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1._______________(通过体育锻炼),we can always stay healthy.

2.According to the scientific research ,_____________ (听音乐能使我们放松).Is this really true?

3.______________(我们绝对不能)ignore the value of knowledge.

4.As is known to all, ______________(假冒伪劣商品)harm the interests of consumers.

5.Faced with failure, some people can stand up to it, _____________ (从失败中汲取教训)and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do.


1. By taking exercises

2.listening to music enables us to feel relaxed

3. On no account can we

4. fake and inferior commodities

5. draw useful lessons from it


1.Everyone has his inherent ability ,________________ (只是很容易被习惯所掩盖).

2.The importance of traffic safety , _________________ (无论如何强调都不为过).

3.In my opinion , ______________ (打电动玩具既浪费时间也有害健康).

4.There is no doubt that ______________ (近视是一个很严重的问题)among the youth of our country.

5.According to my personal experience , ___________________ (微笑已带给我许多好处).


1. which is easily concealed by habits

2. can’t be overemphasized / can’t be emphasized too much

3. playing video games not only takes much time but also does harm to health

4. near-sightedness is a serious problem

5. smile has done me a lot of good


1.We wish to convey to you ________________ (我们衷心的祝贺).

2. __________________(无论从哪一方面考虑),they ought to be given another chance.

3. ________________(随着时间的流逝),.they forgot their bitter sufferings.

4.We must _______________(使自己适应)the demands of our times; otherwise we’ll fall behind the other industrialized nations of the world.

5.The number of the students in the city has ___________________ (增加了五倍)in comparison with 2001.


1. our hearty congratulations

2. Taking everything into consideration

3. With the passage of time

4. adapt ourselves to

5. increased 6 times


1._______________ (他们没有去游泳),they went to play football that day.

2.There is no doubt that _____________ (需求的增长导致了价格的上涨).

3.He cannot win a good reputation,______________ (因为他多嘴多舌).

4.We have reasons to believe that, ______________ (一个更加光明美好的未来等着我们).

5.There are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society,______________ (但是只有那些做好充分准备并且高度称职的人)can make use of them to achieve purpose.


1. Instead of going swimming

2. the increase in demand resulted in /caused the rise in prices

3. because he has a loose tongue

4. we would have a better and brighter future

5. but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly


1.In this way, I believe that all the people may be able to _______________ (像我一样享受乘坐公车的乐趣).

2.By practicing these, I have been able to _____________ (在智育方面我一直能不断进步).

3.According to a recent survey, four million people ______________ (死于与吸烟有关的疾病)each year.

4.______________(没有一项发明获得如此多的表扬和批评)than Internet.

5.An increasing number of people are beginning to realize ______________ (教育不能随着毕业而结束).


1. enjoy the bus ride like me

2. make constant progress in intellectual education

3. die of diseases linked to smoking

4. No invention has received more praise and abuse

5. that education is not complete with graduation


1.I replied to her that _______________ (我将会接受她的邀请).

2.She was angry with her husband ,so _____________ (她不理不睬)when he spoke to her..

3.How could we get news in our own society or abroad ______________ (没有报纸的话)?

4.The latest census shows that China’s population ______________ (已超过10亿)

5.We have had ten recorders ,but we still need ____________(需要这么多)as again.


1. I would accept her invitation

2. she ignored him

3. without newspaper

4. has exceeded one billion

5. as many


1. _______________ (我们确定搞两个开放):namely, to open up both externally and internally.

2. _____________ (不用说)that he’s been there before.

3. _____________ (真想不到)that he had done a thing like that.

4.Premier Zhou ________________(一心想着人民的利益).

5. ____________(她非常不情愿地)that she agreed to help.


1. We have decided on an open policy in two respects

2. It’s needless to say

3. It was unexpected

4. has always had the interests of the people at heart

5. It was very reluctantly


1. _______________ (随着工商业的发展),the number of trees in many big cities has dramatically reduced.

2. Travel can widen our knowledge, _____________ (扩大我们的眼界),and make one open-minded as well.

3. Cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, _______________ (这已经对环境造成了严重的污染).

4.Modernization will be entirely possible in the first half of the 21st century, as long as we ________________(坚持认为)that economic development is the center of all our work.

5. He was convinced on the basis of ____________(当时已出现的情况)that there would be a long and difficult struggle.


1. With industries and business developing quickly

2. broaden our horizon

3. which has seriously polluted the environment

4. hold an idea/ insist on the idea/ stick to the idea

5. what had appeared by then


1. A dog has won a German government award ________________ (因协助警方劝阻一名妇女自杀).

2. The manager points out _______________ (我们的工作进展令人满意).

3. _________________ (这栋房子需要现代化):it has no bathroom or electricity.

4. ________________(飞机什么时候起飞)has not been announced.

5.His idea is ________________(应该立即执行计划).


1. for helping police persuade a woman not to commit suicide

2. that our work is progressing satisfactorily

3. This house needs modernizing

4. When the plane is to take off

5. that the plan should be carried out immediately


1. The professor required that ________________ (我们交研究报告)by Wednesday.

2. Though a skilled worker,_______________ (他被公司解雇了)last week because of the economic crisis.

3. It was reported that 65% of traffic accidents in this city _______________ (是由行车不慎造成的).

4. ________________(希特勒是武装到牙齿的)when he launched the Second World War,but in a few years,he was completely defeated.

5.They are having a discussion ________________(目的是寻找改善质量的途径).


1. we hand in our research report(s)

2. he was fired by the company

3. arose from careless driving

4. Hitler was armed to the teeth

5. to find ways to improve the quality


1. We need not only be under various external pressures, but also

_____________ (也要面对内心的困惑).

2. Would you _______________(愿意来参加我们的晚会)on Friday?

3. After the operation,_____________(他的身体很健康).

4.-Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?


5. ________________(我只发现了几个错误)in your composition.


1. to be in the face of the internal perplexities

2. come to our evening party

3. he is in good health/he's healthy

4. Sure/ Certainly

5. I found a few mistakes


1._________________ (如果机器真的能像人一样会思考的话),there would

be no more reason to fear them than to fear men..

2. When it is short of water,a plant _______________(一般用蒸发作为降温


3. He has never mixed with them or _____________(同他们坦城交流),but

has demanded and generally received a respect due to his position and

superior intelligence.

4.Your Math instructor would have been happy ________________(给你一

次补考机会的)had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.

5. ________________(随着孩子们在经济上独立出来)of the family,the

emphasis on family financial security will shift from protection to saving for the retirement years.


