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1.[2017 乙卷(全国Ⅰ),25 分]假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie 学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括:





1.词数100 左右;


2.[2016 天津,25 分]假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李津。一批来自英国的高中生与你校学生开展了为期两周的交流活动。现在,他们即将回国,你将在欢送会上致辞。请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿。

(1)回顾双方的交流活动(如学习、生活、体育、文艺等方面); (2)谈








How time flies!

Thank you.

3.[2016 四川,25 分]某中学生英文报正举办"The Season I Like Best"的征文活动,请用英文写一篇短文投稿,内容应包括:




1.词数100 左右;




The Season I Like Best

4.[2015 新课标全国Ⅰ,25 分]假定你是李华,你校英文报"外国文化"栏目拟刊登介绍美国节日风俗和中学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿,要点如下:



3.稿件长度:约400 词;

4.交稿日期:6 月28 日前。

注意:1.词数100 左右;



Dear Peter,

I’d like to ask you to write an article for our school’s English newspaper.


Li Hua

5.[2015 新课标全国Ⅱ,25 分]假定你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教露西写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括:




1.词数100 左右;



Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua 6.[2015 北京,15 分]假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请给你的美国朋友Jim 写一封邮件,告诉他你打算参加龙舟训练营,希望他一起参加。邮件的内容包括:




意: 1.词数不少于50;


提示词: 龙舟训练营Dragon Boat Training Camp

Dear Jim,

7.[2014 新课标全国Ⅱ,25 分]一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是"十年后的我"。请根据下列要点和你的畅想完成短文。





1.词数100 左右;



I often imagine what my life will be like in the future. Yours, Li Hua


8.[2017 浙江,25 分]阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled(骑行) along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday.

Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. "Man, that’s a big dog!" he thought. But when he looked to the side,

he saw instantly that it wasn’t a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him.

Mac’s heart jumped. He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac’s relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac’s bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase(追赶).

Saturday Afternoon. In a Shopping Centre.

Li Jiang: Hi, Su Hua.Which movie shall we see?

Su Hua: Whatever. We’ve

got so many choices, Kung Fu Yoga , Journey to the West...Each sounds great! Li Jiang: Yeah!And some movie stars are fantastic. Su Hua: And the high-tech!...

Li Jiang: Perfect!Let’s get some food first.We only have 20 minutes left. Su Hua: No hurry. The cinema is on the same floor.

Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easily caught up and the wolf’s teeth would be tearing into his flesh.

At this moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didn’t think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now. 注意:

1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2. 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下画线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下画线标出你所使用的关键词语。

9.[2016 乙卷(全国Ⅰ),25 分]假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外资公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教 Ms Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。 注意:1.词数 100 左右;



10.[2017 北京,20 分]假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记录毕业前夕你们制作以"感恩母校"为主题的毕业纪念视频的全过程。

注意:词数不少于 60。提示词:视频 video

11.[2017 江苏,25 分]请认真阅读下面有关我国电影票房收入(box-office income)的柱状图及相关文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。


1.用约30 个单词概述柱状图信息的主要内容;









12.[2016 北京,20 分]假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华。你班同学参加了学校的"地球日"系列活动。请按照以下四幅图的先后顺序,以"Actions for a Greener Earth"为题,给校刊"英语角"写一篇英文稿件,介绍活动的全过程。


提示词:地球日Earth Day

1.[2018 河南商丘九校期中联考]外国语学校艺术节即将来临,学生会将举办剪纸和十字绣比赛,参赛人可以任选其一。假如你是学生会主席李华,请用英语写一篇书面通知,号召大家踊跃参加。



2.交作品截止时间:10 月16 号,星期一;



考词汇:剪纸paper-cutting ; 十字绣cross-stitch。注意:

1.词数100 左右;


The Campus Art Festival is on the way.

2.[2018 河北武邑中学第二次调研]假定你是李华,打算邀请你在中国留学的英国朋友Leslie 与你全家共度中秋节。写一封邮件告知他相关事宜。内容包括:

1.时间:10 月4 日;

One Day in 2016. At Home.

