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导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《钢铁侠的英文怎么说》的内容,具体内容:钢铁侠相信大家都很熟悉,是漫威出品的英雄人物。那么你知道吗?下面跟我一起来学习关于钢铁侠的英语知识吧!钢铁侠的英文Iron Man英[ai...



Iron Man英 [ain mn]美 [an mn]


1. Student C: He is really the iron man of the sea!

学生丙: 真是个海上"铁人"!

2. The Hollywood premiere of Iron Man last year was a glittering affair.

《钢铁侠IronMan)去年在好莱坞(Hollywood) 的首映式是一场耀眼的盛会.

3. There is no turning back. That much, Iron Man knows.

自己面前的是一条不归路. 这点, 铁人心里很清楚.

4. Rocket into the action as Iron Man in the official movie game.


5. That much, Iron Man knows.

这点, 铁人心里很清楚.

6. The centrepiece of the modern city of Daqing is the Iron Man museum.


7. I would almost blasphemous by saying its better than Iron Man but

I dont know.


8. Run a school with the Daqing spirit, educate people with the iron - man spirit.

20用大庆精神办学, 用铁人精神育人.

9. He was a tall, lanky man with iron-grey hair.


10. As rust is to iron, so is laziness to man.


11. Perhaps I could employ someone to iron his shirts, but I wanted to spoil him. He was my man.


12. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars.


13. He is a man of iron self - control.


14. Tom is a man of iron.


15. The strong man curved the iron bar.



The suits have taken over the franchise. Not the corporate suits, though Iron Man 3 is soincoherent that it might have been written by a particularly quarrelsome committee, but therobotic suits. The movie is obsessed by them. Tony Stark, the supersmart industrialist playedonce again by Robert Downey Jr., has his Mark 42 suit, which comes when he calls it, piece bypiece, anywhere in the world. Tonys friend Col. James Rhodey Rhodes (Don Cheadle) has hisIron Patriot suit, which is a War Machine suit with upgrades and fresh paint. Theres a point tothis sartorial tech. Tony himself is obsessed by the suits, so he keeps building new ones. Theygive him a sense of security, and promise relief from the anxiety attacks he has been havingsince his

near-disaster at the end of The Avengers last year. But the third iteration of afranchise that began so well becomes a hollow hymn to martial gadgetry. The suits and storyclank in unison.

在《钢铁侠3》(Iron Man 3)中,战甲成为了影片的主角。尽管这部看起来极不连贯的影片可能就是由一个特别爱争执的编剧委员会编的,但我们在

这里所说的不是办公室着装,而是机械战衣,它们充斥着整部影片。这一次,仍由小罗伯特唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)饰演的男主角──才智过人的实业家托尼斯塔克(TonyStark)配备了马克42代(Mark 42)战衣,无论他在世界何处,只要他有需要,它都会一件件出现。托尼的朋友"罗德上校"(Col. James "Rhodey" Rhodes)也有自己的"钢铁爱国者"(Iron Patriot)战甲,它是一套更新换代并且新刷了涂料的"战争机器"(War Machine)战衣。这一制衣技术有其合理之处,托尼本人因战甲感到困扰,因此不停地打造新战甲。它们给他带来安全感,也给他带来能从焦虑中解脱出来的希望,自从去年在《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)结局处遭遇到那个险些成为灾难的事件以来,他就一直受此折磨。作为一部开局很棒的影片的第三部续集,《钢铁侠3》成为了夸赞战斗装备的空洞赞歌。战甲与故事情节同时发生了碰撞。

Thats not to deny the distinctions of this huge production, which was directed by Shane Black.The computer animation is often astonishing, even if the 3-D is indifferent and explosionsare explosions, no matter whats being exploded. (Tonys cliff-clinging house in Malibu isreduced to rubble after he gives out his street address on national television.)

这并不是要否认这部由沙恩布莱克(Shane Black)执导的巨制的特别之处。电脑特效大多令人震撼,尽管3-D效果一般,反正无论是什么发生爆炸,爆炸场面都不过如此。(在国家电视台上公布自己的街道地址之后,托尼建在加州马里布悬崖之上的住宅沦为了废墟。)

The films greatest distinction is the spin it puts on its villainy, which involves not only GuyPearce as the malevolent entrepreneur

Aldrich Killian, but Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin, anarch-villain unlike any other. To explain why hes unlike any other would spoil one of the fewgood surprises in the script, which was written by Drew Pearce and the director. Lets just saythat Mr. Kingsley, or Sir Ben, if you will, makes The Mandarin both frightening and terrificallyfunny─Tony refers to the character as Sir Laurence Oblivion─and that the surprise is bothenjoyable and oddly damaging to a dramatic structure that doesnt need additionalhollowness.

