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Abide v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。

I will abide by the director' decision.我将遵从主任的决定。

Adhere v.后接to表示“遵守”。(adhere一词的其它意思如“坚持;粘附”也经常被考到。) Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。

Conform v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。

All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。

Comply v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。

Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes.我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。


这三个单词都有“反常的”之意,在考研当中经常让考生们辨析它们的细微差别。Abnormal a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。

His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days,the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade. 他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。(尽管身体发烧不正常,但生活中也时有发生。)

Uncommon a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。

That is uncommon instant coffee;it tastes great!那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了!Disordered a.混乱的,杂乱的;(精神或身体)有病的。

We couldn't under stand her disordered presentation.我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。



Abolish v.指对法律、习俗、制度的废除;完全破坏。

The government abolished the tax on alcohol.政府取消了酒税。

Cancel v.对预先安排的某种活动(如旅行、计划、会议等)的取消;删去(字、句)。

The meeting has been canceled because of the flu.会议由于流感而取消了。

Eliminate v.指消除、淘汰已经存在但是现在不需要的东西。

The losing team was eliminated from further competition.失利的那个队被淘汰了,不能参加下一阶段的比赛。

The doctor helped him eliminate toxins from the intestine.医生帮助他排出肠中毒素。Dispose v.处理,处置;表示“除掉、扔掉”时常与of连用。(这一点需要注意。)

After your picnic,please dispose of the litter.野餐后请清除掉垃圾。

Erase v.除去,擦掉,指有意识地除去字迹、声音等。

I erased the music on the tape before recording on the tape again.我在往磁带上录音前先消掉了上面的音乐。

Exclude v.排斥;排除,不包括在内,与include互为反义词。Therestaurantexcludesanyonewhoisnotproperlydressedfromentering.衣冠不整者不得进入该餐馆。

Extinguish v.熄灭,扑灭(火);使沉默,使暗淡。

Firefighters extinguished a big fire.消防队员扑灭了大火。



Abstract n.概要,摘要,尤其指对学术论文或法律论据作的简述。

I have read the abstract of his book.我已经读了他的书的概要。

Digest n.(篇幅较长的)摘要,文摘,它是对原文的浓缩而不是对原文的简单解释,浓缩后仍保持原文的顺序、重点和风格。

Reader's Digest《读者文摘》

Outline n.要点,大纲,概要。

She made an outline of ideas she wanted to present in her talk.她把自己要谈的想法列了一个提纲。

Summary n.总结,摘要,指用寥寥数语概括文章或者讲话的要点,不考虑原文的风格。5.absurd,ridiculous,silly


Absurd a.荒谬的,可笑的,指因不符合常识、违反真理或不合逻辑而令人发笑。

There was an absurd idea that the earth was flat and motionless.过去曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球呈扁平状而且静止不动。

Ridiculous a.荒唐可笑的,指因为愚昧无知而令人发笑并成为笑柄,含有蔑视成分。

It is ridiculous to judge a foreign culture only by its food.仅仅根据一个国家的饮食来评价该国家的文化是荒唐可笑的。

Silly a.愚蠢的,傻的,指由于单纯或者头脑简单而显得愚蠢。

A silly little boy傻小子



Abundant a.(数量)充足的,常用于人、物产、资源、雨量等,含有“过多”之意。

Oil is in abundant supply in this country.这个国家石油供应十分充裕。

Plentiful a.丰富的,充足的,常用于食物、收获、财产等,不能用于时间、空间、思想等方面。

Eggs are plentiful at this moment.现在鸡蛋很多。



Accent n.口音,指某一地区语言的发音特征;重音。

He speaks English with a Spanish accent.他讲英语带有西班牙口音。

Tone n.语气,音调,指说话人的口气或声音的高低、轻重等。

He speaks to his baby in soft tones.他用柔和的语调和他的婴儿说话。

Dialect n.方言,土语,地方话,指一个地区人们所使用的语言。

The Yorkshire dialect约克郡方言the Sichuan dialect四川方言



Access n.接近,进入。

The people living in these apartments have free access to that swimming pool.住在这些公寓里的人可以免费地进入游泳池。

Assess v.评估(财产,价值)。

I assessed how much it would cost to build a new apartment.我评估了一下建一套新的公寓要多




Accommodate v.提供住宿、房间;适应,迎合,迁就。

This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.这家饭店可供500位来宾住宿。

The company accommodated the customer's wish and sent the delivery over night.公司满足了顾客的愿望,连夜将货物发了出去。

Afford v.负担,支付;当“提供”讲时,多用于指抽象事物的提供。

We can't afford that expensive sports car.我们买不起那辆昂贵的跑车。

The tall building affords a beautiful view of the ocean.从这幢高楼上可以看到大海的美丽景致。Furnish v.指提供生活或某种用途所需要的东西。

Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge,it is thinking that makes what we read ours.阅读虽然为我们的思想提供了各种知识,然而只有思考才能将我们读到的内容变成自己的东西。



Accomplishment n.成功,成就;才艺,修养。

Climbing that high mountain was an accomplishment for the hikers.对于登山运动员来说,爬上了那座山就是成功。

Being able to paint well is just one of her accomplishments.画画得好只是她的许多才能之一。Attainment n.指学识和造诣(常用作复数);达到,到达。

A scholar of the highest attainments造诣极高的学者

Achievement n.可指抽象的“成就”,或具体的“成绩”,与accomplishment是同义词。



Accuse v.指控,控诉,与介词of连用。

The police accused him of theft.警察指控他犯有盗窃罪。

Charge v.可以指因为小错而受的责备,也指因违法而受到控告,与介词with连用。

The police charged him with murder.警察指控他犯了谋杀罪。


这一组动词都有"获得,取得"的意思,在考研和CET-6当中屡次出现它们之间的辨析。Acquire v.多指经过努力逐步获得才能、知识、习惯等,也可用于对财物等的获得,该词强调"一经获得就会长期持有"的含义。

It is through learning that the individual acquires many habitual ways of reacting to situations.正


Attain v.指经过不懈的努力获得未曾预料到的结果;也可指达到某一目标。

The salesperson attained his sales goal for the month.这名销售员完成了当月的销售目标。Obtain v.获得,买到,用于正式语体中。

He obtained the property with a bank loan.他通过向银行贷款买下了那份房产。

Gain v.指通过较大努力获得某种利益或好处;亦可指军事上的武力夺取等。

An invest or gains by buying socks that go up in value.投资者通过所买股票价格上涨而得利润。Earn v.挣得,赢得,指因工作等而得到报酬或待遇。

How much do you earn a week?你一星期挣多少钱?

Achieve v.得到,获得,多指成就、目标、幸福的取得。

The movie star achieved success and wealth.这个影星取得了成功和财富。

Secure v.得到;把……拿到手,含有肯定占有难以得到的东西之意;使安全,保卫;作形容词比较常见,意为"安全的"。

A million signatures have been secured.已征集到了100万人的签名。

He secured the office before leaving it for the night.他晚上离开前锁好了办公室的门窗。



Acute a.剧烈的,严重的;急性的(病)。

An acute lack of food brought hunger to the Iraqi people.食品严重缺乏,伊拉克人民正在忍饥挨饿。

Critical a.意为"关键的",表示处于极度缺乏的状态或事件的转折点,与crucial相似。

与crucial的区别在于它对缺乏的或危急的程度有更准确的衡量;还指批判性的,分析性的。It is critical that you study hard for the exam or you will fail it.为了考好你必须用功学习,否则你会不及格的。

Crucial a.意为"决定性的,紧要关头的,至关重要的",最为笼统,适用于上述两种情况。Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.消费者信心的增强对经济的


Urgent a.意为"紧迫的,急迫的,紧要的",它不强调所指的问题是最重要的,仅强调"紧急的"状态。

We have an urgent need for help;we are running out of water.我们急需要帮助,我们的水就快要用光了。



Adjust v.一般指很小的改变或技术性的调整;修理。

I adjusted the air conditioner to stay cool.我调节了空调以保持凉爽。

Regulate v.指根据规定或需要对某物(机器、钟表等)进行调整或调节,使之准确工作或运行;多含有"控制"之意。

Lights are used to regulate the traffic.红绿灯被用来管制交通。

Rectify v.纠正,校正(错误、文章、合同等)。

He rectified them is take in the contract by changing its wording.他通过改变措辞纠正了合同里的错误。

Amend v.(正式用语)指修改文件、法律、规范等。

The politicians a mended the law to provide more jobs.政治家们修正了这项法律以提供更多的就业。

Convert v.改变某事物的形式或用途,还可以指改变信仰尤其是宗教信仰。

Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971.英国于1971年改用十进制货币体系。He's converted to Catholicism.他已经皈依天主教。

Alter v.使事物在外观、性质、用途等方面稍作改变。

The tailor altered the waistband on my pants because it was too tight.裁缝修改了我的裤腰因为


Modify v.改变,修改,以使某物更趋完善,还可以用来表示态度、脾气、意见变得温和。He was loud and angry,and his friends told him to modify his behavior.他粗声大气,脾气暴躁;朋友们告诉他要改变自己的举止。

Transform v.指彻底、深远的改变,这种变化完全改变了外观或特性,使被改变的对象脱胎

Remodeling transformed an old,dark house into a cheerful one.重新装修使这所陈旧昏暗的房子变得赏心悦目。

