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First and foremost, I would like to say that I am enthusiastic about the movie.

I have watched many classical films so far, and Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies. The actor playing the Gump who impressed me is Tom Hanks, not merely because his outstanding acting, but also his sincerely interpretation for the role, It touched me very much. Therefore I try to know more about the information of Tom hanks; he is really a great actor. He had won the Academy award of best actor for twice, one of them was by the role of Forrest Gump, and another one was Philadelphia. And then I was curiosity about the Philadelphia,and experience the classic of it. In this term, I realize the Philadelphia is one unit of the course, so I need to understand it very deeply. Now I finish it, but the result is surprise for me.

I can’t describe this movie in words, but it is no doubt that the movie is a classic. I admit that I’m not interested in th is film when I watched it in the beginning, but after I finished I realize it is rare. Next I will talk about my reflection about the Philadelphia.

Before I watched this movie, I have a fear of AIDS. I can’t image that this sort of thing would happen to me, even if my friend unfortunately suffered from this disease, I would be panic. Like most of us, there are full of fear and rejection to the homosexuality and AIDS in Joe (the role of Philadelphia)’s mind in the beginning. But what is so unbelievable is that he accepted helping Andrew to go to court which is about his dignity. However, what is the exact reason to let him make such a significant decision?

By his wife’s guidance and persuasion to the homosexual, he had changed his mind and had some different understanding to this special group. When he knew the condition of Andrew, he felt deeply pity and compunctious. And then He made the decision to help Andrew win back his dignity, though the process would be very hard. During this period, black Joe suffered many setbacks, for instance, his friends laughed his “stupid decision”, and he was mistakenly assumed to be a gay, etc. These series of difficulty for Joe and Andrew is not only the pressure, but also a huge challenge. Joe began to understand the gay community deeply and collected the laws and regulations about AIDS and homosexual groups. In court, he tried his best to help Andrew regaining his rights in convincing speak.

Additionally, when it comes to the fragments of court, I think it is one of the remarkable parts in this movie. Regardless of the final result, the debate words between the defendants and plaintiff are all brilliant. Otherwise, we can know the law in America is extremely sound from the film, especially behave in jury. According to my survey, the role of the jury is described as that of a finder of fact, while the judge is seen as having the sole responsibility of interpreting the appropriate law and instructing the jury accordingly. The jury determines the truth or falsity factual allegations and renders a verdict on whether a criminal defendant is guilty, or a civil defendant is civilly liable. The most important is that jury did not know the defendants and plaintiff before opening a court session. Consequently, their decision should be indifferent and objective. The

jury was a symbol of the attitude of American society that whether or not homosexual and AIDS can be accepted, because the jury symbolizes the entire American. On the basis of this movie, it just stresses the importance of human rights in this theme. In USA, No matter what your nationality are, whether or not you disabled or what your sexual orientation are, you are entitled to equal rights with ordinary people! Each people is born equal. Even if someone has AIDS, he or she still has the right to protect his legitimate rights and interests. Anyone who is in the society, no matter how power he or she is, he or she still has no right to dismiss the one suffering from AIDS. That is the law.

There is also another sensitive topic in the film. That is homosexuality. People cannot forgive Andrew not only because he is suffering from AIDS, but also he is a homosexuality. People cannot accept the question that about sexual orientation. Although someone thinks that people have the right to choose their own partner. That is a private question. In fact, we are social beings and we are inevitably constrained by society and controlled by the society. That is the truth. It is a powerful social force that is invisible. What is more, it is difficult to challenge the morality. It always accepts people to accept the existing rules and accustomed to the behavior of ideology. Anyone who wants to challenge it will pay the price. Maybe the open and civilized society is still not to ready to accept the issue. The gays and the AIDS are living in the dark. In addition, people watch them with colored glasses. The words that said

to them are full of despised and hated. We can not put our will to the others, because anyone has the right to think free. After all, it is a sexual orientation challenges that has thousands of years. Even for today, this is a serious and complex issue. But if want to live harmonious, we must live in love. Eventually, Life is very important for everyone. As a member of society, we should take responsibility for not only ourselves but also others. We should not do harm to others whenever and wherever. If everyone cares for others, our world will be full of love and become more beautiful. In our daily life, we have lots of chance to care for others, such as: help your classmates with their study, help the old people to cross the road, help you parents do some housework, donate money to the poor etc. You will feel happy if you try your best to care for others. And others will care you more instead.