Son: Mum, shall we go and see a film tonight?

Mother: Why bother? We can stay at home and watch films online. It’s convenient with our new and faster network.

Son: But it feels good in a cinema.

Mother: And the price...We have to pay 50 yuan a ticket.

Son: Only 10 yuan more than last year.

Mother: But still we cannot get the money’s worth.Some films are just boring...




1.词数100 左右;


Dear Leslie,

3.[2018 湖南浏阳二、五、六中期中联考]下周四下午你校将组织一次英语角活动,主题是"The Most Important Invention",请用





1.词数100 左右;



It is known that there are a lot of inventions in history.

4.[2018 广东珠海二中、斗门一中期中联考]假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Andy 打算参加某网络课程学习汉语,想征求你的意见。请你给他回一封电子邮件,内容如下:





1.词数100 左右;



Dear Andy,

I am here to share my opinions on online courses with you.

5.[2018 山东、湖北部分重点中学高三调研联考]最近,董卿主持的《朗读者》掀起一股全民读书热潮。你校决定也借此机会鼓励同学们开展读书周(Reading Week)活动。假如你是某学校学生会主席李华,为配合学校的这次活动,你打算倡议同学们多读书, 读好书,请根据以下提示写封倡议信。





1.词数120 左右;



Dear friends,

I’m Li Hua, president of the Students’U nion.


Li Hua 6.[2018 江西赣州十四县(市)联考]假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter 邀请你下周去他们学校参加文化交流活动,并向外国朋





1.词数100 左右;


Dear Peter,


Li Hua 7.[2017 河北石家庄高三联考]假定你是李华,你校学生会要举办一次主题为"健康成长"的英语演讲比赛。你已报名参加比赛。请根据以下要点写一篇演讲稿。






3.词数100 左右。

Ladies and g entlemen,

My name is Li Hua.

Thank you.

8.[2017 江西六校高三联考]近年来,由于人口迁移、多代家庭减少、城市发展以及父母喜欢自由等,老人独自居住的比例趋近

总体的一半,这也引发了一些社会问题:老人生活孤独、缺乏照顾、起居困难等。请根据以上提示以"Care about the old"为题,写一篇英语短文。

注意:1. 词数100 左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

9.[2017 安徽皖南八校高三联考]假定你是李华,你校将举行元旦联欢。你班同学准备了一个英语短剧,请给你的外教Smith 写一封邮件,请他帮忙指导并请他在剧中扮演一个角色。


1.词数100 左右,格式已给出;


Dear Mr. Smith,


Li Hua 10.[2017 山西三区八校联考]近些年,越来越多的中国学生选择出国留学,这些留学生在国外的表现如何?哪些方面对他们来说是最难适应的?某报社做了一项调查,结果如图所示。请你根据下图,向该报社投稿,描述这一现象,并发表自己的看法。词数100 左右,开头已给出。

参考词汇:社会文化适应social acculturation;

人际沟通interpersonal communication

A newspaper has done a survey on the challenges presented by different aspects of social acculturation,

11.[2016 福建四地六校联考]请以"Friends and Friendship"为题,写一篇100 词左右的英语短文,内容要包含下列要点:







Friends and Friendship

假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Brown 听说中国有一种戏剧叫皮影戏,感到很好奇,所以发邮件向你询问。请你写封邮件告知有关皮影戏的情况。内容包括:




1.词数100 左右;


参考词汇:皮影戏shadow play


1.Dear Leslie,


I am delighted to know you are interested in Tang poems. Now I’m writing to tell you the plan for the next class. Actually I

am very fond of Tang poems. I think it great fun to learn the poems written in the Tang Dynasty with you.

We are to meet on Sunday morning in the People’s Park, where the air is fresh and the scenery is beautiful. We will learn from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. Besides, I advise you to go to the bookstore to borrow a history book and learn the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance, which can help you better understand the poems to be learned.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Looking forward to your early reply.

