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1. What is “intercultural munication”? P6

refer to munication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their munication event.

There are three kinds of things you need to learn if you want to be able to municate effectively with Westerners. First, you need to learn a foreign language, usually English. Second, you should learn as much as possible about Western cultures. However, studying English language and Western culture is not enough. You should also learn something about what happens when people from different cultures try to municate with each other — in other words, "intercultural munication."

2.What is a culture? P13

A culture is essentially a group of people who carry many of the same ideas in their heads.

Culture: can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture.

Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people

3.What are stereotypes?P13

Stereotypes means very broad generalizations such as “British people are polite,”“Americans are friendly”, and so forth.

It is a derogatory word. It means that image, idea, character that has bee fixed or standardized in a conventional form without individuality and is therefore false and shallow. Stereotypes may have a basis in fact, but they are too broad and shallow, and they give us the mistaken idea that a people’s culture can be summed up easily in a few short , simple statements. Stereotypes are also dangerous because they may trick us into believing that knowing a few stereotypes is the same thing as understanding another culture.

4.What does “interpretation” means?P24

A very important aspect of intercultural munication is “interpretation”, t he process of deciding what foreigners’ words and actions mean and why they do what they do. For example, when Xiao Li tries to understand why the taxi driver asked for so much money, she is “interpreting” his behavior.

5.I n dividualist p32

Individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western culture tends to be individualist. They view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with others.

6.Collectivist P32

Collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals. Most Asian cultures, including China's, tend to be collectivist. People see themselves as parts of one or more collectives; are primarily motivated by the norms of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of these collectives over their own personal goals; and emphasize their connectedness to members of these cultures.

7.What is “hierarchy”?P50

Hierarchy is differences in rank and power. Every society has hierarchy to some degree. In other words, some people have higher rank and more power than others, perhaps because they are older, stronger, wealthier, or have some kind of official position.

8.What is “culture shock”?P58

“Culture shock” is often used to describe what happens whenever a person encounters a culture different from his or her own. The term culture shock describes what happens when a sojourner from culture A goes to live in culture B, and needs to adapt to life there.

The constant effort and uncertainty of dealing with a foreign language and culture can lead to a condition called “culture shock”. It is a feeling of being confused and overwhelmed by life in another culture. People who experience culture shock often feel fatigued, impatient and irritable. They may also begin trying to avoid interaction with foreigners, and even bee increasingly critical and hostile toward them. Foreigners in China sometimes experience culture shock — and so do Chinese who go to live in other countries.

9.Low context P66

The way to municate tends to be relatively explicit and direct. In other words, people tend to put most of heir ideas and feelings plainly and openly. It’s generally considered a good thing to “get the point” and “say what you mean”, and it is largely the speaker’s responsibility to ensure that his/her message is stated in

a way that is clear and easy to understand.

10.High context P66

High context is more indirect and subtle and listeners are expected to take more responsibility for interpreting messages correctly. People are expected to pay much attention to the context in which munication takes place and when people interpret what others mean, they often give more weight to the context than to the actual words said. In fact, people in high context cultures often view direct, explicit munication as unsophisticated or even rude.

11.What is “projected cultural similarity”? P74

Projected cultural similarity is a phenomenon which is the tendency to assume that people from other cultures basically think and feel more the same way we do. In other words, we sometimes assume that while foreigners may look different, dress differently, and speak different languages, "inside we are all more or less the same".

12.“Loose” cultures P83

“Loose” culture do not demand a high degree of conformity. In loose cultures, people have a relatively wide range of views as to what is considered normal behavior. Of course, such cultures have some consensus on what is and is not considered appropriate behavior, but the consensus is not very strong and there is often much disagreement. People in loose cultures also tend to be relatively tolerant of behavior that does not conform to cultural norms.

13. “Tight” cultures P83

Tight cultures expect a relatively high degree of conformity. There is a clear consensus as to what is and is not acceptable behavior, and there is more pressure on people to conform to the norms of the culture.

14.What is “ethnocentrism”? P93

"Ethnocentrism" is the tendency to think of one’s own culture as being at the center of the world in other words, to assume that one’s own culture's way of

thinking and acting is more natural, normal, and correct than the way people from other cultures think and act.

15.What are “in-groups” and “out-groups”? P107

In-Groups: “In-groups” are the people we have the most in mon with and identify most closely with, such as our family, classmates, or co-workers. We also have larger in-groups such as people who are from our own region, religious group, ethnic group, or nation.

Out-groups: out groups are those groups of people who we do not identify with---people from other families, regions, ethnic groups, or nations. Toward outsiders, we tend to be more critical, suspicious, and willing to pass harsh judgments.