Vary v.强调没有一定规则、陆续的变化或差异。

Air fares vary from one airline to another.航空公司的机票价格各不相同。



Admit v.指由于说服、再三追问而"承认"某一事实或过错。

I admit that you have a point.我承认你有理。

Confess v.供认(罪行、过错等),含有"坦白、招认"的意思。

He confessed his crimes to the judge.他向法官供认了他的罪行。

Concede v.指曾想隐瞒或不愿意承认某一错误,但由于证据确凿而不得不勉强承认,还可以指"以退为进"的承认。

The man who caused the accident finally conceded to the police that he had done it.造成这次交通事故的人最终向警察承认他是肇事人。



Affiliate v.加入,成为……一部分。

An affiliated middle school一所附属中学

Link v.将人或物连接起来。

The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.群众臂挽着臂组成人墙。

Attach v.将某物系在、贴在、附在另一物上。

I attached a note to my report with a paper clip.我用别针将一张字条别在报告的后面。Append v.增加,附加(与attach的意思比较接近)。

The lawyer appended two more pages to the contract.律师在合同后又附加了两页。



Affirm v.坚信不疑地肯定或宣称,是deny的反义词。

He affirmed his love for her.他发誓爱她。

Assert v.指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称,或者清楚有力地坚持某个情况为事实。

She asserted that she was innocent.她宣称自己是无辜的。

Allege v.在无真凭实据的情况下宣称、断定。

The suspect alleged that he had not been in the neighborhood at the time of the crime.嫌疑犯声称案发时他不在现场。

claim .要求,声称,断言。多指根据某种规定提出的要求或主张。

They claim that if more people rode bicycles to go to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city.他们生成如果有更多的人骑自行车上班的话,闹市区的汽车就会有所减少。

Announce v.宣布,宣告。多指首次当众正式宣布某一主张或态度,常常带有预告的意味。The invention of the printing press announced the diffusion of knowledge.印刷术的发明宣告了知识普及时代的来临。

Proclaim v.宣布;宣告(成立)。指经过深思熟虑后向大众宣布一个明确的决定或判断,尤其指重大事件的宣布,多用于官方场合。

The president proclaimed an emergency when the war came.当战争来临的时候总统宣布进入紧



Aggravate v.加重(负担、罪行、病情等),使之恶化。

I hurt my foot,then aggravated it by trying to walk too soon.我的脚受伤了而过早的下地走路又加重了伤情。

Reinforce v.增援,一般用于军队或警察的行动;(以添加材料等)加固。

A police officer saw three thieves robbing a bank and radioed to reinforce him.一位警察看到三个盗贼抢劫银行,用无线电话要求增援。

Increase v.指数量上的增加。

The number of people has been increased.人数增加了。

Strengthen v.加强,巩固,增强,相当于to be come stronger。

Exercising every day strengthens the heart.每天锻炼可以提高心脏的功能。

Competition,they believe,strengthens the national character rather than corrupt it.人们认为竞争加强了民族性而不是破坏了它。

Intensify v.使变得更强烈、剧烈,加剧,相当于to become more intense or intensive。Intensify colors加深色彩intensify hatred加深仇恨



Alert a.警惕的,留神的。

The hostess remained standing,alert to every guests' drinking need.女主人一直站在旁边时刻准备给大家斟酒。

Cautious a.细心的,谨慎的。

He has a cautious attitude about spending money.在花钱的问题上他态度谨慎。

Considerate a.关心他人的,体贴的。

He is always considerate of others;he is kind and sympathetic.他总是很体谅他人,并且慈祥而富有同情心。



Alive a.活着的,有活力的,常作表语,作定语时必须后置。

After the accident,he was barely alive.交通事故后,他奄奄一息。

All man alive所有活着的人

Live a.活的,有活力的,现场直播的,

We watched the live broadcast of the opera on TV.我们通过电视观看了这部歌剧的实况。Living a.活着的,作定语可前可后,可修饰人也可修饰物。

Who is the world's greatest living artist?谁是现在还健在的世界上最伟大的艺术家?

Living room起居室

Lively a.活泼的,栩栩如生的。

She is a lively young girl,always laughing and doing things.她是个活泼可爱的小姑娘总是欢声笑语忙个不停。



Alleviate v.在痛苦方面的减轻,缓和

The painkiller alleviated the pain.止疼药减缓了疼痛。

Diminish v.指因为不断消耗,在数量方面缓慢减少,也指在素质或者价值的下降。

The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.由于战争石油的供应减少了。

Reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。

Her educed the amount of money they could spend.他缩减了他们的开销。

Decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。

The population decreased a lot last year.去年人口数量急剧下降。

Decline v.(数目、价格、比率)下降;谢绝,婉言推辞;衰退,衰落。

Last year,the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。

He declined our invitation to dinner.他婉拒了我们请他吃饭的邀请。



Allocate v.分配,把……拨给。

The city government allocated money for schools and the police in this year's budget.市政府在今年的预算中给学校和警察部门分配了资金。

Separate v.人为地分开,使隔离开。

We separated the salad forks from the dinner forks.我们把沙拉叉与餐叉分隔开。

Detach v.拆开组合的物体;远离,疏远。

We need a carpenter to detach this bookshelf from the wall.我们需要一名木匠将书架从墙上拆


Divide v.指将整体分为若干个部分。

The huge corporation is divided into smaller companies.这家特大公司分成一些较小的公司。23.ambiguous,obscure,vague,unclear,dim


Ambiguous a.意义含糊的,有歧义的,指因字、词、句有歧义而使人感到模糊不清、难以理解和把握。

His ambiguous directions confused us;we did not know which of the two roads to take.他的模棱


Obscure a.用于表达因光线不足而使人看不清楚。该词的引申意义可以表示语法、文字、记忆等因复杂、深奥、模棱两可而使人看不懂和无法理解。

The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to under stand because it contains so many obscure references.艾兹拉·庞德的诗有时候难以理解,因为诗歌中含有许多令人费解的典故。Vague a.含混的,不清楚的,多用于比喻意义,用来表示因逻辑关系不清、言辞笼统而导致的意义不清楚,该词也可表示轮廓形状的不清楚和模糊。

He has some vague ideas about what to do,but nothing specific.他大概知道他要做什么,但没有具体的计划。

Unclear a.指句意、字迹不清楚,使人难以看懂;不肯定的。

Unclear writing is difficult to understand.模糊的字迹使人难以辨认。

It is unclear whether the economy will get better.经济是否好转仍不明朗。

Dim a.光线暗淡的,看不清的;记忆力模糊的;不大可能的。

Don't work in dim light.不要在昏暗的光线下工作。

His changes of recovery from illness are dim.他康复的可能性十分渺茫。



Bewilder v.使困惑,使茫然,强调非常困惑,通常表现为心理和智力的紊乱,语气最重。

He was fired without warning and is completely bewildered about the reason.他没有得到事先警告就被开除了,完全不明白是什么原因。

When the farmers visited the city for the first time, they were bewildered by its complicated traffic system. 当这些农夫们第一次到城里的时候,他们对城市复杂的交通系统感到迷惑不解。Puzzle v.使迷惑,感到不解,强调不理解或解决不了。

Where the sunken treasure is puzzles explorers.沉没宝藏的下落令探险家们大惑不解。Confuse v.一般用语,使混乱,使糊涂,强调因混淆而使人产生迷乱。

He sent the wrong reports because he confused them with other ones.他发错了报告,因为他把它们同另外一些报告混淆在一起了。

Embarrass v.使窘迫,使为难,使困惑,有令人不快、难为情和内心混乱的意味。

Her boyfriend embarrassed her by teasing her about her new hairstyle in front of others.她的男友在别人面前嘲笑她的新发型,使她感到难堪。

Perplex v.使杂乱,使疑虑,使不安。

The new tax laws perplex me.新税收法律使我很费解。



Blame v.责怪,把……归咎于。

You can't blame anyone in case you fail the exam.万一你考试不及格,你不能怪罪任何人。Condemn v.谴责,用于比较正式的、严肃的场合。

The wife condemned her husband for drinking too much.妻子因丈夫贪杯而责怪他。Reproach v.(书面语)责备,表示不满。

His teacher reproached him for not doing his homework.老师责备他不做作业。

Scold v.责骂,训斥。



Blunder n.(因为无知、疏忽犯下的)大错,愚蠢的错误。

I think that I committed a blunder in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.这位女士由于我的问题感到很难过,我感觉到犯了一个大错。

Error n.指判断、计算或行为上的错误,也可指智力或道义上的错误。

The accident was the result of human error.这事故是人为的错误造成的。

Mistake n.误会,误解;(粗心、遗忘所导致的)错误。

I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.我错拿了你的手提包。



Brittle a.易碎的,易损坏的,通常是指坚硬的东西。

The bones of elderly people become brittle and easily broken.老年人的骨头变得脆弱,很容易骨折。

Fragile a.常常修饰使用时必须小心才不会破碎的东西,也引申为体弱的,虚弱的。

He's feeling a bit fragile after last night's party.他参加了昨晚的聚会以后,现在感觉有些虚弱。Frail a.(指人)体弱的,虚弱的,也可以指东西易碎的。

His mother has grown old and frail.他母亲已经年老体弱。

Crisp a.指食品的松脆;清新的,爽快的;活跃的,有生气的,干净利落的。

Crisp biscuit松脆的饼干

The student gave a clear,crisp answer to the teacher's question.学生干净利落地回答了老师的问


Invalid a.不正确的,缺乏证据的;无效的,作废的。作名词时,表示病弱者,伤残者,久病者。

Your ideas about the first humans are interesting but invalid.你关于最早的人类的观点很有意思但是缺乏证据。

