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The world food crisis has forced hunger higher on the world’s agenda, from NGOs to the G8s to Africa heads of state, there is a rush of new commitment. There is no reason for so many farmers to be so hungry and so poor. Poor farmers are not a problem to be solved—they are the solution, the best answer for a world that is fighting hunger and poverty and trying to feed a growing population. If farmers can get what they need to feed their families and sell their surplus, hundreds of millions of the poorest people can build themselves a better life. It will take passion and focus and a sustained sense of urgency. It will take a willingness to put aside old divisions and come together behind this cause. We have the ability to build these tools. And we can be the generation that builds a world free of hunger.





At the G-20 Leaders meeting in London in April, we agreed on an unprecedented program of coordinated policy actions to support growth, to stabilize and repair the financial system, to restore the flow of credit essential for trade and investment, to mobilize financial resources for emerging market economies through the international financial institutions, and to keep markets open for trade and investment. That historic accord on a strategy for recovery was made possible in part by the policy actions already begun in China and the United States.

China moved quickly as the crisis intensified with a very forceful program of investments and financial measures to strengthen domestic demand. In the United States, we put in place a comprehensive program of tax incentives and investments –the largest peace time recovery effort since World WarⅡ– to help arrest the sharp fall in private demand.





Singapore, a bellwether of the world’s fastest-growing economic region, tightened its monetary policy after reporting its swiftest expansion on record. This is the latest sign that Asia is recovering far more rapidly than the West. More evidence came from South Korea, where a spurt of hiring in the manufacturing sector helped to push jobless numbers sharply lower.

The data show how economic growth in Asia continues to exceed people’s expectation, not just in China, which reports first quarter gross domestic product Thursday morning, but also among its neighbors. In addition, the expansion is forcing authorities to confront the threat of inflation. Singapore’s tightening policy surprised many economists and raised the likelihood that other central banks in the region will follow suit. Australia, Malaysia and India already have raised their interest rates, but economies such as South Korea and T aiwan have kept policy at crisis levels for fear of derailing the recovery.





Societies can’t aspire to innovation-driven growth while not enforcing intellectual property rights. This is one of the major challenges we face in our relationship with China. While some progress has been made recently, such as new rules requiring legal operating software to be pre-loaded on computers, and a commitment to join the World Intellectual Property Organization, more needs to be done. We believe it is a hurdle that China still must overcome to truly become an open, innovation-driven society. Last year, more Chinese patents were filed in China than foreign patents. Clearly, Chinese innovators have a great stake in effective IPR protection. Importantly, a lack of intellectual property enforcement has an impact beyond economics. For example, counterfeit drugs impact the health and safety of those who think they are getting the real deal. And sometimes, sadly, they kill. Ensuring the safety of products is essential for the growth of an innovative society.



From my first day in office, I have stressed the importance of disarmament, as mandated most recently in the General Assembly’s support for my proposal to establish an Office of Disarmament Affairs. We must reinvigorate our efforts to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and related technology, and especially to prevent such material from falling into the hands of terrorists.

I am encouraged by recent progress on the DPRK issue. I sincerely hope that forthcoming inter-Korean summit meeting will create a historic momentum, to bring peace, security, and eventually a peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. I am confident that we will reach a negotiated solution with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Our ultimate goal remains the complete elimination of weapons of massive destruction. If we fail, these weapons may one day eliminate us. We all must think about tomorrow. Now is the time for action.




Let me first acknowledge and thank Premier Wen for his additional contributions, financial and moral, to the development agenda which he announced today.

He said that without peace and stability, there is no possibility of us alleviating poverty. And I think that one of the things that we will discuss at this meeting is the reverse of that proposition. Without alleviating poverty, there is no possibility for peace and stability. So the purpose of this conference is to address the question of what is it that collectively we can do, representatives of the North and South, ministers, representatives of civil society and the private sector, all of us here, to try and give a world to the younger people that is safe and secure and that is one that will be vibrant and stable. That is at the heart of our discussions. We start with the recognition that in our world of six billion people, one billion have 80 percent of the income and five billion have under 20 percent.







Recently, trade protectionism as well as other forms of protectionism have notably increased. This goes against the consensus we reached at the Washington Summit on rejecting protectionism. Protectionism was prevalent during the Great Depression in the 1920s and 1930s, but it only led to grave consequences. Lessons of history must be learnt. No country should resort to protectionism under the excuse of stimulating the economy. We should jointly oppose those discriminatory practices against foreign workers under the excuse of protecting domestic jobs. We should work together to oppose trade protectionism in all manifestations and reject attempts to raise the market access threshold under various excuses and all forms of investment protectionism that harm the interests of other countries. And we should fight against the abuse of trade remedy measures together.