《战狼2》观后感1000字 “人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。”这是我看完《战狼2》这部经典影片之后最直观的感受,最真情的赞誉,最诚挚的敬仰。说实话,自从看完《战狼2》这部电影之后,文天祥这句千古明诗,古人这句至理名言就一直在我脑海里回荡着,在我嘴边徘徊着,在我心头驻扎着,让我久久不能忘怀,使我久久不能平静…… 我想,看过影片的人,关注过影片的人,评论过影评的人,一定都牢牢记得“犯我中华者,虽远必诛;杀我国人者,皆我天敌”这句最经典不凡,最令人动容,最让人澎湃,最让人热血,最让人沸腾,最让人感动的台词吧!冷锋作为一个军人,作为一个特种兵,作为一个战狼,他始终如一的牢记着自己保家卫国,保家为民,忠心护国,诚心爱民的职责与使命;始终不渝的坚守着自己无谓牺牲,坚韧不拔,愈挫愈勇,永不言弃的精神与品质;自始至终的奉行着自己精忠报国,守卫国土,保护家园,保卫同胞的信念与决心。 影片在结尾的时候可以说是达到了最高潮,当达康书记含着刚强的眼泪怒吼出那句“开炮!”时;当冷锋把国旗紧握在臂膀上时;当众人开车安全通过防守区时;当影片最后呈现出“中华人民共和国公民:当你在海外遭遇危险,不要放弃!请记住,在你身后有一个强大的祖国!”这样振奋人心的字幕时,我不由自主落下了感动的泪水,万千影迷情不自禁流下了激动的泪水,亿万同胞情不自禁高唱起了激情国歌,世界各国人民不能自已的高喊出了中国二字。 《战狼2》无疑是一部成功的佳作,它不仅歌颂了中国军人的顽强精神,不仅唤起了人们心中的爱国情怀,更是彰显了中国国民一体的治国理念,反映了中国屹立东方的强国姿态。纵观这部影片,你会发现它从头到尾都在传递着热爱祖国,保卫国家的理念;自始至终都在体现着关怀人民,关情同胞的观念;时时刻刻都在赞颂军人气魄,兵人品质;每分每秒都在表达着英雄气概,英雄使命。试问,这样一部充满着正能量,充满着爱国主义,充满着国家情怀的影片,如何不叫人惊艳叫绝,如何不使人深深折服呢? 中华文化贯穿上下五千年,在这博大精深,源远流长的文化长河中,民族精神一直在发挥着举足轻重的作用;扮演着无可比拟的角色,占据着不可取代的地位。纵观历史,无论是苏武持节南望的赤胆忠心,还是岳飞精忠报国的碧血丹心,都令人深受折服;回首往昔,无论是范仲淹“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的匹夫有责,还是杜甫“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”的忧国忧民,都使人深感震撼。而我们作为建设祖国的未来,作为复兴中国的希望,我们更应该自觉的向先人学习,主动的向前辈学习,并且能始终不渝的把爱国主义放在最核心的位置上,只有这样,我们的国家才会变得越来越强大,祖国才会建设的越来越辉煌。


《费城故事》观后感 《费城故事》讲述的是安德鲁不幸患上了艾滋病,被雇主设计陷害成文件丢失被解雇以后,他请律师上诉的故事。这是一部在1993年拍的电影,在现在看来,仍然有很强的现实的思考意义。就我们现在的社会,不消说其他,企业为了节约成本,在招工的过程中,歧视女性的例子比比皆是,更何况还是早二十多年人们对艾滋病患者的歧视呢? 安德鲁曾是一位很有前途的律师,他的老板对他赞赏有加,将很多大的案子交给他负责。有一天,人们发现他的脸上出现了一些异样,这和之前的一位患艾滋病的同事的症状很像,于是他的老板处心积虑,设计安德烈丢失文件,并以此为借口,让他辞职。 安德烈本身是一个律师,对法律自然有所了解,他知道自己被解雇的根本原因是因为艾滋病,想要用法律维护自己就业的权力,可是他请了很多律师,他们都不肯接这个案子。直到他遇到了乔,乔一开始听说艾滋病感到很恐惧,又很嫌弃安德烈是一个同性恋患者,拒绝为他辩护,但是当他的妻子谈起同性恋的事情以后,他开始改观。 直到乔和安德烈在一个图书馆遇到,安德烈查阅就业歧视的条款,

