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第一单元 商务翻译概论

第一单元 商务翻译概论
第一单元 商务翻译概论



“商务”指商务工作人员所从事的商务活动和商务环节的总称;“英语”是进行此类商务活动时交流沟通的媒介。从整体上来说,商务英语不仅包括英语语音、语法、词汇、语篇和跨文化知识等通用英语(English for General Purpose, EGP)所包含的基础知识,还包括与商务有关的国际货物贸易、国际服务贸易、国际技术贸易、国际投资融资、国际合作等商务知识,是一种专门用途英语(English for Special Purpose, ESP)。(贺雪娟,2007:9)它是在商务活动环境中使用的功能性很强的专业英语。本单元主要介绍商务英语的语言特征及商务翻译的有关标准。


§PART ONE 认识商务英语及商务翻译

Task I阅读下列商务英语的有关段落,体会商务英语(Business English)与通用英语(English for General Purposes)的区别。


1. 通过对广告产业的规模、产业链、竞争对手和其他综合经济信息的深入分析,我们为客户提供有助于决策的重要信息,包括市场规模与市场发展、市场需求,PEST(政治、经济、社会和技术)分析、广告产业发展趋势分析,广告产业链评估和广告产业发展潜能评估。

2. The Buyer hereby entrusts the Seller to insure the goods against W.P.A. and T.P.N.D. for 110% of the invoice value. The insurance premium should be borne by the Buyer.

3. The kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex, a mixture of visible and invisible trade. Most nations are more dependent on exports than on any other activity. The earnings from exports pay for the impo rts that they need and want. A nation?s balance of payment is a record of these complex transactions. By reflecting all of these transactions in monetary terms, a nation is able to combine the income it receives, for example, from exports, tourists expenditures, and immigrant remittances. This combined income is then spent on such items as manufactured goods from other countries, travel for its citizens to other countries, and the hiring of construction engineers.

2. 买方委托卖方按发票全额的110%投保水渍险和偷窃提货不着险,保险费由买方承担。

3. 世界各国从事的贸易千差万别,错综复杂,有形贸易和无形贸易并存。大多数国家对出口的依赖,都大于对其他活动的依赖。出口所赚取的外汇用来支付进口货物需要的费用。一个国家的收支平衡就是这些错综复杂的交易记录。通过用货币形式来反映所有这些交易,一个国家能够把比如出口、外国游客的花费和移民汇款的收入汇总在一起。这些收入汇总起来,便可以支付诸如购买其他国家的制成品、本国居民到其他国家旅游和雇佣建筑工程师的费用等。

§PART TWO 商务翻译热身练习

1. CBD

2. WTO

3. CIF

4. FOB

5. FDI

6. Greenwich Mean Time


7. Consumer Price Index


8. Gross Domestic Product


9. Bunker Surcharge

燃油附加费(国内许多地方如出租车上的翻译“additional fuel fee”并非地道翻译)

10. Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises


Task II 把下列句子翻译成汉语。

1. We are sorry to inform you that your price has been found uncompetitive, but we are still interested in doing business with you if you can bring down your price to be in line with the international market price.


2. After thorough investigation of the damages, we found out that the B/L showed that when the shipping company received the goods, they were in apparent good condition. The liability is certainly not on our side.


3. A firm offer is a kind of offer which is made to a specific person or persons to express or imply a definite intention of the offeror to make a contract under a clear, complete and final trade terms.


4. As the marketplace becomes truly global, as barriers of distance, time, language and regulation diminish through the new communication technologies, the level of competition among market participants has never been higher.


5. At Wal-mart, we understand how critical education is to the lives and well-being of all Americans. In 2009, Wal-mart and its Foundation gave more than $53 million to fund educational programs in communities across the country. Through our scholarship programs alone, the Wal-mart Foundation awarded more than $9 million in academic scholarships to help students afford higher education in the 2010-2011 school year. By supporting education, the Wal-mart Foundation ensures that the leaders of tomorrow have access to the quality education opportunities they need to be successful today.

在沃尔玛,我们理解教育对全体美国人民的生活和幸福的重要性。2009年,沃尔玛及其基金会拔出5 300万美元支持美国社区教育项目。2010—2011学年,仅奖学金项目,沃尔玛基金会提供的学术奖学金超过900万美元,帮助学生支付高等教育学费。通过支持教育,沃尔玛基金会确保明天的领袖今天能够得到未来获得成功的素质教育的机会。

§PART THREE 商务英语语言特点

Task I阅读下列短语,体会其语言特点。

1. Clean bills of lading


2. Special drawing rights

特别提款权:是国际货币基金组织创设的一种储备资产和记帐单位,亦称“纸黄金(Paper Gold)”。它是基金组织分配给会员国的一种使用资金的权利。会员国在发生国际收支逆差时,可用它向基金组织指定的其他会员国换取外汇,以偿付国际收支逆差或偿还基金组织的贷款,


3. Shipping advice


4. Shipping instructions


5. Marketing mix

营销组合:该概念由Neil Bordon提出,指企业根据顾客的需求和企业的营销目标来确定可控营销因素的最佳组合。理查德·克莱维持教授把营销组合要素归纳为产品、订价、渠道、促销四大要素。

Task II 阅读下列句子,从语言规范方面讨论商务英语的语言特点。

1. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their respective representatives on the date of January 1, 2010.

2. This simply means that the company continues indefinitely, that the death or withdrawal of

a shareholder does not terminate the company existence, and that a shareholder does not have the power to compel or force dissolution.

3. Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange. Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. Exchange is only one of many ways people can obtain a desired object.

4. As prices continue to rise and consumers search for affordable ways to sustain the transitional economy, nearly 80 percent of U.S. households are shopping at Wal-Mart. Consumers across various income brackets are now taking advantage of Wal-Mart’s one-stop shopping convenience to purchase a wide assortment of consumer packaged goods at low prices.

5. At your request, we have effected insurance on this consignment against All Risks and War Risk for US $ 1 million on June 1, 2010.

【解析】商务英语具有规范化特征,语言统一、客观,准确传递作者意图,规范性还体现在语言的正式性和合理性。第1小题为合同用语,必须规范、准确,用词包括“whereof, hereto”等;第2小题“the death or withdrawal of a shareholder”把各种可能情况都列举出来,第3小题为了使语言规范化并衔接,在第一句后马上解释什么是“exchange”;第4小题采用描述性语言,准确描述消费现状;第5小题的时间、金额书写规范准确。总之,规范化是商务英语的特点之一

1. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their respective representatives on the date of January 1, 2010.


