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Ⅱ.Fill in each blank below with one word which begins with the letter given:

11. M is the smallest meaningful unit of language. (Morpheme)

12. The affix “-ish” in the word boyish conveys a g meaning.

13. B morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.

14. Affixes are of two types: inflectional affixes and d affixes.

15. D affixes are added to an existing form to create words.

16. A s is added to the end of stems to modify the meaning of the original word and it may case change its part of speech.

17. C is the combination of two or sometimes more than two words to create new words.

18. The rules that govern which affix can be added to what type of stem to form a new word are called m rules.

19. In terms of morphemic analysis, d can be viewed as the addition of affixes to stems to form new words.

20. As can be a bound root, a free morpheme, or a derived form itself to which a derivational affix can be added.

21. Morphology is a branch of grammar which studies the of words and the by which words are formed.

22. Morphology can be subdivided into two branches: morphology and

or morphology.

23. The phonological and orthographical realizations of a morpheme are termed .

24. [-t]、[-d]、[-id] are of the morpheme {-ed}.

25. “Careless” is the of the word “carelessness”.

26. “Gentle” is the of the word “gentlemanliness”.

27. A morpheme can convey two kinds of meanings: meaning and


28. affixes, ffixes, and roots are all bound morphemes.

29. Compared with a free phrase, a compound has different


30. The allomorphs [-s] and [-iz] of the morpheme {plural} indicates the applications of the

rule and rule.

III. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:

21. The morpheme “vision” in the common word “television” is a(n) ______.

A. bound morpheme

B. bound form

C. inflectional morpheme

D. free morpheme

22. The compound word “bookstore” is the place where books are sold. This indicates that the meaning of a compound__________.

A. is the sum total of the meaning of its components

B. can always be worked out by looking at the meanings of morphemes

C. is the same as the meaning of a free phrase.

D. None of the above.

23. The part of speech of the compounds is generally determined by the part of speech of


A. the first element

B. the second element

C. either the first or the second element

D. both the first and the second elements

24. _______ are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.

A. Free morphemes

B. Bound morphemes

C. Bound words

D. Words

25. _________ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.

A. Syntax

B. Grammar

C. Morphology

D. Morpheme

26. The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is _______.

A. lexical

B. morphemic

C. grammatical

D. semantic

27. Bound morphemes are those that___________.

A. have to be used independently

B. can not be combined with other morphemes

C. can either be free or bound

D. have to be combined with other morphemes

28. _______ modify the meaning of the stem, but usually do not change the part of speech of the original word.

A. Prefixes

B. Suffixes

C. Roots

D. Affixes

29. _________ are often thought to be the smallest meaningful units of language by the linguists.

A. Words

B. Morphemes

C. Phonemes

D. Sentences

30. “-s” in the word “books” is _______.

A. a derivative affix

B. a stem

C. an inflectional affix

D. a root

31. Morphology is the study of _______.

A. the internal structure of words and the rules that govern their formation

B. the uses of different types of utterances in different contexts

C. the differences between sounds used inhuman languages and sounds in nature

D. the rules that pertain to all languages throughout the world

32. Which of the following does NOT belong to “open class words”?

A. Nouns

B. Adjectives

C. Conjunctions

D. Adverbs

33. What is the minimal unit of meaning?

A. Phoneme

B. Morpheme

C. Allophone

D. Allomorph

34. There are ______ morphemes in the word “undesirableity”.

A. three

B. four

C. five

D. six

35. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?

A. Rainbow

B. Inaction

C. Icy-cold

D. Unpleasant

36. ______ are bound morphemes because they cannot be used a separate words.