2.Dear f riends, Yours, Li Hua

How time flies! Two weeks have passed since you came to our school for the exchange program, which we all have benefited from.

During these two weeks, we studied and lived together, which gives us the opportunity to promote our friendship. Doing sports as a team has enabled us to know each other better. Your art skills are excellent and admirable, which leave me a deep impression. I think all our classmates have learned a lot from our communication and the various activities.

Now, on behalf of my schoolmates, I wish you a safe return. I also hope that there will be more events of this kind in the future.

Thank you.

3.The Season I Like Best

Each of us knows that there are four seasons a year. Different people like different seasons; my favourite season is spring. I love to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the new green trees and hear the singing of small birds. There are many busy butterflies and bees over the flowers. Sometimes it rains, but usually rains quietly. The rain moistens the trees and the flowers. And I can play outside too! Whether we like riding bikes, jogging or going for long walks, spring allows us to enjoy outdoor activities that we have to put on the back burner during winter. What mentioned above are the reasons why I’m so excited about the spring. Thank you, spring!

4.Dear Peter,

I’d like to ask you to write an article for our school’s English newspaper.

"Foreign Cultures" is our favorite section of our school’s English newspaper. Now it intends to carry some articles related t o American festivals and the life of American high school students. I know you are very good at writing, so would you be so kind as to write an article about American festivals or the life of high school students there for us? I am sure your article will impress us deeply, which in turn will arouse our interest in learning American culture. As to the length of the article, about 400 words will be fine. I would appreciate it if we could receive your article before June 28th.

Looking forward to your excellent article!


Li Hua

5.Dear Lucy,

I’d like to invite you to join our visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly in our culture. We’ll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. We’ll also spend some fun ti me together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we’ll wait for you at the school gate at 9 in the morning.

Looking forward to your reply.

6.Dear Jim,

I’m writing to tell you my exciting plan f or the summer holiday. I intend to join a Dragon Boat Training Camp. I wonder if you’d like to go with me.

This camp will open on July 20th. It offers teenagers, like you and me, a chance to enjoy sports and learn about Chinese culture. If you are interested in it, let me know and I’ll send you more information.

Hope to meet you at the training camp this summer.

7.I often imagine what my life will be like in the future. I think my life will be very different in ten years. I will be twenty-eight years old ten years later. I will have my own family, probably with a lovely child. I hope I’ll work in a Yours, Li Hua

Yours, Li Hua

computer company as a program designer. I’ll enjoy my work and get along well with my colleagues. In my free time, I’ll conti nue to take regular exercise, such as swimming, running and various ball games. On my holidays, I’ll travel around the world.

In a word, my life will be much richer and more colorful.


8.Paragraph 1:

The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Paul and Becky got out of the car immediately to give help. But with the bare hands, they didn’t dare to fight with the wolf. However, they still approached the wolf bravely. At the same time, the wolf also noticed them and turned its head back, shouting loudly at Paul and Becky. Mac then jumped off the bicycle and was ready to fight against the wolf. That reached deadlock.

Paragraph 2:

A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. They found the dangerous situation, where three men circled a wolf. Mac’s friends also jumped off their bicycles and joined the fight with the wolf. More and more cars stopped. Some drivers took out sticks from the cars, and some took out knives, even guns. Just at that time, the wolf might feel the threats from the people, starting to withdraw. Soon, it ran away along the road and disappeared in the d istance.


Dear Ms Jenkins,

I’m writing to ask you for help. I’m applying for a part -time job in a corporation with foreign capital. I think it’ll be a new challenge to me. Moreover, by doing the part-time job I can get some precious experience so that I can better adapt to the development and change of society.

I’ve already written the application and resume. But I’m afraid that there are some mistakes about the words and format. So I have no choice but to bother you to correct my mistakes in the material I attach to the letter. I’d appreciate it if you could do me a favor.


Sincerely yours,

Li Hua 10. Graduation finally came. My classmates and I decided to do something. After a heated discussion, we agreed on making a video to record our experiences at school.