乔同意成为安德烈的辩护律师,并开始收集证据。安德烈患病以后,知道自己时日不多,但还是坚持出庭作证。让我们最为感动的是乔问安德烈,是什么促使你成为一位律师。安德烈说,能成为促进社会公正的一份子,我很光荣。 当乔问安德烈的雇主他以往的表现如何,他们避重就轻,说安德烈工作有很多失误之类的话题。乔问安德烈的雇主,他有没有替你赢过官司呢?雇主说,有。乔一次次为安德烈辩护的时候,我们能感知他内心深处对安德烈的遭遇感到同情和愤愤不平。 安德烈是一个同性恋,他曾在看电影的时候,和别人发生了关系,之后不幸得了艾滋病。乔想了解同性恋的生活,甚至参加了同性恋的派对。当他看到两个大男人一起跳舞,他感到了说不出的恶心,但还是忍住了。 乔帮安德烈辩护的案子成了街头巷尾的热门,有些人见到乔以后,有了很多挑逗言语,借此侮辱乔。乔不为周围的舆论所折服,始终站在安德烈的身边,这让他也很感动。安德烈的家人知道他的故事以后,没有因为艾滋病,就歧视他,相反始终站在他的身边,鼓励他,支持他。


如何用英语介绍一部电影 【写作任务】 假定你是李华,你校英文爱好者协会准备在电影周期间展播一部英文电影。请你根据提示,给该协会负责人Ted写一封信,向他推荐美国电影《马戏之王》(The Greatest Showman)。 注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数); 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Ted, I’m writing to recommend The Greatest Showman to you for our school Film Week. _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ I am looking forward to your consideration of this film. Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 一、审题定调 介绍一部电影时,我们常用夹叙夹议的方式,即用记叙的方式介绍电影的剧情,用议论的方式发表自己的看法。介绍电影情节时要抓住重点,电影评论部分要客观公正。 在介绍电影情节时,多用一般现在时和一般过去时,人称多用第三人称。二、谋篇布局

因为该信件的开头和结尾部分已给出,所以我们只需要写出正文部分即可。正文可分为三部分: 第一部分:电影简介(上映日期、类型、导演等); 第二部分:剧情简介; 第三部分:发表评论。 三、组织语言 第一部分:电影简介(上映日期、类型、导演等)。 第二部分:剧情简介。 第三部分:发表评论。 【范文展示】 普通范文


