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少年派观后感英文Life of Pi

Pi tells us two stories. One is about the drift between the young man and the tiger. The other one is that author concludes that cook have killed and ate the seaman, then killed Pi’s mother, eventually Pi killed and ate the cook. The grown Pi didn’t declare against the conclusion. Instead, he just asked the author that which story does he like. Grown Pi said the author believed in god after he got the answer.少年派提供了两个故事供我们选择,一个是少年和老虎的漂流之旅;另一个是作家推断出来的厨子吃了水手,杀死妈妈,然后pi杀死了厨子并吃掉厨子的故事。成年pi没有否认小说家的推断,只是问他喜欢哪个故事,得知对方喜欢第一个故事时,成年pi说对方看见了上帝。


Pi was born in India .He believes in Christianity, Islam , and Hinduism at the same time. As the son of

a zookeeper, Pi has a special knowledge of animal behavior and a fervent love of stories. When Pi is sixteen, his family emigrates from India to North America aboard a Japanese cargo ship, along with their zoo animals bound for new homes.


The ship sinks. Pi’s family members were all dead . He luckily fell on the lifeboat and survived, his only companions a hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and Richard Parker, a Bengal tiger。


同伴就是一只鬣(lie)狗,一只猩猩,一只受伤的斑马和孟加拉虎理查德帕克。 In the first 3 days, the hyenas killed the gorilla, live to eat zebra, the tiger kills hyena. Pi knew that he can't beat Richard, so he made the final choice to get along with Richard in the face of drift life. In 7 months, he collected water, fish

and shrimp, and used all the sea survival skills to feed the tiger, also to let himself down. . Soon the tiger has dispatched all but Pi, whose fear, knowledge, and cunning allow him to coexist with Richard Parker for 227 days while lost at sea. When they finally reach the coast of Mexico, Richard Parker flees to the jungle, never to be seen again.


Of course, the drift also encountered storm, sharks and a variety of exciting and bloody scenes. After a short stay in the cannibal. Pi left with the tiger in panic and again began drifting until he was rescued in Mexico beach. At the same time, the tiger Richard turned to the forest and disappeared without looking back.


If the movie stop here, we will just regard it as an fantasy movie with dazzling visual effects like Avatar .But Ang Lee is always beyond our expectation. 如果电影就此结束,那么我们仅仅会将此看做是一部像阿凡达一样令人眼花缭乱的可换特效电影。然而,李安总是超乎我们的想象。

But the truth is:

The middle-aged Pi told the other edition of the adventure which he claimed to make up to persuade the people from the Insurance company : the lifeboat is with no animal, but a cook, a seaman with an broken leg, Pi and his mother. The cook killed and ate the seaman, then killed Pi’s mother, eventually Pi killed and ate the cook.


The two stories have one thing in common: in the end only Pi survived. But looking back the reciprocating scenes and all details, it’s not hard to find the truth that the first story is the metaphor of the reality and the second one is the reality.


Some wonderful sentences:

All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking

a moment to say goodbye.


Pi: “Religion is a house with many rooms.” Writer: “But no room for doubt?”Pi: “Oh yes! On every floor.”


I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life.



If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life, then, we are truly experiencing what life is offering...


Something else about Pi

“I see a movie as a way of learning about the world, about myself, and learning about my relationship with people and art”---from Ang Lee

我将电影视为认识世界,认识自我,认识我和人与艺术的关系的方式。李安如是说“deeply moving and delights audiences” ---from Hollywood Reporter 一张图片的注释: “动人的(剧情)和狂热的观众..."好莱坞记者如是说.

So, Pi give the answer of that wondered question in 《guardisland》:“Live as a monster or die as a good man?” If something brutal and something

spiritualist can stay together? The answer in is to ruin his soul

to prevent his animal desire. Animal desire and soul go to ruin together. tell us that soul can instead

of animal desire.


But Pi seems like to choose that being a good guy in life whose heart is protected by animals. Thanks to god to have favored soul to me, thanks to animal desire to have enrich my soul.


In , a phrase become popular because of Ang Lee: there is a in every people’s heart, in , it can be replaced into that there is a tiger in every people’s heart.


少年派观后感英文Life of Pi is a masterful and utterly original novel that is at once the story of a

young castaway who faces immeasurable hardships on the high seas, and a meditation on religion, faith, art and life that is as witty as it is profound. Using the threads of all of our best stories, Yann Martel has woven a glorious spiritual adventure that makes us question what it means to be alive, and to believe.

Growing up in Pondicherry, India, Piscine Molitor Patel - known as Pi - has a rich life. Bookish by nature, young Pi acquires a broad knowledge of not only the great religious texts but of all literature, and has a great curiosity about how the world works. His family runs the local zoo, and he spends many of his days among goats, hippos, swans, and bears, developing his own theories about the nature of animals and how human nature conforms to it. Pi’s family life is quite happy, even though his brother picks on him and his parents aren’t quite sure how to accept his decision to simultaneously embrace and practise three religions - Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam.

