介词短语成分比较复杂,a substantial gathering of verses 是edition的同位语,该同位语是带有作定语的分词短语。在主句中,不定式短语to be explored…用来修饰themes, 而不定式短语to be improvised 又用来修饰comic routines。[句子译文] 他这本晚些出版的诗集选编了过去20年间出版的六本诗集中的诗歌,其主题不再是像那种临时准备的老套滑稽节目,他戏谑诗歌本身具有严肃性这个话题。

(2) This is often the poet's stock-in-trade, but he seems to single them out in order to send up the very idea of the simile in poetry, as in “Violets blos somed loudly/ like a swear word in an empty tank”.

[主体句式] This is … but he …

[结构分析] 这是一个并列句,后面分句成分较为复杂,带有一个不定式短语作目的状语,as 引导成分修饰的是整个分句。

[句子译文] 虽然这是诗人的惯用手法,但他却把这些比喻单独挑出来,以突出诗里面明喻这个概念。比如“紫罗兰纵情开放/ 宛如空桶里的一句毒誓”。

[答案] B

[难度系数] ☆☆☆

[分析] 猜词题。根据上下文来断定该词的意思,这个词是用来形容Lowell 诗歌主题的特点的。由第一段中Lowell喜欢参与政治,在诗歌中经常将自己视为悲剧的英雄人物这一点可以看出,他的主题选择应该是比较宏大的。这一点在后面的几个段落中也可以发现。选项A 也容易混淆,但要从tragic heroic 这几个词中推导正确答案,因为这些就是宏大叙事中常见的特征。因此,B为正确答案。

[难度系数] ☆☆

[分析] 推理题。Lowell临终时addressed the world head on,意思是让世界继续前行,但其深层次的意思要结合Lowell的性格来判断。根据整篇文章,Lowell是比较正统的一位诗人,他对待世界的态度是严肃的,他这句话的深层意思是世界应该一直努力向前,最终能够走到


[难度系数] ☆

[分析] 细节题。题干要求选出不属于Ashbery 诗歌特点的一项。文章通篇都有对其诗歌特点的描述,因此就要细心查找每一选项是否在文章中提及。选项A, 文章第二段最后一句提到,there are often echoes of other poets in his writings, 有其他诗人的调子,但并没有说直接借用其作品中的句子,可能是模仿其风格或语调。因此,答案 A 不一定正确。选项B, 关于诗歌节的特点,文章第三段提到there often seems to be a gently humorous antagonism between one stanza and the next,关键要知道“antagonism”的意思——“对抗的”,说明节与节之间是截然不同的对立的风格,选项B是其诗歌特点。选项C 是关于诗歌用词的特点,第一段提到他诗歌中的词就像散落在桌上的色子一样,那么C也是其特点。D是关于诗歌语调的,文章有两处提及,第一段提到its perpetual shifting of tones,第二段有更为详细的描


[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆

[分析] 细节题。文章第三段提到,Ashbery喜欢在诗歌中运用比喻手法,但和一般诗人不同的是,他喜欢把比喻单独列出来,好像要戏谑诗歌中的比喻似的。然后作者举了一个例子,是个非常奇怪的比喻,“紫罗兰纵情开放/ 宛如空桶里的一句毒誓”。这个题目有一定难度,send up 这个短语的意思考生不一定熟悉,但考生可以根据Ashbery一贯游戏人生的态度分

[答案] D

[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆

[分析] 推理题。最后的这个问题是:“生活的全部是不是只是并不热烈的乔迁庆宴?”这个问题的提出要结合文章最后一段来看,最后一段是描写Ashbery对于生活的态度:Lowell 对待生活的态度是很严肃的,但是Ashbery 却是一种玩世不恭的态度,对于这个问题他给出的答案可能是肯定的,但是对于其他诗人呢,则需要好好地考虑一下了, 尤其是生活主题对于诗人来说是一个非常复杂的问题。答案中D最为符合。


二战后,Norman Mailer、John Updike、Philip Roth成为美国公认的最伟大的小说家,同样地,John Ashbery和Robert Lowell也争取美国最伟大的诗人这个名号。但是,这两个家伙可是截然不同。Lowell是个公众人物,参与政治活动。1967年,他和Mailer肩并肩抗议越战,Mailer在其小说《夜行军》曾描述了这些情景。Lowell选择的主题宏大,把自己想象成富有悲剧色彩的英雄形象,和自己的恶魔战斗。而Ashbery的诗却颇有闲逸气。于他而言,做诗就好像是在桌上滚动的,纸上呈现的词精妙地散落着,与其他词形成一种晦涩含蓄的搭配。其不断的语气变化又使得本来变化莫测的措辞平添了一丝“达达派”的意味。



