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fight 用法


1、fight against sb. /sth 与……搏斗,打架,作战,

In World War Two, Britain fought against Germany with France.


与什么人作战、对抗时,against 可以省略

2、fight with sb. 有双重意思:(1)同……(一起并肩)作战


Have you fought with your brother again?你又和弟弟打架了吗?

They fought with the Italian in the last war. 他们在最后的这次战争中是与意大利人作战。

They fought with the Italian against France in that war.


2、fight(about /over sth.)因为某事而争论,争夺

Don’t fight about small things. 不要为琐事争吵。

The two dogs were fighting over a bone. 两只狗为一块骨头厮咬。

3、fight for sth.争取获得或完成某事

fight for freedom, independence, human rights争取获得自由,独立,人权等4、fight作名词,意为“打架;战斗”。


( )1. The island country had fought _____ the invaders for more than ten years

_____it became an independent republic.

A. against; before

B. against; when

C. with; since

D. for; while

( )2. Don't fight ______ classmates in school. Do you agree ______ me?

A. to, on

B. with, with

C. for, to

D. for, with

( )3. I had a fight ________my brother and he got mad ________me.

A. at, at

B. with, at

C. at, with

D. with, of

( )4. To build a harmonious society, we all have a part to play in the fight ____ injustice, unemployment and crime.

A. over

B. by

C. for

D. against

( )5. The United Nations fight freedom.

A. over

B. by

C. for

D. against
