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Name:_____________ Class:____________ Scores:___________阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


The first time I went for a walk around my father-in-law's neighborhood was garbage day, and I was shocked to see what people were throwing out.

It was back in 1981, and I saw many people gathered in someone's front yard. As I went nearer to see what was happening I got my first introduction to yard sales. For the few dollars I had in my wallet, I was able to buy a seven-inch black-and-white portable TV. I also bought a flashlight.

The following weekend, at another yard sale, I saw a 14-inch color TV being sold for almost nothing. I felt I could not miss the offer and bought it. Now I had two sets and couldn't wait to see what else I could afford the next weekend.

Spring ended, and by then I had accumulated almost every type of electronic equipment I had always wished to have back home.

Then this new idea came to mind. I had heard about a man who traveled back home every few months. He drove a truck filled with boxes of new and used stuff that people were sending to relatives. So I told my father that I would send as many types of items as I could so that he could start his re-sale business.

Every few months I would gather several boxes of American "junk"---- televisions, toasters, fans, hair dryers, etc. and send them home. As word got out about my father's "trash" market, people all came to buy these things.

Three years later, when I visited my family for the first time since leaving home, I learned that many of the families in our neighborhood had a piece of "trash". It proved that I had the responsibility to keep people back home up to date with the latest technology you no longer need.

1. According to the text, a yard sale is a place where people ______.

A. sell their front yards at a low price

B. sell unwanted things in their own yards

C. gather garbage to store in someone's yard

D. throw away their trash in someone's yard

2. The author couldn't help taking the color TV set because ______.

A. it was bigger

B. it was colored

C. it was very cheap

D. he needed two TV sets

3. What did the author think of the "junk" he bought?

A. Valuable.

B. Good for nothing.

C. Priceless.

D. Environment friendly.

4. From the passage we can infer that ______.

A. the author comes from a poor country

B. the author often goes home to sell the "junk"

C. the author buys the "junk" only to make profits

D. the "junk" is not welcomed in the author's home country


Suppose you want to go abroad and learn about the foreign culture in different countries. Here is some information you may need.

5. According to the information, taking part in a foreign exchange program can cost ______.

A. from $6,000 to $8,000

B. from $3,500 to $8,000

C. anything from $3,500

D. no more than $7,000

6. Which of the following is true according to the information given?

A. Most of the students went abroad under the age of 20.

B. Thailand is the most popular destination for foreign students.

C. Germany charges the most for foreign exchange programs.

D. Many organizations can help you learn about a foreign culture.

7. As a result of his experience in the foreign exchange program Tom Jennings learnt to become ______.

A. independent and adaptable

B. determined and independent

C. selfish and defensive

D. defensive and determined

8. If a student wants to take part in a foreign exchange program, but has not much money, the best place would be ______.

A. Iceland and America

B. Thailand and France

C. Germany and Iceland

D. Germany and Thailand


Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to praise or criticize others, as they are similar to or different from it. And unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted(扭曲)one.

Here is a great argument in favor of foreign travel and learning foreign languages. It is only by traveling in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are really like. And how different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be so different from the second-hand information gathered from other sources! How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different at all!

Differences between peoples do, of course, exist and, one hopes, will always continue to do so. The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike, and some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs. With the much greater rapidity(快速) and ease of travel, there might seem to be some truth in this at least as far as Europe is concerned. However this may be, at least the greater ease of travel today has revealed(展示) to more people than ever before that the Englishman or Frenchman or German is not some different kind of animal from themselves.

9. Every county criticizes ways of life in other countries because they are ______.

A. distorted

B. normal

C. similar to each other

D. different from its own

10. One who travels in a foreign country and learns its language will ______.

A. refuse to go back to his own way of life

B. argue in favor of this country and the language

C. know the country and its people better

D. like its inhabitants and their language

11. The knowledge one gains by traveling in a foreign country is often ______.

A. criticized as second-hand information

B. gathered from other sources than its inhabitants

C. gained from the arguments about the country

D. different from what one had before the travel

12. In the last paragraph the author wants to say that ______.

A. the ease of travel today helps peoples better understand one another

B. differences between people are gradually disappearing without being noticed

C. differences between people prevent people from getting to know one another.

D. people in Europe are actually not so different from those elsewhere in the world.


A well-made film offers a whole world of things to watch. First there are the story aspects----the plot, characters, dialogue and themes. Then there are the technical aspects----the camera work, cuttings and special effects. And there are many other things, like the credits, musical score and the acting. A well-made film offers much more than you see in one viewing.

Films are a means of communication. They can tell you things, just as newspapers do, or television, or any other means of communication. Sometimes they communicate important things to you, like ideas or lifestyles or ways of looking at the world. Sometimes people are aware of this, and sometimes not. The more aware, the better you are.

Notice, for example, the way films sometimes affect fashion. A star dresses or wears her hair in a certain way, and suddenly everyone is imitating her. Boys in the 1950s could sometimes be seen wearing black leather jackets, wandering on street corners and smoking cigarettes. They were imitating Marion Brando. His films taught them a certain way to behave.