But despite the lush and nurturing variety of Pi’s world, there are broad political changes afoot in India, and when Pi is sixteen, his parents decide that

the family needs to escape to a better life. Choosing to move to Canada, they close the zoo, pack their belongings, and board a Japanese cargo ship called the Tsimtsum. Travelling with them are many of their animals, bound for zoos in North America. However, they have only just begun their journey when the ship sinks, taking the dreams of the Patel family down with it. Only Pi survives, cast adrift in a lifeboat with the unlikeliest oftravelling companions: a zebra, an orang-utan, a hyena, and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

Thus begins Pi Patel’s epic, 227-day voyage across the Pacific, and the powerful story of faith and survival at the heart of Life of Pi. Worn and scared, oscillating between hope and despair, Pi is witness to the playing out of the food chain, quite aware of his new position within it. When only the tiger is left of the seafaring menagerie, Pi realizes that his survival depends on his ability to assert his own will, and sets upon a grand and ordered scheme to keep from being Richard Parker’s next meal.

As Yann Martel has said in one interview, “The

theme of this novel can be summarized in three lines. Life is a story. You can choose your story. And a story with an imaginative overlay is the better story.” And for Martel, the greatest imaginative overlay is religion. “God is a shorthand for anything that is beyond the material - any greater pattern of meaning.”In Life of Pi, the question of stories, and of what stories to believe, is front and center from the beginning, when the author tells us how he was led to Pi Patel and to this novel: in an Indian coffee house, a gentleman told him, “I have a story that will make you believe in God.” And as this novel comes to its brilliant conclusion, Pi shows us that the story with the imaginative overlay is also the story that contains the most truth.

少年派观后感英文I watched a film called Life of Pi in this winter think that it must be a great film.

Pi is an Indian first his name is doesn’t like this everyone calls him meansπ。

Pi’s father had a were many animals in got on well with these Pi was 17 years old,his father decided to move his family to his whole family went to Canada

with some animals by father wanted to sell these animals for a high price.

On the way to Canada,the ship was broken by the Pi and four animals survived on a lifeboat. These animals included a tiger,a zebra,a hyena and an orangutan. The hyena killed the zebra and the it was killed by the tiger. The tiger’s name was Richard Parke.

In the next 227 days Pi and Richard Parke drifted on the ocean. At first they were wary of each other. Pi shared the food with Richard Parke. They experienced storms and passed by the ogre island had come to know that Richard Parke also had feelings. At the same time, he believed that the God was looking at him and always blessed him.

At last the lifeship drifted at Mexico. Richard Parke went away without turning his head when they was saved. Pi was very sad.

After I watched this film I thought a lot. Can I be calm like Pi if I sail a boat with a tiger?And do you think the god is looking at you anytime?The film also tells me that we must have the courage to face difficulties and got on well with each other.


The Blind Side Have you ever seen the famous film ‘The Blind Side’ which moved and so many people? I love this film so much that whenever I feel down I will watch it again and again to encourage myself.I really have learned a lot from this film. Firstly, I'd like to introduce you about the film. The film tells the story of a homeless African American boy Michael Oher is a young children, again to escape from the adoptive family, finally met a kind-hearted Touchy wife, by her help, Michael Oher gradually find themselves in their own physical condition and hard work, he finally became the first American National Football League player. Secondly, As far as I am concerned, Michael Oher is unfortunately, because he is a child that he has been abandoned many times, but he is lucky. Because he met the Leigh Anne Touchy. She was very cared about him, taught him how to shop, and told him said what he want. Sean Touchy was the first person in the family to pay attention to the Michael. He supported his wife and cared about that boy. Even though he didn't say anything, we could see it from his behavior. Although S.J is a child, but he is intelligent, mischief and he is a little football fan, he helped Michael training, encouraging the Michael , in his mind, Michael is a big brother. Collins, although Michael's arrival at the beginning of her caused some problems, but in the end, she was accepted this brother, regardless of her students in the eyes of surprise self-study with him and hide behind the wall and listen to the mother to Michael and tells the story of S.J. Then, He asked Touchy wife for a driver's license, in his view, this is a proof of identity, and he wants to live a normal life. When he entered the black town he refusing to let Touchy lady get off, blocking the S.J with his arm in an accident when, in his mind, that’s his family, and when his family is in danger, he must go to protect them. Last but not least, I think we will be moved by the Anne family behavior; Michael will also be responsible and keep moved, he insisted, gradually overcome those difficulty to become a successful football superstar. This is a film about sports Michael in the care of the family of Anne, Step by step effort and success. Then we