Since Sri Lanka became independent, China and Sri Lanka have developed durable and friendly relations. In 1952, the two sides signed Trade Agreement on Rubber and Rice. Sri Lanka was probably the first non-communist country to ink a Pact with a communist country in that era. Adherence to the ―One China Policy‖ has been a consistent feature in the foreign policy of successive Sri Lanka governments.

China now stands as a close ally of Sri Lanka. When Sri Lanka was hit by the unprecedented T sunami in 2004, China was one of the first countries to feel the pain and the tears of the victims. The Chinese government promptly assisted in sending medical teams and emergency relief material and funds in the shortest span of time, and laid the foundation for cooperation in long-term rehabilitation programs. The common people of China also launched a massive campaign of donation to help Sri Lanka. In the annals of diplomatic history, our relations have not only been devoid of any bilateral irritants or tensions, but also our two countries have been steadfast in each other’s hour of need.




T ourism represents a kind of popular and pleasant activity that combines sightseeing, recreation and health care. In ancient times, ancient Chinese thinkers proposed to ―travel ten thousand li and read then thousand books‖. Recent years has seen steady and fast growth of China’s tourism as a newly emerging dynamic and potentially strong industry. China received 132 million overseas arrivals in 2007, a rise of 5.5% over 2006, and US $41.9 billion of foreign exchange earnings, up 23.5%, continuing to be the 4th largest overseas tourist recipient in the world. In the meantime, China’s outbound tourists were also increasing rapidly. The year 2007 saw 40 million outbound visits by Chinese tourists, ranking first in Asia. By June, 2009, China has 38 cultural cites and natural landscapes included in the World Heritage List.




China entered its new historical stage of reform and opening-up in 1978. It wasn’t until then that China began to introduce the concept of intellectual property rights and put in place an IPR regime. Since then, China has promulgated and enforced a host of IPR laws and regulations, including the Trademark Law, the Patent Law, the Copyright Law, the Law Against Unfair Competition, etc. China has also acceded to relevant international conventions on IPR protection. In recent years, thanks to the government’s intensified efforts to raise public awareness of IPR protection, execute severe penalties for IPR violations, and protect the interests of IPR holders, more and more people have begun to say no to counterfeit products and pirated software. In June 2008, the Chinese government unveiled the Outline of National Intellectual Property Rights, a milestone in the institution of China’s IPR regime.


经过30多年发展,欧盟已经成为中国第一大贸易伙伴、进口来源地和出口市场,中国是欧盟第二大贸易伙伴。2008年中欧双边贸易额达4256 亿美元,比1975 年建交时增长了177 倍。欧洲还是中国技术引进最主要来源地。此次中国—欧盟合作周的活动将非常丰富,参会企业多,涉及信息产业、生物制药、环保、新能源等重点行业。来自欧盟27个成员国的200 多家欧方企业和400多家中方企业将进行项目对接和洽谈。中国政府支持外资投向清洁能源和节能环保产业,推动开放型产业向中西部转移。


After 30 years of development, the EU has become China’s largest trading partner, source of imports and export market while China is the EU’s second largest trading partner. China- EU bilateral trade in 2008 amounted to 425.6 billion US dollars, and increase of more than 177 times over the year 1975 when we established diplomatic ties. Europe is also the leading supplier of technology to China. Multiple activities will be arranged for this EU- China Cooperation Week which will attract participation of many enterprises engaged in IT, bio-pharmaceutical, environmental protection, new energy and other important industries. Over 200 European enterprises from 27 EU member states and over 400 Chinese enterprises will take part in the event for project matchmaking meetings. The Chinese government supports foreign investors to put their investments in clean energy and energy-saving and environmentally friendly industries, and promote the transfer of open industries to middle and western regions.





I would like to welcome and thank all of you for joining us in this celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 60 years on the Lunar calendar is called ―Jia Zi‖, meaning a full cycle. It is therefore an important age for a person as well as for a country.

60 years ago, Chairman Mao Zedong announced the founding of the PRC. He famously stated that the Chinese people had stood up. The country at that time was in a state of poverty and dire need. 60 years on, China has gone through a historic transformation. Finally we’ve succeeded through reform and opening up, to embark on economic and social progress, the 1.3 billion people are advancing towards the goal of prosperous life.


·First Round: E—C (45进20)







1. 信息不准确,对一些行业知识和专业词汇不熟悉,致使关键信息抓不住,难


2. 表述不流畅,用语不专业、不地道,甚至语言质量不高!——听原语新闻远


3. 没有eye contact,多数人package不好,气势也不够!

4. flexibility不够,受限于原语结构,一卡壳就大量出现fillers! ——演讲能力还




·Second Round: C—E (20进8)







1. 语言表达总体流畅,但信息准确度不高!