Films can also teach politics. In Star Wars, the heroes were a bunch of lovable incompetents fighting with guts(胆量) and not much else. They were, in fact rather like the British in the early days of WWII. Their enemies, like the Nazis, had a big advantage in equipment and numbers of troops, and they were like the Nazis in discipline and heartlessness too. The whole film, in fact, was a re-run of WWII, and taught values like faith and love of liberty. This is all to the good, but the point is, did you notice it?

13. With this passage, the author intends to ______.

A. ask people to go to the cinema more often

B. help people work more out of a film

C. draw attention to the negative side of a film

D. remind people of political background of films

14. The last sentence in paragraph one probably means ______.

A. a good film is worth viewing more than once

B. a good film always attracts a lot of viewers

C. a well-made film usually has more than one theme

D. one can never find out how many characters there are in a good film

15. Marion Brando is used in the passage as an example to prove that ______.

A. wanderers like to wear black leather and smoke

B. films are responsible for the spread of smoking

C. film stars can decide the fate of a fashion business

D. films can sometimes change the way people behave


高一数学周练 姓名:___________班级:___________ 一、单选题 1.在△ABC 中,已知A =30°,B =45°,a =1,则b =( ) A .2 B .3 C . 2 D . 3 2.在ABC ?中,若cos sin c A a C =,则角A 的值为( ) A . 6 π B . 4 π C . 3 π D . 2 π 3.ABC ?的内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,若2B A =,1a =,3b =, 则c =( ) A .1或2 B .2 C .2 D .1 4.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和122n n S +=-,则222 12n a a a +++=L ( ) A .2 4(21)n - B .1 2 4(2 1)n -+ C .4(41)3n - D .14(42)3 n -+ 5.如图,边长为2的正方形ABCD 中,P ,Q 分别是边BC ,CD 的中点,若AC u u u r =x AP u u u r +y BQ uuu r , 则x =( ) A .2 B . 83 C . 65 D . 1225 二、填空题 6.设α为锐角,若4cos()6 5π α+ = ,则sin(2)12 π α+的值为______. 7.已知0πx <<,且7sin 225x =-,则sin 4x π?? - ??? 的值为__________.

三、解答题 8.已知函数。 (1)求函数的最小正周期与对称轴; (2)当 时,求函数的最值及单增区间. 9.在ABC ?中,角A B C ,,的对边分别为a b c ,,,已知cosB 2cosA 2cos a b C c --=. (1)若2b =,求a 的值; (2)若角A 是钝角,且4sin 5A =,求sin 23B π? ?+ ?? ?的值. 10.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且2,n a ,n S 成等差数列. (1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)若· n n b n a =,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n T ; (3)对于(2)中的n T ,设21 2 n n n T C a +-=,求数列{}n c 中的最大项.


四年级快乐数学四 一、填空题。 1、在193÷42中,把除数42看作()来试商,商是(),余数是()。 2、三位数除以二位数,商可能是()位数,也可能是()位数。 3、一个数除以32,商是11,余数最大是(),则被除数是()。 4、864÷73的商的最高位在()位上,商是()位数。 5、每上一层楼要走16级台阶,家住五楼的业主下到一楼要走()级台阶。 6、用乘法验算920÷40=23,算式是();验算195÷36=5……15, 算式是()。 7、360分=()时 720秒=()分 8、□78÷62的商是两位数,□里可填的数有(),如果商是一位数,□里 可填的数有()。 9、一个除以15,商是12,余数是10,这个数是(),它除以19的商是()。 10、6□4÷63,如果商是一位数,□中最大填(),如果商是两位数,□中最小填()。 11、小春在计算减法时,把减数72写成27,结果得到的差是176,正确的差应 ()。 12、6张50元的人民币可以兑换()张20元的人民币。 13、某种商品降价一半后,原来可购买该种商品20件的钱,现在可以购买() 件。 14、小红有80元,给小明5元后,还比小明多2元,小明原有()元 二、判断题。 1、240÷40与24÷4的商相等。………………………………………………() 2、如果△×10+△=550,那么550÷△=11。………………………………() 3、被除数的末尾有0,商的末尾一定也有0。………………………………() 4、170÷20=80……10。…………………………………………() 5、被除数的中间有0,商的中间也一定有0。………………() 6、A÷16的商一定比A÷24的商大。(A是一个非零的自然数)…………() 7 () 824=10……被除数最大是249。…………………………………() 9、140人乘座40座的大客车去参观,至少需要4辆这样的大客车。…………() 三、慎重选择,反复比较。 1、运算顺序是:加→乘的算式是()。 ①30+60×30 ②60×30+30 ③(30+60)×30 2、900÷30的商的末尾有()个0。 ①0 ②1 ③2 3、下面算式中和800÷16结果相等的算式是() ①800÷8÷8 ②800÷2÷8 ③800÷8÷1 4、一道除法算式,除数和商都是15,当余数最大时,被除数()。 ①239 ②226 ③15 5、463÷4□的商是一位数,□里最小可以填()。 ①0 ②4 ③6 ④7 四、细心计算。 1、直接写出得数。 200÷40= 70×5=84÷7=52÷13= 180÷9×2= 270÷30= 18×7=65÷5=68÷17= 9×8÷9×8= 2、列竖式计算。(第2题要验算) 960÷60= 215÷24= 567÷71= 验 算 910÷70= 425÷40= 906÷47= 252÷21= 285÷15= 458÷53= 3、想一想先算什么再计算。 (500-240)÷13 456-12×29 720÷15×4 456-80+20


