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2. 课次为授课次序,填1~n等;

3. 授课形式填理论课、实验课、讲评课、习题课等。


1.The restaurant offers a sumptuous buffet-style breakfast each morning 2.His day was fragmented by interruptions and phone calls. 3.He eat alone, ruminating on the injustice of the world. 4.He supplements his meager income by working on Saturdays. 5.Much of this trend is attributable to a strong economy,but there are 6.They buy the clothes for their designs and fetching colors. 7.The new alarm system should deter car thieves. 8.She adjusted her glasses and peered at the man. 9.Optimists point out that there is an abundance of good news. 10.He has this uncanny ability to synthesize concepts from a few isolated 11.It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulated wealth. 12.The historical site is aswarm with tourists. 13.If the temperature falls below a particular threshold, a warning light 14.When her parents divorced, Mary Ann opted to live with her father. 15.Both sides made various concessions, but neither would back down on 16.He didn’t actually accuse me of stealing, but that was the implication.


《体验商务英语综合教程》课程教学大纲 一、基本信息 课程编号: 024222007 课程名称:体验商务英语综合教程3 英文名称:Intermediate Business English Course Book 课程性质: 专业基础课 总学时:72学时 学分:4学分 适用对象:商务英语专业本科3年级学生 先修课程:综合英语 二、编写说明 (一)课程的性质 《体验商务英语综合教程》是为商务英语专业学生开设的一门专业基础课。这门课程始于二年级下学期,与之前的综合英语课程衔接,使学生在掌握英语语言技能的同时,了解现代国际商务的现状,以达到在体验商务中学习语言、提高商务交际能力的目的。本课程横跨三个学期,分别使用《体验商务英语综合教程》的第三册、第四册和第五册。 (二)课程教学目标和基本要求 本课程作为商务英语专业的基础必修课之一,从培养高级应用型商务英语人才的目标出发,理论联系实际,旨在帮助学生在掌握英语语言技能的同时,了解现代国际商务的现状,以达到在体验商务中学习语言、提高商务交际能力的目标。 本课程要求学生能够掌握重点词汇的英文表达,熟悉现代市场经济条件下商务活动的各个方面和时代课题,如全球化、国际营销、技术创新、营销策略、企业文化、市场竞争、经营风险、危机管理、电子商务等等。为了达到这些目标,本课程要求学生积极参与课堂讨论,在阅读的基础上,通过角色扮演和案例学习等方式,在完成交际任务中复用所学语言知识,提高交际能力,将自己的经历和观点融入交际活动之中。 (三)课程的重点和难点 本课程的讲授时间为三个学期,分别使用《体验商务英语综合教程》的第三册、第四册和第五册。每册的学习量均为12个单元,单元设计以语言和商务技能为主线,商务词汇、语法的学习与讨论相结合,听力和阅读部分配有角色扮演等交际活动,最后是案例分析或技能运用。本课程重点涉及体验式的教学和学习方式,学生在形式多样的任务活动中,掌握相关的商务词汇、提高商务英语的听力、阅读和写作能力,达到语言水平和商务技能的同时提高。难点在于学生要能灵活地运用自己所学的语言和商务知识,将自己的经历和观点融入交际活动之中,在提高语言表达能力的同时还要提高自己的交际能力。 (四)课程教学方法与手段 (1)强调课堂教学应以学生为主体而以教师为主导,改变以教师为中心的教


Unit 1 1.我不愿意告诉你,但是如果三个月我们不能招揽到更多的顾客的话,归根结蒂的问题是公司将面临倒闭。(go out of business) I hate to tell you this,but if we don’t get more customers the next three months,the bottom line is that we’ll go out of business. 2.当局可能会对户外广告的副作用加以干预,但是,这并不意味着该禁令在法律上的合理性。它阻碍了我们的企划方案。(be concerned with) The authorities might be concerned with the side effects of the outdoor ads,but this does not mean the ban is legally justifiable.It has hindered us from scheduling our projects. 3.复杂的革新金融体系固然容易遭受破坏,但是单一、严格管制的金融体系势必导致经济发展迟缓。(susceptible) A sophisticated and innovative financial system is susceptible to destructive booms;but a simple,tightly regulated one will condemn an economy to grow slowly. 4.布什总统说他了解很多美国人都担心未来经济的发展,持续不稳定的房地产市场存在风险,使更多人面临失业危险。(in jeopardy) President Bush says he knows many Americans are concerned about the future of the economy,with the risk that continued instability in the housing market could put more jobs in jeopardy.