A bad car accident made him an invalid.一次严重的车祸使他变成了残疾。



Boundary n.边界;界线。多指作为界线的标识物等。

The fence marks the boundary between my land and hers.这道栅栏是我的地和她的地的分界线。

Border n.较宽的边缘,边界,多指两国或两地之间的分界处附近的边缘地区、边界地带;也可以指物体的边缘等。

We crossed the Mexican border into the USA.我们穿过墨西哥边界进入美国境内。

Frontier n.边界,边境,边疆,指靠近边界(boundary)的区域;也可引申为“未开发的领域”,“(学术的)前沿”等。

The American West was still a frontier a century ago.一个世纪以前美国西部还是一片边疆。She is a biochemist who works on the frontiers of biology.她是从事生物学前沿研究的生化学家。

Rim n.边,边缘,尤指圆形或近似圆形的物体的边缘。

Verge n.(道路、花坛等长着草的)边缘,引申为“某事即将发生之际”。

On the verge of war战争爆发之际



Brief a.简明扼要的,简短的,指时间短暂,办事利索,态度明了等;有时含有"虽短但却不失全面"的意味。

The manager made a brief statement to open the meeting.经理致了简短的开幕词。

Concise a.(文字等的)简要、精练,常含有保留主要部分的意思。

His letter was concise,omitting everything not pertinent to the job.他的信写得简明扼要,省略掉了所有与该项工作无关的部分。

Curt a.三言两语的,简短的,常含有“草率”的意思。

He asked his boss a question,but got a curt reply,"I have no time for you now!"他问老板一个问题,但是老板草率的说:“我没时间搭理你。”

Succinct a.简明的,简洁的,简练的,尤指用词简练,除含有concise的意思外,还有经过压缩的或简化的意思。

Succinct summary of the argument论点的概要



Bush n.矮树丛。

Shrub n.有木茎的灌木,灌木丛。

Jungle n.热带稠密的雨林或丛林。



Certify v.证明,声称是真的。

He certified it was his wife's handwriting.他证明那是他妻子的手迹。

Rectify v.改正,纠正;整顿。

He rectified the mistake in the contract by changing its wording.他通过改变措辞纠正了合同里的错。

Testify v.(在法庭上)宣誓作证;表明。

He is the only person who can testify int his case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously. 由于其他的证人已经被神秘地杀害,他成为这件案例中唯一可以作证的人。Verify v.(用事实)证实或核实。

I verified the store's address by calling to check it.我打电话询问,以核实商店的地址。



Compel v.强迫,迫使,常表示运用权利、力量迫使对方做某事;有时也表示"别无办法,不得不做"。

His illness compelled him to stay in bed.他的病迫使他卧床休息。

Constrain v.力劝,强迫,与compel意思相近,但更多强调内心情感(如道德、怜悯等)的强迫和限制作用,一般用于正式的场合。

As an artist he didn't consider himself constrained by the same rules of social conduct as other people.他认为自己是艺术家,不必象一般人那样要受到社会行为准则的约束。

Force v.强迫,迫使,暴力威胁的意味较浓,常用于被动语态。

The thief forced her to hand over the money.强盗逼迫她把钱交出来。

Oblige v.(因法律、习俗等)强迫,迫使,常常用于被动。

We are obliged to stop the car at a red light.我们遇到红灯时必须停车。



Complaint n.疾病(主要指病人去看病时向医生描述的病症,既可以是小病、慢性病,也可以是传染性疾病);抱怨,埋怨,不满。

A heart complaint心脏病

Disorder n.(精神或肉体的)疾病(着重于身心、机能的失调、不平衡);骚乱,动乱;混乱,杂乱。

A disorder of the digestive system消化系统疾病



Complement n.补充,补充物,主要指补充不足使之完美。

Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.有咖喱的菜配米饭最棒。

Supplement n.增补,补充,补贴,主要指另外补加,增补。

One year after we made our report,we had to add a supplement to cover new events.我们在报告完成一年之后,必须增补一个包含新事件的附加部分。

Append n.附加,添上或补充某事物(尤指文字)。

The lawyer appended two more pages to the contract.律师在合同后又附加了两页。



Component n.零部件;(某事物的)组成部分;成分。

Tires,the engine,the body,and the seats are component of a car.轮胎,引擎,车身以及坐椅都是一辆汽车的零部件。

Element n.元素;组成部分,方面;某特定类型的人或群体,分子。

The elements hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.氢元素和氧元素构成了水。

He belongs to a bad element in this city.他属于这个城市的坏分子。

Factor n.因素,要素,侧重指原因。

Endurance is an important factor in success in sports.耐力是体育比赛成功的一个重要因素。Ingredient n.原料,成分,要素。

Flour,milk,butter and yeast are some ingredients in bread.面粉、牛奶、黄油和酵母是做面包的一些原料。



Comprise v.包含,包括,由……组成(整体);组成,构成。

Our company's product line comprises2,500 different items.我们公司的生产线是由2,500个不同的组成部分构成的。

Compose v.构成(整体),组成;由……组成(后接of,常用于被动语态);创作(作曲、诗歌等)。The committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents.委员会主要由教师和学生家长组成。

Consist v.组成,构成,由……组成(后接of,常用于主动语态);(后接in)在于,存在于。

The problem consists of two parts.问题由两部分组成。

The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.这计划的好处就在于简单易行。

Constitute v.构成,组成(整体)。

Crime and illegal drugs constitute the city's major problems.犯罪和非法毒品买卖是这个城市面临的主要问题。

Include v.包括,包含,把……列入。

The conference delegates included representatives from a broad.大会代表中有来自海外的代表。



Concentrate v.集中,集中精力(后接on,宾语可以是具体或抽象的东西);浓缩,压缩。During exams,students concentrate hard on answering the questions.考试期间,同学们集中精力回答问题。

Focus v.集中(于某事物);将(注意力等)集中于……(后接on,宾语一般不是具体的东西)。Please focus your minds on the following problem.请集中考虑以下问题。



Confinement n.限制,囚禁(于某地或某种境地)。

The prisoner was sentenced to three months' solitary confinement.那犯人被判处单独监禁三个月。

Limitation n.限制,局限;(能力的)缺点,弱点。

That employee has limitations on what work he can do.那个雇员能做的工作有限。

Restraint n.克制,抑制;约束措施。

Even though the mother was very angry,she acted with restraint and didn' tyell at her child.即使母亲很生气,她仍克制自己没有向孩子大吼。



Considerable a.相当大的,相当多的;值得考虑的。

That family owns a considerable amount of land.那个家族拥有大量的土地。

Considerate a.考虑周到的,体贴的,后面常跟of结构。

He is always considerate of others;he is kind and sympathetic.他总是很体谅别人,他很慈善并且富有同情心。



Conserve v.保存,保藏,保护(强调节约)。

In winter,some people conserve energy by lowing the heat at night.冬天为节约能源有些人在夜里把暖气调小。

Preserve v.保护;维持;保养;防止(食物)腐败(强调使不受破坏)。

The government preserves the rights of the individual person.政府保护个人的权利不受侵犯。Reserve v.保留,储备(强调为某一特殊目的);订(座位),预定。

We are reserving these seats for my parents.我们把这些座位留给我的父母。



Continual a.连续不断的;频繁的。表示时断时续的发生。

That dog's barking is a continual annoyance.那条狗不停地叫,真是烦死人了。

Continuous a.不停的,连续不断的,强调中间不停顿。

Our homes and offices need a continuous supply of electricity.我们的家庭以及办公室需要不间断的供电。

Constant a.不断的,经常的,强调始终如一地经常出现。

Everything in the universe is in constant motion.宇宙中的万物都在不断地运动。

Incessant a.不停的,持续不断的,强调令人厌烦地重复出现,中间有可能有停顿。Incessant noise makes me appreciate silence.持续不断的噪声骚扰使我喜欢安静的环境。



Convert v.转变,变换,含有"使某人改变观点"的意思。

He wants to convert to Catholicism.他要皈依天主教。

Invert v.使颠倒,使倒转,使反向。常常表示位置、顺序、方向等的颠倒。

The baby inverted the cup and spilled her orange juice.婴儿把杯子打翻,弄洒了里面的橙汁。Revert v.归还,恢复原状。指回到原来的状态或情形。

John gave his brother a house,and when his brother died,ownership reverted back to John.约翰送给他的哥哥一所房子,当他的哥哥去世后,房子的所有权重新归于约翰。

Transform v.改变,转变,指形状、颜色、大小、性质等的改变。

A little paint will soon transform the old house.刷一点油漆很快就会使这所旧房子大为改观。



Credible a.可信的,可靠的。

That the student told the teacher a credible story that she missed classes because she was sick.那个学生跟老师讲了实情,她没来上课是因为她病了。

Credulous a.轻信的,易于相信的。

She was credulous when she listened to the salesman and bought the car for too much money.她很容易轻信别人,竟然听信那个销售员的话以高价买了那辆车。

Plausible a.似乎有理的(可信的)。常带有怀疑的意思。

Even though it is a plausible explanation,I am not completely convinced.虽然这个解释合理,但仍不可能使我完全相信。



Decline v.婉言拒绝,谢绝,相当于refuse politely,主要用于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或动词不定式,主语只能是人。

I invited her to join us,but she declined.我邀请她和我们在一起,可是她婉言谢绝了。Refuse v.是比较普通的用词,表示"拒绝",含有非常坚决地、不客气地拒绝的意思。Reject v.抛弃,不采纳,主语可以是人或物,后接名词,不能接动词不定式。

