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英文经典阅读第1篇《How we read each other's minds》

英文经典阅读第1篇《How we read each other's minds》
英文经典阅读第1篇《How we read each other's minds》

Rebecca Saxe:How we read each other's minds

Today I'm going to talk to you about the problem of other minds.And the problem I'm going to talk about is not the familiar one from philosophy,which is,"How can we know whether other people have minds?"That is,maybe you have a mind,and everyone else is just a really convincing robot.So that's a problem in philosophy. But for today's purposes I'm going to assume that many people in this audience have a mind,and that I don't have to worry about this.

There is a second problem that is maybe even more familiar to us as parents and teachers and spouses,and novelists.Which is,"Why is it so hard to know what somebody else wants or believes?"Or perhaps,more relevantly,"Why is it so hard to change what somebody else wants or believes?"

I think novelists put this best.Like Philip Roth,who said,"And yet,what are we to do about this terribly significant business of other people?So ill equipped are we all,to envision one another's interior workings and invisible aims."So as a teacher, and as a spouse,this is,of course,a problem I confront every day.But as a scientist,I'm interested in a different problem of other minds,and that is the one I'm going to introduce to you today.And that problem is,"How is it so easy to know other minds?"

So to start with an illustration,you need almost no information,one snapshot of a stranger,to guess what this woman is thinking,or what this man is.And put another way,the crux of the problem is the machine that we use for thinking about other minds,our brain,is made up of pieces,brain cells,that we share with all other animals,with monkeys,and mice,and even sea slugs.And yet,you put them together in a particular network,and what you get is the capacity to write Romeo and Juliet.Or to say,as Alan Greenspan did,"I know you think you understand what you thought I said,but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."(Laughter)

So the job of my field of cognitive neuroscience is to stand with these ideas,one in each hand.And to try to understand how you can put together simple units, simple messages over space and time,in a network,and get this amazing human capacity to think about minds.So I'm going to tell you three things about this today.Obviously the whole project here is huge.And I'm going to tell you just our first few steps about the discovery of a special brain region for thinking about other people's thoughts.Some observations on the slow development of this system as we learn how to do this difficult job.And then finally,to show that some of the differences between people,in how we judge others,can be explained by differences in this brain system.

So first,the first thing I want to tell you is that there is a brain region in the human brain,in your brains,whose job it is to think about other people's thoughts. This is a picture of it.It's called the Right Temporo-Parietal Junction.It's above and behind your right ear.And this is the brain region you used when you saw the pictures I showed you,or when you read Romeo and Juliet,or when you tried to understand Alan Greenspan.And you don't use it for solving any other kinds of logical problems.So this brain region is called the RTPJ.And this picture shows the average activation in a group of what we call typical human adults.They're MIT undergraduates.(Laughter)

The second thing I want to say about this brain system is that although we human adults are really good at understanding other minds,we weren't always that way. It takes children a long time to break into the system.I'm going to show you a little bit of that long,extended process.The first thing I'm going to show you is a change between age three and five,as kids learn to understand that somebody else can have beliefs that are different from their own.So I'm going to show you a five-year-old who is getting a standard kind of puzzle that we call the false belief task.

Video:This is the first pirate.His name is Ivan.And you know what pirates really like?

Pirates really like cheese sandwiches.

Child:Cheese?I love cheese!

R.S.:Yeah.So Ivan has this cheese sandwich.and he says"Yum yum yum yum yum!

I really love cheese sandwiches."And Ivan puts his sandwich over here,on top of the pirate chest.And Ivan says,"You know what?I need a drink with my lunch." And so Ivan goes to get a drink.And while Ivan is away the wind comes,and it blows the sandwich down onto the grass.And now,here comes the other pirate. This pirate is called Joshua.And Joshua also really loves cheese sandwiches.So Joshua has a cheese sandwich and he says,"Yum yum yum yum yum!I love cheese sandwiches."And he puts his cheese sandwich over here on top of the pirate chest.

Child:So,that one is his.

R.S.:That one is Joshua's.That's right.

Child:And then his went on the ground.

R.S.:That's exactly right.

Child:So he won't know which one is his.

R.S.:Oh.So now Joshua goes off to get a drink.Ivan comes back and he says,"I want my cheese sandwich."So which one do you think Ivan is going to take? Child:I think he is going to take that one.

R.S.:Yeah,you think he's going to take that one?Alright.Let's see.Oh yeah,you were right.He took that one.

So that's a five-year-old who clearly understands that other people can have false beliefs and what the consequences are for their actions.Now I'm going to show you a three-year-old who got the same puzzle.

Video:R.S.:And Ivan says,"I want my cheese sandwich."Which sandwich is he going to take?Do you think he's going to take that one?Let's see what happens. Let's see what he does.Here comes Ivan.And he says,"I want my cheese sandwich."And he takes this one.Uh-oh.Why did he take that one?

Child:His was on the grass.

R.S.So the three-year-old does two things differently.First he predicts Ivan will take the sandwich that's really his.And second,when he sees Ivan taking the sandwich where he left his,where we would say he's taking that one because he thinks it's his,the three-year-old comes up with another explanation.He's not taking his own sandwich because he doesn't want it,because now it's dirty,on the ground.So that's why he's taking the other sandwich.Now of course, development doesn't end at five.And we can see the continuation of this process of learning to think about other people's thoughts by upping the ante and asking children now,not for an action prediction,but for a moral judgement.So first I'm going to show you the three-year-old again.

Video:R.S.:So is Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich? Child:Yeah.

R.S.:Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich?


R.S.:So it's maybe not surprising he thinks it was mean of Ivan to take Joshua's sandwich.Since he thinks Ivan only took Joshua's sandwich to avoid having to eat his own dirty sandwich.But now I'm going to show you the five-year-old.