2. This simply means that the company continues indefinitely, that the death or withdrawal of a shareholder does not terminate the company existence, and that a shareholder does not have the power to compel or force dissolution.


3. Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange. Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. Exchange is only one of many ways people can obtain a desired object.


4. As prices continue to rise and consumers search for affordable ways to sustain the transitional economy, nearly 80 percent of U.S. households are shopping at Wal-Mart. Consumers across various income brackets are now taking advantage of Wal-Mart?s one-stop shopping convenience to purchase

a wide assortment of consumer packaged goods at low prices.


5. At your request, we have effected insurance on this consignment against All Risks and War Risk for US $ 1 million on June 1, 2010.


Task III阅读下列句子,从语言结构稳定性方面讨论商务英语的语言特点。

1. It would be appreciated if you could quote your best prices of CIF London for Christmas decorations, and also let us know the earliest possible date you can make shipment.

2. This contract is made in a spirit of friendship and cooperation by and between Party A and Party B, whereby Party A shall invite Party B as an English teacher on the terms and conditions stipulated as follows:

3. Neither party shall be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this Contract due to flood, fire, earthquake, snowstorm, hailstorm, hurricane, war, government prohibition or any other events that are unforeseeable at the time of the execution of this Contract and could not be controlled, avoided or overcome by such party.

Task III阅读下列句子,从语言结构稳定性方面讨论商务英语的语言特点。

1. It would be appreciated if you could quote your best prices of CIF London for Christmas decorations, and also let us know the earliest possible date you can make shipment.


2. This contract is made in a spirit of friendship and cooperation by and between Party A and Party B, whereby Party A shall invite Party B as an English teacher on the terms and conditions stipulated as follows:


3. Neither party shall be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this Contract due to flood, fire, earthquake, snowstorm, hailstorm, hurricane, war, government prohibition or any other events that are unforeseeable at the time of the execution of this Contract and could not be controlled, avoided or overcome by such party.


Task IV阅读下列短语,讨论商务英语的语言特点。

1. CT: Cable transfer

2. POD: Pay on delivery

3. BOT: Balance of trade

4. SO: Shipping order

5. V AX: Value added tax

6. BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China

7. We have opened an irrevocable L/C No. 8868 for US$1 million in favor of Guangzhou Light Industry Group.

8. Last week Beijing paved the way for today?s further reforms when it approved a total of 13 foreign and domestic banks, including Britain?s HSB C and Standard Chartered, and ABN Amro, the Dutch group, to act as market-makers for trading in the yuan.

1. CT: Cable transfer


2. POD: Pay on delivery

货到付款:国际贸易常用术语。POD的全称还可以是Print on demand,表示“按需打印/出版”的意思。

3. BOT: Balance of trade


4. SO: Shipping order


5. V AX: Value added tax


6. BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China

金砖四国:“金砖四国”这一概念最早是由美国高盛公司首席经济师奥尼尔于2001年提出的。2003年10月,高盛公司发表了一份题为《与BRICs一起梦想》的全球经济报告。报告估计,到2050年,世界经济格局将会经历剧烈洗牌,全球新的六大经济体将变成中国、美国、印度、日本、巴西、俄罗斯。巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国的英文名称(Brazil, Russia, India, China)的首字母合起来是BRIC,而BRIC的发音恰好与英文“砖块”(BRICK)一词类似,故这四个国家得译名“金砖四国”。它们是新兴市场的基础代表,发展后劲强大。高盛公司提出“金砖四国”的概念,主要目的是为投资者指明未来最具投资机会的国家或地区。然而,经过几年的发展,“金砖四国”不再仅仅意味着投资机会,而是作为国际舞台上的一支重要力量受到关注。(《长江日报》2009. 6. 17)

7. We have opened an irrevocable L/C No. 8868 for US$1 million in favor of Guangzhou Light Industry Group.

7. L/C通常表示信用证。本句含义为:我方开立了编号为8868号的不可撤销信用证,金额100万美元,受益人为广州轻工集团。

8. Last week Beijing paved the way for today?s further reforms whe n it approved a total of 13 foreign and domestic banks, including Britain?s HSBC and Standard Chartered, and ABN Amro, the Dutch group, to act as market-makers for trading in the yuan.

HSBC全称为Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation,汉语为汇丰银行。至于ABN Amro Bank(荷兰银行),其来源有一段比较复杂的过程。1821年,威廉一世为振兴荷兰与东印度之间的贸易关系,成立荷兰银行的前身Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij。1964年与Twentsche Bank合并为Algemene Bank Nederland,阿姆斯特丹银行和鹿特丹银行合并为Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank,成为双雄并立的局面。1990年,Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN)再与Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank (AMRO Bank)合并,成为现在的荷兰银行(ABN AMRO Bank)。本句含义为:北京上周为今天的进一步改革铺平了道路:批准了13家外资和国内银行作为人民币交易的做市商,这些银行包括英国的汇丰银行和渣打银行以及荷兰银行。

Task V 阅读下列句子,注意数字与词汇的精确度,讨论商务英语的语言特点。

1. Party A shall be able to supply the goods in the contract on or before Sept. 10 so that they may reach the US before Christmas rush season.

2. Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US$ 5000 (SAY FIVE THOUSAND US DOLLARS ONLY).

3. Generally, in a sales contract, the insured amount is 110% or 120% of the contracted prices of the consignment.

4. Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening a confirmed irrevocable L/C for the full amount of US$ 880,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export port.

1. Party A shall be able to supply the goods in the contract on or before Sept. 10 so that they may reach the US before Christmas rush season.


2. Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US$ 5000 (SAY FIVE THOUSAND US DOLLARS ONLY).

甲方须每月支付乙方工资5 000美元(大写:伍仟美元整)。

3. Generally, in a sales contract, the insured amount is 110% or 120% of the contracted prices of the consignment.


4. Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening a confirmed irrevocable L/C for the full amount of US$ 880,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export port.


1. In general, when disputes arise between exporter and importer, it can be settled through friendly consultation, litigation or arbitration. Friendly negotiation or mediation is the best method of all and beneficial to both parties. The majority of the disputes are settled by this way and friendly business relations are thus maintained between importers and exporters. If the disputes cannot be settled through amicable negotiation or mediation, arbitration will be the next best alternative, as the litigation is usually costly and time-consuming.