2. 卡壳后不知灵活处理,灵活度欠缺!(esp. 于乐)

3. 地道的英文表达仍需加强,有些表达显得Chinglish! ——多听、多背!加大


·Final Round: guest speakers discussing with each other



每名译员而言,C—E 和E—C各两轮!)

Discussion 1: Climate Change


Carbon emission (reduction), greenhouse effect, low carbon, glacier, Iceland, solar waves (heat), Copenhagen Conference 劳动密集型/技术密集型产业—labor-intensified/technology-intensified industries,换位思考

Discussion 2: China Threat Theory



第三轮内容并不难,困难在于speaker的想法是无法预料的,谈话具有随意性,而且有的语段较长,生活中的casual talk不时会出现,给译员的准确、合理的预测、处理信息造成困难!

总体表现而言,C—E 比E—C 要好!

Problem: 知识面仍然较窄,对热点话题关注不够,专题知识欠缺(词汇、套用语,等)

Solution: 1. 新闻跟进(听力加强、知识面拓展)

2. 专题、行业知识强化!(多背,定期检查!)


中级口译考试阅读试题答题技巧 叶孟颖 词汇大突破 对策①:通过确定该生词在上下文中是positive抑或negative来进行判断。 例一:2001年9月试题第23题: 23. The word "gimmicks" in this passage is closest in meaning to ________. (A) services (B) extras (C) tricks (D) games 请看原文: So how can you make the most of your new power as a consumer? Here are rule s to help you find your way. 1 Never pay list price. 2 Refuse gimmicks. As competition heats up and pushes prices down, businesses scramble to boost th eir profits by heaping on extras: rustproofing your car, service contracts on your ap pliances, prepaid gasoline for your rental car. These gimmicks are devised to make you pay more at the last minute and probably aren't a good deal. 3 Don't buy on impulse. 4 Say no to platinum prices. 5 Switch-or threaten to. 以上是原文的大体框架,从加下划线的第一句我们可以看出,在这篇文章中作者将给消费者提出建议,希望消费者能够避免上狡猾商家的当而多掏腰包。作者希望消费者能做到这5点,所以可以判断出第2点中紧跟refuse的词应该是贬义的或者说负面的。我们直译一下阴影部分的内容:(商家)设计这些gimmicks是为了让你(消费者)在最后一刻多掏腰包,恐怕可不是什么让你占便宜的啊。再看四个选项中A,B和D都无贬义,只有C表示“花招,伎俩”之意,故正确答案为C。 看来不必非要知其意才能答对题,开动你的脑筋,通过判断词的褒贬义也可攻破难关。顺便说一下,如果题目问第4点中platinum prices为何意,应该也很好突破,“say no to"后面肯定不是什么好东西,这种价格站在消费者的角度来说肯定是天价。所以即使你不知道pla tinum(铂金,一种贵重金属, 由其制成的首饰上往往有Pt标志也即platinum的缩写)为何意恐怕也能猜出三分吧。 例二:1999年9月试题第21题: 21. The word "hindrance" in line 2 is closest in meaning to _______. (A) encouragement (B) assistance (C) procedure (D) interference


附件: 厦门大学学业竞赛项目库  一、国际级顶级赛事 序号竞赛名称 1Willem C. Vis国际商事仲裁模拟仲裁庭辩论赛 2国际机器人实作竞赛 3国际遗传工程机器大赛(iGEM Competition) 4国际生物分子设计大赛(Biomolecular Design Competition) 5中美青年创客大赛 6 国际太阳能十项全能竞赛 二、国际级赛事 序号竞赛名称 1ELSA Moot Court Competition of WTO Law(ELSA WTO 模拟法庭竞赛)2Philip C. Jessup国际法模拟法庭竞赛 3美国大学生数学建模竞赛 4国际空中机器人大赛 5亚太大学生机器人大赛 6国际水中机器人大赛 7ACM-ICPC国际大学生程序设计竞赛(全球总决赛) 8国际太阳能建筑设计竞赛 9东元Green Tech国际创意竞赛 10中国国际钢琴比赛 11 WDC世界杯国际标准舞世界公开赛 三、国家级顶级赛事 序号竞赛名称 1 中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 2 “挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 3 “创青春”全国大学生创业大赛 4 ACM-ICPC国际大学生程序设计竞赛 5 全国大学生数学建模竞赛 6 全国大学生电子设计竞赛 7 全国大学生化学实验邀请赛 8 全国高等医学院校大学生临床技能竞赛 9 全国大学生机械创新设计大赛