16.Collectivist cultures

Collectivist generally have a high sense of loyalty and obligation to their in-groups, and will often go to great lengths to help people they consider members of their in-groups. However, they feel less obligation to outsiders. The main distinction people usually make is between “us” and “them”.

17.Individualist western cultures P114

While individualist westerners also treat outsiders differently from members of their out-groups, the difference is generally not so great; for example, individualists generally assist members of their in-groups as much as collectivists would, but they may offer more assistance to outsiders than collectivists would. The main distinction people usually make is between “me” and “others”.

18.What are “war stories”? P125

The term “war stories” originally referred to the kinds of stories soldiers would tell after experiences in battle. Now “war stories” refers more generally to any stories people tell after strange or stressful experiences, including stories about unusual encounters with foreigners. War stories naturally tend to be biased against outsiders, so they tend to reinforce negative views toward foreigners. What’s more, negative views based on an experience with one foreigner are often used as evidence to draw conclusions about foreigners in general.

19.What is giving the benefit of the doubt? P142

When you encounter a foreigner whose behavior seems unusual or hard to understand, you should keep an open mind and try to delay or suspend interpretation. Giving the benefit of the doubt is less likely to cause us to think or act in ways that will unnecessarily damage our relationships with foreigners.

简答题 (定义+评论)

1. What are the problems in intercultural munication?/Why is it so hard to municate with foreigners? P9

refer to munication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their munication event. Learn about what happens when people from different cultures try to municate with each other —in other words, "intercultural munication."

Part of the problem is that there are many different languages, so it is very hard to municate with foreigners. Also, cultures are different and it’s difficult for foreigners to understand why students acted as they did. Another part of the problem is the way foreigners handle the intercultural munication. When Chinese do or say things that seem strange to them, foreigners tend to jump to conclusions and they are more likely to jump to negative conclusions instead of considering other possible explanations for the Chinese students’ behavior.

2.What are the characteristics of Chinese culture? P17


1. collectivism----------emphasis on the doctrine of the mean

2. large power distance--hierarchy

3. Inter-group (in-group) harmony and avoidance of overt (covert) conflict in interpersonal relations

4. hypocritical

5. hypocrisy

6. belief in the “naturalness, necessity, and inevitability of hierarchy.”

7. inequality based on achievement, especially academic, moral, and financial achievement

8. belief that “the judgment of wise people” is a better way to regulate life than rigid, artificial laws

9. people exist “in and through relationship with others.”

10. academic emphasis on memory, attention to detail, and lengthy homework 3.What are the virtues of Chinese culture? P31


1. formality

2. hierarchy

3. industriousness/diligent/assiduous

4. being filial

5. hard work

6. modesty (modest)---humility (humble)

7. thrifty—economical---frugal—frugality

4.ment on: “Never a borrower or lender be” P32


Individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western culture tends to be individualist. They view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with others.

“Never a borrower or a lender be”, this sentence means that it is best to not lend money to other people and to not borrow from other people. When we lend something we risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person. To begin with, it is because westerners are in Individualist Cultures. Individualists tend to view themselves as individuals and to emphasize the needs of individuals. Individualists feel less obligation to others, whether they are in-groups or out-groups. Secondly, because of their characteristics, their individualism, western people tend to be very independent and self-reliant. They will always solve their problems by themselves. So they don’t want others to rely on them, either.

5.What are some differences between an individualist culture and a collectivist one? P35

定义:individualist and collectivist

There are two basic difference between cultures.

One illustration of the difference between collectivist and individualist cultures can be found in the way schools are organized. Chinese students generally function as a group. They are organized into class groups and have the same courses with students in the same class. In contrast, North American students are expected to function as individuals. They generally choose courses according to their own interests and have different classmates in different courses.

Parties serve as another illustration. Chinese parties often have a group focus. Western parties are different, for example, the cocktail party in which people chat together in pairs or small groups and may change conversation partners during the party.

6. What are some ways in which Western societies differ in how they view the issue of equality? P51

定义:equality 和 hierarchy

Most modern societies believe that equality is a virtue, at least to some extent. In other words, people these societies try to minimize rank and power differences, and try to place limits on the power of people in authority.

Hierarchy is differences in rank and power. Every society has hierarchy to some degree. In other words, some people have higher rank and more power than others, perhaps because they are older, stronger, wealthier, or have some kind of official position.

In US culture, “equality” almost always means “equality of opportunity”, not equal wealth. Americans tend to believe that, as much as possible, all people should be given an equal chance, but then people deserve whatever rewards they work for. In contrast, Western Europeans, especially, Scandinavians, tend to feel that equality of opportunity alone will not guarantee social or material equality. So these cultures place more emphasis on material equality, and their tax and social welfare systems are designed to ensure that difference in wealth between citizens is not large.