《费城故事观后感》 费城故事观后感(一): 人的一生中最重要的到底是什么?是爱,是一分钟都不能缺少的感情和安慰。爱和感情像阳光和空气一样,让一个活着的人获得生命,获得成长的力量和勇气 题记 前几天看了一部想看很久的影片《费城故事》,先前就听说过它是讲关于同性恋方面的,但我对于此类类主题并不是大感兴趣,而真正地原因是在于其获得过奥斯卡大奖及其主演是汤姆。汉克斯,恰巧我又是喜欢看电影的人,所以便抽出空来去学校礼堂瞧了一瞧,因为这场电影是为了纪念世界艾滋病日而专门放映的,感兴趣的人不是很多,所以空位不少,随便挑了一张椅子坐下,可这一座,便是90分钟 主人公安德鲁是费城一位十分杰出的律师,他毕业于名牌大学,思维敏捷,精通法律,原本在事业上一帆风顺,可由于他同时是个同性恋,和其他同志一样,不时地出没于各种专属于同性恋者的场所,到那里去寻找只属于自我的快乐。但是十分可惜,他因此患上了艾滋病,我们都明白,这是一种致命的病毒,死亡率很高,而在主人公生活的年代,因为自身的某种不良行径而患上这种病则还有另一层含义:你将被社会所抛弃。因此当他的上司从他脸上的伤疤明白他患有艾滋病之后,便使用诡计将他开除出了公司,安德鲁当晚明白他被开除的真正原因,能够预见其当时的绝望情绪,但他并不服输,随后在走访了9家律师事务所都没能如愿找到帮他打这起非法解雇员工案子的律师之后,他踏进了乔(我们的男二号)的事务所。但是同其他多数人一样,乔对于艾滋病(尤其是因为同性恋引起的)一开始也是十分反感。他看不起同性恋者,认为他们是社会的异类,是不洁身自好的臭虫,并不肯为其打这场官司。于是安德鲁只好绝望的离开,但是当镜头长时光地给到其出门后在大街上好似四处寻觅的双眼时,我开始意识到我错了,他的眼睛里闪现的并不是绝望,而是坚韧,是期望。 影片到此已经是很吊观众的胃口了,观众急于想明白主人公将怎样处理这一绝境的,不出意料,安德鲁的确是个不肯轻言放下的人,他只身坐在图书馆中查阅有关保障同性恋权益的法律条文,或许在他心中始终有一个不变的信念:我与其他人一样,没有任何的不一样。另外,我想影片之所以把背景设置成为费城《独立宣言》的签署之地,就应是有意为之的,而主人公恰是一位律师美国司法界的一员,更是有想对美国司法界说点什么的意思。 事实上这起案件重点并不是经理对员工的解雇是否非法,而在于他的上司是因为对艾滋病患者的歧视才将其解雇。真正令我感动的也并不是艾滋病患者的权益最终被保护,而是主人公最后真的能够说一声Imready。他深知自我也许活不到庭审结束就会死亡,但是他依然不屑的努力,去争取自我的尊严,这种信念与坚持,正式打动我最深的地方。影片并没有将笔墨过多的放在主人公的个人情感上,也没有过多的描述如何去打赢这场官司获得赔偿,相反地,这些情节仅仅是一笔带过,重点是突出了安德鲁之所以能坐下去的原因。 那么安德鲁的信念来自何处呢?回答很简单:爱。并不仅仅仅来自于他的伴侣,更来自于他的家人,他的父母、兄弟姐妹 没有他们的支持与鼓励,安德鲁就不会有勇气走到法庭上,去追求自身的权益。爱是这部电影的主题,也是导演想要将他融会到社会问题中去的原因,艾滋病不可怕,可怕的是患病后被人抛弃,失去爱的感觉。当世人对你不予理睬,当你失去了工作,当你被人误解时,来自家

世界是平的 英文影评

Review of “Outsourced” “Outsourced”is a typical fish-out-of-water tale about a young American telemarketer who learns that his job is being shipped overseas. Todd Anderson (Josh Hamilton) spends his days managing a customer call center in Seattle until his job, along with those of the entire office, are outsourced to India. Todd rejects but when his boss informs him that quitting would mean losing his stock options, he has to go to train his Indian replacement Puro (Asif Basra). Out of constant cultural misunderstandings, Todd (Josh Hamilton) is frustrated with everything in India. He eats food by using left hand which is taboo in India. Left hand is considered as dirty hand, which is used for clean something. That’s why Todd (Josh Hamilton) can’t find toilet paper in washroom. It is quite different from America. Also Todd (Josh Hamilton) sees the personal questions, which asked by the hostess, as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy. She questions Todd during his classes, tells him he needs to know more about India. Because of cultural diversity, Todd (Josh Hamilton) has difficulty making the call center employees understand what their American customers expect. In order to get the length of a call down to six minutes, Todd (Josh Hamilton) teaches the Indian employees to speak in American way. While an employee Asha (Ayesha Dharker) questions Todd (Josh Hamilton) during his classes, tells him he needs to know more about India. She becomes his