少年派台本 台词中英文全

少年派台本整理 作家:这么说你是在动物园里长大的 So, you were raised in a zoo? 派:我是在本地治里出生长大的 Born and raised...in Pondicherry, 当时那里属于法属印度 in what was the French part of India. 我父亲是动物园园主 My father owned the zoo. 我出生的时候还是一位爬虫学家临时接生的 And I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist, 他原本是来检查孟加拉巨蜥的 who was there to check on the Bengal monitor lizard. 好在母子平安 Mother and I were both healthy, 可惜那只蜥蜴却溜了 but the poor lizard escaped, 结果惨死在某个体型巨大的物种脚下 and was trampled by a frightening category. 这是因果报应吧 The way of Karma, huh? 也是神的意志 The way of God. 作家:这故事挺不错的 That's quite a story. 光看你名字 I'd assumed your father 我还以为你父亲是位数学家 was a mathematician, because of your name. 派:差不多吧我这名字取源于一个泳池的名字 Not far from it, I was named after a swimming pool. 作家:有叫"派"的游泳池吗 There was a pool named "Pi"? 派:话说我叔叔弗朗西斯 You see, my uncle Francis


少年派奇幻漂流观后感(精选多篇) 第一篇:少年派的奇幻漂流观后感 坐进电影院暖气扑面而来我脱下外套半躺在座位上享受着这惬意时光。 电影开始了开始讲得是派的名字派的名字说来还是有些意思的。是圆周率π。他从小信印度教基督教但由于心里还是充满稚气想看看他父亲的动物园中的老虎理查德帕克。他的父亲刚看到他在喂食老虎一把将他推开并把一头鹿牵过去被老虎吃让他明白老虎不可能把他当朋友对待。由于生意不振政府又在一直补贴派的一家乘船去了加拿大买动物谋生。途中遇到暴风雨船沉了派想回去救父母哥哥。但意外的乘救生艇走了。艇上有老虎斑马猴子开始。后来派与老虎在还是漂流求生他和老虎从敌人变成了朋友经历了很多磨难艰苦饥饿供给生命的水是在下雨天用桶接的。两者快死时碰到了一座死人岛最后漂流到墨西哥海岸得救。 让我很有感触的有三个情节第一第一次暴风雨中大船沉了场面之壮观恐怖充斥着眼球我的心也随着节奏跳着。第二派和孟加拉虎帕克一同谋生从敌人变成朋友的过程让我十分震撼。第三当派爬到墨西哥海岸时老虎跳出来看着眼前的丛林派本想它会回头看看他但是老虎只是看着眼前的丛林就头也不回的进入了其中当派被救时他哭的像个小孩其实他此时心里一定很复杂一是他得救了二是他伤心失去了帕克并且帕克头也不回的走了。

最后派在左帕克在右影片结束。尽管结局对于主人公派是圆满的但我心里却是沉甸甸的。 看过后我很有感触我感叹影片带给我的惊险与刺激我回味影片带给我的意境与感受我甚至怨恨老虎为什么这样显得无情毕竟派给它吃喝供他住。它还告诉我人与人之间是不同的到最后要散还是回来的派知道他得生后会与虎分别但是没有道别尽管一个眼神交流一个转身都是的。派在海上暴风雨中失去父母哥哥没有与他们告别成为他心中的一道伤痕当天跟朋友讲到这儿时同样也哭了。 我还有个感受就是弱小与强大作斗争时弱小必须靠智慧与勇气就像派把在船上老虎摇的晕船以致能够成功驯服它。在强大的东西也有弱点。就像老虎它强大把但它没人聪明智慧比不过人。再就是遇到再大的困难甚至灾难你也不要绝望要保持充沛的精神与体力时刻激励着自己。就像派在影片中说“don not lose hope”。我也很受鼓舞派连这种困难都渡过了我还有什么担忧的只求每日多读书多学习就行了! 第二篇:少年派的奇幻漂流观后感 当我看了将近40分钟的铺垫时我都在想我是不是进错影厅了..“怎么和我看的简介不一样..” 在正题来临的时候我个人觉得是相当棒的..3d效果的确是不错的..但当我看完这部片时我苦苦思索了一晚上我觉得剧情是更加的吸引人。


小王子电影观后感英文版 本文为小王子电影观后感英文版范文,让我们通过以下的文章来了解。 Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince. This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth. Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose. So he leaves there and travels into space. He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox. The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet. This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot. I like little price adventures. He teaches me to be honest and love others. All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood. This is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to The Bible. It’s been translated to versions of many other languages. And I gather there must be something special, something really great about it. It’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning. Well, with due respect to the author, I failed to see how this fairytale be worthy

少年派的奇幻漂流(Life of Pi)观后感(英语)