10 全国大学生结构设计大赛 11 全国大学生广告艺术大赛 12 全国大学生智能汽车竞赛 13 全国大学生交通科技大赛 14 全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛 15 全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛 16 全国大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛 17 全国大学生物流设计大赛 18 “外研社杯”全国大学生英语演讲大赛 19 全国大学生嵌入式芯片与系统设计竞赛 20 “英特尔杯”全国大学生软件创新大赛 21 全国大学生机器人大赛RoboMaster机甲大师赛 22 中国大学生服务外包创新创业大赛 23 “中国WTO模拟法庭竞赛”(China WTO Moot Court Competition) 24 全国美术作品展览 四、国家级赛事 序号竞赛名称 1 中国大学生公共关系策划大赛 2 “外研社杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛 3 全国高校俄语大赛 4 “外研社杯”全国大学生英语挑战赛 5 “外研社杯”全国高校法语演讲比赛 6 全国高校大学生德语辩论赛 7 中华全国日语演讲比赛 8 全国法语人才竞赛 9 海峡两岸口译大赛 10 全国西班牙语演讲大赛 11 全国大学生英语竞赛 12 Philip C. Jessup国际法模拟法庭竞赛中国选拔赛 13 国际刑事法院中文模拟法庭比赛 14 全国高校海洋法模拟法庭邀请赛 15 “贸仲杯”国际商事模拟仲裁庭辩论赛 16 “清华杯”国际投资仲裁模拟仲裁庭辩论赛 17 “工商银行杯”全国大学生金融创意设计大赛 18 “毕马威杯”管理案例分析全国十强邀请赛 19 “尖烽时刻”酒店管理模拟大赛 20 “尖烽时刻”商业模拟大赛 21 全国高校密码数学挑战赛 22 全国大学生数学竞赛 23 中国大学生物理学术竞赛(CUPT)


“2010年第二届海峡两岸英语口译大赛大陆赛区湖北省赛区选拔赛”暨 “第二届湖北省高校口译邀请赛” 大赛方案 一、比赛目的: 1、选拔优秀口译学习者参加“第二届海峡两岸英语口译大赛华中赛区”区赛 2009年,在海峡两岸关系出现积极变化,两岸交流合作发展到新的历史起点的大背景下,“首届海峡两岸口译大赛”在厦门大学成功举办。此次大赛架起了两岸口译学人的交流平台,增进了人们对口译职业的了解,激发了年轻学子学习口译的热情。为了进一步深化两岸教学科研的交流,促进口译教学与研究发展,繁荣中国翻译事业,同时也为两岸口译学子提供展示自我风采、互相交流学习的舞台,厦门大学、外语教学与研究出版社拟联合主办2010年“第二届海峡两岸口译大赛”。 2009年首届海峡两岸英语口译大赛湖北省赛区的比赛在湖北大学外国语学院举办,在湖北大学外国语学院的精心筹划和安排下,比赛圆满结束并获得各兄弟院校的好评。在当日比赛结束的高校口译教学交流会议上一致同意由湖北经济学院外国语学院筹划并承办“2010年第二届海峡两岸英语口译大赛大陆赛区湖北省赛区选拔赛”。本次赛事由湖北省各高校派学生代表角逐,取排名靠前的几名选手(具体人数待定)参加在4月25日举行的华中赛区的区赛,区赛参与的省份由湖北、湖南、安徽和河南组成。大陆地区决赛将于2010年5月15日在厦门大学举行。决赛获胜者将参加在台湾举行的海峡两岸总决赛。这是首次在台湾举行两岸外语界大型赛事,在两岸教育交流史上具有里程碑的意义。 2、促进湖北省各高校在口译教学方面的交流,提高我省口译教学的整体质量 本世纪以来,我省很多高校外语院系都陆续开设了口译课程,甚至设立了口译(翻译)方向,并且有一批学校正在申报本科翻译专业。然而,口译作为一门新兴的学科,各个高校的口译教学都还处于探索之中,在大纲制定、课程设计、教材选择、培养模式、评估手段等各个方面都缺少直接可以借鉴的经验。因此,相互学习有益经验,共同促进口译教学水平的提高,已成为摆在各个高校外语院系面前的一个共同的课题,尤其是口译教师之间更应该加强和推动教学和科研交流。 继去年口译大赛以来,各高校加强了口译教学与实践环节的交流。因此,本次大赛愿借此契机,给各院校提供交流合作的平台。 二、比赛时间 1、本次“选拔赛”暨“邀请赛”将于2010年4月18日(周日)上午举行; 2、2010年4月9日以前为各院校内部选拔期,选拔形式由各院校自行决定。请各参赛院校于 4月9日将比赛选手名单报至大赛组委会(湖北经济学院外国语学院)。 三、比赛地点 湖北经济学院(具体地点另行通知) 四、参赛对象 湖北省内各院校在读本科或研究生(资格审查时须出具学生证原件)。 五、名额分配 1、为保证本次大赛平等交流的原则,受邀参加本次“选拔赛”暨“邀请赛”的各院校每校原 则上限派一名选手参赛。建议各院校指派一名口译教师带队参赛并对选手进行现场指导。 2、如果参赛院校不足20所,组委会将适当增加个别院校的参赛名额。