A. Roots

B. Stems

C. Affixes

D. Compounds

37. Some words in the basic word stock are said to be stable because they ______.

A. are complex words

B. are technical words

C. refer to the commonest things in life

D. denote the most important concepts

38. All the following words contain the inflectional affixes except _______.

A. cares

B. careful

C. faster

D. books

39. The word “irresistible” is _______.

A. a compound one

B. a clipped one

C. a blended one

D. a derived one

40. Which of the following is not a free morpheme?

A. bed

B. tree

C. dance

D. children

41. Which of the following affix differs from others?

A. –ly

B. –ness

C. –ing

D. –ful

42. Of the following word-formation processes,_______ is the most productive.

A. clipping

B. blending

C. initialism

D. derivation

43. Morpheme that can occur “unattached” are called ______.

A. inflectional

B. bound

C. free

D. derivational morphemes

44. The word “motherboard” is _______.

A. a clipped one

B. a blended one

C. a compound one

D. an acronym

45. The word “kung-fu” is _______.

A. a clipped one

B. a blended one

C. a compound one

D. a borrowed one


第8章英语语言的应用(I) I. Fill in the blanks. 1. A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the _____ of, or the _____the utterance. (人大2004研) 【答案】consequence, change brought about by 【解析】言外行为指说话的效果。 2. When a teacher says “The exam this year is going to be really difficult”, the sentence would have an _____force. (清华2001研,清华2000研) 【答案】illocutionary 【解析】言外行为,表达说话人的意图。 3. _____ were sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and were not verifiable. 【答案】Performatives 【解析】施为句是用来做事的,既不陈述事实,也不描述情况,且不能验证其真假。 II. Multiple Choices. 1. The speech act theory was developed by _____.(对外经贸2006研) A. John Searle B. John Austin

C. Levinson D. G. Leech 【答案】B 【解析】言语行为理论是哲学家约翰·奥斯丁在他《如何以言行事》一文中提出的。它从哲学意义上对语言交际的本质进行解释,其目的在于回答”用语言干什么”这个问题。 2. Point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest. (Focus on the type of illocutionary act) (南京大学2007研) A. threaten B. advise C. beseech D. urge 【答案】A 【解析】A为命令性言语行为,而其他三项为指示性言语行为。 3. _____ is using a sentence to perform a function. (西安外国语学院2006研) A. A perlocutionary act B. An illocutionary act C. A locutionary act D. Speech act 【答案】D 【解析】约翰·奥斯丁在他《如何以言行事》一文中提出言语行为理论, 此理论对语言交际的


新编简明英语语言学知识点汇总1 Introduction 1.1 What is linguistics? Scientific study of language.

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Characteristics: ①language is system,elements of language are combined according to the rules;

②language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what it stands for, A rose by any other name would smell as well; ③language is vocal because the primary medium for all language is sound; Language is a system which consists of two structures. At the lower level there is a structure of sounds,which are meaningless by themselves.But the sounds can grouped or regrouped together into a larger numbers of units of meaning such as morpheme or words,which are found at the higher level of system(carp & park).Then the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite numbers of sentences;


语言学教程笔记 第一章语言学导论 语言的定义特征:从本质上将人类语言与动物语言区分开的人类语言的区别性特点。 1. 任意性:任意性是指语言符号的形式与所表示的意义没有天然的联系,任意性是语言的核 心特征。例如,我们无法解释为什么一本书读作 a /buk/,一支钢笔读作a /pe n/。 任意性具有不同层次:(1)语素音义关系的任意性。(2)句法层面上的任意性。 (3) 任意性和规约性。 2. 二层性:二层性是指拥有两层结构的这种特性,上层结构的单位由底层结构的元素构成, 每层都有自身的组合规则。话语的组成元素是本身不传达意义的语音,语音的唯一作用就是 相互组合构成有意义的单位,比如词。因为底层单位是无意的,而上层单位有明确的意义,所以我们把语音叫做底层单位,与词等上层单位相对。二层性使语言拥有了一种强大的能产 性。 3. 创造性:创造性指语言的能产性,指语言有制造无穷长句的潜力,这来源于语言的二层性 和递归性。利用二重性说话者可以通过组合基本语言单位,无止境地生成句子,大多数都是以前没有过的或没有听过的。 4. 移位性:是指人类语言可以让使用者在交际时用语言符号代表时间上和空间上并不可及的 物体、时间或观点。因此我们可以提及孔子或北极,虽然前者已经去世两千五百五十多年而 后者位置距我们非常之远。语言使我们能够谈及已不存在或还未出现的事物。移位性赋予人 们的概括与抽象能力使人类受益无穷。词在指称具体物体时,并不总是出现在即时、形象化 的语境中。他们通常为了体现指称含义而被使用。 5. 文化传递性:语言不是靠遗传,而是通过文化传递的。 6. 互换性:指人可以是信息的发出者,也可以是信息的接受者,即人作为说话者和听话者的 角色是可以随意更换的。 元语言功能:我们的语言可以用来讨论语言本身。比如说,我可以用“书”指代一本书,也可以用“书这个词”来指代“书”这个词本身。这使语言具有无限的自我反身性:人类可以谈论“说话”,也可以思考“思考"。所以只有人类才能提问:元语言功能对交际、思考及人类的意义是什么?


