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奶豆腐 # Dried milk tofu cake
奶粉 # Milk powder
奶疙瘩 # Milk pimple
奶酪 #Cheese
奶片 # Milk tablets
奶油 # Cream
奶油乳酪 # Cream cheese
牛奶# Milk
牛乳 # Milk
牛乳粉 # Milk powder
普通契达干酪 # Ordinary cheddar cheese
巧克力 # chocolate
全脂 # Full-fat
全脂奶粉 # Full-fat milk powder
全脂牛奶粉 # Full-fat milk powder
全脂软酪 # Full-fat soft cheese #
全脂速溶奶粉 # full fat instant milk powder #
全脂羊乳粉 # Whole fat sheep milk powder # Whole fat goat milk powder
人乳 # Human Breast milk #

乳类 # Milk class # Milk # Dairy
酥油 # ghee # Butter
酸酪蛋 # sour casein eggs
酸奶 # Yogurt
脱脂奶豆腐 # Nonfat dried milk cake tofu
脱脂契达干酪 # Nonfat cheddar cheese
脱脂酸奶# Nonfat yogurt
脱脂甜炼乳 # Nonfat sweetened condensed milk #
鲜羊乳 # Fresh goat milk
学生奶 # Student milk
羊奶 # Goat's milk
羊乳酪 # Goat cheese # Feta
硬质 # Hard
中脂软酪 # fat soft cheese
中脂酸奶 # fat yogurt


药食类 medicine-food ingredients

阿胶 # gelatin # Donkey hide gelatin
艾叶 # Artemisia argyi # Leaves
巴戟 # Morinda officinalis # Morinda
芭蕉花 # Banana flower
白参 # White Ginseng
白豆蔻 # White cardamom
白附子 # Rhizoma typhonii

白花蛇 # Long-nosed pit viper
白花蛇舌草 # Spreading hedyotis herb
白及 # Rhizoma Bletillae
白僵蚕 # White batryticated silkworm
白芥子 # White mustard Seed
白茅根 # Cogongrass rhizome
白芍 # Radix paeoniae alba
,白首乌 # Whitehead black # Baishouwu # Baishouwu
白术 # Atractylodes
白头翁 # Chinese bulbul
白芷 # Angelica dahurica
百部 # Stemona
百合花 # lily
百里香 # Thyme
百灵草 # Braun grass

柏子 # Cedar seed
败酱草 # Patrinia
板蓝根 # Radix isatidis
半边莲 # lobelia
半夏 # pinellia
北豆根 # Menispermi
北沙参 # Glehnia littoralis
荜茇 # Piper longum
荜澄茄 # Cubeb
萆解 # Yam rhizome
扁蓄菜 # knotgrass
鳖甲 # Turtle shell
槟榔 # Betel nut
冰片 # borneol
薄荷 # mint
补 # fill # Complement # Supplement
补骨脂 # Psoralea corylifolia
参 # ginseng
参须 # ginseng
蚕茧 # Silkworm cocoon
蚕蛹 # Silkworm chrysalis
苍耳子 # Fructus xanthii
苍术 # Rhizoma atractylodis
苍术苗 # Rhizoma atractylodis seedlings
,草豆蔻 # Grass nutmeg # Alpinia katsumadai Hayata # Alpinia
草果 # Tsaoko
侧柏叶 # Oriental arborvitae leaf
柴胡 # Radix bupleuri
蝉蜕 # Cicada slough
常山 # dichroa
车前 # Plantain
车前草 # Plantain
车前子 # Plantago
沉香 # Aloes
陈皮 # Dried tangerine or orange peel
橙皮 # Orange peel
赤芍 # Radix paeoniae rubra
虫草花 # Cordyceps flowers
樗白 # A

ilanthus White
川贝母 # Unibract fritillary bulb
川楝子 # Toosendan

川牛膝 # Radix cyathulae
川乌头 # Sichuan Aconite
川芎 # Rhizoma ligustici wallichii
穿山甲 # pangolin
穿心莲 # Andrographis
垂盆草 # Sarmentosum

椿白皮 # Tsubaki white
磁石 # Magnet
刺蒺藜 # Tribulus terrestris
,刺老芽 # Stab old bud # Aralia elata # Thorn old buds
,葱须 # Onions must be # Shallot # Onions to be
大黄 # rhubarb
丹参 # Salvia miltiorrhiza
淡豆豉 # Fermented soybean
淡竹叶 # Lophatherum gracile
当归 # angelica
,党参 # Codonopsis pilosula
,灯心草 # rush # Rush # Rush