7.A prescription for culture shock. P61

“Culture shock” is often used to describe what happens whenever a person encounters a culture different from his or her own. The term culture shock describes what happens when a sojourner from culture A goes to live in culture B, and needs to adapt to life there.

1. accept the occurrence of culture shock as natural

2. learn about the host culture

3. find a logical reason for everything strange or bad about the host culture

4. look for the positive things in the host culture

5. avoid foreigners who are critical of the host country

6. do not always say critical things about host culture

7. keep a good sense of humor

8. find another foreigner who knows the host culture

9. make friends with people from the host culture

10. you won’t lose your own culture

11. keep busy and active

12. if you feel fatigued, take a little vacation

13. prepare a presentation about your own culture

8.Why does PCS cause intercultural munication problems? P74

Projected cultural similarity is the tendency to assume that people from other cultures basically think and feel more the same way we do. In other words, we sometimes assume that while foreigners may look different, dress differently, and speak different languages, "inside we are all more or less the same".

1. People from different culture assume they understand each other instead of asking each other what they think. Because they each expect the other person to react more or less the same way they would, they don't check to see whether or not the other person actually has the same feelings and reactions they would. For this reason, the misunderstanding bee worse over time rather than getting better.

2. Languages are different.

3. Misinterpret non-verbal munication.

4. Stereotypes and preconceptions.

5. Evaluate before really understanding.

9.the golden rules -Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. P77

定义Projected cultural similarity

The sentence means that it’s better not to do things to others what you don’t want others do to you. This behavior shows the phenomena “Projected cultural similarity”. In our cultural system, if you don’t like thing done to you, you just don’t impose on others. It’s a kind of virtue. But from the aspect of PCS, people just assume people from other cultures view things the same way we do. What we think is right, we consider others will think it is right, too. However, it just doesn’t work out like that. Because of different cultural background, we have different interpretations of everything happened .we can not expect others to think or act the same as we do.

10.ment on: conformity in Western cultures. P83

定义:”loose culture” and “tight culture”

Chinese culture is tight culture ,and western cultures are loose cultures. So conformity in western cultures is less than that in Chinese culture.

Western individualist cultures tend to be “looser” than collectivist cultures. This tendency toward looseness can be seen in a variety of ways. One reflection is a widespread reluctance to pass laws that prohibit unusual behavior. Another reflection can be seen in Western advertising.

11.ment on: What factors lead to /contribute to looseness or tightness in culture?P86

定义:”loose culture” and “tight culture”

1. the degree of change in the population---the more people move, the looser and individualist a society tends to be“a country on the wheels”

2. the density of the population—small dense society tend to be collectivist, hence tighter. Large dense society tend to be more plex, hence not quite so tight---“a melting pot”

3. the number of choices available in society---the more choices available, the more room there is for individualism--looser

12.ment on: ethnocentrism and projected cultural similarities P93

定义:”ethnocentrism” and “projected cultural similarities”

"Ethnocentrism" is the tendency to think of one’s own culture as being at the center of the world in other words, to assume that one’s own culture's way of thinking and acting is more natural, normal, and correct than the way people from other cultures think and act.

“Projected cultural similarity” is a phenomenon which is the tendency to assume that people from other cultures basically think and feel more the same way we do. In other words, we sometimes assume that while foreigners may look different, dress differently, and speak different languages, "inside we are all more or less the same".

Both of them can not be avoided or overcame in intercultural munication. These two phenomena show that every country or nation consider their own culture as the center.

Ethnocentrism is taking one’s own cultural norms as the standard by which to judge people of other cultures and it is purposeful. What’s worse, it may lead to manslaughter.

PCS is assuming that people of other cultures view things the same way you do---cultural assumption and it is not purposeful.

13.Why are in/out-groups a problem in intercultural munication? P107

定义:”in-groups” and “out-groups”

1. We generally have more positive feelings toward members of our in-groups than we do toward outsiders. We trust insiders more.

2. We tend to have a stronger sense of obligation to insiders than to outsiders. We feel it’s right to help insider more …

3. We tend to judge in-groups and out-groups by different standards. To insiders. More generous, to outsiders, more critical, suspicious, more harsh judgments So the ties of goodwill and trust between in-groups and out-groups are often relatively weak, and they break easily when there is conflict or misunderstanding.

14.How do Chinese people treat in/out-group based on their own culture? P117

定义:”in-groups” and “out-groups”

The distinction Chinese usually make is between “us” and “them”. In other wards, there is much assistance and concern for insiders and less for those outside.Chinese often view outsiders who e to China as guests, and give them much special treatment. In part, this is because Chinese view guests as a kind of in-group and tend to treat in-group members very well.