《战狼2》电影观后感范文5篇 战狼2观后感范文(一) 这天,我和哥哥、妈妈一齐去完美易居城看《战狼2》。 这部电影讲的是:主角冷锋原先是战狼中队的一名特种兵,却因为犯了错误,离开了战狼中队。之后,他来到了非州当了一名商人,却意外被卷进了非州的叛乱。本能够安全撤离的他,因无法忘记军人的使命,不丢下身陷囹圄的同胞和难民们,以身犯险冲回沦陷区,带领所有被困民向邻国大逃亡。 这部电影让我有很多感触,异常是冷锋说过的一句话“一日是战狼,终身是战狼!”这句话说出了冷锋他的坚定,他当军人的坚定! 军人,是一个神圣的名字。全世界的人都对军人有不一样的看法,有人说,军人一点用都没时有用吧,不就是学学武功,打打枪吗?有些人认为,军人有用,可也就打仗的时候有用吧。可我认为,军人是无私的,他们要在太阳下、大雨中、大雪里去训练,吃的不好,睡的不好,就为了让我们这些平民幸福。 冷锋也是这样,为了救同胞和难民,不管自我的生死。我觉得军人是精神值得我们去学习、称赞! 战狼2观后感范文(二)

今日学校组织我们观看了《战狼》这部电影,我深受感触。 这部电影主要讲了一个名叫“冷锋”的人去一个名叫“战狼”的特种部队当兵,和战友一齐保卫祖国与外军对抗的故事。我觉得冷锋可真了不起呀!他能做到许多别人做不到的事情,他能杀掉外军中的精英“老猫”;他能把包含100多颗钢珠的地雷从自我脚下移除;他还能杀掉一个很大的犯罪团伙中的老大的弟弟,况且“老猫”还是这个团伙中的NO.1呢! 在他们行动的时候有一句话是我感受到了中华民族的强大,这句话就是“犯我中华者,虽远必诛”这句话喊得不仅仅有气势,也能诉说出特种兵的勇气和坚持不懈的精神。这时候我又不禁想到抗美援朝和中国反法西斯战争中,中国人的胆大和勇敢,也想到了国家领导人的伟大和无私。我们中国因为这些战争牺牲了多少人的生命啊!此刻我们的祖国是多么的强大,这是怎样得来的?是因为那些革命烈士们坚持不懈、勇于拼搏、不怕牺牲,用自我宝贵的生命换来的。“犯我中华者,虽远必诛!”还有什么别的话比这句最简单的话更能表达我此时的全部感情呢?“犯我中华者,虽远必诛!” 战狼2观后感范文(三) 自从出了《战狼2》后,导演和主演吴京的名声大振,凡是看过的评价都很高。本周二我和爸爸妈妈也去蹭了这个热度,看了之后,


Film Review on Philadelphia Philadelphia, directed by Jonathan Demme, featured by Tom Hanks and Danzel Washington, tells a story about a AIDS patients who has fired because suffering from AIDS fight for his right with legal. As the groundbreaking achievement in Hollywood's first look at AIDS discrimination, the movie is mainly about two sensitive topics: homosexuality and AIDS. To analyze the contradictions in the story from the theory of Structuralism, there are two sets of conflicts: the endless case with Andrew’s former employer, and Andrew’s good fight against sickness. The gay character, Andrew, a social outcast that facing to the death, is still fighting against the serious illness and the discrimination from the society all the way; The black lawyer, Miller, someone doesn't like homosexuals, agrees to take the case for sympathy. In the name of justice and humanity, in the spirit of compassion, Andrew and Miller tried to fight for legal right in a common action. They gradually become friends and come to understand one another during the quarrel. From Miller’s eyes, we can feel And rew’s love to life and live. There is a impressiveness scene in the movie: Listening to the inspiring music, Andrew put on a drip, described to Miller his hunger for affection, and his desire for life. Life is not what you see in the films, it’s much harder. “Philadelphia” was made in 1993, In that time, people’s attitude to AIDS and homosexual are stern, rigid and unreasonable. Most people still feel a hearty dislike about homosexuality, much more a gay with AIDS. "Philadelphia" leads the trend of innovation to the AIDS discrimination. It gave hope to the many others who face this dilemma at some point or another in their lives. On the other hand, it also tries to turn our view to the AIDS. For viewers of the movie, the meaningful question is not whether they sympathize with Tom Hanks' AIDS-afflicted, but whether that sympathy opens up a different perspective on the victims of the disease in the real world. We should ask several questions to our selves: Should the social outcast have the unfair treatment? What the Public opinions to AIDS? Will any sex orientation of the people be accepted by society? No matter what he is, he has the right to live on happily. That’s what I learn from “Philadelphia”. when I see the light. I know I'll be all right. Philadelphia.