Material collecting took us a whole week, during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of our school life. The editing part after that was tough. We debated on what to put into the video. Some compromises were unavoidable, but the video turned out perfect. Several days later, when the video was played at the graduation ceremony, it was highly praised. The students and teachers had a great time. That surely gave us a great sense of achievement. 11. The box-office income of Chinese movies witnessed a constant increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015. However, that increase slowed down in 2016.

The reasons behind this are various. The fast economic development before 2016 was probably the most powerful engine driving the constant growth in the box-office income. The application of new technologies and the wide appeal of movie stars could also account for the increase. However, China saw a decline in its economic growth rate last year. And the internet increased options for movie lovers. Consequently, some viewers began to turn away from cinemas, which led to a slower growth.

China’s economy is exp ected to grow at a medium speed in the coming years, so an increase is possible in the investment in the movie industry and the number of quality movies. Therefore, the box-office income will probably enjoy a slight increase. 12. Actions for a Greener Earth

A week before Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth. Our class came up with an idea to make better use of used materials. We brought to our classroom worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles, and turned those into dolls, handbags, tissue boxes and small vases. That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there. All were very happy with those unexpected gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. We did so well that we were invited to share our idea and experience with all the students of our school.

We are very proud of ourselves and believe we can do more for a better world.

1. The Campus Art Festival is on the way. The Student Union is going to hold a paper-cutting and cross-stitch competition to enrich students’ campus life, which, in the meanwhile, will promote Chinese folk art and traditional culture.

Participants are requested to choose either of them to compete depending on which you are interested in. The works are supposed to be turned in on time by next Monday on October 16th with a note attached to them, explaining your creative

inspiration and the meaning of your works. And then all the collections will be on display in our school library on Wednesday afternoon. In addition, anyone who creates the outstanding works will be awarded.

Don’t miss the chance of being the winner. Your contribution will certainly make the event a huge success. Come on and sign up!

2. Dear Leslie ,

How’s everything going? I miss the time very much when we were playing football together last Sunday.

The traditional Chinese festival — Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. I’d like to invite you to our family party. As you know, this festival is one of the most important festivals in China. Family members will gather together to enjoy mooncakes and admire the round moon, both of which represent the unity and happiness of a family. My family plans to have a feast near the Yellow Crane Tower, a nice place to admire the beauty of the moon.

By the way, the Mid-Autumn Festival is on October, 4th this year. Hope to see you then!

3. It is known that there are a lot of inventions in history. Many of them play an important role in people’s life and some even have greatly changed the world.

Yours, Li Hua.

In my opinion, the mobile phone is the most important invention. The mobile phone makes it possible for us to communicate conveniently with others. We can get comfort from our friends and families through it whenever we are upset or in trouble. Wh at’s

more, with the rapid development of electronic equipment, the mobile phone is getting smaller

but more powerful. Nowadays, we can also use a mobile phone to search for information or even shop online. How cool it is!

In a word, I do think that the mobile phone is the most important invention.

4.Dear Andy,

I am here to share my opinions on online courses with you. There is no doubt that it is convenient for you to learn Chinese online. And there are many different courses offered by different teachers or educational institutions, from which you may gain different experiences. Besides, some online courses can provide a platform for you to communicate with other learners.

However, every coin has two sides. Online courses are not the same as traditional courses, in which you can have face-to-face communication with your teachers, discuss your problems with them, or get timely help from them. These are what online courses lack.

On the whole, I advise you to take some online courses that are suitable for you and learn Chinese in a language school at

the same time.

5.Dear friends,

I’m Li Hua, president of the Student Union. I’m writing to appeal to you to do some reading.

Reading Week is launched to promote more reading. As is known to all, reading is of much benefit to us in many ways. Yours, Li Hua

Above all, reading is a perfect way to spend our spare time. Meanwhile, reading broadens our horizons and enriches our life as well. Apart from these, reading allows us to learn from great minds and live a better life.

Here are some tips on how to do some reading. First, it is advised that we form a good habit of reading. Second, we can change books with our friends, which can add more pleasure to both. Besides, we can exchange our opinions about books we read with others, making it easier to start a conversation while chatting.

