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When you meet someone for the first time, do you put across a good impression? And what do we mean by “good” in the context? According to Presence, a new book by Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, people assess you on two main criteria when they first meet you: 1. Can I trust this person? 2. Can I respect this person?

Your level of trustworthiness, or warmth, is the most important factor in how people initially admire you, Cuddy says-yet many mistakenly believe that the second factor,characterised as competence, is more important.“From an evolutionary aspect,”Cuddy writes,“it is more important to our survival to know whether a person deserves our trust.”

While displaying competence is certainly beneficial, particularly in a work setting, Cuddy warns that focusing on winning people’s respect, while failing to win their trust, can backfire-a common problem for young professionals attempting to make a good impression early on in their careers.

“If someone you’re trying to influence doesn’t trust you, you’re not going to get very far”, Cuddy says, “A warm, trustworthy person who is also strong elicits(博得) admiration, but only after you’ve established trust does your strength become a gift rather than a threat.”

In Cuddy’s book she also explains some of the science that can help you spot a liar.

When a person is lying there is likely to be differences between what they are saying and what they are doing, she suggests.

“Lying is hard work,” she writes, “We’re telling one story while suppressing another, and most of us are experiencing psychological guilt about doing this, which we’re also trying suppress. We just don’t have the brainpower to manage it all without letting something go-without ‘leaking’.”

“It’s about how well or poorly our multiple channels of communications-facial expressions, posture, movement, vocal qualities, speech-co-operate,”she adds. “When we’re consciously looking for signs of cheat or truth, we pay too much attention to words and not enough to the external body language,” the professor adds. “Truth reveals itself more clearly through actions than it does through our words.

1.According to Amy Cuddy, which is most significant in putting across a good impression?

A. Level of knowledge.

B. Level of reliability.

C. Level of competence.

D. Level of flexibility.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word “backfire” in the passage?

A. Cause something unpleasant to happen.

B. Add more fuel to make a bigger fire.

C. Have an unexpected and undesired effect.

D. Walk backwards and make a fire.

3.Which of the following is NOT true of Professor Cuddy’s concepts?

A. Trust is more important than respect to win a good impression in meeting people for the first time.

B. Young people tend to win people’s respect instead of winning people’s trust early in their careers.

C. How far away a person goes depends on whether he or she establishes trust among people around.

D. Liars are unlikely to be identified in that their words match their actions well.

4. What can be learned according to the passage?

A. Some people tend to think displaying competence to gain respect makes a good impression.

B. A liar always experiences a feeling of guilt when a lie is leaked.

C. When multiple channels of communication co-operate poorly, a liar can hardly be spotted.

D. Words and actions are equally significant in deciding whether a person is trustworthy.


Sunday, 31 August We’ve been in China for a month now. Dad, Mom, Harry and I moved to Tianjin on 25 August. We’re not very far from Beijing. Two days ago, we celebrated my 16th birthday. It was great celebrating in China; the only thing that was strange was the cake--here they’re not as sweet as the ones in New York. On Monday school starts —I wonder what it will be like.

Monday, 1 September

On my first day I was looking around for a locker to put my books in. However, here all the students keep all of their books at their desks--we stay in the same classroom because apparently we don’t have to go from class to class--teachers come to us!

Today we selected teacher assistants for each subject. Their duties are to collect homework, make announcements, and do other stuff for the teacher and the students. It’s kind of a big deal here! Since I am from the US, I was asked to be the English assistant. I felt so proud but quite nervous at the same time because I wasn’t sure what I had to do, but I accepted the job anyway.

Friday, 3 October

Boy, what a week! Now we have nine classes every day, including the morning class,

a combination of our American schools’“Homeroom” and “Study Hall”. I think Chinese students work too much! I have to do my homework when I get back home. I don’t even have time to watch TV or surf the Internet like before. I sometimes miss New York and my school because we didn’t have to study so much. We had more time to hang out with our classmates and neighbors; here, besides their usual classes, students are involved in weekend classes in subjects such as English, Chinese and math.

I get a lot of attention, being from another country. Everyone wants to practice English with me! A really cute girl even asked me for my phone number on my second day and sent me a text message! I’m making a lot more friends now. I just need a lot of help to improve my Chinese. Some students want to do a language exchange program with me. Nice!

5. The passage mentions all the following points EXCEPT .

A. physics study

B. teacher assistants

C. free time activities

D. language exchange program

6. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the teacher assistant’s duty?

A. Collecting homework.

B. Making announcements.

C. helping teachers with small errands(差事)

D. Teaching classmates.

7. Where is this passage most probably from?

A. A story book.

B. A guide book.

C. A diary.

D. A magazine.

8. The passage is best described by .

A. culture shock.

B. multi-culture.

C. unique culture.

D. culture background


You make decisions, year after year, never lasting for more than a few days ending up lost and in the same place you started. Allow me to suggest some tips that may help you stick to your decisions creating long– lasting positive change in your life.

Telling other people about your plan can help in many ways. First, it is always easier to stick to a decision when you have other people supporting you. Your friends are less likely to tempt you with whatever it is you are trying to control if they know that you made a decision about it. Telling other people about your decision is also helpful in that it keeps us to the pressure on you to try and stick to you plan of action.

Choose a measurable and specific decision. Instead of deciding to “look better”or “have a better relationship with so and so”, choose a more definable decision. Deciding to “eat a vegetable every day” or “go out for coffee once a week with John” is much easier to track and assess than a general decision to “be a better person”.

Build a reward system. Connected to the last tip of choosing a measurable and specific decision is that when you do accomplish this specific behavior you decided to do, give yourself small rewards along the process. For example, for every week of healthy eating treat yourself with something special.

Creative visual aids. A colleague of mine decided one year for his New Year’s decision to be more frugal. He decided to try and save money by lowering his monthly bills. So he posted a copy of his highest electric bill by his heater so that every time he wanted to raise the temperature he would see the high electric bill reminding him to be more cautious about his energy consumption.

9.Many people’s decisions can’t become reality because _________.

A.they don’t take them seriously at the beginning

B.they make them but can’t stick to them to the end

C.they meet much difficulty in the process

D.they lack support from their families

10.Why does the writer advise telling your plan to other people?

A.Because they will offer you support and pressure.

B.Because they may reward you along the process.

C.Because they will temp you when you want something.