高三历史第二学期第四周自主作业 一、单项选择题(本大题20小题。每小题3分,共60分) 1.秦朝律文明确规定:“盗徙封,赎耐。”(“封”,就是田间的阡陌、顷畔的地界。“耐”,古时的一种刑罚,即判处剃去鬚鬓xū bìn)。这突出表明: A.秦朝时可以通过出钱来抵耐罪 B.秦朝用严刑苛法治理国家 C.秦朝统治者严厉打击盗窃行为D.秦统治者维护地主阶级土地所有权 2.下图是甲骨文中三个字,依次是“丝”、“桑”和“蚕”。能正确反映的历史信息是: ①中国的丝织业不晚于商朝②商朝的农业比较发达③本材料可用来直接证明商朝已有种桑养蚕的历史④商朝时人们的主要衣料是丝织品 A.①② B.③④ C.②④ D.①③ 3.故宫养心殿有一对漆红圆柱,上面镌刻着雍正帝手书的一幅楹联“惟以一人治天下,岂为天下奉一人”。结合当时的历史背景对这幅楹联理解正确的是①体现了统治者励精图治的思想②反映了统治者对集权的极端渴望③一定程度上体现了传统的民本思想④完全是统治者自欺欺人的真实写照 A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.①③ D.②④ 4.孟子主张民贵君轻,董仲舒主张君权神授,明末清初的进步思想家黄宗羲提出君主专制是天下之大害。对以上三种观念的理解,其共性是 A.都与当时社会状况密切相关 B.都否定了君主专制制度 C.都遭到当时统治集团轻视 D.都反映社会转型时期的剧变 5.据记载,“是时武昌、南京属管之地,粤人出示安民,开科取士,禁头变服,按例征粮,农工商贾各安其业,俨然有王者风。”(《镜山野史》)对此理解不正确的是 A.太平天国政权采用传统的科举制度选拔官吏 B.《天朝田亩制度》的土地政策已无法实行下去 C.辛亥革命时临时政府要求人们断发易服D.这些措施有利于社会稳定,巩固政权6.安徽省凤阳县小岗生产队社员在20世纪70年代末签订的一份契约:“我们分田到户,每户户主签字盖章。……如不成,我们全部坐牢杀头也甘心。”这份契约签订反映了①人民公社体制严重挫伤了广大农民的生产积极性②家庭联产承包责任制势在必行③我国土地所有制正经历着变革④农民分田到户违背了当时政府的土地政策 A.①②③④ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①②③ 7.陈旭麓在《中国近代社会的新陈代谢》写道:“洋务运动,就其主观动机而言,他们未必有真心打破旧轨,但他们的主张却包含着逸出旧轨的趋向。”这里作者所持的观点是:A.革命史观 B.全球史观 C.现代化史观 D.社会史观


高一数学三角函数周练试题(2012.12.10) 班级_____________ 姓名____________ 座号_________ 一、选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 1、下列各式不正确的是 ( ) A .sin (α+180°)=-sin α B .cos (-α+β)=-cos (α-β) C .sin (-α-360°)=-sin α D .cos (-α-β)=cos (α+β) 2、o 600cos 的值为( ) A .2 1 B .21 - C .2 3 D .2 3 - 3、?? ? ??- π619sin 的值等于( ) A .21 B .2 1 - C .2 3 D .2 3 - 4、一钟表的分针长10 cm ,经过15分钟,分针的端点所转过的长为( ) A .30 cm B .5cm C .5πcm D .25π 3 cm 5、已知α是第二象限角,那么 2 α 是( ) A .第一象限角 B. 第二象限角 C. 第二或第四象限角 D .第一或第三象限角 6、已知sin(4π+α)=2 3 ,则sin(43π-α)值为( ) A. 21 B. —21 C. 23 D. —2 3 7、若,3cos )(cos x x f =那么)30(sin ?f 的值为 ( ) A .0 B .1 C .-1 D . 2 3 8、在△ABC 中,若)sin()sin(C B A C B A +-=-+,则△ABC 必是( ) A .等腰三角形 B .直角三角形 C .等腰或直角三角形 D .等腰直角三角形 二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 9、已知角α的终边经过点P(-5,12),则sin α+2cos α的值为___________. 10、已知角α的终边经过点P (-x,-6),且cos α=13 5 - ,则x= _______ . 11、函数f (x )=x sinx 是______ _函数(填奇或偶). 12、一个扇形的周长是6厘米,该扇形的中心角是1弧度,该扇形的面积是_________. 13 、若3sin( )(,)22 x x πππ-=∈-,则x = 。 14、已知2 3 2cos ≤ x ,则x 的取值范围是 . 15、cos π7 +cos 2π7 +cos 3π7 +cos 4π7 +cos 5π7 +cos 6π 7 = ___ . 16、化简:23 tan()sin ()cos(2) 2cos ()tan(2) π πααπααπαπ-?+?---?-=______ _________ _. 三、解答题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分) 17、求值22sin 120cos180tan 45cos (330)sin(210)?+?+?--?+-?. 18、当Z k ∈时,求] )1cos[(])1sin[() cos()sin(απαπαπαπ+++++?-k k k k 的值


