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Masculine 男子气的

Carve out a successful career 开创成功的事业

Be of great sentimental value 有特别的情感价值

Wave bye-bye to… 告别…

Say hello to…迎来…

Suffer from the severe insomnia 严重失眠

Be passionate about..对…特有兴趣

Be not my strong suit... … 不是我的强项

Show one’s initiative 显示某人的主动性

Cram knowledge into one’s brain 把知识填鸭式地塞到脑袋里

Push sb. Into doing sth. 强迫某人做某事

Charismatic 有魅力的,有感召力的

Sound cliched 老生常谈

Be madly in love with… 疯狂地迷恋上了…

.. be all it matters…是最关键的

For starters 第一点

Stand a good chance of doing… 做。。。更有可能

Fulfill one’s potential 实现某人全部潜能

On (the) top of it 最关键的一点

Have great career prospects 非常好的职业前景

Come up with想出,想到

Invisible pressure 无形的压力

Interpersonal relationships 复杂的人际关系

Fierce competition 激烈的竞争

Learn passively and mechanically 机械和被动的学习

Give sb. a helping hand 帮某人一把

A sense of satisfaction and achievement 满足感和成就感

Can’t be measured in terms of money 不能用金钱衡量的

Be based on a prerequisite that…都基于一个前提条件

On so many different levels 在不同的层面和意义上

A high annual salary, a tempting bonus and welfare benefits高年薪,诱人的奖金和优厚的待遇The icing on the cake is…更棒的是。。。

Build up a network of professional contacts建立起了一个广泛的人脉网,

Social network 人脉

Make marketing strategy 制定市场销售策略

Arm sales team by feeding them marketing database 确保销售团队有着最新的市场数据Organize event and seminar 组织活动和学术研讨会

Improve the brand image 提高品牌形象

Give sb. A strong incentive to…强烈地刺激某人做某事

Be so addicted to…对…特别上瘾

Owe sb. Too much quality time欠某人太多本应和他们分享的幸福时光

Live to work 生活是为了工作

Way too pathetic 实在是太可悲了

Competition is getting tougher and tougher 竞争越来越激烈

Stand out脱颖而出

Feel frustrated with myself 对自己气馁

Invisible hand 隐形的手

Be on top all the time 总是第一

Get everything in family well-arranged 把一切打理得井井有条

Be supportive of one’s work 支持某人的工作

Concentrate all one’s efforts on work 集中精力工作

Be distracted by those family trivialities 被家庭琐事分心

Run one’s own company 运营某人的企业

It has always been my dream to…。。。一直以来是我的梦想

Carve out a successful career 来创一份成功的事业

A dream come true 美梦成真

Financial advisor 金融分析师

Pharmacist 药剂师

Psychological therapist 心理专家

Urban planner 城市规划师

Veterinarian 兽医

To begin with 第一点,首先

Job vacancies are in short supply 工作职位供不应求

On (the) top of it 最关键的一点

Socially inexperienced 社会工作经验不足


Bright side and dark side好的和不好的方面

A monotonous zone 一个单调的领域

Keep one’s learning curve high使某人学习能力非常强

Build a professional and vibrant network 建立起一个专业和丰富的关系网

In secure 不稳定的

Pragmatic 务实的

A bottleneck in one’s career 在某人事业上的瓶颈

A dead-end job 特别低收入、没前景、没发展的工作

Long-term commitment 长期工作,担任职位

Gain sb. Any extra credit 给某人任何的加分

Show off 显示,炫耀

Red flag 危险的提示

Make sb. Stand no chance of…使某人做某事没希望

Service industries服务行业

Take one day or two off休息一两天

Duty calls 工作性质需要

A little bit too much 有点太多了

Be overloaded with work 超负荷工作

Sacrifice one’s private time 牺牲某人的个人时间


Metropolis 国际化大都市

A little bit of everywhere and unlike anywhere 集各个地方特色于一身,又拥有着与任何地方都不同的特色之处

The old and new intermingle 古典和时尚的完美结合

Remain a magnet for…对。。。有着巨大的吸引力


Visitors from inside and outside China 中外游客

Earth-shattering 翻天覆地的

Skyscrapers and landmarks 摩天大楼和地标建筑

Be photographed to death by sb. 被某人照疯了

Give a fancy flavor to…给。。。增添了别致的氛围

People’s living standards 人们的生活水平

Have what it takes to be…具备。。。所需要的条件

Get stuck in horrible traffic jams被堵在路上

Rush hour 上下班高峰期

Never fall to ruin one’s mood 总能让某人的心情跌倒谷底

Soar at an extremely fast speed 用极快的速度暴涨

Be my great honor 我的荣幸

Pinch sb 掐某人

Be checked out…得到了证实

Allocate a large amount of money to do…拨一大笔资金来做。。。

Have every right to…完全有理由做。。。

Do whatever it takes to…不惜一切代价来。。。

He might be just a part of your life, but you are his whole life. 对你来说,他可能只是你生活中的一部分,但是对他来说,你是他的全部。

Four seasons are entirely distinct 四季分明

Scorching hot 特别的热

Freezing cold 冷得要命

Dreamy 梦幻般的,极美的


Falling snowflakes 飘落的雪花

Share happiness and sorrow 分享喜怒哀乐

Be the same age 都是同龄人

Have a lot in common 有很多共同语言

Have a blast 玩得尽兴,开心

Can’t be measured in terms of money. 不能用金钱来衡量

A listening ear, a warm shoulder and a helping hand 倾听心事,值得人去信任依靠,能帮人一把

It is what a real friend is for 这就是一个真正的朋友存在的价值

On so many different levels 从很多不同的层面上来说

A real friend is the one who walks in when the rest of the wolrd walks out 一个真正的朋友是在你最无助、最失意的时候帮助你的人。

Be on one’s best behavior 乖乖的

The more, the merrier 人越多,越好玩

Throw a party 开派对

Go for a spin 出去开车兜风

Whatever you name it!只要你能想得到的!