D.Because you will need someone to offer some visual aids.

11.Which of the following is a specific decision?

A.To look better.

B.To behave better.

C.To be an honest person.

D.To go out for dinner with a friend once a week.

12.The underlined word “frugal” probably means __________.

A.careful with money

B.careless with money

C.cautious about safety

D.generous with money


There have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise. Some people believe that they can’t help putting on weight as they get older, while others hold that if they stop exercising, their muscles will turn into fat. Here are some more myths:

I’ll never lose weight --- I come from a fat family

Wrong! While we can’t change the body type we are born with, we can’t blame our genes for making us fat. There’s plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families, and the main reason is that they share the same habits of eating too much and exercise too little.

I am fat because I burn calories slowly

Wrong! Fatness is not caused by a slow metabolism . If fact, although fat people consume more energy that slim people, they also fail to realize how much they eat! Keeping a diary can help you work out your daily food intake more accurately.

Exercise is boring

Wrong! Anything will become boring if you do it repetitively. The key is to develop a balanced and varied program that’s fun as well as progressive. If you enjoy a Sunday walk, take a different route. If you do Yoga, try a tai chi class. If you like swimming, set yourself a distance or time challenge.

No pain, no gain

Wrong! Exercise is not meant to hurt. Indeed, pain is your body telling you

something’s wrong, and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury. You may experience mild discomfort as you begin to exercise regularly, but this your body adapting to the positive changes in your lifestyle and the aches should disappear ly quickly. If you don’t, rest and seek medical advice.

9.What does the author think about being fat?

A.It is the family genes that make people fat.

B.People are fat because they consume too little energy.

C.A diary of exercise can prevent people from becoming fat.

D.It is the consequence of people’s unbalanced lifestyle.

10.According to the author, how can we make exercise more interesting?

A.By taking varied exercise.

B.By choosing simple exercise.

C.By doing regular exercise.

D.By sticking to outdoor exercise. 11.What is the author’s opinion about “No pain, no gain” in exercising?

A.Keeping fit is essentially a painful experience.

B.Exercise should be stopped if continuous pain is felt.

C.Pain in exercise is a precondition for reaching your goal.

D.Getting used to pain leads to positive changes in your body.

12.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To declare the importance of keeping fit.

B.To clarify some misconceptions about fatness and exercise.

C.To confirm what has long been believed about keeping fit.

D.To explain some medical facts about being fat and doing exercise.


There is no doubt that to study abroad gives you an excellent opportunity to learn things which are very helpful in your career building.Today Canada has earned a good name in providing quality education and safe healthy environment for its students.That is why more than 130,000 international students enroll(登记入学) every year in famous Canadian universities.It is an ideal education destination and gives students a unique experience education and its versatile(多样的) arts and culture.Canada spends a lot on education and is ranked the highest in G-8 countries.

To study in Canada is very cheap.These universities are affordable compared to other universities in the world such as in the US, New Zealand and UK where cost of education and living is very high.According to a survey in 2006, “Canada offered the lowest tuition fees(学费) for foreign students compared to UK and Australia.” The low rate of crimes and the peaceful safe environment of the country also attract a lot of international students to Canadian universities.Canada has 92 universities and 175 community colleges and university degrees have three levels —Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral.

A Bachelor’s degree in Canada is for three or four years’ full-time study depending on the nature of the program you are doing.On the other hand, a Master’s degree consists of two years of study.For a Doctoral program in Canadian universities, you require a minimum (最低/小的) of three to four or sometimes five years of research and study.

You can also find many diploma(文凭)and certification (认证) programs in Canadian universities where the time is generally one year.Some of the Canadian universities are well-regarded worldwide and the degree and diploma obtained from these Canadian universities are recognized globally and promise bright future.After the completion of studies, a person could also find great job offers in Canada itself.International students require a work permit to work on campus.

17.We can learn from the passage that ______________.

A.Canada has 92 community colleges

B.Canada spends the least on education among G-8 countries

C.to study in Canada is cheaper than in Australia

D.130,000 Chinese students enroll in Canadian universities every year 18.How long will you spend at least in total if you want to finish your Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Canada?

A.11 years B.9 years C.8 years D.7 years

19.What advantages does Canada have to attract foreign students according to the passage?

(1) Quality education (2) Safe environment (3)Versatile culture (4) Bright job future (5) High scholarship (6) Low tuition fees A.(1) (2) (4) (5) (6) B.(1) (2) (3) (4) (6)

C.(1) (3) (4) (5) (6) D.(1) (2) (3) (5) (6)

20.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Study in Canada --- a unique experience

B.The life in Canada

C.Benefits of studying abroad

D.Canadian culture


There was once a farmer who had a fine olive orchard. He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered(蒸蒸日上) under his care. But he knew that his three sons did not like the farm work, and were eager to reach the goal at a single leap. When the farmer felt that his time had come to die, he called the three sons to him and said, “My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it.” After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold.” Since they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.

They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering in his wits. The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing. The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore more fruit than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.

And when they saw how much money had come from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, “There is gold hidden in

the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish


1. 以30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词就“Dig for it, if you wish it.”的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:











One possible version

The story narrates that a dying farmer instructed his three sons to dig for a pot of hidden gold in his orchard, through which they eventually understood their hardworking father’s intention. (31个词)

The story sets me thinking we should be dedicated to the goal of life. However, it’s not uncommon in our life that there do exist many people who are dying to seek a fortune by virtue of luck rather than through steadfast diligence. Anyway, Rome is not built in one day.

Once a young man, JiaZuosheng, who dropped out of middle school due to poverty, has had an unbelievable craze for English since his childhood. He took his position as a security officer at Tsinghua University, bearing the dream to hone English both at work and during the intervals. Though living in adversity, he eventually realized his dream.

Just as a saying goes, “You reap what you sow.” It is devotion and perseverance that pay off.