Lowell遵循严格的格式,他最后的一些作品有完整的十四行诗体例。Ashbery先生的诗歌也有一定的格式,只是有点怪异罢了——比如集锦(其他诗人作品的杂合),比如潘顿诗体(一种马来西亚诗体,据说是由维克托·雨果引入19世纪的欧洲的)。他常以一种随意、会话式的方式创作,关键就在于每行结尾不必非得符合格律。在他的许多诗里面,两节之间常是有点滑稽的对立。Ashbery先生喜欢用明喻。虽然这是诗人的惯用手法,但他却把这些比喻单独挑出来,好像要戏谑诗里面明喻这个概念。比如“紫罗兰纵情开放/ 宛如空桶里的一句毒誓”。



2015考研英语阅读理解精读P18—医学 Passage 18(Doctor-assisted Suicide:Is It Ever an Option?) Should doctor-assisted suicide ever be a legal option? It involves the extreme measure of taking the life of a terminally ill patient when the patient is in extreme pain and the chances for recovery appear to be none.Those who argue against assisted suicide do so by considering the roles of the patient,the doctor,and nature in these situations. Should the patient take an active role in assisted suicide? When a patient is terminally ill and in great pain,those who oppose assisted suicide say that it should not be up to that patient to decide what his or her fate will be.There are greater powers at work that determine when a person dies,for example,nature.Neither science nor personal preference should take precedence over these larger forces. What role should the doctor have? Doctors,when taking the Hippocratic oath,swear to preserve life at all costs,and it is their ethical and legal duty to follow both the spirit and the letter of this oath.It is their responsibilities to heal the sick,and in the cases when healing is not possible,then the doctor is obliged to make the dying person comfortable.Doctors are trained never to hasten death.Those who oppose assisted suicide believe that doctors who do help terminally ill patients die are committing a crime,and they should be dealt with accordingly.Doctors are also,by virtue of their humanness,capable of making mistakes.Doctors could quite possibly say,for instance,that a cancer patient was terminal,and then the illness could later turn out not to be so serious.There is always an element of doubt concerning the future outcome of human affairs. The third perspective to consider when thinking about assisted suicide is the role of nature.Life is precious.Many people believe that it is not up to human beings to decide when to end their own or another’s life.Only nature determines when it is the right time for a person to die.To assist someone in suicide is not only to break criminal laws,but to break divine 1aws as well. These general concerns of those who oppose assisted suicide are valid in certain contexts of the assisted suicide question.For instance,patients cannot always be certain of their medical conditions.Pain clouds judgment,and so the patient should not be the sole arbiter of her or his own destiny.Patients do not usually choose the course of their medical treatment,so they shouldn’t be held completely responsible for decisions related to it.Doctors are also fallible,and it is understandable that they would not want to make the final decision about when death should occur.Since doctors are trained to prolong life,they usually do not elect to take it by prescribing assisted suicide. I believe that blindly opposing assisted suicide does no one a service.If someone is dying of


1. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. (2005. 阅读. Text 2) 【译文】最近的行动是由白宫召集了一批 来自国家科学院的专家团,他们告诉我 们,地球气候毫无疑问正在变暖,而这个问题主要是人为造成的。【析句】句子的主干是The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences to tell us that...and that...。主系表容易辨认,to tell us作目的状语,两个并列的that引导tell的宾语从句。令整个 句子略显复杂的是插入语enlisted by the White House,割裂了这句话的整体性。 2. But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions. (2005. 阅读. Text 2) 【译文】但是科学确实为我们的未来提供了最好的指导,关键是我们的国家和整个的世界在做重要决策时,应该以科学能够提供的关于人类现在的行为对未来影响最好的判断作为依据。【析句】首先,句子的主干science does provide us...future and it is critical...。and连接两个并列的句子,前句是个简单句,容易理解;后句中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,因为从句很长,若放在句首,句子则显得头重脚轻。that主语从句中,our nation and the world 是主语,base是谓语,important policies是宾语,on the best judgments 是宾语补足语,而judgments后有that引导的定语从句。注意,concerning the futrue...actions中的concerning此处是介词,意