《英语语言学概论》课程教学大纲 一、课程说明: 《语言学概论》课程是英语专业本科阶段的一门必修课。 《语言学概论》研究始于20 世纪初,其目的是揭示人类深层结构,对语言和语言交际作出客观、科学描述。现已形成了语音学、音系学、形态学、句法学、语义学、语用学等一系分支学科。语言学研究社会学等人文学科的结合逐步形成了社会语言学这样的交叉学科。 对于主修语言学的学生来说,了解语言学的知识和语言理论是完全必要和有益的。 本课程的对象是英语专业高年级学生,在本科阶段第6学期和第7 学期开设。其中第一、二、三、四、五、七、八、十一章为必修,其余章节为选修。 二、教学目的及要求: 本课程的具体要求是:比较全面,系统地了解《语言学概论》这一领域的研究成果,以及一些最主要、最有影响的语言理论和原则,从而加深对人类语言这一人类社会普遍现象的理性认识,并具备一定的运用语言学理论解释语言现象、解决具体语言问题的能力。 本课程是一门知识性比较强的课程。在教学过程中,应重点讲授主要理论、原则、和研究方法,使学生着重掌握基本概念和基本理论,在理解消化的基础上记忆。 本课程的对象是英语专业学生,在讲解过程中原则上采用英语范例,但不排除一些有助于学习者理解的、针对性强的汉语例子。应鼓 励学生结合自己的语言实践提供更多的例子来解释相关理论,以达到理论和实践相结合的目的。

三、教学重点与难点: 本课程的教学重点是语言学的基本知识和基本理论,语音学、词汇学、句法学、语义学和语用学这些语言学的核心内容。 本课程的教学难点是音韵学理论、句法结构和各个语言学流派的理论观点及其局限性。 四、与其它课程的关系: 本课程是一门主干性课程。与其相关的课程,如语法学、词汇学和语体学等都是语言学的分支,属于选修课程。 五、学时与学分: 学时:72学时 学分:4学分 六、教学内容: 第一章绪论 本章主要教学内容: 1.语言学习的意义 2.语言的定义。 3.语言的定义特征 4.语言的起源。 5.语言的功能。 6.语言学的定义。 7.语言学的核心内容。 8.宏观语言学的定义及分支。

新版简明英语语言学 Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学

Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学 知识点: 1.*Definition: pragmatics; context 2.*sentence meaning vs utterance meaning 3.*Austin’s model of speech act theory 4.Searle’s classification of speech acts 5.*Grice’s Cooperative Principle 考核目标: 识记:*Definition: pragmatics; context 领会:Searle’s classification of speech acts 综合应用:sentence meaning vs utterance meaning;Austin’s model of speech act theory;Grice’s Cooperative Principle 一、定义 1. Pragmatics语用学: Pragmatics: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Pragmatic can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study.语用学研究的是语言使用者是如何使用句子成功进行交际的。语用学也可以看作是一中意义研究。(它不是孤立地去研究语义,而是把语义置于使用语境中去研究的一门学科。) 2. Context 语境:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language, it’s generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. 语境这个概念对语言的语用研究来说是必不可少的。一般认为他是由言者和听者的共享知识所构成的。 二、知识点 6.1.2 pragmatics vs. semantics语用学与语义学 二十世纪初,Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics 一书的出版标志着现代语言学研究的开始,同时也为现代语言学奠定了基础调,即语言应该作为一个独立的,内在的系统来加以研究。 语用学和语义学既有相关性又有相异性。两者都是对意义的研究。传统语义学把语义看成是抽象的,内在的,是语言本身的特性,不受语境的影响。因此传统语义学只研究语义的内在特征,不把语义研究置于语境中来考察。语用学研究的是交际过程中语言意义的表达和理解。语用学家认为不把意义放在语境中来考虑就不可能对语义进行充分的描述,因此在研究语义时是否考虑语境便成了传统语义学和语用学的根本区别所在。 Semantics 和Pragmatics的区分 Pragmatics studies how meaning is conveyed in the process of communication. The basic difference between them is that pragmatics considers meaning in context, traditional semantics studies meaning in isolation from the context of use.


