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Part 1

1.The advantage of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantage. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

●the rise of a global language is a facilitator of cross-cultural communication and the

communication between people with different language backgrounds

●people might be motivated to learn english as a foreign language but do not necessarily

drop their native language because learning beginner or intermediate level english is sufficient for day-to-day communication

●its negative effect is reflected mainly in cultural imperialism

2.Some people argue that the government should spend money on public service and facilities. But not on the arts. Do you agree or disagree?

●public facilities , widely accepted as one of the main precursors to a city’s development,

should be one of the highest priorities.

●in addition to social benefits, there are economic merits that public facilities can offer

to communities.

●arts are more likely to atract the investment of the private sector than public facilities.

business people continue to invest in the arts in the expectation of earning lump sum income and the arts in trturn , continue to flourish without the government spending.

3.It is said that the fast pace of our every day life. as a direct result of the rapid development of telecommunications technology and travel industry. Has negative effects on individuals, nations and the globe. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

●on the positive side, the fast rhythm of life requires people to enhance efficiency when

working and then allow them to enjoy longer leisure time

●the acceleration of the pace of life also implies the expansion of people’s social circle

●on the negative side, the fast-paced lifestyle is responsible for the upsurge in

lifestyle-related problems. jobs become demanding and require workers full

commitment, resulting in their depression and pressure.

4.Do you think a museum is to educate or entertain people?

●museums impart knowledge to visitors through different means. viewing these items

enables visitors to acquire knowledge of a given subject, such as history, art,

environment and technology.

●similar to other educational institutions, museums have to balance their budget . many

museums have therefore sought to operate more activities to attract more visitors, in order for an additional entry fee to cover costs.

5.Some people that changing jobs periodically is good. What is your opinion?

● a new job implies opportunities for career development, an objective many working

people intend to achieve.

●job-hopping assists one to survive the keen competition.

●when job-hoppers are craving for new chances, some issues are particularly worthy of

concern. the first is adjusting to a new environment, such as working with new

colleagues and supervisors, besides, while valuing a job hopper’s resume, employers too often tend to suspect his or her loyalty and resilience(抵抗力)

6We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we cannot trust journalists. What do you think? What qualities do you think a successful journalists should have?

●not surprisingly, whenever people talk of journalism, objectivity is the first word that springs

to mind. but , in reality, objectivity is hard to achieve.

●another factor contributing to the erosion of journalistic standards throughout the news

business if that in these years, increasing weight has been given to following news values, entertainment, oddity and celebrity.

●in general, a successful journalist should be first able to use carful judgment when

organizing and reporting information. in addition, they should be sensitive to and interested in current affairs at all levels.

7The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising but not the real need of society where such products are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

●advertisements conquer the audience mainly by sending them a message that they are

lacking a specific brand or product that is likely to make them acceptable or even

distingusied individuals in society

●advertising also works to create a best-seller image for a newly-marketed product. the

audience is tempted to buy it in the hope that they can thus become one of the

eyewitnesses and participants of a fad

8.it is said that the best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

●it should be first noted that car use alone does not take up the entire consumption of petrol,

although people’s obsession with car use contributes greatly to greenhouse gas emission ●people should meanwhile recognize the fact that the demand for petrol is generally

inelastic=fixed, at least in the short run

●therefore, the efforts to reduce greenhouse gases emission by curbing car use cannot achieve

any immediate outcome unless sufficient time is given.

10.Some people who have been successful in the society do not attribute their success to the theoretical knowledge they learned at university. What is your opinion on the factors contributing to one’s achievement?

●knowledge, an essential element of one’s success, is normally acquired through formal

education, but it is not he only approach.

●in addition to hands-on skills and practical experience, characters can foretell one’s

prospects. society has been polarized as economic and social changes make it more

competitive. Nowadays, those with outstanding academic qualifications are not sought-after as much as before. Employers show interest in other qualities of an applicant, for example, resilience, willpower and adaptability.

11.Do you think it is good to push students to study hard in their youth?

●as children grow older, they are capable of learning more and the amount of time they spend

in studying should increase correspondingly. hard word can raise the odds of success by increasing their knowledge, improving their abilities and expanding their skill set.

●despite the great value of hardworking, one should bear in mind the fact that students of all

ages need time to play and relax. they should be given freedom to develop their hobbies and encouraged to dabble in different activities, so they can learn in depth about the world, explore ideas and soothe themselves.

Part 2

1.. Some people believe that culture will be ruined if it is used to

earn tourism revenue, but others consider that tourism is the only way of protecting a culture. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

●Providing economic incentives for cultural preservation is

unarguably one of the main contributions of tourism.

●In addition to raising financing, tourism can make an indigenous

culture known to the world and rally support worldwide to protect it.

●On the negative side, tourism develops sometimes at the expense

of part of culture. Food, festivals, costumes and other stimulating elements of a culture are highlighted to entertain tourists, constituting an insult to the locals and causing damage to the unique nature of a culture.

2.. Space travel to the Moon is often cited as one giant leap for

mankind. Yet some people argue that this achievement made little difference to our daily lives. What is your opinion?

●The first implication of Moon landing is reflected in the

likelihood of traveling on other planets

●Another remarkable breakthrough made by the moon landing

is that it reignites people’s enthusiasm in the natural sciences.

●It should also be noted that the moon has water, the basic

resource for people’s survival. Some day, if peopl e are forced

to move off the earth, the moon might be the best shelter.

3.Do you agree that modern technology has given us more leisure

time than before?

●Admittedly, thanks to modern technology, people can thus spend

less time on compulsory activities, but it should also be noted that other non-compulsory activities have come to consume a

large proportion of people’s after-work life

●People’s leisure lives are continuously eroded also because of

ubiquity of modern technological tools

●While posing a threat on p eople’s leisure lives, technologies

might on other occasions, give workers more flexibility in controlling their work and more quality time after work.

4.. People in many counties do not wear their traditional costume.

Some argue that they would forget their history and tradition. Do you agree or disagree?

5.. The advance of science and technology has a significant impact

on people, but the role of artists is also important, such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science cannot?

●The arts represent human thoughts, whereas science represents

natural order

●Another major distinction is that the arts draw attention to issues

that are unique in a particular society, while science attaches importance to the issue that are of interest to mankind as a whole ●The arts also give people a sense of cultural background and

identity, as a key component of any culture in the world.

Part 3

1 some people argue that immigrants should adopt the local culture when immigrating to a new country. An alternative view is that they can adapt to a new environment by establishing a minority community. Discuss these two views and give your opinion

?Most immigrants, at the first stage of their life in a

new country, are faced with merging into the new culture and integrating into the new society. Accepting the local culture by observing the local traditions is a good starting point.

?While adopting local customs and blending into the

local culture, migrants can follow their individual cultural traditions. The coexistence of different minority communities in a country benefits both immigrants and locals.

2people should keep all the money they earn and should not pay taxes to the state. Do you agree or disagree?

?Although many taxpayers see income tax as an

appropriation of their earnings, tax is in fact a relief to taxpayers and their families, for example, by providing a safeguard against unemployment and a solution to other problems that they may confront in life.

?Taxation is meanwhile an effective tool by which a

society can achieve the redistribution of income and close the gap between haves and have-nots

?Corporate tax is deemed by business as a regular cost,

which must be kept to a minimum, but is it not necessarily a bane. By levying different types of tax, the government can exert an influence on macroeconomic performance, which in turn influences the income of the business world.

