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当前位置:文档库 › 与to、at、for、with连用动词




accustom(ed) to(习惯于);amount to(达到);appeal to(呼吁);apply to /for(适用于);attach(ed) to(附属于);attend to(参加);belong to(属于);challenge to(向……提出挑战);compare to /with (比较);condemn(ed) to(判刑);confess to(承认);confine to(限制);consent to(同意);convert to(改信(某宗教));entitle(d) to(享有权利);listen to(听);mention to(提到);object to(反对);occur to(想到);prefer to(更喜欢);react to /against(对……反应);reply to(回答);respond to (响应);see to(注意);submit to(服从于);surrender to(向……投降);turn to(转向);yield to (屈服)。

1、I prefer listening to music to reading newspapers.

2、Will you see to this flower while I’m away?我不在的时候你照看一下这花好吗?

3、I shall see to the dinner tonight今晚我做晚饭。


amused at/by(对……感到有趣);arrive at/in(到达);astonish (ed) at/ by(感到惊愕);exclaim at(惊叫);glance at(对……看一眼);guess at(猜测);knock at(敲);look at(看);point at/to(指向);shock(ed) at / by(感到震惊);stare at(盯着……看);surprise(d) at /by(感到惊讶);wonder at/about (感到惊异);work at/on(钻研)。


1、He was astonished at what he found.

2、Dan was both surprised and amused at the news.


account for(说明(原因));ask for/of(请求);act for/on(代表);apologize for(因……而道歉);blame for(责备);beg for(乞求);call for(需要);charge for(收费);exchange for(交换);hope for(希望);look for(寻找);mistake for(误认为);mourn for(哀悼);pay for(为……付款);prepare for (准备);provide for(提供);search for(寻求);thank for(感谢);vote for/on 投票支持;wait for/on (等候)。

1、He was searched for the stolen money.

2、Can you account for his strange behavious?


agree with(同意);begin with(以……开始);communicate with(与……联络);compare with/to(与……比较);compete with/against(同……竞争);comply with(同意;confuse with(误作);contrast with/to (形成对照);cope with(对付);correspond with(与……一致);disgust(ed) with(使……讨厌);finish with(完成);help with/ in(帮助);interfere with/in(干扰);mix with(混合);occupy(ied) with(从事于);part with(放弃);please(d) with(对……满意);quarrel with/about(争论);reason with(规劝);satisfy (fied) with/by(感到满足);threaten (ed) with(威胁)。

1、I’m pleased with this room.

2、Sam used to mix with those people.萨姆过去常与那些人交往。

3、We’ll begin with the exercises. 我们从练习开始。


动词连用形连用形 1 变化规则 ①五段动词: a:动词词尾变成其所在行的X段字。{又称连用形1} 読住(d) 「词尾所在 行: 去行、X段字: 族」 書<(力Y) 「词尾所在 行: 力、 行、 X段字: 吉」==力佬 死空(L^) 「词尾所在 行: 肚行、X段字: = =L^ 呼恳(呼小 「词尾所在 行:浙亍、 X段字: ==加 上力诊(笳力號)「词尾所在行行、"段字:◎」==笳力W 切「词尾所在行行、"段字:◎」==吉0 b:在后接「疋、疋哲、?、尢、尢5、尢。」时,五段动词的连用形发生音变浊化(又称连用形2)。详见《基础日语》14讲。在本章节中,凡是'连用形'一定是连用形1,凡是连用形 2 一定标明'2'. ②一段动词:去掉动词词尾中的5(同未然形)。 食^§(^^§)「去掉动词词尾中的?§」==尢人 起吉?§(指吉?§)「去掉动词词尾中的?§」==指吉 着§(^§)「去掉动词词尾中的§」= =吉 寝?5(^^)「去掉动词词尾中的?§」==相 ③廿变动词:歹5变成 ^5 = =L 勉強^5 ==勉強 ④力变动词:<5变成吉。 来5(<5)= = ^ 2 各种实用例