Watch Life of Pi Class 17 Grade 7Jiaming Mao I watched a film called Life of Pi in this winter holidays.I think that it must be a great film. Pi is an Indian boy.At first his name is Picine.He doesn’t like this name.So everyone calls him Pi.It meansπ. Pi’s father had a zoo.There were many animals in it.Pi got on well with these animals.When Pi was 17 years old,his father decided to move his family to Canada.So his whole family went to Canada with some animals by ship.His father wanted to sell these animals for a high price. On the way to Canada,the ship was broken by the strom.Only Pi and four animals survived on a lifeboat. These animals included a tiger,a zebra,a hyena and an orangutan. The hyena killed the zebra and the orangutan.but it was killed by the tiger. The tiger’s name was Richard Parke. In the next 227 days Pi and Richard Parke drifted on the ocean.At first they were wary of each other.Pi shared the food with Richard Parke. They experienced storms and passed by the ogre island together.Pi had come to know that Richard Parke also had feelings.At the same time, he believed that the God was looking at him and always blessed him. At last the lifeship drifted at Mexico. Richard Parke went away without turning his head when they was saved. Pi was very sad. After I watched this film I thought a lot. Can I be calm like Pi if I sail a boat with a tiger?And do you think the god is looking at you anytime?The film also tells me that we must have the courage to face difficulties and got on well with each other.


关于《少年派的奇幻漂流》观后感400字五篇 最喜欢的电影之一。以下是小编给大家整理的关于《少年派的奇幻漂流》观后感400字,希望可以帮到大家 关于《少年派的奇幻漂流》观后感400字 这本书讲述的是派长大以后回忆他以前经历过的惊身历险。那个时候派家里面没有多少钱了,于是他的爸爸就准备卖掉动物园。把动物园卖掉后,他们把动物运到船上,包括他们自己,结果路上遇到了暴风雨,非常强大,水全部都淹到了船上,派的爸爸妈妈哥哥都淹死了,只有他一个人跳到了救生船上,救生船差一点点就翻了,其他的人全都掉到海里面淹死了,只有派一个人存活了下来。 他乘着救生船,随海浪随便飘荡。同时,一只大猩猩一条狼狗,一匹马也在船上,狼狗把大猩猩和斑马都咬死了,狼狗差点就吃了派,幸好派用锤子把狼狗打死了。 他突然看到有一个东西在尽力地摇晃,他看不清那是什么,他以为是人,他就把它救了上来,一看结果是非常凶猛的孟加拉虎,他吓的差点掉入海里。最后,他爬到了船头的杆子上,过了很久很久,有一天发现了一个岛屿,那个岛屿绿树成荫,他赶紧挖了一些甜甜的草木根,狼吞虎咽的吃了。他继续往里走,竟然看到了一个十分干净的水塘,他在里面欢快的游泳,游完以后,他看见旁边还有个小水泉,并在那里喝了一些水。 晚上很快就到了,他用绳子做了一个易的吊床。还有许多许多的长得一样的小动物。到了晚上,竟然整个小岛都发光了起来,应该是因为什么化学成分在里面。后来他才知道这是一座食人岛,因为他摘下一个果子,看见了一颗腐烂的人类牙齿,他害怕极了,赶紧带了一些可以吃的草木根和一些水就走了。 他又开始漂泊,直到后面他终于到了西班牙,他用完最后的力气便倒在沙滩上,他摸着柔软的沙子,觉得非常庆幸,西班牙人看见他啦,他们把他抬到了医院去。 我觉得这个故事实在是非常奇幻,里面的主人公派,非常有毅力,很坚强,有智慧,不放弃,所以他活了下来。即使当他遇到了强大的暴风雨,甚至救生小艇差点被吹翻,他也没有放弃,是坚持救了他自己的命。


少年犯观后感 少年犯观后感1 我看了少年犯这部电影对我的感触颇深,想想还是一个孩子,怎样肯能做出这样的事呢,孩子的父母呢,都这样的不管他们,据说这部电影的演员都是真正的少年犯,那看这他们就想到,我们更就应好好的珍惜机会。本来就应在学校里上学,相反确在教管说理解改造,教管所的生活,住所,环境恶劣时普通孩子是不能忍受的。 在这部电影中最让我震惊的是有个小男孩有三个爸爸,三个妈妈,亲生父母离异了,就都不要他,送给别人,寄人篱下,最后忍受不了家里的虐待,而离家出走。还是个孩子,哪有潜力养活自我呢,在无奈的状况下,被一个坏人碰上,让他学偷,这样触犯了法律,被抓。你说这样是不是很可惜。但是最大的职责还是在他的亲生父母,既然不要他就不要生下他,既然要离婚就不要生下他,生下了又不负起就应负起的职责,这样的父母真是衣冠禽兽,幸好我从小就有一个良好的家庭环境,使我健康的成长,真的很感激父母。我们应关心孩子的心理健康问题,从小就养成良好的道德品质,塑造做人原则。但是父母就因为孩子犯一次错误就对他们放下,不对他们进行矫正,反而断绝这种亲情关系,哪有这样的父母呢,我们要对他们进行正确的引导,给一个温暖舒服的家庭气氛。