体验商务英语(第二版)课件第2册案例Dear Sirs or Madams

Dear Sirs or Madams: I am writing to invite you to attend this year’s conference, which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, 21 – 24 November, 2008. The chief executive and the senior managers from the head office and the overseas sales managers will attend the conference. The purpose of the conference is, first of all, to enable the managers to know each other better. In addition, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work. Most important of all, however, we will at the conference discuss how we can improve our products and services in the future. The venue we have chosen for this year’s conference is Hotel Moda. It is a 4-star hotel located about half an hour by underground to the city center. The hotel facilities are excellent with spacious bedrooms, a large swimming pool, sauna and Jacuzzi. Moreover, during the conference, we will arrange various activities for the participants, such as guided city tours, cultural tours, sightseeing and opera. I hope you will all be able to enjoy yourselves during the conference. The conference will commence on Saturday morning, 22 November. All the participants are required to arrive by Friday evening, 21 November, and leave by noon of Monday, 24 November. I sincerely wish that you can all attend this year’s conference and I look forward to meeting you in Prague. Sincerely yours, (226 words)


Unit 1 Company Profile 1.Translate the following Chinese terms into English. candidate patent industry personnel registered trademark core competency domain name intended market emerging market headquarter multinational corporation Chief Executive Officer stakeholder 2.Translate the following English terms into Chinese. 股本,股金总额 以人为本的解决方案 精于心简于形 对客户的深入了解 工业革命 回收利用 3.Translation: 宝洁公司始创于1837年,是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一。2007财政年度,公司全年销售额达682亿美元。在《财富》杂志评选出的全球500家最大企业中,排名第74位。 宝洁公司在全球80多个国家设有工厂或分公司,所经营的300多个品牌的产品畅销160多个国家和地区,其中包括美容护理、居家护理、吉列产品等。每天,在世界各地,宝洁公司的产品与全球消费者发生着三十亿次亲密接触。宝洁大中华业务区包括1988年成立的中国大陆分公司、1987成立的香港分公司和1985年成立的台湾分公司。 一九八八年,宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企业-广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了其中国业务发展的历程。宝洁总部位于广州,目

前在广州、北京、上海、成都、天津、东莞及南平等地设有多家分公司及工厂,并在北京设立技术中心。 二十年来,宝洁取得了飞速的发展,主要表现在: 建立了领先的大品牌 宝洁公司是中国最大的日用消费品公司,年销售额超过二十亿美元。我们在参与竞争的领域内占据了最大的市场份额。飘柔、舒肤佳、玉兰油、帮宝适、汰渍及吉列等品牌在各自的护发、个人清洁、皮肤护理、婴儿护理、洗衣粉、男士美容等产品领域内都处于领先的市场地位。 业务保持了强劲的增长 中国宝洁是全球业务增长速度最快的区域市场之一。目前, 宝洁大中华区的销售量已位居宝洁全球区域市场中的第二位,销售额也已位居前五位。 建立了出色的组织结构 伴随着公司的业务发展,宝洁的中国员工得到了迅速的成长。中国籍的员工占员工总数的97%以上,宝洁大中华区已成为向宝洁其他市场的重要管理人才输出地。 承诺做模范企业公民 宝洁向中国的各项公益事业捐款的总额已超过八千万元人民币(一千万美元),希望工程是宝洁公司慈善捐赠的最大接受者。 4.略 Unit 2 Business Meeting 1.Translation: Honorable Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening! It is a great pleasure for me to attend, among all of you here the opening ceremony of the 2005 FORTUNE Global Forum on this pleasant