3earlier technological development brought more changes to the life of ordinary people than recent technological development do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

?While the invention of automobiles was a landmark in

the technological evolution of humankind, the widespread use of computers and telecommunications technology has dramatically reshaped the nature of the


?Lifestyles are changed by recent technologies in equal


?Modern technologies also account for the evolution of

people’s perception of society

4 people think that old buildings should be knocked down and give way to the new buildings. Do you agree or disagree? How important are old buildings to us?

?There is no denying that some old buildings are of

aesthetic, archaeological or architectural values. They might be either integral to a culture as a symbol of a city or country or unique in the domain of architecture.

?With regard to other old buildings, possessing no

specific value while becoming dilapidated, entire destruction is an acceptable and understandable.

5 as most people spend a major part of adult life at the place of work, job satisfaction is an important part of individual well-being. What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? Are all the expectations for

job satisfaction realistic?


6there are many advertisements directed at children. Parents argue that children are misled, while advertisers consider advertising a source of useful information. What is your opinion?

?One of the main features of advertisements is giving

products an exaggerated account

?Another main strategy adopted by advertises is to

associate products with lifestyles that are attractive to young people and deliver a strong message that the advertised products are what their peers want and will choose

?When the negative impacts of advertising on children

are acknowledged, it should be noted that as children grow up, they will make more sophisticated judgment about those tactics advertisers use to grab their attention

7 it is said that the best way to solve the wor ld’s environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

?It should be first noted that car use alone does not

take up the entire consumption of petrol, although

people’s obsession with car use contributes great ly

to greenhouse gas emission.

?People should meanwhile recognize the fact that

the demand for petrol is generally inelastic, at least

in the short run

?Therefore, the effort to reduce greenhouse gases

emission by curbing car use can not achieve any

immediate outcome unless sufficient time is given

8far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have noticed this problem for a long time. Why have people failed to improve this situation? What are your suggestions?

?The sharp fall in living species is first attributed to

people’s continued and heavy reliance on them for their own interests

?Another reason cited to explain this is that few people

take the mass extinction of species

?From what has been discussed, it is clear that lack of

awareness and over-reliance on natural resources are the main reasons why species are being pushed closer

to the brink of extinction

9some people think that children should learn to compete, but others think that they should be taught to cooperate with others. What your opinion?

10some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge right and wrong and to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss the both and give your opinion?

?Cooperative learning occurs when students work

collaboratively towards a common goal. A student’s achievements are positively correlated with those of his or her peers in the group

?Another benefit of cooperative learning is allowing

students to take advantage of individual strengths and combined efforts

?However, some characteristics of collaborative

learning have made it inapplicable on some occasions 11 G类,people tend to work longer hours nowadays. Working long hours has a negative effect on themselves, their families and the society, so working hours should be

restricted. Do you agree or disagree?

?To job holders, working long hours triggers at least

two problems. It is not only to damage personal relationships, disrupt social lives and impede community activities, but also to cause a feeling of stress, a psychological disturbance that is experienced by many working people

?To employers, long working hours, although

promising maximum benefit from limited every now and then, have destructive effects in the long term

12G类,what is the difference between traditional food and fast food?

?Fast food is distinguished from traditional food

mainly by the selection of ingredients and cuisines.

?Another problem found in the regular consumption of

fast food is the high risk of obesity

?Moreover, it is important to realize that a traditional

meal has many of its cultural and social meanings

13 G 类,wearing uniforms is popular in schools, but some people argue that it might cause damage to children’s individuality. What is your opinion?

?One of the most significant benefits obtaining from a

uniform is that it eliminates economic inequalities and reduces the competition among students for showing off stylish clothes

?School uniforms are meanwhile believed to have

positive effects on discipline

?School uniforms are sometimes viewed as a symbol of

restrictive culture and a significant determinant of children’s self-expression, potentially suppressing students’ individuality.

Part 4

一increasing travels between countries enable people to learn different cultures or to increase tension between people from different countries?

1 the first reason why international travels would never bring conflict is rooted in the fact that both visitors and locals are economically motivated

2 understanding a culture has other implications. Differences in social background, culture values and religious belief might make the discrepancy of foreigners and local inhabitants on some issues indelible

3 undeniably, it is likely that in some resorts, foreign visitors repel the local community with their scant regard for the local environment and conventions when they first arrive.

二Space travel to the Moon is often cited as one giant leap for mankind. Yet some people argue that this achievement made little difference to our daily lives. What is your opinion?

●The first implication of Moon landing is reflected in the

likelihood of traveling on other planets

●Another remarkable breakthrough made by the moon

landing is that it reignites people’s enthusiasm in the

natural sciences.

●It should also be noted that the moon has water, the basic

resource for people’s survival. Some day, if peopl e are

forced to move off the earth, the moon might be the best


三Do you agree that modern technology has given us more leisure time than before?

●Admittedly, thanks to modern technology, people can thus

spend less time on compulsory activities, but it should also be noted that other non-compulsory activities have come to

consume a large proportion of people’s after-work life

●People’s leisure lives are continuously eroded also because

of ubiquity of modern technological tools

●While posing a threat on people’s leisure lives, technologies

might on other occasions, give workers more flexibility in controlling their work and more quality time after work.

四people think that old buildings should be knocked down and give way to the new buildings. Do you agree or disagree? How important are old buildings to us?

?There is no denying that some old buildings are of aesthetic,

archaeological or architectural values. They might be either integral to a culture as a symbol of a city or country or unique in the domain of architecture.

?With regard to other old buildings, possessing no specific

value while becoming dilapidated, entire destruction is an acceptable and understandable.

五what is the difference between traditional food and fast food?

●Fast food is distinguished from traditional food mainly by

the selection of ingredients and cuisines

●Another problem found in the regular consumption of fast

food is the high risk of obesity

●Moreover, it is important to realize that a traditional meal

has many of its cultural and social meanings

六The advance of science and technology has a significant impact on people, but the role of artists is also important, such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science cannot?

●The arts represent human thoughts, whereas science

represents natural order

●Another major distinction is that the arts draw attention to

issues that are unique in a particular society, while science attaches importance to the issue that are of interest to mankind as a whole

●The arts also give people a sense of cultural background and

identity, as a key component of any culture in the world.

七some people suggest that there should be restriction on a detailed description of crimes in the newspapers and on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

●There can be little doubt that a complete description of

crimes has a direct impact on viewers’ perception of crime, including its nature and impacts

●Meanwhile, the depiction of violence is potentially the

primary cause of copycat suicides, fights, shootings and bombings

●Despite its enormous effects on the audience, the description

of crimes on television or newspapers should not be made a scapegoat for all social violence

八do the positive effects outweigh negative effects, when advertising gains in popularity?

●It is important to recognize that one of the key functions of

advertising is to supply consumers with adequate and accurate information about all of the alternatives available to them

●Advertising also plays a significant role in fostering full

employment and facilitating economic well-being

●Unarguably, advertising is criticized every now and then for

misleading the public

九environmental problems are serious in many countries. It means that only possible way to protect the environment is at an international level, do you agree or disagree?

●The first point to support international cooperation is that the

impact of an environmental problem can be on the global scale

●Another benefit obtained from international cooperation is

facilitating the exchange of goods, technology, knowhow and capital

十good facilities can be found in cities but not in the countryside. Therefore, new doctors and teachers should be sent to the countryside,

●the first is that hospital, clinics and schools are severely

understaffed in rural areas, compared with their overstaffed counterparts in the city

●to the doctors or teachers that graduate freshly with a degree

only, working in rural areas enables them to enrich work experience within the shortest possible period of time

●despite those benefits, the place of work should be chosen b

doctors or teachers themselves and compulsory assortment is not justifiable.