The comment of "Pride and prejudice" Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by the famous English writer, Jane Austen, who was the sixth children in a family of seven and was born in the village of steventon in Hampshire in 1775 an d died of Addison’s disease in 1817. Pride and Prejudice is a love story, mainly tells the love between Elizabeth and Darcy. It divided into 2 volumes and is composed of 42 chapters altogether. The major characters are Mr. Darcy, A rich and proud young man. Elizabeth, the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Bingley , A rich young bachelor. Jane, the first daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Bennet. The story begin with Bingley’s arrival. One day when Mrs.Bennet hear Bingley has taken Netherfiel d, a house near her’s. She is so happy and arranged one of her five daughters marriage with him. At a ball, luckly, Bingley and Jane fall in love at the first sight. Darcy, a friend of Bingley’s , was attracted to Elizabeth, a lively and spirited girl. But Darcy greatly offends her by his supercilious behavior and this dislike is increased by Wickham, a dashing young militia officer of the unjust treatment he has met with at Darcy's hands. One day when Darcy and Bingley’s two sisters disgusted with the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and her two youngest daughters, effectively separated Bingley and Jane. Meanwhile, Collins, a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, married charlotte, a friend of Elizabeth’s, for Elizabeth’s refuse to marry him. But One day Darcy send Elizab eth a letter, in which he justifies the separation of his friend Bingley and Jane and make it clear that Wickham is. So Elizabeth changed her opinions and ideas toward him. Once when Elizabeth visited her uncle and aunt in the north of England, she met Darcy there and witnessed his changes through series of behaviors, no longer pride and become gentle and attentive, all these made their marriage arranged, and they also suitably provided for Bingley and Jane’s reunited and engaged. The story ends with both their happy marriages. Sir Walter Scott 评论 READ again, and for the third time at least, Miss Austen's very finely written novel of "Pride and Prejudice." That young lady has a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful I ever met with. The big bow-wow strain I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch, which renders ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting, from the truth of the description and the sentiment, is denied to me.—From "The Journal of Sir Walter Scott," March, 1826. We bestow no mean compliment upon the author of "Emma" when we say that keeping close to common incidents, and to such characters as occupy the ordinary walks of life, she has produced sketches of such spirit and originality that we never miss the excitation which depends upon a narrative of uncommon events, arising from the consideration of minds, manners, and sentiments, greatly above our own. In this class she stands almost alone; for the scenes of Miss Edgeworth are laid in higher life, varied by more romantic incident, and by her remarkable power of embodying and illustrating national character. But the author of "Emma" confines herself chiefly to the middling classes of society; her most distinguished characters do not rise greatly above well-bred


战狼2观后感 《战狼2》电影虽然是一部轰轰烈烈的主旋律电影,难免带着挥之不去的政治正确、坚定不移的指向性,所以影片中的叛军,也即是电影中的反派来说,就显得太过扁平化、太过一根筋,毫无特点与逻辑。红巾军为何如此残暴、灭绝人性?这样毫无顾忌的见人就杀、见人就机枪扫射、见人就扔炸弹放钢炮的行为是不是显得太过简单粗暴、幼稚可笑?更让人难以接受的是叛军这边的首领老爹,一言不合就开枪杀人,上司训斥他不要伤害中国人,他直接开枪把上司给杀掉了,最让人目瞪口呆的是,屠杀一个工厂里手无寸铁的老百姓和战狼成员冷锋、老何、卓亦凡等三人,竟然出动了一个连的雇佣兵外加各种机枪、重兵器、杀手、钢炮、十几辆坦克,如此小题大做、用高射炮打蚊子的做法充分反映了该红巾军首领老爹智商的惨不忍睹,甚至还不如被他杀掉的上司有头脑,至少他上司还要求部下不准伤害中国人,要争取中国政府的支持,和中国搞好关系。而叛军老爹却完全是一个智商弱爆的杀人机器。要消灭这种坏得无可救药的屠夫,最好的办法当然就是直截了当地“以彼之道,还施彼身”了。如果单从电影内涵上来说,这部电影的内涵并没有超越当下泛滥的抗战神剧所共有的思想高度,也没有超过好莱坞打造的超级英雄孤身拯救地球的个人英雄主义套路,这是电影的