Remember the five-year-old completely understood why Ivan took Joshua's sandwich.

Video:R.S.:Was Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich? Child:Um,yeah.

R.S.:And so,it is not until age seven that we get what looks more like an adult response.

Video:R.S.:Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich?

Child:No,because the wind should get in trouble.

R.S.He says the wind should get in trouble for switching the sandwiches. (Laughter)

And now what we've started to do in my lab is to put children into the brain scanner and ask what's going on in their brain as they develop this ability to think about other people's thoughts.So the first thing is that in children we see this same brain region,the RTPJ,being used while children are thinking about other people.But it's not quite like the adult brain.

So where as in the adults,as I told you,this brain region is almost completely specialized.It does almost nothing else,except for thinking about other people's thoughts.In children it's much less so,when they are age five to eight,the age range of the children I just showed you.And actually if we even look at eight to 11-year-olds,getting into early adolescence,they still don't have quite an adult-like brain region.And so,what we can see is that over the course of childhood and even into adolescence,both the cognitive system,our mind's ability to think about other minds,and the brain system that supports it,are continuing, slowly,to develop.

But of course,as you're probably aware,even in adulthood,people differ from one another in how good they are at thinking of other minds,how often they do it, and how accurately.And so what we wanted to know was,could differences among adults,in how they think about other people's thoughts be explained in terms of differences in this brain region.So the first thing that we did is we gave adults a version of the pirate problem that we gave to the kids.And I'm going to give that to you now.

So Grace and her friend are on a tour of a chemical factory and they take a break for coffee.And Grace's friend asks for some sugar in her coffee.Grace goes to make the coffee and finds by the coffee a pot containing a white powder,which is

sugar.But the powder is labeled"Deadly Poison".So Grace thinks that the powder is a deadly poison.And she puts it in her friend's coffee.And her friend drinks the coffee,and is fine.

How many people think it was morally permissible for Grace to put the powder in the coffee?Okay.Good.(Laughter)So we ask people how much should Grace be blamed in this case,which we call a failed attempt to harm.

And we can compare that to another case where everything in the real world is the same.The powder is still sugar,but what's different is what Grace thinks. Now she thinks the powder is sugar.And perhaps unsurprisingly,if Grace thinks the powder is sugar and puts it in her friend's coffee,people say she deserves no blame at all.Whereas if she thinks the powder was poison,even though it's really sugar,now people say she deserves a lot of blame,even though what happened in the real world was exactly the same.

And in fact they say she deserves more blame in this case,the failed attempt to harm,than in another case,which we call an accident.Where Grace thought the powder was sugar,because it was labeled"sugar"and by the coffee machine,but actually the powder was poison.So even though when the powder was poison,the friend drank the coffee and died,people say Grace deserves less blame in that case,when she innocently thought it was sugar,than in the other case,where she thought it was poison,and no harm occurred.

People,though,disagree a little bit about exactly how much blame Grace should get in the accident case.Some people think she should deserve more blame,and other people less.And what I'm going to show you is what happened when we look inside the brains of people while they're making that judgment.So what I'm showing you,from left to right,is how much activity there was in this brain region. and from top to bottom,how much blame people said that Grace deserved.

And what you can see is,on the left when there as very little activity in this brain region,people paid little attention to her innocent belief and said she deserved a lot of blame for the accident.Whereas,on the right,where there was a lot of activity,people payed a lot more attention to her innocent belief,and said she deserved a lot less blame for causing the accident.

So that's good,but of course what we'd rather is have a way to interfere with function in this brain region,and see if we could change people's moral judgment. And we do have such a tool.It's called Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation,or TMS.This is a tool that lets us pass a magnetic pulse through somebody's skull, into a small region of their brain,and temporarily disorganize the function of the neurons in that region.

So I'm going to show you a demo of this.First I'm going to show you,to show you that this is a magnetic pulse,I'm going to show you what happens when you put a quarter on the machine.When you hear clicks we're turning the machine on.So now I'm going to apply that same pulse to my brain,to the part of my brain that controls my hand.So there is not physical force,just a magnetic pulse.

Video:Woman:Ready?Rebecca Saxe:Yes.

Okay,so it causes a small involuntary contraction in my hand by putting a magnetic pulse in my brain.And we can use that same pulse,now applied to the RTPJ,to ask if we can change people's moral judgments.So these are the judgments I showed you before,people's normal moral judgments.And then we can apply TMS to the RTPJ and ask how people's judgments change.And the first thing is,people can still do this task overall.

So their judgments of the case when everything was fine remain the same.They say she deserves no blame.But in the case of a failed attempt to harm,where Grace thought that it was poison,although it was really sugar,people now say it was more okay,she deserves less blame for putting the powder in the coffee. And in the case of the accident,where she thought that it was sugar,but it was really poison and so she caused a death,people say that it was less okay,she deserves more blame.So what I've told you today is that people come,actually, especially well equipped to think about other people's thoughts.

We have a special brain system that lets us think about what other people are thinking.This system takes a long time to develop,slowly throughout the course of childhood,and into early adolescence.And even in adulthood,differences in this brain region can explain differences among adults in how we think about and judge other people.

But I want to give the last word back to the novelists.And to Philip Roth,who ended by saying,"The fact remains that getting people right is not what living is all about anyway.It's getting them wrong that is living.Getting them wrong and wrong and wrong,and then on careful reconsideration,getting them wrong again." Thank you.(Applause)

Chris Anderson:When you start talking about using magnetic pulses to change people's moral judgments,that sounds alarming.(Laughter)Please tell me that you're not taking phone calls from the Pentagon,say.

