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User support which takes into account the user‘s

current context is a key issue of ambient intelli-

gence applications. In this contribution we ad-

dress the question of how a user may configure

and keep control of situated user support. Back-

ground of our work is a system, which creates an

augmented, personal memory from events per-

ceived in an instrumented environment. We show

how the user may –assisted by the system– per-

form a collaborative introspection of this mem-

ory in order to learn about and to exploit past

events for user support. In particular we discuss

methods for evaluating events and for acquiring

proactively feedback in order to improve the

quality of a binding between situations and sys-

tem services.

1 Introduction

The notion of ambient intelligence describes a vision of a smart environment, which is aware of users and assists their actions unobtrusively. In order to adapt automati-cally to the users’ needs in a given situation, such an envi-ronment has recognize situations and to decide about means of support suited for the user’s context.

Such situated user support requires knowledge about the distinguishing features of a situation. In a general sce-nario, these may turn out not only to be diverse, but also to depend on the user’s personal opinions. Since these may change with time, it is doubtful that there will be “ideal” feature sets in an application with a long-term focus. Consequently one should expect that automated user support will perform undesired actions from time to time, which will affect the user’s trust in that support. In order to counter this effect, the recognition of and reaction in wrong decisions become questions of special interest. We assume that their solution will usually require at least some user feedback about relevant features of a situation on the one side, and about the quality of the sys-tem’s support on the other side. This leads to the question how such feedback can be acquired unobtrusively and without confronting the user with the full complexity of the problem.

This article contributes to this research area with a col-laborative approach for binding user support to general contexts. Our particular focus is on a collaborative intro-spection of augmented memories, which enables the user to review and to adjust the quality of situated user support. Here we think of introspection as “…a process of inward attention or reflection, so as to examine the contents of the mind…” (cf. [Sharples et al., 1989]).

Our works are conducted within the project SPECTER. Major goals of this project are to extend the user’s percep-tion, to learn about her behavior, and to assist her during decision making by means of a personal memory created from user actions observed in an instrumented environ-ment. In this article we will focus only a subset of these works; for an overview see [Kr?ner et al., 2004].

The remaining article is structured as follows. In Sec-tion 2 we go through a scenario in which a user sets up and criticizes situated user support. In the following Sec-tion 3 we will discuss the structure of the memories we want to analyze. Then we proceed in Section 4 with a de-tailed description of our work on the introspection proc-ess. After a brief discussion of related work the article concludes with a summary and an outlook of future work.

2 Scenario

In order to clarify our approach to situated user support we continue with an example from the shopping domain. Our user is interested in buying a new cellphone. She has no precise idea which one to buy, and thus starts browsing an Internet store for cellphones. These actions are logged by SPECTER in her personal memory. At first sight no offer seems appealing to her, and thus she decides to continue her search later. However, in order to facilitate future investigations, she instructs SPECTER to assist her with a comparison between products she is looking at and the ones she has already seen.

Later, equipped with her PDA our user strolls through the city. She planned to buy a specific CD in a consumer electronics store, when she notices that there is also a va-riety of technical products for sale. She picks a cellphone from the shelf, and thus the criteria that trigger SPECTER’s support are fulfilled. On her PDA a product comparison shows up, which compares the features of the phone in the user’s hand with the ones of previously in-spected phones. This way she browses the shelf, but fi-nally she decides to continue her search later in the Web, and to apply there the information about the seen prod-ucts. Thus she proceeds to a shelf with CDs and chooses the CD she decided to buy earlier. However, again the comparison’s precondition is met, and thus a comparison between this and previously seen CDs shows up. Which doesn’t correspond to our user’s original intention, and thus she sets a reminder point (a kind of bookmark in the memory) to deal with that problem later.

Home again, our user wants to examine the cellphones seen so far. Thus she starts an introspection of her per-

Configuration and Introspection of Situated User Support Stephan Baldes, Alexander Kr?ner, Mathias Bauer

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

66123, Saarbrücken, Germany


sonal memory. While she browses through the memories, the system notices the reminder point. When the user has

finished her product review, SPECTER asks her if she is now interested in reviewing the reminder point. She

agrees, and in response the system offers several actions

related to entries around the reminder point. Included is the option to evaluate the CD comparison, which was ini-tiated by the system. She evaluates the service negative, and in response the system asks if she would like to adjust

the comparison’s application condition. She agrees, and

the system offers an automated refinement or a manual adjustment.