1. If machines really thought as men do

2. normally uses evaporation as a means of cooling

3. spoken to them on equal terms

4. to give you a make-up examination

5. As the children become financially independent


1.This is yet _________________ (两国人民的又一个共同点).

2. His scientific works _______________(在英语国家得到广泛阅读).

3. Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces,


4.He is optimistic ________________(对现时信息产业的发展状况).

5.Work in all fields should be subordinated to and ________________(服务



1. another common point between the people of our two countries

2. were widely read in English-speaking countries

3.and so does reform

4. about the present development of information industry

5. serve the economic development


1.In the old society,five hundred million careworn people _________________


2. We think it most important that _______________(理论与实际相结合)

3. _____________(不论晴雨),we’ll have to go tomorrow.

4.This is ________________(正是要找的人)we are looking for.

5. Their income is ________________(一般家庭的3~5倍).

6. _________________(我没有买到一张好票)for yesterday’s movie.

7. It’s confirmed that _______________(铁路将延伸到我们村子).

8. The new manager of our company _____________(有很强的事业心).

9. When I walked past his house,________________(我听见他在弹钢琴).

10. ________________(学生们应该从这里得出一条经验):Don’t be misled

by false appearances.


1. were plunged into a dire suffering

2. theory be combined with practice

3. Rain or shine

4. no other than the man

5. three to five times that of ordinary households

6. I didn’t buy a good seat

7. the railway will be extended to our village

8. is a man of great enterprise

9. I heard him playing the piano

10. Students should draw a lesson here


1.We had better _________________(天天锻炼身体).

2. _______________(为了不影响他们),we left quietly.

3. _____________(我答复她)that I would accept her invitation.

4. According to the newly-announced policy,we should ________________


5. It has become an utmost urgency that ________________(必须清除政府中



1. take exercise everyday

2. Not to disturb them

3. I replied to her

4. invigorate the large

5. the administration must be cleaned of graft and corruption


1._________________(我没有买到一张好票)for yesterday’s movie.

2. It’s confirmed that _______________(铁路将延伸到我们村子).

3. The new manager of our company _____________(有很强的事业心).

4. When I walked past his house,________________(我听见他在弹钢琴).

5. ________________(学生们应该从这里得出一条经验):Don’t be misled

by false appearances.


1. I didn’t buy a good seat

2. the railway will be extended to our village

3. is a man of great enterprise

4. I heard him playing the piano

5. Students should draw a lesson here


1._______________(青少年犯罪的主要原因是由于)that social environment is

becoming worse.

2. The workmen think _______________(遵守安全规则很重要).

3. The new government was accused _____________(未实现其降低失业率的


4. Only with combined efforts,________________(我们才能期望台湾不久


5. Several thousands of quake-smitten inhabitants ________________(得到了



1. The main reason why juveniles commit crimes is

2. it crucial to abide by the safety regulations

3. of unfulfilling his promise to lower the unemployment rate

4. can we expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course

5. got plentiful relief from the government


1.It was essential that _______________(我们在月底前签订合同).

2. _______________(家庭人口多好还是人口少好)is a very popular topic,

which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well.

3. We must _____________(用一切可能的办法来帮助他们).

4. We ________________(尽情地吃了一顿)at the new restaurant last Friday.

5. To most of the travelers,________________(衣、食、住、行)are all

important elements.


1. We sign the contract by the end of the month

2. Whether a large family is good or not

3. help them in every way possible

4. ate to our hearts' content

5. food,clothing,shelter,and transportation


1.It's believed that mixed-ability teaching can _______________(促使他们知识


2. We _______________(使我们的行为符合别人的)based on a constant

mental process of appraisal and interpretation.

3. The class are very active. They ________________(争先恐后地回答问题).

4. Oxygen is ________________(一种能和许多物质化合的气体).

5. Mr. Smith is ________________(这次事故的目击者之一).


1. enrich their knowledge and experience

2. fit our actions to those of other people

3. vie with each other in answering questions

4. a gas which unites with many substances

5. one of those who have witnessed the accident


1.Man,no less than the lower forms of life,_______________(是演化过程的


2. _______________(不止一个人觉察到)her agitation.

3. ________________(液体密度越大),the easier it is to float on it.

4. _______________(只有工人的要求得到满足)will they return to work.

5. Had ________________(要不是有水库)we'd never have been able to beat

the drought.


1. is a product of the evolutionary process

2. More than one person has noticed

3. The denser a liquid is

4. Only when the workers' demands are satisfied

5. it not been for the reservoir


1.He works _______________(在倒数第二个办公室).

2. The beauty of the lake is _______________(难以用语言形容).

3. ________________(一个人如果关在家里),a person can't know much

about the world.

4. _______________(完成作业后),they went to the library.

5. I found him ________________(被打得青一块紫一块).


1. in the last office but one

2. beyond description

3. Kept within houses

4. Having finished their homework

5. beaten black and blue


1.The murderer deserves _______________(被绞死).

2. _______________(他们来帮忙)encouraged me.

3. I was sorry ________________(没看上这部电影).

4. In this night,if we can make good use of time,_______________(当然毫


5. The government should enforce laws strictly. On the other hand,the

public also should __________(培养减少污染的好习惯).


1. hanging/ to be hanged

2. Their coming to help

3. to have missed this film

4. there can surely be no doubt that we will succeed

5. develop the good habit of reducing pollution


1. We'll be all right _______________(只要我们能到达下一个加油站).

2. Seeing these pictures _______________(让我想到了我的童年时代).

3. We all know the fact that ________________(他们已使工厂现代化).

4. It is quite clear that _______________(整个计划注定要失败).

5. All the lights in this building ________________(都受这个开关的控制).


1. if only we can get to the next petrol-station

2. reminded me of my own childhood

3. they have modernized their factories

4. the whole project is doomed to failure/fail

5. are controlled by this switch


1.The doctor _______________(建议用一种新药来治疗这种病).

2. The two parties differ very sharply from each other ______________(在采


3. An average student with average intelligence can be a top student


4. _______________(让世界发展如此之快的)is the modern science and


5. A student must treasure his time and ________________(吸收尽可能多的

知识)to lay a solid foundation for his future career.


1. suggests treating the case with a new drug

2. over the correct remedies to apply

3. if he plans his/her time carefully

4. What makes the world develop so fast

5. absorb as much knowledge as he can


1.______________(除非你和保险公司签订货物保险合同),you are not entitled

to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.