Chapter 5 Semantics ?Semantics----the study of language meaning. ?Semantics is defined as the study of meaning. However, it is not the only linguistic discipline that studies meaning. ?Semantics answers the question “what does this sentence mean”. In other w ords, it is the analysis of conventional meanings in words and sentences out of context. ?Meaning is central to the study of communication. ?Classification of lexical meanings. Here are G. Leech’s seven types of meaning. ( British linguist) ? 1. Conceptual meaning (also called denotative or cognitive meaning) is the essential and inextricable part of what language is, and is widely regarded as the central factor in verbal communication. It means that the meaning of words may be discussed in terms of what they denote or refer to. ? 2. Connotative meaning – the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, embraces the properties of the referent, peripheral ? 3. Social meaning (stylistic meaning) –what is conveyed about the social circumstances of the use of a linguistic expression ? 4. Affective meaning (affected meaning)– what is communicated of the feeling or attitude of the speaker/writer towards what is referred to ? 5. Reflected meaning – what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression ?Taboos ? 6. Collocative meaning – the associated meaning a word acquires in line with the meaning of words which tend to co-occur with it ?(2, 3, 4, 5, 6 can be together called associative meaning–meaning that hinges on referential meaning, less stable, more culture-specific ) 7. Thematic meaning—what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order ?What is meaning?---- Scholars under different scientific backgrounds have different understandings of language meaning. Some views concerning the study of meaning ?Naming theory (Plato) ?The conceptualist view ?Contextualism (Bloomfield) ?Behaviorism Naming theory (Plato): Words are names or labels for things. The linguistic forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for; words are just names or labels for things ?Limitations: 1) Applicable to nouns only. 2) There are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world, e.g. ghost, dragon, unicorn, phenix… 3) There are nouns that do not refer to physical objects but abstract notions, e.g. joy, impulse, hatred…


一、课程性质及其设置目的与要求 (一)课程性质和特点 《英语语言学概论》课程是我省高等教育自学考试英语专业(本科段)的一门重要的专业理论课程,其任务是培养应考者系统地学习英语语言学的基本知识,掌握语言系统内部语言学各分支之间的关系和各分支的重要概念和基本理论,了解语言学在其它学科领域的应用,熟悉现代语言学重要的流派及其代表人物;通过该课程的学习,考生可以从不同的角度了解语言(的性质),了解语言学习和语言教学,为日后进一步学习语言学、从事语言教学实践和语言学研究打下扎实基础。本课程的特点是:专业术语多,概念多,内容抽象,所以,考生最好在学习本课程之前先学习提高语言读写能力的课程,如高级英语、泛读(三)、写作等,这样可以减少语言障碍,有利于学好语言学的理论知识。 (二)本课程的基本要求 本课程共分为本书共分四编,计十三章。第一编(一至二章)介绍了语言和语言学;第二编(三至八章)介绍了语言学的主要分支—语音学、音位学、形态学、句法学、语义学和语用学;第三编(九至十二章)为跨学科领域与应用—话语分析、社会语言学、心理语言学,以及语言学理论与外语教学;第四编(十三章)介绍了现代语言学流派。通过对本书的学习,要求应考者对英语语言学有一个全面和正确的了解。具体应达到以下要求: 1、掌握语言的性质、功能,以及语言学的研究范围、语言学的分支和重要的语言学概念; 2、掌握语言系统内部语言学各分支之间的关系和各分支的重要概念和基本理论; 3、了解语言学在其它学科领域的应用; 4、熟悉现代语言学重要的流派及其代表人物。 (三)本课程与相关课程的联系 英语语言学概论是一门基础理论课程,其含盖范围很广,既涉及语言系统内部的语音学、音位学、形态学、句法学、语义学和语用学,又涉及许多交叉学科,如话语分析、社会语言学、心理语言学、应用语用学(包括语言学理论与外语教学),以及本教程未涉及的神经认知语言学、计算机语言学、人工智能与机器翻译等。语言学的进一步研究甚至会涉及到哲学、逻辑学等领域。 在自考课程中,词汇学与语言学关系最为密切,词汇学的许多概念、理论和研究方法都来源于语言学。高级英语、泛读(三)、写作、翻译等课程则是学好语言学的基础。文学与语言学并非对立的关系,这两个领域的研究方法可以互相补充、互相借鉴,日后无论从事语言学还是文学研究,这两个领域都必须同时涉猎。 二、课程内容与考核目标