15.Characteristics of war stories. P128

定义:war stories

1. Desire for sympathy. We generally tell war stories to people who are likely to sympathize with us, usually people from our own culture rather than outsiders

2. Desire for assurance. We want to get reassurance that our interpretation of the encounter makes sense.

3. Desire to tell a good story. we tend to emphasize how unreasonable the behavior of the foreigner was, and how reasonable our own behavior was.

16.Why do Americans know less about other countries? P149

定义:”culture” and “ethnocentrism”

1. US schools do not teach as much world history as schools in many other countries.

2. The US borders on relatively few other nations, and is separated from most by large oceans.

3. The power of the US means that it has more impact on other nations than other nations have on the US affairs.

4. In terms of geographic size and population, the US as a very large nation, hence generates such a volume of local news that the importance of international news diminishes by parison.

5. The power of the US tempts Americans to believe that learning about other countries isn’t so important.

6. The international spread of the English language and Western culture diminishes the need of Americans to learn other languages and cultures.


大学英语跨文化交际双语课程水平测试题(一) I. Multiple Choice(20 points, 2 points each) Directions: There are some statements in this section. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C, D, choose the ONE that best complete the statement. 1.In the United States continues to welcome a large number of immigrants移民each year and has referred to as a melting-pot大熔炉society. This trend can reflect the theory of ___A__. A. macroculture B. microculture C. globalization D. modernization 2. A teenager dresses like and talks like a gang member but not a member of any gang. This case reflects the ___A____ characteristic of subgroup. A. deviant label B. temporality C. wanna-be behavior D. unexamined 3.When you talk with your friends about Picasso, Beethoven, you are talking about culture from ___B___ perspective. A. anthropological人类学 B. intellectual有才智的 C. social D. psychological心理 4.The dialogues at the United Nations, for example, would be termed __B_______. A. interracial communication B. interethnic communication C. international communication D. interpersonal communication 5.There is a Chinese belief that “One is good in nature with different characteristics but similar habits. However, if he is not well educated, his nature changes”. This belief can reflect that____C___. A. Human nature is evil but perfectible B. Human nature is a mixture of good and evil C. Human nature is good but corruptible容易 堕落的 D. None of the above 6.Mr. Wang, a Chinese immigrate in U.S, has adapted himself so well to American culture that he gradually lost his Chinese cultural identity. This process is called__C___. A. separation and segregation隔离 B. integration整合一体化 C. assimilation吸收同化 D. marginalization边缘化 7.Liming, a Chinese student, just began his study in a university in the United States. In his first week in U.S., he thought everything was new and exciting, and he enjoyed himself a lot. Liming is in__A___ stage of culture shock. A. honeymoon蜜月 B. crisis危机 C. reintegration再整合 D. gradual adjustment逐渐适应 8. ___C__ is the process of putting an idea into a symbol. A. Decoding B. Channel C. Encoding D. Source 9.___A__ refers to anything that distorts歪曲曲解the message the source encodes. A. Noise B. Message C. Source D. Context 10.___D__ refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning.


英语知识 一、导论 20 世纪90 年代,语篇分析开始在翻译研究中占主导地位。语篇分析法侧重于描述语言意义交流及建立社会和权力关系的运作方式。翻译研究中, 最具影响力的语篇分析模式当数礼德的系统功能语篇分析。语篇分析模式引入翻译研究后,对翻译研究那种众说纷纭,莫衷一是的混乱局面无疑注入了一塘清水,尤其对中国翻译界挥之不去的语文学式的翻译研究产生了重要影响。西方翻译研究者把语篇分析引入翻译研究后,已经取得了重要进展,出版了几部重要作品,主要有:J uliane House 的《翻译质量评估模式:一种重访模式》( Translation QualityAssessment : A Model Revisited ) ,[ 1 ]Mona Baker 的《换言之: 翻译教程》( In Other Words : A CourseBook on Translation ) ,[ 2 ] Bell 的《翻译的理论与实践》( Translation and Translating ) ,[ 3 ] Basil Hatim和Ian Mason 合著的《语篇与译者》( Discourse andthe Translator ) [ 4 ] 和《作为交际者的译者》(The ranslator as Communicator ) ,[ 5 ] Basil的《跨文化交际—翻译理论与对比篇章语言学》(Communication across Cultures : Translation Theoryand Cont rastive ) 。[6 ] J uliane House 通过对原文和译文进行语域对比分析以确定译作评估模式,并分析了显性翻译(overt translation) 和隐形翻译(coverttranslation) 。显性翻译自称不是翻译,隐形翻译则被定义为在译语文化中享有和源语文本平等的地位。Baker 探讨了翻译中语言各层次尤其是语篇和语用层次上的对等。Basil Hatim 和Ian Mason 将符号层上的语篇融入其翻译研究模式,代表了更广泛意义上的话语观。在我国,将语篇分析模式引入翻译研究的应首推黄国文和美芳二教授。黄国文在《外语与外语