He asked her to go to the movies three times,and each times he rejected him.他三次约她去看电影,但每一次都被拒绝。

Deny v.否认,否定,其后可接名词,代词或that从句。

The defendant denied the accusations made against him in court.被告在法庭上否认了对他的指控。



Deduce v.推断,推理,演绎。

My friend becomes quiet when his girlfriend is angry with him;today he is quiet and so I educe she is angry.我的朋友在他的女朋友生他的气的时候就会变得沉默,今天他很沉默,所以我推断她生气了。

Induce v.引诱,劝;引起,导致。

We couldn't induce the old lady to travel by air.我们无法劝说那位老太太坐飞机去。

Reduce v.减轻,减小;降低。

He reduced his weight by 20 pounds by eating less and exercising.他通过节食和运动,体重减轻了20磅。



Delay v.延期,延缓,耽搁,常指由于不可避免的障碍等原因而延期。

Her late arrival delayed the start of the meeting.她的迟到使会议延迟开始。

Postpone v.耽搁,暂缓,常指将某事放置一边,等到另一事发生或一定时间后再做。

Our meeting for today was postponed until next week.我们今天的会议推迟到下周举行。demonstrate,illustrate


Demonstrate v.多指通过具体动作或物体进行演示、示范、表演、展示等以达到说明或解释的目的。

This salesman demonstrated how to cook with a pressure cooker.这个推销员当众演示如何用压力锅煮东西。

Illustrate v.强调通过举例、列图表或比较等方式来说明道理。

The teacher illustrated the history lesson by telling a story about George Washington.那个老师通过乔治·华盛顿的故事来讲述他的历史课。



Disappear v.消失,不见;灭绝,不复存在。是个一般用语。

The little dog was just there,then he disappeared.那条小狗刚才就在那里,然后就不见了。

Vanish v.消失,不见,指突然间化为乌有,强调非常彻底地、神秘莫测地消失、失踪。

The man ran into the shop and vanished from sight.那个男子跑到了商店里,然后就消失了。Fade v.指衣服的颜色褪色,声音的逐渐消失。

The wall paper has faded from red to pale pink.墙纸从红色褪成了淡粉色。



Decline v.(数量、数字、价格、比率)下降,下落。

Last year,the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。Decrease v.减少,减小,强调逐渐地下降或减少的过程。

Diminish v.(力量、势力)减弱,减少,强调由于某种原因而减少,这种减少可以造成能够为人们所察觉的后果或损失。

The need to take action has diminished.已经没有多少需要采取行动的必要性了。

Reduce v.是及物动词,指通过人为的方法在数量、规模、范围等方面减少,也可以指在地位、重要性方面降低等级。

He reduced his weight by 20 pounds by eating less and exercising.他通过节食和运动,体重减轻了20磅。



Deviate v.背离,偏离。多指脱离正轨或正题等。

He deviated from society by becoming a drug addict.他成为一名吸毒者,从而违背了社会道德准则。

Distract v.使分心,分散(注意力、心理等)。常带有不能专心的意思。

Noise distracts him,so he can't study for exams.喧闹声分散了他的注意力,所以他无法进行考试的复习。

Divert v.转移,使转向,着重改变后的结果,后常接介词from。

Aloud noise diverted every one's attention from their work.一声巨响转移了每个人的工作注意力。



Dip v.浸,浸染,蘸。多指短时地将某物部分地浸到液体中,有小心翼翼的意思。

The artist dipped his brush in the paint.艺术家拿画笔蘸了蘸颜料。

Immerse v.沉浸,使沉浸于。指全部浸泡在液体中达一段时间,也可指一种氛围。Students immerse themselves in their studies.同学们在专心致志地学习。

Submerge v.浸没,淹没。多指全部浸没在水下达一定深度。

The girl was submerged in the shallow end of the pool.女孩泡在水池的浅水区一端。



Divide v.分开,划分,指把整体分成若干部分,也表示"疏远"的意思,常用结构为"divide…from"。

The huge corporation divided into smaller companies.这家大公司分成了一些较小的公司。Separate v.作及物动词时,意思是"分隔",指把原来连接在一起或靠近的东西分隔开来,常用结构为"separate…from";作不及物动词时,表示"分散,分别"。


Duty n.指道义上的责任,强调自觉性,作可数名词时指本职工作的任务。

His duty is to see that the business runs well.他的职责是保证生意良好运转。

Obligation n.指合同或法律上规定的"责任,义务",强调其约束力。

Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.父母有法律上的义务确保其子女受到适合其年龄的有效教育。Responsibility n.职责,强调对后果要负责任的意思。

His father is ill,and he has the responsibility of caring for him.他的父亲病了,他有责任照顾他。



Eject v.跳出,喷出,弹射出。

The pilot ejected from the falling air plane.飞行员从坠落的飞机中弹射出去。

Inject v.注射。

The nurse injected some medicines into the patient with a needle.护士用注射器给患者打针。Project v.伸出,突出;预计,预报;投射,放映。

The balcony projects out beyond the wall of the house.阳台从房子的墙壁上突出来。

The government projects that the defense budget will increase by 20%.政府预计国防预算将增长百分之二十。


Eligible a.享有权利的,具备资格的。

He graduated from high school with good grades,so he is eligible to enroll in the state college.他


Illegible a.很难看懂的,难以辨认的。

The writing is illegible;I cannot read what it says.字迹不清楚,我看不清上面写的是什么。55.eminent,imminent


Eminent a.著名的,卓越的,接触的。

He is eminent in the field of linguistics.他在语言学领域很有名。

Imminent a.即将发生的,迫在眉睫的,临近的。

The wedding date is imminent,so we must send invitations.婚礼迫近,所以我们必须发放请柬了。



Emotion n.情感,感情,指喜怒哀乐等较激动的情绪,表示某物引起的激动。

He felt mixed emotions when he thought of her.当他想起她时便产生一种复杂的感情。Feeling n.指一般的情绪、感觉,它一般不反映感情的本质和强度。

Passion n.激情,热情,欲望,极度的仇恨,指强烈的爱好、愤怒或情欲。

He spoke with passion about the love of freedom.他满腔热情地谈论着对自由的热爱。Sensation n.指人体感官受到外部刺激时产生的感觉,知觉。

When she watched the film,she had the sensation that she was in a moving car.她看电影时,感觉自己正坐在一辆开动的汽车上。

Sentiment n.思想感情情绪感情色彩指由于某种思想唤起的感情,强调主观作用,有时候也带有理智成分。

When our grandmother died,we remembered her life with strong sentiment.当祖母逝世时,我们深深地怀念她的一生。



Encourage v.鼓励,促进,含有"使增强勇气或给予希望"的意味。

He encouraged his son to go to good college.他鼓励他的儿子上名牌大学。

Excite v.指使人感到激动、兴奋;煽动,鼓动。

The band played louder and excited the audience.乐队演奏得更响亮了,使观众兴奋起来。Inspire v.鼓舞,激发,影响,常常带有"启迪,启发"的意思。

My mother inspires us with stories of her difficult childhood.我的妈妈给我们讲童年时的艰苦生活以激励我们。

Motivate v.激发,促动,强调激起动机去做某事。

A desire to go to medical school motivates her to study hard every day.她希望上医学院,这成了她每天努力学习的动力。





Equal a .(数字、数量、权力、价值)相等的;(指人)胜任的。

Those two tables are of equal length.这两张桌子一样长。

It is a big responsibility to take on,so I hope he's equal to the task.要担负的责任很大,我希望他能够胜任这项任务。

Equivalent a.相等的,相同的,与equal基本可以互换使用。

The two computers are equivalent in speed.这两台计算机在运算速度上是相同的。

Identical a.同一的,完全相同的。

The boys are identical twins.这两个男孩子是一模一样的双胞胎。


Equipment n.指生产、研究所需要的设备、装置,如各种机器和器材,是不可数名词。

A factory with modern equipment具有现代化设备的工厂

Facility n.指较大的设施、设备,尤指公用的、为大众带来便利的设备。

The facility at that club includes tennis courts and a swimmingpool.那家俱乐部的体育设施包括网球场地和一个游泳池。

Instrument n.乐器,仪器,为某个用途而使用的工具。

As a flexible actor,he can perform,sing,dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.作为一个多才多艺的演员,他既可以表演,又会唱歌跳舞,还能够演奏不同种类的乐器。60.essential,indispensable,necessary

Essential a.表示属于某事物的要素或特征是"主要的,核心的,本质的,必不可少的"。The essential point is we must do what the contract says.核心的一点是我们必须按照合同的规定去做。

Indispensable a.强调客观上是必不可少的,否则就无法维持生命或做不成某一件事。Warm clothing is indispensable in cold weather.在寒冷的天气里,厚衣服是必不可少的。Necessary a.是一般用语,强调从主观上看是必须的,不可避免的。



Exceed v.多于,大于,超过,多指数量或允许的限度。

Sales of the new product exceeded our estimates.新产品的销售超出了我们的预计。

Surpass v.优于或超过某人(某物)。

The runner surpassed his old record by 10 seconds.跑步运动员比他过去的记录提高了10秒。Transcend v.超出或超越,一般指超越经验、常识、普通能力等,强调难以为大众理解。The nature of God transcends of human comprehension.上帝的本质难以为人们所理解。


Faint a.虚弱的,眩晕的,指人在特定场合感觉到的虚弱,通常不是天生体质上的虚弱而是由于某种原因造成的暂时的情况。

The summer sun was so strong that she felt faint.夏天的阳光太强烈了,她感觉到眩晕。Feeble a.虚弱的,无力的,常用来形容人的声音或行为。