有答案的 第一部分选择题 41、Explain how the inventory of sounds can change, giving some examples in English for illustration. 42、Briefly discuss the individual factors which affect the acquisition of a second language. 英语语言学试题(2) 五、论述题(每小题10分,共20分) 36.Paraphrase each of the following sentences in two different ways to show the syntactic rules account for the ambiguity of sentences. (1)The shooting of the hunters might be terrible. (2)He saw young men and women present. (3)They were surprised at the president's appointment.

37.Decide the meaning of the following affixes and give each affix two examples. re- un- anti- super- -wise -itis -ize -age 英语语言学试题(3) Ⅴ.Answer the following questions.(10%×2=20%) 41.Explain with examples the three notions of phone, phoneme and allophone, and also how they are related. 英语语言学试题(5) 五、论述题(第41、42小题各7分,第43小题6分,共20分)


英语语言文学专业基础 本科目包括英语语言学基础、英美文学基础知识、英语国家概况、英汉互译四部分内容,总分150分,其中英语语言学基础15分,英美文学基础知识70分,英语国家概况15分,英汉互译50分。 I、英语语言学基础(15分) 一、考试要求和内容 该部分主要考查普通语言学的基本概念和基本理论。 二、考试题型 填空题、选择题、判断题、名词解释题。 三、参考书 《新编简明英语语言学教程》,戴炜栋、何兆熊主编,上海外语教育出版社,2002。 II、英美文学基础知识(70分) 一、考试要求 本部分考试旨在考查考生对有关英美文学的基本概念、主要流派、基础知识的理解和掌握情况,以及运用所学的基础理论知识分析、评论简单的文学文本。 二、考试内容 1、英国文学部分 1)古英语诗歌的形成、发展及主要文本。 2)英国中世纪文学的形成和发展、主要诗人及其作品。 3)英国文艺复兴时期的文学:“文艺复兴”产生的历史背景、定义及其主要特征、对英国文学的影响、主要作家及其作品。 4)新古典主义时期(十八世纪)英国文学:启蒙运动形成的原因、启蒙运动的定义、特征及其对英国文学的影响、这一时期主要的作家及其作品。 5)浪漫主义时期(十九世纪早期)英国文学:英国浪漫主义文学形成的历史背景、浪漫主义诗歌的主要作家及其作品、浪漫主义小说的主要作家及其作家品、浪漫主义散文的主要作家及其作品。 6)维多利亚时期(十九世纪中后期)英国文学:英国现实主义文学形成发展的历史背景、这一时期主要的作家及其作品。 7)现代时期(二十世纪)英国文学:英国现代主义文学形成的历史背景、现代主义文学的主要流派、这一时期主要作家及其作品。 2、美国文学部分 1)早期的美国文学:清教主义文学形成与发展、早期美国文学的主要作家及其作品。 2)浪漫主义时期的美国文学:早期浪漫主义文学的主要作家及作品、超验主义时期的主要作家几作品、后期浪漫主义文学的主要作家及作品。 3)现实主义时期的美国文学:美国现实主义文学的形成与发展及主要流派、美国现实主义文学与自然主义文学的异同、这一时期主要的作家及作品。 4)现代时期的美国文学:美国现代主义文学的形成与发展及主要流派、战后美国文学的形成与发展、现代时期美国文学的主要作家及作品。 三、考试题型 填空题、单项选择题、匹配题、名词解释题、文本分析题。 四、参考书 《英国文学简史》(新增订本),刘炳善,河南人民出版社,2007; 《美国文学简史》(第2版),常耀信,南开大学出版社,2003 III、英语国家概况(15分) 一、考试要求 本部分考试旨在考查考生对英美国家的地理、历史、政治、文化、社会习俗、宗教群体、价值观念以及该国人民的思想态度和生活方式的掌握情况。 二、考试题型 填空题、判断题、名词解释题。 三、参考书 《英美概况》(上、下册),张奎武主编,吉林科学技术出版社,2003 IV、英汉互译(50分)