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理-中级口译听力试题分析 ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

纵观本次3.19中级口译考试听力部分,难度基本与05年9月持平,低于最难的05年3月试题。文章体裁虽呈多元化趋势,但即使略 有难度的金融类(如ATM取款机)、商务类(如工作午餐)、教育类(如继续教育)却都与生活息息相关,广大考生也可得心应手。 Spot-dictation几乎没有超出六级范围的词汇,因此对大多数考 生来说生词不是难点,相反一些其它的因素制约了我们得到满分的几率。比如由于在考场的紧张情绪而没有能够按照预定的计划在听写之 前进行抢读,导致不能进行有效预测,部分空格多填或少填单词而造 成失分。 针对Statement部分,相对以往,原句长度略微有所增加,但并 没有如托福考试那样出现中国考生不熟悉的本土化词组搭配;同时转 折题型多次出现,对于这样的考点,我们在培训过程中已有应对准备,考生通过反复操练已经形成了对“but”的条件反射;另外,因果题、 观点题也有明显引导词,只要听时注意句子的重心所在,题目也就能 迎刃而解。此外,本次考试第三题后半句“There goes my social life”也是此次听力照搬《中级听力教程(第二版)》(P.404,sample test 5, statement第二句)原文的情况了,如此一来,原先,面对与教材多处雷同的听力考试,很多同学会走只不听听力、只看 tape script的捷径,现今,这样的窍门已经不再适用,当下中级口译听力明显关注实际听力能力的考察,因此通过课堂上的大量练习、提 高实力还是重中之重。 对于Talks & Conversations的解题,并不存在有意设置的难点。细节题相当平实,有些与托福相似,可以利用特定场景的特定思路来


首届全国口译大赛初赛样题 录音原文: Part I Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese (Brief to contestants: BP CEO’s Speech on Global Business and Global Poverty ... I believe the ingredients of sustainable business success are transparency, the extension of opportunity, education and the improvement of environmental conditions. …) Opportunity is about providing an equal chance to everyone – on the basis of merit, so that if we are working in China or Russia, a Chinese or Russian woman joining at the age of 21 or 22 has an equal chance of rising through the company across the world as someone joining the company here in the UK or in the USA. Opening the door of personal opportunity within a global organization is very important because it demonstrates (that) globalization brings real practical benefits at a personal level. Part II Interpret the following passage from Chinese into English 对于全世界的每个国家而言,城市友好关系的建立都是提升“软实力”的一个有效的途径。在信息化的时代,“软实力”已经被提到与军事力量等“硬实力”同等重要的高度。软实力的强弱,关系到一个国家、一个地区、一个城市国际和地区影响力能否实现。在未来的日子里,我们将继续地坚持友谊、合作、和平发展的宗旨,继续地推进城市外交的战略。 Part III Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the dialogue only once. 宋涛:嗨,艾伦,你的书房里有中国结啊!是你自己做的吗? Allan: It’s a shame I didn’t. I bought it from the Culture Street. They told me it can bring me good luck. Is there any story about it? 宋涛:中国结是一种中华民族特有的手工编织工艺品,具有悠久的历史。它的起源可以追溯到上古时期,当时的绳结不仅是人们日常生活中的必备用具,同时还具有记载历史的重要功用,因而在人们的心目中是十分神圣的。 Allan: I was told that in Chinese culture “knot” has special meaning. 宋涛:汉字“结”的意思是团聚、友好、和平、温暖、婚姻、爱情,等等。中国结常用来寄托各种美好愿望,如快乐、兴旺、友爱、避邪,等等。 Allan: I see. That’s why there are so man y shops selling the Chinese Knot before the Spring Festival.