Part 5

Topic 1: advantages and disadvantages of city life


1. As far as meals and clothes are considered, urban citizens are well fed and well dressed as

there is an adequate supply of goods.

2. Urban citizens can appreciate a more colorful life than rural citizens. The city provides a lot

of places for entertainment. Living in the country lacks entertainment.

3. City dwellers are well informed because they have the easier access to news


1. One big problem is the ever-increasing pressure produced by over-crowding.


2. Another is the growing number of cars and buses, whose exhaust sends huge quantities of

carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, making the air of cities unbreathable.

3 The most serious and pressing problem is the widespread crime.

All these problems make big cities no longer attractive to people as years before. Only a madman would choose to live in a large modern city.

Topic 2:Sending children to nurseries earlier


1. The period between 2 and 3 years old is crucial for a child’s intelligence, character and social


2. It is beneficial for them to receive systematic and scientific care and rudimentary knowledge

from well-trained professionals.

3. The child needs more opportunities to communicate with his/her peers.

4 It also helps them to cultivate desirable and healthy habits.

5 The main task of the child-care establishments is to incubate honesty, courage, discipline,

cooperation, friendliness, and good manners.


1. It may lead to poorer parent-child relationship for lack of emotional communication.

2 There may be some potential risks for the children who are too young to be able to take care


数字逻辑设计课程设计指导书 适用专业:计算机大类 湖北工业大学 计算机学院 2016年11月

目录 一、课程设计目的 (1) 二、课程设计要求 (1) 三、课程设计内容 (1) 四、设计报告的内容和要求 (3) 五、课程设计考核方法 (3) 附录一自选课题参考题目 (4) 一、数码管显示控制器 (4) 二、乒乓球游戏机 (4) 三、智力竞赛抢答器 (4) 四、数字钟 (4) 五、交通灯控制器 (5) 六、双钮电子锁 (5) 七、彩灯控制器 (5) 八、速度表 (5) 九、出租车计价器 (6) 十、自动奏乐器一 (6) 十一、自动奏乐器二 (6) 十二、自动打铃器 (6) 十三、算术运算单元ALU的设计 (7) 十四、游戏机 (7) 十五、16路数显报警器 (7) 十六、脉冲按键电话按键显示器 (7) 十七、病房呼叫系统 (8) 十八、自动电子钟 (8) 十九、具有数字显示的洗衣机时控电路 (8) 二十、篮球比赛数字计分牌 (8) 二十一、电子日历 (9) 二十二、设计模拟中央人民广播电台报时电路 (9) 二十三、数字跑表 (9) 二十四、汽车尾灯控制器 (9) 二十五、篮球竞赛30秒计时器 (9) 二十六、拔河游戏机控制器 (10) 附录二TTL集成电路型号命名规则 (11) 附录三部分TTL集成电路管脚排列图 (14)

一、课程设计目的 《数字逻辑课程设计》是计算机大类学生的必修课之一,是《数字逻辑》课程的一个重要的实践教学环节,它与理论教学和实验教学相结合,培养学生综合运用所学的基础理论和掌握的基本技能来解决实际问题的能力。 课程设计通过完成一个课题的理论设计和实际调试工作,即能加深对所学知识的理解,又能培养综合的实践技能,从而提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。训练学生综合运用学过的数字逻辑的基本知识,独立设计比较复杂的数字电路的能力。通过实践教学引导学生在理论指导下有所创新,为专业课的学习和日后工程实践奠定基础。 二、课程设计要求 (一)教学要求 1.巩固和加深对数字逻辑各类型电路的设计方法及电子器件所构成电路的理解,并适当拓宽学生在电子线路领域的知识面。 2.初步掌握数字电路的设计、计算方法。能根据系统的技术指标,论证、拟订设计方案;选用合适的电路形式并进行工程计算及选择电路的元器件。 3.培养独立组织实验方案、正确选择使用实验仪器的能力,提高对功能电路和系统的安装调整、测试技术,以及综合运用所学理论知识解决实际问题的能力。(二)能力培养要求 1.通过查阅手册和有关文献资料培养学生独立分析和解决实际问题的能力。 2.通过实际电路方案的比较分析、设计计算、元件选取、安装调试等环节,掌握简单实用电路的分析方法和工程设计方法。 3.掌握常用仪器设备的使用方法,学会简单的实验调试,提高动手能力。 4.综合应用课程中学到的理论知识去独立完成一个设计任务。 5.培养严肃认真的工作作风和严谨的科学态度。 三、课程设计内容 从参考题目中自选1题进行资料查找和设计,具体课题及要求见附件1。 1.数码管显示控制器


数字逻辑课程设计 自从它被发明的那天起,就成为人们生活中必不可少的一种工具,尤其是在现在这个讲 究效率的年代,时钟更是在人类生产、生活、学习等多个领域得到广泛的应用。然而随着时 间的推移,人们不仅对于时钟精度的要求越来越高,而且对于时钟功能的要求也越来越多,时钟已不仅仅是一种用来显示时间的工具,在很多实际应用中它还需要能够实现更多其它的

功能。诸如闹钟功能、日历显示功能、温度测量功能、湿度测量功能、电压测量功能、频率测量功能、过欠压报警功能等。钟表的数字化给人们的生产生活带来了极大的方便,而且大大地扩展了钟表原先的报时功能。诸如定时自动报警、按时自动打铃、时间程序自动控制、定时广播、自动起闭路灯、定时开关烘箱、通断动力设备、甚至各种定时电气的自动启用等,所有这些,都是以钟表数字化为基础的。可以说,设计多功能数字时钟的意义已不只在于数字时钟本身,更大的意义在于多功能数字时钟在许多实时控制系统中的应用。在很多实际应 用中,只要对数字时钟的程序和硬件电路加以一定的修改,便可以得到实时控制的实用系统, 从而应用到实际工作与生产中去。因此,研究数字时钟及扩大其应用,有着非常现实的意义。 数字钟从原理上讲是一种典型的数字电路,其中包括了组合逻辑电路和时序电路?目前,数字钟的功能越来越强,并且有多种专门的大规模集成电路可供选择? 前言 (2) 目录 (2) 题目 (2) 摘要 (2) 关键字 (3) 设计要求 (3) 正文 (3) 1电路结构与原理图 (3) 2数码显示器 (3) 60进制计数和24进制计数 (4) 校时 (7) 振荡器 (8) 3.计算、仿真的过程和结果 (9) 鸣谢 (11) 元器件清单 (11) 参考文献 (11) 总结与体会 (11) 教师评语 (12) 数字时钟的课程设计 摘要: 数字钟是一种用数字电路技术实现时、分、秒计时的装置,与机械式时钟相比具有更高 的准确性和直观性,且无机械装置,具有更更长的使用寿命,因此得到了广泛的使用。 数字钟从原理上讲是一种典型的数字电路,其中包括了组合逻辑电路和时序电路。目前, 数字钟的功能越来越强,并且有多种专门的大规模集成电路可供选择。本设计采用74LS290. 74LS47.BCD七段数码管和适当的门电路构成,可实现对时、分、秒等时间信息的采集和较时 功能地实现?