Start right there 从那开始


Lunch break 午餐休息时间

Have chit-chat 闲聊

Bond 增进感情

Get-together 小型聚会

Have a blast玩得特别开心

The competitive relationship 竞争关系

The interpersonal relationship 人际关系

A tangled web 复杂的关系网

Have a heart-to-heart talk with 谈心

Fair-weather friends 酒肉朋友

Put sb. In one’s shoes 替某人着想

Easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难

Charismatic 有魅力的

A superior and an inferior 上级和下级

Play a leading role in…在。。。上扮演领导地位

Motivate sb. To do …刺激某人做。。。

Make the maximum profits 利益最大化

Do whatever it takes to…不惜一切代价做。。。

Dream about doing sth. 梦想着做某事

Soar at an extremely fast speed 用极快的速度疯涨

Be terribly posh 爆有钱

Get a panoramic view of the whole community 整个小区的全景

Liven up 装点。。。

Show good taste that owners have in…显示出主人对。。。的好品味

South-facing 朝南的

Utility room 杂物间,储藏室

Master bedroom 主卧

Dress room 更衣室

North-south layout provides good ventilation 南北通透的格局使得通风很好

Be furnished and decorated in a fancy style 装饰,装修得很别致

French doors 落地窗

Crystal chandelier 水晶灯

Umbrella-shaded table 带阳伞的桌子

Soak up the sun 晒太阳

Sip a cup of tea 品茶

Finger snack零食

Be of great sentimental value 有情感价值

Drift away 远离,一去不回

Ever-soaring house prices 不断增长的房价

Intelligent, multifunctional and human-based 智能化,多功能并且人性化

Play the work card 打工作牌,以工作来回避。。。

Spotlessly clean 一尘不染

Deserve the honor of “housewife of the year”当之无愧“年度最佳主妇”的称号Drag sb home 某人托着疲惫的身躯回家

Relieve sb. Of the tiring household chores 让某人从累人的家务中解脱出来Alleviate the huge employment pressure 缓解巨大的就业压力

A win-win situation 双赢的事情

A near neighbor is better than a distant cousin远亲不如近邻

Run away all the hustle and bustle of the city 远离城市的喧嚣

Broaden one’s horizons 开阔视野

Be in a good mood 心情好的时候

Sing karaoke 唱卡拉ok

Go to a movie 去电影院看电影

Hang out 出去休闲

Drive out of town for a trip 驱车郊外旅游

Add spice to…给。。。增添了很多乐趣

Weather is lousy 天气不好

For two days in a row 连续两天

Like a couch potato 形容花很长时间看电视的人

Have a small get-together 小型聚会

Live to work 工作狂,认为人生的意思就是工作,不懂得生活的人

Work to live 认为工作是一种谋生的途径,懂得享受生活的人

Breaking point 崩溃的极限

Be under a lot of pressure at study (work) 在很大的学业(工作)压力下

Take some time off 休息一段时间

Motto 座右铭Work hard, play harder!

Sing karaoke 唱卡拉ok

Go clubbing 泡夜店

Loosen up 放松

Occur to sb 发生在某人身上

Party animal 派对狂

Alcoholic 酒鬼

Tidy up 整理,收拾

Inedible 不能吃的,难以下咽的

Relieve one’s pressure at work 缓解工作上的巨大压力

Burst into laughter 大笑

Cram for exams 临时抱佛脚,突击功课

…be not on the menu anymore 就不能老想着。。。

Family type of person 居家、顾家类型的人

Have chit-chat闲聊

Every now and then 偶尔

Spice up my life 丰富我的生活

be addicted to 对。。。上瘾

resist the temptation from …抵制来自于。。。的诱惑

hot pot 火锅

hot hot hot 麻辣烫

never fail to make my mouth water 总能让我流口水

medium well steak 七分熟的牛排

carnivore 食肉主义者

be spoiled rotten by…被。。。宠坏了

be picky about…对。。。特别挑剔

have a sweet tooth 特别爱吃甜的

have a healthy and balanced diet 有一个健康均衡的饮食结构

be rich in vitamins 含有丰富的维生素

be high in nutrition 含有高营养

be low in calories 卡路里含量低

appetizing 让人有食欲的

scrumptious 美味的

be naturally like it 天生如此

bond 使关系融洽eg:having meals together is also a good way for us to bond.

A highly nutritious breakfast 一顿高营养的早餐

It has been said that一直以来人们都说

A medium lunch 中餐吃饱

A modest dinner 晚餐吃少

Bottom line 底线是

What could it hurt 这有任何伤害么?(这不会造成任何伤害)

Take a chance 冒这个险

Golden rule number one 第一原则

Be rich in vitamins and minerals 含有丰富的维生素和矿物质

Have a calorie-controlled diet 一个控制卡路里射入的饮食结构

Take in 吸收

Work out锻炼,健身

Burn off消耗掉,燃烧掉

Say “no” to junk food对垃圾食品说不

Bear in mind that…记住一点。。。

There is a fine line between A and B看起来相似的A和B有着本质的区别

Be on a diet 节食

Be on a crash diet 绝食

Get in shape 塑形

Laxatives and liposuction might work 泻药和吸脂可能有效

Take that chance 冒险一试

Be not worth it 不值得

Have a huge fascination for cooking对做饭有一种特别的迷恋

A great sense of satisfaction and achievement 巨大的满足感和成就感

Help me unwind 使我放松

A candlelight dinner 烛光晚餐

Recipes, ingredients and cooking steps in words 用文字来表达食谱、原料和做饭的步骤Audio and visual instructions 听觉和视觉的指导