2. We hereby certify that this invoice is true and correct, and in accordance with our books, also that the goods shipped are produced in Guangzhou, China and comply with Rules of Origin of the People’s Republic of China.

3. Under the principles of fairness, free will and good will, it is hereby agreed between both parties as follows: the architectural design services that Party A entrusts Party B to provide shall be in compliance with the provisions, appendixes and exhibits of the Contract, as well as with the provisions in the supplementary agreements in conjunction with the execution of the Contract that have entered or may be entered between parties. Party B shall carry out the design tasks for the bridge according to the agreement between both parties. Appendixes, exhibits, other articles and supplementary agreements of the Contract are integral part of the Contract, and shall have the same legal binding force with the Contract.


商务英语尤其是书面语言往往使用在正式场合,其特点为正式性,体现在语言庄重、得体、严谨。比如,上述文本中使用“maintain”而不是“keep”,使用“amicable”而不是“friendly”,使用“alternative”而不是“choice”,用“People?s Republic of China”而不是“China”,用“certify”而不是“prove”以及第2小题中使用了“hereby”都体现了语言的正式性。另外,“have entered or may be ent ered, integral”等短语或词汇都体现了商务英语使用正式语言,语言风格得体、谨慎。

1. In general, when disputes arise between exporter and importer, it can be settled through friendly consultation, litigation or arbitration. Friendly negotiation or mediation is the best method of all and beneficial to both parties. The majority of the disputes are settled by this way and friendly business relations are thus maintained between importers and exporters. If the disputes cannot be settled through amicable negotiation or mediation, arbitration will be the next best alternative, as the litigation is usually costly and time-consuming.


2. We hereby certify that this invoice is true and correct, and in accordance with our books, also that the goods shipped are produced in Guangzhou, China and comply with Rules of Origin of the People’s Republic of China.


3. Under the principles of fairness, free will and good will, it is hereby agreed between both parties as follows: the architectural design services that Party A entrusts Party B to provide shall be in compliance with the provisions, appendixes and exhibits of the Contract, as well as with the provisions in the supplementary agreements in conjunction with the execution of the Contract that have entered or may be entered between parties. Party B shall carry out the design tasks for the bridge according to the agreement between both parties. Appendixes, exhibits, other articles and supplementary agreements of the Contract are integral part of the Contract, and shall have the same legal binding force with the Contract.


§PART FOUR 商务英语翻译标准

Task I 翻译下列句子或段落,讨论商务英语翻译的标准。

1. Over 50,000 tons of freight are being landed each day at the Port of London.


2. As the goods are urgently needed by our customers, they must be delivered as soon as possible by air freight.


3. Much of the fish sold in England is freighted overland from Scotland.


4. Many of the machine parts are now made of plastics instead of metals so that their weight may be decreased.


Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. pledged more than $3 million to support relief and reconstruction efforts in the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquakes in May 2008. As part of this pledge, Wal-Mart China committed $878,000 to the rebuilding of schools damaged in the earthquake through the Sichuan Schools project, $732,000 to the countryside clinic program and $366,000 to purchase ambulances in the earthquake zone. Wal-Mart China associates, customers and suppliers also worked together to raise more than $732,000 for earthquake relief.


商务翻译属于应用翻译范畴,准确传递原文含义是其主要目标,忠实性仍然是商务翻译的首要标准。忠实体现在文本含义、行文方式、读者反应等方面的准确传递,信息数量和表达方式是商务翻译的关键。本部分中“freight”在不同的语境中表达不同的含义,应忠实于原文恰当地进行翻译。第5题中,原文“Wal-Mart China committed $878,000 to the rebuilding of schools damaged in the earthquake through the Sichuan Schools project”可以省略“schools damaged in the earthquake”而翻译成“沃尔玛中国承诺,通过四川学校重建项目,支付87.8万美元用于学校重建”,因为重建的学校肯定是在地震中损毁的学校。当然,为了体现准确性和忠实性,我们还是把它翻译成“重建地震中损毁的学校”,因为有些学校无需重建,避免了“盲目重建全部学校”的误会,其目的是为了体现忠实性和准确性。

Task II请翻译下列段落,讨论商务翻译的其他标准。

1. Advertisers have sometimes created new social impacts by the heavy use of advocacy ads, which persuade the public not about products but about public issues over which companies wish to influence opinion. Mobil?s ad series in the late 1970s and early 80s, which presented its version of the role of the oil companies in the energy shortage, is a famous example. Critics say that such ads are unfairly one-sided; advertisers say that the mass media have been equally one-sided in failing to report company views.

Another important social impact stems from advertising?s financial support of the mass media: it provides about two-thirds of print revenue and virtually all broadcast revenue. Media operators thus see the public not as their primary audience, but as mere bait for attracting advertisers; media content, by and large, is designed to attract those citizens whose spending power is great.




2. 2005年,广东GDP突破了2万5千亿元人民币,约占中国大陆的1/8。财政总收入突破了5千亿人民币,占全国的1/4。累计实际吸收外商直接投资突破了1 770亿美元,占全国的1/4强。进出口贸易额突破了5 200亿美元,约占全国的1/3。如今的广东经济繁荣,社会稳定,人民安居乐业,已成为当今中国最具经济活力和投资吸引力的地区。

In 2005, Guangdong?s GDP exceeded RMB 2.5 trillion, accounting for 1/8 of that of China?s Mainland. Its fiscal revenue reached RMB 500 billion, 1/4 of the country?s total. Accumulated foreign investment hit RMB 177 billion, accounting for 1/4 of that of the whole nation. Guangdong?s import and export volume was over RMB 520 billion, accounting for 1/3 of China?s total amount. Nowadays, Guangdong enjoys economic prosperity, social stability and a comfortable living and working environment for its people, making it the most economically dynamic area as well as the most attractive place for foreign investment in China.



In 2006, bilateral trade volume between Guangdong and Malaysia hit USD 11.3 billion, up by 22.4% from the previous year. By the end of 2006, accumulated foreign investment from Malaysia had totaled RMB 490 million, with contractual value reaching USD 1 billion.

Meanwhile, ranking the first i n terms of the comprehensive economic strength in China?s Mainland, Guangdong has witnessed sustained, rapid and coordinated economic development with sound environment of investment and trade. A number of industries and brands in electronics, household electrical appliances, light industries, and textile industry have enjoyed good reputation in the international market.