还有一个记者的工作关心青少年犯罪,对工作真是尽职尽责,还和这些管教所的孩子住在一齐,帮忙他们。但是在她献身工作时,却忘记了自我的孩子也是处在这样一个阶段,没有对她进行好的教育,致使走上了犯罪的道路,当她回家时看到的是被警察带走的惨面,这个时候后悔也是来不及的啊,错误已经造成,后悔也是没有用的。 那我想说的是,我们的父母不管工作有多忙,当你有孩子时,就要负起职责,让他们健康的成长。多关心他们的内心世界,多沟通。 少年犯观后感2 我认真翻阅了这些就发生在我们自己身边的违法案例,难免心伤,案例中的犯罪青年几乎跟我们差不多大。本应该在学校享受青春美好时光的他们却在花样的年华踏上了犯罪这条不归之路… 家庭是每个孩子生活的起点,家长则是我们生活学习的最直接启蒙者。现在很多违法青少年的家庭都存在问题,如:父母离异,家庭暴力等等问题……这样的问题使青少年在家里无法感受到来自家庭本应该有的温暖。试想,一个整日在家面对父母不和或恶语相向的少年,怎么能保持乐观向上的心态?所以,我认为家庭和谐对青少年健康发展至关重要!因此,我认为父母更应该懂得对子女的科学教育,改变以简单,粗暴的教育方式 同时家庭成员也要关心孩子,特别要在思想上与孩子多交流,多沟通,了解孩子心里的烦恼或困惑。更要言传身教,


外国电影观后感英文版3篇电影罗马假日英语观后感 he story is about a young princess (公主)(Hepburn)named Ann,making a goodwill (善意的)tour of Europe's capitals。She is tired of the responsibility (职责)and demands of the role she has been born in to and longs to experience the every day pleasures of an ordinary person。In Rome she finally rebels。Waiting until after everyone in the embassy (大使馆)where her party is staying has gone to sleep,she slips out a window and finds herself alone on the streets of Rome。 She is found by Joe Bradley (Peck),a hardened (坚毅的)and somewhat cynical (愤世嫉俗的)reporter,on his way home from a late night card game。Not knowing who she is but seeing that she has no place to stay he takes pity on her and invites her to his apartment for the night。In a ical (滑稽的)scene,he offers her a pair of his pajamas (睡衣)and points to the couch where she can sleep。Innocent (天真的)aristocrat (贵族)that she is,she asks for a nightgown and help undressing。Bradley helps her take off her tie and then leaves the room。When he returns a few minutes later he discovers her sound asleep on the bed,leaving him the couch (沙发)。 Leaving her sleeping the next morning,Bradley shows up late for work and tries to cover himself by saying that he had an interview (采访)with the princess。But his editor shows him a newspaper with her picture and headline stating that she was taken ill the night before and canceled all appointments (安排)for the day。Bradley immediately realizes who he has in his apartment and gets the editor to agree to pay $5,000 if he can get a real interview with the princess。On the way out Bradley contacts a photographer (摄影师)friend,Irving Radovich (Albert)and arranges for him to met him later with his camera for a big scoop。 Returning to his apartment,Bradley picks up the princess for their planned tour of the city。Bradley's real aim is to get the pictures and story he promised (答应)his editor。


电影少年派的奇幻漂流观后感600字电影少年派的奇幻漂流观后感600字(一) 昨天,我在凤凰汇观看了3D电影《少年派奇幻漂流记》,这是李安导演的新作,应属于科幻片。是根据全球畅销作家扬马泰尔的同名小说改编的。这部电影讲了动物园长的儿子派与家人被迫离开印度,带上动物乘上轮船去加拿大的太平洋之旅的故事。在途中轮船遇上了一场可怕的风暴,船上的人包括派的父母、哥哥都被无情的大海吞噬了,派侥幸逃脱,乘上了一艘救生船,同他一起逃出的还有一匹斑马、一只猩猩、一只鬣狗和一只老虎。试想动物被锁在笼子中,谁还顾得上去放它们出来?后来,别的动物都被老虎吃了。派靠着他和家人、女友在一起的美好回忆和对生活的憧憬顽强地拼搏,同凶猛的孟加拉老虎相依为命。有些类似于鲁滨逊漂流记,但不同的是鲁滨逊在岛上过得不错,派却一直惊心动魄。 为了活命,派开始钓鱼给老虎吃,并想方设法训练它。可