2. ______________(据报道,这个地方卫生组织25年前就成立了)when Dr.

Mark became its first president.

3. Mrs. Smith shut the window lest ______________(外面的噪音会影响她儿


4. The new mayor was charged ______________(未能履行他降低通货膨胀


5. _____________(每当遇到这类问题时,我的大脑就一片空白),and I can

hardly remember my own date of birth.


1. Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods

2. It is reported that the local health organization was established 25 years

ago/The local health organization is reported to have been established 25 years ago

3.the noise outside (should) interfere with her son's sleep

4.with failure to fulfill his promise to decrease the inflation rate

5.When confronted with such questions,my mind goes blank


1.They've fully prepared to _______________(投身于革命).

2. All things have passed; _______________(昔日的荣耀荡然无存).

3. ________________(被告涉嫌参与)a murder case.

4. The acoustics in the Festival Hall _______________(效果好极了).

5. With the last hours of the afternoon ________________(她所有的希望、



1. throw themselves into the revolution

2. nothing remains of its former glory

2. nothing remains of its former glory

3. The accused is suspected of being involved in

4. are extremely good

5. went her hopes,courage


1.The customer complained that no sooner ______________(他刚起动这台计


2. What upset me was ______________(不是他所说的话,而是他说话的方


3. This piece of writing is ______________(与其说是短篇小说,不如说更像


4. The court ruling ______________(剥夺了他的政治权利).

5. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning _____________(然而,动



1. had he started the computer than it stopped working

2. not what he said but the way he said it/ not what he said but the manner

in which he said it

3.more like a news report than a short story

4.deprived him of his political rights

5.while animal behavior depends mainly on instinct /whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct


1.They are going to _______________(紧急情况时调动军队).

2. Swimming in the sea _______________(有助于增进体力和毅力).

3. They called on Black people to ________________(反对征召黑人青年当兵).

4. _______________(她表现出了很强的自制力)when they told her the news.

5. He is said to ________________(一直在工作而不是一直在学习)in the U.S.A. 答案解析:

1. mobilize the army in an emergency

2. helps to build up both physical strength and willpower

3. to oppose the drafting of Black youth

4. She displayed great self-control

5. have been working instead of studying


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c76193166.html, 翻译研究途径的回顾与发展 作者:杨可伊 来源:《文教资料》2018年第01期 摘要:本文从翻译学研究途径回顾、翻译学当代研究的发展和翻译学有待拓展的领域三方面对近几十年来翻译学的学科发展做了梳理和总结,从语言的对比研究、功能主义学派、描写翻译学及翻译的文化转向方面做了总结和回顾,肯定了翻译学理论研究取得的卓越成果,指出了翻译学学科在纯理论研究、专项研究及构建我国翻译体系理论等方面相对滞后,以期翻译学学者和专家为丰富翻译学理论做出专门研究。 关键词:翻译研究途径翻译学理论 一、引言 研究途径是指研究者用作研究的理论与方法,翻译学处于跨学科的领域,需要借鉴其他学科的研究理论和方法丰富本学科内涵,正所谓翻译的研究途径。归纳起来,翻译研究的途径即从语言学角度研究翻译语言和对比文本阶段开始,经历了德国功能主义学派阶段、描写翻译研究阶段、文化转向研究阶段及当代社会学方向研究、实证性转向研究及全球化转向研究阶段。 二、翻译研究途径回顾 1. 50年代末至70年代注重语言的对比研究 相关理论霍姆斯、雅各布逊、卡特福德、奈达、纽马克、穆南及费道罗夫等。奈达提出了著名的动态对等翻译观,在第三阶段用功能对等取代了动态对等,指出翻译需要寻找以交际功能为目的的对等语,从而重新组织语言的结构和语义的形式,(Nida and Taber, 1969:12)奈达进一步指出翻译必须达意、传神、措辞通顺及考虑读者的接受。几乎和奈达同一时期,苏联著名翻译理论家费道罗夫(A.V. Fedorov)提出翻译学理论和语言学学科紧密相关,强调翻译要通过两种语言的对比才能体现出来,翻译要通过语言学学科才能表现出来。(蔡毅、段京华,2000:5-6)此外,哈蒂姆(Basil Hatim),纽马克(Peter Newmark),贝尔(Roger Bell)格特(Ernst-August Gutt)等将语用学、篇章语言学、认知语言学与翻译研究结合,丰富并促进了翻译语言的对比研究。 2. 70年代末至80年代德国功能主义学派研究 德国的翻译功能学派针对翻译语言学派重形式的不足,提出重文化和交际功能,将翻译研究置于目的语文化和语境中。赖斯通过文本类型理论(text typology)阐释不同文本类型的功能,指出文本的多义性和多功能性,他们运用语言功能和交际的特点分析和研究翻译。弗米尔提出目的论(Skopostheorie),认为翻译文本要以达到目的语语境为目的,并指出译文要根据目的语读者和译入语习惯达到文内连贯和互文连贯的原则。曼塔里阐发了翻译行为理论


科技英语翻译的理解与表达 随着世界科技发展的日新月异和我国对外科技交流的日益频繁,科技翻译的重要性越发凸显出来。科技翻译要求确切理解和掌握原文的内容,不能主观地发挥个人的想法和推测,做到科学性和艺术性的完美结合。其科学性和艺术性主要体现为“信、达、雅”的翻译标准。 下面就英语科技翻译的科学性和艺术性,以及翻译的三个标准,讨论科技英语翻译的理解与表达。 一、科技翻译的科学性 科技英语的翻译由于其文体的特殊性,首先就要求它的译文要求忠于原文,它的文字表达不需要过于华丽的辞藻,语句直截了当,词意简单明了。而做到这些就需要译者准确理解原文,包括掌握常用词汇的专业化和语句中词汇翻译的灵活性等。 例1:Applications and incomes become the carrier’s focus of attention. Personalized service has present itself as the high mode service. carrier:n.[化学]载体;运送者;带菌者;货架。这些是“carrier”的常用词意,但是在科技英语翻译中,它更常用其专业释义。 这句句子中的“carrier”如果用常用的几个词意带入,很快就会发现句

