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A "dark horse "is one that shows unexpected racing speed and comes in first, 1 the experts said he had little cha nee of winning.

In politics, an 2 can didate (候选人)for office who 3 a nomin ati on(提名)or electi on is called a "dark horse".

British Prime Min ister Benjamin Disrael is believed to 4 the first to use the phrase. In his novel, "The Young Duke ", published in 1831, Disrael described a horse race and told how the two top choices fell 5 .while "a dark horse "which had never been thought of rushing past the grandstand (看台)in a sweeping triumph.

From rac ing to politics was a short step. As a political phrase, dark horse ” 6 for the

first time in the national Democratic Party congress of 1844. The "dark horse" was James Knox Polk who became the llth Preside nt of the Un ited States. Polk had bee n the leader of the House of Represe ntatives from 1835 to 1839. He had 7 ____ b ee n Governor of the state of Tenn essee. But as a n ati onal leader, he was con sidered a political 8 .

Nevertheless, he 9 won the Democratic nomination and was elected 10 .Martin Van Bure n of New York, A former Preside nt, seemed sure of gett ing the nomin ati on. But he opposed making the territory of Texas part of the Un ited States as mother state. He was __________________ 11 it because there was slavery in Texas. Van Buren did not want another slave state in the Union. As a result, he 12 support among those Democrats who supported slavery.

At the 1884 con gress, Van Buren could not get eno ugh votes to win the nomin atio n. The con gress got into 13 . Therefore, the Democratic leaders decided that the only wise thi ng would be to run a "dark horse ", 14 who could un ite the party.

And so, one of the party leaders, George Ban croft, proposed the n ame of James Knox Polk.

He won, and the party 15 beh ind him, And he defeated his opp onent , Henry Clay of the

Whig Party.

16the 1844 congress, the "dark horse "candidates became an established fact of national political life. One historian said, "The invention of the dark horse was 17 a remarkable product of our professi onal politics. "This made 18 possible for party leaders to choose can didates who were not tied to certa in ideas. Therefore, they represe nted 19 and had developed 20 e nemies.

1. A. so B. even though C. so that D. as if

2. A. unknown B. famous C. popular D. known

3. A. accepts B. looks forward to C. refuses D. wi ns

4. A. be B. being C. been D. have bee n

5. A. about B. beh ind C. asleep D. back

6. A. happened B. appeared C. used D. was come about

7. A. as well B. either C. also D. too

8. A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody

9. A. difficultly B. successfully C. surpris in gly D. easily

10. A. Preside nt B. a Preside nt C. the Preside nt D. the gover nor

11. A. for B. aga inst C. in favor of D. i n favor with

12. A. won B. received C. lost D. wasted

13. A. votes B. help C. efforts D. money

14. A. a horse B. a man C. an ani mal D. an orga ni zati


15. A. laughed B.succeeded C. won D. un ited

16. A. After B. Si nee C. Before D. Because

17. A. in itself B. of itself C. for itself D. by itself

18. A. one B. it C. that D. this

19. A. any thi ng B. nothing C. someth ing D. everyth ing

20. A. quite a few B. a lot of C. few D. little


It is an usual sunny after noon in the village of Midwich, En gla nd. It seems not 1 any after noon in the village, but all of a sudde n, 2 a nd ani mals lose con scious ness. 3 they awake, all of the women of child--bearing age have become pregnant (怀孕的).

This is an episode from a 1960 scie nee fictio n story. The wome n in the story 4 birth to children that have the ______ appearanee. They _ have blond hair and strange eyes".二

the childre n grow, they run around the village in a pack, 8 the same clothi ng and hairstyles, stati ng at every one 9 . 10 one child lear ns is also known by the others immediately. Villagers beg in to 11 their belief that the childre n all have "one mi nd." I n this story, the childre n are 12 by some un expla ined force from outer space. But this story ___________ 13 40 years ago 14 predicted the arrival of a recent method of genetic engineering cloning. Cloning is the gen etic process of produc ing copies of an in dividual. Will the gen etic copies of a human really have "one mind" as 15 in this story? This situation is so strange 16 us

that we do not know what will 17 of it. 18 with this new situation, people have

19 __ to find out how to 20 it.