《数字逻辑》课程设计报告 题目数字时钟 学院(部)信息工程学院 专业计算机科学与技术 班级计算机一班 学生姓名 学号20132402 6 月29 日至 7 月 3 日共1 周 指导教师(签字)

题目 一.摘要: 钟表的数字化给人们的生产生活带来了极大的方便,并且极大的扩展了钟表原先的报时功能。诸如定时自动报有这些,都是以钟表数字化为基础的。因此,研究数字钟及扩大其应用,有着非常警、学校的按时自动打铃、时间程序自动控制、定时广播、定时启闭路灯,甚至各种定时电气的自启用等。所现实的意义。本次数电课设我组设计的数字时钟是由石英晶体振荡器、分频器、计数器、译码器、显示器、校时电路、报时电路和计时电路组成,石英晶体振荡器产生的信号经过分频器作为秒脉冲,秒脉冲送入计数器计数,计数结果通过“时”、“分”、“秒”译码器在七段显示器上显示时间。 二.关键词: 校时计时报时分频石英晶体振荡器 三.技术要求: 1、有“时”、“分”、“秒”(23小时59分59秒)显示且有校时功能; 2、有计时功能,时钟不会在计时的时候停下。计时范围是0~99秒; 3、有闹铃功能,闹铃响的时间由使用者自己设置,闹铃时间至少一分钟; 4、要在七段显示器(共阴极6片)显示时间; 5、电子钟要准确正常地工作。 四、方案论证与选择: 钟表的是长期使用的器件,误差容易积累由此增大。所以要求分频器产生的秒脉冲要极其准确。而石英晶体产生的信号是非常稳定的,所以我们使用石英晶体产生的信号经过分频电路作为秒脉冲。秒脉冲信号经过6级计数器,分别得到“秒”、“分”、“时”的个位、十位的计时。由实际的要求,“秒”、“分”计数器为60进制的计数器,小时为24进制。由于74LS160十进制加法计数器易于理解使用,我们在设计各个计数器时都是由采用74LS160芯片级联构成。在计时部分,最小单位是0.01s,我们采用555多谐振荡器产生100HZ的信号作为秒脉冲进入一个4级计数器,计时范围是0~99秒。石英晶体



数字逻辑课程设计 多功能数字钟 班级: 学号: 课程设计人: 指导老师: 课题: 完成时间:

一、设计目的: 学会应用数字系统设计方法进行电路设计,熟练地运用汇编语言。 二、设计任务及要求: 1.记时、记分、记秒 2.校时、校分、秒清0 3.整点报时 4.时间正常显示 5.闹时功能 三、设计思路: 将整个闹钟分为以下几个模块,每个模块中都有详细的各部分的设计思路,源代码及仿真图像,生成的器件。 1.计时模块 计小时:24进制计数器 计分、计秒:60进制计数器 计时间过程: 计秒:1HZ计数脉冲,0~59循环计数,计数至59时产生进位信号。 计分:以秒计数器进位信号作为分计数脉冲,0~59循环计数,59时产生进位。 计时:以分计数器进位信号作为时计数脉冲,0~23循环计数,23时清0。 二十四进制计数器代码: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity cnt24 is port (clk:in std_logic; qh,ql:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end cnt24; architecture behave of cnt24 is signal q1,q0:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin process(clk) begin if(clk'event and clk='1')then if(q1="0010" and q0="0011")then q1<="0000";q0<="0000"; elsif(q0="1001")then q0<="0000";q1<=q1+'1'; else q0<=q0+'1'; end if; end if; qh<=q1; ql<=q0;


序 很早之前就想对这几个月工作经历写的东西,一是作为自己的总结,二是自己也很 想将自己这段时间的一些经历和大家分享一下,希望对初学者而言能使得他们能少走一 些弯路。只是公司里的事情很多,最近经常加班,所以一直拖到现在。 能来到这家公司应该是一种缘份--缘起NIOS。当初三月份altera来我们学校建立SO PC实验室的时候自己还不知道NIOS是什么东西,只是想在altera的FAE讲完NIOS后多问他几个时序约束的问题,然后拷一份PPT回去。但是想不到因为那一份NIOS的培训资料,我 认识了edacn上的cawan,他给我讲了很多NIOS的东西,之后是丁哥在SOC版帖了位NIOS大赛的通知,然后我和队友就去报了名,并去川大参加了NIOS的培训,认识了峻龙的FAE- ---也是我现在的boss。在这里要谢谢cawan、丁哥、和我一起参加NIOS竞赛的队友刘科 以及我的BOSS,是他们让我有了这一段的经历。 在公司里的几个月,做的项目其实不多,但是收获还是有一些,我觉得收获最大的是 设计理念的改变,这也是我这段时间最想总结的,我会在后面逐渐阐述。 时序是设计出来的 我的boss有在华为及峻龙工作的背景,自然就给我们讲了一些华为及altera做逻辑 的一些东西,而我们的项目规范,也基本上是按华为的那一套去做。在工作这几个月中 ,给我感触最深的是华为的那句话:时序是设计出来的,不是仿出来的,更不是湊出来 的。 在我们公司,每一个项目都有很严格的评审,只有评审通过了,才能做下一步的工 作。以做逻辑为例,并不是一上来就开始写代码,而是要先写总体设计方案和逻辑详细 设计方案,要等这些方案评审通过,认为可行了,才能进行编码,一般来说这部分工作 所占的时间要远大于编码的时间。 总体方案主要是涉及模块划分,一级模块和二级模块的接口信号和时序(我们要求 把接口信号的时序波形描述出来)以及将来如何测试设计。在这一级方案中,要保证在 今后的设计中时序要收敛到一级模块(最后是在二级模块中)。什么意思呢?我们在做 详细设计的时候,对于一些信号的时序肯定会做一些调整的,但是这种时序的调整最多 只能波及到本一级模块,而不能影响到整个设计。记得以前在学校做设计的时候,由于 不懂得设计时序,经常因为有一处信号的时序不满足,结果不得不将其它模块信号的时 序也改一下,搞得人很郁闷。 在逻辑详细设计方案这一级的时候,我们已经将各级模块的接口时序都设计出来了 ,各级模块内部是怎么实现的也基本上确定下来了。 由于做到这一点,在编码的时候自然就很快了,最重要的是这样做后可以让设计会 一直处于可控的状态,不会因为某一处的错误引起整个设计从头进行。 做逻辑的难点在于系统结构设计和仿真验证 刚去公司的时候BOSS就和我讲,做逻辑的难点不在于RTL级代码的设计,而在于系统 结构设计和仿真验证方面。目前国内对可综合的设计强调的比较多,而对系统结构设计


数字电路课程设计(学年设计、学年论文)任务书 学院计算机与信息工程学院专业网络工程 课程名称数字电路题目四路彩灯显示电路系统 的设计 完成期限自2013年12月1日至2014年1月5日共5周 内容及任务一、项目的目的 (1)加深对电子线路的基本知识的了解和对电路的构建; (2)通过对问题的分析,选取相关的原件,系统设计,把实际问题转化为仿真电路问题; (3)提高团队的合作能力和动手能力; 二、项目任务的主要内容和要求 (1)设计四路彩灯显示电路,接通电源后,彩灯可以自动按预先设置闪烁; (2)设置的彩灯花型由三个节拍组成 第一节拍:从左向右逐次渐亮,灯亮时间1S共用4S. 第二节拍:四路彩灯从右向左逐次渐灭,也需4S。 第三节拍:四路彩灯同时亮0.5秒,然后同时变暗,进行四次,所需时间也是四秒。 (3)三个节拍完成一个循环,一共需要12S。一次循环之后重复进行闪烁。 三、项目设计(研究)思路 系统主要包括脉冲源、分频器、节拍控制器等,脉冲源采用秒脉冲发生器,用以提供频率为1Hz的时钟信号;分频器将1Hz的时钟信号四分频,用以产生0.25Hz(即4S)的时钟信号;节拍控制器产生三个节拍循环的控制信号;节拍程序执行器完成在每个节拍下的系统动作,即数据的左移、右移和送数功能,可以使用双向通用移位寄存器74LS194完成;显示电路完成系统循环演示的指示,可以用发光二极管模拟。 四、具体成果形式和要求 具体成果:四路彩灯显示电路系统和设计文档;