衡阳县三中2019届高考5月模拟题 文科综合 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本题共35小题,每小题4分,共140分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。24.有学者认为,西周通过“封建”与各地存留的氏族势力分享政治权利、经济利益,通过怀柔政策实现与地缘的整合。这反映 A.宗法观念利于家国同构 B.血缘政治的时代特点 C.贵族特殊的政治地位 D.分封制加强了对全国控制 25.有学者指出,宋真宗时期一般官员都有“官”和“差遣”两个头衔,有的官还有“职”的头衔,“官只是说明他可以领取俸禄,而职才有实际的权力。不但宰相为临时的职务,天下无官不为临时职务”。这主要表明 A.中央集权的强化 B.用人权的中央化 C.官僚制度的工具化 D.吏治的皇权化 26.下表为不同文献关于唐朝土地状况的记述,由此可以推知 A.土地买卖得到法律保护 B.税收制度变革成为历史逻辑 C.士农工商社会结构发生变 D.政府推行不抑兼并的土地政策 27.汉元帝永光元年,“春霜夏寒,日青无光”,元帝下诏指责大臣失职,于是丞相于定国便以灾异引咎辞职。这说明“天人感应”学说 A.深入人心,为君臣所接受 B.论证了皇权的合法性 C.减少了灾异所带来的消极影响 D.内容发生了变化 28.1901年,清政府下诏实施新政,光绪帝发布上谕指出:“大小臣工,清夜自思,即无拳匪之变,我中国能自强耶?夫无事且难支持,今又构此奇变,益贫益弱,不待智者而知。”这表明清政府 A.对民主革命浪潮深为担忧 B.对世界近代化潮流作出主动回应

C.对空前的政治危机作出被动应对 D.对积贫积弱局面进行了理性的反思 29.抗战期间,许多外国人涌入中国西北,来到中国共产党建立的抗日大本营延安,其中美国人最多。这一现象说明 A.中共领导人卓越的国际视野 B.延安是反法西斯大本营 C.南京国民政府国际地位下降 D.中共在抗战中地位日益 重要 30.下图为1700~1890年中国和欧洲占世界GDP的份额变化示意图,导致这种变化的主要原因是 A.中西自然科学非对称发展 B.中西生产技术非对称发展 C.中西生产关系非对称发展 D.中西政治制度非对称发展 31.据统计,1899—1918年,中国国内出现了多篇《共产党宣言》的译文,译者主要采用片译、段译和摘译等方式进行翻译;翻译的内容也被夹杂在社会进化论、改良主义、三民主义等社会思潮中传播。这一现象说明当时A.国人对马克思主义理解尚浅 B.文学革命影响译者表达方式 C.新民主主义革命需要各种理论 D.译者尝试了马克思主义中国化 32.有学者说:“罗马人从来不偏离同具体案件、具体法律生活所保持的永恒联系;他们不喜欢为构造而创建构造,而是一直注意着法律构造所产生的具体影响,并参考这些影响,以优雅和符合逻辑的方式围绕法律构造开展工作。”这主要表明罗马法 A.注重形式 B.注重理论 C.注重实践 D.注重反响 33.卢梭曾经说过:“理性欺骗我们的时候是太多了,我们有充分的权利对它表示怀疑;良心从来没有欺骗过我们,它是人类真正的向导”。“人类一旦成为理性的奴隶,和受神权摆布一样可悲”。“我决定在我的一生中选择情感这个东西。”这说明卢梭 A.倡导个体主义的取向 B.批判理性的思维方式 C.力图摆脱宗教的束缚 D.丰富了人文主义内涵 34.18世纪以前,英国人习惯用自家的小园子供养自己。19世纪中期,英国工人的饮食水平随着工资水平变化,工资较高的工人,特别是家里每个人都能挣点钱的那些工人,吃得较好;在工资最低的工人中,土豆成了唯一的食物。材料意在说明当时英国 A.食物供应商品化趋势明显 B.工业革命摧毁了小农经济 C.新航路开辟改变了饮食结构 D.城乡居民生活水平差距拉大


桃江一中2019年上期入学考试试卷 高二数学(理) 命题人:胡芳举 审题人:张 兵 时 量:120分钟 总 分:150分 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只 有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.设集合{}{}1,2,2,3,4A B ==,则A B = ( ) A .{}1,2,3,4 B .{}1,2,2,3,4 C .{}2 D .{}1,3,4 2.33cos cos sin sin 510510 π πππ-= ( ) A .1 B .0 C .1- D .2 1 3.如果命题p 且q 是假命题,则 ( ) A .p 、q 都是假命题 B .p 、q 中一个是真命题,一个是假命题 C .p 、q 中至多只有一个真命题 D .p 、 q 都是真命题 4.已知直线21y x =-与直线30x my ++=平行,则m 的值为 ( ) A . 2 1 B .21 - C .2- D .2 5.下列不等式的解集是R 的为 ( ) A .0122 >++x x B .02>x C .01)2 1 (>+x D . x x 131<- 6.在等比数列{}n a 中,若101,a a 是方程2 60x x --=的两根,则47a a ?的值为 ( ) A .6 B .6- C .1- D .1 7.已知空间向量a =(1,1,0),b =(-1,0,2),则与向量a +b 方向相反的单位向量e 的坐标是 ( ) A .(0,1,2) B .(0,-1,-2) C .(0, D .(0,-- 8.如图,一只蚂蚁在边长分别为3,4,5的三角形区域内随机爬行, 则其恰在离三个顶点距离都大于1的地方的概率为 ( )