老虎毕竟是野兽,哪能那么容易被驯服?一次,他们遭遇了飞鱼群,派手忙脚乱,头、身、脚上全是鱼鳞,老虎却手舞足蹈,起劲地抓着鱼。老虎和他之间的感情与日俱增,派和老虎开始和平相处了。 这艘坚强的小船就这样经历无数风雨,飘泊到了一座小岛上。到处是活泼的狐獴,生活似乎又充满了希望。晚上,派睡在树上,老虎却意外地跑回了船上。后来,派明白了,晚上,这儿会有许多水母散发出淡蓝的光芒,像美丽的星空,但湖水又会产生一种让所有动物丧命的强酸,变成毒潭。于是,派决定尽快离开可怕的食人小岛,继续寻找大陆。 求援无望的他,又经历着烈日、风暴的煎熬,奄奄一息地爬上墨西哥海滩。而骨瘦如柴老虎理也不理采精疲力尽的派,头也不回独自走进了丛林。老虎似乎不懂恩情,动物终究是动物嘛。 人的一生犹如在大海中漂泊,要有坚定的信念支撑你去与猛兽般的人去搏斗,与恶劣的环境去拼搏,不能只是幻想,


少年派观后感范文3篇 观后感的表达方式灵活多样,基本属于议论范畴,但写法不同于一般议论文,因为它必须是在观看后的基础上发感想。简单来说就是观赏过后的感触。下面由我为您整理出的少年派观后感范文,一起来看看吧。 少年派观后感范文1 这个电视剧讲了几个中学生的故事,前半段算是名副其实的少年派,清新明快,后半段就成了成年派了,老成厚重。剧中有不少漏洞,但也塑造了各种人性,试图展现立体社会图卷,但还是以正面为主,恶的一面蜻蜓点水,也符合大众教育孩子的想法。所谓挽弓当挽强,用箭当用长,只要没有原则性错误,那就值得扬长避短看一看。 首先是林妙妙这几个孩子,让许多人想起青春岁月,肆意妄为,天马行空,很多错误看来反而成了美好回忆,让人们禁不住感叹一声,年轻,真好,年轻没有什么不可以。但剧中透露一股山楂树一样的氛围,很好,就是中学生闹归闹,坚持了底线,没有误导孩子们的价值观,太污的话,不是自由,而是自我毁灭,因为在懵懂时节的放纵,付出的是影响一生的代价,时不时的泪水和不尽的懊悔,收获的仅仅是别有用心的人营造的狂热氛围和

虚情假意的包围煽动,仅此而已。而且,学习好的钱三一受到优待,收到追捧,也许会有反对声音,但学习作为价值标准在当今时代看来,正面是主要的,负面只是次要的,因材施教不是消解学习为本价值导向的理由,现实是学习对于大多数人来说是正道,要不然刘项原来不读书也不会闻名,比尔盖茨也不会那么典型,物以稀为贵,普通人还是大多数。 其次是林妙妙家庭的矛盾,床头打架床尾和,符合多数家庭的现状,一言不合就离婚是典型的不负责任,现实是需要考虑孩子和老人,需要考虑社会特别是邻里影响的。分了真的好吗?有钱或者有权的单身生活真的幸福吗?在夜深人静的时候,床前明月光,对影成三人的时候,在面临挫折,疾病的时候,物质享受不是覆盖所有时候所有事情的麻醉剂,顶多算是光鲜一点的遮羞布,欺骗别人也许不难,欺骗自己容易吗?花蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞的邓小琪母亲,又得到了什么呢?有些错误是可以及时止损的,而不是赌徒心理要翻本,要压人一头,要让人不敢揭短。这样的人,成功的有几个?武则天算一个吧?扑街的却数不胜数。邓小琪这样一个校花被同学孤立嘲笑,不就是源于母亲的故事吗?当然,母亲还是有爱的,否则,豁出去了别人也只能远观品评而不可左右焉。而不管大人怎么样,儿女怎么样,亲情孝道是绕不过去,也伪装不来的,所以,这点应该作为我们判断一个人


昨晚我看了七、八十年代的一部优秀电影——《少年犯》。看后,能够说是情愫种种,感慨颇多,更被剧中感人的情节催下了含着各种滋味的泪水…… 《少年犯》主要写了少年犯们在狱中思想转变过程中所遇到的艰难、挫折,以及写了管教人员的良苦用心,也侧面抨击了当时人们对子女教育方面的欠缺,更是对当时个别不负职责的父母丑行的控诉。从而,给搞教育的、给少管所、给,也更给社会提出了很多值得人深思的问题,为教育少年儿童成才而不是走歪路,敲响了警钟! 电影开篇镜头是一台警车,拉着新进少年犯来到上海市少年管教所。车中的一个犯了“错”的孩子,往车窗外看,看到人群中有他的妹妹和母亲在追逐他的车。电影以推拉的镜头,从中焦远景跟着母亲和妹妹走,妹妹从人行道跑到车道,从车道跑到人群中,之后拌倒了,举着伞过往的人们淹没了他的妹妹和妈妈,这个车中的孩子懊悔地低下了头。远去的只有“嘟嘟”的警笛声,天空仍然下着蒙蒙的细雨。电影结尾也用了这一镜头,是著名女记者丁洁心回家看自我的孩子时,自我的孩子也在警车中望着她,这回没有从车窗内写亲人的情形,而是从母亲的视角看孩子、看警车。整个电影的首尾呼应,处理得十分妙,两次对警车的镜头的描述,如同敲响了两次警钟。使人被牵入了无限的思考中。 透过电影教育孩子的细节镜头有很多。像一中队队长在评价做出玩具的孩子时,他只说了一句话“同样是一双手!”是啊,同样是一双手,为什么就不能像此刻这样去劳动、去赚钱生活呢?难道只有下道才能活吗?我看下道去偷、去抢反而