其要求:设计思路清晰,给出整体设计框图;设计个单元电路,给出具体设计思路、电路器件。 进度安排 起止日期工作内容 12.1-12.10 选题,组员分工,明确任务,查找相关资料。 12.11-12.20 绘制电路原理图。 12.21-12.30 运行、调试。 12.31-1.3 编写课程设计报告、答辩。 主要参考资料[1]康华光主编.电子技术基础(数字部分)第五版.高等教育出版社。 [2]康华光主编.电子技术基础(模拟部分)第五版.高等教育出版社。 [3]蔡惟铮《数字电子线路基础》[M]哈尔滨,哈尔滨工业大学出版社。 [4]吕思忠《数字电路实验与课程设计》哈尔滨工程大学出版社。 [5]谢自美《电子线路设计》华中理工大学出版社。 指导教师 意见 (签字):×年×月×日 系(教研室) 主任意见 (签字):×年×月×日


数字逻辑课程设计实验报告 题目数字钟 姓名桂大有 班级网络工程103班 学号109074360 指导教师陆勤 完成日期2012年5月21日

数字钟的设计 1.数字钟的功能描述 (1)计时和显示功能 采用24小时计时并以十进制数字显示时、分、秒(时从00-23,分、秒从00-59)。 (2)校对动能 当数字时钟走的有偏差时,应能够手动校时。 2.数字钟的设计思路 根据功能要求,整个数字时钟分为计时和校时两大部分。 计时部分秒计时电路接收1Hz时基信号,进行60进制计数,计满后秒值归0,并产生1/60Hz时钟信号;分钟计时电路接受1/60Hz时钟信号,进行60进制计数,计满后分钟值归0,并产生1/3600Hz时钟信号,小时计时电路接收1/3600Hz时钟信号,进行24小时计数,计满后小时、分、秒皆归0,如此循环往复。 校时部分,采用两个瞬态按键配合实现,1号键产生单脉冲,控制数字钟在计时/校时/校分/校秒四种状态间切换,2号键通过控制计数使能端让时/分/秒计数器发生状态翻转以达到指定的数值。 3.系统功能模块介绍 Ⅰ.模块一:数字钟总体原理电路。 其中包含:(1)分钟、秒计时电路(2)小时计时电路(3)计时/校时的切换

Ⅱ.采用原理图和HDL混合设计方式实现数字钟 ①分钟、秒计时电路 分钟、秒计时需要60进制计数,其电路图如下所示: 该电路图用两片74160采用同步连接构成60进制计数器,通过译码电路识别稳态“59”,输出低电平使计数器置数为0。整个技术循环为00—>01—>02—>…—>58—>59—>00—>…,共有60个稳定状态。计数值采用BCD码形式,Q7~Q4表示分钟或秒的十位,Q3~Q0表示分钟或秒的各位。EN输入端当正常计数状态时接收分钟计时电路的进位输出,,而在校时状态时接收校时脉冲用于控制小时值的翻转。计满进位输出端CO用于触发高一级计数器的技术动作。 ②小时计时电路(采用24时制,电路图如下所示)


滁州学院 课程设计报告 课程名称:数字逻辑课程设计 设计题目:数字频率计的设计 系别:网络与通信工程系 专业:网络工程(无线传感器网络方向)组别:第七组 起止日期:2012年5月28日~2012年6 月18日指导教师:姚光顺 计算机与信息工程学院二○一二年制


目录 1绪论 (1) 1.1设计背景 (1) 1.2主要工作和方法 (1) 1.3本文结构 (1) 2相关知识 (1) 2.1数字频率计概念...................................................................................................................... .. (1) 2.2数字频率计组成 (1) 3系统设计 (2) 4系统实现 (2) 4.1计数译码显示电路 (2) 4.2控制电路 (3) 5系统测试与数据分析 (5) 6课程设计总结与体会 (8) 6.1设计总结 (8) 6.2设计体会 (8) 结束语 (9) 参考文献 (9) 附录 (10) 致谢 (12)

1绪论 1.1设计背景 数字频率计是一种基础测量仪器,到目前为止已有 30 多年的发展史。早期,设计师们追求的目标主要是扩展测量范围,再加上提高测量精度、稳定度等,这些也是人们衡量数字频率计的技术水平,决定数字频率计价格高低的主要依据。目前这些基本技术日臻完善,成熟。应用现代技术可以轻松地将数字频率计的测频上限扩展到微频段。 随着科学技术的发展,用户对数字频率计也提出了新的要求。对于低档产品要求使用操作方便,量程(足够)宽,可靠性高,价格低。而对于中高档产品,则要求有高分辨率,高精度,高稳定度,高测量速率;除通常通用频率计所具有的功能外,还要有数据处理功能,统计分析功能,时域分析功能等等,或者包含电压测量等其他功能。这些要求有的已经实现或者部分实现,但要真正完美的实现这些目标,对于生产厂家来说,还有许多工作要做,而不是表面看来似乎发展到头了。 随着数字集成电路技术的飞速发展,应用计数法原理制成的数字式频率测量仪器具有精度高、测量范围宽、便于实现测量过程自动化等一系列的突出特点。 1.2主要工作和方法 设计一个数字频率计。要求频率测量范围为1Hz-10kHz。数字显示位数为四位静态十进制计数显示被测信号。先确定好数字频率计的组成部分,然后分部分设计,最后组成电路。 1.3本文结构 本文第1部分前言主要说明频率计的用处和广泛性。第2部分简要说明了本次课程设计的要求。第3部分概要设计大致的勾画出本次设计的原理框架图和电路的工作流程图。第4部分简要说明4位二进制计数器74160的原理和搭建计数译码显示电路的原理,同时分析控制电路的功能,形成控制电路图,及搭建显示电路和控制电路的组合原理图。第5部分调试与操作说明,介绍相关的操作和输入不同频率是电路的显示情况。 2相关知识 2.1数字频率计介绍 2.1.1数字频率计概念 数字频率计是一种直接用十进制数字现设被测信号频率的一种测量装置,它不仅可以测量正弦波、方波、三角波等信号的频率,而且还可以用它来测量被测信号的周期。经过改装,在电路中增加传感器,还可以做成数字脉搏计、电子称、计价器等。因此,数字频率计在测量物理量方面有广泛的应用。 2.1.2数字频率计组成 数字频率计由振荡器、分频器、放大整形电路、控制电路、计数译码显示电路等部分组成。其中的控制脉冲采用时钟信号源替代,待测信号用函数信号发生器产生。数字频结构原理框图如图3.1

数字逻辑课程设计 数字电子钟

课程设计(综合实验)报告 题目:第四个实验数字电子钟院系:计算机科学系 班级:计算计科学与技术1班学号: 学生姓名: 队员姓名: 指导教师:

《数字逻辑》综合实验 任务书 一、目的与要求 1 目的 1.1综合实验是教学中必不可少的重要环节,通过综合实验巩固、深化和扩展学生的理论知识与初步的专业技能,提高综合运用知识的能力,逐步增强实际工程训练。 1.2注重培养学生正确的设计思想,掌握综合实验的主要内容、步骤和方法。 1.3培养学生获取信息和综合处理信息的能力、文字和语言表达能力以及协作工作能力。 1.4提高学生运用所学的理论知识和技能解决实际问题的能 及其基本工程素质。 2.要求 2.1 能够根据设计任务和指标要求,综合运用电子技术课程中所学到的理论知识与实践技能独立完成一个设计课题。 2.2根据课题需要选择参考书籍,查阅手册、图表等有关文献资料。要求通过独立思考、深入钻研综合实验中所遇到的问题,培养自己分析、解决问题的能力。 2.3进一步熟悉常用电子器件的类型和特性,掌握合理选用的原则。 2.4学会电子电路的安装与调试技能,掌握常用仪器设备的正确