英语试题 本试卷分为第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150 分,考试用时120 分钟。 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30 分) 第一节(共 5 个小题, 每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并 标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15 小题, 每小题 2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将 该选项涂黑。 A P e r u o ff e r s a va r i e t y o f ex p e r i e n ce s f r o m a n c i e n t r u i n s a nd ce n t u r i e s-o l d Sp a n i s h v ill age s t o t h i c k f o r e s t s,h i g h m o un t a i n s a nd d e s e r t coa s tli n e.T RAV E L P E RU o ff e r s t o u r s f o r a ll age s a nd t a s t e s. T h e f o ll o w i n g t o u r s a r e b a s e d a t C u z co,t h e s it e o f t h e a n c i e n t c a p it a l o f t h e I n ca c i v ili z a ti o n. Tour 1 E x p e r i e n ce t h e j un g l e a nd it s d i ve r s e w il d lif e c l o s e up.D u r i n g t h i s f o u r-d ay w a l k i n g t o u r,yo u w ill b e a m a z e d b y m o un t a i n s ce n e r y a nd t h e a n c i e n t r u i n s w e p a ss o n o u r h i k e.O n t h e l a s t d ay,w e a rr i ve a t t h e r u i n s o f M ac hu P i cc hu i n ti m e t o s ee t h e s un r i s e o ve r t h e A nd e s.S p e nd t h e d ay v i s iti n g t h e r u i n s o f t h i s a n c i e n t I n ca c it y b e f o r e c a t c h i n g t h e t r a i n b ac k t o C u z co. Tour 2 A f u ll-d ay t r i p b y r oa d f r o m C u z co t o P un o w it h f a n t a s ti c v i e w s o f t h e h i g h l a nd co un t r y s i d e.F r o m P un o,w e t r ave l b y b oa t a c r o ss L a k e T iti caca,s t o pp i n g o n t h e w ay a t t h e fl oa ti n g i s l a n d s o f t h e U r o s p eo p l e.T h e s e fl oa ti n g i s l a nd s a nd t h e U r o s I nd i a n's h o u s e s a r e m a d e o f t h e w a t e r p l a n t s t h a t g r o w i n t h e l a k e.A f u ll-d ay s t ay w it h a l oca l f a m il y g i ve s yo u a n o pp o r t un it y t o l ea r n m o r e a b o u t t h e i r l if e. R e t u r n t o P un o o n t h e f o u r t h d ay f o r y o u r f li g h t b ac k t o L i m a. Tour 3 Sp e nd f o u r d ay s h i g h i n t h e A nd e s a t C u z co.L ea r n a b o u t it s h i s t o r y a nd v i s it t h e m u s e u m s.A d m i r e t h e Sp a n i s h a r c h it ec t u r e,e n j oy s o m e exce ll e n t Sp a n i s h c u i s i n e a nd t a k e s o m e ti m e t o b a r ga i n f o r s o m e p r e s e n t s a t t h e co l o u r f u l m a r k e t s.T a k e t h e t r a i n up t o M ac hu P i cc hu f o r a g u i d e d t o u r o f t h e r u i n s a nd t h e r oya l t o m b o f t h e I n ca k i n g. Tour4 A s h o r t fli g h t f r o m C u z co t a k e s yo u f r o m t h e A nd e s i n t o t h e l o w l a nd s o f t h e A m a z o n J un g l e.F r o m h e r e yo u'l l t r ave l b y b oa t t o yo u r acco mm o d a ti o n i n a f o r e s t r e s e r ve,w h i c h h o l d s t h e r eco r d f o r t h e m o s t b i r d s i g h ti n g s i n o n e a r ea.


衡阳县公开招聘教师学校简介 一、衡阳县第一中学 衡阳县第一中学前身为湖南私立光华中学,创建于1945年。学校五易校址,三更校名。1997年搬迁到县城城西大道39号。1998年获“湖南省重点中学”称号,2004年获“湖南省示范性普通高级中学”称号,是衡阳县唯一一所省级示范性普通高中。 学校占地近300亩,建筑面积11万平方米,教学设备设施齐全;学校现有教职员工340余人,其中特级教师3人,高级教师110余人。教学班级64个,在校学生4100余人。学校办学历史悠久,底蕴深厚,师生和谐,发展稳定。学校先后获得“全国基础教育名校”“全国高质量特色办学单位”“湖南省文明单位”等几十项荣誉称号。中央文明委和省委宣传部的领导称赞学校为“文明的殿堂,人才的摇篮,教育的窗口”,《人民日报》赞誉学校为“三湘教育一明珠”。多家知名媒体对学校的办学成果进行了推介报道。中国科技大学、中南大学、湖南大学等十几所名牌高校及单位授予我校“优秀生源基地”称号。 学校教学区、生活区、运动区相对独立,又融为一体,规划科学,布局合理,校园环境优美,绿树葱茏,绿草成茵,建有励志亭、树人亭、飞天雕塑、名言警句牌、假山曲水、文化广场等景观,不是花园,胜似花园。学校校风正,学风浓,管理严,质量高,高考录取总人数连续10多年荣居衡阳市榜首,是衡阳市乃至湖南省的高考大户,20余名学生被北大、清华录取,被社会各界称为“高考场上的不倒翁”。2015、2016年连续荣获“衡阳市普通高中高考质量目标奖”。 二、衡阳县第二中学 衡阳县第二中学坐落于古镇渣江。这片物华天宝、人杰地灵的土地孕育了清代名臣彭玉麟,哺育了清代大书法家曾熙,诞生了当代著名作家琼瑶。衡阳县二中,历史悠久,源远流长。其前身光华中学上个世纪初就置办于此。1956年秋,渣江完全小学附设初中班在光华中学旧址上开班,1958年更名为“衡阳县第二中学”,并由当代文豪郭沫若亲笔题写校名。 衡阳县二中是一所公办县属高中,学校校园面积近百亩,建筑面积37450平方米,学校固定资产8000万元,现有教职工147人,开设教学班32个,学生2200余人;学校新建有教学楼、体育馆、艺术楼、实验楼、教师新村等,硬件设施完备;花圃草地,绿树修竹,杂缀其间,校园春有花,夏有阴,秋有果,冬有绿,环境优雅,景色宜人,是宜教、宜学、宜居的理想场所。