局限性,其实不难想到,《战狼2》在在神话个人英雄主义的程度上还要高于去年的爆款《湄公河行动》,《湄公河》里至少还有一个全副武装的小队去剿灭贩毒集团,可在《战狼2》中,什么装备、什么支援都没有的冷锋怎么可能赤手空拳冒着敌人的枪林弹雨剿灭重型装备齐全、人数爆棚的叛军团队并且还要成功营救出上千名难民?这种事,蝙蝠侠都难以做到。除此之外,冷锋还不忘在炮火连天随时都会秒死的情况下谈一场浪漫的恋爱,好像他们不是在打仗,而是在打CF,死了可以复活似的。也就是说,《战狼2》这种神迹在真实生活中是永远也不可能存在的,这种“只身过险地,帅过宋仲基”的神迹只能存在于电影里。 即使这部电影有诸多这般那样的纰漏,但在我看来,它却仍能称得上是迄今为止最燃魂、最激励人心、最能提高中国观众共鸣的一部、也注定能收获满满怒赞的最高规格、最高制作水准的国产优秀电影之一。其原因就是这部电影从头至尾贯穿始终的爱国情怀、民族精神以及中国军人身上的那种百折不挠、万死不辞、不畏强暴、保家卫国、尽忠职守、齐心协力、义薄云天、心如明镜、高风亮节、舍己为人、即使天塌下来也能岿然不动、巍峨如山的高贵品质和人道主义精神。看完这部电影,我们会为自己身为中国人而自豪、庆幸,半个世纪以前鲁迅先生写过一篇文章《中国人失掉自信力了吗?》当时的国人都没有失掉,更何况是现在?


请从此页开始答题: A great film Philadelphia This film was absolutely amazing .I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. For me of the film ,the question is not whether they sympathy with Tom Hank" AIDS-afflicted, gay character ,but whether that sympathy opens up a different perspective on the victims of the disease in the real word .I want to say that I really like this great film. The main idea of the film is as follows: Andrew Becket ,a hotshot law graduate ,has a promising career ahead of him when he discovers that he has AIDS .Choosing not to tell his boss at the firm, he goes on working on the firm .But the partners learn of his affliction ,and while their dismissal is courted. They fired him. And Andrew knows that his AIDS and homosexuality are the root cause. After he is finally fired without explanation , he attribute it to the AIDS, and decides to bring this to the court ,even when he is losing his other battle against the disease. Andrew hires attorney Joe Miller to defend him , but the lawyer must first overcome his own fear of the disease and homosexuality. In the end, Andrew expresses his acceptance of death even as he acknowledges his continuing passion for life, and Miller feels fear as he recognizes that his client no longer disgusts him. This scene is Philadelphia's watershed. We still remember the words that Joe selected to impress the jury. “ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Forget anything you have seen on television and in the movies. There is not going to be the last minute surprise and witness and nobody is going to break down on the stand with the tearful confession. You gotten be presented with a simple fact. Andrew Beckett was fired. You will two explanations for why he is fired . Ours and theirs , it is up to you ,to sift though layer and layer of truth, until you 学 号 : 姓 名: 系: 专业: 班 级: 装订密封线 考 生 答 题 不 得 出 现 红 色 字 迹 , 除 画 图 外 , 不 能 使 用 铅 笔 答 题 ; 答 题 留 空 不 足 时 , 可 写 到 试 卷 背 面 ; 请 注 意 保 持 试 卷 完 整 。