考研英语阅读真题及答案 英语阅读关于考研的在历年的真题中,有不少的精华等着大家去发掘。下面是给大家整理的考研英语阅读真题及答案,供大家参阅! 1991年考研英语阅读真题及答案解析Section II Reading Comprehension Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points) Text 1 A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people. Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability. Accountability isn t hard to define. It means that every



考研英语阅读理解精读100篇之经济类 unit1 unit1 Some of the concerns surrounding Turkey’s application to join the European Union, to be voted on by the EU’s Council of Ministers on December 17th, are economic-in particular, the country’s relative poverty. Its GDP per head is less than a third of the average for the 15 pre-2004 members of the EU. But it is not far off that of one of the ten new members which joined on May 1st 2004 (Latvia), and it is much the same as those of two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, which this week concluded accession talks with the EU that could make them full members on January 1st 2007. Furthermore, the country’s recent economic progress has been, according to Donald Johnston, the secretary-general of the OECD, "stunning". GDP in the second quarter of the year was 13.4% higher than a year earlier, a rate of growth that no EU country comes close to matching. Turkey’s inflation rate has just fallen into single figures for the first time since 1972, and this week the country reached agreement with the IMF on a new three-year, $10 billion economic programme that will, according to the IMF’s managing director, Rodrigo Rato, "help Turkey... reduce inflation toward European levels, and enhance the economy’s resilience". Resilienc e has not historically been the country’s economic strong point. As recently as 2001, GDP fell by over 7%. It fell by more than 5% in 1994, and by

2017考研英语 阅读理解精读100篇(高分版)

UNIT SIX TEXT ONE Maintaining internal E-mail systems has long been the bane of the university information-technology director. Servers are unwieldy and unreliable, and in the past several years, the number of student complaints has grown exponentially as forward-moving providers like YahooMail, Hotmail, and Gmail have increased expectations of what E-mail should offer. The solution for a number of colleges has been to wave the white flag and outsource E-mail hosting to the experts. Microsoft, which owns Hotmail, and Google (Gmail) are the biggest players in the educational E-mail hosting market. Along with the neat-o peripheral gizmos like messaging, calendars, and collaboration tools, the outsourced systems are more stable, have better spam filters, and provide much more storage space than the typical university's in-house system. At the University of Pennsylvania, its old E-mail service gave students 60 megabytes of storage, just 3 percent of the 2 gigabytes Windows Live now provides. In return, Google and Microsoft get almost nothing, at least monetarily and in the short term. Microsoft's Windows Live @ edu and the Google Apps Education Edition are free of charge for schools. Eliminating another source of revenue, the two tech giants stripped their respective services of advertising in an effort to accommodate educators' concerns. Microsoft breaks even on the venture (it does run ads on non-E-mail services like instant messaging), while Google, which makes almost all its money through advertising, runs at a loss. But what money they don't make at the moment will—the companies hope—pay great dividends in the form of lifelong users in the future, says Google's Jeff Kelter. As quickly as they shuffle out of commencement, graduates see their E-mail transition to the traditional ad-based formats of Gmail and Hotmail. And unlike before, when universities couldn't afford to host thousands of alumni, Google and Microsoft can maintain every account indefinitely, retaining customers as long as customers still want them. Not all schools are ready to outsource their tech dirty work, with privacy and security topping the list of concerns. Critics worry that by handing over the responsibility of E-mail hosting, colleges also relinquish the freedom to keep the information safe in the best way they see fit. Even in the corporate world, there is great skepticism of consumer technologies like Google Apps. Yet most university IT managers agree that outsiders would do a better job protecting individual E-mail from viruses and spam than their own small operations, and strong word-of-mouth praise has done wonders to supplement the almost nonexistent marketing budgets for these Microsoft and Google


考研英语:阅读理解之八大考点 考生应能读懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料(生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的3%),还应能读懂与本人学习或工作有关的文献资料、技术说明和产品介绍等。对所读材料,考生应能: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4篇(总长度约为1600词)文章的内容,从每题所给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,共20小题,每小题2分,共40分 一、