龙袍中学七年级英语周周练4 一、选择题 1. This is ____ my pen. I’m writing with ___ pen. A. the , / B. /, the C. a, an D. /, / 2. —Bob, can you read the number 2, 307,018? —Yes, I can. It’s ________. A. two million, three hundred and seven thousand, and eighteen B. two million, and three hundred and seven thousand, and eighteen C. two millions, three hundred and seven thousands, and eighteen D. two millions, three hundred and seven thousands, eighteen 3. There __________ a sports meeting in our school next week. A. won't have B. isn't going to C. won't be D. isn't going to have 4. She often goes to work __________ . A. by a underground B. by underground C. by the underground D. take the underground 5. Now children, turn to Page _____ and look at the _____ picture in Unit 1. A. Twentieth, one B. Twenty, one C. Twentieth, first D. Twenty, first 6. Don't ______ the window. Listen to me carefully. A. look out B. look out of C. look out at D. look for 7. I share my room ______ a friend of _________. A. to, me B. with, mine C. with, me D. from, mine 8.Daniel lives _______ his family _______ a flat _______ a quiet street. A. with; in; at B. with; on; in C. in; in; on D. with; in; on 9. You look so tired. Why ____________ to have a rest ? A. not to stop B. don't stop C. not stop D. not you stop 10 .Would you like ____________ to tell us? A. anything interesting B. something interesting C. interesting anything D. interesting something 11 . ---- __________ is it from Sunshine Town to the center of Beijing? ---- It’s about 20 kilometers ________ our school. A .How often , far from B. How long, away from C. How soon, far away from D. How far, away from 12 . — May I park my car here, Sir? —_________. You may park it over there. A. Yes, you may B. Yes, you can C. No, you needn't D. No, you mustn't 13 ----What a nice meal! It's really kind of you to invite us. ---- ______________. I'm glad you liked it.


2021-2022年高二物理下学期第四周周练试题一、选择每题8分(1-3题为单选,4-6题为多选) 1、如图所示,在跨过一光滑定轮的轻绳两端分别挂着质量为m 1、m 2 的两个物体,已知 m 2>m 1 .若m 2 以加速度a向下加速运动时,阻力不计,则() A.m 1、m 2 的总机械能不守恒 B.m 2 的机械能守恒 C.m 1、m 2 的总机械能守恒、动量也守恒 D.m 1、m 2 的总机械能守恒、动量不守恒 2、高空作业须系安全带.如果质量为的高空作业人员不慎跌落,从开始跌落到安全带对 人刚产生作用力前人下落的距离为(可视为自由落体运动).此后经历时间安全带达到最大伸长,若在此过程中该作用力始终竖直向上,则该段时间安全带对人的平均作用力大小为( ) A. B. C. D. 3、在如图中,长木板M放在光滑水平面上,木块m放在木板左端,当木板与木块同时 以速率V 沿相反方向运动到木板与木块有共同速度的过程中,木板对木块的摩擦力做功的情况是(设M>m)()

A.一直做负功B.一直做正功 C.先做正功、后做负功D.先做负功、后做正功 4、质量为m的物体静止在光滑水平面上,从t=0时刻开始受到水平力的作用,力的大小F与时间t的关系如图所示,力的方向保持不变,则( ) A、时刻的瞬时功率为 B、时刻的瞬时功率为 C、在t=0到这段时间内,水平力的平均功率为 D、在t=0到这段时间内,水平力的平均功率为 5、如图所示,一水平传送带以速度v匀速运动,将质量为m的小工件轻轻放到水平传送带上,工件在传送带上滑动一段时间后与传送带保持相对静止,在上述过程中()A.工件对传送带做功为﹣mv2 B.传送带与工件间摩擦产生热量为mv2 C.传送带因为传送工件需要多做的功为mv2 D.传送带对工件做的功为mv2


四川省宜宾市一中2016-2017学年高中英语下学期第4周周练题一.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) It was a very old wooden apartment building. There was a huge 1 of fire. The Fire Department warned people who lived there to move out, 2 none would, because they were poor and had 3 to go. Singermary and her husband had 4 here for some years. One night, the building was 5 . Wooden staircases, wooden windows and wooden floors were burning. The fire became bigger and bigger, so people 6 for their lives. When half of the 7 had got themselves out, the wooden staircases fell down. The remaining people rushed to the roof of the third floor, which had not been 8 by the fire yet, waiting for the firemen to 9 them. The firemen did arrive in a short while, but the fire engines and ladders (梯子) could not reach the 10 . The situation was extremely 11 , and there was no time to lose. The fire might burn the 12 at any moment. The firemen placed many cushions (垫子) on the floor. Then they asked the people on the 13 building to jump down onto the cushions after they had shown them how. A man jumped down, uninjured. Another person jumped down, uninjured ... They jumped one after another, all 14 . Finally Singermary became the only remaining one on the roof. People shouted: “Jump, jump!” How ever, Singermary jumped head 15 with open arms. People were 16 and greatly shocked. How could she do such a 17 ? She may kill herself. 18 , the cushions were very thick, and she did not 19 , but she was injured seriously, and kept saying: “Please take me to hospital!” She was pregnant (怀孕的), and she had jumped head down in order to keep her child safe. That was mother’s 20 ! 1. A. ball B. risk C. amount D. light 2. A. as B. or C. so D. but 3. A. everywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere D. anywhere 4. A. worked B. studied C. lived D. hidden