3 About Memories in SPECTER In the scenario described above user support relies on a personal memory created from user actions. Due to their relevance for the situation specification and recognition we will briefly describe in the following this memory’s content and structure. For a more detailed discussion we like to make reference to [Schneider et al., 2005]. The personal memory maintained by SPECTER is cre-ated from sensor data perceived via a variety of sensors such as RFID, IR, and GPS. In addition, web services as well as a web browser can be connected in order to aug-ment the system’s monitoring capabilities. These sensor data are transformed into perceptions , which are RDF/OWL-based abstractions from the original data; the ontology applied here is based on the IEEE SUMO and MILO [Niles and Pease, 2001]. In our scenario percep-tions include primitive statements such as “user reaching shelf” as well as simple abstractions such as “user holding product”. At a given point of time the set of all available sensors’ latest perceptions marks the context of an event. Recent perceptions are stored in a short-term memory, which is of special relevance for the recognition of situa-tions. In addition they are archived in a long-term mem-ory. This process is performed in two ways in parallel. First of all, perceptions are stored in a log without further change. This log works as the system’s memories. In addi-tion a personal journal is created, which consists of en-tries representing episodes created from one or more per-ceptions. For instance the perceptions “user holding A” and “user holding B” could be combined to the episode “user comparing A and B”. The creation of episodes is an abstraction process, which is performed using pre-authored rules expressing organizational knowledge (which perceptions should be combined) and domain knowledge (which higher-order action is inferred).

The personal journal’s main purpose is to provide the user with a higher-order means of accessing the system’s memories. In the course of an introspection the user may interact with episodes in varying ways, e.g., by assigning ratings in order to express a personal impression related to a situation, or by applying them in order to customize SPECTER’s user support.

4 Introspection of User Support

In our vision SPECTER observes and assists unobtru-sively the user during her daily life. User and system communicate by means of a mobile device, which pro-vides access not only to services offered by system and environment, but also to the personal memory. This way

the user may use spare time (e.g., during a ride with the

train) for an introspection of recent events at any place.

The user interface applied in this scenario relies in the first place on the so-called journal browser. This compo-nent lets the user query, browse and evaluate events and information mentioned there (see Figure 1). SPECTER’s support can be customized on a high level (services can be disabled, be configured to inform the user before execu-tion, etc.). Finally, by setting reminder points the user may indicate the need for an extensive introspection at an appropriate time (cf. Section 4.2). Due to resource restrictions in such a mobile setting this kind of introspection is somewhat limited. An exten-sive introspection can be performed on a desktop PC us-ing a so-called introspection environment . This environ-ment provides various ways of accessing and exploiting

the personal memory. Its main components are a virtual character, a presentation screen and the journal browser (see Figure 2, from the left to the right). In this environ-ment the user may choose between three modes of per-forming an introspection. The browser mode focuses the browser-like interface known from the mobile application. While the rich re-sources of the desktop environment (e.g., the large dis-play) allow the journal browser to provide a more concise interaction than on a PDA, this mode is nevertheless meant for experts. The user is on her own while navigat-ing through the personal journal, evaluating events, ex-ploring the ontology or modifying the user model. A menu bar on the top provides her with direct access to services related to the introspection process. These in-clude general services addressing the personal journal

(e.g., querying) and domain-specific services. An example from our shopping scenario is the option to list and evalu-ate recently made purchases. In the mixed mode the user has again access to the jour-nal browser, but is guided through the introspection by a virtual character. It offers services for the exploitation of

recorded memories such as retrieval of additional infor-mation about mentioned objects, and serves as the sys-tem’s “voice”. The latter aspect is important if the system has to acquire information proactively from the user, e.g.,

Figure 1: Example views of SPECTER’s journal browser: in the background a list of journal en-tries and in the foreground a rating view.

in order to adjust user support after a bad evaluation of a

system service. The character communicates by means of audio output, animated gestures and facial expressions. It may display additional information about objects men-tioned in the personal memory on the presentation screen, and uses interaction elements such as selection menus and buttons for interacting with the user. A group of control elements allows the user to influence the course of presen-tation, such as putting in a pause, changing the degree of detail, or omitting parts.