湖南省桃江县第一中学2015-2016学年高二上学期期中考试 语文试题 时量:120分钟总分:150分 命题人:徐兰汀审题人:周建兵 一、基础知识(每题3分,共21分) 1、下列词语中加点字的注音,有错误的一组是() A.寥廓.(ku?) 踌躇.(chú) 恪.(kè)守勠.(lù)力同心 B.颓圮.(pǐ) 炽.(chì)烈喋.(dié)血遒劲.有力(jìng) C.团箕.(jī) 创.(chuāng)伤解剖.(pōu) 忸怩 ..(niǔní)不安 D.契.(qì)约标识.(shí) 削.(xuē)减前仆.后继(pú) 2、下列各句中没有错别字的一项是() A、撑一支长蒿,向青草更青处漫朔。 B、至于这回在弹雨中互相救助,虽陨身不恤的事实,则更足为中国女子的勇毅没有消亡的明证。 C、这里阳光明媚,绿树成阴,绿草如荫,在集中营大门附近,孩子们在追逐游戏。 D、面对天疆的呼唤,翌年,毛泽东挥动了他那扭转乾坤的大手:“我们也要搞人造卫星!” 3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是() A、老张今年65岁,短小精悍 ....,思维敏捷,干起活来一点不比年轻人差。 B、他虽然在监狱里度过了三年的峥嵘岁月 ....,但出狱后仍然恶习不改,继续作恶乡里。 C、每到四月中旬漫山遍野的梨花就风华正茂 ....地绽放开来,村庄就完全笼罩在一片白色的世界里。 D、著名歌唱家刘欢演唱的那首《赞诸葛》真是长歌当哭 ....,如泣如诉,让人潸然泪下。 4、下列各句中,加点词语的解释有误的一组是() A.若不阙秦,将焉.取之焉:哪里 微.夫人之力不及此微:没有 B.项伯者,项羽季父也,素善.留侯张良善:以……为善 然则将军之仇报,而燕国见.陵之耻除矣见:被 C.愿举国为内臣,比.诸侯之列比:并,列 项伯杀人,臣活.之活:使……活 D.既祖.,取道祖:临行祭路神,引申为饯行和送别。 乃遂收盛樊於期之首,函.封之函:用匣子 5、下列文学常识有错的一项是:() A、词萌芽于南朝,兴起于隋唐时,到宋代进入全盛时期。词最初称为“曲词”或者“曲子词”。 B、四书五经:《大学》《中庸》《论语》《孟子》合称“四书”。《诗经》《尚书》《礼记》《周易》《春秋》合称“五经”。 C、《左传》是我国第一部叙事详细的国别史著作,相传为春秋末年鲁国史官左丘明所做。


英语试题 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.本试卷满分 150 分,考试总用时 120 分钟。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.W h a t i s t h e m a n l oo k i n g f o r? A.A b oo k. B.H i s i P h o n e. C.A p ay ph o n e. 2.W h e r e i s t h e w o m a n go i n g n ex t? A.T o a s n ac k b a r. B.T o a m ov i e t h ea t e r. C.T o h e r f r i e nd S i m o n's h o u s e. 3.W h a t w ill t h e m a n d o n ex t? A.F ill o u t a n o t h e r f o r m. B.C o rr ec t h i s m i s t a k e o n t h e f o r m. C.T e ll t h e w o m a n h i s m e d i ca l h i s t o r y. 4.W h e n w ill t h e m a n m o s t li k e l y ge t h o m e? A.A t7:00. B.A t a b o u t7:30. C.A ft e r8:00. 5.W h e r e d oe s t h e co n ve r s a ti o n p r o b a b l y t a k e p l ace?


桃江一中2015级高一新生入学考试物理试卷 满分100分,时量90分钟 考生注意: 1.计算题要求写出必要的文字说明、公式和重要的演算步骤,只写出最后答案的不能得分。2.本卷中取g=10N/kg或g=10m/s2。 一.选择题(3分*15题=45分) 3.下图所示的工具中,属于费力杠杆的是() 4.如图所示的电蚊拍,具有灭蚊和照明等功能.当开关S1闭合,S2断开时,只 有灭蚊网通电起到灭蚊作用;当开关S1和S2都闭合时,灭蚊网与灯都通电同时 起到灭蚊和照明的作用.下列电路设计符合这种要求的是() C 6.“094型”潜艇是我国自行研制的新一代潜艇当它从深海中上浮而未露出水面的过程中,它 受到的海水的( ) A.压强减小,浮力不变 B压强减小,浮力增大 C.压强减小,浮力减小 D压强增大,浮力不变 7.我国研制的“神舟九号”试验飞船在返回地面通过大气层的飞行中,下列说法中不正确的 是( ) A.飞船的机械能保持不变B.飞船的一部分机械能转化为内能 C.飞船的势能越来越小D.飞船的外表温度会升高 8.如图所示,用滑轮组把重为200N的货物提到9m高的楼上,所用拉力为80N,则总功和滑轮 组的机械效率分别是( ) A.1400J 80% B.1800J 80% C.1800J 83.3% D.2160J 83.3% 10. 汽车在平直的公路上运动,它先以速度v行驶了2/3的路程,接着以20 km/h的速度驶完 余下的1/3路程,若全程的平均速度是28 km/h,则v是() A.24 km/h B.35 km/h C.36 km/h D.48 km/h 9.下图所示的实验中,演示磁场对通电导体有力的作用的是( )


英语试卷 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5个小题, 每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A B C三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时 间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题, 每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。并在 答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A Thanks for signing up for the 2014 Black Friday Turkey Trot! This email will provide some basics about the race and some great news! First, your race packet (参赛物品包) is ready and can be picked up at the Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa location you've specified during registration. Hours for pickup. Tuesday, 10 am to 8 pm (Fleet Feet Kings Point) Tuesday, 10 am to 7 pm (Fleet Feet Blue Dome) Wednesday, 10 am to 5 pm (both stores, closing early for Thanksgiving) Packets can also be picked up on the race day at BOK Center, beginning at 8:30 am. Race Start Times 1) 5 mile, 8:30 am 2) 1 mile fun run, 9:30 am Parking There is surface parking to the east of the BOK Center, and some surface parking to the west of the Convention Center. Many lots will be pay-lots. Please pay attention to the signs. We suggest arriving early to find parking. Racing Timing The 5 km run will be timed using the BIB-TAG system. Your race number will have a timing device attached to the back of the race number; don't remove or bend this device. Simply wear the Bib on the front of your body on the outside of your clothing so it is visible and facing forward. You don't need to return the Bib, which is disposable.

湖南省桃江县第一中学2019-2020年高一上学期期中考试 物理【含答案详解】

湖南省桃江县第一中学2019-2020年高一上学期期中考试 物理 一、选择题 1.下列关于质点的说法正确的是( ) A. 研究和观察日食时,可以把太阳看成质点 B. 研究地球的公转时,可以把地球看成质点 C. 研究地球的自转时,可以把地球看成质点 D. 原子核很小,可以把它看成质点 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】研究和观察日食时,太阳的大小直接影响观察结果,所以不可以把太阳看成质点,故A错误;研究地球绕太阳的公转时,地球的大小对于和太阳之间的距离来说太小,可以忽略,所以可以把地球看成质点,故B正确;研究地球的自转时,地球有大小和形状不能忽略,不能看作质点,否则就无法分辨地球的转动故C错误;质点并不是体积很小,就能看成质点,而是物体自身大小对所研究的问题没有影响,虽然原子核很小,有时候不能把它看成质点,故D错误。所以B正确,ACD错误。 2.下列说法正确的是() A. 加速度为零的质点一定处于静止状态 B. 加速度减小,质点速度的增量一定减小 C. 加速度变大,质点速度一定变大 D. 加速度越大,速度变化率一定越大 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】A.加速度为零的质点处于静止或匀速直线运动。故A错误; B.加速度减小,如果速度方向与加速度方向相同,速度增加。故B错误; C.加速度变大,如果速度方向与加速度方向相反,速度减小,故C错误; D.加速度表示物体速度变化的快慢,速度变化越快,速度变化率越大,加速度也一定越大。故D正确。 3.一物体以a=4m/s2的加速度做匀加速直线运动,物体在任意1s内 A. 位移都是2m B. 位移比前1s增加2m