2019 年七年级下数学周练试卷 一. 选择题: 1. 若两条平行直线被第三条直线所截,则( ). A. 一对同位角的角平分线互相垂直 B. 一对内错角的角平分线互相垂直 C. 一对同旁内角的角平分线互相平行 D. 一对同旁内角的角平分线互相垂直 2. 给出下列命题①三条线段组成的图形叫三角形,②三角形的三条高相交于三角形内同一点,③任何一个三角形都有三条角平分线、三条中线、三条高④三角形的内角和等于外角和、⑤多边形的内角和大于外角和⑥三角形的三条角平分线相交于形内同一点。其中正确的有( )A 、1 个B、2 个C、3 个D、4 个 3. 现有两根小木棒,它们的长度分别是4cm和5cm若要钉 成一个三角架,应选木棒长度为( )A 1cm B 4cm C 9cm D 10cm 4. 若一个多边形每一个内角都是120,则这个多边形的边数是( ) A 6 B 8 C 10 D 12 5. 内角和与外角和相差1800 的多边形是( ) A、三角形 B、三角形或五边形 C、四边形 D、四边形或五边形 6. 已知三角形的三边分别为4,a,8, 那么a 的取值范围是( ) A、4 7. 能把一个三角形分成两个面积相等部分的是( ) A 中线 B 高 C 角平分线 D 以上都不是

8. 如图14, AD是CAE的平分线,B=35, DAE=60 贝U ACD=() A 25 B 85 C 60 D 95 9. 如图,ADBC, ADBC, GCBC, CFAB,D,C,F是垂足,则下列说法中错误的是( ) A. △ ABC中,AD是BC边上的高 B. △ ABC中,GC是BC边上的高 D. △ GBC中,GC是BC边上的高D. △ GBC中,CF是BG边上的高 ( 第10 题) A F G B C D (5) 10. ( 2019 年杭州市) 如图, 已知直线 , 贝( ) (A) (B) (C) (D) 11. (2019 年甘肃省白银市) 如图,把矩形沿对折后使两部分重合,若,贝=( )A.110 B.115 C.120 D.130 12. (2019 年宜宾市)如图,AB// CD直线PQ分别交AB CD 于点 E、F, EG是FED的平分线,交AB于点G .若QED=40 那么EGB等于()


高中数学必修一周周练(第二周) 一、选择题 1、函数y =2 x -1的定义域是(-∞,1)∪[2,5),则其值域为( ) A .(-∞,1)∪??? ??2,21 B .(-∞,2] C.?? ? ? ? ∞-2 1,∪[2,+∞) D .(0,+∞) 答案:A 2、函数f (x )的定义域为[-6,2],则函数y =f (x )的定义域为( ) A .[-4,4] B .[-2,2] C .[0, 2 ] D .[0,4] 答案:D 3、已知U 为全集,A ,B ,I 都是U 的子集,且A ?I ,B ?I ,则?I (A ∩B )=( ) A. {x ∈U |x ?A ,且x ?B } B. {x ∈U |x ?A ,或x ?B } C. {x ∈I |x ?A ,且x ?B } D. {x ∈I |x ?A ,或x ?B } 答案:D 解析:由题意知,A ∩B ={x |x ∈A ,且x ∈B },所以?I (A ∩B )={x ∈I |x ?A ,或x ?B }. 4.给出下列说法: ①直角坐标平面内,第一、三象限的点的集合为{(x ,y )|xy >0};②方程x -2+|y +2|=0的解集为{-2,2};③集合{(x ,y )|y =1-x }与{x |y =1-x }是相等的. 其中正确的说法有( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .0个 答案:A 解析:直角坐标平面内,第一、三象限的点的横、纵坐标是同号的,且集合中的 代表元素为点(x ,y ),故①正确;方程x -2+|y +2|=0等价于????? x -2=0,y +2=0,即????? x =2,y =-2, 解 为有序实数对(2,-2),即解集为{(2,-2)}或? ?? (x ,y )??? ??? ?? ?????x =2,y =-2,故②不正确;集合{(x , y )|y =1-x }的代表元素是(x ,y ),集合{x |y =1-x }的代表元素是x ,一个是实数对,一个是实数,故这两个集合不相等,③不正确.故选A. 5、已知x ,y ,z 为非零实数,代数式x |x |+y |y |+z |z |+|xyz | xyz 的值所组成的集合是M ,则下列判断正确 的是( ) A .4∈M B .2∈M C .0?M D .-4?M 解析: 当x ,y ,z 都大于零时,代数式的值为4,所以4∈M ,故选A. 答案: A 6 设U ={1,2,3,4,5},A ,B 为U 的子集,若A∩B ={2},(A U C )∩B ={4},(A U C )∩(B U C )={1,5},则下列结论正确的是( ) A .3?A,3? B B .3?A,3∈B C .3∈A,3?B D .3∈A,3∈B 答案:C 二、填空题