该影片最大的特色是扭转了一众反派角色的形象,其中不仅包括盖皮尔斯(Guy Pearce)饰演的邪恶企业家奥德里奇基利安(Aldrich Killian),还有本金斯利(Ben Kingsley)饰演的一个与众不同的大奸角──"满大人"(The Mandarin)。这里还是不解释为什么"满大人"不同于其他反派了,因为此举会毁掉这个由德鲁皮尔斯(Drew Pearce)和导演共同撰写的剧本中为数不多的

几个精彩意外情节之一。这么说吧,金斯利(假如你愿意,也可称他为本爵士)将"满大人"(托尼把这个角色称为Sir Laurence Oblivion)演得既让人畏惧,又非常搞笑。此外,关于"满大人"的那个意外让人欣喜,但它也进一步破坏了一个本就显得空洞的戏剧结构。

In the first Iron Man, Mr. Downey was the only funnyman. He was funny in a way thatsuperher oes had never been─hip, droll, sardonic and self-ironic─and his quick wit meshedbeautifully with the movies sophisticated style and elegant action. This time he settles fornervous and flip. He gets his laughs, but Tonys self-irony has been replaced by the starsself-comment, and it doesnt help that the writing

often depends on glib banter, the mostconspicuous example of which is an extended set piece in small-town Tennessee. Findinghimself there in extremis, Tony collaborates with a precocious little kid named Harley─hesplayed by Ty Simpkins─to produce a jury-rigged piece of equipment like the one E.T. used tocall home. (When a massive explosion takes down the towns water tower, you watch withinterest though without feeling, since all of the previous massive explosions have functionedlike Novocain, leaving you prenumbed.)

在《钢铁侠》第一部中,唐尼饰演的角色是剧中唯一风趣的人物。他的风趣与其他超级英雄不同,他玩世不恭、诙谐、爱嘲讽而且也自嘲,他的机智与影片老练的风格和精密的情节完美契合。这一次,他却只是焦虑和轻率。他也引发了观众的笑声,但他的自嘲被他的自我评论取代,而剧本常常借助油嘴滑舌的戏谑也无济于事,其最明显的例子是发生在田纳西小镇的一个很长的场景。托尼在那儿发现自己身陷绝境,于是和一个名叫哈利(Harley,由泰辛普金斯(Ty Simpkins)饰演)的早慧的小男孩合作,临时装配了一件过去常被外星人称作大本营的装置。(在一次大规模爆炸摧毁那个小镇的水塔时,你会饶有兴趣但毫无感觉地看着,因为这之前的种种爆炸场面已产生了如奴佛卡因(Novocain)一般的效果,事先让你麻木了。)

Extremis is also the name of a bioenhancement process that turns some of the movies humansinto turbocharged heavies who glow with evil energy and look like zombies. Theres no lack ofenergy throughout, even if much of it, like the acting, feels forced. (Gwyneth Paltrow, who isback as Pepper Potts, has lost her cool but gained her own robotics, and her

own actionsequence, which ends with casually absurd illogic. Rebecca Hall, a superb actress in normalcircumstances, seems uncomfortable as Dr. Maya Hansen, whos responsible for theinvention of Extremis, and for its fateful flaw.) Iron Man 3 is an industrial enterprisefabricated for kids, and they will eat it up just as eagerly as the Iron Giant scarfed scrap metal.If youre not a kid, though, or if you want to keep your memories of the first Iron Manunsullied, beware of the buzz and hubbub, and the glowing reviews. You know the story of theemperors new suit.