C. 末速度是初速度的4倍 D. 速度增加4m/s 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】A.物体做匀加速直线运动,在任意1s 内的位移是不断增加的,不可能都是2m 。故A 错误。 B.由: △2241x aT ==?=4m 所以任意1s 内的位移比前1s 内位移增加4m 。故B 错误。 CD.由: △v at = 可知加速度为4m/s 2 ,任意1s 时间内,速度增加4m/s ,而末速度不一定是初速度的4倍。故C 错误,D 正确。 4.足球以4m/s 的速度飞来,运动员把它以12m/s 的速度反向踢出,踢球时间为0.2s ,设球飞来的方向为正方向,假设踢球的时间内足球做匀变速运动,则足球在这段时间内的加速度是( ) A. -40m/s 2 B. 40m/s 2 C. -80m/s 2 D. 80m/s 2 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】设球飞来的方向为正方向,则v 0=4m/s ; 运动员立即以12m/s 的速度反向踢出,则v =-12m/s ,方向为负。所以加速度为: 0124800.2 v v v a t t -?--= ===-? m/s 2 故选C 。 5.物体甲的速度-时间图象和物体乙的位移-时间图象分别如图所示,则两个物体的运动情况是( ) A. 甲在0﹣4s 时间内有往返运动,它通过的总路程为12m B. 甲在0﹣4s 时间内通过的位移为零 C. 乙在t =2s 时速度方向发生改变,与初速度方向相反 D. 乙在0﹣4s 时间内通过的位移为零 【答案】B


考试语文试题 分值100分时量120分钟 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(阅读题)和第Ⅱ卷(表达题)两部分,共22道小题。 第Ⅰ卷(阅读题,共43分) 阅读下面文章,完成1-3题。(6分) 跪拜:从表达礼敬到自示卑贱 从历史的角度来看,跪礼的涵义在唐宋之际发生了重大的嬗变。唐宋之前,中国是没有椅子的,只有一种叫做“胡床”的坐具,是贵族才使用的奢侈品。一般情况下,人们都是席地而坐。我们现在熟悉的高型坐具,如交椅、靠背椅、高凳等,都是在宋代才开始普及开来的。唐代时虽然已出现椅子,但应用不广,只限于贵族与士大夫家庭。 高型坐具的出现,改写了中国传统的礼仪方式。在席地而坐的先秦时代,中国人通行跪拜礼,跪拜是自然而然的,因为正规的坐姿就是双膝跪席,跪礼不过是挺直上身,再配上手部与头部的动作,如作揖、稽首、顿首,以表示对对方的尊敬,而对方也须还礼答谢。这个时候的跪拜礼并没有包含尊卑之意,臣拜君,君也拜臣。跪拜只是相互表达礼敬与尊重。 秦汉以降,君臣之间方有尊卑之别,体现在礼仪上,臣拜君,君不再回拜,但尚要起身答谢。到椅子出现之后,中国人席地而坐的习惯发生改变,跪拜的动作更是带上了强烈的尊卑色彩——从椅子上到地上跪拜对方,显然透露出以卑事尊的味道。 也因此,除了“天地君师亲”,宋人基本上不用跪礼,迎别待客一般都是用揖逊、叉手之礼。宋朝臣对君,当然也有需要隆重行跪拜礼的时候,但那通常都是在极庄重的场合与仪典上,如每年元旦、冬至日举行的大朝会、三年一次的郊祀大礼,自然是极尽繁文缛节。至于君臣日常见面礼仪,当是揖拜之礼。 从元朝开始,带屈辱、卑贱性质的跪礼才推行开,清廷更是变本加厉,不

但大臣奏事得跪下,皇帝降旨宣答,众臣也必须跪着听训。至此,跪礼原来所包含的向对方表达礼敬与尊重之意已经淡化,而下跪者自我示卑、示贱之意则日益凸显出来。 从宋至清,跪礼的变迁,不过是时代精神蜕变的投影而已。如果比较宋代与清代的精神风貌,它们是完全不同的:宋代士臣敢振言告诫皇帝:“天下者,中国之天下,祖宗之天下,群臣、万姓、三军之天下,非陛下之天下。”至于廷争面折之事,更是不胜枚举。而清代的士大夫已经全无宋人风骨,竟以获得在圣上之前自称“奴才”的待遇为荣。 士大夫已是如此,草民更不用说了。宋代的平民见官,尽管也讲尊卑有序,但大体上还可以维持尊严,见多识广的京城之民,更是不畏官长,常抓着官府的短处不放,跟官长争长短,也不给官长好面色看,急了就写检举信,或者到京师的直诉法院——登闻鼓院控告。而清代的平民,不但见官得先跪拜叩头,老百姓向衙门呈交诉状禀词,都以“蚁”或“蚁民”自称,官府称呼其治下小民,也直接叫“蚁”。人民在官府面前表现得如此卑贱,只怕是前所未见的。 古人说,“礼者,时为大”。礼仪的应用,还是以顺应时宜为第一要义。基于此,支持对跪拜礼的恢复显然是不合时宜的。 (有删改) 1.下列具体语境中的跪拜礼的分析,不正确的一项是(3分)() A.南宋覆灭后,文天祥被元人俘至大都,文天祥向蒙元丞相博罗只长揖不跪拜,既表现他不向敌人屈服的民族气节,又体现了中国文化基本的待人礼节。 B.当前古装戏从春秋剧到清宫戏,朝臣见到天子一律伏在地上叩头三呼万岁,君主高高在上岿然不动,这是违背跪拜礼的传统的。 C.西汉的张禹,曾是汉成帝的授业师,后任宰相,治理出西汉后期少有的中兴盛世。致仕家居后病重,成帝亲自探望,并在张禹床前行跪拜之礼,表现成帝对功臣的体恤。


实验中学2019-2020学年度下学期第三次检测试题 高一英语 命题人:审题人: 本试题分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,共12页。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。 5.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C,三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the man? A. A taxi driver B. A policeman. C. A restaurant waiter. 2. When will the man fly back? A. Next week. B. On Sunday. C. Before this weekend. 3. How does the woman feel? A. Discouraged. B. Satisfied. C. Delighted. 4. How many bank robbers were there altogether? A. One. B. Two. C. Four. 5. What would the man probably do? A. To save $300. B. To repair the car. C. To buy a new car. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6. What are the speakers doing? A. Cooking. B. Working. C. Having dinner.