活得更累、反而活得更提心吊胆吧?可见这句话对孩子们是就应有必须教育好处的。让人深思。 电影中还交代了一个问题,就是孩子如果跟社会的小混混在一齐,就容易被拉下水。像丁洁心的儿子就是这样。父亲在国外上班,母亲是记者天天不在家,很忙。只有个年迈的奶奶还都顺着他。试想,这样的家庭环境孩子和无人管有什么分别呢?孩子能不学坏吗?年龄小,自控潜力差,闲散惯了,最终自然受社会负面人物的拉拢而走向了犯罪。这一事件的交待,不仅仅仅是告诉孩子们要远离坏人,控制自我的任性、娇惯;也同时对父母们提个醒管教孩子不要离得太远,更不要离得太久。孩子是需要安慰的,是需要父爱和母爱的。自我发展很容易成长为歪脖柳。从这一点看,孩子犯了罪,其实父母也就等于犯了罪。 对于监狱的说教,透过王刚吞剪刀一事,深刻地指出了管教过程中的漏洞和不周全的地方,对当时的监狱能够说是一种警示,也积累了经验。孩子的教育,包括成年人改过自新的教育,是需要家庭的原谅和社会的理解,这样才能真正的让一个人从深渊走向光明。如果想让一个人重见天日,我们每个家属,每一个社会的人都就应谅解他、鼓励他和支持他去做好人。 整部电影除了出狱后考上大学的那位孩子,其余的全是由在押犯人和管教、所长们拍的。孩子超凡的演技,自编的歌、曲、舞,十分精彩、十分感人,透射出了青春的美丽、展示出了他们的才华。难道他们真的就是犯罪的人吗?他们那种改过自新,重新做人的勇气,在那青春萌动的年龄,透过一曲《少年犯》感动了


看英语电影观后感英文版 电影大家看过许多了,观后感大家也写过许多,那么偶尔看一 看写一写英语的观后感也是不错的。下面是的关于英语电影观后感, 希望对您有所帮助 ! Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana. Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Pla to persuade people there to leave the pla so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral.Jake is sent there to control his Avatar.However,he es across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins to see that nature and the pla should be protected.At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth. 3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.The message of the film is simple — human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it. am honored today watched the United States , 3D cartoon animated film The story is the old manCarl and his wife Eliza has always been thought of children in South America


观后感英文版 电影观后感英文版 ;;《泰坦尼克号》观后感 After the appreciation of the film “Titanic”,I have noticed some meaningful details behind the peoples’ general impression of simply an affectional film. The wreck of the Titanic occurred in 1912, in which the great recession started from the end of the 19th Century still hasn’t ended. Most critics pointed out that the sinking of the Titanic represents the collapse of the Capitalism in the end of the 19th Century. However, I would like to say that, in this movie, the director had not only foreran the crisis of the Capitalism, but also showed some of the human nature, from both gloomy and brilliant aspects, like selfish, mammonish, vainglorious, and love, hope, bravery, faith, and so on. In this essay, I will first reveal this film’s indication of the social context of that age, then I will analyse the two contrary aspects of human nature indicated in this film through some impressive shots. Under the development of industrial technology, the economy in the Capitalism countries took off. People lived a


Comment on the movie《Life Of Pi》Seeing from the Chinese title of this movie,it’s not difficult to know that《Life Of Pi》is a movie full of fantasy and adventure. The film tells the story of Pi who had a 227 days ’adventurous drift at sea with a Bengal tiger. While bringing us a stunning audio-visual feast, the movie also led us to think about humanity and barbarity. From the perspective of shooting skill,the film was shoot in the similar way with《Titanic》:The aged protagonist tells his or her own experience or story to us. There is a big part of background of Pi’s Boy’ life which seems kind of boring at first; but when I finished watching the whole movie, I finally realized the importance of the long opening: it helps a lot with our understanding of the later stories happening to Pi. As for the story of the movie, actually director Ang Leeprovided us two stories to choose: One is about the drift between the young man and the tiger. The other one is that author concludes that cook have killed and ate the seaman, then killed Pi’s mother, eventually Pi killed and ate the cook. The grown Pi didn’t declare against the conclusion. Instead, he just asked the author that which story does he like. Grown Pi said the author believed in god after he got the answer. F or me, I don’t believe in God, neither do I think there is much


