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当前位置:文档库 › 狂刷26 世界多极化趋势的出现-学易试题君之小题狂刷君2019学年高一历史人教版(必修1)(原卷版)

狂刷26 世界多极化趋势的出现-学易试题君之小题狂刷君2019学年高一历史人教版(必修1)(原卷版)

狂刷26 世界多极化趋势的出现-学易试题君之小题狂刷君2019学年高一历史人教版(必修1)(原卷版)


1.“欧洲的统一不会在一夜之间实现……它将通过一系列具体的成就而进行,首先需要消除……之间长期存在的敌对状态,其采取的任何措施都必须首先考虑到这两个国家。”“都必须首先考虑到这两个国家”是指 A .英法

B .英德

C .德法

D .德意


A .世界多极化的格局已经形成

B .民主德国外交出现自主倾向

C .西德谋求相对独立的外交政策

D .意识形态对外交的影响消失


A .日本政府已能正视历史

B .日本右翼势力的兴起

C .美国放松对日本的控制

D .日本综合国力的提高



一、单选(共2道试题,共60分) 1 在古希腊时期,哪位哲学家于公元前387年创办的学园被看作是雅典第一个永久性的高等教育机构。(30分) A、亚里士多德 B、柏拉图 C、苏格拉底 D、康德 A B C D 标准答案:B 您的得分:30分 2 高等教育学是属于什么领域的应用学科(30分) A、自然科学 B、人文科学 C、社会科学 D、思维科学 A B C D 标准答案:C 您的得分:30分 二、多选(共1道试题,共30分) 3 高等教育学的作用具体表现在哪几个方面(30分) A、引领教育方向 B、引导观念更新 C、服务决策咨询 D、推动实践改进 A B C D 标准答案:B,C,D 您的得分:30分 一、单选(共2道试题,共60分) 1 1904年时任威斯康辛大学校长的范海斯,他主张高等学校的基本任务不包括(30分) A、把学生培养成有知识能工作的公民 B、进行科学研究,发展科学与文化

C、由社区公共财政资助,以社区为服务重点 D、把知识传播给广大民众,直接为本地社会与经济服务 A B C D 标准答案:C 您的得分:30分 2 在霍普金斯大学的激励之下,美国大学协会于何时成立(30分) A、1920年 B、1930年 C、1900年 D、1910年 A B C D 标准答案:C 您的得分:30分 二、多选(共1道试题,共40分) 3 到20世纪初,美国基本完成了现代高等教育体系的建构。在这个体系中,层次上有:(40分) A、二年制学院 B、本科院校 C、研究型大学 D、学术性大学 A B C D 标准答案:A,B,C 您的得分:40分 一、单选(共2道试题,共60分) 1 中华人民共和国第一部高等教育法是(30分) A、《中国教育改革和发展纲要》 B、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》 C、《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》 D、《高等教育学》 A B C D 标准答案:B 您的得分:30分


1 中考频度:★★★★☆ ┇ 难易程度:★★☆☆☆ 【2017届中考江苏南通卷】阅读下面的文言文,完成下列小题。 崇明老人记 【清】陆陇其 崇明具有吴姓老人者,年已九十九岁,其妇亦九十七岁矣。老人生四子,壮年家贫,鬻① 子以自给,四子尽为富家奴。及. 四子长,咸能自立,各自赎身娶妇,遂同居而共养父母焉。 伯仲叔季②,列肆五间:每户一铺,另辟一间,为出入之所。四子奉养父母,曲尽孝道。始拟膳每月一轮,周而复始,其媳曰:“翁姑老矣,若一月一轮,则必历三月后,方得侍奉颜色,太疏。”拟每日一家,周而复始。媳又曰:“翁老矣,若一日一轮,则历三日后,方. 得侍奉颜色,亦疏。”乃以一餐为率③,如蚤餐伯,则午餐仲,晚餐叔,则明日.. 蚤餐季,周而复始。若逢五及十,则四子共设于中堂,父母南向坐,东则四子及诸孙辈,西则四媳及诸孙媳辈。分伯仲坐定,以次称觞④献寿。率⑤以为常。 老人饮食之所,后置一橱,橱中每家各置钱一串,每串五十文。老人每食毕. ,反手于橱中随意取钱一串,即往市中嬉,买果饼啖之。橱中钱缺,则其子潜补之,不令老人知也。老人间往知交游,或对弈,或樗蒲⑥。四子知其所往,随遣人密嘱其家佯输于老人,老人亦不知也。老人胜,辄踊跃归。亦率以为常。盖数十年无异云。 (选自《明清散文名篇集粹》,有删改) 【注】①鬻(yù):卖。②伯仲叔季:兄弟排行的次序。③率(lǜ):文中指频次。④称觞(shāng ):举杯。 ⑤率(shuài ):大致,一般。⑥樗蒲(chū pú):古代一种游戏。 1.请用斜线(/)标出下面句子的朗读停顿。(共两处) 遂 同 居 而 共 养 父 母 焉 2.请写出下列句子中加点词的意思。 (1)及. 四子长( ) (2)方. 得侍奉颜色( ) (3)则明日.. 蚤餐季( ) (4)老人每食毕. ( ) 3.请用现代汉语写出文中画线句的意思。 橱中钱缺,则其子潜补之,不令老人知也。