A连用法: a,连用形+始去続疗召、終初召等构成复合动词。 ①読珈皿本①頁忙印“在读了一部分的书页上作记号。” ②食片疋^、。“吃完了后给收拾一下。” ③勉強。続丈夫肚体力?必要^歹。“为了继续学习,需要健康的身体。 ④来遅待弐去乜人^。“来晚了,我可不等你呀。” b,连用形等来构成复合形容词。 ①乙①万年筆总書吉壬歹^左歹。“这只钢笔很好写。” ②乙①服格好讯、E、非常忙着d、。“这件衣服很时髦,但是很不好穿。” ③乙①部分总把握内容疋。“这一部分是很容易掌握的内容。” ④乙乙总肚力、肚力、来0"、場所疋笳亠“这里是很不容易来的地方。” 有关复合词的构成,请查阅本网页《日语漫谈》第14 讲。 c,动词连用形2+T + (狭义的)补助动词。 ①兄总今本总読去r。“哥哥现在正在读书。” ②美味L、切疋、全部食L去、岷L尢。“因为好吃,所以全部吃光了。” ③友達力■来罰七、部屋总掃除L疋指吉去L匕“因为朋友要来,所以我把房间收拾干净了。” ④乙乙来疋族疋此所①立派驚、匕“来到这里,才知道这里的壮观程度。” 关于(狭义的)补助动词请查阅本网页《中级日语》第8 讲。 d,连用形+名词构成复合名词。 ①読族物总尢笳召疗料乂、本当O読人疋①总乞料無、。“书很多,但是真正读过的,没有几本。” ② 忘料物気总付请注意,不要忘掉东西。” B,中顿法:连用形。 a,用于连接2个单句,使之变成一个并列句。 ①雨力邓降◎、風哲吹“又下雨,又刮风。”


1.以break为中心的词组 break away from 脱离,逃离 break down 破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚 break in 闯进,打断;使顺服 break into 闯入;强行进入;突然开始 break out 爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚 break the law 违反法律 break the record 破记录 break one’s promise 失言 break up 开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解 2. 以catch为中心的词组 be caught doing 被发现做某事 be caught in the rain 淋雨 catch a bus/train 赶汽车/火车 catch a cold 伤风,感冒 catch one’s word 听懂某人的话 catch sight of 发现,瞥见 catch up with 赶上,追及,追上 3. 以come为中心的词组 come across 偶尔发现,想起;越过;偿付 come along 一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现 come at 达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击 come back 回来;恢复,复原 come down 倒下;降落;跌落;病倒 come from 来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于 come in 进来,进入;流行起来;获名次 come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成 come into power 开始执政,当权,当选 come into use 开始使用,获得应用 come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出 come out 出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露 come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于 come to an end 终止,结束 come to know 开始了解到 come true 实现,成为现实;证实 come up 走近;上楼;长出,发芽 4. 以do为中心的词组 be done in 精疲力竭 be done with 完全结束 do a good deed 做一件好事 do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费 do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于 do harm to (=do sb. harm) 有害于 do its work 有效,有作用 do much 极有用 do wrong to 做错 do one’s best 尽某人最大努力 do one’s homework 做作业 do one’s utmost 尽力而为 do proud 足以使~~骄傲 do sb. justice 公平对待某人do some cleaning (V+ing,etc.) 搞卫生 do sb. a favor 帮助某人 do well in 学得不错,干得漂亮 do with 和~~相处,忍受,处理 do without 不需要,不用 do wonders 创造奇迹 have much to do with 和~~很有关系 have nothing to do with 与~~无关 have something to do with 和~~有关 in doing so=in so doing 这时,在这种情况下 That will do. 行了;够了 5. 以get为中心的词组 get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传 get above oneself 自视高傲 get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常 get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解 get ahead of 胜过,超过 get along 前进,进步;同意;离去 get along with 与~~相处 get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击 get away 离开,逃脱 get back 取回,回来;报复 get behind 落后;识破 get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁 get down to 认真对待,静下心来 get familiar with 熟悉 get hold of 获得,取得 get home 到家 get in 进入,陷入;牵涉 get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身 get on 上车;穿上;进步,使前进;成功;相处 get upon with 进步;在~~方面获得成功 get one’s hand in 熟悉;习惯 get out of 由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休 get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成 get ready for 为~~作准备 get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱 get through 到达,完成,通过;及格 get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见 get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织 get used to 习惯于 have got to do 不得不,必须 6. 以give为中心的词组 be given to 沉溺于,癖好 give about 分配;传播 give and take 相互迁就 give away 赠送;牺牲;泄露;颁发 give back 归还 give cause 给予~~的理由 give ear to 侧耳倾听 give forth 发出,放出;发表 give in 屈服,让步,投降 give in to 同意,接受;向~~让步