House specials 特色菜

Soak up 享受

Off the top of my head我想到的第一点

Restaurant specialize in hot food以辣食为特色的餐馆

Be in no position to…没资格做。。。,不能做。。。

Splash out on…在。。。上铺张浪费

Haute cuisine 高级料理

Give sb. A good appetite 给某人一个好胃口

Get a kick out of…对。。。特别感兴趣

Doze off 打瞌睡

One’s mind is going to wander 走神,心不在焉

State-of-the-art technology 最先进的科技

As the saying goes俗话说得好

Everything exists for a reason 凡事存在有它的道理

Irrep1aceable strong point 不可替代的优势

Great sentimental value 特别的情感价值

Clear one’s mailbox 清空某人的邮箱

Delete incoming call record 删除来电记录

Tear up the letters 把信件撕掉

I am not exaggerating 毫无夸张地说

A must-have 一个必带的东西

Take sth. With sb.把某物带在某人身上

The cell phone type 爱打电话的类型

Talk with someone over the phone 和某人聊电话粥

SMS(short message service)短信服务

MMS (multi-media message service)彩信服务

Built-in camera 内置相机

Wi-Fi access(wireless fidelity)无线上网

Many spotlights shine over…比。。。强得多的优势

I don’t see the day when…我看不到。。。这一天的到来

At the very beginning 在最开始

…grow on sb….使某人产生了兴趣

Free online tutorials on…关于…的免费在线教程

On the credit side 从好的一方面来说

Develop one’s intelligence 开发智力

Fine line 界线

Cross the line 别过线,做的过多

Get addicted to。。。对…上瘾

Dark side 不好的一面

Come out显现出来

Serously poison one’s mind 严重地毒害…的心灵

The biggest selling point 最大的卖点

Portable 便携式的,方便携带的

You always get what you pay for。一分钱,一分货

Phone bill 电话账单

Radiation 辐射

Wabcam 摄像头

A small get-together 小型聚会

There is no point 没有任何意义

A virtual world 虚拟的世界

Overmight 一夜之间

Virtual world can never become a real one 虚拟的世界永远也不会变成真实的世界Get involved in a trap subconsciously 不知不觉地被卷入一个陷阱当中

Scrumptious 美味的

Feast one’s eyes on…享受。。。的视觉盛宴

Drink in the atmosphere 享受气氛

Fashion conscious对时尚很敏锐

Blindly follow the so-called fashion 忙目地追求时尚

Fashionista 时尚专家

Fashion victim 时尚的奴隶

What fits me most are the best.适合自己的才是最好的

Add one’s own flavor to…给…加入某人自己的味道

Add one’s own attitude to…给…加入某人自己的特色

Designer clothes 大牌服装

get a kick out of 因某事感到愉快

resist the temptation from 抵制来自于…的诱惑

Name brands 国际顶级品牌

A flash in the pan 昙花一现









Be buried in …被埋在… 里daily necessities 日常生活用品

franchised stores 专卖店

fancy boutiques卖流行服饰的精品屋

have a fairly tight budget 预算实在有限

eye-dazzling products 眼花缭乱的商品

Born shopping freak 天生购物狂

Born to be fashion conscious天生对时尚敏感

The fashion sixth sense时尚第六感

Impulse buying 冲动购物

Retail therapy 购物疗法

Freak sb. Out 吓坏了某人

Shop until drop 逛到腿断

Last-minute shopper 不到最后一刻不愿去购物的人(被动购物者)

Be under huge and constant pressure在不断地巨大压力下

The best medicine 最好的良药

Weird 怪怪的,令人费解

as low-key as possible 尽可能地低调

Funky clothes 另类的衣服

chic 时尚的

Pop up 突出,显眼

bring a piece of clothing to life把一件衣服穿出特色来

But how you wear it而是你怎么穿

You should wear the clothes, not let the clothes wear you.让衣服修饰你,而不是你去修饰衣服。Don’t judge a book by its cover. 不可以以貌取人