子是不通顺的,根据前后文则可以猜测它的词意应该与经济体有关。实际上,这里“carrier”是“运营商”的意思。 译文:运营商的关注焦点已从技术转向了应用、服务和收益。作为信息服务的高级形态,个性化服务开始逐步走上了前台。 例2:Ozone pollution is a concern during the summer months because strong sunlight and hot weather result in harmful ozone concentrations in the air we breathe. concern:vt.涉及,关系到;使担心。n.关系;关心;关心的事。这些是“carrier”的常用词意。 译文1:因为强烈的阳光和炎热的天气会导致有害臭氧集中在我们呼吸的空气中,所以在夏季,臭氧污染是一个关注点。 显然把“concern”翻译为“关注点”并不适合在这一句的翻译中,因此我们可以对词意进行灵活的变动。 译文2:受强光和炎热天气影响,有害臭氧在空气中大量聚集,因而在夏季,臭氧污染是一个尤为突出的问题。 二、科技翻译的艺术性 科技翻译的前提是忠实于原文,这不意味着呆板、毫不变通的文字的堆砌。科技翻译需要创造性的技巧运用,所以,可以说,翻译是一种再创造。 It is fortunate that men have worked out new plane shapes which enable


大数据单位的换算与翻译 近几年来,大数据这个词越来越频繁地出现在各种媒体文章上,出现各行各业人士的口中。人工翻译的行业也难免受其影响。在这方面,赛迪翻译亦深有体会。 首先也是最为重要的一点是大数据方面的词语频繁出现。 以往,我们说数据大小,常常使用的单位是MB、GB,而现在我们经常会看到TB、PB、EB、ZB、YB、BB、NB、DB。身为翻译人员,不免要弄清楚这些单位的大小和译法。 从大小方面,这几种单位依然延续了1024 的进制。即,后一个单位是前一个单位的1024 倍。在此,赛迪翻译总结了这些大数据单位。具体的大小如下: 1KB (Kilobyte) = 1024B ,即2 的10 次方字节,读音千字节 1MB (Megabyte) = 1024KB,即2 的20 次方字节,读音兆字节 1GB (Gigabyte) = 1024MB,即2 的30 次方字节,读音吉字节 1TB (Terabyte) = 1024GB,即2 的40 次方字节,读音太字节 1PB (Petabyte) = 1024TB,即2 的50 次方字节,读音拍字节 1EB (Exabyte) = 1024PB,即2 的60 次方字节,读音艾字节 1ZB (Zettabyte) = 1024EB,即2 的70 次方字节,读音泽字节 1YB (Yottabyte) = 1024ZB,即2 的80 次方字节,读音尧字节 1 BB (BrontoByte)= 1024 YB,即 2 的90 次方字节,读音波字节 1NB (NonaByte) = 1024BB,即2 的100 次方字节,读音诺字节 1DB (DoggaByte) = 1024NB,即2 的110 次方字节,读音刀字节


…Back to Sleep?: Why Are 2,500 U.S. Babies Still Dying of SIDS Each Year? ‘用背部睡觉’:为什么美国每年都有2500个婴儿死于婴儿猝死综合症 Putting babies on their back to sleep has dramatically reduced the number of SIDS deaths, but thousands of babies still die each year. A look at the key risk factors. 让婴儿用背部睡觉戏剧性的减少了婴儿猝死综合症的死亡数量,但每年还是有上千数量的婴儿死亡。这有一种对于关键的风险因素的看法。 There?s no doubt that the Back to Sleep campaign launched in 1994 to get parents to stop putting babies to sleep on their tummies has been a success. In the 1970s and 1980s, the rate of infant deaths per 1,000 live births was 1.5; it?s now 0.5. 无需置疑的是,1994年发起的用背部睡觉的运动,旨在阻止父母让婴儿用肚子睡觉是成功的。在20世纪70到80年代,婴儿死亡率为每一千名安全出生婴儿中有1.5,现在是0.5。 Within a generation, most babies are now put to bed on their backs, and yet 2,500 U.S. infants still die each year in the U.S. Researchers trying to understand why have noticed a curious byproduct of the trend toward back-sleeping: as fewer babies were being put to sleep on their bellies, more babies were documented engaging in other pediatric no-nos — sleeping with their parents, for example — which is another risk factor for SIDS. 在一代人中,大部分婴儿现在都用背部放在床上,但美国每年依然有2500个婴儿死亡。研究员正试图弄明白为什么人们会注意到用背部睡觉这种趋势的奇怪的副产品:越来越少的婴儿用腹部睡觉,越来越多的婴儿被证明参与到了一些儿科禁止的事情中——例如,和父母一起睡——这是婴儿猝死综合症的另一个风险因素。 A study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics takes a look at how risk factors for SIDS have evolved over the years. In an analysis of the 954 babies who died suddenly and unexpectedly in San Diego County between 1991 and 2008 — 568 of these deaths were attributed to SIDS — researchers found that


西方翻译理论流派 西方的翻译活动#若从公元前(世纪%七十子希腊文本圣经&在埃及的亚历山大城问世算起#已有两千多年的历史$自古罗马的西赛罗!)*+,-."’贺拉斯!/.-01*23"以来#翻译学学派林立#学说纷繁$不同时代’不同学派的学者从不同的角度对翻译进行了各自的阐释$从某种意义上来说#一部西方翻译学史就是一部学派的传承与更替’聚合与交锋的历史$国内对于西方翻译理论的译介与评价也有三十年的历史了#由于不同学者对西方翻译流派划分时所依据的标准不同#一度出现了流派名称混乱的情况$有人把文化学派归于(翻译研究)学派的框架之下456(5%(7#也有人用(文化学派)来统称(翻译研究)学派!张南峰’陈德鸿##$$$"$同是女性主义翻译理论#有人把它归为(解构学派)或译者中心学派456(7%(8#也有人把它归为翻译研究学派4#6$本文通过对西方翻译理论流派研究的梳理与评价#一方面呼吁国内学者为当代西方翻译理论流派(正名)#以方便学术界的理论交流*另一方面希望从西方翻译理论研究中获得启示#以促进国内翻译理论流派的形成$ 一对翻译理论流派的概括和梳理是翻译研究不可缺少的组成部分#许多翻译理论家都进行过有益的探索$尤金+奈达!5&8!"根据各流派所关注的焦点将当代翻译理论分为四个基本流派,语文学派’语言学派’交际学派和社会符号学派!9*:0;5&’7"$埃德温+根茨勒!<:=0-:>,?1@A,-"在其专著%当代翻译理论& B5&&(C中#根据二战至九十年代初西方翻译理论研究的发展状态#依据各流派所采用的研