以下词组搭配中的to为介词后跟名词或动名词 look forward to… pay attention to… adapt (oneself) to…(使)适应… be adapted/accustomed/used to…习惯于… refer to…参考;提及;指… devote oneself/sth to…= sb. is devoted to…奉献于,致力于…expose sb./sth. to…使暴露在…下;使接触… (但多用于被动)sb./sth. be exposed to…暴露在…下;接触… lead to… =result in…= contribute to 导致,促成 make a contribution / contributions to…为…作出贡献 the way to …(通往…的路) 区分:the way to do sth. (做某事的方法) a shortcut to…通往…的捷径 the entrance/access/key/approach/monument/clue/answer to… a (brief) introduction to sth. sth简介 a note to sth. …的注解 a reply/response to…对…的回复、回应 one’s action to…某人对…的反应 a witness to……的目击者 one’s attitude to/towards…对…的态度 to one’s surprise/disappointment/pleasure/relief/astonishment


短语动词(以动词为中心): *add in包括(include something): Would you add in these items, please, in order to complete the list? ★Should we add in the lemon juice before or after mixing the flour and sugar? *add to加,增加,补充说If the tea is too strong, add some more water (to it). ★If you add 5 to 6, you get 11. ★I have nothing to add to my earlier statement.★add fuel to the flames ★add insult to injury *add up(两个或两个以上的数或量)加起来(calculate the total of two or more numbers or amounts): The waiter can’t add up. ★Add up all the money I owe you. *add up to总计共达The money he spent added up to more than $ 1,000. *allow for把…考虑进去(include somebody/something in one’s calculations): It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. ★Allowing for depreciation your car should be worth $900 this time next year. *allow of容许(有)(permit something, leave room for something):The facts allow of only one explanation. ★The problem allows of only one solution. *apply for申请(make a formal request): He has applied to the banker for a loan. ★He has applied for a post in England. *apply to(1)使用力量等对某事物起作用(cause a force, etc to affect something): Apply a force of 100 N to the body. ★He applied his Marxist knowledge to the events around him. ★The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. (2)贴,敷,涂(put or spread something onto something): apply the glue to both surfaces ★Apply some medicine to the wound. ★Apply two coats of painting to the fence. *believe in(1)相信某人/物的存在,信仰,相信有(feel sure of the existence of someone/something): I believe in God. ★Do you believe in ghosts? ★He believes in Darwinism.


高中阶段常见带介词的to短语归纳 在高中阶段的英语学习中,同学们常常会遇见许多含有to的短语,而其中有些短语所含的to为介词,他的后面要求接名词,代词或动名词形式。往往容易将这种情况与不定式符号后接动词原形相混淆,为了帮助大家区别记忆,现将高中阶段常见介词带to的短语归纳如下: be/get/become used to 习惯于 be given to 喜欢;癖好be related to 与…有关系 be known to 为…所知be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾 be opposed to 反对devote oneself to献身于;专心于 lead to 导致 be devoted to 致力于;忠诚于 give rise to 引起 be admitted to 被…录取;准进入 be reduced to 沦为reduce…to…使…沦为 be sentenced to被判处be attached to附属于;喜欢;依恋 be adjusted to 适应be connected to 和…连在一起 get down to 着手做 be exposed to 暴露于;遭受 be compared to 被比喻成compare… to…把…比作… be married to 和…结婚be/become/ get accustomed to//accustomed to 习惯于……accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于 pay attention to 注意be engaged to 与…订婚 see to 负责;注意object to反对;不喜欢;不赞成 stick to 坚持 put one’s mind to全神贯注于 look forward to 盼望attend to 专心;注意;照料;add up to 加起来contribute to对…作贡献;有助于 add to 增加