片中一个生物强化方法也被称为"extremis"(终极改造),它将一些人类转变为充满邪恶力量的大块头,他们力量大增,看上去像僵尸一样。整部影片不乏活力,即使其中很大一部分和片中表演一样让人觉得牵强。格温妮丝帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)饰演的"小辣椒"(Pepper Potts)回归,这次她不再冷静,有了自己的机械战衣和故事,不过剧情最后草草地以荒谬的逻辑收尾。丽贝卡霍尔(Rebecca Hall)平时是一个演技一流的演员,但这次在饰演参与发明Extremis及一手造成其致命缺陷的玛雅汉森博士(Dr. Maya Hansen)时似乎并不自如。总之,《钢铁侠3》是一部为儿童制作的影片,他们会与包裹着"铁巨人"(Iron Giant)的那些铁片一样热切地完全接受它。倘若你不是儿童,或者如果你想保留对第一部《钢铁侠》的完美印象,要小心那些炒作喧哗,以及给予盛赞的剧评。你们都知道皇帝的新装这个故事的。







"Iron Man" (Iron Man) is a marvel studios produced a sci-fi adventure film, drawn from Marvel comics, Marvel Universe movie debut movie, directed by Jon Feju, starring Winnis Patru Robert Downey Jri pass. "Iron Man" adaptation of the classic story from Marvel comics ", tells the story of industrialist and inventor Tony Stark was plotting to kidnap, was forced to create the most lethal weapon, was seriously injured but he secretly made a high-tech suit of armor, protecting their own escape, then turned the" Iron Man "to defend the earth. [1] At this time, Toni esteems the lives of one hundred and eighty degree turn, he a display of weapons abroad after the attack, and he was also a group of thugs kidnapped hostage. In this accident, his heart by shrapnel due to injury and dying, he had to obey the mysterious leader of the mob life, making new missile stark industries for him. However, in a same kidnapped scientist's help, he secretly uses his ability and cleverness to create a set of steel for their own clothes, help him to maintain life and to escape the clutches of the mob. After returning to the United States, Toni must face the past again, and vowed to lead "stark" towards a new direction. However, he is not in the company, his leadership was his right hand -- the highest executive Obade Stan (Jeff Bridges


钢铁侠英语名言 英语名言 钢铁侠英语名言 1、Iprefertoonlyneedtouseaweapon。 我更喜欢只需要动用一次的武器。 2、Isthesuicide,canlivetosin。 本来就该**,可活着才能赎罪。 3、Whatworldisthiscalled?Treatpeopledon'tmaster,please。 这叫什么世道?请客人不请主人。 4、Youcansayeverything,nothingatall。 你可以说拥有一切,也可以说一无所有。 5、Sometimesdoingthingsmusthaveanadvancedconsciousness。 有时候做事必须有超前意识。 6、Onlyyoustickcoarsethanothers,todefendthepeace。 只有你的棍子比别人粗,才能保卫和平。 7、Itisfrightening,orrespected,Iwanttodoboth。 是令人恐惧,还是令人尊敬,我想二者兼顾。 8、Todayisthefirstdayofwhat'sleftofyoulife。

今天就是你余生的第一天。 9、Jarvis,beforewelearntogo,mustfirstlearntorun! 贾维斯,在我们学会走之前,要先学会跑! 10、Ican'tdie,Iwanttolive,becauseonlyaliveIcansin。 我不能死,我要活着,因为只有活着我才能赎罪。 11、Tobehonest,Ireallydidn'tseeyouareawoman。 说真的,我实在没看出来你是个女的。 12、MrStark,letIwilldoanything,includingprocessingwiththerestofthethings。 斯塔克先生让我干什么都行,其中也包括处理他用剩下的东西。 13、Thingsaredifferentnow。IhavetoprotecttheonethingthatIcan'tlivewithout。That'syou。 情况不一样了,我必须要保护我唯一离不了的人。那就是你。 14、TONYSTARK:IhopeIcanprotecttheonethingican'tlivewithout。 托尼斯达克:我只愿能为我毕生挚爱遮挡风雨。 15、I'mgonnaofferthechoice。Doyouwantanemptylife。orameaningfuldeath? 我会给你一个选择,你是想要苟且偷生,还是死得其所? 16、I'mTonyStark,Ibuiltneatstuff,Igotagreatgirl,Andoccasinally,savedtheworld。SoICan'ttightsleep。 我是托尼史塔克,我制造了这些东西,我有个超级好的女朋友。