1.提问方式: 1)直接提问(Main idea型) ?The text intends to express the idea that. . . ?We can draw a conclusion from the text that. . . ?What is the passage mainly about? ?The passage is mainly. ?From the passage we learn that. . . ?The passage is mainly about. . . ?he key point of the passage is that. . . ?This passage mainly deals with. . . ?The main point the author makes in the passage is. ?What does this passage mainly discuss? ?The general/ main/ central idea of the passage is. ?The passage is primarily concerned with. . . 2)给文章定标题 The best title for the text may be. . . Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?' A best title for the passage could be. A best title for the passage might be. This passage can be entitled. . . 3)提问写作目的( Purpose型) ?The article is written to explain. ?The purpose of the passage is. ?This passage is intended to… 2.解题技巧: 1) ①.重点读文章的首段开头部分,如果文章中有这样的主旨句, 那么再看四个选择项,如其中一项所含的信息同主旨句中的信息相似,该项即为正确答案 ②.重点读各段的开头和结尾,四个选项中能涵盖文章各段内容的一项, 就是正确答案


Text1 Habits are a funny thing. We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine. “Not ch In but habit rules the unreflecting herd,” William Wordsworth said in the 19th century. the ever-changing 21st century, even the word “habit” carries a negative connotation. So it seems antithetical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation. 习惯是件有趣的事情。我们无意识间养成了一些习惯,我们的大脑是自动运 转的,轻松进入熟知套路所带来的不自觉舒适状态。“这并非选择,而是习惯控 制了那些没有思想的人”,这是威廉?华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)19世纪时 说的话。在现在这个日新月异的21世纪,甚至习惯这个词本身也带有负面涵义。 因此,在创造和革新的背景下来谈论习惯,似乎显得有点矛盾。 But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel synaptic paths, and even entirely new brain cells, that can jump our trains of thought onto new, innovative tracks. But don’t bother trying to kil off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the hippocampus, they there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately ingrain into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads. 但大脑研究人员发现,当我们有意识地培养新的习惯的时候,我们创建了平 行路径,甚至是全新的脑细胞,可以让我们的思路跳转到新的创新轨道上来。但 是,不必费心试图摈弃各种旧习惯;一旦这些程序惯例融进大脑,它们就会留在 那里。相反,我们刻意培养的新习惯会创建平行路径能避开原来那些老路。 “The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder,” says D Markova, author of “The Open Mind” and an executive change consultant for Professional Thinking Partners. “But we are taught instead to ‘decide,’ just as decide is to kill off president calls himself ‘the Decider.’” She adds, however, that “to all possibilities but one. A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities.” 大学英语


TEXT 2 He emerged, all of a sudden, in 1957: the most explosive new poetic talent of the English post-war era. Poetry specialised, at that moment, in the wry chronicling of the everyday. The poetry of Yorkshire-born Ted Hughes, first published in a book called “The Hawk in the Rain” when he was 27, was unlike anything written by his immediate predecessors. Driven by an almost Jacobean rhetoric, it had a visionary fervour. Its most eye-catching characteristic was Hughes's ability to get beneath the skins of animals: foxes, otters, pigs. These animals were the real thing all right, but they were also armorial devices—symbols of the countryside and lifeblood of the earth in which they were rooted. It gave his work a raw, primal stink. It was not only England that thought so either. Hughes's book was also published in America, where it won the Galbraith prize, a major literary award. But then, in 1963, Sylvia Plath, a young American poet whom he had first met at Cambridge University in 1956, and who became his wife in the summer of that year, committed suicide. Hughes was vilified for long after that, especially by feminists in America. In 1998, the year he died, Hughes broke his own self-imposed public silence about their relationship in a book of loose-weave poe ms called “Birthday Letters”.In this new and exhilarating collection of real letters, Hughes returns to the issue of his first wife's death, which he calls his “big and unmanageable event”. He felt his talent muffled by the perpetual eavesdropping upon his every move. Not until he decided to publish his own account of their relationship did the burden begin to lighten. The analysis is raw, pained and ruthlessly self-aware. For all the moral torment, the writing itself has the same rush and vigour that possessed Hughes's early poetry.