1.我不喜欢上火车站给人送行。(see…of!) I don't like to see people off at the railway station. 2.公司星期一晚上为你举办告别晚会,七点半有车到旅馆来接你。(pick up) The company is giving a farewell party for you on Mon day eve ning. A car will come to your ho tel to pick you up at ha If past seve n. 3.她太激动了,情不自禁地热烈拥抱我。(give ...an embrac e) She was so excited tha t she couldn *t help givi ng me a warm embrace 4.我从未摆脱局外人的感觉。(out of place) I never quite succeed in o vercoming th e sense of b eing out of place? 5.她环视房间,想看看谁在那儿。(glanee) She glan ced round th e room to se e who was th ere. 6.他的大鞋子看起来像只小船。(look 1 ike) His big shoes look I ike small bo ats. 7.你应该把鸡蛋搅进面粉,而不是反过來做。(folding) Yo u should fol d the eggs i nto the flou r in stead of doing it in the opposit e way. 1.他认为他们之间的婚约只不过是个交易而己。(no more t han) He think s that the m arriage betw een them is no more than a business deal. 2.他把身上的钱花了个精光。(use up) He used up all the mone y he had? 3.这位年轻人从水里把你女儿救了出来。(save ...from) The you ng man saved your daught er from drow ning. 4.她实在无处可去,于是就呆在家里看看旧书。(nowhere to) She had abs olutely nowh ere to go. S o she read s ome old book s at home. 5.“我能成为像杰夫(Geoff )那样的好球员吗?"也许可能,不过离那一天还早着呢。“(a long way to go) n W ill I ever be as good a player as Ge off?1' H Perha ps5 but you still have a long way to go before t hat day comes.” 6.他那份工作看样子干不长了。(in danger of) He is in danger of losing hisjob? 7.工厂雇佣童工的情况在有些国家己绝迹了。(die out) The practice of having child ren work in factories ha s nearly die d out in som e countries? 1.天开始下雨,她走向附近的一个避雨处。(make for) It start ed raining,so she made for the near est shelter. 2.她挑了一顶帽子,正好配她的衣服。(pick ou t) She picked out a cap t o match her dress 3.我等了一个小时,可还是没见他的人影。(show up) I wa iled for an hour, but he didn*t show up. 4.他们觉得还是呆在原地好。(figure) They figured it was bett er to stay w here they we re.


The Coming Trade Wars1 The massive intrusion of government into national economics could spark disastrous protectionism. Jeffrey E. Garten It's hard to find a top economic official, economist or global business leader who doesn't recognize today's heightened dangers of protectionism. But it is equally difficult to identify any high-powered efforts to actively ward off the prospect of higher tariffs, quotas or trade-blocking regulations. It is as if talking about the threat is seen as enough to deter a gigantic rollback of global commerce. But rhetoric will not prevent a trade war, which is now, I believe, more likely than it has been at any time since the early 1970s, when currencies were no longer fixed to the value of gold and began to float against one another. A half-century of steady trade liberalization was in jeopardy even before the current financial and economic meltdown. Prior to the implosion of Bear Stearns①, the U.S. Congress had taken away almost all of President Bush's trade-negotiating authority, feeling that the U.S. was no longer gaining enough from new trade agreements, while jobs were being lost and wages undercut. Well before "subprime"②entered the popular lexicon,the Doha round of trade negotiations had collapsed, as rich and poor nations fought over contentious issues like agriculture. The rise of China and India has raised deep concerns over import penetration, not just in the U.S. and Europe but also in emerging markets like Mexico. For a few years now, prominent economists were raising warning flags that support for free trade was being eroded by the perception that trade was contributing to ever-greater income inequalities. Now, however, the collapse of the global banking system, a deepening global recession and the massive intrusion of governments into national economies—a trend that can't help but politicize economic policy decisions—have all added fuel to the fire. Unemployment is growing, with more than 70,000 layoffs announced in the U.S. and Europe last Monday alone, and global trade volume is now decreasing—by more than 2 percent, according to the World Bank—for the first time in a quarter century. Container ships sit idle in ports—demand is down 50 percent year on year. America's own exports declined 6 percent last year, China's 9 percent and Japan's a shocking 35 percent. Trade financing, the essential lubricant of the entire commercial system, has dried up. Slow growth has meant massive industrial overcapacity in heavy industries such as steel, automobiles and electronics, and with global manufacturing dropping at an annual rate of 20 percent, the situation will get much worse. To be sure, we have yet to see a major outbreak of protectionism. Unlike crises in finance, trade problems are slow to emerge, but once the momentum begins, the trend takes years to reverse. Meanwhile, there are straws in the wind. In the first half of 2008, antidumping investigations around the world were up at least 30 percent. In December, Washington expanded existing sanctions against selected EU food products in retaliation for Europe's boycott of American hormone-treated beef③, an old dispute to be sure, but one that is being escalated. Brazil and Argentina are exerting pressure on members of Mercosur, the South American trade block, to raise the group's external 1Adapted from Newsweek, Feb 9, 2009. URL: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bf18810114.html,/id/182539