Rebecca Saxe:I'm not.I mean,they're calling,but I'm not taking the call. (Laughter)

C.A.:They really are calling?So,then seriously,then seriously,you must lie awake at night sometimes wondering where this work leads.I mean you're clearly an incredible human being.But someone could take this knowledge and in some future not torture chamber,do acts that people here might be worried about.

R.S.:Yeah,we worry about this.So,there is a couple of things to say about TMS. One is that you can't be TMSed with out knowing it.So it's not a surreptitious technology.It's quite hard actually to get those very small changes.The changes I showed you are impressive to me because of what they tell us about the function of the brain.But they're small on the scale of the moral judgments that we actually make.

And what we changed was not people's moral judgments when they're deciding what to do,when they're making action choices.We change their ability to judge other people's actions.And so I think of what I'm doing not so much as studying the defendant in a criminal trial,but studying the jury.

C.A.:Is your work going to lead to any recommendations in education,to perhaps bring up a generation of kids able to make fairer moral judgments?

R.S.:That's one of the idealistic hopes.The whole research program here,of studying the distinctive parts of the human brain,is brand new.Until recently what we knew about the brain were the things that any other animal's brain could do too.So we could study it in animal models.We knew how brains see,and how they control the body,and how they hear and sense.And the whole project of understanding how brains do the uniquely human things,learn language,and abstract concepts,and thinking about other people's thoughts,that's brand new. And we don't know yet,what the implications will be of understanding it.

C.A.:So I've got one last question.There is this thing called the hard problem of consciousness,that puzzles a lot of people.The notion that you can understand why a brain works,perhaps.But why does anyone have to feel anything?Why does it seem to require these beings who sense things for us to operate?You're a brilliant young neuroscientist.I mean,what chances do you think there are that at some time in your career someone,you or someone else,is going to come up with some paradigm shift in understanding what seems an impossible problem.

R.S.:I hope they do.And I think they probably won't.


R.S.:It's not called the hard problem of consciousness for nothing.(Laughter) C.A.:That's a great answer.Rebecca Saxe,thank you very much.That was





































发这种能力去思考别人的想法所以第一个我们我们发现在相同的大脑区域,即RTPJ 区域孩子们在思考别人时候使用到了它但这又和成人的不太一样



























真精彩的回答。Rebecca Saxe谢谢你,非常的精彩(掌声)


一窗山海的阅读理解题答案_阅读理解题及答案 ①人的生活目标,往往决定他对风景的看法。 ②然而人人看法有异。就如有朋友说,山海只是属于假期的,是一种遥远的风景。 ③还有些朋友,当看到某些挂历上的遥远之处,就会向往住在那里的人们,说他们幸福,能世世代代拥有好空气、天然的水、无污 的宽阔土地,还有真实又自然的食物。但假如那时真有一位能神给 予法力让他眨一下眼就梦境成真,我打赌他眼睫毛都不敢动一下。 并非风景遥远,而是,向往只不过是都市人一种用来松弛身心的精 神瑜珈,尤其在冷气房里,在场面撑得十分疲倦的会议之后,在周 末下着狂风暴雨的窗外,心里有点毫无着落的感觉涌来,那种都市 人常有的习惯性风景幻想,就会变成虚拟场面。 ④我想,对于风景我是绝对执著的。风景的虚实其实都在于那个人自己的感受。有些人不满15岁就向自己许下承诺,非要在众目睽 睽之下干出一番事业闪烁峥嵘不可。这么美好的理想也真叫人动容,只可惜35岁之后再去找回这些人.就知道周而复始的不过是黄粱影子。 ⑤也有人,或许很早就向往另端无边的宽阔,这有时也许会让我们看到一些早熟的诗人或灵气浪漫的画家。可惜预告片虽多,真正 上演的机会甚少;有也是快上快下,大浪冲几回,社会出入口处只有 整齐的队形。 ⑥现实就是如此。当人开始意识到自己该重新衡量环境的选择时,身边的种种现实,早已架构成层层阻碍。况且,人一出世就有许多 等着接收的附赠品,宗室籍贯、文化背景,以及许多不能脱身的责 任与承诺,通常都是在人还没有能力为自己编剧之前就纷纷而至的。戏演下来,就给自己无法离场的借口,除非大限突至。就算年轻人 向往翅膀,年幼少小也无可奈何,只得渐渐投入现实,不久也就同 而化之。什么当年看法,什么第三种角度,统统置于脑海底层,要


一年级阅读短文练习 (一) 冬姑娘来到公园。她看到许多许多的人,有的在滑雪,有的在滑冰,有的在打雪仗、堆雪人,写诗、画画、拍照留影。他们都被美丽的风景迷住了。 1、这段短文共有()句话。第二句中写的活动有、 、、、、、。 2、这段话描写的是季节。 (二) 我家院子里有一棵古老而又高又大的枣树。春天,枣树上开满了浅黄色的枣花。夏天,花落了,枣树上结满了小青枣。到了秋天, 小青枣慢慢地变了, 变成了红红的大枣。这时,树上好 像挂满了圆圆的小灯笼。 1、读短文,找出合适的词填在括号里。 ()的枣树()的枣花 ()的大枣()的小灯笼

2、文中“小灯笼”指的是。 3、想想枣树在不同季节的变化,再填空。 春天,枣树上。 夏天,枣树上。 秋天,枣树上。 (三) 小鸡们跟着老母鸡跑,就像许多小球在地上滚一样。它们跟着妈妈学着找食物,小小的嘴到处啄(zhuó),有时,就在伙伴们的头上、腿上啄。冷了,老母鸡张开翅膀,那些小鸡就连忙躲到妈妈肚子底下暖和暖和。这些小鸡真可爱。 1、这篇短文共有()句话。 2、短文里写了和。 3、小鸡们冷了,就会。 (四) 放学了,满天都是乌云,就快下雨了。小红和明明来到学校给学校老师送雨伞和雨鞋。传达室的老爷爷看见他们这么懂事, 高兴地笑了。 1、这篇短文有()句话。