【解析】在忠实性基础之上,统一性和连贯性(流畅性)也是商务翻译的重要标准。统一性体现在术语、表达、图表等方面的一致性;连贯性体现在连词、关系词等具有衔接功能的词语的使用,实现语言的连贯性。如:“如今的广东经济繁荣,社会稳定,人民安居乐业,已成为当今中国最具经济活力和投资吸引力的地区”翻译成“Nowadays, Guangdong enjoys economic prosperity, social stability and a comfortable living and working environment for its people, making it the most economically dynamic area as well as the most attractive place for foreign investment in China.”,译文中根据英语特点增加了两个“and”,使译文符合英语语法,增强了可读性。

把“Advertisers have sometimes created new social impacts by the heavy use of advocacy ads, which persuade the public not about products but about public issues over which companies wish to influence opinion.”翻译成汉语“广告商有时大量使用倡导广告产生了新的社会影响,这些倡导广告不是针对产品,而是针对那些可以影响舆论的公共问题劝说公众”时省略了介词“by”,关系词“which”等,使句子衔接紧凑,更加连贯。

§PART FIVE 商务翻译标准再讨论


原文:The adoption of euro banknotes and coins as the legal tender in Europe will bring opportunities as well as challenges to Hong Kong exporters. The introduction of euro has resulted in greater price transparency, as well as a reduction in transaction costs and foreign exchange risks in the euro zone. The higher transparency would benefit consumers as it would be more convenient for them to compare prices and they would eventually get the best buy.


关于翻译标准,中国人最耳熟能详的不过于严复老先生提出的信(Faithfulness)、达(Expressiveness)、雅(Elegance),至今对翻译实践仍具有一定的指导意义。鲁迅先生认为,翻译一方面要求其易解,另一方面需要保存原作的丰姿。傅雷先生和钱钟书先生分别提出了“神似”说(Similarity in Spirit)和“化境”说(Sublimation)。所有这些标准主要是基于文学翻译而不是商务翻译提出来的,尽管其对商务翻译具有一定的指导作用。



翻译中确实存在不少统一性问题,如上图,某省会城市的宾馆外卖店两侧都有相同的公示语,但把“桃源外卖部”分别翻译成“Tao yuan Hotel Take away”和“DELIVERY DEPARTMENT OF TAOYUAN HOTEL”,姑且不论本身翻译不当,就看大小写混乱不堪就足以看出译者马虎草率,其实,可以直接翻译成“Take-away Service of Taoyuan Hotel”就可以了。

常玉田提出了非常实用的商务翻译标准:平民化标准,也就是“一看对不对,二看好不好”。(常玉田,2005:7)“对不对”指译文必须正确,符合原文意义。“好不好”指从读者的角度判断译文的表达,指译者翻译过程中应当意识到自己是在提供服务,意识到译文读者的阅读成本,比如把“US $100”翻译成“100美元”是对的,但翻译成“100美元(约合700元人民币)”就更好了。§PART SIX 商务翻译实践

Task I请将下列短语翻译成中文。

1. Terms of payment

2. Payment advice

3. Working capital

4. Fixed capital

5. Hard currency

6. Monetary policy

Task II翻译下列句子,注意句子中斜体单词的翻译。

1. The Chinese government on Wednesday stressed the importance for the country to step up efforts to develop emerging industries of strategic importance.


(新词解释:emerging industry,新兴产业:指新的技术和新的科研成果的应用而产生的新部门、新产业,如生物工程和IT产业等)

2. In an address to the 2010 Global City Informatization Forum, China?s Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang said the priority for information technology service will be given to rural areas. “The …digital gap? between urban and rural China needs to be further bridged,” he said.

2. 在2010全球城市信息化论坛上,科技部部长万钢在演讲中称将优先为农村地区提供信息科技服务。他说:“中国需要进一步消除城乡间的…数字鸿沟?。”

(新词解释:digital gap,数字鸿沟:指当代信息技术领域中存在的差距现象,即在全球数字化进程中,不同国家、地区、行业、企业、人群之间由于对信息、网络技术应用程度的不同以及创新能力的差别造成的“信息落差”、“知识分隔”和“贫富分化”,是“信息富有者和信息贫困者之间的鸿沟”。)(百度百科)

3. A new policy allowing overseas tourists traveling in a group to get visas upon arrival in East China?s Zhejiang province may greatly boost local tourism, local authorities said on Sunday.


4. “US moves won?t cease trade rows. Though the United States has refrained from conducting fresh currency probes and imposing new anti-dumping duties, this does not signal an end to its trade protectionist measures against China”, experts said on Wednesday.


5.Inclusive growth in India and China made these two countries become the major players in world economy. India and China both succeeded in attaining the attention of the world by promoting inclusive growth in the fields like labor regulations, agricultural technology and infrastructure. The inclusive growth also includes plans like assisting lagging regions of the country and empowering the poor through proactive policies so that they can take part in the market on equitable terms.


(新词解释:inclusive growth,包容性增长:2010年9月16日,国家主席胡锦涛在北京人民大会堂出席第五届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长级会议开幕式,“包容性增长”是胡锦涛致辞中的一个关键词。“包容性增长”这一概念最早由亚洲开发银行在2007年首次提出。它的原始意义在于“有效的包容性增长战略需集中于能创造出生产性就业岗位的高增长、能确保机遇平等的社会包容性以及能减少风险,并能给最弱势群体带来缓冲的社会安全网。”最终目的是把经济发展成果最大限度地让普通民众来受益。包容性增长寻求的是社会和经济协调发展、可持续发展。与单纯追求经济增长相对立,包容性增长倡导机会平等的增长,最基本的含义是公平合理地分享经济增长。Inclusive在这里指的是“包容广阔的;范围广泛的”,如all-inclusive economic plan“全面的经济计划”,a fully inclusive price“包含一切费用的价格”等。)

Task III翻译下列段落,注意商务英语的翻译标准。

1. The development of E-business had close links to the development of the Internet as suppliers and customers realized the cost and time benefits of online transactions. It became more efficient to do business when online systems were used throughout an organization?s supply c hannels. The real challenge of E-business was providing customers with the latest data through every sales channel.


2. In a digital economy, you must be ready for a future of continual change. Change your vision for the future, work closely with your staff, suppliers, and partners to make changes, and learn to view your organization as the customers view it. The focus of E-business must always be on the customers. You have to use your knowledge of your market to consider how customers expectations will change in the future.