地鳖 # Eupolyphaga sinensis
,地丁 # DeDing # Violet # Ding
,地骨皮 # To bone skin # CLR # Digupi
地黄 # Rehmannia
地锦草 # Humifusae
地榆 # sanguisorba
丁香 # clove
冬虫夏草 # Cordyceps sinensis
冬瓜皮 # Wax gourd peel
冬葵子 # Fructus malvae
豆蔻 # cardamom
独脚金 # witchweed
杜仲 # Eucommia
鹅肠草 # goose intestinal grass
防风 # Windproof
防己 # Stephania tetrandra
蜂王浆 # Royal jelly
蜂蛹 # Bee pupa
佛手 # bergamot
茯苓 # Poria
浮小麦 # Floating wheat
附子 # Aconite
覆盆子 # raspberry
干薄荷 # Dried mint
干葛根 # Dried radix puerariae
干黄花菜 # Dry day lily
干姜 # Dried ginger
干山药 # Dry yam
甘草 # licorice
甘松 # spikenard
,柑杞 # Orange qi # Gan Qi # Kom Qi
高丽参 # ginseng
,高良姜 # galangal # Alpinia officinarum Hance # Galangal
,藁本 # Chaff this # Ligusticum # Ligustilide营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

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,葛粉 # Gregory powder # Arrowroot # Gefen
葛根 # Kudzu root
葛花 # Flower of kudzuvine
葛仙米 # Nostoc sphaeroides
蛤蚧 # tokay
钩藤 # uncaria
狗鞭 # Dog penis
狗肝菜 # Dicliptera
狗脊 # Woodwardia
枸杞叶 # Medlar leaves
枸杞子 # medlar
谷精草 # Eriocaulon
骨 # bone
,骨碎 # Bone is broken # Bone broken # Gusui

,瓜蒌 # fructus # Mongolian snakegourd
,龟胶 # Turtle glue # Tortoise plastron glue # Plastic turtle
桂枝 # Cassia twig
,桂子 # The laurel blossoms filled the air. # Gui Zi # Keiko
果脯 # Preserved fruit
,海风藤 # The sea breeze rattan
海马 # hippocampus
海螵蛸 # cuttlebone
海桐皮 # Pittosporum skin
,旱莲草 # Dry lotus grass # Eclipta
,禾虫 # Grain insect
合欢花 # Flos albiziae
合欢皮 # Cortex albiziae

,何首乌 # Fleece-flower root
荷叶 # Lotus leaf
,鹤顶草 # Crane top grass
红参 # Red ginseng
红豆蔻 # Red cardamom
红花 # Safflower
厚朴 # Magnolia bark
胡椒 # pepper
胡椒根 # Pepper root
虎杖 # Polygonum cuspidatum
花 # flowers
花粉 # pollen
花椒叶 # Chinese prickly ash leaf
滑石 # talc
槐花 # Sophora japonica
黄荆子 # Negundo chastetree fruit
,黄精 # Huang jing # Huang Jing # Huang Jing
黄连 # Rhizoma coptidis
黄芪 # Astragalus membranaceus
黄芩 # Scutellaria baicalensis
蝗虫 # locusts
茴芹 # anise
火麻仁 # Hemp kernels
藿香 # Agastache
藿香叶 # Rugosa leaf
鸡骨草 # Chicken bone grass
鸡冠花 # cockscomb
鸡血藤 # Caulis spatholobi
蓟 # thistle

,剑花 # Sword flowers # Hylocereus undatus
酵母粉 # Yeast powder
,金达莱 # jindal # Jin Dalai # Jindal
,金雀花 # broom
金银花 # honeysuckle
金樱子 # Cherokee rose
荆芥 # Herba schizonepetae
荆芥穗 # Nepeta ear
九香虫 # Aspongopus
桔梗 # Platycodon grandiflorum
桔皮 # Orange peel
菊花 # chrysanthemum
橘红 # orange
决明 # Cassia
决明子 # Cassia seed
蕨根粉 # Fern root powder
爵床 # justicia
蔻 # Cardamom