Make reading part of our life, and it will definitely return your favor. Let’s do it!

6.Dear P eter, Yours, Li Hua

I’m Li Hua. Thanks a lot for your invitation to your cultural exchange program. I really want to accept it and seize this opportunity to introduce the traditional Chinese painting to foreign friends, but I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t. The reason is that I am occupied preparing performance for the coming National Day.

I strongly recommended my friend Li Ming, who is the most suitable person to take my place next week. He began to learn painting at an early age and has a good knowledge of the traditional Chinese painting, which, along with his active personality and perfect spoken English, will help make your activity a success.

Sorry again for any inconvenience caused by my absence. Best


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ab9491183.html,dies and gentlemen,

My name is Li Hua. It’s an honor for me to deliver a speech here. My topic of the speech is "How to grow up healthily". To achieve this goal, I think we are supposed to do the following things. Yours, Li Hua

To begin with, we should develop a positive attitude to life. Confronted with difficulties or failures, we shouldn’t give in. Besides, we must study hard because knowledge is power. Sports are also of equal importance. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk. Only in this way can we keep fit.

If we do these things well, we are bound to live a happy and healthy life.

Thank you.

8.Care about the old

The number of the elderly living alone has increased incredibly fast in recent years, the percentage of which is near 50 percent of all. Reasons include population migration, decrease of multi-generational families, the development of cities and the elderly people’s preference for freedom.

As a result, some social problems about the elderly have arisen, such as loneliness, lack of care and the difficulties in daily life. So it is our responsibility to care about the old in terms of their physical health and feelings. We should go home and visit them as often as possible besides phoning. In addition, do try to keep them company whenever possible.

All in all, it’s high time that we took the responsibility to show our concern for the elderly and make their life


9.Dear Mr. Smith,

I’m writing to ask a favor of you. With the New Year’s Day approaching, a party will be held to celebrate this important festival. And this year is no exception. A great many wonderful performances will be shown on the stage. Students in our class intend to put on a short play which is adapted from an English novel. Fully prepared as we are, we still feel puzzled about the use of certain words in the script.

May I have the honor to ask you for some guidance? Meanwhile, we feel it a great honor to invite you to play a role in the play. If you are available, could we meet to talk about it in the school hall at 5 o’clock next Monday afternoon?

We’d appreciate it if you could do us the favor.


Li Hua 10. A n ewspaper h as d one a s urvey o n t he c hallenges p resented b y d ifferent a spects o f s ocial a cculturation, a nd the results are shown in the chart above.

As can be seen clearly, most Chinese overseas students have little trouble adjusting to daily routines. Besides, they also do well in adapting themselves to academic study and understanding the values. Language isn’t a major obstacle to adapting to a new c ulture. But most of them find interpersonal communication a big problem, the score of which is the lowest. And this can easily lead us to the conclusion: the biggest challenge for Chinese overseas students is to fit into local circles.

It is suggested that overseas students take part in more community services and activities, thus helping them get used to the

life in a foreign country more quickly.

11.Friends and Friendship

As we all know, everybody needs friends and friendship which play an important part in our studies, work and everyday


As friends we should trust each other and share not only joys but also sorrows. We should think of what we have done for our friends instead of what they have done for us. Once our friends are in trouble, we should try our best to help them out. Just as the famous saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Friendship also needs to be taken good care of. Once we become friends with someone, we should help, value and respect each other. Only in this way can our friendship last long.

Dear Brown,

I’m glad to learn from your last email that you show great interest in a Chinese drama form — shadow play. Now here is

what I know about it.

As far as I know, it is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment in which the players hold the human figures made of animal skins or hard paper boards with colored paintings. The figures are reflected on the curtain through the light, singing and dancing controlled by the players with the silk string. Shadow play with written records dates back to the Song Dynasty. It plays

an important role in the invention of the modern movie and the development of the movies and cartoons.

Looking forward to your coming to China to enjoy the ancient treasure yourself.


Li Hua



At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!