超精读——全面提升英语阅读能力 作者:丁晓钟来源:点点英语 经常有同学问我:有没有什么捷径能够顺利地通过四六级、考研或者其它英语考试? 我的回答总是:没有。但是,帮助同学们找到一套科学的学习方法,不仅可以提高英语能力,而且对考试也有切实的帮助,是我一直所追求的。在国内这样的非母语学习环境里,如何在英语学习上少走弯路,最为行之有效和直接的提高英语水平的办法就是大量阅读,并作精细阅读,这样才能带动“听说写译”等其它能力的突破。结合我个人的学习体会,并经过长时间的思考和教学中的摸索,我总结出了一套以阅读为突破口,提高英语综合能力和突破四六级和考研等等英语考试的“超精读”方法,希望能对同学们有所帮助。 对大部分中国学生来说,欠缺的不是泛读,而是精读。总的来说,同学们在超精读文章的时候要对文章和考点、干扰项等进行详细的分析、总结。这时要仔细体会文章中精彩的语言,注意词语的内涵、使用、扩展和搭配,代词和名词的指代,对精彩句型的模仿,以及对重要语法现象、长句、难句、文章结构的分析。另外,还要注意分析句子和句子之间的关系,是因果、递近、转折还是什么?尤其要注意文章的第一句和最后一句,以及每段的第一句和最后一句与其它句子的关系,体会每句话在文章中的作用。在阅读过程中,要培养自己对文章主要讨论对象、关键词,作者和专家的观点,以及语气的把握。特别注意作者和专家的观点,专家和专家之间的观点是否相同或相反或互补,以及作者和专家的语气是赞成还是反对,是关注还是乐观等等。如果是真题,还要仔细分析考点和正确、干扰选项的规律、特征。在此过程中,可把文章尽可能的多读几遍,甚至翻译一下,提高对文章中单词、短语、句型等的反应速度,阅读速度自然也就提高了。 如果能做到上面几点,那么你才能说真正地理解了文章,阅读理解能力以及综合英语能力都会得到很大的提高,其结果是对考试中的每个题型的把握都会更上一层楼。先从听力说起,据研究,一个人的阅读理解能力和听力水平是成正比关系的。试想,有的同学连听力原文都看不懂,怎么可能听懂呢。另外,在超精读的过程中,所积累的词汇能力,对词汇题也有很大帮助,我曾做过统计,如果对10套左右的四六级、考研阅读真题中的词汇进行过深入学习,大纲中的重点词汇就已经囊括大半。最好的词汇记忆方法是通过阅读来学习,可以记得又牢又准确。对翻译、完形、改错、简短回答问题等小题型,你就会觉得得心应手,因为你对这些题型的解题能力和你的阅读、词汇能力最相关。关于作文,许多同学喜欢背模版,其实模版作文千篇一律,很难拿到高分。如果在读英语报刊和真题的过程中,我们有意识地摘抄积累一些精彩地道的词汇和句型,考试时信手拈来,无疑会使评卷老师眼睛为之一亮。实际上,我们所阅读的英语文章就是一篇篇精彩的作文范文。如果我们能在早晨、傍晚朗读或背诵英语报刊文章或真题阅读文章,经常进行翻译练习,耳濡目染接触到的都是地道的英语,坚持下去,我们的听说读写译能力很自然地就会得到提高。 第一步:准备好阅读材料,训练阅读速度,捕捉文章大意。不要查字典、看译文。 在阅读英语报刊(推荐阅读Time, Newsweek, the Economist等)或者真题的时候,第一遍都必须首先注意提高阅读速度。对报刊上的文章,第一遍读的时候不要查字典,记下起止时间,计算单位时间的阅读量。对真题,更加要控制在规定的时间内完成,阅读时就要随时对可能的考点作出标记,最后结合解题技巧来解题。这时的重点放在训练速度,掌握文章大意、结构,以及作者和专家等的观点。 第二步:总结文章中词汇使用的准确性、形象性、多样性和感情色彩及语气,复合词的使用,总结各类重要搭配,对各类重要词汇进行扩展,正确识别代词与抽象名词的指代,并记忆和运用可以在作文中使用的词汇。 1.从文章中词汇使用的准确性、形象性、多样性和感情色彩及语气角度,复合词的使用进行总结。


考研阅读技巧 一、考研阅读的整体解题思路与步骤 时间分配:每篇16分钟最佳,最多可延长至20分钟左右。 第一步:快速划出段落序号以及各段首句0.5分钟 第二步:阅读首段,了解文章主题(Theme)1-2分钟 宏观把握,随机应变,根据第一段内容,才能更好的给定位打下基础。 第三步:扫描题干,尽量找出题干能够提供的信息(Key Words)1分钟 定位词的优先考虑顺序: 1、首先标出明确告诉位置的题目所在(某段某行) 2、专有名词优先,包括人名、地名、书名以及带引号的词等 3、数字、时间、时段(包括某些介词短语) 4、较长、较复杂的词组(名词动词词组优先) 5、重要的动词、形容词或副词等实词 6、条件词、因果词、比较词等虚词(往往起到辅助作用) 第四步:变速浏览原文,抓住中心7-8分钟 注意把握三个阅读原则: 原则一:首段原则(文章的第一段逐字读明白,可以反复和回读) 原则二:首末句原则(其余各段的首尾句要细读,其他各句正常阅读即可) 原则三:“路标”原则。所谓路标词,就是表示作者思想衔接和转折的功能词汇。 1、中心词 2、转折词 3、态度词 4、例证词 5、列举词 (具体请见第四部分)