使用方法。利用“观察、判断、实验、再判断”的基本方法,解决实验中出现的问题。 2.5学会撰写综合实验总结报告。 2.6通过综合实验,逐步形成严肃认真、一丝不苟、实事求是的工作作风和科学态度,培养学生树立一定的生产观点、经济观点和全局观点。要求学生在设计过程中,坚持勤俭节约的原则,从现有条件出发,力争少损坏元件。 2.7在综合实验过程中,要做到爱护公物、遵守纪律、团结协作、注意安全。 二、主要内容 数字电子钟 设计一台能显示时﹑分、秒的数字电子钟,要求如下: 1)秒﹑分为00—59六十进制计数器,时为00—23二十四进制计数器; 2)可手动校正:可分别对秒﹑分﹑时进行手动脉冲输入调整或连续脉冲输入校正,(校正时不能输出进位)。 元器件选择 74LS162:4块与非门74LS00:2块共阳数码管LED 74LS161:2块GAL16V8:2块晶体振荡器:1MHZ GAL20V8:1块TDS-4实验箱 导线若干 所需要器件的图片如下


基于单片机在非接触电梯按纽中智能识别逻辑设计应用 任相根 目前,电梯的使用必须用手指直接按压按纽开关,在公共场所,如医院、地铁、写字楼等人员密集地,频繁使用电梯按纽十分不卫生,容易传染病毒,近期新冠病毒、流感等传染性病毒肆虐之时,我们将原电梯按纽,改进成实用新型电梯非接触按纽系统,具有创新意义。非接触按纽包括电梯的“选层”按纽、“楼道外呼”按纽、“开关”门按纽,这些电梯按纽在使用中容易受到不正确操作、人员拥挤误触碰产生错误操纵,为解决这个问题,我们探索应用单片机达到防误触碰智能识别功能。下面论述运用单片机在非接触电梯按纽智能操作中逻辑设计思路。 (一)非接触按纽防误触碰智能识别技术功能 1)非接触按纽正确操作标准;当手正确操作按纽时,只要手指一点(时间2s之内),指头离按纽面18mm——20mm即可。 2)当操作按纽不正确时,防误触碰智系统识别为不正确操作,此时,系统不向电梯控制装置发送选层信号(即操作无效)。如较长时间不正确操作按纽开关,系统马上警示音提示;请勿不正确操作,手指离开后,系统识别为不正常操作,选层信号不输出,示为无操作,恢复原状。 3)当人员无意将身体贴近电梯按纽面板,误触碰按纽开关后,系统即刻发出“滴、滴、滴”提示音,告示人们勿贴近按纽面板,人员离开,而后按纽恢复原状(不留误触碰痕迹)。

4)当手指操作按纽时其他手指误触碰面板,智能识别其为“误触”,智能系统判定其不正常操作不送选层信号输出。保证正常手指操作输出。 (二)防误触碰智能识别逻辑思路设计。 我们将非接触按纽产生的操作信号以脉宽信号形式输送给单片机emp78p153识别,构成防误触碰控制电路。设计逻辑思路;根据人们正常操作按纽的习惯,在时间上进行细化、量化,我们将非接触按纽操作按下产生的脉冲时间分为以下几段; 1)设计在2s 之内为一段的正常操作时段。当正常操作产生脉冲在2s 之内,设计单片机检测到的最小为1/4秒(小于1/4秒不识别)最大2s 脉宽为正常按纽操作,单片机emp78p153控制输出为“+”脉冲,允许按纽产生的操作信号脉宽输出,此为正常操作按纽。 2)设计大于2s (不含2s)到12s(不含12s)时段脉宽为不正常操作时段。当人员贴近按纽面板一般按纽脉冲大于2s(不含2s)到12s (不含12s)时,单片机emp78p153识别并控制输出端;一路输出“-”不允许按纽产生的操作脉冲输出(不正常操作);另一路输出“+”脉冲使报警“滴”“滴”“滴”声响,提醒人们勿贴近按纽面板。 3)设计同时按下按纽操纵逻辑识别。当手指操作按纽时其他手指误触碰其他按纽面板,单片机emp78p153根据几个按纽操作产生脉宽时速前后自动选择最前脉宽为正常操作,其他脉宽为不正常操作,不输出操作,为无效操作,防止了误操作。 通过检测非接触按纽操作输出的脉冲宽度,从时段、量化鉴测其


数字逻辑课程设计 数字钟 姓名: 学号: 班级:物联网工程131班 学院:计算机学院 2015年10月10日

一、任务与要求 设计任务:设计一个具有整点报时功能的数字钟 要求: 1、显示时、分、秒的十进制数字显示,采用24小时制。 2、校时功能。 3、整点报时。 功能: 1、计时功能: 要求准确计时,以数字形式显示时、分、秒的时间。小时的计时要求为“12翻1”。 2、校时功能: 当数字钟接通电源或者计时出现误差时,需要校正时间(简称校时)。校时是数字钟应具备的基本功能,一般电子手表都具有时、分、秒等校时功能。为使电路简单,这里只进行分和小时的校时。对校时电路的要求是:在小时校正时不影响分和秒的正常计数;在分校正时不影响秒和小时的正常计数。校时方式有“快校时”和“慢校时”两种。“快校时”是通过开关控制,使计数器对1Hz的校时脉冲计数。“慢校时”是用手动产生单脉冲作校时脉冲。 3、整点报时: 每当数字钟计时快要到整点时发出声响;通常按照4低音1高音的顺序发出间断声响;以最后一声高音结束的时刻为整点时刻。 二、设计方案 电路组成框图: 主体电路 扩 展 电 路时显示器 时译码器 时计数器 分显示器 分译码器 分计数器 校时电路 秒显示器 秒译码器 秒计数器 定时控制 仿电台报时 报整点时数

数字钟电路是一个典型的数字电路系统,其由时、分、秒计数器以及校时和显示电路组成。其主要功能为计时、校时和报时。利用60进制和12进制递增计数器子电路构成数字钟系统,由2个60进制同步递增计数器完成秒、分计数,由12进制同步递增计数器完成小时计数。秒、分、时之间采用同步级联的方式。开关S1和S2分别是控制分和时的校时。报时功能在此简化为小灯的闪烁,分别在59分51秒、53秒、55秒、57秒及59秒时闪烁,持续的时间为1秒。 三、设计和实现过程 1.各元件功能 74LS160:可预置BCD异步清除器,具有清零与置数功能的十进制递增计数器。 74LS00:二输入端四与非门 74LS04:六反相器 74LS08:二输入端四与门 74LS20:四输入端双与非门 2.各部分电路的设计过程 (1)时分秒计数器的设计 时间计数电路由秒个位和秒十位计数器、分个位和分十位计数器及时个位和时十位计数器电路构成,其中秒个位和秒十位计数器、分个位和分十位计数器为60进制计数器,而根据设计要求,时个位和时十位计数器为12进制计数器。 秒/分钟显示电路:由于秒钟与分钟的都是为60进制的,所以它们的电路大体上是一样的,都是由一个10进制计数器和一个6进制计数器组成;有所不同的是分钟显示电路中的10进制计数器的ENP和ENT引脚是由秒钟显示电路的进位信号控制的。 分和秒计数器都是模M=60的计数器,其计数规律为00—01—…—58—59—00…。可选两片74LS160设计较为简单。 时计数器是一个“12翻1”的特殊进制计数器,即当数字钟运行到12时59分59秒时,秒的个位计数器再输入一个秒脉冲时,数字钟应自动显示为01时00分00秒,实现日常生活中习惯用的计时规律。可选两片74LS160设计。