The character mode abstracts the most from the under-lying technology and aims at an entertaining introspection with little or no interaction from the user’s side. The basic idea is to let the character report about recent events. Thus the character appears in the middle of the screen and talks to the user in a conversational tone; components which require explicit user actions are omitted. Additional in-formation appears on the presentation screen if it is crucial to understand the character’s remarks.

The introspection process develops according to the chosen mode. Except of the browser mode in which the user interacts autonomously, an interactive presentation is planned at runtime. For realizing the planning and the character’s appearance and behavior we integrated the MIAU platform [Rist et al.,2003], which makes use of the BDI-Planer JAM [Huber, 1999]. Within this platform we modeled the SPECTER system and the character as two autonomous agents with their own planning processes. The system agent receives events from the environment such as user actions from the browser interface or percep-tions from sensors. With this input it plans the top-level behavior of the system such as the automated execution of services or the abstraction of perceptions to personal jour-nal entries. The planer of the system communicates with the character planer and sends instructions, e.g., to start the presentation in a particular mode or to suspend or re-sume the presentation. In return the character broadcasts its current state to the system.

The character possesses his own strategies to control the introspection process. These consist of general strate-gies which determine the structure of the presentation, and specific plans which realize tasks required for varying introspection modes. These plans take the current domain into account, e.g. “shopping” in our scenario.

On the basis of the scenario described in Section 2 we will now describe selected elements of a mixed mode in-trospection.

4.1 Summary of the Day

Let’s assume the user has started the introspection envi-ronment on the PC. She selects the mixed mode and thus character and journal browser appear. The character greets the user and–because it is already evening–he suggests to review the day. If the user agrees then the character offers a summary of events perceived during that time period. In order to avoid a boring read out of the underlying personal journal entries, the system analyses the personal journal according to domain-dependent plan strategies. It selects events which might be interesting for the user and com-bines coherent entries to groups which the character verbalizes. In our case he mentions that the user has surfed an Internet store and entered a consumer electronic store. Depending on the selected degree of detail the character also recalls the areas which the user visited in the store, such as the electronics area, music area and cash point area. The fact that the user picked several products from shelves is summarized in one sentence. Because the user is in the mixed interaction mode, events and their temporal context are displayed in the journal browser; in addition images of the visited products are shown on the presentation screen. Figure 2 illustrates such a

presentation action.

Figure 2: The introspection environment assists the user in reviewing personal memories and in exploiting

these for user support in an instrumented environment.

4.2 Reminder Points

Reminder points have a function comparable to book-marks in time. They mark situations the user wants to review during the introspection. When an introspection is performed on a PC, the system checks if reminder points exist which the user has not reviewed yet. In that case the system asks the user if she wants to inspect these events now. If she agrees then SPECTER steps through one re-minder point after the other. Each one is shown in its tem-poral context. Then the system tries to figure out which of the journal entries created in that context could have at-tracted the user’s interest, and offers services selected according to this entry’s content. In our example the user set a reminder point after a product comparison appeared. SPECTER guesses that the user wants to review this ac-tion and offers special services linked to the comparison such as showing it again on the larger screen, or acquiring product descriptions and customer reviews of the com-pared products from the Internet (on the implementation side, these services rely on web services provided by https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ba5430942.html,). In addition to these product-centered ser-vices the user can also select general services such as re-viewing or evaluating the events discovered in the re-minder point’s neighborhood.

4.3 Proactively Improving the User Model

While SPECTER supports the user even without explicit feedback, the quality of this support will usually increase if the system knows about the user’s personal opinion regarding the system’s behavior. Therefore SPECTER proactively asks for feedback in the form of negative or positive ratings of events created in response to system actions. Like most introspection actions such queries have an optional character. Thus the user is not obliged to pro-

vide feedback; she can postpone it to a more convenient time or dismiss the query at all.

In our scenario the user is willing to invest some time. Hereon she is asked to evaluate the appearance of the product comparison, which was automatically invoked by user-defined service binding rules. The user is provided with a list of journal entries making reference to the prod-uct comparison; each of these entries has attached a link to a rating form. In our example she rates the CD com-parison negative and the cellphone and PDA comparisons positive. Thereupon the system suggests to change the parameter setting for this service binding. It asks if the user wants to do this manually or if she whishes to hear an recommendation from the system. The recommendation method tries to eliminate the cause of negative rated sys-tem actions.