考试需知:考试前每一列学生把课本放在第一排。考试时间为2.5个小时,试卷1为闭卷考试,前面40分钟用于完成试卷1。待老师收上试卷1后,发下课本,学生做试卷2,试卷2 为开卷考试。可携带纸质词典进考场,不许携带电子词典及手机进考场。 Test Paper 1 Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.Generally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.Generally speaking, in terms of world views, the West adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopt s holistic view 3.Generally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius,


中央广播电视大学2003--2004学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试 英语专业跨文化交际试题 注意事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the Examinees: This examination consists of FOUR sections.These are: Section I:Listening(20 points,30 minutes) Section II:Language Appropriacy and Accuracy(30 points,20 minutes) SectionⅢ:Reading Comprehension(20 points,30 minutes) Section lV:Communication Analysis(30 points,40 minutes) The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed for competing this examination is 2 hours(1 20 minutes)allowed for completing this examination is hours (120 minutes). Section I:Listening [20 points] You are going to listen to an interview.Then choose the best answer from A,B,C and D to answer each question.Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 1.Concerning the issue of maternity,what ideas prevail among Chinese women? A.The modern concept. B.The traditional concept. C.The responsibility to the society.’ D.The responsibility to the family. 2.According to the passage,raising children——. A.is an unbearable burden to women B.is a significant part of a woman’s life C.is the permanent task of women D is the task 0f both a man and a woman 3.Giving birth . A.brings great pleasure to women B.differs men from women physically and spiritually C.makes the women’s life complete D.all the above 4.Those oppose giving birth think that . A.giving birth is something rather primitive


《跨文化交际学》选修课试卷2011-2012学年第二学期 题目:中西方非言语交际的差异姓名:********* 学号:******** 院系:****** 专业:应用心理学

中西方非言语交际的差异 【摘要】:世界全球化、一体化进程日益加快,中西文化的交流与合作越来越多,非言语交际的重要性也越来越明显。但是,中西文化赋予非言语行为的不同内涵,也带来了交际上的障碍。本文通过理解非言语交际的定义,着重论述了非言语交际中中国和西方国家上差异,以发现非言语行为在中西文化的交流与合作活动中不同的文化含义及作用,从而避免文化冲突,增强跨文化交际能力,帮助人们踏平社交的道路,成功实现跨文化交际。 【关键词】:非言语交际;中西方;差异;跨文化交际 一、非言语交际定义 人类交流有两种形式:言语交际和非言语交际,这两种形式在人类沟通的过程中都发挥了重要的作用。非言语交际是指所有超越语言的交际行为(1),它充和完善了言语交际的不足,是整个沟通过程中必不可少的重要组成部分。 非言语有目光接触、面部表情、姿势表达、空间语言手语等多种表现形式。人类在进行交流、表达思想、传递信息时,除了使用语言进行传达外,大量的信息还依靠非语言符号。非言语在传递信息和表达情感中具有语言所不能替代的功能。萨莫瓦曾说:“在面对面的交际中,信息的社交内容只有35%左右是语言行为,其它都是通过非语言行为传递的。”(2)(Samovar,1985:155)人们通过服神、面部表情、手势、身姿等诸多无声的体态语,将有声语言形象化、情感化、生动化,以达到先声夺人、耐人寻味的效果,且能充分弥补有声语言表达的乏力和不足,特别是人类在“词不达意”“只可意会不可言传”的情况下,非言语就能发挥其独特的作用,圆满表达情意,达到“此时无声胜有声”的效果。 礼仪,是物质文明和精神文明共同作用产生的成果,是特殊的文化组成形式,其实质还是文化。不同国家之间的诸多差异造就了各自独特的礼仪文化。中国和西方国家在很多方面都有所不同,如地理环境、历史发展、生产方式和社会制度、宗教和传统习俗、民族心理和思维方式、语言和文字以及价值观念(3)等。然而正是这些普遍存在的差异性导致了各国礼仪的不同。因此,在研究跨文化交际之前,我们最重要的任务就是尽量多地了解不同的国家或地区的不同礼仪。 二、中西方差异在非言语交际中的体现 1、正式的就餐礼仪 筷子是中国人就餐时使用最多的餐具,所有的食物都置于餐桌中央,搭配米饭的菜肴也不止一种。菜肴由人们各自从盘中夹食。然而在西方,通常一套正式的餐具会包括许多个不同用途的叉子、汤匙和餐刀。每个人都会有自己的一份食物,他们不会从同一个盘子里共同夹食。