完成后,以“实验一+学号+姓名”作为文档的标题保存实验报告,并将实验。邮件的标题为“实验一+学号+姓名”。(学号为完整学号) 实验三、数据库的逻辑设计 实验目标 逻辑设计就是把E-R图转换成关系模式,并对其进行优化。 实验结果 经过转化和优化得到的数据库以及表的结构 实验步骤 1.ER图到关系模式的转换 在概念设计阶段得到的数据模型,是独立于具体DBMS产品的信息模型。在逻辑设计阶段就是将这种模型进一步转化为某一种(某些类)DBMS产品支持的数据模型。目前大部分的流行的数据库管理系统(SQL Server、Sybase 、Oracle、DB2等)基本上都是基于关系的数据模型,因此,应将概念设计阶段的E-R图模型转化为关系数据模型。 如,任课教师与课程之间的是多对多的联系类型,因此,可以将任课教师、课程以及讲授联系分别设计成如下的关系模式: ●教师(教师编号,教师姓名,性别,职称,电话,系编号) ●课程(课程编号,课程名称,课程学分,课时) ●讲授(教师编号,课程编号,课程编号,开课年度,开课学期) 而,院系实体和班级之间是一对多的联系类型,所以只要两个关系模式就可表示,其中联系可以放到班级的实体中: ●系(系编号、系名称、系主任) ●班级(班级编号,班级名称,系编号) 班级实体和学生实体之间是一对多的联系类型,所以也可以只使用两个关系模式来表示。由于“班级”关系模式在上面已经给出,因此,只要再给出一个学生的关系模式,它们间的联系则被放在该关系模式中: ●学生(学号,姓名,性别,出生年月,电话,班级编号) 学生实体与讲授是聚集方式的联系类型,它们之间的关系是多对多的关系,可以使用如下关系模式来表示: ●学生选课(课程编号,学号,教师编号,开课年度,开课学期,成绩) 1.1根据这样的思路,实验二概念设计中得到E-R图转化得到的关系模型为: 1 学生和图书之间是多对多的联系类型,他们的关系模型如下所示: 学生(学生ID、姓名、班级编号、性别) 图书(图书编号、作者、书名、出版社) 借阅(学生ID、图书编号、借阅日期、归还日期)

数字逻辑课程设计 数字电子钟

课程设计(综合实验)报告题目:第四个实验数字电子钟院系:计算机科学系 班级:计算计科学与技术1班 学号: 学生姓名: 队员姓名: 指导教师:

《数字逻辑》综合实验 任务书 一、目的与要求 1 目的 综合实验是教学中必不可少的重要环节,通过综合实验巩固、深化和扩展学生的理论知识与初步的专业技能,提高综合运用知识的能力,逐步增强实际工程训练。 注重培养学生正确的设计思想,掌握综合实验的主要内容、步骤和方法。 培养学生获取信息和综合处理信息的能力、文字和语言表达能力以及协作工作能力。 提高学生运用所学的理论知识和技能解决实际问题的能 及其基本工程素质。 2.要求 能够根据设计任务和指标要求,综合运用电子技术课程中所学到的理论知识与实践技能独立完成一个设计课题。 根据课题需要选择参考书籍,查阅手册、图表等有关文献资料。要求通过独立思考、深入钻研综合实验中所遇到的问题,培养自己分析、解决问题的能力。 进一步熟悉常用电子器件的类型和特性,掌握合理选用的原则。 学会电子电路的安装与调试技能,掌握常用仪器设备的正确使用方法。利用“观察、判断、实验、再判断”的基本方法,解决实验中出现的问题。

学会撰写综合实验总结报告。 通过综合实验,逐步形成严肃认真、一丝不苟、实事求是的工作作风和科学态度,培养学生树立一定的生产观点、经济观点和全局观点。要求学生在设计过程中,坚持勤俭节约的原则,从现有条件出发,力争少损坏元件。 在综合实验过程中,要做到爱护公物、遵守纪律、团结协作、注意安全。 二、主要内容 数字电子钟 设计一台能显示时﹑分、秒的数字电子钟,要求如下: 1)秒﹑分为00—59六十进制计数器,时为00—23二十四进制计数器; 2)可手动校正:可分别对秒﹑分﹑时进行手动脉冲输入调整或连续脉冲输入校正,(校正时不能输出进位)。 元器件选择 74LS162:4块与非门74LS00:2块共阳数码管LED 74LS161:2块GAL16V8:2块晶体振荡器:1MHZ GAL20V8:1块TDS-4实验箱 导线若干 所需要器件的图片如下 1同步十进制计数器74LS162 3输入正与非门74LS00


根据古腾堡图表的阅读逻辑来看,这一系列图片首先从左上角看到的是该品牌的logo,再由阅读轨迹从对角线视觉中的词组到右下角的产品,画面需要强调的元素都在阅读逻辑的规律下展现。其余的视觉盲点则是辅助性元素。 2.直线式逻辑 对于直线式逻辑,我的理解是自上而下如同权力分配等级制度。同产业链一样,一环扣一环,每个环节都是紧密相连前后有序,严谨合理。例如一个产品的页面详情如下:

直线式逻辑思路明确,针对性强,容易看懂,我们引导用户顺着这个逻辑看设计也不会思路混淆。 3.金字塔式逻辑 金字塔式逻辑,结构中的各种分类以仅有的几种逻辑方式互相联系(向上、向下和横向),构成相互联系紧密且通畅的逻辑思路。金字塔逻辑运用广泛,例如网站架构 4.曲线式逻辑- 奢侈品为什么可以常年价格居高不下却有大批忠实购买者,玩的就是曲线式消费。一边原料至上价格不菲,一边品牌炫耀满足人们的虚荣心,两者膨胀日益上升形成我们的微笑式价格欺贫战略。越贵越有人买!

奢侈品在富有国家的价格远低于贫穷国家的价格,背行“价格规律”大获成功。这种垄断式捆绑销售使曲线式消费在一种不合乎逻辑但合乎市场特殊规律的情况下成为商业奇异战略。 在此我大胆假设曲线式消费也能转化成设计中的曲线式逻辑–设计或产品独一无二的领先性与用户非理性思维的消费模式。领先意味着垄断。非理性消费很大程度体现消费者有强烈的欲望,两者趋于上升,由最初的设计逻辑转化成销量或者点击率是相当可观的。苹果产品在中国的价格为什么比在美国贵,却照样能另国人疯狂通宵排队购买,个人觉得也是有这因素在里面。 5.网格 网格是用竖直或水平分割线将布局进行分块,把边界,空白和栏包括在内,以提供组织内容的框架的辅助性工具。设计中不能忽视的网格,从印刷物料到网页页面,还是最新的Windows8系统界面,无论我们的设计如何,网格在设计中必然存在。网格可以使页面布局显得紧凑而且稳定,为设计师在设计站点时提供一个逻辑严谨的模板。网格也可以使版式设计有连贯性和韵律,让那些看上去相当小并且毫无联系的元素也可以在网格的布局里占有自己的一席之地。 但是网格不只是让设计师一味地按照规律来枯燥的设计,只是在一个合理的运用下构造和设计出好的作品来,适时地打破规则也能有意外的惊喜。