每周一测-学易试题君之每日一题君2018学年下学期高一英语人教版(课堂同步系列二) (2)

I. 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A During a visit to Australia, former President George W. Bush tried to signal a peace sign by waving the two fingers or V-sign at the crowd. You may think of this as a simple gesture, but he made a big mistake. Instead of his palm facing outwards, it faced inwards. In Australia, it means "go to hell"!Therefore, it is very important to understand the meanings of hand gestures in different cultures before you travel to different countries. The dog call The dog call is a gesture where you curl your index finger (食指) and call someone towards you. It is acceptable in America and England. This gesture is considered rude in many Asian countries such as Japan. In Singapore this gesture means death. Do not use this hand gesture in the Philippines because this hand gesture is to be used only for dogs there. The moutza While talking to a friend, you may open your palm and stretch out your fingers. But it is a traditional gesture of insult(侮辱)among Greeks. It means that you are thrusting your hand in the face of the opposite person. This suggests that you are asking the person to leave you alone. In America, it means"talk to the hand", which basically means "I’m not listening to you". The fig The fig is a gesture that is indicated by a fist. The thumb is seen poking out of the index and middle fingers. This is a good hand gesture in different cultures, as it indicates good luck. However, the fig is a very offensive(冒犯的) gesture to the Italians and Turks. The clenched fist One of the aggressive (挑衅的) hand gestures is the clenched (紧握的) fist. This means one is trying to pick a fight or trying to warn the opposite person to back off. In Asian countries, a clenched fist will surely land you into a fist fight. 1


2011年中学教育学试题及答案(2) 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题千后的括号内。每小题l分。共20分) 1._______被公认为第一本现代教育学著作,书中赫尔巴特强调必须有“一种教育者自身所需要的科学,有科学与思考力”并与相邻学科取长补短。() A.《大教学论》 B.《普通教育学》 C.《民主主义与教育》 D.《康德论教育》 2.教育学萌芽的标志是_______的提出。() A.教育价值 B.教育规律 C.教育问题 D.教育现象 3.教育是一种社会历史现象,产生于生产劳动,其根本目的在于促使学生个体的全面发展,提倡教劳结合,教育科学的方法以唯物辩证法和历史唯物主义为基础,这一观点是_______的认识。() A.实用主义教育学 B.制度教育学 C.实验教育学 D.马克思主义教育学 4.在一定的社会背景下发生的促使个体的社会化和社会的个性化的实践活动即()A.教育 B.教学 C.德育 D.智育 5.“今天的教育是明天的经济,教育的消费是明显的消费、潜在的生产,是有限的消费、扩大的生产,是今日的消费、明日的生产。”这一认识表明现代教育具有_______的特征。() A.科学性 B.价值性 C.生产性 D.未来性 6.评价学校绩效以办学思想、组织健全程度、制度完备程度和领导机构决策领导能力为衡量标准的,属于() A.目标模式 B.需求满足模式

C.环境适应模式 D.学校内质优化模式 7.下列哪一方法不属于家校教育相互配合的方法? () A.教育教学督导委员会 B.互访 C.家长会 D.家长委员会 8.儿童身心发展有高速发展期,某一时期特别迅速而其他阶段相对平稳,这一现象体现了儿童身心发展的_______特征。() A.不平衡性 B.顺序性 C.阶段性 D.个别差异性 9.与学生主体性内涵不相一致的特点是() A.自主性 B.长期性 C.主动性 D.创造性 10.教师的最基本条件是() A.承担教育教学职责 B.以教书育人为使命 C.专门从事某一学科的教学 D.具备相应的专业知识 11.教育者创设一定的情境以提升教育对象的智慧水平为目标的教育称为() A.德育 B.智育 C.美育 D.体育 12.在1988年改革之前,_______既没有统一的国家课程标准,也没有统一的国家课程计划,实行导向式管理。() A.美国 B.英国 C.日本 D.俄罗斯 13.被称为课程论经典的学术著作是泰勒的() A.《课程与教学的基本原理》 B.《教育目标分类学》