2、天就快下雨了,和给老师送伞和雨鞋。 (五) 天亮了,鸟儿醒了,叽叽喳喳地唱着:“露珠儿,晶晶亮。好像小珍珠,挂在小草上。”太阳听见了,说:“露珠是什么样?让我看看。”太阳睁大眼睛对着小草使劲儿看,可是什么也没看见。 太阳呆住了,“咦,露珠儿呢,哪儿去了?” 1、天亮了,醒了,叽叽喳喳唱着歌。 2、露珠儿,晶晶亮,好像挂在小草上。 3、露珠为什么不见了,是因为() A、太阳出来了。B、露珠掉在地上了。 (一) 春天,阳光灿烂,田野里百花盛开。白的梨花,粉红的桃花,还有金黄的油菜花,散发出一阵阵浓浓的香味。 1、短文共有句话,写的是季节的景象。 2、春天有灿烂的;田野里,散发出浓浓的。 3、用“——”画出文中表示颜色的词。 4、春天,、、都开花了。除了这些,还有许多春天开的花,它们是、、


一、阅读《简爱》中的一段文字,回答文后的问题。(共5分) 为什么我总是受苦,总是遭人白眼,总是让人告状,永远受到责备呢?为什么我永远不能讨人喜欢?为什么我尽力博取欢心,却依然无济于事呢?伊丽莎自私任性,却受到尊敬;乔治亚娜好使性子,心肠又毒,而且强词夺理目空一切,偏偏得到所有人的纵容。她的美貌,她红润的面颊,金色的卷发,使得她人见人爱,一俊便可遮百丑。至于约翰,没有人同他顶撞,更不用说教训他了,虽然他什么坏事都干:捻断鸽子的头颈,弄死小孔雀,放狗去咬羊,采摘温室中的葡萄,掐断暖房上等花木的嫩芽。有时还叫他母亲“老姑娘”,又因为她皮肤黝黑像他自己而破口大骂。他蛮横地与母亲作对,经常撕毁她的丝绸服装,而他却依然是“她的宝贝蛋”。而我不敢有丝毫闪失,干什么都全力以赴,人家还是骂我淘气鬼,讨厌坯,骂我阴丝丝,贼溜溜,从早上骂到下午,从下午骂到晚上。 1.这段文字表现了简爱怎样的性格特点?(3分) 2.这段文字运用什么描写手法?说说这样写的好处。(2分) 1.这段文字表现了简爱追求平等、善于思考、敢于反抗的性格特点。 2.这段文字运用了心理描写的方法,表现主人公的性格特点,抒发主人公强烈的思想感情,具有较强的感染力。 二、“你以为我贫穷,相貌平平就没有感情吗?我向你起誓,如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你难于离开我,就象我现在难于离开你一样。可是上帝没有这样安排。但我们的精神是平等的。就如你我走过坟墓,平等的站在上帝面前。”这是简爱与罗彻斯特对话中精彩的一部分,从中你能看出简爱怎样的性格和追求? 她勇敢地追求爱情、幸福、平等的地位和女性的尊严。追求精神上的自由、平等,扞卫自己的独立和尊严。 三、阅读下面的一段文字,按要求回答问题。(6分) 离开桑菲尔德我感到痛苦,我爱桑菲尔德;一一我爱它,因为我在那里过着丰富、愉快


阅读回答问题专项训练(一) A What can you do when someone hurts you Most people may be angry or even fight with the one who hurts him or her. But it’s not a good idea. The best way is to forgive them. Although it is not easy for us to forgive people who hurt us, it is possible, “forgiveness makes you hopeful. And it is good for our health,” says Fredric, Ph. D. the writer of the book called Forgive for God. But how can we forgive others First, think of something beautiful and try to get yourself happy. Second, don't wait for others to say sorry to you. If the people hurt you, he or she won’t say sorry to you. They may just want to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way. Third, try to see things in others' shoes. You can write a letter to yourself from the offender's point. That can make you understand others better and make yourself happier. At last, don’t forget to forgive yourself. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge. And it also makes you more confident. 71. When someone hurts you, what should you do ) 72. How many ideas does the writer give us to forgive others who hurt you 73. Translate the underlined sentence “try to see things in others' shoes”. B In many countries, it is still common to see the whole family cooking together. You will find parents, their children's grandparents in the same kitchen at the same cooking as a family. They talk with each others are fun and make a great meal at the same time. However, a lot of families are too busy nowadays to spend this time together. In fact, it is very important to find some time to cook together. Even if it is just once a month, whenever it is possible, cooking as a family should be done. Family members rarely get a chance to connect with each other as a family, and cooking together can change that. It can also foster an interest in different types of foods, such as healthy food like vegetables and fruits. Having children cook with their family in the kitchen also makes them more confident. They can feel like they are doing something important by meeting the needs of their family. It is also more likely that the family will eat dinner together if they prepare it together. Cooking as a family will also help members understand family values. Cooking together is sure to bring the family happiness and make them close. (