数字逻辑课程设计 :振华 班级:网124 学号:129074422 一、设计任务要求 数字时钟是由振荡器、分频器、计秒电路、计分电路、计时电路组成。计时采

用24h和12h两种。当接通电源或数字钟走时出现误差,都需要对数字钟作时、分、秒时间校正。本次设计的具体要求如下: 1、显示时、分、秒的十进制显示,采用24小时制。 2、校时功能。 3、整点报时。 二、设计思路 1、数字钟的组成原理图 数字式电子钟实际上是一个对标准1Hz 进行计数的计数电路! 秒计数器满60 后向分计数器进位,,分计数器满60 后向时计数器进位, 时计数器按24翻1 规律计数, 计数输出经译码器送LED 显示器,由于计数的起始时间不可能与标准时间一致,故需要在电路上加上一个校时电路。同时标准的1Hz时间信号必须做到准确、稳定,通常使用石英晶体振荡器电路构成,如下图所示为数字式电子钟的构成原理框图。 时显示器时译码器分显示器秒显示器分译码器 时计数器 秒译码器 时计数器时计数器 校时电路 振荡器分频器

2、数字钟设计方案 为完成上述功能,可以把数字钟系统划分为三部分:时针源(即标准秒钟的产生电路)主体电路,扩展电路。主体电路EDA 设计又可划分为计时电路、校时电路、译码显示电路3部分。 3、底层电路设计 时针源——晶体振荡器电路给数字式电子钟提供一个频率稳定、准确的32768Hz的方波信号,将32768Hz的高频方波信号经32768次分频后得到1Hz 的方波信号供秒计数器进行计数,实现该分频功能的计数器相当于15 级二进制计数器。 计时电路——时间计数器电路由秒个位、秒十位计数器,分个位、分十位计数及时个位、时十位计数电路构成。其中,秒个位和秒十位计数器,分个位和分十位计数为六十进制计数器,而根据设计要求时个位和时十位构成的为二十四进制计数器,时间计数单元共有:时计数,分计数和秒计数3部分,根据设计要求时计数单元为一个二十四进制计数器,共输出为两位8421BCD码形式;分计数和秒计数单元为六十进制计数器!,共输出也为两位8421BCD码。图1和图2 分别给出了60进制计数器和24进制逻辑图。 图一、60进制计数器

电子科技大学 数字逻辑课程设计——流水灯的实现

数字逻辑课程设计 ——流水灯的设计 1问题概述: 设计一个可以循环移动的流水灯,灯总数为8盏,具体要求如下: 1、5亮,其余灭,右移三次后全灭 4、8亮,其余灭,左移三次后全灭 4、5亮,其余灭,各向两边移三次后全灭 1、8亮,其余灭,各向中间移三次后全灭 所要求的彩灯电路在某电路板上完成,该电路板能够提供48MHz标准时钟信号,附带有8个共阳的LED管可作为彩灯使用。 2问题分析 本装置可以看作一个具有20个状态的无输入、8个输出的Moore型时钟同步状态机,每一个状态对应依次出现的每一种亮灯情况,用5位状态编码表示。这里构造一个模20的计数器来循环产生这20种状态。同时对于输入的48MHz的标准时钟信号,需要将其转化为1HZ的信号,此处同样用计数器来实现分频功能。8个输出分别控制LED的发光情况。这里使用5-32的译码器实现输出函数的构造。电路框图如下: 这里使用一个5位的状态编码Q4Q3Q2Q1Q0,表示20个状态。8位的输出函数F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0分别表示由左至右每一个灯的通断情况。由于本题中LED灯采用共阳极连接方式,所以当Fn为低电平时,对应的LED灯发光。 本电路状态图如下:

本电路的转移/输出表如下: 现针对每一部分设计具体电路 3设计方案 3.11/48MHz分频电路 对于48MHz的信号,一秒钟内有4.8*10^7个周期,而所需1Hz信号,每秒只有一个周期。使输入信号每经过2.4*10^7个周期,输出信号翻转一次方向,便可获得所需的1Hz信号。可以构造一个模4.8*10^7的计数器用于计数,并使计数器输出的最高位在一秒之内恰好变化一次,且占空比为50%,故采用7片74x163进行级联。计数范围为:0110100100011100101000000000-1001011011100011010111111111。这样恰好可以保证最高


数字逻辑课程设计 一、课程设计目的 《数字逻辑课程设计》是计算机大类学生的必修课之一,是《数字逻辑》课程的一个重要的实践教学环节,它与理论教学和实验教学相结合,培养学生综合运用所学的基础理论和掌握的基本技能来解决实际问题的能力。 课程设计通过完成一个课题的理论设计和实际调试工作,即能加深对所学知识的理解,又能培养综合的实践技能,从而提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。训练学生综合运用学过的数字逻辑的基本知识,独立设计比较复杂的数字电路的能力。通过实践教学引导学生在理论指导下有所创新,为专业课的学习和日后工程实践奠定基础。 二、课程设计要求 (一)教学要求 1.巩固和加深对数字逻辑各类型电路的设计方法及电子器件所构成电路的理解,并适当拓宽学生在电子线路领域的知识面。 2.初步掌握数字电路的设计、计算方法。能根据系统的技术指标,论证、拟订设计方案;选用合适的电路形式并进行工程计算及选择电路的元器件。 3.培养独立组织实验方案、正确选择使用实验仪器的能力,提高对功能电路和系统的安装调整、测试技术,以及综合运用所学理论知识解决实际问题的能力。(二)能力培养要求 1.通过查阅手册和有关文献资料培养学生独立分析和解决实际问题的能力。 2.通过实际电路方案的比较分析、设计计算、元件选取、安装调试等环节,掌握简单实用电路的分析方法和工程设计方法。 3.掌握常用仪器设备的使用方法,学会简单的实验调试,提高动手能力。 4.综合应用课程中学到的理论知识去独立完成一个设计任务。 5.培养严肃认真的工作作风和严谨的科学态度。

三、课程设计内容 从参考题目中自选1题进行资料查找和设计,具体课题及要求见附件1。 1.数码管显示控制器 2.乒乓球游戏机 3.智力竞赛抢答器 4.数字钟 5.交通灯控制器 四、设计报告的内容和要求 报告的内容包括以下几个方面: 1、课程设计题目:自选题目名称 2、设计任务及主要性能指标和要求 3、电路的设计 (1)根据功能要求构建总体设计方案,比较和选定设计的系统方案,确定整个电路的组成及各单元电路完成的功能,画出系统框图。 (2)单元电路的设计、参数计算、器件选择及介绍。 (3)画出完整的总体电路设计图(器件型号、元件参数应标出)和必要的波形图,并说明电路的工作原理。 4、整理测试数据,分析是否满足设计要求。 5、在安装调试中的方法技巧,遇到的问题、原因及解决方法。 6、元器件清单。 7、总结设计电路的特点和方案的优缺点。 8、设计收获体会 9、参考文献。 设计实验部分根据实际完成的实验内容,按照上面自选题目包括的各部分内容进行编写。 报告要求根据课程设计报告的内容要求认真书写,所有的内容一律用课程设计报告书手写,总页数不得少于15页。

简易售货机的设计 数字逻辑课程设计报告

石家庄经济学院华信学院 数字逻辑课程设计报告 题目简易售货机的设计 姓名 学号 班号 指导老师 成绩

目录 1. 课程设计目的··································································································································· 2. 开发工具选择··································································································································· 3. 设计方案 ·········································································································································4.模块描述 ·········································································································································· 5. VHDL实现······································································································································· 6. 调试仿真 ············································································································································· 7. 课程设计回顾总结·························································································································参考文献 ··········································································································································附录························································································································································· 1课程设计目的

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