第一部分选择题 I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%) 1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for correct linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___. A、prescriptive B、sociolinguistic C、descriptive D、psycholinguistic 2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible. A、mouth B、lips C、tongue D、vocal cords 3、The morpheme vision in the common word elevision is a(n) ___. A、bound morpheme B、bound form C、inflectional morpheme D、free morpheme 4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause. A、coordinator B、particle C、preposition D、subordinator主从连词 5、Can I borrow your bike? ___ You have a bike. A、is synonymous with B、is inconsistent with C、entails D、presupposes 6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___. A、semantics B、pragmatics

英语 语言学 知识点整理

★Haliday—child language. Macrofunctions: ideational, interpersonal, textual. ★what are major branches of linguistics? what does each study? Phonetics----the study of the phonic medium of language, it’s concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages. Phonology---the study of sounds systems—the inventory of distinctive sounds that occur in a language and the patterns into which they fall. Morphology---It’s a branch of a grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. Syntax-------it's a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of a language. Semantics---It’s simply defined as the study of meaning in abstraction. Pragmatics---the study of meaning in context of words. The study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Sociolinguistics—the study of language with reference to society. Psycholinguistics---the study of language with reference to the working of the mind. Applied linguistics---the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning. Chapter2 Phonology ★three branches of phonetics:①Articulatory —describes the way our speech organs work to produce the speech sounds and how they differ. ②Auditory-–studies the physical properties of speech sounds, reaches the important conclusion that phonetic identity is only a theoretical ideal. ③Acoustic-–studies the physical properties of speech sounds ,the way sound travel from the speaker to the hearer. ★Organs of Speech : Pharyngeal cavity–咽腔Oral cavity–口腔greatest source of modification of air stream found here Nasal cavity–鼻腔 ★Broad transcription: The transcription of speech sounds with letter symbols only. (leaf /l/) ★Narrow transcription: The transcription of speech sound with letters symbols and the diacritics.(dark /l/~) ★Phonetics and Phonology区别: are concerned with the same aspect of language- the speech sounds. ①Phonetics: it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages; phonetic features they possess; how they can be classified, etc. ②Phonology: it aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. ★rules in Phonology:①Sequential rules: Rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language. ②Assimilation rules: The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by’ copying ’a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar. ③Deletion rule: It’s a phonological rule which tells us when a sound is to be deleted although its orthographically represented. ★Suprasegmental超切分特征: The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segment are called suprasegmental features. the main suprasegmental features include stress ,intonation and tone.(intonation: when pitch, stress and sound lenth are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation. //tone: Tone are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords. Tone is a suprasegmental feature.) Chapter3 Morphology ★open class words: new words can be added to these classes regularly. Such as nouns, verbs,


胡壮麟语言学重难点 Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics 常考考点:1. 语言: 语言的定义;语言的基本特征;语言的功能;语言的起源 2. 语言学:语言学的定义;现代语言学与传统语法学研究的三个显著区别;语言学研究的四个原则及简要说明;语言学中的几组重要区别;每组两个概念的含义、区分及其意义;普通语言学的主要分支学科及各自的研究范畴;宏观语言学及应用语言学的主要分支及各自的研究范畴。 1. 语言的定义特征 1.1. 任意性 1.2. 二重性 1.3. 创造性 1.4. 移位性 1.5. 文化传递性 1.6. 互换性 2. 语言的功能 1.1. 信息功能 1.2. 人际功能 1.3. 施为功能 1.4. 感情功能 1.5. 寒暄功能 1.6. 娱乐功能 1.7. 元语言功能