3. The golden rule of E-business is that the customer is king. In the days when your customers shopped on the high street, or purchased by telephone or mail order, their opportunity for direct comparison of price was limited. The Internet allows individual or business customers to make comparisons easily and complete their purchases from their own home or office. Many Websites now exist for the purpose of comparison shopping. You should understand the power lies in the hands of the customer and you must put their needs at the center of your business.


4. The personal computer industry was in a growth stage during the early 1980’s. IBM, Apple, and Radio Shack were holding strong; but many new competitors ― Compaq Computer, Convergent Technologies ― were flailing away at the market with differing strategies. Some old

standbys like Osborne Computer bit the dust. Companies spent millions, $500 million in 1983 alone, on advertising and promotion. And prices began dropping as much as 20% to 40%, as specials and advertised sales became more widespread.

20世纪80年代初,个人电脑产业处于成长期。IBM,苹果及无线广播蓬勃发展,许多新竞争者如康柏电脑、聚合技术等以各种战略努力占领市场。一些裹足不前的老牌企业如Osborne 电脑倒闭了。各家公司在广告和促销方面花费巨资,仅1983年就耗资5亿美元。由于减价销售和广告促销的普及,产品价格开始下降了20%至40%。

商务翻译中注意直译和意译的合理使用,比如“hold strong”原意为“坚挺”的意思,主要是指货币,此处意译为“发展势头好,蓬勃发展”;“flail away”表示“非常不稳定”,此处表示新的电脑公司在市场上尚未立足,战战兢兢,努力抓住机遇占领市场,所以译为“努力占领市场”;“standby”原意为“备用”,表示没有取得进步靠边站的企业,引申为“裹足不前”;“bit the dust”不能直译为“吃灰尘”,而表示“倒下、输掉、跨掉”的意思。

5. Are business practices becoming more unethical? There is no easy answer. In America, bribery, price fixing, embezzlement, monopolizing, and other illegal practices cost consumers more than $40 billion a year in higher prices and taxes. A spokesperson for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says that the extent of bribes, kickbacks, and payoffs is “pervasive”. A recent study of 3,000 executives by the American Management Association found that most employees felt pressure from their companies to compromise their personal values. Another study by the Opinion Research Center of 531 top and middle managers reported that 48% felt that it would be all right to pay bribes to foreign officials if that were an accepted way of doing business in that country.

商务行为变得越来越不道德了吗?回答绝非易事。在美国,行贿、限价、贪污、垄断和其他非法行为带来的高价格和高税收让消费者每年多支出400亿美元。美国商务部发言人说,行贿、回扣和给好处费“无处不在”。美国管理协会最近对3 000名管理人员的调查表明,大多数员工由于公司压力,对个人价值做出让步。意见调查中心对531名中高层管理人员的另一项研究表明,48%的人认为,如果行贿在外国是一种可接受的生意行为,那么对外国官员行贿是可以的。


商务英语翻译技能等级考试英汉词汇表 (以英语字母顺序排序) 翻译员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5 高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4 助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3 翻译师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+2 A 4 权力委托 5 旷工,旷职 2 绝对配额 3 绝对值 5 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响 3 吸收游资 5 ; 摘要 2 承兑费 2 不记名承兑 3 承兑信用证 3 抽样认可 4 ; 承兑银行 4 进入市场(的机会) 5 意外事故 3 无法控制的意外事故 3 意外事故保险 4 意外损坏 4 设施;住宿;欠单 3 顺民意;合民情 5 会计帐目 4 账户结金 5 账本(账册、账簿) 3 客户经理(常指广告公司) 5 解释;说明 4 账目编号;账户号码 2 结欠清单 5 账户名称 5 会计工作;会计行业 5 会计 5 会计长 5 会计学 3 会计档案 5 往来帐目 2 账目不清

3 应付账 4 应收账 2 ; ; 应付费用 4 累计资本 3 资本积累 2 累计佣金 5 收购 5 行动计划 2 盘活基础设施存量资产 5 畅销 3 出口加工贸易 5 成交活跃的股票 3 ; 贸易顺差 5 业务类型 3 实际成本 4 实际交货 4 时价;实际价格;实价 4 实际全损 2 ( ) 从价税 3 ; 附加费用 4 额外投资 2 附加保险费 2 追加税 2 ; 防范和化解金融风险2 充分需求 4 核算 3 海损理算书 5 ; 实施,经营,行政 4 行政预算;管理预算 2 行政开支;办公费 4 行政保护 5 预付费用 2 a 预付定金 4 预计货样 5 预付工资 4 预收货款 4 规模经营优势 3 贸易逆差 5 公布;做广告 5 广告业 3 通知行 3 信用证转让通知 3 吁请团,游说团体


《商务英语翻译》课程标准 适用专业:商务英语专业课程编码:TA0B28 开设时间:第5学期课时数:72学时 一、课程概述 本课程旨在传授翻译理论知识及实用的翻译方法和技巧,培养学生独立完成英汉翻译任务。课程是翻译理论为基础,结合实际的典型翻译例文向学生传递实用的翻译技巧,与此同时培养学生的举一反三的能力,最后通过实际的翻译任务锻炼学生的实际翻译能力。 课程设计从商务英语教学的实际需要入手,结合基本的翻译理论、方法以及实际外贸业务对英汉翻译的专业知识需要,在比较全面的介绍英汉翻译知识的同时也为学生补充了大量实际有用的专业翻译方法和技巧,使学生不仅对英汉互译有进一步的学习,同时也可以将所学翻译技巧充分运用于实际工作,从而真正做到学有所用。 坚持以高职教育培养目标为依据,遵循“结合理论联系实际,以应知、应会”的原则,以培养锻炼职业技能为重点。注重培养学生的翻译理论灵活运用能力和翻译实践能力。把实践和创新素质的培养贯穿于教学中,采用翻译任务独立完成


二、课程培养目标 1.方法能力目标 (1)熟悉英语翻译的理论知识。 (2)掌握翻译的标准和原则。 (3)熟悉各种商务文体翻译的过程。 (4)了解译者的工作原则和职业操守。 2.社会能力目标 (1)能够处理对外贸易企业的日常涉外文件翻译。 (2)能够对外贸企业各种函电进行专业翻译。 (3)能够做到对外贸易工作过程中的陪同口译。 3.专业能力目标 (1)熟练掌握词义的选择和引申、词类转译法、增词法、省词法、被动结构的译法和正反、反正的译法。