英语阅读理解专项习题及答案解析及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Every day I see advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses claiming that it is easy and quick to learn English. There is even a reference to William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage learners even more. When I see advertisements like this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. But many people must believe these ridiculous claims, or else the advertisements would not appear. Of course it is clear that students who go to England to learn English have a great advantage over others, but too many cannot afford to do so. Some go to the opposite extreme and think they can teach themselves at home with dictionaries. But it is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language, let alone produces good pronunciation and intonation. Most teaching is still based on behaviorist psychology. Behaviorists are fond of making students repeat phrases and making sentences. If we were parrots or chimpanzees, these methods might be successful. A large number of theorists seem to think it is a pity we aren't, because it would make it easier to use their methods. In my personal opinion, no one can ever learn to speak English or any other language unless he is interested in it. Human beings, unlike parrots and chimpanzees, do not like making noises unless they understand what the noises mean and can relate them to their own lives. It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication. What they listen to and read cannot be a formula. It must be real. There is another relevant point worth mentioning here. We need other people to talk to and listen to when we communicate. They can work with us and practice the unfamiliar forms with us in real situations, talking to each other about real life language. (1)Many people believe advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses probably because . A. they are encouraged by William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens B. they are eager to learn and then believe them C. the ways advertised can help them to save time and efforts D. the ways advertised prove effective and helpful (2)What may behaviorists argue towards English learning? A. Human beings make more interesting noises than parrots and chimpanzees. B. Human beings should relate their speech to their own lives. C. Language is a formula with lots of repetitions and practices. D. Language is a means of communication. (3)What opinion does the author hold? A. A quick method that suits all the students does exist. B. English can be mastered within a very short period of time. C. Each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language. D. No one can learn English well without being interested in it.


【阅读理解】三年级语文阅读理解精选及答案1.五华山 春天的山是绿色的,那绿色淡淡的,许多树叶刚冒出芽来,还带着嫩嫩的黄色呢。 夏天的山也是绿色的,那绿色浓浓的,一片片树叶,不管是大的还是小的,都像被绿油彩涂过,连雨点落上去,都给染绿了。 秋天的山不再是一种颜色了。下过一场秋霜,有的树林变成了金黄色,好像所有的阳光都集中到那儿去了;有的树林变成了杏黄色,远远望去,就像枝头挂满了熟透的杏和梨;有的树林变成了火红色,风一吹,树林跳起舞来,就像一簇簇火苗在跳跃;还有的树林变处紫红紫红,跟剧场里的紫绒幕布的颜色一样。只有松柏秋霜,针一样的叶子还是那么翠绿。 秋天的山一片金黄,一片火红,一片翠绿……人们给这五颜六色的山起了个好听的名字,叫“五花山”。……” 1、这篇短文共写了______、______、______三个季节时候的山,重点写了______季的山的景色。(4分) 2、秋天的山有______、______、______等颜色。(3分) 3、有~~~~~~~~~画出第四自然段中的比喻句。(3分) 参考答案: 1、春夏秋秋 2、金黄、杏黄、火红色 3、“下过一场秋霜……就像一簇簇火苗在跳跃”。 2. 阅读感知,回答问题。

夏天,树木长得葱葱茏茏,密密层层的枝叶把森林封得严严实实的,挡住了人们的视线,遮住了蓝蓝的天。早晨,雾从山谷里升起来,整个山林浸在乳白色的浓雾里。太阳出来了,千万缕向箭一样的金光,穿过树梢,照射在工人宿舍门前的草地上。草地上盛开着各种各样的野花,红的、黄的、白的、紫的、真象个美丽的大花坛。……” 1、这是一段写小兴安岭——————的景色。 2、这一段共有—————句话。先写—————,接着描绘————,然后描写———,最后写————。 3、这一段话有二个比喻句。一句把————比作————,另一句把————比作———。 参考答案: 1、夏天美丽 2、四树木茂盛早上的雾太阳草地上的花 3、阳光比作箭草地比作成大花坛 3. 三个和尚(shàng) 传说古时候,一个活泼伶俐(línglì)的小和尚来到山上的一座庙(miào)里。开始,他勤快地挑水,不但自己够喝,还往菩萨(pú sà)手中的净瓶里灌水,净瓶里的柳枝活了。不久,来了一个瘦和尚。他与小和尚为了喝水和挑水的问题发生了争执(zhí),谁也不愿意吃亏(kuī),于是,两人商量一起抬水。后来,又来了一个胖和尚。三个和尚都要喝水,但都不愿意多挑水。没过两天水缸露底了。净瓶里的柳枝也因没水而开始枯萎(wěi)了。 一天夜里,三个和尚都在打盹(dǔn)的时候,一根正在燃烧的蜡烛掉在香案上,小庙起火了。危机之中,三个和尚争先恐后地挑水救火,一场大火很快被扑灭了。 大火过后,三个和尚似乎明白了什么。从此,水缸里的水又满了,三个和尚高高兴兴地捧着大碗喝水,净瓶里的柳枝又恢(huī)复了生机。……”