体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版 双语对照版 Unit1 Made in Europe 欧洲制造 Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or 5 thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classic example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products. 除了顶级奢侈品牌外几乎所有的时尚品牌都已经在亚洲生产,或者正在考虑这么做。美国的皮革商品制造商蔻驰(Coach)就是一个经典的例子。在过去的五年中,它通过仅在低成本市场生产来提升毛利率。在2002年的3月,它关闭了在波多黎各拉雷斯的最后一间公司所属工厂,将所有产品全部外包。 Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo's Japanese licence for ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry's sales at retail value will continue to be produced under license in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group's European-made products. 巴宝莉(Burberry)在亚洲持有许多许可授权安排。2000年它决定给日本三洋公司的特许授权延长十年。这意味着按零售价计算巴宝莉几乎一半的销售额将是亚洲授权生产的。但是同时,日本的消费者却偏好于该集团在欧洲生产的产


Paraphrase 1.1 For twenty minutes,the terminal area was aswarm with activity as cars and lorries poured forth,customs people did their duties,and everyone made for the London road. P:The ferry port was busy with activities for twenty minutes.A lot of cars and lorries went in continuous stream out of the port,customs officers were busy doing their duties,and everybody was moving towards the London road. 1.2 I was socially and sartorially ill-suited for such an establishment and anyway it was clearly beyond my meager budget. P:The Churchill is such a luxurious hotel that it is only suitable for those rich people who are socially respectable and well dressed.For me,a poor man not well dressed,it is definitely not suitable.Besides I did not have much money to spend and could not afford it any way. 1.3 Further along Marine Parade stood a shelter,open to the elements but roofed,and I decided that this was as good as I was going to get. P:In the distance on the Marine Parade I found a structure with a roof although it was exposed to natural forces.I decided that it could serve my purpose and would be as good as a room in a


Unit 1 a cc ountant 会计会计师 ad agency (advertising agency) 广告代理 advertising n.广告业广告 advertise v. advertisement n. advertising永远是不可数名词。 有三个意思: 1、指整个广告业; 2、指广告活动(比如说某公司正在筹备做一个广告); 3、指所有广告的总称(例:All the advertising here in this chamber is brilliant. 这个屋子里的所有广告都很有创意。) 而advertisement则在第一个意思中是可数名词,第二个是不可数名词。 有两个意思: 1、一则广告,某一个具体的广告; 2、做一则广告或某一个具体广告的动作(例:A company plans to do an advertising which will do advertisement 10 times. 一个公司计划做一个广告,这个广告准备播出十次。) commercial 商业广告 agency 代理处行销处代理中介 agent n./v./adj. airway s航空公司 airline Aloha [?'l?u?, ɑ:'l?uhɑ:]欢迎再见 a nalyst 分析师 analyze v. Argentina 阿根廷

Beaverton 比佛顿 Brazil 巴西 Brazilian 巴西人巴西的巴西人的 Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 cashier 出纳 CEO(chief executive officer)首席执行官 officer一般指军官,或者有指挥权利的官员,比如警官,船长。 official一般指公务员,官方。 conference 会议 meeting consultant 顾问 adviser consulting n.咨询adj.顾问的资讯的 consult 查阅商量向请教当顾问 电子 executive [iɡ'zekjutiv] n.管理人员经理adj.经营管理的finance 财政金融 financial analyst 金融分析师 fitness 健康 golf 高尔夫 graphic ['ɡr?fik]图的绘画的 graphic designer 平面设造型计师 Greece 希腊

体验商务英语综合教程3第二版 重点词汇

体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版重点词汇 Unit1 P6 A Value for money 花钱值得 luxurious 奢侈的,豪华的 timeless 不受时间影响的 Well-made 做工考究的 top of the range 高端的 durable 耐用的 inexpensive 便宜的 cool 酷的 Reliable 可靠的 stylish 流行的(有型个性) fashionable时髦的(潮流时尚) Well-designed 精心设计的 P7 A Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度the tendency to always buy a particular brand brand image 品牌形象the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand brand stretching 品牌扩张using an existing name on another type of product brand awareness 品牌意识how familiar people are with a brand brand name 品牌名字the name given to a product by the company that makes it product launch 产品发布the introduction of a product to the market product lifecycle 产品生命周期the length of time people continue to buy a product