狂刷52 统计及统计案例-学易试题君之小题狂刷2020年高考数学(理)(解析版)

专题十一概率与统计 狂刷52统计及统计案例 1.完成下列抽样调查,较为合理的抽样方法依次是 ①从30件产品中抽取3件进行检查; ②某校高中三个年级共有2460人,其中高一830人、高二820人、高三810人,为了了解学生对数学 的建议,拟抽取一个容量为300的样本; ③某剧场有28排,每排有32个座位,在一次报告中恰好坐满了听众,报告结束后,为了了解听众意 见,需要请28名听众进行座谈. A.简单随机抽样,系统抽样,分层抽样B.分层抽样,系统抽样,简单随机抽样 C.系统抽样,简单随机抽样,分层抽样D.简单随机抽样,分层抽样,系统抽样 【答案】D 【解析】对于①,从30件产品中抽取3件进行检查,总体的数量较少,且个体差异不明显,符合简单随机抽样的特点; 对于②,该校高中的三个年级,是差异明显的三个部分,符合分层抽样的特点; 对于③,该剧场有28排,每排有32个座位,显然总体数量较多,又有编号,符合系统抽样的特点. 故选D. 【名师点睛】三种抽样方法的特点、联系及适用范围: 类别共同点各自特点联系适用范围 简单随机抽样①抽样过程中每 个个体被抽到的 可能性相等; ②每次抽出个体 后不再将它放回, 即不放回抽样 从总体中逐个抽取总体个数较少 系统抽样将总体均分成几部分, 按预先定出的规则在 各部分中抽取 在起始部分取样 时,采用简单随机 抽样 总体个数较多 分层将总体分成几层,分层各层抽样时,采用总体由差异明

抽样 进行抽取 简单随机抽样或系统抽样 显的几部分组成 2.某工厂利用随机数表对生产的600个零件进行抽样测试,先将600个零件进行编号,编号分别为001,002,?,599,600从中抽取60个样本,如下提供随机数表的第4行到第6行: 32 21 18 34 29 78 64 54 07 32 52 42 06 44 38 12 23 43 56 77 35 78 90 56 42 84 42 12 53 31 34 57 86 07 36 25 30 07 32 86 23 45 78 89 07 23 68 96 08 04 32 56 78 08 43 67 89 53 55 77 34 89 94 83 75 22 53 55 78 32 45 77 89 23 45 若从表中第6行第6列开始向右依次读取3个数据,则得到的第6个样本编号为 A .522 B .324 C .535 D .578 【答案】D 【解析】第6行第6列开始的数为808(不合适),436,789(不合适),535,577,348,994(不合适),837(不合适),522,535(重复不合适),578, 则满足条件的6个编号依次为436,535,577,348,522,578. 则第6个编号为578. 本题正确选项为D. 【名师点睛】本题主要考查随机抽样的应用,根据定义选择满足条件的数据是解决本题的关键.求解本题时,根据随机抽样的定义进行判断即可. 3.从编号为001,002,…,460的460个产品中用系统抽样的方法抽取一个样本,已知样本中编号最小的两个编号分别为007,030,则样本中第5个产品的编号应该为 A .099 B .122 C .145 D .168 【答案】A 【解析】由系统抽样所有样本编号成等差数列,可以理解为由127,30a a ==求5a 的值. 由127,3023a a d ==?=,514742399a a d ∴=+=+?=,所以编号为099,故选择A . 【名师点睛】本题考查系统抽样特点:所有样本编号成等差数列,从而转化为数列题,属于简单题. 4.为了了解我校今年准备报考飞行员的学生的体重情况,将所得的数据整理后,画出了频率分布直方图(如图),已知图中从左到右的前3个小组的频率之比为1:2:3,第2小组的频数为12,则抽取的学生总人数是