The elderly lady has become feeble and unable to care her self.这个老太太已经很虚弱了,无法照顾她自己。

Fragile a.脆弱的,易碎的,指物体容易打碎,或人体质虚弱、容易受伤害。

That dish is fragile,so be careful.那个盘子容易碎,所以千万小心。

Weak a.这组词中应用范围最广的一个,既可以指身体虚弱的,无力的,也可引申为在力量、权力、技能、影响等方面有欠缺或软弱。

The patient is losing blood and becoming weak.病人在失血,身体开始虚弱下去。


Feasible a.可行的,行得通的,用来表示实施后可以成功的。

Your work plan is feasible,so we can build the bridge immediately.你的工作计划是可行的,所以我们可以马上修建那座桥。

Practicable a.能实施的,可行的,只表示一种可能性,但是实施后的效果不一定理想。Their marriage was so bad that divorce seemed the only practicable solution.他们的婚姻是如此


Practical a.实践的,实用的,实际的,指未经过实践检验的事物,如计划、项目等。

She felt that most of what she learned in the course was of no practical use.她感到在课上学到的大部分知识都没有实际用途。

Pragmatic a.讲究实际的,实用的,务实的,强调用常识解决实际问题,不追求不切实际的目标。

He would like to be a doctor,but he has a pragmatic attitude and realizes that he cannot afford medical school.他想成为一名医生,但是他很实际,知道自己上不起医学院。



Gaze v.凝视,注视,指由于好奇、感叹、长时间目不转睛地看。

She gazed at her beautiful new diamond ring.她凝视着自己的这颗美丽崭新的钻戒。

Gape v.(张着嘴、瞪大眼睛)呆看,强调一种吃惊的状态。

The children gaped at the big elephant in the zoo.在动物园,孩子们张大了嘴巴呆呆地看着大象。

Glance v.(粗略地、随便地)一瞥,看一眼。

He glanced over the letter he had just received.他把刚收到的那封信粗略地看了一遍。

Glare v.怒目而视,强调怀有敌意或在气愤的情绪下看;眩目地照射。

The woman glared at the man after he shouted rudely at her.那男人粗暴地冲她大声喊叫,她也怒目而视。

Glimpse v.与glance意思相近,短促地看一眼,一瞥。

Peer v.指眯起眼睛仔细看,尤指看不清楚的情况下;费力地看,凝视。

Being somewhat short-sighted,she has the habit of peering at people.因为有点近视她有眯着眼睛


Peep v.窥视,偷看。

The mother peeped into the bedroom to see if her child was asleep.母亲偷偷向卧室看了一下,看她的孩子是否睡着了。

Stare v.凝视,盯着,指由于好奇、惊讶、赞叹等原因而瞪大眼睛长时间地、直接地注视,常常含有粗鲁无礼的意思。

I told my son to stop staring at that fat woman;it wasn't nice.我告诉儿子不要盯着那个胖女人那样看人不礼貌。



Historical a.历史上的,有关历史的,史学方面的,以历史为基础的。

The French Revolution was of great historical importance.法国革命具有重要的历史意义。Historic a.历史上著名的,重要的。

A historic meeting between two leaders两个领袖间历史性会晤



Hospitality n.热情招待,殷勤好客。

We enjoyed the hospitality of friends at their country home.朋友们在乡下的居所热情地招待了我们,使我们过得很愉快。

Hostility n.来自与形容词hostile(不友善的,敌对的),敌意,对抗。

You can feel the hostility coming from that man.你可以感觉到那个人的敌意。


Hypercritical a.吹毛求疵的,批评苛刻的。

He is so hypercritical that he corrects every mistake his students made.他很苛刻对于学生的每个错误都要纠正。

Hypocritical a.虚伪的,伪善的。

Hypocritical behaviour伪善的行为



Ignore v.忽视,不理睬,指有意识地拒绝。

She saw him coming but she ignored him.她看见他走过来,但是装作没看见。

Neglect v.忽视,忽略,疏忽,指无意识地忽视或忘记。

He neglected to make repairs in his house.他忘记了修理房子。

Omit v.遗漏,忽略,忘记,指由于疏忽而忘记,也可以表示因不利或不好而被忽略等。She omitted several steps in the experiment and it failed.她在实验中遗漏了几个步骤,结果实验失败了。

Overlook v.忽略,疏漏,指有意识地遗漏,也可以指无意识地忽略。

The mother overlooked her little boy's bad behavior.那位母亲忽视了她的小儿子的不良行为。


Imaginable a.可想象的,往往作后置定语,所修饰的名词前常加all,every,only或形容词的最高级。

In her painting,she has used every color imaginable.在她的绘画中,她用了所以可以想象的到的色彩。

Imaginary a.虚构的,想象中的。

The child has an imaginary friend.那个孩子有个假想中的朋友。

Imaginative a.富于想象力的。

An imaginative writer富于想象力的作家



Imitate v.模仿,仿效;复制,仿造。

The boy imitates his father's way of talking.那个男孩模仿他父亲说话的样子。

Intimate a.亲密的;温馨的,舒适的。

We have had an intimate friendship since we were young.我们自年轻时代起就建立了亲密的友谊。

Intimidate v.恐吓,威胁。

An older boy intimidated the little children when he took their lunch money.一个年龄大一点的男孩恐吓那些小孩子,并且抢走了他们的午饭钱。


Imperial a.帝国的,帝王的;帝王般的,威严的;英制的(非公制的度量衡制,如磅,加仑,品脱等)。

The imperial guards帝国卫士

Imperious a.傲慢的,专横的。

The strict father showed an imperious attitude toward his children.那个严厉父亲对孩子的态度很专横。


imply v.(从言语或态度中)暗示,暗指(某种事情)。

The Secretary of the Treasury implied that interest rates would go down.财政大臣暗示利率将下降。

Infer v.(根据已知事实)推断,推理。

I infer from your smile that you are happy.从你的笑容可以看出你很高兴。



Industrial a.工业的,产业的,来自于名词industry。

Industrial production is up this year;but agriculture is weak.今年的工业产值上升了,但是农业依然薄弱。

Industrious a.勤奋的,忙碌的。

She started her own business and is now very industrious.她自己开了一家公司,因此很忙碌。


Initial a.开始的,最初的,强调处于事物的起始阶段,也可以指位于开头地方的。

My initial good opinion of him changed with time.时间长了我对他最初的好印象改变了。Original a.最初的,最早的;原版的,原物的。指按顺序是首位的,在此前不再有更为原始的同类的东西;也指原件的,原物的,非仿造的东西。

This is the original piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.就是在这架钢琴上,这位作曲家创作出了他的一些伟大的作品。

Primitive a.原始的,上古的,早期的,指处于人类生命或事物发展的早期阶段,也可以指自然的或简朴的。

Primitive tribes live in the Amazon River basin.原始部落居住在亚马逊河盆地。



Interfere v.干涉,妨碍。常指干涉或妨碍他人(的事),着重指有影响,当"干涉"讲时,后多接in,当"妨碍,打扰"时后多接with。

It's unwise to interfere between husband and wife.干涉别人夫妇间的事是不明智的

Intervene v.干涉,干预,较为正式,常指带有行动的干预;此外,还有"调停"的意思。Would you intervene if you saw a parent hit a child?要是你看到家长打孩子你会干预吗?Interrupt v.打扰,打断,阻碍。常有"使……停止(中断)"的意思。

His speech was constantly interrupted by applause.他的讲话频频被掌声所打断。

Disturb v.打扰,妨碍。常指失去了正常的状态或导致困难产生。

Bad dreams disturbed her sleep.噩梦妨碍她的睡眠。


Invaluable a.无价的,非常宝贵的,相当于priceless。

Your help in moving the big refrigerator was invaluable.你帮忙搬那个大冰箱,你的帮助是可贵的。

Valueless a.没有价值的,相当于worthless。

That bracelet is a cheap,valueless piece of jewelry.那个手镯是一件便宜的、不值钱的首饰。77.jealous,envious

Jealous a.妒忌的,暗含有憎恶与不好的感情。

He gets jealous when other man talks to his girlfriend.当别的男人和他的女朋友说话时间],他会很嫉妒。

Envious a.羡慕的,强调攀比心理所造成的羡慕。

He is envious of my new car and wants one like it.他很羡慕我的新车,也想要一辆同样的。78.judicial,judicious


Judicial a.司法的,法律的,法庭的。

The judicial system settles arguments between people.司法系统解决人与人之间的争端。Judicious a.果断的,明智的,是个正式用语。

He made a judicious decision to save money for his old age.他做了一个明智的决定,要为他的晚年攒钱。



Minor a较少的,较小的,较次要的,常含有轻微的但并非不重要的意思。

We agreed on everything in the contract,even minor points.我们对合同中的一切问题,甚至是细枝末节都达成了一致。

Inferior a.次等的,较劣的,差的,当"下级"讲时,强调职位的高低;当"次等"讲时,指素质、质量等的低劣。

Most wine from Switzer land is inferior to wine from France.产于瑞士的葡萄酒多数要比法国的差。

Secondary a.第二等的,次要的,强调在重要性或顺序上处于第二位。

My job is of secondary importance to my health.我的工作比起身体来说不那么重要。Subordinate a.次要的,从属的,下级的,强调主次地位或支配和隶属的关系。