广东外语外贸大学公开学院辅导资料 商务英语翻译课程试卷 (课程代码:5355) 考生注意:1. 答案必须写在答卷上,写在问卷上无效。 2. 考试时间150分钟。 I. Multiple Choices (20 points, 2 points for each) 第一套试卷 1.It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies. A.在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。各国中央银行也就无须维持本币的汇价了。 B.不足为奇,全世界看到了汇率的回归,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币的汇价了。 C.此时此刻,世界各国又恢复了移动的交换比率,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币汇价。 D.在这种情况下,全世界又恢复了浮动交换率,这已不足为奇了,因此各国中央银行也就无需维持本币价格了。 2.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we would certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis. A.假定实验室检验顺利,并且你的报价有竞争力,我们会大量向贵公司订货的。 B.若实验室检验合格,且你们给我们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会定期大量订货的。 C.若实验室检验良好,且你们给出的报价具有竞争性,我们一定会定期定量订货的。 D.假定实验室发展良好,且你们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会大量定期订货的。 3.Chinese researchers have made a breakthrough in developing new materials for nickel-hydrogen batteries used in low temperatures, Inhaul reported. A.中国研究者已经在开发新材料用于低温下使用的镍氢电池方面有了突破,据新华社报道。 B.新华社报道,中国科学家在从事新材料制造低温镍氢电池方面有了突破。 C.新华社报道,中国研究人员在开发利用新材料制造在低温下使用的镍氢电池方面已有了突破。 D.中国研究者在开发新材料制造低温镍氢电池有了重大突破,这是新华社报道的。 4. Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive


商务英语汉译英 (一)根据英语的表达习惯确定词义 1、向.......提出索赔lodge a claim against 2、既得利益vested interests 3、公司上下将齐心协力,努力使公司发展成具有国际竞争力的高科技企业集团。 The management together with the rank and our company is determined to make consorted efforts to foster the business to grow into a high-tech focused conglomerate with a competitive edge on the international market. 4、本公司本着平等互利、互通有无的原则,积极开展与世界各地老客户的业务往来,并竭诚为各位朋友提供优质服务。 We hold to the tenet of equality ,mutual benefit and mutual complement in developing business connections with old and new customers in the world and shall make every effort to give the best services to our customers. 5、本公司还承办商品及原材料的来样、来样加工,补偿贸易,合作生产,合资经营等业务。 The business scope of our corporation also covers/includes customer-oriented processing with supplied materials and samples, compensation trade, co-operation in manufacturing and the partnering of joint ventures with external businesses. 6、同时,我国政府已同瑞典、罗马尼亚、德国、丹麦、荷兰签订了相互促进和保护投资协定,同加拿大、美国、法国、比利时-卢森堡经济联盟、芬兰、挪威、泰国、意大利、奥地利签订了投资保护协定,还同日本、美国、法国、德国、英国、比利时等国签订了双重征税协定。我国还参加了保护工业产权(包括技术转让)的巴黎公约。 Meanwhile, the Chinese Government has signed agreements on mutual promotion and protection of investment with Sweden, Romania, Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands,agreement on the protection of investment with Canada, the USA, Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union(BLEU), Finland, Norway, Thailand, Italy and Austria and double taxation relief treaties with Japan,the USA, France, Germany, Britain, Belgium and other countries. China is a member of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (including technology transfer). (二)根据专业来确定词义 1、良好的内包装可以其创意设计和适宜的色彩打动消费者。 Good inner packaging may impress consumers with creative designs and suitable colors. 2、不仅仅是各家银行所发生的恐慌性挤兑,还有那如滚雪球般的取消存款,都有可能引发导致金融危机的不良反应。


1 你什么时候要货呢?When do you want the goods? 2 货送到哪里去?Where shall we deliver the goods? 3 有没有送货地点的名片?Do you have card of delivery address. 4 你拿多点数量可以便宜点。We can lower the price, if you take more. 5 这个很便宜了,我都算批发价价格给你了。This is cheap, it is whole sale price. 6 先生(女士),等一下,我看最低能多少钱给你。 Wait a minute, Sir/ Madam, 7 这种款式没货了,这种质量和那种是一样的,价格也一样。 This style is out of stock. This one and that one are the same quality, same price. 8 还需要点别的什么东西吗?Do you want any others? 9 要好点的还是便宜的?Want goods products or cheap one? 10 你要多少米的?How long do you want? 11 算了,给你了。下次多点来关顾。OK, hope you can come again next time. 12 等一下,他去仓库拿货给你看。 Wait a minute. He is going to the warehouse to take the goods. 13 保修一年one year warranty 14 一年内是质量问题可以拿回来换。 If there is quality problem, take it back, we replace it. 15 我怎么联系你呢?How can I contact with you? 16 这个数量太少了。能不能订多点呢? Your order is too small, can you order more? 17 我有便宜点的。I have cheaper one. 18 这个一扎是50米。50 meters, a bundle 19 你要多大的?小一点的就便宜点。 What size do you want? The smaller, the cheaper. 20 拿这种就便宜点,一样大小的,牌子不同。 This one is cheaper, the same size, different brand. 21 这种款式要多少个?How many do you want of this style? 22 等一下,我上二楼拿给你。Wait a minute. I am going upstairs to take it. 23 不行,这个价格我们要亏本的。Sorry, for this price, we will lose money. 24 你还要多点吗?Do you want some more? 25 我们的仓库不远,很快就到了。Our warehouse is not far, we will arrive soon. 26 这么慢,来了没有?再不来我就走了。----很快就来了,再等三分钟。 We have been staying here for a long time. When will he come? If no, we will go. Wait more 3 minutes. 1 请问要多少卷?How many rolls do you want? 2 你的货是自己带走,还是要送? You want us to deliver goods or take by yourself? 3 是货到付款,还是现在支付? Cash on delivery (COD), or on-site payment 4 如果要送货,运费由你出。 You should pay for the cost of delivery if you want. 5 你想要买什么电器?What electronic equipment do you want to buy? 6 这个款式很畅销。This style sells very well.