桃江一中2016届高三第三次月考 语文试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(阅读题)和第Ⅱ卷(表达题)两部分,共150分。考试时间150分钟。2.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡上。作答时请认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,将答案写在答题卡上指定位置,在本试卷上答题无效。。 3.请用0.5mm黑色考试专用笔和2B铅笔规范答题。 第Ⅰ卷阅读题(共70分) 甲必考题 一、阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。(9分,每小题3分) 宋代厨娘好风光 历史上以烹饪为职业者,大体以男性为主。《周礼》所述周王室配备的庖厨人员近二千人,直接从事烹调的女性一个也没有。不过在唐宋时代,曾出现过较多的女厨,不论在酒肆茶楼,还是在皇宫御厨,都有从业烹调的职业妇女的身影。有幸为皇上烹调的称为“尚食娘子”,为大小官吏当差的则称为“厨娘”。使用厨娘形成了一股不小的浪潮,涌起于京都,远波至岭南。唐代房千里在岭南做过官,他所写的《投荒杂录》便记述了岭南人争相培养女厨之事。 《问奇类林》说,宋代太师蔡京有“厨婢数百人”。《清异录》则说,唐代宰相段文昌,家厨由老婢膳祖掌管,老婢训练过上百名婢女,教给她们厨艺。官僚们的家厨有这么大的规模,饮馔之精,可以想见。从另一方面看,在唐宋之时女厨似乎较受重视。 宋代廖莹中的《江行杂录》,记录了宋时京都厨娘的一些情况,与唐时岭南颇为相似。厨娘们的地位虽不高,但她们却有绝妙的技艺和超然的风度,令人瞩目。《江行杂录》说,有一告老还乡的太守,想起在京都某官处吃过晚膳,那一日是厨娘调羹,味道特别适口,留下很深印象,于是也想雇一位厨娘,摆一摆阔气。费了很大劲,才托人在京师物色到一位厨娘,年可二十,能书会算,颇具姿色。不数日厨娘即启程前往老太守府中,未及进府,在五里地以外住下,遣一脚夫先给太守递上一封信。信是她亲笔所写,字迹端正,很体面地要求太守发一四抬暖轿来接她进府,太守毫不迟疑地照办了。待到将厨娘抬进府中,人们发觉她确实不同于一般庸碌女子,红裙翠裳,举止文雅。太守大喜过望,第二天便请厨娘展露本领。厨娘随带着璀璨耀目的白金餐具,至如刀砧杂品,一一精致。厨娘换上围袄围裙,挥刀切肉,惯熟条理,有运斤成风之势。做出的菜品真个是馨香脆美,清新细腻,食者筷子举处,盘中一扫而光,纷纷赞誉。 厨娘的手艺得到来宾交口称赞,太守脸上平添不少光彩。筵宴圆满结束,厨娘还要犒赏,并且每次办宴会,要支赐给厨娘绢帛或至百匹,钱或至三二百千。太守力不能及,没过两月,便找了个理由将厨娘“善遣以还”。 如此看来,宋代厨娘确有些了不得,她们究竟是何等模样呢?我们从出土宋代砖刻上,可以一睹厨娘的风采。在中国历史博物馆收藏的四块厨事画像砖上,描绘了厨娘从事烹调活动的几个侧面。砖刻所绘厨娘的服饰大体相同,都是云髻高耸,裙衫齐整,焕发出一种精明干练的气质,甚至透出一缕雍容华贵的神态。她们有的在结发,预示厨事即将开始;有的在斫脍,有的在烹茶涤器,全神贯注之态,跃然眼前。这些画像砖出自宋代墓葬,宋人在墓中葬入厨娘画像砖,表明他们即便生前不曾雇用厨娘,也希求死后能满足这个愿望;或者生前


湖南省衡阳县第一中学2019-2020学年高一语文下学期延迟开学期间 精选试题(一) 分值:150分时量:150分钟 第Ⅰ卷 一、现代文阅读(36分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3 小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成下列小题。 从优秀传统文化中探寻幸福真谛 黄亚果 幸福是人们孜孜以求的生活状态。早在我国先秦时期,孔子、老子、孟子、 墨子等就对幸福作了大量论述,形成了深刻的幸福观。2000多年来,先秦诸子的幸福观被 许许多多中国人奉为立身准则和处世圭臬。今天,先秦诸子的幸福观对我们认识什么是幸福、怎样实现幸福仍然有着重要启示意义。 不沉溺于物质享受,追求精神快乐。幸福在《论语》《道德经》等诸子典 籍中也被称为“乐”。那么,在先秦诸子看来,幸福有着怎样的内涵呢?先秦诸子认为,物 质财富对幸福来说并非不重要,但相比较而言,精神快乐更是幸福所必需的。因此,他们 主张对物质财富、生死寿夭、贵贱达穷、外在环境持淡泊态度,应该更加注重心灵的知足,关注那些符合人之本性、来自于内心的幸福。老子认为,“知足之足,恒足矣”,淡泊名利、顺性无为才是幸福的最高境界。孔子认为, “一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回 也不改其乐”,他对安贫乐道的弟子高度赞赏。孟子认为,人生幸福的真谛是“三乐”: “父母俱存,兄弟无故,一乐也; 仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人,二乐也;得天下英才而教育之,三乐也。”庄子认为,幸福并非享乐的感觉,而是心灵的顿悟与超越,“与天合者,谓之 人乐”“喜怒通四时,与物有宜而莫知其极”。在先秦诸子看来,真正认清了幸福的本质、 领略了精神的高贵,就不会沉溺于物质享受,而会自觉修身行道。今天,这些观点对于丰 富人的心灵世界、提升人的精神境界具有特别重要的意义。 将自身幸福与他人幸福、社会福祉结合起来考量。《礼记·大学》明确提出“格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下”,将个人发展放在 “平天下”这样一个 宏阔的视野里来看待。孟子提出“与民同乐”的幸福观,强