一、选择题(每题4分) 1、下面四个选项中用字母表示的都是六位数,其中w 是比10小的自然数,m 是0,其中一定能被3和5整除的数是( ) A. wwwmww B. wmwmwm C. wmmwmm D. wmmwmw 2、非零自然数A 和B ,若A=B+1,则A 、B 的最小公倍数是它们最大公约数的( )倍 A. A B. B C. AB D. 无法确定 3、装满油的一辆汽车在匀速行驶,当汽车恰好剩一半油时就加满,接着又按原速度行驶,到目的地时油箱中还剩有三分之一体积的汽油,设油箱中所剩汽油量为V ,时间为t ,则V 与t 图象是( ) 4、古埃及时代,人们最喜欢的是分子为1的分数,如21,31,41,……,n 1。我们称这些分数为单位分数,若其他的分数能写成若干个不同的单位分数之和时,人们才承认它是分数,例如412143+=,所以人们承认4 3是分数,如果只有四个分数单位21,31,41,51,那么下列四个分数中,不被承认的分数是( ) A. 65 B. 127 C. 98 D. 20 19 5、英国著名海盗“威廉?基德”长期在加勒比海活动。如今他要从巴哈马回到他的故乡苏格兰,图中长方形方格是航海路线,图中箭头所标识的航海线要求从船舶只能按照箭头所指的方向行驶。没有箭头标识的航海线可以任 意行驶。按照图中的航海路线图,“威廉?基 德”可以选择的最短航海路线有( )条 A. 20 B. 24 C. 60 D. 320 二、填空题(每题4分) t A t B t C t D 苏格兰 巴哈马

6、计算:2912.45 42119.0537?+÷+?=( ) 7、已知a 比c 大2,则三位数自然数abc 与cba 的差是( )。 8、如下左图,图中所有的三角形都是等边三角形,其中三个空白等边三角形的面积分别是1平方厘米,4平方厘米,9平方厘米,那么阴影部分面积为( )平方厘米。 9 长方形。正方形边长和三角形直角边长都是整数。若剪去部分的总面积为40平方厘米,则长方形的面积是( )平方厘米。 10 、如上右图,瓶底的面积和锥形杯口的面积相等,将瓶子中的液体倒入 锥形杯子中,能倒满( )杯。 11、某商场参加财物保险,保险金额为4000万元,保险费率为0.75%,由于事故损失了650万元的物品,保险公司赔偿了500万元,这个商场实际损失了( )万元。 12、一盆水中倒入10克的盐,再倒入浓度为10%的盐水200克,配成浓度为5%的盐水,原来这盆水有( )克。 13、有3厘米、7厘米、11厘米的小棒各两根,选其中的三根围成三角形,它的周长最短是( )厘米。 14、有一根长240厘米的木棒,先从左端开始每隔7厘米画一条线,再从右端开始每隔6厘米画一条线,并且从画线处截断木棒,则在所截得的小木棒中,长度是3厘米的木棒有( )根。 15、如图,阴影部分是一个边长为6厘米的正方形,在它的四周 有四个长方形,若四个长方形周长的和是92厘米,则四个长方 形的面积的和是( )平方厘米。 16、已知689□□□20312≈690亿(四舍五入),那么其中的三位数□□□有( )种填写的方法。 17、“*”表示一种运算符号,其意义是a*b=2a -b .如果x*(3*1)=2,那么x 等于( ). 18、甲乙两人分别从A 、B 两地同时出发,相向而行,4小时可相遇;若两人的时速都增加3千米,则出发后3小时30分可相遇。则A 、B 两地相距( )千米。


灌云县四队中学2016-2017学年第一学期第4周七年级历史试卷 (时间:20分钟总分:50分) 一、单项选择题(共30分,每小题2分) 一、单项选择题(请选择一个您认为最恰当的选项,每小题2分,30分) 1、史前时代一般是指 A、有文字记载以前的人类历史 B、封建社会 C、有文字记载以后的人类历史 D、原始社会 2、北京人生活的年代距今大约 A、71万年-23万年 B、170万年 C、210万年 D、5000年 3、下列哪种古人类的外貌特征与现代人基本一样了 A、元谋人 B、蓝田人 C、北京人 D、山顶洞人 4、下列哪种古人类已掌握了控制和管理火的技术 A、元谋人 B、巫山人 C、蓝田人 D、北京人 5、山顶洞人生活的年代距今约有 A、70万-20万年 B、30000年 C、5000年 D、170万年 6、浙江余姚的河姆渡先民种植的粮食作物是 A、水稻 B、粟 C、玉米 D、小麦 7、人面鱼纹彩陶盆出土于下列哪个村落遗址 A、古代西亚村落遗址 B、西安半坡村遗址 C、余姚河姆渡遗址 D、山顶洞人遗址 8、浙江余姚的河姆渡遗址距今约 A、一万年 B、九千年 C、七千年 D、五六千年 9、相传建造宫殿,发明车船,制作衣裳,教人打井的是 A、黄帝 B、炎帝 C、女娲 D、大禹 10、“三过家门而不入”,历经十年,终于制服洪水的是