Test Paper Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.G enerally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.G enerally speaking, in terms of world views, the We st adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopts holistic view 3.G enerally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius, Lao Tze, Mo Tze, and the great thinker in India is Siddhartha Gautama, the great figure in Palestine are Hebrew prophets, and the great thinkers in the West are Plato, Homer and Archimedes Ⅱ. Choose the best answer: 1.Non-verbal messages are classified into two comprehensive categories: those that are primarily produced by the body, such as_________,________,_______; and those that the individual combines with the setting, such as _______, _______, _______.D A.physical contact, eye contact, paralanguage; space, time, man B.facial expression, touch, taste; space, time, silence C.appearance, movement, gesture; surrounding, occasion, man D.movement, smell, paralanguage; space, time, silence 2.In Chinese writing, there are usually more adjectives, proverbs and allusions than in English writing. Some Western scholars name this style “flowery”, stating that its aim is to give a more fanciful impression than information, and the information is usually of beauty, fragrance, happiness, and any other “goodness”aspects so as to attract people. We may term this style as_______-oriented. Western writing is more direct with objective inform ation. To them, much-repeated words may mean less after a while. We may term the Western writing as ________-oriented.C A. adjective, objective B. Chinese, Western C. impression, information C. indirect, direct 3. As to the human nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.B A. basically good; basically bad B. evil but perfectible, basically good C. the mixture of good and evil; the mixture of good and evil; D. unknown 4. As to the Man-Nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.D A. subjugation to nature; harmony with nature B. harmony with nature; mastery over nature


杭州电子科技大学 2015-2016学年第1学期期末课程论文《跨文化交际》文化档案 指导教师:胡婷婷 学生姓名:方祥 班级:14148316 学号:14141604 专业:会计专业

目录 1)作业一《我的文化故事》------------------------------------- Page 1 2)作业二《采访预期》----------------------------------------- Page 3 3)作业三《采访报告》----------------------------------------- Page 5 4)作业四相关材料 -------------------------------------------- Page 7

作业(一)我的文化故事(My Cultural Story)

作业(二)文化预期(Intercultural Interview Proposal) 1.采访者情况: (姓名/ 学号/ 家乡) 姓名:方祥学号:14141604 家乡:浙江杭州 2.被采访对象情况 他叫项泽祺,是我的表弟,他从小身处于佛教文化的家庭之中,在宗教文化方面与我有所不同,他很小时就已经是一个佛教信仰者。 3.找到采访对象的途径 他是我的表弟,从小与我关系很好,小时候经常来我家玩,我也经常教他一些知识。当我确定宗教这个主题时,就想到他了。 4.选择采访对象的原因 i 我的表弟是一个佛教信仰者,不同的是,我没有所信仰的宗教, ii我的表弟还没有上小学父母就离异了,之后一直由我的小舅舅培养,相当于是在单亲家庭里成长起来的,而我是在双亲家庭里成长的。 iii 我的表弟从小都是在佛教文化渲染之下,而我因为母亲信仰佛教,父亲信仰基督教,所以我对这两个宗教都一些了解,但是自己任然信仰科学主义。 5.拟采访方式(面谈, 网络或其他) 通过QQ和微信进行了解,因为我的表弟现在已经上高中了,现在住校,我只能在周末进行采访。 6.拟采访主题 I有关于佛教日常活动的研究 ⑴问项泽祺:请问你们佛教平时有什么特别的活动吗,尤其在过年时或者别的节日有什么活动,你平时是否参与进去? ⑵问项泽祺:请问你们平时有什么特别的节日吗? II有关于佛教对婚姻方面的看法 ⑴问项泽祺:请问你对你未来的对象在宗教方面上有没有什么要求?例如一定要是信仰佛教的,或者是什么宗教都没有关系? ⑵问项泽祺:请问你觉得其他的佛教信仰者对婚姻对象有什么看法,例如一定要是信仰佛教的,或者是什么宗教都没有关系? III有关于佛教对于家族信仰继承方面的讨论 ⑴问项泽祺:请问你的亲人有强行要求你信仰佛教吗? ⑵问项泽祺:请问你觉得家族气氛对儿童对宗教选择有影响吗?