细胞的分化 学习目标 1.说明细胞的分化 2.举例说明细胞的全能性 3.进行有关干细胞研究进展与人类健康的资料搜集和分析 学习重点 1.细胞分化的概念和意义 2.细胞全能性的概念 学习难点 细胞全能性的概念及实例 学习过程: [引入]在我们体内,红细胞的寿命为120天左右,白细胞的寿命为5~7天。这些血细胞都是失去分裂能力的细胞。为什么健康人的血细胞数量不会随着血细胞的死亡而减少?(健康人能不断地产生新的血细胞,补充到血液中去。) 白血病患者的血液中出现大量的异常白细胞,而正常的血细胞明显减少。通过骨髓移植可以有效地治疗白血病。骨髓与血细胞的形成有什么关系?(骨髓中造血干细胞能够通过增殖和分化,不断产生不同种类的血细胞。) 一、细胞分化及其意义 细胞的增殖我们已经学习过了,多细胞生物体在细胞数量增多的同时还有细胞在结构和功能上分化,产生不同种类的的新细胞的能力。什么是分化呢? 我们先来看写例子:1.动物胚胎发育过程中,红细胞和心肌细胞都来自一群相似的胚胎细胞。2.同一个植物体中,叶肉细胞的细胞质中有大量的叶绿体,能够进行光合作用;表皮细胞具有保护功能;液泡贮藏着许多营养物质,这些细胞都是来自一群彼此相似的早期胚细胞。 由以上我们可以得出:细胞分化是指:在个体发育中,由______________________增殖产生的后代,在__________、_________和____________上发生_____________________的过程。 细胞分化是生物界普遍存在的生命现象,是生物个体发育的基础。细胞分化使多细胞生物体中的细胞_________________,有利于提高_________________________________。分化是一种持久的、稳定的变化。 细胞分化的原因:基因选择性表达的结果。 二、细胞的全能性 早期胚胎通过细胞分化逐渐发育,形成各种组织的器官,那么已经高度分化的细胞在给与的条件下能不能再分化成其他细胞呢? 1958年,美国科学家斯图尔德将胡萝卜韧皮部的一些细胞放入培养液中培养,结果这些细胞旺盛的分裂和生长,最终长成一株新的植株。 1.这种,已经分化的细胞,仍然具有发育成完整个体的潜能叫_______________________。 2.应用:利用细胞的全能性通过织物组织培养的方法,快速繁殖植物,拯救珍稀濒危物种,还可以和基因工程结合培育作物新类型。 植物细胞具有全能性,那动物细胞呢?通过实验发现已分化的动物体细胞的细胞核是具


桃江一中2020年上学期高一入学考试语文试题卷 时量:120分钟总分:150分 第I卷阅读题 一、论述类文本阅读(9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 中国人很早便与茶发生关系了。《诗经?谷风》中的“谁谓荼苦,其甘如怡”的“荼”许多人便认为是“茶”。西汉初马王堆墓葬中的随葬品中即有茶叶。不过两汉以前,茶不是作为一种饮料存在,而是一种“菜肴”。晋代郭璞为《尔雅》作的注中曾说道茶“叶可煮作羹饮”。作羹自然少不了油盐酱醋、姜桂葱椒等调料,还要用一些碾碎的米粉勾芡。现在,在某些地区还有其遗孑存在,如湘西的“擂茶”、陕西的“三炮台”、洛阳的“罐罐茶”等等,这些都是介于饮料与菜肴之间的。 茶的“文人士大夫化”或说“雅化”是由唐代的“茶圣”陆羽完成的。这是世界茶的历史上第一部系统论茶的著作,是茶的“雅化”的标志,至今仍被全世界的茶人们奉为经典。唐代主要饮的是饼茶,它由茶叶蒸、捣、拍、焙等方法制成,在煮茶之前还要烘烤、碾碎,在釜中煮沸而饮。在烹煮和品饮过程中,所用器具也是饮茶艺术的重要组成部分。陆羽还研制了十分细致考究的二十四种茶具,大都小巧玲珑,可以贮存在一个美观的笼中,携带方便。使得“远近倾慕,好事者家藏一副”,与现在仍在日本流行的茶道类似,当然那是极富诗意的艺术品。从此饮茶就多了一重意义。在这种情态下,自然会刺激诗人的想象,于是,便产生了著名的卢全的《走笔谢孟谏议寄新茶》。诗人饮茶后的感觉竟是“唯觉两腋习习清风生”,甚至要乘此清风遨游蓬莱仙境。 唐代的饼茶还是比较大众化的,虽然一般平民百姓饮的还只是采下晾干即可饮用的散茶。宋代的饼茶则是特别贵族化的饮料了。尤其是官家监制的,制作时选料严格,其价格超过金玉,还往往被皇家垄断。朝中大老重臣,每逢年节,才有可能得到朝廷一、两饼的赏赐。平民饮的散茶,宋代称之为“草茶”。 冲泡散茶,虽然自古就有,但正式风行于元末明初。当时战争消耗大量的生产力,那些过度奢侈、徒耗民力的龙团凤饼,显然为民众负担不起。明初洪武间,正式停止了让民间供奉饼茶,改为散茶,日久便成为风气。散茶的兴盛也与文人士大夫审美趣味有关系。他们人生的价值取向是“清”。《尚书?尧典》上就有“夙夜惟寅,直哉惟清”的教诲。其后清介、清心、清白、清名、清廉等等,许许多多带有“清”字的价值判断为他们所向往。那么日夜相伴的茶水怎么能是浑浊不堪的呢?从宋代开始,文人饮茶如无特殊的目的,便很少加其他佐料了。宋代的饼茶也努力向清澈无色靠拢,而散茶只要茶叶的品质好、采摘及时、加工得法,“清”是完全有保障的。 到了明代,以“清”为特征的茶的风格已经形成。有人说它是“清虚之物”,把品饮茶的嗜好称

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