中考语文之名著阅读专题 《简·爱》 夏洛蒂·勃朗特(英国) 一、内容简要 简·爱是个孤女,出生于一个穷牧师家庭。父母由于染上伤寒,在一个月之中相继去世。幼小的简寄养在舅父母家里。舅父里德先生去世后,简过了10年受尽歧视和虐待的生活。一次,由于反抗表哥的殴打,简被关进了红房子。肉体上的痛苦和心灵上的屈辱和恐惧,使她大病了一场。 舅母把她视作眼中钉,并把她和自己的孩子隔离开来,从此,她与舅母的对抗更加公开和坚决了。以后,简被送进了罗沃德孤儿院。 孤儿院教规严厉,生活艰苦,院长是个冷酷的伪君子。简在孤儿院继续受到精神和肉体上的摧残。由于恶劣的生活条件,孤儿院经常有孩子病死。简毕业后留校任教两年,这时,她的好友海伦患肺病去世。简厌倦了孤儿院里的生活,登广告谋求家庭教师的职业。 桑恩费尔德庄园的女管家聘用了她。庄园的男主人罗契斯特经常在外旅行,偌大的宅第只有一个不到10岁的女孩阿戴列·瓦朗,罗契斯特是她的保护人,她就是简的学生。 一天黄昏,简外出散步,邂逅刚从国外归来的主人,这是他们第一次见面。以后她发现她的主人是个性格忧郁、喜怒无常的人,对她的态度时好时坏。整幢房子沉郁空旷,有时还会听到一种令人毛骨悚然的奇怪笑声。 一天,简在睡梦中被这种笑声惊醒,发现罗契斯待的房间着了火,简叫醒他并帮助他扑灭了火。 罗契斯特回来后经常举行家宴。在一次家宴上向一位名叫布兰契的漂亮小姐大献殷勤,简被召进客厅,却受到布兰契母女的冷遇,她忍受屈辱,离开客厅。此时,她已经爱上了罗契斯特。其实罗契斯特也已爱上简,他只是想试探简对自己的爱情。当他向简求婚时,简答应了他。 婚礼前夜,简在朦胧中看到一个面目可憎的女人在镜前披戴她的婚纱。 第二天,当婚礼在教堂悄然进行时,突然有人出证:罗契斯特先生15年前已经结婚。他的妻子原来就是那个被关在三楼密室里的疯女人。法律阻碍了他们的爱情,使两人陷入深深的痛苦之中。在一个凄风苦雨之夜,简离开了罗契斯特。在寻找新的生活出路的途中,简风餐露宿,沿途乞讨,历尽唇难,最后在泽地房被牧师圣·约翰收留,并在当地一所小学校任教。 不久,简得知叔父去世并给她留下一笔遗产,同时还发现圣·约翰是她的表兄,简决定将财产平分。圣·约翰是个狂热的教徒,打算去印度传教。他请求简嫁给他并和他同去印度。简拒绝了他,决定回到罗契斯特身边。 她回到桑恩费尔德庄园,那座宅子已成废墟,疯女人放火后坠楼身亡,罗契斯特也受伤致残。简找到他并和他结了婚,得到了自己理想的幸福生活。 二、人物、特征和小说的特色 《简·爱》的独特之处不仅在于小说的真实性和强烈的感染力,还在于小说塑造了一个不屈于世俗压力,独立自主,积极进取的女性形象。小说中简·爱对罗切斯特的爱情故事,生动地展现了的那火一样的热情和赤诚的心灵,强烈地透露出她的爱情观。她蔑视权贵的骄横,嘲笑他们的愚蠢,显示出自强自立的人格和美好的理想。她大胆地爱自己所爱,然而当她发现自己所爱之人还有妻子的时候,又毅然离开她所留恋的人和地方。小说表达出的思想,即妇女不甘于社会指定她们的地位而要求在工作上以至婚姻上独立平等的思想,在当时不同凡响,对英国文坛也是一大震动。小说的虚构结尾,描写简爱获得一笔遗产,回到孤独无助的罗切斯特身边。这一情节虽然值得推敲,但是它显露出作者的理想—女性在经济、社会地位以及家庭中的独立平等以及对爱情的忠贞不移。 在写作风格上,夏洛蒂也独树一帜。她文笔简洁而传神,质朴而生动,加之第一人称的叙述语言,使得小说贴近读者,贴近现实。同时,小说又体现了欧洲浪漫主义文学传统的特点,显示出作者丰富的想象力和诗人的气质。作者在叙述中自然地使用了梦境、幻觉、预感和象征、隐喻等手法,使小说的“自然”境界扑朔朦胧,情节扣人心弦。


Passage 1 Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening. One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own. Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the countr y. If one likes garden, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of Nature. Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night. 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city. B. All the people who work in London prefer to live in the country. C. Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London. D. Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside. 2. With the same money needed for ________, one can buy a little house with a garden in the country. A. getting a small flat with a garden B. having a small flat with a garden C. renting a small flat without a garden D. buying a small flat without a garden 3. When the garden is in blossom, the one ________ has been rewarded. A. living in the country B. having spent time working in the garden. C. having a garden of his own. D. having been digging, planting and watering 4. People who think happiness lies in the city life would feel that ________ if they had to live outside London. A. their life was meaningless B. their life was invaluable C. they didn’t deserve a happy life D. they were not worthy of their happy life 5. The underlined phrase “get away from” in the 3rd paragraph refers to ________. A. deal with B. do away with C. escape from D. prevent from 很多在伦敦工作的人喜欢住在伦敦郊外,然后每天乘火车、汽车和公交车去上班或上学。这也就意味着他们不得不早出晚归。

阅读短文回答问题 学案

阅读短文回答问题学案 2014.4.3 一、阅读下列小文段,根据问题和文段内容回答问题。 (要求在题干上划出关键词,在文章中划出答题依据) 1. Camping in your backyard is full of fun, whatever your age. It's great for keeping us relaxed. It offers chances to check the night sky and to be noisier than usual. It lets us have friends over to stay who might not fit inside the house! (2013 年中考) 64. Is camping in the backyard great fun? ———————————————————————— 2. Music, like language, is a special human form of communication. Also like language, there are many different kinds. In North America, people listen to jazz, rock, classical, folk, country, and many other kinds of music.(2013年昌平二模) 66.Is music all over the world different or the same? 3. Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefight. they jump from planes into areas that difficult to reach by car or on foot. they race to put out fires as fast as they can.(2012年中考) 64. What are Smokejumpers? —————————————————————————— 65. Where do the jump from? ———————————————————————————— 4. You do not always need to have new things .Suppose your sneakers have broken , hut they still fit you . Repair them and wear them longer. You don’t have to have the latest iPhone until the old one doesn’t work any more. Then you can get anew one .Think twice before replacing that still works(2011年中考) 67. When do we need to get a new iPhone ? ———————————————————————————— 5. In 2007, people in China paid much attention to a big problem. People were throwing away 27 million plastic bags a day! People had “Bye-Bye Throwaway Culture Week.”They wanted everyone to see how polluted it was to throw away so many plastic bags. In 2008, China passed new laws against them. 78. Why did Chinese people have “Bye-Bye Throwaway Culture Week”? ———————————————————————————— 6. Make memories. Plan some activities. You're camping in the backyard, so it's time to make the most of being outdoors. Have a camera nearby to take silly photos of you, your family members, and your friends. Take one large group shot with everyone smiling and laughing. Be sure to make copies for everyone!(2013中考) 67.How do we make memories?