定义题 1. What is “intercultural communication”? P6 refer to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their communication event. There are three kinds of things you need to learn if you want to be able to communicate effectively with Westerners. First, you need to learn a foreign language, usually English. Second, you should learn as much as possible about Western cultures. However, studying English language and Western culture is not enough. You should also learn something about what happens when people from different cultures try to communicate with each other —in other words, "intercultural communication." 2.What is a culture? P13 A culture is essentially a group of people who carry many of the same ideas in their heads. Culture: can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people 3.What are stereotypes?P13 Stereotypes means very broad generalizations such as “British people are polite,”“Americans are friendly”, and so forth. It is a derogatory word. It means that image, idea, character that has become fixed or standardized in a conventional form without individuality and is therefore false and shallow. Stereotypes may have a basis in fact, but they are too broad and shallow, and they give us the mistaken idea that a people’s culture can be summed up easily in a few short , simple statements. Stereotypes are also dangerous because they may trick us into believing that knowing a few stereotypes is the same thing as understanding another culture. 4.What does “interpretation” means?P24 A very important aspect of intercultural communication is “interpretation”, t he process of deciding what foreigners’ words and actions mean and why they do what they do. For example, when Xiao Li tries to understand why the taxi driver asked for so much money, she is “interpreting” his behavior. 5.I n dividualist p32 Individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western culture tends to be individualist. They view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with others. 6.Collectivist P32 Collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals. Most Asian cultures, including China's, tend to be collectivist. People see themselves as parts of one or more collectives; are primarily motivated by the norms of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of


第二语言教学跨文化交际案例分析 案例分析与写作(共40分) 七、请根据以下材料,按照“发现问题——分析问题——解决问题”的思路,写一篇1500字以上的案例分析,要求观点明确、材料 充实、结构严谨、条理清楚、语言规范、卷面清洁。 材料: 李晓雨是云南大学的一名毕业生,毕业后通过汉办的志愿者选拔,被派往泰国,成为一名汉语教师志愿者。她性格一直比较开朗,所以当她只身一人前往泰国北部的一个中学任教时,也是满怀憧憬;但是她却发现来机场接她的学校人员对她很冷漠,从机场到学校8个小时的路途上几乎没与她说一句话。她知道绝不是因为语言不通。李晓雨是个爱说爱笑的人,她几次想打破沉默,但一直不明白自己到底在什么地方得罪了来接她的人,还是别人根本不想和自己说话。她只好一个人看着车窗外本来很美但不再觉得美的景色。到了目的地,司机和接待的人把她放到一间小房子里,就走了。房间里只有一张平板床,没有任何铺盖。一个初来乍到的女孩,好几个小时没吃饭,没喝水,又不知道商店在那里,身上也没有当地的钱币。晓雨真的有些受不了了,趴在床板上泪水忍不住簌簌而下。她问自己到底做错了什么,为什么别人对自己如此冷漠,为什么和她想象中热情好客的泰国人差距这么大。第一天到学校上班,她的感觉仍然不好,似乎每个学生和老师都对她很冷,没有真诚的微笑,没有主动的招呼。这下可把晓雨急坏了,她开始注意自己每一个细小的举止言行,生怕别人不喜欢。她一直觉得是因为自己做得还不够好,所以别人不接受自己,甚至不接收中文老师的课程。 晓雨是个倔强、好强的女孩。她不服输,认真地向泰国老师学习他们对待学生和同事的方式,积极参加他们的各种活动。有一次她在办公室里看到一个30岁左右的女教师批改了一个学生的作业之后在那个初中学生的脸颊上亲吻了一下。晓雨觉得自己长这么大从来没接受甚至看到过老师亲吻学生的,然而在这里她发现效果真的很好,那个老师和学生的关系非常融洽和谐。在那个教师的鼓励下,她也开始尝试亲吻学生的脸颊,她发现效果出人意料的好!越来越多的人认识了晓雨并成为了她的朋友。她慢慢体会了到冰在融化的感觉。有一次一个老教师来问她是否要去参加学校的升国旗活动,她爽快地回答说:“好啊!”那位老教师有些惊讶地说:“你们中国来的老师不是不愿意参加我们的升国旗仪式吗?你是真的愿意还是假的?”她坚定地说:“我愿意!”从那之后,她每周都很早来到升泰国国旗的地方集合。老师们和同学们对她的态度都发生了很大的变化,这次升旗成了一个分水岭。 答案:案例中的李晓雨同学只身一人被派往泰国,成为一名汉语教师志愿者。在她刚刚到达目的地时,却发现前来接他的当地学校人员态度并不像她想象的那样热情,反而十分冷淡,对于初来乍到的她也没有给予相应的帮助和照顾。在接下来的工作中,李晓雨发现,学校里其他泰国老师对她的态度也并不热情。不仅没有帮助她适应教学工作,甚至连主动的招呼也没有。学生也没有和她建立起和睦融洽的师生关系,这样的问题还影响到了汉语的教学。 从案例中我们可以了解到,李晓雨与当地人之间交际的问题并不是由语言障碍所引起的,文化障碍则是最主要的原因。 跨文化交际过程大体上可分为蜜月期,挫折,调整和适应四个阶段。李晓雨在一开始对泰国人抱有一种思维定式,即原有的“文化成见”。在她的想象中,泰国人是“热情好客”的。而当她受到接待人员的冷漠对待时,想象与实际情况之间的巨大差距使她很难及时调整好自己的心态来适应这一状况,甚至不断地质疑自己的行为。这使得李晓雨在同泰国人的跨文化交际中迅速从蜜月期进入到了挫折阶段。 在接下来一段时间的工作中,李晓雨开始注意自己的行为举止,直到她看到一位泰国教师在批改了学生的作业后亲吻了学生的脸颊。这件事给李晓雨带来的触动很大,因为她以前从未有过教师亲吻学生的经历。这部分是由于中国的传统文化一直强调“尊师重道”,教师常常是高高在上不容冒犯的对象,泰国教师与学生间亲吻脸颊这样的动作在中国是绝少会发生的。部分也与中国人含蓄、内敛的性格传统有关。因此我们不难看出,母语文化与异文化的差异也是造成跨文化交际障碍的一个重要原因。由于对异文化的不了解,很容易将母语文化的思维方式带入跨文化交际中,以致于加深双方的隔阂。在李晓雨意识到这一问题之后,她也开始尝试按照当地人的方式来进行交际,并尝试亲吻了学生的脸颊,效果出乎她意料的好,她与当地人的交际也开始融洽起来。这时的李晓雨已能够逐步克服母语文化与异文化之间差异带来的交际障碍,并逐步进入到调整阶段。 案例中提及的另一个重要事件是升旗事件。李晓雨热情爽快地同意参加泰国学校的升旗仪式,使当地教师十分惊讶,从此其他泰国老师和学生对她的态度也发生了很大变化。这次事件是一个分水岭,李晓雨开始进入适应阶段,这与她坚持不懈地融入异文化的努力是分不开的。另一方面我们可以从泰国老师表现出的惊讶看出,之前学校里的中国教师在与当地人的跨文化交际中并没有采取正确的文化策略,也没有积极尝试与异文化的沟通,因此给对方造成了中国人不尊重泰国文化的负面印象,这也是最初的接待人员对李晓宇态度冷漠的原因。由此可以看出正确的文化策略在跨文化交际中具有重要作用,它不仅会影响到自身交际的正常进行,还会对本群体中其他成员的跨文化交际带来一定影响。 对于一名李晓雨这样的汉语教师来说,在进行正常的汉语教学之前,先要实现同当地人,特别是同学生的和谐交际。通过上文对案例中提及到的问题的分析我们能够认识到,在进行跨文化交际之前首先要尊重当地文化,应当多了解,多吸收异文化的文化知