1. A. dislike B. un like C. alike D. like

2. A. people B. wome n C. men D. youths

3. A. Then B. When C. Si nee D. And

4. A. send B. make C. take D. give

5. A. pretty B. same C. ugly D. funny

6. A. every B. both C. themselves D. all

7. A. If B. For C. As D. So

8. A. hav ing on B. weari ng C. i n D. with

9. A. l on ely B. bravely C. impolitely D. patie


10. A. Which B. While C. Where D. What

11. A. express B. won der C. select D. argue

12. A. give n B. produced C. created D. take n


13. A. writte n B. being written C. to be writte n D. writes

14. A. sometimes B. any way C. somehow D. anyhow

15. A. describes B. described C. describe D. describ ing

16. A. for B. at C. with D. to

17. A. happen B. occur C.appear D. become

18. A. Faced B. Compared C. Covered D. Filled

19. A. not B. yet C. till D. though

20. A. do with B. deal with C. make D. settle


Workers aren't allowed to go into a huge underground computer center 1 they step up to a mach ine that 2 a quick picture of the tiny blood vessels(管)in side their eyes.

If the mach ine can't 3 the picture with images in its computer, the worker is 4 _______ by security (安全)guards.

Each pers on has his own patter n of blood vessels in his or her eyes. And un like a key, the patter n can't be 5 .

Old --fashi oned keys and locks may soon be things of the past.

High--tech security devices(装置)are being 6 at military bases, computer centers, nu clear pla nts and ban ks. Compa nies that 7 the mach ines say they'll someday be used in people's homes and cars.

Already, a Japa nese firm has fixed devices that 8 people's fin gerpri nts in 360 new homes. The mach ines ope n the doors only for the 9 of the houses.

The new security devices are selli ng well because thieves and spies are gett ing better at breaking 10 buildings and computers that are protected by ____ . Since 12 can steal or copy a fin gerpri nt or eye patter n, the new mach ines are 13 .

14 new mach ines recog nize voice patter ns. Two America n compa nies use voice--recog niti on mach ines to keep an eye on their computers.

In expe nsive voice--recog niti on mach ines may someday 15 locks on cars. The doors would ope n on ly for the own ers. The devices would 16 the owners _______ 17 $ 270.

Although the up-to-date devices are 18 , scientists must still solve a(n)

problem. How wi11 a boy borrow his dad's car without borrow ing dad's 20 ?

1. A. if B. even if C. un til D. after

2. A. take B. give C. draw D. show

3. A. match B. fit C. compare D. share

4. A. caught B. killed C. beate n D. stopped

5. A. borrowed B. missed C. stole n D. bought

6. A. fixed B. dealt with C. repaired D. checked

7. A. buy B. sell C. make D. copy

8. A. remember B. store C. count D. recog nize

9. A. makers B. buyers C. sellers D. owners

10. A. through B. i n C. i nto D. out

11. A. computers B. security devices C .cameras D. keys and locks

12. A. nobody B. everybody C.anybody D. somebody

13. A. safe B. unu sual C. helpful D. useful

14. A. Other B. An other C. More D. Others

15. A. take place of B. replace C. take place D. place back

16. A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost

17. A. up to B. as few as C. as much as D. as little as

18. A. amaz ing B. cheap C. expe nsive D. surpris ing

19. A. dan gerous B. serious C. terrible D. ordi nary

20. A. face B. picture C. fin gers D. voice


Every year, almost 2 milli on America ns are injured while they're 1 work. Every day,

240 are killed on the job. The 2 job is cutti ng dow n trees. Bei ng a policema n is safer tha n many jobs, in cludi ng drivi ng a truck, collect ing garbage and 3 airpla nes. One of the safest jobs is being a libraria n.

The government inspects(检查)most factories and offices. 4 have to _ fines if their factories or offices are un safe .In California, employers ofte n go to pris on if one of their workers is 6 because a factory did n't 7 safety measures. But Preside nt Bush cut

dow n the nu mber of gover nment in spectors 8 15 perce nt. Many people say work ing is less safe 9 .

For wome n workers, the greatest dan ger so far is murder. Forty--two perce nt of all_10 who die at work were killed. Many of them work 11 clerks in stores 12 they are by themselves at night. Experts say they can protect themselves by putting the cash desk in full 13 of the street.

The nu mbers of deaths and accide nts at work don't take into 14 people who become sick from 15 that they are exposed to at work. Doctors don't know 16 some chemicals cause ill ness.

There are no gover nment rules for many new chemicals.

In spectors say employers 17 their backs on safety problems because they don't want

to pay the bill for fixing them. They also say some workers don't want to compla in about dan gers because they may 18 their jobs.