商务合同的语言特点及其汉英翻译 商务合同是一种特殊的应用文体,重在记实,用词行文的一大特点就是准确与严谨。英译商务合同貌似简单,实则不然。商务合同属于法律性公文,所以英译时,要符合法律公文的特点,要做到译文结构严谨、逻辑严密、言简意赅。 为了探讨商务合同的汉英翻译,本文拟从英文合同的语言特征中寻找翻译时应遵循的原则, 从而介绍商务合同汉英翻译的一些特殊手段。 一、英文合同的语言特征 作为具有法律效应的商务合同或协议,基本具备以下特征: 1. 用词准确明晰。商务合同需要将合同双方的意愿清晰地表达出来,首先要考虑的就是其语言的明晰性,而这一点又主要依靠准确用词,同义、近义词间的细微差异此时都显得非常重要,含混不得。这一点与公文力求明确的特点相呼应。与此同时,为了尽可能把一切都写得准确无疑,作者往往会不惜笔墨重复名词或修饰词,尽量避免代词的使用或省略手段。 例1 :Whereas , the Seller is desirous of exporting the undermentioned products to the territory stipulated below. (卖方欲出口下列产品至下面规定的地方。) 例2 : Whereas , the Purchaser is desirous of importing the said goods for sale in the said territory. (而买方欲进口所述货物在所述地点出售。) 从上述两例中,我们不难看出:用词表达清晰自然,不会产生误解,在大的结构上虽有些重复,但如果运用省略或替代的方式加以简化,其语言的明晰度则逊色了许多。 2.用词正式,多古体惯用副词。为了体现商务合同的法律性和严肃感,正统用词势在必行,因此英文合同的用词较正式、多古体词”。 例3 :Hereafter called “the Purchaser”. (下称“买方”。) 例4 : Either party reserves the right to terminate this agreement upon negotiation. (任何一方需中止合同都必须经过协商。) 上述两句中使用了purchase , party , reserve ,terminate 等正式用词,而未使用常见的buy , side ,keep , end 等词。此外,还有以下类似常见词汇( 括号内为可替换词) : assist ( help ) ; render(make) ; desire (wish) ; require (want ) ; residence(home) ; function (work or act ) ; state ( say) ; inform ( tell) ; commence ( begin) ; terminate


The road to Hell is paved with good intention好心办坏事 The spirit is willing, but the fresh is weak. 心有余而力不足 A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力老大徒伤悲. 爱莫能助be disobliging 活该to have it/that coming to sb. 遇到克星meet one’s waster Cats hide their claws. 知人而不知心 Grasp all. Lose all. 贪多必失 Two’s company,but three’s a crowed. 两人成伴,三人不欢背黑锅The whipping boy./ to carry the can 逼得走投无路to bring/ drive sb. to bay. 进退维谷to be caught between the Devil and deep blue sea. 出格step out of line No way is impossible to courage. 勇者无惧 The more wit, the less courage. 初生牛犊不怕虎 Nothing ventured nothing gained. 不入虎穴焉得虎子 认为…不在话下think nothing of doing sth. 采取主动take the initiative in doing sth. 激流勇进advance through the rapids.

Don’t hate the hand that fee ds you. 不要忘恩负义 Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不被人怜 To turn over a new leaf. 改过自新 吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸sour grapes 恨铁不成钢regret that one’s offspring does not live up to one’s expectations wish iron could turn into steel at once. 红颜易逝beauty fades likes a flower Care killed the cat. 忧愁伤身 To leave(sb) for behind/ in the dust 望尘莫及 Feast or famine 大起大落 To scratch one’s head/ rack one’s brain 冥思苦想 The fool wonders, the wise man asks. 愚人困惑,智者勤问 The squeaking wheel gets the oil. 无声无息,亦无所得 He who hesitates is lost. 犹豫不决错失良机 一头雾水To be in a complete fog/ to be puzzled and confused. 仁者见仁,智者见智To be all things to all men/people. 茅塞顿开click(to suddenly became clear or understand) Faith moves mountain. 精诚所至,金石为开 A friend is best found in adversity. 患难见真情


商务英语翻译实训总结 商务英语翻译实训总结 更广泛的关注,高职商务英语翻译实训课程便位列其中。 一、翻译实训课的重要性实训课作为实践性课程的重要组成部分,对高职教育来说自然非常重要。与普通高等教育相比,高职教育更加重视培养实用型、应用型的人才。实训课程即为实现这一培养目标的重要途径之一。杨国祥,丁钢总结了高职课程建设的基本原则,其中即有突出实践教学的原则。[1](P223)同时,高职教育较普通高等教育而言更强调培养学生的动手实践能力,有人也称高职教育为就业教育。因此,尽快缩短学生进入工作角色的周期就成为高职教育的一个重要目标。设置一些实践性的课程,比如实训课,就有助于实现这一目标。[2](P49)翻译课本身即是实践性非常强的课程,如果没有大量的实际操练和训练,就容易偏于理论而失去其应有的实践性意义。相反,只有通过大量的笔译和口译实操,在训练的过程中发现并帮助解决学生存在的问题,同时补充一些做好翻译所必需的方法、技巧,如笔译中长句的断句技巧、主动语态与被动语态的互变、增词译法、减词译法,口译中的顺译技巧、焊接技巧、拆句技巧、合句技巧、耽搁翻译、预判技巧等,才能让高职商务英语专业的学生更快地掌握翻译技巧和方法,提高翻译能力,从而增强其就业竞争力。 二、高职商务英语翻译实训课现状尽管翻译实训课非常重要,但是高职商务英语翻译实训课目前却表现出发展极其不均衡的状况。1.就重视程度而言,一些院校非常重视,不仅开设翻译实训课,有些还专门建立了翻译实训室。然而,很多高职院校的商务英语专业不重视