第五步:仔细审题,定位原文3-5分钟 原则一:关键词定位原则 原则二:自然段定位原则 原则三:长难句定位原则 注意一:关键词在原文可能是原词本身,也可能是关键词的同义词。 注意二:问原因的问题,一般问主要原因(major reason) 注意三:“邪恶的眼睛”(in the eyes of),注意问的是谁的观点和态度。 第六步:重叠选项,斟酌答案。3-5分钟 原则:不能仅凭借印象做题,考研阅读的干扰项干扰性巨大,除了理解原文,分辨正确和错误的选项也是一种重要的基本功。一般对原文进行同义替换的是答案: 同义替换的手段有:a)关键词替换b)句型替换c)正话反说d)语言简化(总之,换汤不换药!) 原则一:选最佳答案而不是正确答案(四个选项都要认真看,不能偏心)。 原则二:不放过任何一个选项,仔细读每个选项,鉴于强干扰性,要求必须记住:选一个选项应有选的理由,不选一个选项也应有不选的理由。 原则三:每个选项都当成生命中最重要的句子,其中每个单词哪怕是时态、冠词都有可能引起错误。 二、考研阅读的猜题技巧及救命法则 1、“体现中心思想的选项往往是答案” 考研文章中所有的细节、例子、引语都是为了说明文章主旨、段落主旨,所以考细节的题目,虽然不是主旨题,但能体现中心思想的选项是答案的可能性要远远大于其他选项。 2、“不看文章时,看似极其合理的选项不是答案;看似不太合理的选项往往是答案”


考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及答案(三) Passage 11 Dream is a story that a personwatchesor even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams. Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color. but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams. Dreams are a product of the sleeper's mind. They


2015考研英语阅读理解精读P18—工学 类 Passage 18 Tennis hopeful Jamie Hunt, 16, felt he could not become a world-class junior player while attending a regular school. The international circuit has players on the road 50% of the time--and it's hard to focus on your backhand when you're worrying about being on time for homeroom. So last year Hunt, who hones his ground strokes at Elite TNT Tennis Academy in April Sound, Texas, enrolled for academics in the $9,750-a-year University of Miami Online High School (UMOHS), a virtual school that caters to athletes. "The online school gives me the flexibility I need," says Hunt. "The workload is the same, but I can do it anywhere. It's nicer to ask a question face-to-face with a teacher, but in some ways it prepares me better for college because I have to be more independent." A year ago, Hunt's world junior ranking was 886; now it's 108. Virtual high schools, which allow students to take classes via PC, have emerged as an increasingly popular education alternative, particularly for on-the-go athletes. UMOHS has more than 400 students enrolled, 65% of whom are athletes. Accredited by the 100-year-old Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, UMOHS offers honors and advanced-placement classes. All course material is online, along with assignments and due dates. For help, says principal Howard Liebman, "a student may e-mail, instant message or call the teacher." Dallas mom Lori Bannon turned to another online school, Laurel Springs in Ojai, Calif. Bannon, who has a medical degree from Harvard, didn't want to compromise the education of her daughter Lindsay, 13, an élite gymnast who spends eight hours a day in the gym. "Regular school was not an option," says Bannon, "but I wanted to make sure she could go back at grade level if she quit gymnastics." Laurel Springs' enrollment has increased 35% a year for the past four years, to 1,800 students. At least 25% are either athletes or child entertainers. Educators are split on the merits of such schools. Paul Orehovec, an enrollment officer for the University of Miami, admits, "I was somewhat of a skeptic. But when I looked into their programs and accreditation, I was excited. UMOHS is the first online school to be granted membership in the National Honor Society." Kevin Roy, Elite's director of education, sees pitfalls and potential in virtual schools. "You will never have that wonderful teacher who inspires you for life," says Roy. "But the virtual school offers endless possibilities. I don't know where education's imagination will take this." 注(1):本文选自Time;11/29/2004, p149-149, 1/2p, 1c; 注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2004年真题text 4第1、2题(1、2),text 1 第2 题(3),text 3第5 题(5)和2000年真题text 4第4题(4); 1. What does Jamie Hunt get from the virtual school? [A] the ability to perfect his tennis skills [B] the time to do his school work

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