少年派观后感3篇 《少年派》是由刘惠宁、李少飞执导,张嘉译、闫妮、赵今麦、郭俊辰、王玉雯、姜冠南领衔主演的都市家庭剧。下面我们来看看少年派,欢迎阅读借鉴。 在前几天火了一部电视剧《少年派》,我看了之后深有感触。 林妙妙的父母,由于林妙妙的学习下降就直接把房子换了,学霸钱三一的母亲,之前是一位歌唱家,因为儿子要上高中了,所以就告别了舞台,跟着儿子陪读。邓小琪的母亲也是为了让自己的女儿过好,也是非常努力。虽然之前姜天浩的父母非常有钱,可是,当他们破产后,对儿子的学习也是非常上心的。这四位主人公都身处不同的家庭,但是都有一个相同点,都是父母非常重视孩子的学习。 有一段时间,林妙妙因为直播没有学习,每天晚上熬夜搞直播,导致学习成绩急速下滑,而这时邓小琪因为想要报考中戏,就开始非常努力的学习。他们三个都劝过林妙妙,让她好好学习,可林妙妙不听,她认为直播可以赚钱,可是在年会上林妙妙也没有穿礼服,粉丝大跌。后来,林妙妙想要跳楼,直到自己的妈妈被吓晕了过去之后才开始知道努力学习。本来可以考上一本的林妙妙,最终却考上了二本。而钱三一不出所料,考上了清华大学。邓小琪考上

了中央戏剧学院,江天浩为了帮父母开饭馆只考了当地的江州大学,林妙妙也考了那个学校。 我们先看看他们原来的学习状况:邓小琪的成绩原来非常不好,和林妙妙是全班倒数一二,可是后来经过自己的努力也考上了中央戏剧学院,可见,努力多么重要。林妙妙因为一时的兴趣,就放弃了自己的学业,到后来才开始努力,这又让我知道在接近期末考试的关键时刻不能松懈,要一直努力。 《少年派》这部电视剧让我明白:在我们上学时,不能因受别人的诱惑开始放松自己的学习,要不能受别人的干扰,自己要有明确的学习目标,砥砺前行,这样才能取得成功。 昨天少年派的大结局了,现在也不用会去思考剧情了。当初还是孩子他爹安利我的这部剧,他说看到闫妮(王胜男)和张嘉译(林大为)的对话就像是看到了我俩的日常。看林妙妙高一高二时候他们全家的状态,我还在说,我只有一部分像王胜男,有一次王胜男吐槽林大为的生活习惯那部分,感觉像极了我吐槽孩子他爹,但要求林妙妙好好学习的那部分,我是完全不一样的,我从来对孩子没有这种要求。随着剧情的发展,王胜男在一次和林大为对话时说,小时候只希望孩子健康,随着孩子年龄的增长,对妙妙的要求越来


《少年犯》观后感 《少年犯》观后感 在看完一部作品以后,一定对生活有了新的感悟和看法吧,是时候写一篇观后感好好记录一下了。是不是无从下笔、没有头绪?以下是小编为大家整理的《少年犯》观后感,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 我看了少年犯这部电影对我的感触颇深,想想还是一个孩子,怎么肯能做出这样的事呢,孩子的父母呢,都这样的不管他们,据说这部电影的演员都是真正的少年犯,那看这他们就想到,我们更应该好好的珍惜机会。本来应该在学校里上学,相反确在教管说接受改造,教管所的生活,住所,环境恶劣时普通孩子是不能忍受的。 在这部电影中最让我震惊的是有个小男孩有三个爸爸,三个妈妈,亲生父母离异了,就都不要他,送给别人,寄人篱下,终于忍受不了家里的虐待,而离家出走。还是个孩子,哪有能力养活自己呢,在无奈的情况下,被一个坏人碰上,让他学偷,这样触犯了法律,被抓。你说这样是不是很可惜。可是最大的责任还是在他的亲生父母,既然不要他就不要生下他,既然要离婚就不要生下他,生下了又不负起应该负起的责任,这样的父母真是衣

冠禽兽,幸好我从小就有一个良好的家庭环境,使我健康的成长,真的很感激父母。我们应关心孩子的心理健康问题,从小就养成良好的道德品质,塑造做人原则。可是父母就因为孩子犯一次错误就对他们放弃,不对他们进行矫正,反而断绝这种亲情关系,哪有这样的父母呢,我们要对他们进行正确的引导,给一个温暖舒服的家庭气氛。 还有一个记者的工作关心青少年犯罪,对工作真是尽职尽责,还和这些管教所的孩子住在一起,帮助他们。可是在她献身工作时,却忘记了自己的孩子也是处在这样一个阶段,没有对她进行好的教育,致使走上了犯罪的道路,当她回家时看到的是被警察带走的惨面,这个时候后悔也是来不及的啊,错误已经造成,后悔也是没有用的。 那我想说的是,我们的父母不管工作有多忙,当你有孩子时,就要负起责任,让他们健康的成长。多关心他们的内心世界,多沟通 购买相关教材

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