How to Attend a Meeting会议妙诀 To really succeed in a business or organization, it is sometimes helpful to know what your job is, and whether it involves any duties. Ask among your coworkers. "Hi," you should say. "I'm a new employee. What is the name of my job?" If they answer "long-range planner" or "lieutenant governor," you are pretty much free to lounge around and do crossword puzzles until retirement. Most jobs, however, will require some work. There are two major kinds of work in modern organizations: Taking phone messages for people who are in meetings, and, going to meetings. Your ultimate career strategy will be to get a job involving primarily No. 2, going to meetings, as soon as possible, because that's where the real prestige is. It is all very well and good to be able to take phone messages, but you are never going to get a position of power, a position where you can cost thousands of people their jobs with a single bonehead decision, unless you learn how to attend meetings. The first meeting ever was held was back in the Mezzanine Era1. In those days, Man's job was to slay his prey and bring it home for Woman, who had to figure out how to cook it. The problem was, Man was slow and basically naked, whereas the prey had warm fur and could run like an antelope. (In fact it was an antelope, only nobody knew this.) At last someone said, "Maybe if we just sat down and did some brainstorming, we could come up with a better way to hunt our prey!" It went extremely well, plus it was much warmer sitting in a circle, so they agreed to meet again the next day,and the next. But the women pointed out that the men had not produced anything, and the human race was pretty much starving. The men agreed that was serious and said they would put it right near the top of their "agenda". At this point, the women, who were primitive but not stupid, started eating plants, and thus modern agriculture was born. It never would have happened without meetings. The modern business meeting, however, might better be compared with a funeral, in the sense that you have a gathering of people who are wearing uncomfortable clothing and would rather be somewhere else. The major difference is that most funerals have a definite purpose. Also, nothing is really ever buried in a meeting. An idea may look dead, but it will always reappear at another meeting later on. If you have ever seen the movie, Night of the Living Dead2, you have a rough idea of how modern meetings operate, with projects and proposals that everyone thought were killed rising up constantly from their graves to stagger back into meetings and eat the brains of the living.


I.Translation of terms A. Translate the following terms into English in full. 1.共同海险G.A General Average insurance 2.平安险free from particular average 3.议付行 4.分期装运 5.让我们各退一步 B. Translate the following terms into Chinese. 1. Irrevocable Letter of Credit 2. Blank Endorsement 3. Certificate of origin 4. S/C 5. B/L II.Choose the best answer 1. We _____ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of Electric Motors. A. find B. believe C. think D. trust 2. We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the _____ illustrated catalogue. A. sent B. enclosed C. given D. presented 3. This price is ____ of your 5% commission. A. includes B. covering C. inclusive D. including 4. We will do our best to _____ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expedite D. arrange 5. We _____ you of our readiness to serve you in this end all future business. A. ensure B. assure C. make sure D. see to 6. It is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we ____ you this accommodation. A. extend B. extant C. increase D. promote 7. Your L/C No.111 for £2000 issued by the Bank Ltd, Liverpool, has____. A. be arriving B. been arriving C. arrived D. thanked 8. Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly____. A. appreciating B. appreciated C. thanking D. thanked 9. We acknowledged the receipt of your letter dated 26th September _____ connection ______ the above subject. A. for, with B. for, to C. in, with D. in, to 10. We regret ______ unable to agree to the buyer's request as stated in the L/C stipulations for insurance to be covered up to the inland city. A. to be B. being C. to have been D. been 11. We are pleased to _____ you that 6000 dozen of shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C123, L/C No.5678 have gone off on S.S. "Dongfeng" A. ask B. inform C. speak D. talk 12. ______ you accept our offer, please cable us for our confirmation. A. Until B. Unless C. If D. As 13. We thank you _____ for you cooperation. A. in advance B. in beforehand C. in progress D. in proceed 14.We desire to establish _____ beneficial business relations. A. mutual B. mutually C. equal D. equally 15. The term CFR should be followed by _____. A. port of shipment B. port of origin C. port of loading D. port of destination

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