The gover nment should force bus in ess to improve safety. There's no 19 for workers dying or 20 in an accident that could have been prevented.

1. A. in B. at C. on D. duri ng

2. A. safest B. most dan gerous C. easiest D. most tiri ng

3. A. flyi ng B. making C. drivi ng D. ridi ng

4. A. Officers B. Workers C. Employers D. Employees

5. A. give B. offer


pay D. buy

6. A. saved B. hit C.shot D. killed

7. A. use B. make C. obey D. take

8. A. to B. by C. from D. at

9. A. as a result B. though C. at last D. therefore

10. A. adults B. youths C. men D. wome n

11. A. for B. as C. like D. to

12. A. which B. that C. where D. why

13. A. view B. look C.scene D. scenery

14. A. thought B. mind C. th in ki ng D. con siderati


15. A. mach ines B. chemicals C. air D. work

16. A. because B. whe n C. if D. even if

17. A. give B. turn C.show D. refuse

18. A. lose B. miss C. give up D. save

19. A. need B. reas on C. time D. excuse

20. A. injuri ng B. being injured C. be injuri ng D. be injured

How do you draw the in terest of a 4,500 kilogram elepha nt?

You hit the elephant with a big I , according to a zoo director in California.

But is that a 2 way to treat the big, frie ndly ani mals?

How zoos treat their elephants has led to a scientific 3 . Some scientists complain that zoos use 4 force to train the huge animals and get them 5 control.

There are about 400 elephants in North American zoos, and wild animal parks. The_6 animals with their big trunks and ears and tusks delight children and_7 smiles from adults. 8 has n't 9 whe n an elepha nt has picked up a pea nut quickly with its trunk from a


But elephants aren't in zoos just for entertainment. Elephants are 10 in Asia and Africa, and being raised in America n zoos may be 11 to keep them 12.

Elepha nts are differe nt from most other zoo ani mals because they must be in touch with humans who take care of their feet, and 13 an elephant wants to be dominant(支配的).An elepha nt wants to con trol the 14 , not on the con trary.

Elepha nt keepers must make the an imals obey them 15 they may be attacked by the elepha nts.

But some scie ntists are 16 that keepers are using too much 17 a nd are injuri ng

elephants. Several zoos have recently been looked into 18 people said elephants were beate n with heavy sticks.

Scie ntists are 19 zoos how to make elepha nts behave without 20 them. If they

succeed, childre n will be en terta ined by elepha nts for many more gen erati ons.

1. A. sword B. knife C. whip D. stick

2. A. cruel B. kind C. surpris ing D. funny

3. A. research B. discussi on C. argume nt D. quarrel

4. A. very much B. too much C. much too D.enough

5. A. un der B. i n C. out of D. to

6. A. stupid B. heavy C. cruel D. fast

7. A. draw B. give C. show D. turn

8. A. An yo ne B. Whoever C. Anyone who D. Who

9. A. attracted B. smiled C. be happy D. caught

10. A. dying B. scarce C. short D. small

11. A. importa nt B. n ecessary C. impossible D. improper

12. A. lively B. livi ng C. lovely D. alive

13. A. that B. because C. / D. then

14. A. keeper B. others C. an imals D. zoo director

15. A. so that B. or C. and D. therefore

16. A. eager B. worried C. delighted D. surprised

17. A. stre ngth B. en ergy C. power D. force

18. A. because B. since C. now that D. so

19. A. show ing B. explai ning C. ask ing

D. con sideri ng

20. A. blami ng B. injuri ng C. scoldi ng D. punishing


Foods quickly spoil and break down if they are not stored 1 . Heat and damp en courage in crease in micro--orga ni sms(微生物的),and sun light can 2 vitam ins in such food as milk. Therefore, 3 foods should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place.

Some foods 4 bad quickly, such as meat, eggs and milk. They should be stored in a temperature of 5'C~10'C. I n this temperature ran ge, the activity of micro-orga ni sms is 5 .

In warm climates, this temperature can be kept 6 in a fridge or in the underground baseme nt of a house.

Dry goods, such as flour and rice, should be kept at a slightly 7 temperature tha n foods that go bad quickly. A temperature of 15'C is ideal(理想的).In Britain and northern European coun tries this means that the room in which dry foods are stored should 8 the gen eral heat ing of the house. The room should also be well 9 and, above all, dry. Damp very quickly causes the 10 of the gree n molds. These molds ofte n grow on cheese if it is not stored properly.