究方法和依据的理论来源将当代译论划分为(美国翻译培训派)’(翻译科学派)’(早期翻译研究派)’(多元体系派)和(解构主义派)五大流派$香港学者张南峰’陈德鸿!#$$$"在%西方翻译理论精选&中将西方翻译理论流派分为语文学派’诠释学派’语言学派’目的学派’文派!并且在大流派下分出小流派的划分方法比较合理"首先!他划分的目的明确#$$为了强调翻译学学科建设的重要性%其次!这种方法以时间为线!把各个流派的发展演变过程以及它们之间的姻亲关系表述得非常清楚!脉络分明"他的缺陷是在当代翻译理论的划分方法上显得有点混乱!而张南峰的划分更易于被学术界所接受"当然!要想得出公正合理的划分还是得考察一下当代西方翻译理论流派的渊源" 二从古代的西赛罗到!"#"年!可以叫做传统的翻译学阶段"这一阶段的特点是基本上没有什么学科意识!理论均零碎而不成系统!作者大多是翻译实践家!理论大多是经验性的"&潘文国!$%%$’%从!"&"年雅可布逊&’()*+,*-(./(+’发表他的著名论文(翻译的语言观)开始到0"1$年!可以叫做现代的翻译学阶段%这一阶段的特点是有朦胧的学科意识!认为需要加强翻译学的理论研究!使之成为一门*科学+"人们把这一阶段的翻译研究称之为*语言学派+&陈德鸿,张南峰!$%%%’或*科学学派+&23+45637!0""8’%从0"1$年霍姆斯发表里程碑性的论文(翻译研究的名与实)开始至今!可以叫做当代的翻译学阶段%这一阶段的特点是有强烈的学科意识%当代的翻译学阶段是翻译研究最为繁荣的阶段!也是最有争议的阶段%而最大的争端就是*翻译研究学派+之*名+与*实+的问题% 霍姆斯及赞同他主张的一批学者一度被称作*翻


43 广东外语外贸大学学报 JOURNAL OF GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES 2010年5月May. 2010 第21卷第3期VOL.21 NO.3 20世纪中国翻译研究: 特殊年代的文化怪胎“黄皮书” 内容提要:本文考察1960-1978年翻译文学史上一个奇特现象。这便是中国当代文化史上一度影响不小的“黄皮书”。本文检讨这套书的缘起、目的、选目方式、翻译和出版,最后分析了这套书的接受、影响和特别作用。 关键词:“黄皮书”;翻译选择;接受;特殊作用 中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-0962(2010)03-0043-05 王友贵 (广东外语外贸大学?广州?510420) 一、文化怪胎“黄皮书”:缘起与目的 “黄皮书”乃中国1960-1978年这段特定历史时期的翻译文学产品。因其封面十分简单,常用黄色胶版纸作封面封底,封面或封底印有“内部发行”字样,故俗称“黄皮书”。其中不乏后来发生深刻影响的当代外国文学作品。它的存在表明1960-76年的中国一方面拒绝包括苏联在内的当代欧美日外国文学,否认其合法性,拒绝与之公开发生关系,别一方面又有压不住的强烈翻译需要。有趣的是,其中不少译著到80年代摇身一变“扶正”了,从“内部”到“公开”;其中部分作品给特殊年代的读者,尤其是青年读者,留下终身难忘的印象。 “黄皮书”缘于中苏两党生重大分歧之初。其前身是分歧初起之1957年便开始选译的“内部参考”作品,如苏联的《不单单是面包》(1957)。与其前身相对应者,是1957年3月1日《参考消息》由刊物变为报纸,4开4版。“黄皮书”作为批量翻译的书籍,其正式启动略晚一点,在59年12月至60年1月北京新侨饭店的一次会议上启动[1],与此同时《世界文学》编辑部奉命编选《世界文学参考资料专辑》,陆续出版。“黄皮书”前后历时约19年,正式启动前的1957-59年可谓预备期,文革初期4年(1967-70)停译,1977-78年是其尾声。其正式批量翻译在60年代初。最初推出的“黄皮书”并非黄皮裹身。据参与其事的秦顺新回忆,出 了十几本“内部发行”之后,主其事的林默涵找人文社总编韦君宜商量,建议统一采用不显眼的土黄色作封面,人文社照办。后来文化界、读书界袭用“黄皮书”专指60-70年代翻译的“内部发行”的外国文学书(不过70年代始见白皮、灰麻麻的纸作封)。它前期由人民文学出版社负责,上海方面偶尔参与,具体由人文社的副牌“作家出版社”、“中国戏剧出版社”充任出版者;后期上海方面参与程度高,与人文社共同负责。“黄皮书”仅是皮书系列内的一大类,类似的还有“灰皮书”,译著更多。“灰皮书”指内部翻译的“修正主义”和欧美历史、传记、政治、理论等社科著作,由人民出版社负责,商务、中央编译局、世界知识出版社参与其事,当时人民社的副牌“三联”亦参与。 出版界资深文化人陈原先生这样描述非常时期的这两类书[2]: 六十年代初,反修的热浪席卷全国,出版了两套很别致的所谓修正主义的“反面教材”:一套用灰色纸作封面封底,习惯上称之为“灰皮书”,一套用黄色纸作封面封底,叫“黄皮书”。灰皮书收录社会科学论著,包括考茨基、托洛茨基、布哈林、赫鲁晓夫等人的著述或评传;黄皮书则收录所谓“修正主义”文学作品。 承担“灰皮书”部分任务的原商务负责人陈翰伯先生曾经在文革中一份交代材料里谈及这个任务的缘起:“1961年底或1962年初钓鱼台反修小组,康生同志通过包之静要几 收稿日期:2010-01-15 *基金项目:本文是广东省“211工程”三期建设项目《人文学中心建设—比较视野 的文学通化研究》子课题“20世纪下半叶中国文学家翻译群体研究”(项目编号:GDUFS211-2-002)的研究成果。 作者简介:王友贵,男,四川成都人,博士,广东外语外贸大学英文学院教授,博士生导师;研究方向:英 国文学,中国20世纪翻译文学史,翻译史,文学翻译。