He was always friendly to his subordinate officers.她对下级官员一向和蔼可亲。




2016考研英语超难易混词汇辨析(二) 在考研英语复习过程中,考生面临一个非常棘手的问题,即超难易混词汇的辨析。而考研英语知识运用(俗称“完型填空”)着重考察近义词和形近词的辨析。凯程教育为广大考生提供了高频考察词汇的辨析,希望能够助广大考生一臂之力。 1、alleviate, diminish, reduce, decrease, decline这一组动词都有“减少,减轻”的意思。 alleviatev.在痛苦方面的减轻,缓和。 E.g.Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain. 如今,减轻背部疼痛可以有许多方法。 diminishv.指因为不断消耗,在数量方面缓慢减少,也指在素质或者价值的下降。 E.g.We should try to diminish the cost of production.我们应尽力减少生产成本。 reducev.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。 E.g.The plan is designed to reduce some of the company's mountainous debt. 该计划旨在减少公司堆积如山的债务。 decreasev.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。 E.g.His interest in this subject gradually decreases.他对这门学科的兴趣逐渐减退。 declinev. (数目、价格、比率)下降;谢绝,婉言推辞;衰退,衰落。 E.g.Hourly output by workers declined 1.3% in the first quarter. 第一季度工人每小时的产量下降了1.3% 2、allocate, separate, detach, divide这一组动词都有“分开”的意思。 allocatev.分配,把……拨给。 E.g.Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently. 地方政府必须学会有效地分配资源。


中考词汇辨析 §1 a bit/ a little 这两个词都意为“一点儿”有时可以互换,但有时不能。 Ⅰ.二者作程度副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或比较级时,意义相同,为“一点儿”“有些”。如: ①I am a bit / a little hungry. 我有点饿。 ②He walked a bit / a little slowly. 他走路有点慢。 Ⅱ.二者都可以作名词词组,充当主语或宾语。如: ①A little / bit is enough for me. 我有一点儿就够了。 ②I know only a little / a bit about her. 我对她的情况只了解一点。 Ⅲ。a little可直接修饰名词;a bit后须加of才可以。如: ①.There is a little water in the bottle. = There is a bit of water in the bottle. [注意]a little of后的名词通常特指,表“……中的一些”,如: ①May I have a little of your tea? Ⅳ. 否定形式not a little 作状语,相当于very/ quite, “很”,“非常”;作定语和宾语时,相当于much, 意为“许多”。而not a bit 作状语时,相当于not at all, 意为“一点也不”,作宾语时则相当于not much. Eg: ①He is not a little (=very) hungry. 他饿极了。 ②He is not a bit (=not at all) hungry.他一点也不饿。 ③She ate not a little (=much). 她吃得很多。 Ⅴ. Not a bit中的not 可以分开使用;not a littl e中的not 则不能分开。Eg: ①He felt not a bit tired. = He didn’t feel a bit tired. 他觉得一点也不累。 ②He felt not a little tired. 他觉得非常累。但不能说:He didn’t fell a little tired. §2 a few/ few/ a little/ little Ⅰ. a few和few修饰可数名词,a little和little修饰不可数名词;a few和a little表示肯定意义,few和little表示否定意义,可受only修饰。如: ①Few people will agree to the plan because it’s too dangerous. ②This text is easy to understand though there are a few new words in it. ③T here is little water left in glass. Will you please give me some ④Don’t worry, we have a little time left. §3above/over/on/upon Ⅰ. 方位介词,“在……之上” Ⅱ. above 着重指:在……上方,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:below. ①The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到了地平线上。 ②The aero plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。 Ⅲ.over 表盖在……上面,或铺在……上面。此时不能用above.代替。含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为under. ①Spread the tablecloth over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。 Ⅳ. on 含有与表面相接触的意思。 ①The book is on the desk. ②There is an oil painting on the wall. 墙上有一幅油画。 Ⅴ.upon 也含有和表面相接触的意思。与on没有多大的区别,但较正式,口语中较少用。 ①He laid his hand upon the boy’s head. 他把手放在孩子的头上。 [注]up 与以上几个不同,它表示向上方或高处,含有由下而上,由低而高的意思。常和表示运动的动词连用。作副词时,表示在上方或高处。 ①We run up a hill. 我们跑上山。 ②The plane was high up in the air.飞机在高空中。 §4accept/receive Ⅰ. accept “接受”,表示其行为是由主观意愿决定的。 ①I accepted it without question. 我毫无疑问地接受了它。


下载毙考题APP 免费领取考试干货资料,还有资料商城等你入驻 邀请码:8806 可获得更多福利 2018考研英语100组易混淆单词总结 词汇量是拿下2018考研英语的关键所在,但需要注意一点:背诵单词不是单独进行的。同学们在背诵单词的同时,也要学会通过英语阅读、历年这题试卷、易混淆单词对比等,去巧妙的记忆单词。下面小编考研为同学们整理总结了100组易混淆的英语单词,速来学习吧!2018考研英语100组易混淆单词总结 quite相当 quiet安静地 affect v.影响,假装effect n.结果,影响 adapt适应adopt采用adept内行 angel天使angle角度 dairy奶制品diary日记 contend 奋斗,斗争 content内容,满足的context上下文contest竞争,比赛 principal校长,主要的principle原则 implicit含蓄的explicit明白的 dessert 甜食 desert n.沙漠v.放弃dissert写论文 pat轻拍 tap轻打slap掌击rap敲,打 rude粗鲁的crude天然的 decent正经的 descent n.向下,血统descend v.向下 sweet 甜的sweat汗水 later后来latter后者的latest最近的 lately adv.最近 costume 服装 custom 习惯 extensive广泛的intensive集中的 aural听觉的oral 口头的 abroad国外aboard上(船,飞机) altar n.祭坛 alter v.改变 assent 同意 ascent 上升accent 口音 champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒campaign 战役 source来源;水源sauce酱油saucer茶托 recourse 求援resource资源 precede领先proceed进行,继续 pray祈祷prey猎物 chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房 monkey 猴子 donkey 驴 chore家务活chord和弦cord 细绳 cite引用site场所sight视觉 clash(金属)碰撞声 crash撞碎,坠落crush 压坏 compliment 赞美 complement 补足物confirm确认conform符合,使顺从 contact 接触 contract 合同contrast 对照 vocation 职业 vacation 假期evocation 唤起revocation撤回 council 议会 counsel 忠告consul 领事 crow乌鸦crown王冠clown小丑cow 牛 dose —剂(药) doze打盹 drawn  draw过去分词 drown溺水 emigrant移民到国外(迁出)immigrant从某国来的移民(迁入) excess  n.超过 exceed v.超过excel v. 擅长 hotel旅馆hostel旅社,招待所(尤指青年旅社) latitude 讳度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激 immoral不道德的immortal不朽的 lone孤独的alone单独的lonely寂寞的 area区域era时代 metal金属   mental精神的medal勋章model模特meddle管闲事scare惊吓 scarce缺乏的 drought 天旱   draught 拖拉的draughts (英)国际跳棋 assure保证 insure给……保险 except除外 expect期望accept接受excerpt 摘录 floor地板 flour面粉 incident 事件 accident 意外 inspiration 灵感 aspiration 渴望 march三月,前进 match比赛 patent专利potent强有力的potential潜在的 assume 假定resume 简历;重新开始 police 警察 policy 政策politics 政治 考试使用毙考题,不用再报培训班


初中英语易混淆单词 1:pronounce 发.......音,pronunciation 发音 2:hard adj.& adv. 硬的;辛苦地,努力地hardly adv.几乎不 3:change v. 改变chance n. 机会 4:feel (felt)v. 感觉,感到fall(fell)v. 落下 5:sleepy (feel sleepy)adj. 困倦的asleep (fall asleep)adj. 睡着的 6:different adj.不同的difference n.不同点 7:important adj.重要的importance n.:重要性 8:confident adj. 自信的confidence n.想、自信 9:distant adj. 远的distance n.距离 10:appear v.出现appearance n.出现,外貌 11:difficult adj.难的difficulty n.难点 12:expect v. 期望except prep.除.........之外accept v.接收 13:though adv.$conj. 尽管;虽然through adv.&prep 穿过 thought n.想法v.think 的过去式 14:pass v.经过,通过past adj.过去的n. 过去 15:sometimes 有时some times 几次sometime 某个时候some time 一段时间16:shake v.动摇snake n.蛇snack n.小吃 17:quite adv.相当quiet adj.安静的quick adj.快的 18:affect v.影响effect n.结果,影响effort n.努力 19:dessert n.甜食desert n.沙漠v.放弃 20:costume n.服装custom n.习惯 21:chicken n.鸡kitchen n.厨房 22:steal (stole,stolen)v.偷steel n.钢 23:decide v.决定decision n.决定 24:discuss v.讨论discussion n.讨论 25:express v.表达expression n.表达 26:invite v.邀请invitation n.邀请 27:imagine v.想象imagination n.想象 28:organize v.组织organization n.组织 29:communicate v.交流communication n. 交流 30:operate v.操作operation n.交流 31:create v.创造creation n.创造creative adj.有创造力的 32:attract v.吸引attraction n.吸引attractive adj.吸引人的 33:translate v.翻译translation n.翻译 34:celebrate v.庆祝celebration n.庆祝 35:pollute v.污染pollution n.污染 36:invent v. 发明invention n. 发明inventor n.发明家 37:produce v.制造production n.制造 38:introduce v.介绍introduction n.介绍 39:tradition n.传统traditional adj.传统的traditionally adv.传统地