My Review As an avid reader of the Iron Man comics, I was excited but also very scared that this movie would flop. While Robert Downey is not the biggest name in Hollywood, he plays the part perfectly and I was greatly impressed by how he portrayed Iron Man so well. When Tom Hanks first made a Splash and Tom Cruise was indulging in Risky Business with Rebecca De Mornay, Downey Jr. was starting out in Weird Science. After a turbulent personal life he now looms large, plastered across the sides of buses and magazine covers in support of Iron Man, the first of this summer's blockbuster extravaganzas. He's an unconventional leading man in a conventional superhero movie. His Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist and weapons contractor turned superhero, is flamboyant, an eccentric genius - James Bond with a pinch of Howard Hughes. It's perhaps a little strong to say that he carries Iron Man, but it's hard to envision it being as enjoyable without him. We first meet Stark in Afghanistan (updated from the comic's Vietnam setting). His military convoy is struck by terrorists and he finds himself captured and nursing a gruesome chest wound. Flashing back 36 hours we catch him indulging in his wealth and fame. He shamelessly ploughs head first into the playboy lifestyle, gambling at the Vegas high-rollers table and seducing a knockout blonde. Various supporting cast members are introduced in the process - his faithful but oddly-monikered assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), military advisor Colonel James Rhodes (Terrence Howard) and Stark Industries executive Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges). Stark jets to Afghanistan to give prospective buyers a demonstration of the new Jericho weapon. After a successful sales pitch ("I prefer the weapon you only need to fire once") the story loops back to Stark's capture by the shady Ten Rings terrorist group. With an electromagnet installed in his chest to keep shrapnel away from his heart, he constructs a clunky, walking battle-tank exoskeleton to break out of captivity. As far as superhero origin films go, Iron Man is at the higher end of the scale. Better than the first X-Men but not quite as soaring as Spider-Man, its mandate is fairly simple: be loud, be entertaining and don't get too serious. It succeeds on all fronts but, as is often the problem with inaugural superhero outings, there's a lot of exposition to wade through. Starting and ending with a bang, Iron Man's heels are clipped in the middle by spending too long in getting the eponymous superhero into action. Stark constructs three different armour prototypes (a gift for toy manufacturers) before he gets to the final design. Iron Man briefly ponders exploring deeper territory, presenting an interesting shift in Stark's moral compass. He has generated billions as a warmonger but his brush with death in Afghanistan prompts an awakening, reinvigorating him with humanitarian drive and focus. He begins the movie as an empty shell but is given soul by hiding behind another. Director Favreau wisely chooses not to dwell on the Lord of War vibe and pulls theme park action into the foreground.


Iron Man Film critic "Iron Man 2" was released in 2010 when the USA a science fiction movie, is the2008 release of the blockbuster film "Iron Man" sequel. With the first set is alsodirected by the director and actor Jon Feju, and by Robert Downey Jri and Gwyneth Petro and other actors to participate in performances. “iron man 2”storyline continues before,the film story published six months his "Iron Man" identity after Tony Stark, the identity of the public not only didn't let the stark like lose all standing and reputation all imaginary, but let the diamond Bachelor of his more illustrious. Toni while planning his next blockbuster plans:inherit the father Howard Stark's behest, once held the world's attention "stark expo". Under the surface of the scenery, always hidden raging undercurrent.Opponent Ivan Vanko managed to escape, to parents grudge former, return."Whiplash" that has the amazing power of the weapons and equipment,inspiration is derived from the iron man armor. Female spy "black widow" to female secretary identities lurking in the NASDAQ side scheming... Heavy blow to NASDAQ tired, but the war be triggered at any moment, so he had tostrengthen steel armour Qineng, change "Iron Man" and each enemy wage a life-and-death struggle. Iron man 1 didn't look at the beginning, then directly see the iron


A: Good morning, everyone. Happy to see you all in the English corner. I’m your friend, Vivian. B: I’m Shawn. In today’s program, we’ll introduce a lasted American movie Iron Man 3. A: ok, let’s start. A: Iron Man 3(showed on screen as Iron Man Three) is a 2013 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Iron Man, produced by Kevin of Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to 2008's Iron Man and 2010's Iron Man 2, and the seventh installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. B: Iron Man 3was converted to 3D in post-production. The film premiered at the Grand Rex in Paris on April 14, 2013. It was internationally released on April 25, 2013 in IMAX and was released on May 3, 2013 in the United States The film was both critically and commercially successful. It grossed over $1 billion worldwide, and as of May 2013 ranks as the 16th highest-grossing film. A: Iron Man 3is being distributed worldwide by Walt Disney Studios