第五届海峡两岸口译大赛总决赛样题(文本) 第一环节:主旨口译(注:不得记笔记) 要求:听一段长约1分钟的中文讲话视频,然后在45秒内用英文概述其主要信息。 冬奥会上中国运动员表现突出,也激发了国人对滑冰运动的激情。滑冰不仅能够增强人体的协调性,也可以增加人的心肺功能:一项研究表明,坚持滑冰运动的人患心脏病的几率可以减少50%到70%。此外,滑冰还能有效锻炼下肢力量,使腿部赘肉减少,肌肉更加结实,它属于大运动量运动,因此有很好的减肥效果。 人们从事传统的运动项目如跑步、游泳时危险性相对较低,不需要专门的防护装备。但我们滑冰时要注意安全,要穿好冰鞋,这对于初次尝试的人来说,可能会有些不适应,因为冰鞋比较硬,穿着感觉被紧紧地裹着,这是为了防止脚踝左右移动造成受伤。在滑行时注意俯身、弯腿,重心向前,这样即时滑倒了也不会受伤。 主旨应涵盖以下内容: ●Interest in skating in China has been boosted by the nation’s success in the Winter Olympics. ●Skating can improve coordination,reduce the risk of heart disease,and help to improve fitness. ●Skating is more dangerous than conventional sports like running or swimming. ●While skating,the skater should wear skates and keep the proper posture to avoid injury. 第二环节:会议口译 要求:听一段长约1.5分钟的英文演讲并译为中文。演讲中间不停顿。 Ladies and gentlemen, The sharp global contraction is affecting both advanced and developing countries. According to the IMF,Global GDP will decline this year for the first time since World War II, with growth at least5percentage points below potential.In responding to the global financial crisis,developing and emerging market countries will face three main policy challenges. The first policy challenge is stabilization.Given the unprecedented severity of the crisis,the challenge for policymakers is to assess their ability to undertake countercyclical policies given the resources available to them as well as their capacity to adapt existing programs. The second polity challenge is protecting longer-term growth and development.An important lesson learned during the Asian financial crisis in the1990’s was that neglecting core development spending during a major crisis can have great long-term disadvantages. As we are responding to immediate fiscal pressures,we cannot reduce public spending on the maintenance of existing infrastructure essential for economic development. The third policy challenge lies in protecting the vulnerable.The crisis is projected to increase poverty by around46million people in2009.Inevitably,the crisis will impact social and human development objectives.This implies new spending needs and may warrant a re-prioritization of existing public spending.//


1上海市英语中级口译证书第二阶段考试试题集锦 (201009) 口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…”,”My registration number is…” Topic: Can shopping vouchers increase consumption? Questions for Reference: 1.To stimulate consumption, which is more effective, tax reduction or shopping vouchers? 2.What are the major purposes of issuing shopping vouchers? 3.In what way can the shopping vouchers best be distributes? Shall every citizen be given the same amount of shopping vouchers or should the vouchers be limited to the lower-income people only? 口译题 Part A Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 As for us Americans, you may think that we give too much importance to individualism and personal gains, so much so that it might sacrifice collective benefits, and even bring harm to the harmony of the society.// Yes, but you don’t have to be worried. American work ethic is more individual-oriented. We often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.// If I am not mistaken, the traditional Chinese work ethic is based on Confucianism, which stresses the benefit of communal harmony rather than individual freedom.// It’s really very hard to say which is better because if the cultural differences. With the economic globalization, cultural exchanges have become more and more extensive and Americans and Chinese will know and understand each other better. 至于我们美国人,你们会感到我们太看重个人主义,太看重个人利益,这样可能会牺牲集体的利益,甚至会损害社会的和谐。// 是的,但你们不必担忧。我们美国人的工作理念更强调个人主义。我们一般重视的是结果和成就,而不是过程。// 如果我没理解错的话,中国传统的够工作理念是以儒家学说为基础的,这种思想强调整体和谐高于个体自由。// 由于文化差异的存在,真的很难说哪种理念更好。随着经济全球化,文化交流也随之变得越来越广泛,美国人民和中国人民将会更加互相了解和理解。


近年中级口译第二部分考试分析 一,口语考试 1.熟悉口语考试的题型 口语考试的试卷分为三个部分:即Directions, Topic和Questions for reference。Directions是对口语考试这一部分总体要求,每次考试Directions都是一样的,所以大家要先熟悉一下Directions的内容,这样在拿到口语考卷时,就可以将时间和精力都投入到准备Topic presentation中去。 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiner during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with“My name is …””My registration number is …”. 2.准备口语考试的几条建议 1)养成Reading aloud的习惯; 2)有选择地背诵一些段落和文章; 3)经常选择一些段落,自己尝试做paraphrasing的练习; 4)养成多读报刊杂志的习惯,扩大自己的知识面,不仅要know how to speak,而且要know what to speak; 5)经常参加诸如英语角,英语演讲比赛等与口语相关的活动 3.近几年来口语考题一览 Topic: Online-game Industry and Virtual Property Rights Questions for reference: 1.Do you or your friends play online games? What are the advantages and /or disadvantages of playing online games? 2.In computing language, virtual reality refers to computer-generated simulation of an image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way. Would you enjoy living in this way? Why or why not? 3.Should virtual property bought online be treated as material goods? If such “property” is stolen, should it be protected by law? Who should be responsible for its protection? 4.Is virtual goods legal or just play-play? Give your reasons and cite examples to illustrate you point. Topic: People under Competition Pressure Questions for reference: 1.Because of the work-related stress, Chinese professionals often have a shorter life expectancy than the national average. Specify these professionals and cite