1 动词连用形

1 動詞連用形+こなす熟练的 パソコンが確かに便利だが、しかし自分の生活の都合のいいように使いこなしている人は少ない。2に加えて再加上 きれいな声に甘いマスクに加えて、あの歌手はあっという間に有名になった。 注意:マスク在这里是长相,不是面具的意思 3 てもさしつかえない=てもいい 1熱も下がったから退院してもさしつかえない。 2今日は仕事が忙しくないので、早く帰ってもさしつかない。(新加例文) 4Nを踏まえて根據(某年的JTEST听力中出现该句型) 例年の問題を踏まえて,受験準備をする。 5 いわずもがな ①不用说 若者はいわずもがな。。。。 ②不该说,不说为妙 あんまり腹が立ったので、つい言わずもがなのことを言ってしまった。(2000年) 6てはばからない不畏惧毫不客气 クラスで一番できるのは、自分だと言ってはばからない。 毫不客气的说自己是班上最强的。 7 V连用型+際に 在2级的时候,学过N+際に是在---的时候。 这个句型和此类似,意思是即将。。。接近。。的时候 母親は死に際に私の身の上を教えたくれた。 8無きにしもあらず并非没有并非不 努力すれば合格の可能性はなきにしもあらずである。 9やーーーに止まらない不止不仅仅 这个や是非常重要的提示词,其前后一般都是接数量词 今度の参加者は300人や500人にとまらない 10未然型+ずきらい不尝试某事就讨厌 食べず嫌い不吃某物就讨厌吃某物 食べず嫌いにしないで、ちょっと試してから発言してください。 11だけましだ。。。算好的了 あれだけ頑張ったのに点数がこれだけなんて、ちょっとがっかり。 しかし合格点以上だけましだった。 12のなんのと=とかなんとか表示要求不满辩解 息子が新しい学校に入ったら、寝室が狭いのなんのと文句ばかりだ。 13N+にかこつけて找借口,拖借 娘は受験勉強にかこつけて,家事の手伝いをサボる。 14行きかけ=についてに去时顺便。。。 行き付ける常常去的 工場に行きかけに寄ってください。 15をおして不顾不管 =をよそに 妹は親の反対を押して、一人で日本へ行った。(2003年出た) 16 動詞推量形+とも不论不管 (没有超纲,不举例子了)



日语动词第二连用形 (1)后接敬体助动词「ます」,表示礼貌、敬意。 例:お待ちしております。 翻译:静候光临。 (2)后接过去助动词「た」,表示过去、完了。 例:アンケートの結果を年齢別に集計した。 翻译:把问卷调查的结果按年龄汇总。 (3)后接愿望助动词「たい」、「たがる」,表示希望、愿望。 例:①自分に向いている仕事をやりたい。(向く:适合,对路。) 翻译:想做适合自己的工作。 ②彼も旅行に行きたがっています。 翻译:他也想去旅行。 (当主语是二或三人称的时用「たがる」。) (4)后接接续助词「ながら」时表示两项动作同时进行。 例:私は音楽を聞いながら宿題をやります。 翻译:我一边听音乐一边做作业。 (5)后接样态助动词「そうだ」,表示样态,“好像要……”。 例:雪でも降りそうだ。 翻译:好象还要下雪。 (6)后接接续助词「たり」,表示动作的并列或者同时进行。 例:あの人は泣いたり笑ったりしていました。(笑う) 翻译:那人又哭又笑。 (7)后接接续助词「ても」,表示假定的前提条件。▲ 例:反対する者が一人や二人いても、私はこの計画を実行する。 翻译:即使有一两个人反对,我也要实行这个计划。 (8)以动词连用形形式出现,表示中顿。 例:兄は日本語を勉強し、弟は英語を勉強する。 翻译:哥哥学日语,弟弟学英语。 上一期我们也说过,动词连用形大部分情况是指动词「ます」形,也叫做动词第一连用形;动词「て」型和「た」形也称为动词连用形(第二连用形),其用例已用「▲」特别标注,大家先了解一下,他们的具体用法和意义很多,想要更加深入了解的话可以查查资料。 练习: 1、()ながら携帯電話で話すのは危ないよ。 ①運転し ②運転した


英语动词副词词组动词 为中心 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

1.以break为中心的词组 break down vt.破坏,粉碎,瓦解vi.出故障抛锚,衰弱break in 闯进,打断;使顺服 break into闯入;强行进入;突然开始 break out爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚 break off打断,断绝,折断,突然终止 break through突破,克服,挤过去 break up vt.开垦,破碎;解散,分解 vi.结束break away from 脱离,逃离,打破 break the law 违反法律 break the record 破记录 break one’s promise 失言 2.以burst为中心的词组 burst in闯进,突然出现 burst into闯进,突然…起来,突然发出

burst into tears / laughter嚎啕大哭/放声大笑burst out迸发,爆发,突然发出,大声叫喊 burst out crying / laughing嚎啕大哭/放声大笑 3.以 bring为中心的词组(较少) bring about导致,引起,促使 bring back带回,使回忆,使恢复 bring down使下降,浓缩,收缩,击落 bring into effect/practice 完成,实现,实施,实行bring up抚养,养育,培养,使停止 bring in 把..带进来,引进,挣得(收入) bring off 完成,救出,使成功,搬走 bring on 导致,引起,使发展,提出(论点) bring out 拿出,公布,发表,出版,生产 bring through 治愈,使度过困难/危险时期 4.以call为中心的词组 call at访问(某地),停泊在