八年级(上)期末《简·爱》复习资料 《简· (一)主要人物 (二)故事梗概 她们的影响。不久,海伦死于肺病,使简爱深受打击。 并与之相爱。他们抛开地位、财富和世俗观念的阻碍,决定举行婚礼。但在婚礼上,不速之客的闯入,揭开了罗切斯特先生已有妻子的秘密。 原来,罗切斯特先生的妻子是一个疯女人,被关在庄园的阁楼里,之前发生在庄园的一系列神秘、恐怖的事件都由她制造。罗切斯特根本不爱这位妻子,他极度渴望与自己爱的人简爱生活在一起,因而向简爱隐瞒了这一事实。 简爱拒绝了做罗切斯特情妇的请求,悲伤地离开桑菲尔德。在饥寒交迫的流浪中, 成为一名乡村教师。随后,简爱意外地继承了叔父留给她的遗产,并在得知圣约翰兄妹是自己亲人后,与他们平分了财产。 简爱拒绝了表兄圣约翰的求婚,回到桑菲尔德看望罗切斯特先生。此时她才知道桑菲尔德因为一场大火而成为废墟,罗切斯特先生受伤成为残疾,他的疯妻子在大火中死去。 简爱赶到罗切斯特先生隐居的农场,向他表白了自己的感情,他们终于结为夫妻。 (三)章节概要: 故事地点:舅母里德太太家 主要人物:里德太太(冷酷凶狠的舅妈)白希(给简爱以关爱的女佣人) 本节梗概:简·爱在出生不久便父母双亡,舅舅收养了她,但不久舅舅也亡故了。舅妈一直视简爱为沉重的负担,并极其讨厌她的一举一动。于是,在舅妈家度过的童年时期,简爱遭受了巨大的磨难,辱骂甚至殴打。 最终,在十岁那年,她被送到了洛伍德慈善学校。 经典片段:1.约翰·里德的蛮横,他姐妹的傲慢,他母亲对我的憎恶,佣人们的偏心,这一切在我不平静的心里,就像一口污井里的沉渣一样翻腾起来。 【这是简爱被关在红屋子里的一段心理描写。表现了她的委屈和愤怒,以及对平等、有尊严生活的 渴望】 章节思考题:1.请简要概述简爱在里德太太家的遭遇。 【寄人篱下、备受欺侮、孤苦无依,时常遭受责打】 2.简爱为什么被关进红屋子?在这里她受到什么样的惩罚? 【和表哥打架;她被锁在这充满恐怖的红屋子里,寒冷、恐惧地度过了一天一夜。】


阅读理解测试题及答案 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解训练 1.阅读下文,回答问题 我有一大把彩色的梦, 有的长,有的圆,有的硬。 他们躺在铅笔盒里聊天, 一打开,就在白纸上跳蹦。 脚尖滑过的地方, 大块的草坪,绿了; 大朵的野花,红了; 大片的天空,蓝了, 蓝——得——透——明! (1)短文共有________个小节。 (2)用“有的……有的……有的……”写一句话。 (3)在文中找出表示颜色的词语写下来。 (4)你的梦想是什么?想一想,写一写。 【答案】(1)2 (2)下课了,同学们有的在跳绳、有的在做游戏、有的在玩捉迷藏,可开心了。 (3)绿,红,蓝 (4)我的梦想是长大以后当老师,可以掌握更多的知识。 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 有趣(qù)的动物语言 狗看到主人,总是不停地摇尾巴,这是在说:“这就是我。”狗用尾巴当扇子,将自己身上的气味传向四方,让主人闻到。狗犯了错误(wù),总是夹紧尾巴,防止身上的气味传出。 猫和主人亲热时,常用脑袋在主人腿上来回摩(mó)擦,这是在说:“我爱主人。”猫摩擦时会将一种香味留在主人身上。邻居的猫闻到这种气味便会识趣地走开。 一只狼追一只小兔,眼看就要到嘴。突然,它伤心地离去。原来,它从小兔身上闻到了其他狼留下的气味,好像听到同伴在说:“小兔是从我嘴(zuǐ)里逃走的。”凶残(cán)的狼从不抢同伴的食物。 (1)短文介绍了________、________和________三种动物的语言。 (2)想一想,它们在说什么? 例:狗夹紧尾巴,好像在说:“主人,我错了,我下次再也不敢了。” ①猫用脑袋在主人腿上摩擦,好像在说:“________”。 ②狗在吃食物时,看见另一只狗走来,狗竖起尾巴,好像在说:“________”。 (3)狼为什么不追小兔?在文中用“________”画出相应的句子。