Table Manners As we know, people in China and western countries all pay lots of attention to good table manners. People are showing their respect to others when they are in good table manner.And this will certainly make others comfortable. But as a result of different cultures, people from different areas have varies table manners. And some of them are quite the same,while some are so much different.Table manners have a decisive position in the communication between China and Western countries. During communication we will show our best image and avoid cultural conflicts. Learning and using the right etiquette will not only step up our own impression, Being on time for dinner can be a general standard for all people.And it seems that guests who are invited to the dinner tend to be present earlier to show their respect. Let us see from the tableware.Chinses always use chopsticks while eating.Attention, hold your chopsticks towards their end, not in the middle or the front third when dining with them. When you are not using your chopsticks, or have finished eating, lay them down in front of you with the tips to left. For the main or meat curse, the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward, and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife. Although people use different tools on table, they all put the tool aside in a good order when they finish eating. Sometimes we can be embarrassed when food seem to spit out from our mouths . Apprently , this situation will happen to everyone in the world . And the method that we use are always the same: move the food with your tableware . And hand them at the edge of the plate . The whole process should be gently.Always chew and swallow all the food in your mouth before taking more or taking a drink. Always say thank you when served something. It shows appreciation.Never lick or put your knife in your mouth.These are the same in China. Now let us see some differences. The hostess takes up her a spoon or a fork, before the guest may not eat any kind of a dish. The hostess normally wait until every guest get after dish began. When she picked up the spoon or a fork, that means you can do that. In China, hostess will let gusts to eat first. When you are in the UK, you should pay attention to these:If you cannot eat a certain type of food or have some special needs, tell your host several days before the dinner party. It can not be seen often in China because we can not know what we will be served most of the time.If you are a guest, it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or indicates you should do so. It shows consideration. You may eat chicken and pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue, finger buffet or very

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