首届“高教社杯”全国英语口译大赛说明 复赛设计: 复赛分为三个环节,中译英(2分钟)、英译中(2分钟)和对话互译(3分钟)。 采用视频或音频,事先录制,选手现场依次进行交替传译。 决赛设计: 决赛上半场在上午举行,考察选手的英译中。篇章事先录制为2分钟的视频或者音频,选手现场依次进行交替传译。 决赛下半场在下午举行,考察选手的中译英。现场组织一场辩论会,由八名专家担任辩手,围绕一个辩题按顺序依次发言,每人每轮发言时间为分钟。1—8号选手分别担任八位辩手的译员,将其发言译成英语。八名辩手均发言一次后,换上9—16号选手,辩论继续进行下去,直至所有选手完成比赛。 决赛评委: 决赛评委兼顾口译教学研究权威、优秀从业人员和口译用人单位代表三种类型。 由于决赛需时很长,可以考虑上半场和下半场由不同的评委团队参与评判。

竞赛大纲 考察基本要求: 1.掌握6000个以上英语词汇; 2.比较了解中国和应用国家的文化背景知识; 3.了解近一年来的重大国际国内事件; 4.胜任较为正式场合每节时长2—3分钟的交替传译工作。 考察要点: 1.发音正确,吐字清晰; 2.语言表达规范,语流顺畅,语速适中; 3.能熟练运用口译技巧,如笔记、信息重组、逻辑处理等,和双语互译技巧,如 增减、转换、断句等; 4.完整、准确地译出原话内容,无错译、漏译; 5.语体符合原语的基本特点,无明显偏移。 考察内容范围: 1.中国外交与国际关系; 2.中国对外贸易和商务交流; 3.中国对外文化交流; 4.近一年来中国社会的热点话题,如醉驾、生态环境、学术腐败等; 5.世界局势(近一年的重大事件); 6.世界经济。 评分标准:


“第七届全国口译大赛(英语)”公告 各参赛选手: 为了响应国家“一带一路”倡议,促进翻译学科建设和语言服务行业的繁荣与发展、培养高素质语言服务人才、提升新时期对外中国话语能力,由中国外文局和全国学联指导,中国翻译协会将于2018年3月至6月,举办第七届全国口译大赛(英语)(以下简称“大赛”),组委会秘书处设在中国译协语言服务行业创业创新(LSCAT)中心。 全国口译大赛以其自始至终的权威性、公正性、媒体透明度和公信力承载着各方关注, 同时也吸引了来自全国各地高校的大批英语爱好者。大赛将秉承优良传统,严格标准,从职业素养、技巧运用、信息传达等多方面考察参赛选手的综合水平,选拔优秀选手的同时让全社会了解口译行业。口译是外语应用领域最具挑战性的技能之一, 口译大赛则对选手提出了极高的要求, 不仅是英语应用能力的表现, 同时也是口译技巧和应变能力的提升, 因此口译大赛具有很强的学术性、观赏性和挑战性。 本次大赛面向以汉语和英语为源语言或目标语言的国内外口译学习者及口译工作者,并欢迎外籍选手和港澳台选手组队参加。大赛采取初赛、复赛、大区赛、全国总决赛四级赛制,分别在2018年3月下旬、4月下旬、5月下旬和6月举行。大赛复赛以上将产生一、二、三等奖及特别奖,大赛还设最佳组织奖、优秀指导教师奖等其他奖项,大赛组委会将向获奖选手颁发荣誉证书、奖品及奖杯。

“第七届全国口译大赛(英语)”山东赛区的复赛定于4月22日(周日)在济南市历下区红尚坊三楼举行,各位选手务必于4月21日下午2 点到5点到比赛场地报到。报到时交款、领取发票、抽签决定比赛顺序,并领取号码牌。 山东省翻译协会 2018年4月8日



2010年9月上海中级口译考试真题录音及原文答案 SECTION 1 LISTENING TEST 45 minutes Part A Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Now the location of your college. Some colleges are in the centre of huge cities, some in the suburb. And some are surrounded by fields and woods. Where your college is located will be important to your extra-curricular life. The advantage of an urban college is that there are many exciting things to do off campus.