苦参 # sophora
苦杏仁 # Bitter apricot kernels
苦竹叶 # Bitter bamboo leaf
款冬花 # Coltsfoot flower
莱菔子 # Semen raphani
莲花 # lotus
莲蓉 # Lotus seed paste
灵芝 # Ganoderma lucidum
羚羊角 # Antelope horn
榴莲壳 # Durian shell
蒌蒿 # Trichosanthis Artemisia
,漏芦 # Leakage reed # Radix rhapontici
,露蜂房 # Dew hive # Nidus Vespae # Vespae
芦根 # Reed rhizome
芦荟 # Aloe
鹿角胶 # Antler glue
鹿角霜 # Antlers cream
鹿筋 # Deer tendon
鹿茸 # Velvet antler
驴鞭 # donkey Penis
绿豆花 # Mung bean flowers
罗布麻 # apocynum
罗汉果 # Siraitia grosvenorii
洛神花 # Roselle
,络石藤 # starjasmine
麻黄 # ephedra
马鞭草 # verbena
马兰头 # Malan head
,马钱子 # Nux vomica
麦冬 # Dwarf lilyturf
麦门冬 # Ophiopogonis
麦瓶草 # Silene
麦芽 # malt
蔓荆子 # Fructus viticis
茉莉花 # Jasmine Flower
牡丹皮 # Tree peony bark
牡蛎 # oysters
木榧 # Wood Torreya
木棉花 # kapok
,木香 # Woody
南沙参 # Radix adenophorae
,南藤 # South rattan # South Vine

檬叶 # Lemon leaves
牛蒡根 # Burdock root
牛膝 # Achyranthes bidentata
女贞子 # Fructus ligustri lucidi

欧石楠 # heather
藕节 # Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis
排草香 # Row grass incense
胖大海 # Boat-fruited sterculia
佩兰 # perrin

枇杷叶 # Loquat leaf
啤酒花 # Hops
萍蓬草根 # Nuphar pumilum root
蒲公英 # Dandelion
蒲黄 # Cattail pollen
,掐不 # Device is not # Clutch is not # Not pinch
牵牛子 # Semen pharbitidis
前胡 # Radix Peucedani
茜草 # madder
羌活 # notopterygium

,荞头 # koey
秦艽 # Gentiana macrophylla
,青风藤 # orientvine # Caulis Sinomenii # Acutum
青蒿 # Artemisia annua
青葙子 # Feather cockscomb seed
全蝎 # scorpion
雀卵 # Bird eggs
人参 # ginseng
人参须 # Panax ginseng
仙人掌果 Cactus fruit
,仁 # hitoshi # Ren # Benevolence
肉苁蓉 # Nutmeg
肉豆蔻 # nutmeg
肉桂 # cinnamon
三七 # notoginseng
桑白皮 # Morus alba
桑寄生 # Mulberry parasitism
,桑螵 # Mulberry Piao # Sang Piao # Sang Piao
桑椹子 # Mulberry
桑叶 # Mulberry leaf
桑枝 # ramulus mori
沙苑蒺藜 # Tribulus complanatus
砂仁 # Amomum villosum
山慈姑 # Arrowhead Mountain
山稔子 # Fructus rhodomyrti
山楂干 # dry Hawthorn
山茱萸 # Cornus officinalis

山茱萸 # Dogwood

蛸 # octopus
蛇肉 # Snake meat
蛇蜕 # Snake slough
麝香 # musk
伸筋藤 # Common clubmoss cane
神曲 # divine comedy
升麻 # Cimicifuga
生地黄 # Raw radix rehmanniae
生姜皮 # Ginger skin
石菖蒲 # stone calamus
石耳 # Umbilicaria
石斛 # Caulis dendrobii

石决明 # Concha haliotidis
石榴皮 # Pomegranate husk
,石上柏 # The stone parker # Selaginella
食用仙人掌 # Edible cactus
豕希莶草 # Hog Greek Siegesbeckiae
使君子 # Quisqualis
,手掌参 # The palm of your hand and # The palm of your hand # Palm Participation
首乌 # Radix polygoni multiflori
,熟地 # Radix Rehmanniae
熟地黄 # Rehmannia glutinosa
,树子 # Tree son # Shu Zi # Mikiko
水葫芦 # Water hyacinth
水蛇 # Water snake
水蛭 # Leech
水竹叶 # Water bamboo leaves
丝瓜络 # loofah
松针 # Pine needles
苏打粉 # Baking soda
,酸模 # sorrel
酸枣仁 # Zizyphus jujube benevolence
锁阳 # Cynomorium songaricum Rupr
太子参 # Radix pseudostellariae
檀香 # sandalwood
,塘葛菜 # Tong ge food # Rorippa # Tong Ge dish
桃花 # Peach blossom
桃仁 # Peach kernel
藤 # Rattan
藤 # Vine

天花粉 # Radix trichosanthis
天麻 # Gastrodia elata
天门冬 # Aspartic
田七 # Panax notoginseng
田七菜 # Panax notoginseng food
通草 # Ricepaperplant pith