A、尧 B、舜 C、禹 D、汤 11.文物与文字一样承载着历史。右下文物反映了当时 A.农业初兴 B.聚族而居 C.采集狩猎 D.贫富分化 12.毛泽东曾写道:“赫赫始祖,吾华肇造;……”这里的“始祖”是指 A.禹 B.舜 C.尧 D.黄帝 13. “通大川,决壅(yōng)塞,……疏三江五湖,注之东海,以利黔首”的历史人物是A.黄帝 B.尧 C.舜 D.禹 14.较早种植水稻并居住于长江流域干栏式房屋的是 A.元谋人 B.北京人 C.半坡居民 D.河姆渡居民 15、神农是以日中为市,致于下之民,聚天下之货,交易而退,各得其所。是指 A炎帝教人农耕B黄帝建造宫室C炎帝制作陶器D炎帝开辟集市 二、读图题(读下图,完成相关题目,共20分) (1)、图A和图B分别是哪个遗址先民居住的房屋?这两处遗址分别位于哪里?(8分)(2)、请你分析,为什么同一时代的房屋结构会有如此大的差异?(8分) 图A 图B


2020-2021学年五年级数学周练 学校: 班级: 姓名: 评价: 1.填空。 (1)4.03×0.07的积是()位小数。 (2)世界名画《最后的晚餐》长8.85m,高4.97m,估算它的面积不会超过( ) 平方米。 (3)82×34的积是8.2×0.34的积的( )倍。 (4)把5.4545四含五入保留两位小数后约是( )。 (5)根据148×23=3404,直接写出下面算式的积。 1.48×23=( ) 14.8× 2.3=( ) 1.48X 2.3=( ) 14.8×0.23=( ) (6)在○里填上“>”“<”或“ 7.3×0.9○7.3×1.01 1.6×0.13○1.6 7.3X6.4○64×0.73 1.6× 2.3○2.3 2.7×1○2.7×(0.8+0.2) 5.4×0.99○5.4 2.判断下面各题,正确的画“√”,错误的画“X” (1)两个因数的积保留两位小数是6.37,它的准确值可能是6.365。( ) (2)12.5×1.5+6.5=100( ) (3)有两个小数a和b都大于1,它们的积一定大于a也大于b。( ) 3.选择正确答案的序号填在括号里。 (1)与0.45×18结果相同的算式是( ) A.0.45×1.8 B.4.5×1.8 C.0.18×4.5 (2)2.4×0.56+7.4×0.24=2.4×(0.56+0.74)运用的是( ) A.乘法交换律 B.乘法结合律 C.乘法分配律 (3)9.9乗一个小数,积一定( ) A.小于9.9 B.大于9.9 C.无法判断 (4)和5.1×9.9得数最接近的算式是( )。 A.5×10 B.59 C.6×9 4.按要求计算。 (1)口算。 6.87-087= 0.28X10= 1.2+4.5= 3×3.2= 0.1-0.01= 2.5×8= 100×0.7= 0.2×0.2X×0.2= (2)列竖式计算。 3.25×0.3= 7.6×0.82= 3.5×8.8= 0.93×2.02≈(结果精确到百分位) 5.93.14≈(结果保留一位小数)


高一数学周练卷 考试范围:人教B 版六、七、八、九章;考试时间:120分钟; 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 一、单选题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡相应位置上.) 1.已知向量(2,)a m =v ,(3,1)b =-v ,若()a a b ⊥-v v v ,则m =( ) A .-1 B .1 C .-2或1 D .-2或-1 2.已知 π3 sin()42 α+=,则 3πsin()4α-的值为 ( ). A .3 2 - B . 32 C .- 12 D . 12 3.在△ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,己知A=60°,43,42a b ==,则B=( ) A .45° B .135° C .45°或135° D .以上都不对 4.已知两个非零向量a r ,b r 满足b a a -=r r r ,则( ) A .()2a b a -⊥r r r B .()2b a a -⊥r r r C .()2a b b -⊥r r r D .()2b a b -⊥r r r 5.函数y =A sin(ωx +φ)的部分图象如图所示,则( ) A .y =2sin B .y =2sin C .y =2sin D .y =2sin 6.若向量,a b v v 满足||1,||2a b ==v v ,且319a b -=v v ,则向量,a b v v 的夹角为( )