古诗浪淘沙·帘外五更风翻译赏析 《浪淘沙·帘外五更风》作者为宋朝诗人李清照。其古诗全文如下: 帘外五更风,吹梦无踪。画楼重上与谁同?记得玉钗斜拨火,宝篆成空。 回首紫金峰,雨润烟浓。一江春浪醉醒中。留得罗襟前日泪,弹与征鸿。 【前言】 《浪淘沙·帘外五更风》最早见于宋代的《草堂诗余》,词作者 为无名氏。宋代至明代大多文人以为此词作者为欧阳修,清代至近代有个别学者推断此词是李清照为亡夫赵明诚所作,但没有翔实证据证明为李清照所作,所以权威学者如王学初等将此词划为李清照存疑词。 这词写得极其凄惋,感伤成分浓厚,可是读后并不感到消沉颓丧,反而被其流注于字里行间的真情实感所打动,引起共鸣,寄予同情。一方面,与专主情致的悼亡之作有关。这类作品,因受题材—家常琐细,写法—今昔相比的制约,类多追思往事,叙写梦境,或表哀思,或诉衷肠,字字句句,无不从肺腑中出,以是感情真挚深厚,语调委婉低回,故尔极饶情致,扣人心弦。 【注释】 ①《浪淘沙》:唐教坊曲,又称作《浪淘沙令》,五代时始流行长短句双调小令,又名《卖花声》。五十四字,前后片各四平韵,多作

激越凄壮之音。 ②画oRG楼:华丽的楼阁。 ③拨火:因为篆香燃过后成香灰,必须拨除香灰避免断了火路。 ④宝篆:即篆香,一种香屑萦回象篆文一样的香。黄庭坚《画堂春》:“宝篆烟消龙凤,画屏云锁潇湘。” ⑤紫金峰:即钟山,在今南京中山门外。 ⑥雨润烟浓:是指水蒸汽腾腾,雾气浓郁。 ⑦罗襟:意指罗襦的前襟。 ⑧弹:挥洒。征鸿:即大雁。 【翻译】 五更时分一阵凄风从帘外吹进来,把我从梦中惊醒过来。要想重新登上画楼却不知道该与谁一道?记得当年无聊的用玉钗拨弄香火,如今宝篆香已经燃烧殆尽。 回首看向窗外的紫金山峰,水汽腾腾烟雾缭绕,看不到山的本来面目。看着一江春水向东流去,人却在半醒半醉之间。罗襦襟前还留着国破夫亡的的泪水,抚去这些把它们交付给远飞的大雁。 【赏析】 “帘外五更风,吹梦无踪。”发端两句,看似平淡,实最沉痛。“吹梦无踪,”有两种含义:一是说正在做着好梦。梦中相见,互诉衷肠,两情缝蜷,分外亲昵。孰料五更时分一阵凄风突然袭来,把好梦吹散,致使梦中情事,似有似无,‘若隐若现,依稀恍惚,了无踪影。一是说在漫漫长夜中,二更、三更、四更都悄悄地过去了,直到


2011年上海中级口译笔试试题及部分答案 Questions 1—5 The purpose of the American court system is to protect the rights of the people. According to American law, if someone is accused of a cr ime, he or she is considered innocent until the court proves that th e person is guilty. In other words, it is the responsibility of the court to prove that a person is guilty. It is not the responsibility of the person to prove that he or she is innocent. In order to arrest a person, the police have to be reasonably sure t hat a crime has been committed. The police must give the suspect the reasons why they are arresting him and tell him his rights under the law. Then the police take the suspect to the police station to “book”him. “Booking means that the name of the person and the charges aga inst him are formally listed at the police station. The next step is for the suspect to go before a judge. The judge deci des whether the suspect should be kept in jail or released. If the su spect has no previous criminal record and the judge feels that he wil l return to court rather than run away—for example, because he owns a house and has a family—he can go free. Otherwise, the suspect mus t put up bail. At this time, too, the judge will appoint a court la yer to defend the suspect if he can’t afford one. The suspect returns to court a week or two later. A lawyer from the d istrict attorney’s office presents a case against the suspect. This is called a hearing. The attorney may present evidence as well as wit nesses. The judge at the hearing then decides whether there is enough reason to hold a trial. If the judge decides that there is sufficien t evidence to call for a trial, he or she sets a date for the suspec t to appear in court to formally plead guilty or not guilty. At the trial, a jury of 12 people listens to the evidence from both attorneys and hears the testimony of the witnesses. Then the jury goe s into a private room to consider the evidence and decide whether the defendant is guilty of the crime. If the jury decides that the defen dant is innocent, he goes free. However, if he is convicted, the j udge sets a date for the defendant to appear in court again for sente ncing. At this time, the judge tells the convicted person what his p unishment will be. The judge may sentence him to prison, order him t o pay a fine, or place him on probation.


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