以动词为中心的动词短语 1, take in take off take on take over take up / take after / take to 1. take in 吸收, 欺骗As they didn’t take in what he said, he took all of them in. 2. take off 拿掉, 脱衣, (飞机,事业)起飞Don’t take your coat off. The plane will take off soon. 3. take on 呈现, 雇用, 承担With the sun setting, the village takes on a golden look. 4. take over 接管, 接收Mr. Li has fallen ill, so you have to take over the office work. 5. take up 拿起, 开始从事, 占据, Since he took up Majiang, it has taken up most of his spare time. 2,turn to turn off turn on turn up turn down turn out turn over turn into 1.turn to 翻到, 变成, 求助于, If you run into trouble, you may turn to my friend there for help. 2.turn off 关掉,使失去兴趣You must turn the light off when you leave. 3.turn on 开启, 使产生兴趣Every design turned on the chief engineer. 4.turn down 拒绝, 调低He turned town the request of turning the radio down a little. 5.turn up 出现,调高When the guests turned up, he turned up the music and they began to dance. 6.turn out 结果是,生产Everything turned out fine. The factory turned out more cell phones than last year. 7.turn over 打翻, 翻转The bus turned over and destroyed the crops in the field. 8.turn into 进入, (使)变成What can turn a kind young man into a merciless devil? 3. work at work on work out 1. work at 从事, 致力于, 钻研(克服困难完成任务) You’ll overcome the problem in learning a language if you really work at it. 2. work on 继续工作, 在…上用功The students worked on the texts independently. 3. work out 可以解决, 设计出, 计算出Have you work out the maths problem yet? 4. let out let in let be let off let down let alone= leave alone 1. let out 发出, 泄露, The boy let out a cry. 2. let in, 放进, 允许. . 进入There is someone at the door. Will you please go and let him in? 3. let be [口]随[它]去任[它]那样Let it be! Mother often tells me to let it be. 4. let down 使失望I hoped Mr. James would help me, but he let me down 5. let off 放出, 饶恕I won’t let you off if you make the same mistake again. 6.. let alone 不管, 不打扰Let me alone! I’m to o busy. 5. be in be out be on be over be up be up to be after, be for, be against, be of… 1.be in 在家, 上市季节Is Mrs. Li in? I want him to go shopping with me. You see, peaches are in these days. They are quite cheap at present. 2.be out 开花, 发行, 熄灭, 不在The light is out. Mr. Li must be out. As his new book has come out, he may be advertising it where flowers are out. 3..be on 在进行中,在放映The film has been on for half an hour. 4.be over 结束The game is over. 5 be up 起床,时间到了Time is up. Be up in two minutes! 6.be up to 做,某人的责任What is he up to these days? It’s up to you to find it out. 6. break down break in break into break off break out break up break away from 1.break down 抛锚, 垮掉, 分解Bad luck! Our car broke down near a bridge that had just broken down. The meeting had to break down. 2.break in 闯入, 打断It’s bad manners to break in when they are chatting. 3.break into 破门而入, 侵占The bank was broken into. Fortunately, nothing was missing as the alarm sounded in time. 4.break up 打碎, 结束, 分解, The police broke up the crowd who were breaking the windows up. 5.break off 中断, 折断, 突然停止, 脱落The boy fell when the branch broke off. 6.break out 突发, 爆发Unluckily, the war broke out against all kind hearts.