Designer clothes大牌服装


Clashing bright colors冲撞的亮色



Be in one’s price range 在某人的预算当中,负担得起



In the blink of an eye 转眼之间

Go out of fashion过时

Every single collection 每一季的款

Deeply rooted in hearts of…深深地印在…的心中

Fashion conscious对时尚观察敏锐的

A rip-off 宰人的东东

Be in no position to do… 没能力做。。。

Splash out…on sth 在某物上花费了。。。钱

Different tones of pink 不同色调的粉色

Make one’s complexion look great 让我的肤色看起来好

The classic match 经典的搭配

Timeless chic 永恒的时尚

Hip 时尚的,入时的

Enthusiast 热情的

Frisky 活泼的,外向的

Tend to be 趋于…

Modest 平和的,谦逊的

Sophisticated 老练的,沉稳的

Red-letter day 大喜的日子

Roll out the red carpet 热烈欢迎

The symbol of royal family 皇室的象征

Supreme power 至高无上的权利

The highest status 最高的地位

Nobleness 尊贵

North temperate zone 北温带

All year round 终年

A marked continental monsoonal climate 显著的大陆性季风气候Tropical zone 热带,

Subtropical zone 亚热带

Four seasons are well distinguished 四季分明

In a word 简而言之

Sauna-like weather 桑拿天


Weather –sensitive 对天气很敏感的人

Put sb. In a good mood by magic 魔术般地给某人一个好心情Walk in a drizzle 在细雨中漫步

Bump into sb 遇见

Lie on the beach 躺在沙滩上

Sea waves lap on the shore 海浪拍打着海岸

Sip a glass of coconut juice 品着一杯椰汁

The icing in the cake 最棒的事

Summer is my season 夏天是我的最爱。

Cheer sb. Up让某人高兴

Make sb. Down 让某人心情低落

It is raining cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

I am not exaggerating 毫无夸张地说

Armed to the teeth 武装到了牙齿

It is quite a view 很是特别的景致


A high standard of cleanliness 洁癖

Be in no position to judge 没有评判权

A classic match 经典的搭配

A huge bunch of 一大束

Flower arrangement 插花

Give an intimate flavor to …给。。。一种温馨的氛围

The fragrance is irresistible 花香沁人心脾

Have good taste in life 对生活的好品味

End up dying 最后都活不了

Heartbreaking 让人伤心

Well wrapped 精心包装的

Carnation 康乃馨

Container 花盆

Balcony 阳台

Window sill 窗台

Cultivate one’s temperament 陶冶情操

Be in full blossom 全部开放

A blaze of color 姹紫嫣红

Fragrance is intoxicating 花香沁人心脾

To my knowledge 据我所知

Tulip 郁金香

Symbolize 代表,是。。。的象征

Dignity 高贵,尊贵

Greedy 贪婪的

Have one’s own irreplaceable edge 有它们自己的优势Irresistibly intoxicating 花香沁人心脾

Bright side 好的一方面

Organic 有机的

Have my cake and eat it too 鱼和熊掌可以兼得Picturesque 风景如画

Soak up the rosy sunglow 享受玫瑰色的晚霞

Go for a walk 去散步

Walk my dog 遛狗

Chase my doggy around 追着我的狗狗跑

Be back to my childhood again 重回童年幸福时光

Fly a kite 放风筝

Play hide-and-seek玩捉迷藏

Turquoise lake 发蓝的绿松石色的湖水

Give an imitate flavor to… 给。。。增添了一种温馨的氛围Practice Tai Chi 练太极拳

Dance Yangko 扭秧歌儿

Play on the swings 玩荡秋千

Green lung绿肺

Breathe in 呼进

Breathe out 呼出

Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

Intoxicating flowers fragrance 沁人心脾的花香

Hear birds chirping in the trees. 听到鸟儿在树中歌唱

Environmentally friendly 环保的

Be jammed into a teeny, tiny compartment 被塞到一个特小特小的车厢中Rush hour 上下班高峰期

Commuters are packed like sardines.上下班的人被挤得像沙丁鱼一样

Eye candy 养眼

Be legally responsible for one’e behavior 为,某人的行为负法律责任

Run the red light 闯红灯

Drunk driving 酒后驾车

Speeding 超速

Drive people nuts 让人发疯

Got stuck in the traffic jam 在交通堵塞中堵着

Motor vehicle 机动车辆

Pedestrian 行人

Be lacking in traffic awareness 缺乏交通意识

Violate traffic rules 违反交通法则

Tick- tock, tick-tock 滴答滴答

Highlight 最棒的时候

Technically 严格意义上讲

Lowest point 最低潮

Precisely 具体地说

One’s mind begins to wander 某人开始心不在焉

Concentrate on… 在… 上集中注意力

Take a afternoon nap 下午小睡

Care out a successful career 事业有成

Be in no position to do 没资格做。。。

Bring home the bacon 养家

Confucius 孔子

A sage and philosopher 一个圣人和哲学家


Struggle for life 为生计奔波

Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. 年轻不是年纪,而是一种心态

Throw a party 开派对

Go clubbing 去泡夜店

The icing on the cake is…最棒的是…

A once-a-year thing 一件一年一度的事

A huge collection od perfumes 一整套香水系列收藏Increase in value 升值

Irreplaceable sentimental value 不能替代的情感价值Health care products 保健产品

Multifunctional massagers 多功能按摩器

Chic 时尚的

Plan B 后备计划

One of a kind 独一无二的

Much more than 绝不仅仅是。。。

Can’t be measured in terms of money 不能用金钱来衡量的


法律文本总结词汇 国际法律语言家学会International Association of Forensic Linguists ( IAFL ) 国际法律语言学会International Society for Forensic Linguistics ( ISFL ) 经济态势:economic situation 法定产权:legal estate 稳定货币:to stabilize of the value of the currency 遵守法纪:to observe the law 专业分工:division of labor based on specialization 居留期限:limit of stay 附加刑:supplementary punishment 罚金:fines 没收财产:confiscation of property 剥夺政治权利:deprivation of political rights 审批:examination and approval 国际特设组织:Amnesty International (AI) 服兵役:military service 草签文本:an initialed text 草签合同:sign a referendum contract 流动资产:liquid assets 固定资产:fixed assets 正式协议:a formal agreement 正式声明:an official statement 普通法:Common Law

叛国罪:treason 重刑罪/重罪:felony 非重刑罪/轻罪:misdemeanour 失当行为:misfeasance 失职行为:delinquency 犯规/违反行为:violation 通奸,通奸行为: adultery 通奸;乱伦: fornication 滋事;骚乱;争论: affray 损害,妨害:nuisance [法]殴打:battery 恐吓,威胁:intimidation 勒索,敲诈,勒索敲诈(所得):blackmail 勒索;敲诈:extortion [法] 贿赂;受贿;行贿:bribery 肛交:buggery 鸡奸,兽奸:sodomy 诽谤;中伤:defamation 诽谤罪;诋毁;控诉书;控告;进行文字诽谤:libel 口头诽谤行为:slandering 挪用;亏空(公款): defalcation 侵占;挪用(任何钱物);盗用:embezzlement 侵入,侵犯;侵蚀(不动产,如土地):encroachment [法] 伪造帐目:false accounting 欺骗;骗子;诡计:fraud 敲诈勒索;诈骗,对……进行敲诈:racketeering


牛津译林7上UNITs(1-8)全册词汇语法考点考题总结(下) 第一卷提优精练(35分) 一、词汇填空(本大题共8分,每小题1分) 1. They have a _________ (特殊的) party on the evening of Dec.24. 2. Andy, how do we _________ (庆祝) Halloween? 3. An apple a day is good for our ___________ (健康). 4. There is a new ____________ (餐馆) near our school. 5. The dress is too _________ (cheap). I won’t take it. 6. You can buy some_________(radio) in that shop. 7. The watch is one of the ____________ (child). 8. Your English book is ___________ (difference)from mine. 二、动词填空(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分) 1.Look! Each of the students __________(have) a new book now. 2.Would you like ___________ (cook)some fish for supper? 3. Thank you for _______________ (let) off fireworks for us. 4.Let Amy __________ (carry) the bags for the old woman. 5. Simon, _______(not be) late for school again. 6.It’s important _________ (drink) a glass of hot water every morning. 7. There _________ (be) two cups of tea and some fruit for you. 8.Amy really enjoys ___________(help) others. 9. The Green family often __________ (exercise) on Sundays. 10.I don’t have much energy_____________ (practise). 三、句型转换(本大题共7分,每一空0.5分) 1.She goes shopping twice a week.(对画线部分提问) __________ __________ __________she __________ shopping? 2.There are two kilos of beef on the table.(对画线部分提问) __________ __________ beef __________ __________ on the table? 3.How much is the new pen? (同义句) How much __________ the new pen__________? 4.There are some old watches in the box.(改为单数句) __________ __________ __________ __________ in the box. 四、完成句子(本大题共10分,每一空0.5分) 1. 你不应该对艾米做恶作剧。 You shouldn’t __________ __________ __________ __________ Amy. 2.我没有足够的钱给她买那本书。 I don’t have __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ the book. 3.小女孩喜欢告诉她妈妈关于同学的事。