天堂里的老师 他是我分管的病人当中比较坚强的一位。他不像有的癌症患者,以绝望、恐惧的态度对待疾病。他很平静,很配合治疗,而且相当用功,一直坚持自学大学课程。他叫阿明,19岁,某师范大学二年级学生,血癌。 由于多次化疗,这个19岁男孩的头发已全部掉光,脸色苍白如纸,只有一双大眼炯炯有神地闪着不屈的青春之光。入院时130斤的体重只剩下90多斤,同时,也打碎了他的教师梦。他写了这样的诗句: 鸟儿衔走所有快乐的音符 风儿吹走描绘明天的彩笔 只留下苍白的影子在风中悲泣 心中的太阳陨落在无歌的冬季 在阿明的隔壁病房,住着一个7岁的小男孩冬冬。不做治疗时,阿明常去给冬冬讲故事,辅导作业,有时还教几个外语单词。病房里的沉寂和生命走近终点时的压抑因为有了冬冬那清脆的笑声而变得活力四射。阿明成了冬冬的编外老师。 那天上午查房,阿明突然问我:“医生,我还能活多久?”我故作轻松地说:“起码要活100年,好好过你的瘾。”他却盯着我的眼睛:“我想知道实情。”我躲开他那探询的目光,说:“好好做治疗。”便匆匆逃出病房,心理却非常清楚,这两条鲜活的生命难熬过这个漫长的冬天。 第二天上午,推开病房的门,阿明正在教冬冬写毛笔字,一笔一画,一撇一捺,那么认真那么从容。阳光从窗外射进来,仿佛一道灿烂绝伦的光环笼罩他们。生命被抛至如此绝境,他们却用自己的方式顽强地抗拒着,不向命运低头。还有比这更令人心动的情景吗? 没过多久,冬冬死了,弥留时冬冬拉着阿明的手:“我要上学。” 一连几天,阿明没再走出病房,只是闷着看书。我担心冬冬的死会影响他的情绪,便劝他保重身体。他却一把抓住我的手:“医生,我知道我自己活不了多久了,本想等大学毕业后当一名教师,现在看来已经来不及了。病房晚上10点熄灯太早,您能不能再给我亮一个小时的灯?还剩最后一册我就学完了全部课程。” “不行,那样违反规定。再说,你学了,也没有用。”我有点残忍地拒绝着。 “不!”他用极神圣的语气告诉我,“学完了全部课程,即使到了天堂,我也要当一名教师,去教像冬冬那样不幸夭折的没有机会上学的孩子。”我被他深深地打动了,含着泪花破例答应了他的请求。 每晚到了10点,病房统一熄灯后,只有阿明的房间灯还亮着。那闪烁的灯光像一面旗帜在向人们昭示:生命也许很脆弱,生命又真的很顽强。 三个月后,阿明死了,死的很安详。我想:“他一定去了天堂,他会是天堂里最好的老师。”


阅读理解答题技巧模板 1,如何找文章的中心句? 文章的中心句就是能揭示文章中心思想的句子。捕捉文章的中心句,首先要熟读文章,理解文章内容,再找出能揭示文章中心的句子。其次,是要掌握文章中心句子的特点。那么如何找中心句呢?一般在开篇,或结尾,一般是议论性总结性的句子。 1)从题目去找。题目是文章的眼睛,往往有的题目就是中心句。 2)从总起句去找。文章开头的总起句,一般都揭示了全文内容,所以就是中心句。 3)从结尾上去找。有些文章的结尾,往往总结全文,点明中心。 4)从反复句上去找。有的文章为了突出某种意思,并给读者留下深刻的印象,往往反复出现同一个句子,它就是中心句。 2.如何概括文章内容? 1)此文记叙了(描写了、说明了)……的故事(事迹、经过、事件、景物)。即谁做了什么。 2)表现了(赞美了、揭示了、讽刺了、反映了、歌颂了、揭露了、批判了)……。 3)抒发了作者的……的感情。 3.如何为文章拟标题。 (1)核心人物(2)核心事物(3)核心事件(4)作者情感或者中心 4,某句(段)话在文中有什么作用? 至少要写出它在文章里的字面意思(表面意思)和表达出来的思想感情或深刻道理(内在意思)。 常用的作用有:渲染气氛、烘托人物形象(或人物感情)、点明中心(揭示主旨)、突出主题(深化中心) 答题模式(主要从结构上) 1.文首:开篇点题;照应题目;总领全文;渲染气氛,埋下伏笔;设置悬念,为下文作辅垫;引起下文;点题。 2. 文中:承上启下(过渡);总领下文;总结上文;呼应前文;推动情节发展。 3. 文末:点明中心;升华中心;总结全文;升华感情;深化中心;深化主题;照应开头,结构严谨;画龙点睛;言有尽而意无穷。 5,记叙顺序及作用? (1)顺叙(按事情发展先后顺序)作用:叙事有头有尾,条理清晰,读起来脉络清楚、印象深刻。 (2)倒叙(先写结果,再交待前面发生的事。)作用:造成悬念、吸引读者,避免叙述的平板单调,增强文章的生动性。 (3)插叙(叙事时中断线索,插入相关的另一件事。)作用:对情节起补充、衬托作用,丰富形象,突出中心。6,修辞方法及作用 (1)比喻:使事物描写生动形象/具体可感。 (2)拟人:赋予事物以人的性格、思想、感情和动作,使物人格化,使事物描写生动形象/具体可感。 (3)夸张:突出特征,揭示本质,表达某种强烈的思想感情,给读者以鲜明而强烈的印象。 (4)排比:条理清晰,节奏鲜明,增强语势,给人一气呵成之感,增强文章的说服力和感染力。 (5)对偶:形式整齐,音韵和谐,互相映衬,互为补充。 (6)反复:强调某种意思,强烈抒情,富有感染力。 (7)设问:自问自答,引人注意,启发思考。 (8)反问:态度鲜明,加强语气,强烈抒情,发人深思,给人深刻印象。注:必须结合相关语句分析。

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