全球智能纺织品发展综述 在过去的几年里,智能材料在我们的生活中起着十分巨大的作用。智能材料的潜力非常广泛,也已经走进了纺织品中,德国Niederrien 大学的U.R.B.Sastry总结了近一阶段以来智能纺织品的主要发展情况。 近几年来,智能材料以其自身独特的方式融入到纺织品中。智能材料的出现激起了材料科学、电学和计算机工程的研究者们的极大兴趣,同时感兴趣的还有产品设计者和纺织品生产者。智能材料从概念产生到产品开发的过程包括了从不同领域、不同背景来的人员,也包括了使用者他们自己。 最早的智能纺织品之一是被用于部队伪装的。在部队伪装这个应用中,纺织品大多用来伪装战场上的军车、军用设备和个人装备,避免被3种电磁辐射(可见光、红外线和雷达)的探测。另外,这种纺织品在设计中要求必须防火、耐穿着、高强度和容易生产。 雷达吸收结构通常是由带有氧化铁或碳涂层的伞面金字塔状的泡沫材料组成,通常它会与一定数量的银结合,可以调整雷达的目标有效截面。同时,针织物中的经编织物的红外特性通过使用带有可见的印花和图案的、低发射率涂层来控制,它被设计成迷彩效果。 1 21世纪的服装 进入21世纪以来,对于服装设计的要求不断向重量轻、容易携带的方向发展,什么是将智能材料融入到纺织品中的更好方法呢?比如说:总部设在布鲁塞尔的Starlab 发明了一种带有传感器的田径服用来监视穿着者的心脏变化情况,从运动员刚一出发开始,数据便通过电子信箱的方式,即服装所具备的移动电话功能进行信息传输。更进一步的例子,德国的Infineon Technologies 生产出了第一件可穿着的MP3音乐运动服装,这种音乐运动服的袖子里带有键盘。基于这些发明,真正的可穿着计算机服装似乎是可能实现的,但是,在这里我们不能忽视将会出现的问题。比如,服装的耐用性和洗涤效果——与日常服装相关的因素必须加以考虑,如果制造商想要使用可穿着这个术语作为智能材料纺织品的标注,就必须充分符合其真实


Hello, everyone. As we all know, we are now living at the age ofbig data, which leads a revolution that transforms how we think. But many people have half know of big data, they haven’t adopted to the tremendous change. So today I’d like to talk about the three peculiarities of big data. I will be very glad if my speech could help you. Firstly, all samples rather than sampling analysis. With the development of technology, we are able to process massive data, from which we can get more reliable result than through sampling analysis. So we can give up sampling analysis in most cases. Secondly, efficiency rather than accuracy. At the age of big data, we concern more on efficiency rather than accuracy. In other words, we should allow faults to improve efficiency. Comparing with massive data, some faults do not influence the final result. Thirdly, correlation is as important as causality. We can’t deny the importance of causality ,but sometimes it is difficult or unnecessary to explore it. For example, the recommendation system of Amazon doesn’t know why the customer who likes Hemingway’s works is likely to buy Fitzgerald’s works, it just recommends and helps Amazon sell more than 100 times books than before Amazon using it. From this example, we can conclude that correlation plays an important role at the age of big data,so please don’t overlook it.


2012年1月4日星期三 雌激素是新的“利他林”吗? ——性激素能让一部分女性思维敏捷,却也让一部分迟钝 大考即将来临?无法集中注意力?尝试一点雌激素吧。 加州大学伯克利分校的神经系统科学家在最近的一项研究中报道称,女性生理周期中的荷尔蒙波动可能会如咖啡因、甲基苯丙胺或最常见的兴奋剂利他林一样影响其大脑。 近年来的研究表明,工作记忆(短期信息处理能力)是依赖于化学物质多巴胺的。事实上,像利他林这样的药物可以模仿多巴胺帮助人们集中注意力。在老鼠身上的研究显示,雌激素似乎可以诱发多巴胺的释放。但是伯克利这次的新研究是首次把认识能力和人的雌激素水平联系起来,这也就解释了为什么有些女性会在她们生理周期的不同时间点有着或好或坏的认识能力。 这只研究团队对24名健康女性进行了检测。通过基因测试,她们中有些天然多巴胺水平高,而有些天然低。不出所料,多巴胺水平低的女性对于处理复杂的工作记忆问题有困难,比如将一串五个数字反着背出来。但当测试在排卵期中进行,雌激素水平最高时(一般是月经期的10~12天后)这些女性的表现显著改善,有大约10%的进步。令人惊讶的是,多巴胺水平天然高的女性处理复杂问题的能力,却在排卵期中雌激素水平最高的时候有很明显的下降。 根据组织此次研究的Ph.D Emily Jacobs说,脑中的多巴胺是“classic Goldilacks scenario”。对于多巴胺水平最低的25%女性来说,在月经期多巴胺水平的增加会增强她们的认识能力,而对于多巴胺水平最高的25%女性来说,月经期多巴胺水平的增加可能会使她们的多巴胺水平超过一个上限,从而减弱她们的认识能力。而剩下的50%女性都处在这两类女性水平之间,不在研究的范围内。 这项研究有着重大的意义。Jacob说,像咖啡因、利他林这种诱发多巴胺释放的药物对于特定时期的女性是无效,甚至是损害性的。而且,她还希望提醒科学家们注意,在研究脑部疾病时,男女大脑虽然天赋相同但是并不完全一样。 Jacob说,这之间有很大区别,只有我们能知道他们在正常状态下的区别,我们才能预测他们在疾病状态下的区别。 毁约——脑扫描揭示誓言什么时候会不被遵守 新郎说“我愿意”而又和别人有一腿的时候,他脑中发生了什么?朋友承诺还钱却一直不还,他的脑中又发生了什么?一项最新研究显示,毁约是一项很复杂的神经生物学事件。而且脑扫描可以在毁约发生前预测出谁将要毁约。 瑞士苏黎世大学的科学家运用核磁共振技术把大脑比喻成了一场投资游戏。投资者必须决定是否承诺与受托者分享利益。如果投资,会使得账户中的资金增加,但如果受托者选择不分享,结果也会是投资者受损失。几乎所有投资者都说会把钱给受托者,但最后并不会所有人都守约。 通过核磁共振的扫描,研究者可以在他们有机会毁约前预测出他们会不会毁约。毁约者脑部的一些区域的活动会更加活跃,包括分管在压抑诚实回应时自我控制的前额皮质层,和标志