考研英语词汇分类总结 考研英语词汇分类总结 abnormal a.反常的,不正常的 [记忆方法] ab-开头,表示反的(在a字母开头的词汇中,非常普遍),normal正常的aboard ad.在船(飞机,车)上,上船(飞机,车); prep.在(船,飞机,车)上,上(船,飞机,车) [记忆方法] board n.木板, 甲板(参见另一记忆文章) abroad ad.到国外,在国外;到处 abolish v.废除,取消 [发音记忆] 剥离没有了废除,取消 [类比记忆] -rupt 打断的 abrupt a.突然的,意外的;(举止,言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的 bankrupt a.破产的银行的(经营)被打断的rupt破产了 bankruptcy n.破产;v.使破产 corrupt v.贿赂,收买;a.腐败的,贪污的 从内部core(核心) 被打断的rupt被收买,贿赂了 erupt v.(尤指火山)爆发 e-向外 interrupt v.中断,遮断,阻碍;打断(话),打扰在中间inter 被打断rupt [分类记忆] -stract 拉 abstract a.抽象的;n.摘要,提要;v.提(抽取) attract v.吸引,招引,引诱,引起(注意等) attractive a.有吸引力的,引起兴趣的,动人的 contract n.契约,合同,包工;v.缩小,缩短;订(约) 大家扯皮的结果订立合同 distract v.分散,打扰;迷惑,扰乱 dis-往外拉 extract v./n.拔出,抽出;摘录 ex-出来,出去 extraction n.抽出,拔出 subtract v.减(去) sub-下面的,往下面拉减少 tractor n.拖拉机,牵引车 [记忆方法] a开头的字母,如果它的后面接的是双写的辅音字母的话,那么考虑该词词义是不是加强后面的核心词的作用,ac-加强,celer-速度,ate放在词尾表示动词加速度加快,促进。 accelerate v.加快,促进反义词 decelerate 减(慢)速度 accent n.腔调,口音;重音(符号) ac-表加强 access n.接近,进入;入口,通道,入口;接近(或进入)的方法 have/gain access to可以获得 ac-加强,强调可行性,过得去 accessory n.附件,配件;a.附属的 accept v.接受,认可;同意,认可-cept接受 acceptable a.可接受的 acceptance n.接受,验收;承认,认可 concept n.概念,观念,思想 con-共同的,-cept接受共同接受的东西概念(性的) conception n.概念,观念;设想,构想


形容总结的词语 1、“以...为XX”:为基础、为核心、为根本、为重点、为举措、为载体、为保障、为契机、为总揽、为抓手、为目标、为动力、为依托、为突破、为目的、为关键、为先导、为宗旨、为支撑、为指导、为导向、为方向、为驱动、为主体、为补充、为标准、为主线、为主题。 2、三字“为”:为立足点、为出发点、为切入点、突破口、为落脚点、闪光点、结合点、根本点、增长点、着力点、动力点、关键点。 3、三字“于”:立足于、着眼于、贯穿于、 4、“渐进类”词语:日益、日趋、日惭、日臻、不断、逐步、稳步、深化、深入、推进、推动、促进、 5、“建立类及程度类”词语:探索、实行、建立、健全、构建、打造、争创、创建、规范、完善、创新、强化、加大、加强、加快、加速、加紧、严格、突出。 6、“四导”:宣传倡导、服务指导、示范引导、监管督导。 7、“新XXX”:新机制、新路子、新模式、新环境、新载体、新途径、新突破、新优势、新方向、新跨越、新发展、新趋势、新期待、新局面、新格局、新成就、新变化、新面貌、 8、吹响集结号、齐奏交响乐、共谱和谐曲。 9、念好联字经、架起连心桥、铺就致富路、奏响和谐曲。 10、组合类:探索新路子、创新新模式、实现新突破、推动新跨越、促进新发展、

11、建立工作新机制、明确发展新方向、拓展增收新途径、积聚建设新优势、探索试点新路子。 12、启示类:两字类:是前提、是基础、是关键、是核心、是保证。四字类:前提条件、基础保证、关键环节、核心所在、有效举措、重要手段、有效载体、 13、时期类:关键时期、重要时期、攻坚时期、 14、重要类:重要源泉、重要支撑、重要因素、重要阶段、重要力量、重点途径 15、战略机遇期、发展加速期、结构转型期、攻坚爬坡期 【机关公文常用词句大全】 本[大全]旨在使”爬格子”的微友在遣词造句时可少搜肠刮肚,在写作公文时可免绞尽脑汁,在领悟机关文风和完成写作任务的同时收获更多的东东。值得精读,值得珍藏。版权所有,翻印不究。 常用之”新”: 新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新事物、新高度。 常用之”性”: 重要性,紧迫性,自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、复杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏锐性、有效性”。


小学生词语分类大全默认分类 1.表示“看”的字词:瞥、瞅、望、瞄、瞪、盯、观察、凝视、注视、看望、探望、瞻仰、扫视、环视、仰望、俯视、鸟瞰、俯瞰、远望、眺望、了望 2.表示“说”的字词:讲、曰、讨论、议论、谈论、交流、交谈 3.表示“叫”的字词:嚷、吼、嚎、啼、鸣、嘶、嘶叫、嚎叫、叫嚷4.表示“第一”的字词:首、元、甲、子、首先、冠军、魁首、首屈一指、名列前茅 5.象声词(表示声音的):吱呀、喀嚓、扑哧、哗啦、沙沙、咕咚、叮当、咕噜、嗖嗖、唧唧喳喳、叽叽喳喳、轰轰隆隆、叮叮当当、叮叮咚咚、哗哗啦啦 6.表示春的成语:鸟语花香、 春暖花开、阳春三月、万物复苏、春风轻拂、春光明媚 7.表示夏的成语:烈日当空、 暑气逼人、大汗淋漓、挥汗如雨、乌云翻滚、热不可耐 8.表示秋的成语:秋高气爽、 五谷丰登、万花凋谢、天高云淡、落叶沙沙、中秋月圆 9.表示冬的成语:三九严寒、 天寒地冻、雪花飞舞、寒冬腊月、千里冰封、滴水成冰 10.带有人体器官或部位名称的词语:头重脚轻、指手画脚、 愁眉苦脸、心明眼亮、目瞪口呆、张口结舌、交头接耳、面黄肌瘦、眼明手快、眼高手低、昂首挺胸、心灵手巧、摩拳擦掌、摩肩接踵 11.带有动物名称的成语:

与虎谋皮、亡羊补牢、雄狮猛虎、鹤立鸡群、狗急跳墙、叶公好龙、声名狼籍、狐假虎威、画蛇添足、九牛一毛、鸡犬不宁、一箭双雕、惊弓之鸟、胆小如鼠、打草惊蛇、鸡飞蛋打、指鹿为马、顺手牵羊、对牛弹琴、鸟语花香、虎背熊腰、杀鸡儆猴、莺歌燕舞、鸦雀无声、鱼目混珠、鱼龙混杂、龙争虎斗、出生牛犊、望女成凤、望子成龙、狗尾续貂、爱屋及乌、螳臂当车、蛛丝马迹、投鼠忌器、门口罗雀、管中窥豹 (带有“马”的词语:马不停蹄、马到成功、龙马精神、马失前蹄、指鹿为马、一马当先) (带有“鸡”的词语:闻鸡起舞、雄鸡报晓、鹤立鸡群、杀鸡取卵、鸡犬不宁、鸡飞蛋打、鸡毛蒜皮) (带有“牛”的成语:小试牛刀、九牛一毛、牛头马面、牛鬼蛇神、牛马不如、牛角挂书、牛毛细雨、如牛负重、风马牛不相及、 初生牛犊不怕虎、九牛二虎之力) 12.数字开头的成语:一诺千金、一鸣惊人、一马当先、一触即发、一气呵成、一丝不苟、一言九鼎、一日三秋、一落千丈、一字千金、 一本万利、一手遮天、一文不值、一贫如洗、一身是胆、一毛不拔二三其德、两面三刀、两肋插刀、两败俱伤、两情相悦、两袖清风、 两全其美、三生有幸、三思而行、三令五申、三头六臂、三更半夜、三顾茅庐、四面楚歌、四面八方、四海为家、四通八达、四平八稳、 四分五裂、五大三粗、五光十色、五花八门、五体投地、五谷丰登、五彩缤纷、五湖四海、六神无主、六根清净、六道轮回、六亲不认、 七零八落、七嘴八舌、七高八低、七窍生烟、七上八下、七折八扣、七拼八凑、八面玲珑、八面威风、八仙过海,各显神通、九霄云外、



TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for women's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary women. The word "representative" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) typical (B) satisfied (C) supportive (D) distinctive 002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today. The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) valued (B) universal (C) uncommon (D) preserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. The word "overtaken" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) surpassed (B) inclined (C) expressed (D) applied 004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The word "intervals" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) records (B) speeds (C) distances (D) periods 005. The increasing water pressure under the glacier might lift it off its bed, overcoming the friction between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders downhill surge glaciers also might be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. The word "freeing" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) pushing (B) releasing (C) strengthening (D) draining 006. A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, causing sea levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious cycle. The word "plunge" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) drop (B) extend (C) melt (D) drift 007. Group members look to instrumental leaders to "get things done." Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group's members. The word "collective" is closest in 2


思考类动词总结 assume / conceive构思, 以为, 持有conceive a plan to increase profits. / conclude / expect / determine 决定, 确 定, 测定, 使下定决心Demand determines production. / hold / judge / presume假定, 假设, 认为That's the new assistant, I presume./ reckon / see / sense / suppose / comprehend / consider / deduce / infer / evaluate / examine / rationalize合理化/ reason说服, 推论, 辩论reasoned out a solution to the problem./ reflect反射, 反映, 表现, 反省, 细想/ resolve 决心,解决/ speculate 推测, 思索, 做投机买卖/ study / turn over 反复考虑/ weigh / contemplate沉思/ convey传达 ponder, meditate, deliberate, ruminate, mull, muse这些动词表示仔细而详尽地考虑某件事情。 Ponder是指用煞费苦心的详尽和仔细在头脑中权衡: “He and the council had already pondered the list of members returned to the parliament” (John Morley). “他和委员会已经认真地考虑过了重返国会的人员名单”(约翰·摩利)。 “Th e Doctor had been pondering, and had made up his mind to a certain course” (Henry Kingsley). “这个医生已经苦思冥想了一段时间并已决定要采用某种方法”(亨利·金斯利)。 Meditate暗指严肃的思考,比如对于采取一项行动或执行一项计划所做的考虑;这个词还可表示陷入深深的思考: “The King struck the blow he had for some time meditated” (William E.H. Lecky). “国王实施了他考虑已久的打击”(威廉E.H.莱奇)。 “He quitted her presence to meditate upon revenge” (Frederick Marryat).“他不让她出现以考虑如何复仇”(弗雷德里克·玛利亚特)。 Deliberate是指集中注意力地且通常是缓慢地思考,如对于将要做出的一项选择或决定的思考: The jury deliberated for two days before returning a verdict. 陪审团在仔细斟酌了两天后才做出了他们的最后决定。 Ruminate / mull暗指把一件事情在脑子里翻来覆去地想: “The old warrior king was . . . ruminating on his gloomy fortunes” “年迈的武士之王正在…反复咀嚼他暗淡的命运和前途” I sat mulling over my problem without finding a solution. 我坐着一遍又一遍地思考我的问题,可总是找不到解决办法。 Muse 缪斯[希神]文艺、美术、音乐等的缪斯女神是指沉浸在自己的思想中;该词经常含有一种抽象的性质:“And musing there an hour alone,/I dreamed that Greece might still be free” (Byron).“在那默想一个钟头,/我梦见希腊也许仍然自由”(拜伦) 思考类名词总结(观点/ 概念/ 理论) Notion 概念, 观念, 想法/ idea / view / concept / perception 理解,感知,感觉 perspective 观点, 看法/ observation / examination witness / judgment / approach / hypothesis impression / supposition假定, 想象, 推测, 推想/ theory / thought apprehension 理解, 忧惧/ comprehension / realization consideration 体谅, 考虑/ interpretation / understanding speculation / vision幻想,洞察力/ picture / inclination 倾向/ ideology 意识形态 支持类单词总结 Support / maintain / insist / hold / uphold 支持, 赞成/ agree / accede to 同意,让步:通常是因为他人的坚持而同意accede to terms同意条件accede to a request答应某人要求accede to a proposal 接受建议accede to a party加入政党accede to an estate继承一份产业/ admit / consent to同意)consent to stay on同意继续住下My father would not consent to my leaving school./ assent 同意/ verify / revel in 得意于, 着迷, 酷爱, 纵情于revel in a book / glory in 自豪, 得意/ believe in / dictate 规定/ celebrate 表扬, 赞美a song that celebrates love. 反对类单词总结 Contradict / decline / disagree / dispute / dissent from不同意dissent from the Church of England / oppose / protest / refuse / abandon / neglect / disapprove / disprove 反驳/ condemn