介词to后+动名词结构一览 用法归纳由于to既可用作介词,也可用作不定式符号,所以许多学生在其后接动词时,弄不清到底该用动词原形,还是用动名词。本文根据新课标词汇(比考试大纲词汇范围稍广)对这类结构作了一次系统归纳,总结出介词to后接动名词的常考结构27个,并根据其结构特点,分为以下四类: 一、动词+介词to+动名词作宾语结构。 这一种结构是考试中的大热考点,考生容易产生定势思维,想当然的认为“to”之后要跟"to do"不定式,所以,请特别重视下列含有“to"的动词短语。 1. admit to doing sth 承认做了某事 2. apply to doing sth 适用于做某事 3. object to doing sth 反对做某事 4. see to doing sth 负责做某事 5. stick to doing sth 坚持做某事

6. take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事。 7. lead to通向 8. see to 负责 应用实例: 1.He admitted having stolen the money. 他承认偷了钱。 2.These methods apply to learning English.这些方法适用于英语学 习。 3.He objected to being treated like a child. 他反对被当作小孩子看 待。 4.Reporters should stick to investigating the facts. 记者应 坚持调查事实。 5.Soon he took to sleeping late. 不 久他就养成了睡懒觉的习惯。 二、动词+宾语+介词to+动名词作宾语结构

日语动词―第一部分 动词定义以及连用形及其用法

日语动词 ——第一部分: 动词定义及其连用形变化和用法 一、日语动词的分类 1、五段活动动词 动词的词尾变化有规律的分布在五十音图的「ア、イ、ウ、エ、オ」五个段上,因此叫五段活用动词。五段活用动词的词尾只有一个,且全部都在ウ段上。 例: 会う(あう)書く(かく)話す(はなす)立つ(たつ)死ぬ(しぬ) 学ぶ(まなぶ)読む(よむ)作る(つくる) 2、一段活用动词 以最后两个假名为词尾的动词叫一段活用动词。词尾头一个音均分布在五十音图的「イ段」或「エ段」假名上,词尾最后一个假名是「る」。 一段活用动词又分为上一段活用动词和下一段活用动词。头一个词尾的音在「イ段」假名上的叫上一段活用动词。如: 用いる?生きる?恥じる等等。在「エ段」假名上的叫做下一段活用动词。如: 考える?続ける?話せる等等。 值得注意一点的是,由两个假名构成的一段活用动词,其第一个假名既是词干,同时也是词尾的一部分。如: 見る?出る。

不过,有一部分动词,其形式看上去是一段活用,实际上他们是五段活用动词。这样的动词出去接尾词组成的复合动词外,大约有一百个左右。 常用的有: 入る?帰る?走る?知る?蹴る?焦る等等。 はいかえはししけあせ みで つづはな はかんがもちい(这里需要注意一点,汉字写成【入る】的这个词,它的读音有两个。 读成「はいる」的时候,是五段活用动词;读成「いる」的时候,是一段活用动词。两个读音用法不同,我将在今后的课程中讲解) 3、カ変動詞?サ変動詞 カ变动词和サ变动词,属于特殊的活用动词。カ变动词只有一个,来る(くる)。サ变动词也只有一个,する。不过广义上的サ变动词还包括,以动词性质的名词、外来语名词加する接位的复合动词。如: 電話―電話する?サイン―サインする 此外,像「感ずる」「講ずる」这样以「ずる」结尾的动词,也属于サ变动词。 二、动词的连用形 动词的连用形主要连接敬体助动词「ます」,构成一般敬体句。其变化方法如下: 1)五段活用动词: 将「う」段假名词尾变成「い」段假名词尾,でんわ


2020高考英语以介词或副词为中心的高频动词短语 (l)动词+about speak/talk about 谈论 think about 思考 care about 关心,对……有兴趣 bring about 引起,使发生 set about 着手,开始 come about 发生 hear about 听说 worry about 为……担心 (2)动词+at aim at 向……瞄准,旨在 run at 冲向,向……攻击 call at 拜访(地点) tear at 用力撕 look at 看,注视 work at 干……活动(研究) come at 向……袭击 shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷 stare at 凝视 glare at 怒视 glance at 匆匆一瞥 laugh at 嘲笑 knock at 敲(门、窗等) point at 指向 smile at 冲(某人)笑 strike at 向……打击 shoot at 向……射击 wonder at 惊讶 (3)动词+away die away 逐渐消失 put away 收拾起来,存起来 pass away 去世 wash away 冲走 take away 拿走 give away 背弃,泄漏 send away 让走开 turn away 把……打发走 wear away 磨掉,消耗