A .30° B .60° C .120° D .150° 7.如图,测量河对岸的塔高AB 时,可以选与塔底B 在同一水平面内的两个观测点C 与D ,测得75,45,30BCD BDC CD ∠=?∠=?=米,并在C 测得塔顶A 的仰角为60?,则塔的高度AB 为( ) A .302米 B .306米 C .( ) 15 31+米 D .106米 8.已知函数()()sin 04f x x πωω? ?=-> ???,0,2x π??∈????的值域是2,12??-???? ,则ω的取值范围是( ) A .30,2?? ??? B .3,32?????? C .73,2?????? D .57,22?????? 二、多选题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.请将正确选项涂在答题卡相应位置上.) 9.下列化简正确是( ) A .()sin() cos tan 360ααα? -=- B .sin()tan cos()πααπα-=+ C .cos()tan()1sin(2)παπαπα---=- D .若,2πθπ??∈ ???,则312sin()sin sin cos 2ππθθθθ??-+-=- ??? 10.下列函数中,最小正周期为π,且为偶函数的有( ) A .tan 3y x π? ?=+ ??? B .sin 22y x π? ?=- ??? C .sin |2|y x = D .|sin |y x = 11.在ABC V 中,()2,3AB =u u u v ,()1,AC k =u u u v ,若ABC V 是直角三角形,则k 的值可以是( ) A .1- B . 113 C . 313 2 + D . 313 2 - 12.将曲线()2 3sin 3sin sin 2y x x x ππ??=--+ ?? ?上每个点的横坐标伸长为原来的2倍 (纵坐标不变),得到()g x 的图象,则下列说法正确的是( )


2017年高一下英语周练(四) (总分:80分;答题时间:40分钟; 及格:48分) 2017.3 By Shelleylee 一.完型填空:(30分) My dad came to America from Greece at the very young age of fourteen. He 1 an average of fourteen hours per day, six to seven days a week, for over thirty-five years. Because of his 2 work, he owned many restaurants in New Jersey. He was 3 his achievements and what he could 4 for his family. When I was graduating from college, Dad told me he decided to 5 the restaurants and retire. “If you are graduating, my 6 is over. I have 7 my children and provided for all of you. I am going to 8 .” “Great, but what will you do? I9 know you cooking in the kitchen and serving customers. I can't imagine you doing anything else,” I said. “I am going to play golf!” he10 . “Golf? You have never played golf. I never heard you mention golf,” I was11 . And then Dad 12 to play golf. He taught my brother and me the 13 and shared his interest with us. Dad would look at us and say, “If you live your life as you play the game of golf, you will be 14 .” He repeated often, “When you get to the green, stay focused and hit straight down the fairway . Don't 15 anything else, and just know where you want to put the ball. Do this and you will 16 your goals.” Dad wanted us to have 17 and to stay focused on them to achieve 18 . He also wanted us to 19 ourselves and take time to have fun with friends and family. Dad retired at the age of fifty-six and played golf every day until his death at the age of eighty-six. What a 20 role model! 1. A. worked B. studied C. practiced D. ran 2. A. dangerous B. light C. poor D. hard 3. A. worried about B. prepared for C. proud of D. tired of 4. A. care B. find C. say D. provide 5. A. open B. sell C. manage D. decorate


天全中学—下期高二第4周周考 地理试题 班级:姓名:成绩: 一、单项选择题(每小题3分,20题共60分) 1.右图是“我国四个地区河流流量过程线图”,其中正确的是 A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④ 2.塔里木河进入丰水期时 A.地中海沿岸多雨 B.新西兰正值夏季 C.印度半岛盛行西南风 D.印度洋北部洋流呈逆时针方向流动 3.下列图示的湖泊(或湖群)为咸水湖的是 右图是某引水工程示意圈,据图回答问题。 4图示区域中的引水工程是 A.引黄济青 B.引黄入晋 C.引滦入津 D.引滦入唐 5.图中河流支流沿岸谷地的主要形成原因是 A.河流的沉积作用 B.河流的侵蚀作用 C.断裂下沉作用 D.风力的侵蚀作用 6.我国水量最大、汛期最长的河流分别是 A.长江、长江 B.长江、珠江 C.黑龙江、长江 D.长江、淮河 右图为我国某区域图,读图回答问题。 7.图中a河流以南区域的地势主要为 A.西北高,东南低 B.东北高,西南低 C.东高西低 D.西高东低 8.图中所示河流中近年来具有内河航运能力的河段是 A.ab B.bc

C.ad D.cd 读“某流域图”,回答问题。 9.图中所示流域为 A.黄河流域 B.海河流域 C.淮河流域 D.长江流域 10.关于图中五台山北侧河流的水文特征的 叙述,正确的是 ①该河流以雨水补给为主②河流 径流量比较小,但季节变化大 ③河流流量大,水资源丰富④有结冰期,含沙量比较大 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④ 图甲是某区域示意图,图乙是图甲中①、②两水文站的河流径流量年变化示意图。读图甲和图乙,回答问题。 流量 11.造成从⑥处到⑤处植被变化的原因可能是 A.海拔差异 B.海陆差异 C.纬度差异 D.人类活动差异 12.有关该区域陆地水的叙述正确的是 A.图乙中b曲线反映了图甲中①处水文站的流量变化 B.该区域河流主要补给形式是地下水补给 C.湖泊水与河水有互补关系 D.①—②河段的流向是由东北向西南 下图是我国某盆地的局部地形剖面示意图。读图,完成问题。 13.图示地区最适合发展农业生产的地带是 A.① B.② C.③ D.④ 14.该区域河流水文特征是 A.夏季流量小 B.补给以降水为主

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