机关公文常用词语总结 一、常用排比 1、常用两字词语:心 热心、耐心、诚心、决心、核心、内心、外心、中心、甘心、攻心,进取心、责任心、上进心、公仆心; 2、常用三字词语:可概括为感、性、多、点,不、化、新、力。 (1)X X感:责任感、紧迫感、危机感、认同感、荣誉感、成就感。 (2)X X性:重要性、紧迫性、自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、複杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏锐性、有效性; (3)多X X:多层次、多方面、多途径、多渠道、多措施、多力量、多元素。 (4)X X点:出发点、切入点、突破点、落脚点、著眼点、结合点、关键点、著重点、著力点、根本点、支撑点。 (5)不X X:不松劲、不懈怠、不退缩、不畏难、不罢手、不动摇、不放弃、不改变、不妥协。 (6)X X化:法制化、规范化、制度化、程序化、集约化、正常化、有序化、智能化、优质化、常态化、科学化、年轻化、知识化、专业化; (7)新X X:新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新事物、新高度。 (8)X X力:活动力、控制力、影响力、创造力、凝聚力、战斗力、感染力、亲活力;

3、常用四字词语:意识、认同 政治意识、组织意识、大局意识、忧患意识、责任意识、法律意识、廉洁意识、学习意识、上进意识、管理意识; 政治认同、理论认同、感情认同 4、常用动宾搭配: 找准出发点、把握切入点、明确落脚点、找准落脚点、抓住切入点、把握著重点、找准切入点、把握著力点、抓好落脚点; 激发巨大热情,凝聚无穷力量,催生丰硕成果,展现全新魅力。 当前工作要有新水平、队伍建设要有新面貌、廉政建设要有新举措、自身建设要有新发展、内部管理要有新突破。 历史的必然、现实的选择、未来的方向。 二、常用短语 全面推进,统筹兼顾,综合治理,融入其中,贯穿始终,切实抓好,扎实推进,加快发展,持续增收,积极稳妥,狠抓落实,从严控制,严格执行,坚决制止,明确职责,高举旗帜,坚定不移,牢牢把握,积极争取,深入开展,注重强化,规范程序,改进作风,积极发展,努力建设,依法实行,良性互动,优势互补,率先发展,互惠互利,做深、做细、做实、全面分析,全面贯彻,持续推进,全面落实、全面实施,逐步扭转,基本形成,普遍增加,基本建立,更加完备,逐步完善,明显提高,逐渐好转,逐步形成,不断加强,持续增效,巩固深化,大幅提高,显著改善,不断增强,日趋完善,比较圆满。 三、常用动词 推进,推动,健全,统领,协调,统筹,转变,提高,实现,适应,改革,创新,扩大,加强,促进,巩固,保障,完善,加快,振兴,掘起,分工,扶持,改善,调整,优化,解决,宣传,教育,发挥,支持,带动,帮助,深化,规范,强化,统筹,指导,服务,健全,确保,维护,优先,贯彻,实施,深化,保证,鼓励,引导,坚持,深化,强化,监督,管理,开展,规划,整合,理顺,推行,


初中全部单词分类总结 地点(place) office post office library restaurant bank supermarket street avenue park market house gardon palace district square zoo shop hospital station apartment mall airport laboratory hotel factory kitchen farm island river beach town village mountain hill museum gym lake Europe Africa North America Pacific 国家(country) China Canada France Japan the U S America Australia Singapore the U.K Greece Spain Thailand Italy 时间(time) century year season spring summer autumn winter month week today tomorrow yesterday morning noon afternoon evening day night hour minute second 频率adv never seldom sometimes often usually always 交通

transportation taxi boat ship bike bicycle subway train car rocket plane bus 身体body hair head eye ear nose face mouth throat tooth neck elbow arm finger back stomach hand knee foot leg lap 学科 English Chinese maths science music art history biology geography chemistry physics 学习,娱乐 book pen pencil eraser ruler dictionary notebook school bookcase bag class club baseball computer game soccer sports ball tennis racket bat ping-pong volleyball basketball skateboard guitar chess drum piano trumpet violin rock band pencilsharpener 颜色(color) blonder brown black white red green blue