Unit 7 Will people have robots? 7.3 Grammar 一般将来时 ◆一般将来时基本概念 一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。由助动词shall 或will加动词原形构成,shall 用于第一人称,will用于第二、三人称。除英国外的说英语的国家,在陈述句中,即使在第一人称一般也用will,在英国也有这种趋势。在口语中,常用shall, will的缩写形式为’ll , 如:I’ll, you’ll等。shall not的缩写式为:shan’t, will not 的缩写式为:won’t. 肯定句:I/We shall/will go. You/He/She/They will go. 否定句:I/We shall/will not go. You/He/She/They will not go. 疑问句:Shall I/we go ? Will you/he/she/they go? ◆一般将来时常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用 tomorrow(明天),next week(下周),from now on(从现在开始);in the future(将来)等。 其时间状语有如下几种: 1. this引导的短语如:this year 2. tomorrow及其相关短语如:tomorrow morning 3. next引导的短语如:next month 4. from now on;in the future;in an hour等。 ◆一般将来时的五种用法 (1)Will/Shall+ 动词原形表示将要发生的动作或情况。如: ?I will (shall) arrive tomorrow. 我明天到。 ?We won’t (shan’t ) be busy this evening. 我们今晚不忙。 ①在一般将来时的句子中,有时有表示将来时间的状语,有时没有时间状语,这时要从意思上判断是否指未来的动作或情况。如: ?Will she come? 她(会)来吗? ?We’ll only stay for two weeks. 我们只待两星期。 ?The meeting won’t last long. 会开不了多久。 ②在以第一人称I或we作主语的问句中,一般使用助动词shall,这时或是征求对方的意见,或是询问 1


1 2018年1月30日 高考频度:★★★★★ 难易程度:★★★☆☆ Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway____ his famous novel A Farewell to Arms . A. didn’t write B. hadn’t written C. wouldn’t write D. wouldn’t have written 【参考答案】D 【应试必备】 含蓄条件句中的虚拟语气 有时候,虚拟条件不是通过if 引导的条件句来表示,而是暗含在上下文中。 (1)用but for 、without(如果没有)等来代替条件从句。 ?Without electricity human life would be quite different. =If there were no electricity, human life would be quite different. 如果没有电,人类的生活将会有很大不同。 (2)用otherwise 、or(or else)、even though 等表示与上文的情况相反,从而引出虚拟语气。 ?I lost your address. Otherwise, I would have visited you long before. =I lost your address. If I hadn ’t lost your address, I would have visited you long before. 你的地址我弄丢了,要不我早就去拜访你了。学¥科网 (3)虚拟条件通过but 暗示出来。 ?He would have given you more help,but he was too busy. 他本来会给你更多的帮助,但是他太忙了。 也就是说,如果那时他不忙,他可以给你更多的帮助。句中but he was too busy 实际上暗示了一个虚拟条件——如果那时他不忙。


★启用前考试研究中心命制 2019-2019学年九年级物理人教(第13章) 章末检测 (考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:100分) 注意事项: 1 ?本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2 ?回答第I卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。 3.回答第n卷时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 4 ?考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷 一、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 1 ?实验时,老师打开酒精瓶的瓶塞后,同学们能够闻到酒精的味道,此现象表明 A ?分子间存在引力 B ?分子间存在斥力 C ?分子在不停地运动 D ?温度越高,分子运动越剧烈 2 ?小雪学习了分子运动”的知识后,对抽烟的爸爸说:爸爸,你抽烟既危害自己的健康,又危害我和妈 妈的健康。”爸爸不解地说:为什么?”小雪说:我和妈妈都在被动吸烟呀!”小雪这样说的科学依据是 A ?分子很小 B ?分子总在不停地运动 C?分子之间有间隙 D ?分子之间有作用力 3 ?生活中的许多现象都与我们学过的物理知识有关,下列说法正确的是 A ?尘土飞扬,说明分子在不停地做无规则运动 B ?钻木取火,利用做功来改变物体的内能 C ?人工湖能调节气温,利用水的比热容小 D ?夏天吃冰糕,看到冰糕周围冒白气”是汽化现象 4 ?属于通过做功途径改变物体内能的是 A ?在火炉上烧水,水温升高 B ?感冒发烧,用冷毛巾敷额头 C?用气筒给轮胎打气,气筒壁发热 D ?焊接时用水降温 5?下列四种情景中,属于热传递改变物体内能的是 A ?冬季,搓手取暖 B ?开水冷却 C ?弯折铁丝,弯折处发热 D ?划火柴,火柴燃烧 6 ?下列实例中,通过热传递改变物体内能的是 A ?铁锤锻打工件,工件受热 B ?锯条锯木头,锯条变热 C?双手互相摩擦,双手变热 D ?电水壶烧水,水变热 7?端午节吃粽子是我国的传统习俗。对煮粽子”的情景分析正确的是 A ?粽子温度升高,是通过做功的方式来增大内能 B ?锅边沿冒出的大量白气”是水蒸气 C ?粽子飘香”说明分子在不停息地做无规则运动 D ?水温升高,水的比热容变大 &下面说法正确的是 A ?当水凝固成冰后,水分子的热运动也就停止了 B ?物质是由分子或原子组成的,分子或原子之间只有引力 C ?快速压缩气体,可使气体内能增大,温度升高 D ?冬天人们用热水袋取暖,内能从热水袋传递给人体 第n卷 二、填空题(每空1分,共21分)