throw away 扔掉 blow away 吹走 carry away 拿走,使入迷 clear away 清除掉,消散 break away 摆脱 (4)动词+back keep back 隐瞒,忍住 hold back 控制住 give back 归还 call back 回电话 take back 拿回,收回 look back(on) 回顾 (5)动词+down cut down 削减,砍倒 put down 记下,写下,镇压 take down 记下,记录 turn down 调小,拒绝 slow down 慢下来 pass down 传下来 calm down 平静下来 burn down 烧毁 tear down 拆毁,拆除 come down 下落,传下 break down 坏了,垮了,分解 bring down 使……降低,使倒下 settle down 安家 (6)动词+from die from 因……而死 hear from 收到……来信 learn from 向……学习 differ from 与……不同 suffer from 受……苦 result from 由于 separate…from 把……分离开 keep/stop/prevent…from 不让……做 date from=date back to 始于……时期,追溯到 (7)动词+for run for 竞选


中学英语常见带介词的t o短语归纳

常见带介词的to短语归纳 be / get / become used to 习惯于 be given to 喜欢;癖好 be related to 与…有关系 be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾 be opposed to 反对 devote oneself to献身于;专心于 be devoted to 致力于;忠诚于 be admitted to 被…录取;准进入 be reduced to 沦为 reduce…to…使…沦为 be attached to附属于;喜欢;依恋 be adjusted to 适应 be known to 为…所知 be married to 和…结婚 be sentenced to被判处 be connected to 和…连在一起 be exposed to 暴露于;遭受 be compared to 被比喻成 compare… to…把…比作… be engaged to 与…订婚 be / become / get accustomed to / accustomed to 惯于;有…习惯

be engaged to 与…订婚 get down to 着手做 lead to 导致 object to反对;不喜欢;不赞成 put one’s mind to全神贯注于give rise to 引起 look forward to 盼望 stick to 坚持 pay attention to 注意 attend to 专心;注意;照料 see to 负责;注意 contribute to对…作贡献;有助于make contributions to对…作贡献apply oneself to 致力于 come close to几乎;将近 reply to 回答 add to 增加 add up to 加起来 in addition to除…之外 turn to转向;求助于 feel up to 能胜任于 look up to 尊敬


介词t o常用动词短语 汇总 Revised as of 23 November 2020

介词to常用动词短语汇总 一些动词与介词to搭配构成短语,下面列举一些常见的搭配形式。1.get down to着手做(认真考虑) While the weather is fine, I must get down to painting the house. 当天晴时,我一定要油漆房子。 解释:其后宾语一般用“business, work等”。down是副词。 2.keep to遵守(坚持,坚持……方向)例如: Ill as he was, he kept to studying far into the night. 他虽然有病,但仍然学习到深夜。 3.contribute to = make contributions to 有助于,为……做贡献,投稿,捐款 We hope your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem. 我们希望你的建议将有助于解决这个问题。 4. admit to承认,招认 The young man admitted to stealing the jewels. 那个年轻人承认了偷了珠宝。 注:例句中的to可省略。 5.take to开始从事;养成习惯,沉湎于,例如: Our factory has taken to making children's boots.我们厂开始生产童靴。Our factory has taken to making children's boots. For some reason he took to walking in the New York streets at night. 不知为什么,他养成夜间在纽约街道上溜达的习惯。 6.turn to求助于(依靠,转而从事于)例如: Refused permission to work in the country, he was able to turn to writing to earn a living. 他在这个国家找不到工作,以写作谋生。