在复习以往真题时把阅读题中出现的自己不熟的单词抄了出来,并把它们供网友参考。但指明的是这并不是高频单词。只是本人不熟的而已,希望对大家有用。 97.6 grocer n.食品商, 杂货店 baker n.面包师, 面包工人, <美>(便携式)烘炉 rotten adj.腐烂的, 恶臭的 cease v.停止, 终了 evident adj.明显的, 显然的 climatically adv.气候上, 风土上 invest v.投(资), 购买 cabinet n.(有抽屉或格子的)橱柜 enormous adj.巨大的, 庞大的 render vt.归还, 表演, 实施vi.给予补偿n.交纳, 粉刷, 打底 architecture n.1)建筑, 建筑学 2)体系机构 rival n.竞争者, 对手 economies n.经济, 节约 frontier n.国境, 边疆, 边境 combination n.结合, 联合, 合并 violent adj.猛烈的, 激烈的, 暴力引起的, 强暴的 intensity n.1)强烈, 剧烈, 强度 2)热烈, 热情; 紧张 flexible adj.柔韧性, 易曲的, 灵活的, 柔软的 vibration n.振动, 颤动, 摇动, 摆动 concrete n.混凝土 military adj.军事的, 军用的 spray n.喷雾, 飞沫vt.喷射, 喷溅 detect vt.察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测v.发现 resist vt.抵抗, 反抗, 抗, 忍得住 98.1 enthusiasm n.狂热, 热心, 积极性, 激发热情的事物 punctuality n.准时 consistency n.连结, 结合, 坚固性, 浓度, 密度, 一致性, 连贯性 sincere adj.诚挚的, 真实的, 真诚的 principle n.法则, 原则, 原理 locality n.位置, 地点 modify vt.更改, 修改v.修改


高三英语话题写作必备词汇 一、人品人物 【必备词句】 年龄 (1)a five-year-old boy一个五岁的男孩 (2)a boy aged five 一个五岁的男孩 (3)in my teens /twenties在我十/二十多岁时 (4)at the age of five在五岁时 (5)As a child, I liked to... 我小时候喜欢…… 出生 , (1)was born in ... 出生在…… (2)be/come from a wealthy family出生于富裕人家 (3)was born into a peasant family出生于一个农民家庭 外表 (1)a boy 一个高米的男孩 (2)overweight胖的;thin瘦的;slim苗条的;strong强壮的 (3)look young for one’s age 显得比实际年龄年轻 (4)good-looking 长得好看; plain-looking 长得一般 (5)well dressed 穿得漂亮; ~ neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 能力 (1)efficient办事高效率的 (2)intelligent有智力的;creative 富创造力的 (3)a boy with great ability 能干的男孩 (4)a qualified teacher 一名合格的教师 (5)speak fluent English 讲流利的英语 (6)have a gift for = have a talent for 有……的天赋 (7)be skilled in 在……方面熟练 (8)be experienced in 在……方面有经验 (


工作总结,常用词语 篇一:写工作报告、总结材料常用语句 写工作报告、总结材料常用语句 以~~为(主题、手段、保证、导向、主线、指针、标准、龙头、目标、中心、核心、依托、支持、支撑、重点、载体、先导、导向、牵引、依据、纽带、桥梁、契机、出发点、立足点、介入点、切入点、根本点、关键点、结合点、支撑点、着力点、突破口) 突出~个重点;掌握~个标准;完善~项制度;做好~个结合;坚定~项宗旨;盯住~个目标;提高~种能力;叫响~个口号;落实~点要求;养成~种风气;发挥~个作用;围绕~的中心;树立~种观念;解决~个难点;选准~的主题;提倡~种精神;落实~项制度;搞好~项研究;掌握~种方法;强化~种意识;制定~项措施;把好~个关口;履行~道手续;区分~个阶段; 在思想感情上,要体现一个“爱”字;在自身形象上,要树立一个“正”字;在工作方法上,要突出一个“细”字;在工作作风上,要坚持一个“实”字;在领导力量上,要形成一个“合”字。 了解情况到一线,检查督促到一线,解决问题到一线,

服务保障到一线。 想干事,在端正思想上下功夫;勤想事,在学习思考上下功夫;会办事,在作风养成上下功夫;干实事,在提高能力上下功夫;能装事,在自身要求上下功夫;善记事,在积累素材上下功夫。 请示工作有方案,汇报工作有依据,贯彻上级指示有措施,指导基层有力度。 主管工作勇唱主角不推诿,中心工作积极参与不旁观,日常工作诚心 支持不设卡,重大工作紧密配合不拆台,边缘工作主动承担不扯皮。 互相补台,好戏连台;互相拆台,一起垮台。 加强学习,树立勤奋求和的风气;积极探索,树立争先创优的风气;顾全大局,树立服从全局的风气;遵章守纪,树立严于律己的风气;求真务实,树立真抓实干的风气;注重团结,树立团结奋进的风气。 用新的视角分析认识问题,用新的思路筹划指导建设,用新的办法研究解决问题。 忙于事务不思创新,安于现状不愿创新,怕担风险不


286 As all of us know, color-blind people often find it difficult to ___ between blue and green. A separate B distinguish C compare D contrast 287 Many artists predict that this brilliant young actor ___ to be a shining star. A destines B will be destined C is destined D has been destined 288 The local government leaders are making every effort to ___ the problem of poverty. A abolish B tackle C remove C encounter 289 His companions have threatened to ___ his crimes to the police. A impose B express C enclose D expose 290 All their ___ have been shown up by their own deeds. A debates B decorations C deductions D deceptions 291 fruit is cheapest ____ season. A at B on C in d through 292 In their latest design, the company is clearly ___ the success of previous years. A building up B building upon C building out D building over 293 In Beijing, the best season of the year is probably ___ fall. A later B last C latter D late 294 Even though he was guilty, the ___ judge did not send him to prison. A merciful B impartial C conscientious D conspicuous 295 Although he thought he was helping us to prepare the dinner, he was actually ___ the way. A in B off C by D on 296 A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is ___ conditions or events. A in response to B in favor of C in contrast to D in excess of 297 The bus driver is ____ for the passengers’ safety. A skillful B responsible C strict D intensive 298 I hate people who ___ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before. A reveal B rewrite C revise d reverse 299 Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is ___ loud continuous noise. A subjected to B filled with C associated with D attached to 300 The human voice often sounds ___ on the telephone. A twisted B irregular C distorted D deformed 301 Since the ground is wet, it ____ last night. A must have rained B must be raining C must rain D had rained 302 If you are required to do some work, it must be done ____.