This method is realized as a system plan and depends on the type of the negative rated action. In the case of an automatic service execution the system tries to identify which parameter settings of the user-defined service bind-ing are rated as negative. With aid of the underlying on-tology it proposes alternative settings which reduce appli-cations of services in negative rated situations. Following our example, the user asks for the system’s advice. It sug-gests to specialize the parameter “products” from “general products” to “technical products”, because cellphones and PDAs are technical products and are rated positive whereas non-technical products as CDs are rated negative. The user accepts this recommendation and the system performs this modification of the user-defined service binding by itself.

4.4 Collaborative Critiquing the Service Binding

If the user is not confident with the system’s suggestions–or if she wants to set up a new service binding–she can proceed to a component explicitly designed for mapping situations to services. This component is described in de-tail in [Bauer and Baldes, 2005]; at this point we will only summarize its features and focus on its role within the introspection process.

The goal of this component is to provide a scrutable and easy-to-use interface that allows the user to interfere with complex machine-learning processes without the need to deal with the technical subtleties of feature selec-tion or data encoding. The central idea of our approach is to combine the system’s capability to deal with statistical relevance of a situation’s features with the user’s ability to name semantically meaningful concepts that can and should be used to describe her decision making.

The outcome of our ongoing efforts is a user interface, which provides several layers with varying complexity for combining services and situations. Especially relevant for the critiquing a situation’s features (and thus for configur-ing the execution of bound services) is the screen shown in Figure 3. There a list of features is presented to the user, which have been extracted using statistical methods from journal entries. The user may now criticize this set by deselecting features, or by navigating in the semantic neighborhood using a graphical interface to the underlying ontology. Thus in our example scenario the user might want to inform the system that the product comparison should only be applied in certain kinds of shops. A way to achieve this goal is to inspect the feature list and then to refine the shop’s features, e.g., by replacing the general

shop by a more specific class.

Figure 3: The user interface for critiquing fea-tures selected by the machine learning system

due to their statistically relevance.

5 Related Work

The work described in this contribution is related to sev-

eral research areas. Its central idea of creating and exploit-ing augmented personal memories is the subject of vari-

ous research efforts. For instance, an augmented memory

created from automatically captured photos and GPS data is described in [Gemmell et al., 2005]. An introspection-like process lets the user author presentations from these memories. The introspection of event histories is dis-cussed in [Horvitz et al., 2004]. There the user’s desktop communication is organized on a timeline according to learned memory landmarks. A kind of manual introspec-tion is described in [Ito et al., 2004], where visual pro-gramming allows the user to define personal memory viewers for analyzing action histories.

Situated user support as described in this article re-

quires an analysis of the user’s context. How such an

analysis can be performed by means of ontologies and inference is elaborated in [Chen et al., 2004]. A mecha-nism for deriving high-level contexts like in our approach from environmental events is discussed in [Tan et al., 2005]. Interesting for the fully automated optimization of user support is the approach described in [Castro and Muntz, 2000]. Here evidential reasoning techniques are applied in order to extract and infer useful context infor-mation from sensor data. Our contribution to this area is a collaborative process, in which aspects of such systems (such as ontologies, inference and machine learning) are combined in order to enable the user to inspect and adjust situated user support.

6 Conclusion and Outlook

We reported in this article about an approach to the con-

figuration of situated user support in pervasive computing environments. Based on an episodic memory created from automatically perceived user actions, we showed how in a collaborative introspection process system and user to-gether adjust bindings between situations and system ser-vices. This process involves methods such as reminder points for making notes of situations, an ontology-based analysis of elements referenced by situations, a guided tour through events perceived by the system, and finally a user interface for adjusting and critiquing a binding be-tween situations and system services.

In order to deal with context changes and with new ap-

plication scenarios this kind of introspection requires fur-ther research. Its evaluation is part of an ongoing study, in which various aspects of SPECTER are analyzed. Acknowledgements

This research was supported by the German Ministry of

Education and Research (BMBF) under grant 524-40001-

01 IW C03 (project SPECTER). We would like to thank the SPECTER project members for their great support. References

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