动词的活用形共有7个(有的文法书或课本定为6个),有“未然形”、“连用形”、“终止形”、“连体形”、“假定形”、“命令形”和“推量形”。有的文法书或课本定为6个,是因为把推量形并入未然形之中;当然,这是可以的,但是对五段动词来讲,就出现“未然1”和“未然2”的问题,仍然是个麻烦事情,所以这里采用了推量形的概念。 1,未然形 (1)用于动词的否定的情况。“动词未然形+否定助动词ない、ぬ(ん)”构成了动词的否定形。 (2)用于表示“被动态”、“可能态”、“使役态”、“被役态”及“敬语体”、“自发”、“否定命令”等各种态的情况。 “被动态”=动词未然形+被动助动词れる、られる “可能态”=动词未然形+可能助动词れる、られる “敬语体”=动词未然形+敬语助动词れる、られる “自发”=动词未然形+自发助动词れる、られる “使役态”=动词未然形+使役助动词せる、させる “被役态”=动词未然形+被役助动词される、させられる “否定意志”=(五段动词以外的)动词未然形+否定意志助动词まい 2,连用形 动词在表示主体的行为、动作或状态时,经常是只用一个词就说不清楚,必须连接其他用言和助词、助动词等来达到充分说明主体的目的。连用形主要用于这种情况。 (1)连用法: a,接各种用言和助动词,如:后接始まる、続ける、终わる等来构成复合动词;后接やすい、にくい等来构成复合形容词;有关复合词的构成,请查阅本网页《日语漫谈》第14讲。 b,动词连用形+て+(狭义的)补助动词。关于(狭义的)补助动词请查阅本网页《中级日语》第8讲。在动词连用形接接续助词て时,五段动词要“音变浊化”,关于这部分内容,请查阅本网页《基础日语》第14讲。 (2)中顿法:主要用于连接2个单句,使之变成一个并列句。 (3)名词法:一些动词可以用其连用形变成表示动作的名词(类似于サ变动词的词干)。 (4)一些助词要求前面动词变成连用形。如:ながら、つつ、て、たり、たら、ても、たって、つ、しだい。其中て、ても、たり、たら、たって五段动词要求音变浊化。 (5)一些助动词要求前面动词变成连用形。如:愿望助动词たい、たがる,敬体助动词ま


一、动词be构成的短语动词 1.be known as/be famous as作为……而闻名 be known for因……而出名 be known to为……所知 be known by凭……而知 The hill is known for the temple. LuXun is known to us as a writer. One can be known by his words and deeds. 2.be married to与……结婚 She is married to a musician... 3.be tired of/with对……厌烦 He is tired of/with this kind of life. =He is bored with this kind of life. 4.be terrified at被……吓一跳 He is terrified at the snake. 5.be burdened with负重 He is burdened with a heavy load. 6.be crowded with挤满 The shop is crowded with people. 7.be dressed in穿着 She is dressed in red. 8.be experienced in对……有经验 He is experienced in mending bikes. 9.be equipped with装备 They are equipped with guns and food. 10.be furnished with提供,布置 They are furnished with enough food. 11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) He has been engaged in writing novels. 12.be engaged to与……订婚 My daughter is engaged to a nice doctor. 13.be about to do sth.正要做…… 1 was just about to go swimming when our guide saw me and stopped me. 14.be fit to do/be fit for胜任;适合于 He is fit to do the work. These books are not fit for children. 15.be worth doing值得做…… The film is worth seeing again. 16.be proud of以……而自影骄傲 I am proud of being a Chinese. 17.be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于…… My grandpa is not used to living in the noisy city 18.be content to do sth./with…甘愿于干……;满足于…… I am content with your work this time. 19.be content with对……感到满意 You should be content with what you have 20.be up to应由……,轮到……It's up to her to answer the question. 21.be meant/intended for打算给,打算用作 Is this valuable painting meant for me? 22.be connected with与……有联系 He was also connected with the government. 23.be crazy about对……狂热 Many young people are crazy about Hip-Hop. 二、动词break构成的短语动词 1.break out爆发 The Anti—Japanese War broke out in 1937. 2.break in打断;闯入 Two robbers broke in and robbed the bank of a lot of money. 3.break into闯入;破门而入 They broke into the uncle’s bedroom and found the man l ying on the floor。dead. 4.break away from脱离 Lincoln said it was not fight for the south to break away from the union. 5.break down(机器,车辆)坏了;失败了;摧毁;分解 We are sorry to arrive late.but the car broke down. 6.break through突破 The marchers broke through the line of the police. 7.break off折断;中断;断绝 Let’s break off for half an hour and have some tea. 8.break up驱散,拆散 The police broke up the crowd. 三、动词carry构成的短语动词 1.carry on进行 He had learned enough English to carry on a conversation 2.carry out执行;进行 They were carrying out an important experiment. 3.carry away拿走 Please carry these desks away. 4.carry off夺走,抢走 Some unknown man carried off the prize 四、动词call构成的短语动词 1.call on拜访某人,号召 We will call on Mr.Li tomorrow. We are called on to help those in trouble. 2.call at拜访某地 I called at your office yesterday, but you were not in 3.call for需要;要求;邀约(人);取(物) Success called for hard work. call for a doctor去请医生 4.call in 请来;收回