疑问词+ever与no matter+疑问词的异同 在英语名词性从句的学习过程中,我们经常会遇到疑问词+ever引导的名词性从句,老师也告诫我们说他们的含义和no matter+疑问词所表示的含义是一样的,都表示“无论……”,但是两者究竟有什么区别呢?是不是在所有的情况下两者都可以通用呢?今天我们就一起来研究下吧。 疑问词+ever包括疑问代词+ever和疑问副词+ever。 ①疑问代词:whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever ②疑问副词:whenever, wherever, however (1)疑问词+ever与no matter+疑问词引导从句时的区别 1、疑问词+ever引导名词性从句,不可以与no matter+疑问词互换使用。 例: Whoever comes to the party will receive a gift. 来参加晚会的人都会收到一份礼物。 分析: Whoever意为“无论是谁”,引导名词性从句时,不可以与no matterwho互换。 2、引导让步状语从句,可以与no matter+疑问词互换使用。 例: The quality will be the same, whichever(=no matter which)of them you choose. 它们当中无论你选哪一个,品质都一样。 分析: Whichever意为“无论哪一个”,引导让步状语从句时,可以与no matter which互换。 归纳: 简单说来:疑问句+ever可以引导名词性从句,也可以引导让步状语从句,但是No matter+疑问词只可以引导让步状语从句,也就说说前者适用的范围比后者大。所以选项中两者都有的情况下,我们尽量选择使用范围较广的疑问词+ever,答对的可能性较大。 (2)疑问词+ever引导名词性从句时注意事项 Whatever我们知道相当于No matter what,但是在引导名词性从句时相当于anything that,我们来分析以下的例句。例: Whatever he did was right. =Anything (that he did ) was right.(正确) Anything he did was right. (错误) 他无论做什么都是争取的。 分析: Whatever意为“无论是什么”,相当于anything that,anything是题干中的主语,同时充当先行词,后面that


教你辨析:考研英语超难易混词汇(一) 在考研英语复习过程中,考生面临一个非常棘手的问题,即超难易混词汇的辨析。万学海文为广大考生提供了高频考察词汇的辨析,希望能够为广大考生助一臂之力。 1、abide, adhere, conform, comply “遵守” abide v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。 E.g. I will abide by the director' decision. 我将遵从主任的决定。 adhere v.后接to表示“遵守”。(当然adhere一词的其它意思如“坚持;粘附”也经常被考到。) E.g. Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving. 汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。 conform v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。 E.g. All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments. 每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。 comply v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。 E.g. Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes. 我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。 2、abnormal, uncommon, disordered“反常的” abnormal a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。 E.g. His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade. 他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。(尽管身体发烧不正常,但生活中也时有发生。) uncommon a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。 E.g. Hurricanes are uncommon in England. 飓风在英国非常罕见。 E.g. That is uncommon instant coffee; it tastes great! 那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了! disordered a.混乱的,杂乱的;(精神或身体)有病的。 E.g. We couldn't understand her disordered presentation. 我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。 3、abolish, cancel, eliminate, dispose, erase, exclude, extinguish“取消,除掉” abolish v.指对法律、习俗、制度的废除;完全破坏。 E.g. The government abolished the tax on alcohol. 政府取消了酒税。


2020考研复试英语听力最易混淆词语(5) 41) make one’s way:开路 e.g. As soon as he saw us, the teacher made his way through the crowd to greet us. make one’s way to:向……走去 e.g. In the evening we made our way to the appointed meeting place. 42) measure to:测量到某一精度 e.g. Measure this part to mm. measure up to:够得上,能够匹敌 e.g. The new techniques measure up to advanced world standard. 43) more than:很,非常 e.g. He was more than upset by the accident. more…than:比……更 e.g. I regarded her more highly than me. 44) much as:虽然 e.g. Much as I should like to go, I can’t go right now. as much:同样的或同样多少的 e.g. You have always helped me and I will always do as much for you. 45. no less than:不亚于,竟达……之多

e.g. There were no less than one hundred people at the meeting. not less than:不比……差,至少 e.g. There were not less than one hundred people at the meeting. 请大家注意区分以上两句的差别,第一句是指“竟达100人之多”,第二句则是“至少有100人”,要明白no less than是一种强调说法,它和not less than的区别在于事先假定的水准或是数量有所不同,no less than在某种意义上说来没有超过的意思,而not less than可能会超过,这种表达方式正好与no more than以及not more than相反。 46. no more than:同样不;仅仅,只有 e.g. This book is no more interesting than that one. It is no more than empty talk. not more than:不比……更,不如;至多 e.g. He is not more clever than you are. There were not more than 5 factories in our city before liberation. 47. on sale:出售的;廉价出售 e.g. Many new farm tools are on sale in this store. I got this book on sale; it was very cheap. for sale:出售的,上市的 e.g. I shall put these goods up for sale.


初中英语易混淆单词{pronunciation n.发音 pronounce v.发……音 {hard adj.&adv.硬的;辛苦地 hardly adv.(频度副词)几乎不 {chance n.机会 change v.改变 {fell v.动词fall的过去式 feel v. (感官动词)感觉,感到 ※注意:fall—fell v.落下feel—felt v.感觉 {sleepy adj.困倦的 asleep adj.睡着的 ※注意:fall asleep 入睡feel sleepy 感到疲倦 {different adj.不同的 difference n.不同点 {except prep.除…之外 expect v.期望,要求 ※注意:besides 的意思是“除……外还有”,except的意思是“不包括在内”。 {though adv. & conj.尽管;虽然 through adv.&prep.从一边到另一边;穿过 {another pron.再一;又一 other adj.其他的,另外的 ※注意:others是指“另外的人(或物)”,是一个名词,相当于“other+n.”;the other 是指“(两个中)另一个;其余的”;the others是指“其余的人(或物)”,相当于“the other+n.”。{pass v.经过,通过;传递;考试及格 past adj. 过去的(pass的过去分词) ※注意:pass—passed—passed/past {sometimes有时 some times几次 {sometime某个时候 some time一段时间


英语易混淆单词辨析 amuse与entertain amuse:强调把注意力吸引到感兴趣的事情上去,多是轻松或引人发笑的事。 entertain:意味着通过公共活动或别人的活动来提供娱乐或消遣,多用于正式场合。 former/preceding/previous/prior former:可表示以前的,即时间上在前的,也可表示前者的,即已提及的两个事物中的前一个。 preceding:表示时间、位置、顺序上紧接在他物之前的,强调中间没有间隙。 previous:指在时间上较早的、顺序上在前的,表示一事做于另一事之先或指目前某事之前一件事,常用于修饰预先准备的行动。 prior:表示时间上早一些,除可用在名词前作定语外(have a prior engagement 预先有约会),还可后接介词to作后置定语或表语(an appointment prior to this one 先于此次约会的一次约会),还常表示更重要的、优先的(a prior consideration 优先考虑)

interval/gap/length/distance interval:两件事之间“间隔的时间”、戏剧两幕之间的“间歇”或两物体之间“间隔的空间” gap:(墙壁等的)“裂缝,缺口”,(思想、意见的)“分歧”(generation gap 代沟) length:(物体的)“长度”,(时间的)“长短” distance:(两地之间的)“距离” limit/confine/control/restrict/restrain limit:指限制在允许或可能的最大或最小的数量、程度、时间等范围内 confine:暗示束缚性、限制性地或阻挠性地限制,常指把人限制在狭窄的范围内,可指把人关闭起来 control:指通过权力或影响加以监督和控制,也常指控制自己的情绪 restrict:指把行为、选择等限制在规定的范围内 restrain:多指感情上、情绪上的克制 accumlate/gather,collect/assemble accumlate:意为“积聚,堆积”,指逐渐地,而且通常是无意识地,使数量越来越大 gather和collect均可表示“收集”,但collect有


陈正康老师发布考研英语易混词 1. affect [?'fekt] V.影响、假装 effect [i'fekt] n.结果、效力 V.产生、导致 2. illusion [i?lju:??n]“幻觉,错觉” delusion [di?lu:??n]“欺骗,迷惑” 3. avert [??v?:t]“防止,避免”。 avoid [??v?id]“回避,逃避” 4. impel [?m?pel]“推动,驱使,激励” compel [k?m?pel]“强迫,胁迫,迫使”。 5. complement [?k?mplim?nt]“补足(物),补全”,“补足语”。compliment [?k?mplim?nt]“恭维话,赞辞,敬意”; Your presence is a great compliment. 承蒙光临,不胜荣幸。 6. council [?kaunsl]“议事机构”,委员会; a cabinet council内阁会议。 counsel [?kauns?l]“商议,劝告”; follow sb's counsel close牢记某人忠告。 7. defective [d??fekt?v](having a fault or flaw)“有缺陷的”。deficient [d??f???nt](lacking in what is needed)“不足的”;be deficient in欠缺。

8. discreet [dis?kri:t]“考虑周到的,慎重的”。 discrete [dis?kri:t]“分离的,分裂的” 9. distinctive [d??st??kt?v]“有特色的”,“独特的”; distinct [dis?ti?kt]“清楚的,明显的” [i?v?uk]“唤起,引起”;evoke admiration引起羡慕。 invoke [?n?v??k]“祈求(神灵)保佑,乞灵于”,行使(法权);The shaman invokes the spirits of their ancestors. If our case fails in the national courts we will invoke the European Declaration on Human Rights. [in?f?:]“猜想,臆测”,“推断”; infer a motive from an effect从效果推知动机。 imply [im?plai]“含有……的意思”; Do you realize what his words imply你领会他说话的含意吗 I do not imply that you are wrong.我的意思不是说你错了。 [in?kred?bl]“不可相信的,难以置信的”; incredible energy惊人的能量,精力。 incredulous[?n'kred??l?s]“不相信的,表示怀疑的”; be incredulous of hearsay不相信道听途说; an incredulous look怀疑的目光。 [in?tens]“激烈的,强烈的”,“紧张的” an intense light强烈的灯光;intense heat酷热;an intense life奋发图强的生活。