英语翻译 Unit 1Book 3. 中国传统节日以中国的农历为依据。农历年的岁首称为春 节,俗称“过年”,有祈年等多种习俗,是中国人民最隆重的传统节日, 象征团结兴旺。其他主要的节日有元宵节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、 中秋节、重阳节、冬至节、腊八节等等。各个节日都有其来源讲究和风 俗习惯。农历节日与农历中的二十四节气不同。农历节日是中华民族凝 聚力和生命力的体现 Traditional Chinese festivals are usually fixed to the Lunar calendar. January 1st on the lu Seventh Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double- Ninth Festival, the Winter Solstice, and the Eight Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month, etc. Ea Lunar calendar. They embody China's cohesion and vitality. Unit 3Book3. 中国古代四大艺术“琴棋书画” 的画特指国画。其绘画形式 是用毛笔蘸水、墨、颜料作画于绢、帛、宣纸之上,古代称之为水墨丹 青。为区别于西方的油画而称之为“中国画”,简称“国画”。其题材有人 物、山水、花鸟等。技法可分为工笔和写意。国画的艺术特质在于“笔 墨”,强调以形写神,画尽意在。国画在艺术创作上反映了中化民族的 审美意识和情趣。 The four art forms in ancient China are guqin, chess, penmanship, and painting. And paint painting.” In order to distinguish it from Western oil-paintings, the Chinese people term their works “traditional Chinese painting” ( hand brushwork. The artistic characteristics lie in “the writing brush and ink.” Chinese pai 5. 中国石窟 中国石窟组要反映的是佛教文化艺术。敦煌莫高窟、大同云冈石窟、洛 阳龙门石窟、天水麦积山石窟,号称中国四大石窟艺术景观。佛教石窟 随山雕凿、彩绘,形象生动自然,将崇尚美与世俗情融为一体,把天然 造化与人工创造有机结合,是由建筑、绘画、雕塑等组成的博大精深、 绚丽夺目的综合艺术殿堂。其艺术成就为世界瞩目,已成为重要的世界 文化遗产。 Chinese Grottoes Chinese grottoes mainly reflect the art of Buddhist culture. In China, there are four major art landscape of grottoes:the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang, the Yungang Grottoes at Datong, the Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang, and the Maijishan Grottoes at Tianshui. Carved and painted on mountains, the Buddhist grottoes mingle both sublimity and secular feelings together, presenting us a vivid and natural appearance. They embody the systematic combination of both the exceptional artistry of great nature and the extremely fine craftsmanship of mankind. The Chinese Buddhist Grottoes are regarded


翻译学必读 1语文和诠释学派 二十世纪之前的翻译理论被纽马克(1981)称为翻译研究的‘前语言学时期’,人们围绕‘word-for-word’和‘sense-for-sense’展开激烈的讨论,核心是‘忠实’,‘神似’和‘真理’。典型的代表有John Dryden, Tytler等,而Barnard, Steiner等人则是在他们的基础上进一步发展。 2语言学派 Jacobson(1959)提出意义对等的问题,随后的二十多当年,学界围绕这个问题进行了研究。奈达(1969)采取了转换语法模式,运用“科学(奈达语)”的方法来分析他翻译《圣经》过程中的意义处理问题。奈达提出的形式对等说、动态对等说和等效原则都是将注意力集中在受众一方。纽马克信奉的是语义翻译和交际翻译,即重视翻译中的语义和交际方面。 3话语分析Discourse Analysis(critical discourse analysis批评话语分析functional discourse analysis功能语篇分析Discourse analysis theory话语分析理论 Discourse Analysis for Interpreters翻译专业演说分析 Pragmatics & Discourse Analysis语用学positive discourse analysis积极话语分析 rhetorical or discourse analysis语篇分析Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis语用学Mediated discourse analysis中介话语分析 二十世纪七十年代到九十年代,作为应用语言学领域的一个分支,话语分析经历了产生和发展壮大的过程,其理论背景来自M.K.Halliday(韩礼德)的系统功能语法。今天,话语分析的方法已经逐步运用到翻译研究中。House(1997)提出的翻译质量模型就是基于韩礼德的理论,他吸收了其中的语域分析方法;Baker(1992) 则为培养译员提供了话语分析和语用分析的范本;Hatim 和Mason(1997)将语域研究拓展到语用和符号学角度 4目的学派 目的学派于二十世纪七、八十年代在德国兴起,是从静态的语言学、语言类型学中剥离出来的。其中的代表人物有,Reiss,Vermmer,Nord 等。Reiss(1971,1988,2000)强调的是文本层面的对等,主张文本的类型和翻译策略结合起来;Holz-Manttari(1984)则认为在翻译过程是一个交际、互动的过程,涉及各种各样的角色。Vermmer(2000)继承并发展了Reiss的观点。 5文化学派the Culture School Even-Zohar 在二十世纪七十年代提出将文学翻译视为文化的,文学的和历史的过程或系统。翻译研究的“文化转向”指的是更加注重从文化研究的角度进行翻译研究。其中,Lefevere (1992)逐渐从系统理论转向文化学研究,将翻译看作‘重写’的过程,审视围绕着翻译文本的意识形态冲突等课题。Simon(1996) 和一些女权主义者则重点研究文化学研究中的女性意识。后殖民主义文化学方向的代表人物是Bassnett和Trivedi (1999),他们认为,无论在殖民化的过程中还是在被殖民的社会,翻译都十分活跃。文化学派的研究有着各自的研究任务和各自的侧重点,丰富了翻译研究的内容。 6解构学派 本雅明本人不属于解构学派,但他的著作《译者的任务》通常被看作解构学派对翻译研究的缘起和根据。本雅明率先指出,翻译不可能与原作相等,因为翻译过程已经改变了原作,况且,没有蜕变,也就不会产生‘后起的生命’。本雅明认为,译者的任务不是在目标语中复制原文,而是颠覆原语的体系,把潜藏于原文的精神内容表达出来。德里达则更进一步,在他的著作《巴别通天塔》中,翻译被看作一个不断解构和建构的过程。学界认为德里达将翻