篇一:费城故事观后感 费城故事观后感 影片《费城故事》讲述的是一个遭人歧视的艾滋病患者通过法律途径寻求帮助,最终获得胜利的故事。这不仅是一部简单的法律诉求案件,隐藏其中的还有对公平、道德的追求,它颠覆了人们对艾滋病患者的原有思维,呼吁不歧视,完善了法律,使社会更加公平。 影片主人公安德鲁本身是一个出色的律师,但因是一个同性恋者,并因此而染上了艾滋病,遭到一些同事及上司的歧视。他的boss因对艾滋病患者存在固有的厌恶感,故安排使安德鲁在工作上出现失误,借此辞去他的职务。本片的开头这一部分反映出了艾滋病患者没有公平的人身权利,遭到大部分人的歧视的社会现实,也是一个根深蒂固的社会问题。 安德鲁接受不了这不公平的待遇,于是四处寻求律师的帮助。社会的歧视深入人心,律师也不例外,再十余个律师的婉拒后,他找到了祖,那个出名的律师。原本祖也是不愿帮他的,甚至一些歧视的表现也显而易见,但当他慢慢的与安德鲁接触,并感受到人们对艾滋病患者不公平的对待后,他慢慢的改变主意,慢慢的走进艾滋病人群,慢慢的,接受了安德鲁的委托。 案件的主要部分,即对付公堂时的过程使我们应该关注的。案件的审判开始前,祖和安德鲁积极的准备有利证据,参考文献资料争取有利于己方的证据。记忆很清晰的一幕是在祖还没有接受邀请的时候,安德鲁自己在图书馆,翻找资料,甚至遭到了图书馆里人们的孤立,但是为了追寻公正的他并没有放弃自己应有的权利的想法,积极准备,这打动了祖,也打动了我。也许这不能很好地反映案件的一些基本过程,但是却是一个激励人心的场面。 在法庭上,双方就“上司在解雇安德鲁前是否得知其患有艾滋病”来确定上司是否存在歧视艾滋病病人的情况。尽管上司坚决否认自己事先得知安德鲁患病,但祖还是从旁敲击让陪审团认定上司在撒谎,这是案件获胜的关键。在法庭上,不少公司的同事都上庭作证,有歧视的事件存在,为安德鲁的案件提供了支持。争辩是激烈的,也是最耐人寻味的。被告方在法庭上一直抓住人们的心里弱点,即对待艾滋病患者的歧视,对安德鲁的一些日常的不检点的行为进行攻击,并且强调是安德鲁的工作失误。以前的boss对于法律的掌握非常清楚,没有承认控告自己的罪名,却从旁间接地引出对于同性恋患者的诚实问题,很大程度上获得了陪审团的支持,几乎让我们认为安德鲁输了。 但是,故事总是曲折离奇调人胃口。在关键的时候,关键证人的到场戏剧性的改变了故事发展的情节。另一艾滋病人的到场作证,使我们松了一口气同时,我们应该看到,在诉讼过程中证人的陈述是重要的步骤。本片用了大部分的时间在法庭的证人供述环节和搜索证据环节。作为一部情感电影来看,这些步骤扣人心弦,作为法律电影来看,这无疑告诉我们一些诉讼过程。 最终,官司打赢了,欢乐的结果伴随着安德鲁的离世,虽然带有意思的悲伤,但这不也在昭示着为了争取公平,总是会有人有所付出的。特别的,最后《独立宣言》的加入,作为《独立宣言》的诞生地,发生不公平的事情,最中以公平正义胜利结束,也就会是费城公平正义的形象树立起来,这也是导演的一番苦心吧。结尾是一场欢乐的宴会,也许人们还是对安德鲁有深深的留恋,但是却也是欢笑中的意思悲伤,更多的是人们的欢乐,使人们对安德鲁深深的祝福,是孩子们欢


Love will never change This is an inviting film. The plots of the film are ups and downs, which attract my attention from beginning to the end, and the film full of warm scene. Hallie Parker and Annie James meet each other for the first time on the summer camp. At the beginning they hate each other, but later they find they are twins. When the summer camp is over, Hallie Parker and Annie James exchange their identities. Hallie meet her mother and Annie also gets her wish. Their father, Nick, prepare to marry a lady Meredith, but the twins hope their parents remarried. The twins tell their parents their real identities arranging for their parents to meet. Then the climax of the story is appeared. The whole family members come together including Nick’s girl friend Meredith. The twins destroy the relationship between their father and his girl friend successfully, but their mother does not want remarry. She takes Annie back to London. We think the film is over and the will never meet each other any more, but we are worry. When Elizabeth and Annie step into the house they see Nick and Hallie. What an amazing time it is! Nick does not want lose Elizabeth again so he takes Hallie come to London. So the family members get together again and the story has a perfect ending. The film tells us that it is love that brings them back together. The love between family members will never change, and love can make anything