考研英语最相似烧脑易混单词完整版 adapt vt. 1.使适应2.改编 adept a.(与at,in连用)熟练的;精通的n.内行;老手 adopt vt. 1.收养2.采用,采纳 appraise v.评价 appraisal n. 1.评价2.估计,估量 praise v./n.称赞,表扬 appropriate a.恰当的v.挪用,盗用 appreciate vt.感激,欣赏 dessert n.甜食;甜糕点 desert vt. 1.抛弃2.擅离(职守);n.沙漠,不毛之地 context n.文章前后关系,上下文 contest v.比赛,争论;n.竞争,比赛 contend v.争论,竞争 pretext n.借口,托辞 protest v.n.抗议,反对 pretend v.假装,装作 scare vt.惊吓;n.惊恐 stare vi.盯,凝视 glare v.n.1.闪耀,闪光2.怒视,瞪眼 flare n. 1.闪耀2.(衣裙等)张开3.(感情的)爆发 sparkle vi.闪耀,发火花 spark n.火花,火星;vi.发火花;vt.引发 sprinkle v.喷洒 precious a.宝贵的,贵重的 previous a. 1.先前的,以前的2.(to)在……之前 addict vt.使上瘾 addition n.增加 addiction n.上瘾 preceding a.在前的,在先的 precede v.领先,先于,在……之前 precedentn.先例 procedure n.程序,手续,步骤 process vt.加工,处理;n.1.过程,进程2.工序3.工艺,制作法 procession n.队列,行列 proceed vt.1.进行,继续(做某事)2.发出 proceeding n. 1.行动,进行2.(pl.)会议记录,活动记录 successful a.成功的 successive a.连续的 succession n. 1.连续,系列2.继任,继承(权,次序等) succeed vi. 1.成功2.继承3.接着发生;vt.接替 fossil n.化石 toss v. 1.抛,扔2.(使)颠簸,摇摆3.辗转反侧


100组易混淆的英语词汇 1. able, capable, competent able为常用词,指具有做某事所需的力量,技巧,知识与时间等,一般下效率无关,用作定语表示能力超出平均水平。如:A cat is able to see in the dark. capable 指满足一般要求的能力,可以是表现出来的,也可是潜在的,搭配是be capable of +doing。用作定语,表示的能力没有able表示的能力强。如:He is capable of running a mile in a minute. He is a very capable doctor. competent 指“胜任”,“合格”,或受过专业技术等训练的,但不是超群的能力。如: A doctor should be competent to treat many diseases. 2. aboard, abroad, board, broad aboard 在船(或飞机,车)上。如:I never went aboard a ship. abroad 副词,在国外或海外。如:He often goes abroad. board 为动词,上(船,飞机,车)。如:The passengers are boarding the plane now. broad 为形容词,宽广的。如:He has very broad shoulders. 3. accomplish, complete, finish, achieve, attain accomplish表成功,强调完成的结果而不是过程。如:Because of his hard word, things are accomplished. (由于他的努力,事情都已完成了。) complete 表示积极的完成,更具体地指建筑、工程等的完成。如:Has he complete his novel yet? (他的小说写完了吗?) finish 最常用,后接动词的-ing形式,表示在一个活动的连续过程中完成了最后的一步或阶段。如:I’ll finish the job alone. (我要独自完成这项工作。) achieve 完成,实现,强调通过努力而达到目的。如:You will achieve success if you work hard. Attain达到,实现,常用于一般人的能力不易达到的目的。如:Greater efforts are needed before we can attain our goals. 4. accurate, correct, exact, precise accurate准确的,精确的。如:Clocks in railway stations should be accurate.(火车站的钟应该是准确的。) correct“正确的”,指符合一定的标准或准则,含有“无错误的”意味。它的反义词


一、damage/harm destroy ruin disturb 1.The bright sunlight will ________ your eyesight. 2.The whole building was ________ by a fire. 3.His disappointing performance __________ yesterday’s party. 4.Did the dog’s barks last night ___________ your peace of mind? 分析:1. damage/harm 2. destroyed 3. ruined 4. disturb damage/harm强调造成伤害或损害,destroy则是立竿见影、毁灭性的破坏。上面三个单词都是指具体、有形物的破坏,而ruin还可以表示对抽象事物的如名声、活动的破坏、影响。disturb是“打断,干扰”的意思,在危害程度上远远比不上前面四个词。 二、dead dying deadly late 1.The _______ father wanted to see his son for the last time. 2.His grandpa has been ________ for 5 years, but he still remembers him clearly. 3.The ________ Chairman Mao is a great figure in Chinese history. 4.The ________ bite of a poisonous snake made him die. 1. dying 2. dead 3. late 4. deadly同样与死有关,这四个单词用法完全不一样。dying表示“垂死的, 将要死的”;dead是“(已)死的”;late是“已故的”之意,往往指有一定社会地位之人,是死的委婉表达方式;deadly意思是“致命的”,只能修饰物,不能修饰人。注意它虽然以-ly结尾,但却是一个形容词。 三、distance way length space 1.The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a ___________ of 60 miles. 2.The two rulers have no differences between each other in ____________. 3.The box takes up too much ___________. Will you please move it away? 4.There is still a long ___________ to go if we want to succeed. 1. distance 2. lengths 3. space 4. way distance是空间距离;length则是指一般事物的长度;way 虽然也表示路程,但是指抽象的路,没有个体的数量单位;space是抽象名词,意为“空间”,与room是同义词。 四、dress wear put…on have…on 1.The teacher came in, ____________ a happy smile. 2.__________ in a red suit, the teacher came in. 3.___________ the red suit _________, or you will probably catch a cold. 4.In fact the foolish emperor ____________ nothing ___________. 1. wearing 2. dressed 3. put… on 4. had… on 同样表示“穿”,wear与have… on表示状态,而 put… on表示动作。不过wear除了表示“穿衣服”之外,还可以表示“戴首饰;带着某种表情”等意思。dress与前面三个单词不同的地方是它后面的宾语不是衣服,而是somebody,由somebody 做主语,构成“be dressed in…”结构。 五、elect select choose sort 1.The peasants are busy __________ the seeds now. 2.Do you think George W. Bush will be _____________ president again? 3.Before recycling the waste must be _____________. 4.You can ___________ anything you like from the jewelry. 1


考研英语相似易混单词 对比记忆第1 天 adapt vt. 1. 使适应 2. 改编 adept a. (与at, in连用)熟练的;精通的n.内行;老手 adjust vt. 1. 调整,调节 2. 校正 adopt vt. 1. 收养 2. 采用,采纳 acclaim v. 欢呼,喝彩;n.喝彩 claim v. 1. 要求,索赔 2. 声称,主张3.值得; n. 1. 权利,要求权,所有权 2. (for, on)索赔3.主张,断言exclaim v. 呼喊,惊叫 exclamation n. 感叹,惊叹 reclaim vt. 1. 收回 2. 开垦 proclaim vt. 宣布,声明 declaim v. 巧辩, 雄辩; (激昂地)演说; 朗读; 谴责, 以言词攻击declaim against 抗议, 攻击 (注:词干claim和clam有“喊叫,说”的意思) applause n. 喝彩;夸奖,称赞 applaud v. 喝彩;称赞 plausible a. 似乎合情理的,似乎可信的 announce v. 1. 宣布,发表,通告 2. 报告……到来 announcer n. 播音员,报幕员 denounce vt. 公开指责, 公然抨击, 谴责 damn v. 谴责 pronunciation n. 发音(方法) pronounce v. 1. 宣判,宣布 2. 发音 declare vt. 1. 宣布,宣告 2. 声明,表明3.断言,宣称 declaration n. 宣布,宣言 appraise v. 评价 appraisal n. 1. 评价 2. 估计,估量 praise v./n. 称赞,表扬 estimate n./vt. 评估,评价 underestimate vt. 低估 appreciable a. 可估计的,可察觉的 appreciate vt. 感激,欣赏 assert vt. 1. 断言,宣称 2. 维护 insert vt. 插入,嵌入 exert vt. 发挥,施加 dessert n. 甜食;甜糕点 desert vt. 1. 抛弃 2. 擅离(职守);n.沙漠,不毛之地 abandon vt. 1. 离弃,抛弃 2. 放弃 discard vt. 丢弃,抛弃 pretext n. 借口,托辞 context n. 文章前后关系,上下文 contest v. 比赛,争论;n. 竞争,比赛 protest v.n. 抗议,反对(联想记忆: 凡是应试test我们都是反对的!) detest vt. 厌恶, 憎恨 (联想记忆: 凡是应试test我们都是讨厌的!) testimony n. 1. 证据,证词 2. 表明 testify v. 证实,作证 verify vi. 证实,核实 certify v. 1. 证明 2. 发证书 certificate n. 证书,证明书 scare vt. 惊吓;n. 惊恐 stare vi. 盯,凝视 glare v.n. 1. 闪耀,闪光 2. 怒视,瞪眼 flare n. 1. 闪耀 2. (衣裙等)张开3.(感情的)爆发

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