大数据时代的翻译理论与实践 专业方向:翻译理论与实践班级:14级英语语言文学研究生 作者:张琦学号:81420379 摘要:此篇文献综经过查阅大量文章,总结了翻译理论与实践之现状与大数据时代对翻译理论与实践之影响。对于前者,即翻译理论与实践之现状,又包括当下翻译理论与实践现状:翻译理论与实践之关系;对于理论方面的现状包括翻译标准,翻译原则方面,以及翻译家翻译法之研究;而实践方面包括对翻译教学等方面研究。而大数据时代的来临,渐渐对翻译理论与实践的影响包括对翻译理论和翻译实践的影响。本文献综述通过此种分类方式,可以有效的探讨翻译理论与实践受大数据时代的影响。、关键字:翻译理论;实践;现状;大数据时代;影响 近年来对于翻译的研究从理论到对实践方面的研究。然而,随着大数据时代的来临,翻译理论与实践也在一定程度上受到影响。翻译的理论与实践也从传统信息受限单一的状态到数据信息共享状态,进而对翻译理论与实践方面产生一定的影响。 针对大数据对翻译理论与实践的影响,本人查阅中国知网等网站,万方数据等网站,发现涉及此的文献不在少数。 本文献综述从翻译理论与实践的现状开始探讨,将其从理论与实践方面分别进行探究。对于理论方面又继续细分,包括对翻译规则与翻译标准现状之探讨,以及对当代翻译家的翻译法与翻译特色的介绍;对于实践方面,本人从对翻译教学等方面介绍其现状。而后,引入大数据时代对翻译理论与实践的影响,也从对其理论与实践方面开始分析。 对于所查阅之文献,本人对其进行归纳整理,认为对大数据时代的翻译理论与实践的研究有所帮助。 一、翻译理论与实践的现状 在大数据时代影响之前,翻译理论与实践存在于闭塞状态,我们对翻译的理论与实践的探讨也比较狭隘。本文将从对翻译的理论与实践的现状进行介绍。先介绍翻译理论与实践的关系,然后对于理论部分,包括对翻译的标准、规则等方面的介绍;对于实践部分,包括对教学等方面的介绍。 理论与实践的关系


圭亚那盆地地层时代中英文对照 Cainozoic 新生界 Tertiary 第三纪 Pleistocene 第三纪更新世 Miocene 第三纪中新世 Lower Miocene 第三纪下中新世 Oligocene 第三纪渐新世 Eocene 第三纪始新世 Middle Eocene第三纪中始新世 Lower Eocene第三纪下始新世 Paleocene 第三纪古新世、古近系 Cretaceous 白垩纪 Senonian 森诺阶 Campanian 坎帕阶 Santonian 桑托阶 Coniacian 科尼亚克阶(晚白垩纪第三期)Turonian 白垩纪土仑阶(晚白垩纪第二期)Cenomanian 森诺曼阶 Albian 阿尔比阶 Aptian 阿普第阶 Barremian 巴列姆阶 Precambrian 前寒武纪地层

Cainozoic 新生界 Quaternary 第四系Quaternary period 第四纪Paleocene 第三纪古新世、古近系 Mesozoic中生界 Cretaceous 白垩系 Jurassic 侏罗系 Triassic 三叠系 LateTriassicepoch 晚三叠世 Paleozoic 古生界 Permian 二叠系 LatePermianepoch Early Permian 早二叠世 Carboniferous 石炭系石炭纪 Late Carboniferous Devonian 泥盆系泥盆纪upperDevonionseries 上泥盆统 siluric 志留系Silurian 志留纪 Ordovician 奥陶系奥陶纪 Cambrian 寒武系寒武纪 Proterozoic era 元古代


MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (Seal of Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China) Supervised bytheMinistry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Photograph of the holder and his/her spouse (embossing seal) Certificate Holder: 1 / 3

Marriage Certificate No.: Name: Sex:Female Birthday Date: ID No: Name: Sex:Male Birthday Date: ID No:Themarriage application conforms to the provisions of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We hereby certify thatthe applicants are registered as married. Issuing Authority:(Special Seal for Marriage Registration, CivilAffairs Bureau of XX District, Shanghai) Date of Registration: 2 / 3

The Marriage Law prescribes that both the male and the female applicants shallgo to the marriage registration authority in person to get registered. If the application conforms to the provisions of the Marriage Law, the applicants shall be registered and issued the marriage certificate.Marriage relationship will be established once the marriage certificate is issued. Printed by the Department of Civil Affairs of Shanghai 3 / 3


Era of Big Data is a woman's age; women in the gene can accumulate and deal with big data/ women are born to accumulate and deal with big data. Many men and children, in fact, have been wondering about this special ability of women. Like, as a child, just as soon as you entered the house your Mother said immediately in a suspicious tone: “Liu zhijun, you didn’t do well in the exam today, did you.” Another example, you just have a glance at the mobile phone, your wife laughs: “Does Er gou the next door ask you to play games?” One more ex ample, when you close the door and make a phone call, your girlfriend will cry: “Who are shot in bed?” They are sometimes right, sometimes wrong. However, On the whole, the accuracy rate is higher than chance level. When they are wrong, men would sneer women always give way to foolish fancies; when they are right, men would say women are sensitive animal maybe with more acute sensory organs. Anyway, that is a guess. It has already scared man that overall accuracy rate is higher than the random level. In order to adapt to this point, the male also developed a very strong skills against reconnaissance. This part is beyond the scope of this article, so no more details about it. Some studies, such as Hanna Holmes’s paper, have indi cated that the white matter of the female’s brain is higher than that of the male. So they have very strong imagination of connecting things together. Some recent studies have shown that women are better than men in the "date" memory. That is the reason why they are able to remember all the birthdays, anniversaries, and even some of the great day of unimportant friends. No matter whether these results are true or not, I am afraid that this is not women's most outstanding ability. Women's most remarkable ability is a long-term tracking of some seemingly unimportant data to form their own baseline and pattern. Once the patterns of these data points are significantly different from the baseline she is familiar with, she knows something unusual. In their daily life, women do not consider the difference between causality and correlation. They believe in the principle: "There must be something wrong out of something unusual." People who talk about big data often take Lin Biao as an example. Lin Biao recorded some detailed and unimportant data after a battle. Such as seized guns, the proportion of rifles and pistols, the age levels of war prisoners, seized grain, whether they are sorghum or millet, etc., all of which were unavoidably recorded in the book. Others laughed at him. But later, he determined where the enemy headquarters were according to these data. What women do is almost the same. A girl A has a secret crush on boy B, but she usually doesn’t contact him directly. Two days later, I asked her if she wanted to ask him to have dinner together. She said he was playing. I wondered “how do you know that?” She said that boy B usually is on the line Gmail at 8:00 am, away status at8:30am, for he goes out to buy coffee and breakfast, on line again at 9:00am, busy status, for he is at work, away again at12:30am for lunch, on line for whole evenings, maybe for reading or playing games. His buddy C is on line at10:00 am, still online till 2:00am next day. He is a boy who gets up late and stays up late. His buddy D is on line for the most of the day. However, the most important pattern is that there are 2-3 days per week, during which they would be offline or away for 3-4 hours together. Conclusion: they are playing together.