钢铁侠英语名言 导读:本文是关于钢铁侠英语名言,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、I prefer to only need to use a weapon。 我更喜欢只需要动用一次的武器。 2、Is the suicide,can live to sin。 本来就该**,可活着才能赎罪。 3、What world is this called?Treat people don't master,please。 这叫什么世道?请客人不请主人。 4、You can say everything,nothing at all。 你可以说拥有一切,也可以说一无所有。 5、Sometimes doing things must have an advanced consciousness。 有时候做事必须有超前意识。 6、Only you stick coarse than others,to defend the peace。 只有你的棍子比别人粗,才能保卫和平。 7、It is frightening,or respected,I want to do both。 是令人恐惧,还是令人尊敬,我想二者兼顾。 8、Today is the first day…of what's left of you life。 今天就是…你余生的第一天。

9、Jarvis,before we learn to go,must first learn to run! 贾维斯,在我们学会走之前,要先学会跑! 10、I can't die,I want to live,because only alive I can sin。 我不能死,我要活着,因为只有活着我才能赎罪。 11、To be honest,I really didn't see you are a woman。 说真的,我实在没看出来你是个女的。 12、Mr Stark,let I will do anything,including processing with the rest of the things。 斯塔克先生让我干什么都行,其中也包括处理他用剩下的东西。 13、Things are different now。I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without。That's you。 情况不一样了,我必须要保护我唯一离不了的人。那就是你。 14、TONY STARK:I hope I can protect the one thing i can't live without。 托尼·斯达克:我只愿能为我毕生挚爱遮挡风雨。 15、I'm gonna offer the choice。Do you want an empty life。or a meaning ful death? 我会给你一个选择,你是想要苟且偷生,还是死得其所? 16、I'm Tony Stark,I built neat stuff,I got a great girl,And occasinally,saved the world。So I Can't tight sleep。 我是托尼史塔克,我制造了这些东西,我有个超级好的女朋友。我还偶尔拯救一下世界。但是为什么我彻夜难眠。


My Review of Iron Man " Iron man, have rich woman, high-tech, can be said to be every man's dream. Of course, such as iron man super heroes, it could only be a dream; but behind the heroism, but each individual can experience. Americans films have a strong personal heroism. From Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, now the iron man, the important task of saving the planet entirely to a person. Then every superhero, will have the ability to slightly inferior enemy, by the hero is to defeat, finish him as the hero of the task. The British people to write Harry Potter is also similar to the scene. Young Harry Potter for 7 consecutive years to defeat in the history of horrors of the black magician, he what mysterious power? His only strength is, he is the hero of the story, his sole reason for existence is to support Harry Potter's virtues. In the same equipment conditions, the United States of America firefighters in emergency mortality is the other western countries 9 times, this fact also from another aspect that Americans' personal heroism is not only the subject of the film, is in each individual heart dream. China used to be a" super hero", such as that from the two generation of heroes to the three kung fu star, but not how to do. King Yu combating the flood, Cangji characters, the whole nation's credit on the head of a person. After thousands of years of history, no matter who made any contribution, it is supporting your majesty Hongfu, afraid of their own merit than the monarch, the emperor had lost face does not matter, he dropped a head is not fun. So then the prevalence of the doctrine of the mean, neither he, nor did brave humanness first. The founding emperor dragon seat not firmly secured, afraid of men with his own rebel, so to kill the hero; last emperor even hand too popular, his dragon not guaranteed, also want to kill hero. But Chinese can kill a person the way is very special, not extinguish Aboriginal, even the later Qing Dynasty literary inquisition serious time, friends, the relationship between teachers and students to kill. So the official will have to pay attention to their words and deeds, not to be so arrogant emperor suspicion, also cannot too incompetent to be peer exclusion. Then a middle course will become the Chinese for thousands of years inconfutable truth. Western emphasis on individualism, so pay attention to personal interests, including personal freedom of expression, property right and so on, if the individual interest cannot get safeguard, how to protect the interests of society? On the contrary, Chinese emphasize collective interests, to" I" sacrifice" ego", for the family, the interests of the nation sacrifice one's personal interests. But if you study interpersonal, social system, Chinese pay more attention to the moral cultivation, only a few people are concerned about social welfare, others have emphasized their own interests, others were