3. 微观语言学 3.1. 语音学 3.2. 音系学 3.3. 形态学 3.4. 句法学 3.5. 语义学 3.6. 语用学 4. 宏观语言学 4.1. 心理语言学 4.2. 社会语言学 4.3. 应用语言学 4.4. 计算语言学 4.5. 神经语言学 5. 重要概念及其区分 5.1. 描写式&规定式 5.2. 共时&历时 5.3. 语言&言语 5.4. 语言能力&语言应用 5.5. 唯素的&唯位的 5.6. 传统语法&现代语法 5.7. 语言潜势&实际语言行为 Chapter 2 Speech Sounds

常考考点:1. 语音学语音学的定义;发音器官的英文名称;英语辅音的定义;发音部位、发音方法和分类;英语元音的定义和分类;基本元音;发音语音学;听觉语音学;声学语音学;语音标记,国际音标;严式与宽式标音法 2. 音系学音系学的定义;音系学与语音学的联系与区别;音素、音位、音位变体、最小对立体、自由变体的定义;音位理论;自由变异;音位的对立分布于互补分布;语音的相似性;区别性特征;超语段音位学;音节;重音;音高和语调。 1. 语音学及其三大领域 1.1. 语音学定义 1.2. 语音学三大领域 ①发音语音学 ②声学语音学 ③听觉语音学 2. 辅音 2.1. 辅音定义 发音时,声道的某些部位受到压缩或阻碍后,使得气流在口腔里转向、受阻或完全被阻塞,由此产生的音叫做辅音。 2.2. 发音方式 发音方式是指发音器官之间的关系,以及气流经过声道的某些部位的方式 2.3. 发音部位 发音部位是指声道的哪些部位发生气流摩擦、狭窄化或阻碍。 3. 元音


英语语言学基础知识 一、绪论语言学的定义语言的定义语言学的研究范畴语言的甄别特征 几对基本概念 (2) a large amount of communication is carried out in speech than in writing What is linguistics? 什么是语言学? (3) speech is the form in which infants acquire their native language Language and parole 语言与言语 Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general. 语言学是对语言科学地进行研究的学科。语言学所要 研究的不是某一种特定的语言,Language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. 而是人类所有语言的特性。 Parole refers to the realization of language in actual use The scope of linguistics 语言学研究的范畴 Competence and performance 能力与运用 Phonetics语音学\Phonology音系学\Morphology形态学\Syntax句法学\Semantics语义学\Pragmatics语用学Chomsky defines competence as the ideal users’ knowledge of the rules of his language \Sociolinguistics社会语言学\Psycholinguistics心理语言学\Applied linguistics应用语言学 Performance: The actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. Prescriptive vs. descriptive 规定性与描述性 What is language? 什么是 语言? Descriptive:A linguistic study describes and analyzes the


有答案的 第一部分选择题41、Explain how the inventory of sounds can change, giving some examples in English for illustration. 42、Briefly discuss the individual factors which affect the acquisition of a second language. 英语语言学试题(2) 五、论述题(每小题10分,共20分) 36.Paraphrase each of the following sentences in two different ways to show the syntactic rules account for the ambiguity of sentences. (1)The shooting of the hunters might be terrible. (2)He saw young men and women present. (3)They were surprised at the president's appointment. 37.Decide the meaning of the following affixes and give each affix two examples. re-

un- anti- super- -wise -itis -ize -age 英语语言学试题(3) Ⅴ.Answer the following questions.(10%×2=20%) 41.Explain with examples the three notions of phone, phoneme and allophone, and also how they are related. 英语语言学试题(5) 五、论述题(第41、42小题各7分,第43小题6分,共20分) 41. Under what conditions will two sounds be assigned to the same phoneme? 42. For the following sentence,draw a tree diagram to reveal its underlying structure.

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