专题12.2 Section B -学易试题君之K三关2017-2018学年九年级英语人教版

1 Unit 1 2 Life is full of the unexpected. 1. fool n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. 愚弄 (1)fool 用作名词,意为"蠢人,傻瓜"。 ? What a fool you are to believe him! 你真是个傻瓜,竟然相信他。 (2)fool 用作动词,意为"愚弄"。 ? Why did you fool me in that way? 你为什么用那种方式愚弄我? 【知识拓展】 fool 的形容词形式为foolish ,意为"傻的;愚蠢的"。 ? You ought to be ashamed of your foolish behaviour. 你应当为自己的愚蠢行为而感到羞耻。 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空 I ’m afraid it was ____________ of you to solve the problem in that way.(fool ) 【答案】foolish 作表语,故要用fool 的形容词形式foolish 。学~ 科·网 2. stay up 熬夜 stay up 为固定短语,相当于不及物动词,意为"熬夜;不睡觉",与sit up 同义。stay up late 指"熬夜到很晚,迟睡"。 ? He stayed up too late last night. 他昨天晚上熬夜到很晚。 (2016﹒湖北随州中考)—Don ’t ____________ late, Betty. You have to go to school early tomorrow. —OK, Mom. I ’ll go to bed right now. A. put up B. stay up C. sit down D. fall down

Unit 2 Poems学易试题君之单元测试君高二英语人教版(选修6)(考试版)

绝密★启用前|试题命制中心 2019-2019学年高二英语人教选修6 Unit 2单元检测 (考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A A trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. To get the most out of your visit,read our tips below: Visit at Night Riding up the Eiffel Tower at night and looking out over the streets of Paris,you’ll see why Paris is known as the “City of Light”. At street level,the spotlights on the top of the Tower zoom across the Paris skyline,and the reflections of the Tower in the Seine are sights not to be missed. Purchase Y our Ticket in Advance Online Bypass the long ticket lines at the Eiffel Tower by purchasing your ticket online from the Eiffel Tower website. You’ll pick a time to visit,and then select whether to print out the ticket or display it on your phone or iPad a convenient option if you buy your ticket in Paris without easy access to a printer. Don’t Bring Valuable Objects with You Before entering the Eiffel Tower,your bags will be examined by a security officer. If an item you are carrying sets off the metal detector,the officer will take you away from the line for further inspection. We’ve stood in line for hours behind people who missed their chance to go up the Eiffel Tower. Have Drinks and Snacks at the Eiffel Tower If you’re like u s,after an exciting trip to the Eiffel Tower,you’ll be ready to rest your legs and have a relaxing snack and a drink in a Parisian cafe. Across the Seine in the Trocadero area,there are many elegant cafes. The atmosphere is great,but the prices are in the stratosphere. Actually,the perfect place for common visitors to eat and drink is on the Eiffel Tower itself. 1. For what reason does the author suggest visiting the Tower at night? A. Because you can avoid the crowds and enjoy it peacefully. B. Because you can stand on the top of the Tower. C. Because you can see the Seine as clear as possible. D. Because you can have a special sight of the city of Pairs. 2. What is the meaning of the word “Bypass” mean in Paragraph 3? A. Remember. B. Control. C. Avoid. D. Stand. 3. Some people failed to go up the Eiffel Tower because________. A. they set off the metal detector B. they had a quarrel with the officer C. they lost valuable objects D. they didn’t seize the chance 4. What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. The Eiffel Tower provides expensive foods and drinks. B. The author recommends tourists have snacks at the Eiffel Tower. C. You spend more if you have snacks at the Tower. D. The author prefers to eat across the Seine. B Researchers have created a backpack that has a computer and medicines in it that can help even untrained soldiers save the lives of wounded troops. Wounded soldiers have a better chance of survival if they get help soon after being hurt and are quickly taken to a hospital or clinic. But soldiers who do not have medical training may not know how to help their injured friends. Doctors and engineers have developed what they call an “intelligent backpack”. It has a computer and electronic measuring devices. The backpack also has robotic instruments and medicines ready to give to injured troops. About 16 doctors and engineers from the University of Pittsburgh,Carnegie Mellon University and several other places are working on the project. The U. S. Department of Defense has given money to the project. Ron Poropatich leads the project. He is a retired army surgeon. He says the backpack will help soldiers care for those who are injured. The devices included in the backpack can monitor a person’s heart rate and blood pressure. The robotic instruments can even tell whether the soldier has a collapsed lung. The intelligent backpack’s computer can compare informati on gathered about the injured soldier with thousands of similar cases,and quickly tell the best methods to use to save the soldier’s life. Sometimes,it is not always possible to quickly remove the injured soldier from the battlefield. So,Dr. Poropatich says,the researchers hope to create a backpack that will have devices that can keep a soldier alive for a long time. Dr. Poropatich hopes the backpack and its instruments will be ready for testing animals in about three years. 5. We can learn from paragraph 1that _________. A. m ost of the soldiers can’t use the bac kpack correctly B. soldiers should have taken medical training C. war or battle has brought harm to the world 第1页/共5页


Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? 4.5 单元综合检测 I. 词汇运用 (一)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成句中所缺单词 1. I sit c__________________ to my good friend, Tom, so I often ask him questions. 2. This dress is p__________________ beautiful. I want to buy it for my daughter. 3. He doesn’t like crowded places, because the air isn’t usually __________________ (新鲜的). 4. —Can you show me the __________________ (菜单) in your restaurant? I want to order some dishes. —Of course. Here you are. 5. Our team won first place __________________ (漂亮地) in the competition. 6. We are pleased with the good __________________ (服务) in Yangzhou restaurants. 7. Do you think their dreams can __________________ (实现)? 8. Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel P__________________ in Literature(文学). 9. It’s true that parents play an important r__________________ in children’s lives. 10. —Which coat would you like to __________________ (挑选), the red one or the yellow one? —Neither. I don’t like the style. (二)用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. —Zheng Y uanjie is a __________________ (talent) writer. —Yes. He wrote many books for children. 2. Who is the __________________ (lose) of this game? 3. This kind of sweater is pretty __________________ (cheaply). I bought two. 4. Sometimes it’s hard for us __________________ (choose) the job. 5. Both of the __________________ (song) are very beautiful. I like them very much. 6. Jack finished his homework __________________ (careful) in his class. 7. Watching TV is __________________ (bad) than reading books, so I like reading books. 8. The __________________ (win) can have a chance to visit the Great Wall. II. 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. ——我们去看电影还是玩电脑游戏? 1

每周一测-学易试题君之每日一题君2019年高考英语一轮复习 (9)

2018年7月29日 每周一测 Ⅰ.单句改错 1.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem. 2. I thought the biscuits were really well. 3. My mum makes the better biscuits in the world,so I decided to ask her for help. 4.I had noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people. 5. Don't panic or get out of line,and trying to remain quiet and calmly. 6. So really friendship should be able to stand all sorts of tests. II.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A(2018·新课标III卷) Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects. Why do we often assume that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings? The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less. I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to donate less-used things, and it worked. Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness. She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund(基金)(our kindergarten daughter is serious about becoming a doctor) For weeks, I've been thinking of bigger, deeper questions: How do we make it a habit for them? And how do we train ourselves to help them live with, need, and use less? Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this. I decided to play with him with only one toy for as long as it would keep his interest. I expected that one toy would keep his attention for about five minutes, ten minutes, max. I chose a red rubber ball-simple, universally available. We passed it, he tried to put it in his mouth, he tried bouncing it, rolling it, sitting on it, throwing it. It was totally, completely enough for him. Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move on to lunch. We both became absorbed in the simplicity of playing together. He had my full attention and I had his. My little experiment to find joy in a single object worked for both of us. 1. What do the words “more is more” in paragraph 1 probably mean? 1

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