或不够重视翻译实训课的建设,只是在翻译课中加一些练习。究其原因,一方面可能是财力、物力等方面有所局限;另一方面,则可能是主观上不够重视,有些院校则根本不设置翻译课和翻译实训课。2.在开设了翻译实训课的院校中,也存在着各种各样的问题。 (1)师资问题教授翻译实训课的教师必须要有翻译知识背景,要了解基本的翻译理论、技巧、方法等,同时最好有商务实践背景。现实情况却是,有些院校的商务翻译实训课是由纯语言学背景但无翻译背景的教师来教授的,有些则由有实践经验但缺乏必需的翻译理论、方法、技巧的教师任教。结果自然都无法令人满意。 (2)翻译实训课的课时不足有些院校也开设翻译实训课,但课时却严重不足,导致的结果是教师的讲授和学生的练习均无法达到令人满意的效果。 (3)缺乏好的翻译实训课教材教材对教学活动的重要性不言而喻。实训教材包括实训教学大纲、实训指导书、实训教学文字材料、实训教学软件、实训教学音像材料等。[3](P48)市面上缺乏此类翻译实训课教材,因此在教授翻译实训课时只能选择一些翻译教程为教材。如此一来,教学效果肯定会受到很大影响。 (4)实训室和实训基地缺乏或数量不足实训室和实训基地对于实训教学的重要性不言而喻,商务英语翻译实训亦是如此。但现实情况却是很多院校根本没有商务英语翻译实训室和实训基地。 (5)校企联合、产学研开展不够在实训教学中,校企联合、产学研等都起着举足轻重的作用。据笔者较为详尽的调查,这一块的现状总体也无法令人满意。


Between..and…在..之间 Country of origin and manufacture生产国别和制造厂商 Time of shipment装运期限 Port of shipment)装运口岸 Port of destination 到货口岸 Be liable for 对…负责 On account of由于 Attribute to 造成 Take measures采取措施 Shipping mark唛头 Gross weight毛重 Net weight净重 Do not stack up side down此端向上 Handle with care小心轻放 Keep away from moisture切勿受潮 Terms of payment付款条件 Payment by L/C信用证付款 Payment by collection信托付款 Payment by M/T信汇付款 In case of在情况下,以某种方式 Freight to collect运费到付 Insurance policy/certificate保险单/证明 War risk兵险 Breakage and leakage破碎渗漏 In the event of在发生情况下if Upon arrival of在到达之时 Invoice of quintuplicate发票5份 Packing list in duplicate装箱单2份 Certificate of quality质量证明 Technical document技术资料 Foundation drawings基础图 Wiring instructions布线说明 Terms of shipment装运条款 Shipping agent装运代理人 In the matter of如有。。if Be free from defects不存在缺陷 For a period of 2 years from the date of purchase自购买之日起两年内Warranty 保修期 Batch number批号 Forwarder 代运人 Shipment date装运日期 Design specification设计规格 Risk assessment风险评估




Insurer 保险人 Insurer broker 保险经纪人 Insurance underwriter 保险承保人 Insurance applicant 投保人 Insurant,the insured 被保险人,受保人 Subject matter insured 保险标的 Insurance rate 保险费率表 Insured amount 保险金额 Premium 保险费 Insurance commission 保险佣金 Insurance coverage;risks covered 保险范围 Land transit insurance 陆上运输保险 Particular average(PA) 单独海损 General average(GA) 共同海损 Insurance free of (from)particular average(FPA) 平安险Insurance with average/with particular average(WA/WPA) 水渍险Insurance policy 保险单,大保单 Insurance certificate 保险凭证 Combined certificate 联合凭证 Open policy 预约保险单 2 Provisional price 暂定价 Catalogue price 目录价 Floor price 最低限价 Nominal price 虚价 Rock-bottom price 底价 Sliding price 滑动价格 Convention price 公议价 Net price 净价 Price including commission 含佣价 Retail price 零售价 Wholesale price 批发价 Factory price,manufacturer’s price 出厂价 Spot price 现货价格 Forward price 期货价格 Current price ;prevailing price 现行价格 World(international) market price 国际市场价格 FOB(free on board) 离岸价 CIF(cost,insurance and freight) 到岸价 C&F(cost and freight) 成本加运费价 Preferential price 优惠价 3 Appreciation 升值


浅谈商务英语翻译 随着全球经济一体化和我国的国际贸易往来不断加强,涉外商务活动已经深入到各个企业,商务英语是国际贸易以及营销等领域不可缺少的重要沟通工具。以下首先介绍商务英语的内涵及特点,然后,着重举例阐述商务英语翻译的技巧,探索提升商务英语翻译质量的有效措施。 一、商务英语的内涵 商务英语属于专门用途英语的范畴,具有十分丰富的商务理论及实务信息,涉及外贸函电、报关实务、市场营销、经济管理、金融财政、财务会计、现代物流、国际支付与结算、涉外保险、贸易合同等商务活动。在这些涉外商务领域中所使用的英语一般统称为商务英语,它具有明确的商务特色,是商务沟通的必备语言,所以翻译必须了解商务英语的特征和熟悉商务情境,否则翻译效果就会大打折扣,影响到商务活动,一旦翻译失误或错译,将给委托方造成损失。在这种情况下,高效实用的商务英语翻译起着不可或缺的桥梁作用。 二、商务英语的特点 普通英语词语的商务含义 例如:We will cover All Risks and War Risk for you.

该句子中cover本来是“遮盖,涉及”之意,但在本句商务含义中指“给…投保”。因此该句应翻译为:我们将为你方投保一切险和战争险。 丰富的专业术语 商务内容范围广,涉及国际贸易、经济、金融、保险等多个领域,而每个领域都有自己的专业术语,如国际贸易方面的CIF成本、保险费加运费,B/L提单;经济方面的Gross National Product,demand curve;金融方面的foreign exchange ,Financial Lease;保险方面的Force Majored,Deposit Insurance等。译者必须懂得商务英语所涉及学科领域的相关知识,避免专业术语词汇普通化而造成误解和经济损失。 语言简洁正式,使用缩略词 商务英语作为一种专门用途英语,以传达具体信息为目的,具有简约性的特色,突出的表现就是大量使用缩略词,并以正式的语言表达交易的严肃性及有效性。商务英语的缩略词都在实践中经过了长期使用,已经被人们广泛接受,其意义十分明确,翻译时无需解释。但是要准确地翻译缩略词,则一定要知道缩略词的全称,并且理解其意义。 行文礼貌委婉 商务英语行文力求委婉礼貌。因为商务交流关涉到双方企业形象,委婉礼貌的用语可以使双方在融洽的气氛中交


1.Enclosed please find a copy of our price list. 随函附上我方价目表一份,请查收。 2.However,up to the present writing, we have not had the pleasure of hearing from you. 然而,迄今为止未见贵方赐复。 3. We should be much obliged if you could make us a firm offer for 100 tons. 如能报给我方一个100的实盘,我方将不胜感激。 4.Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Your prompt cooperation will be highly appreciated. 5. If you will kindly inform us as to his financial standing, reliability and reputation for paying bills, we shall greatly appreciate the favor. 如蒙贵方将他的信用状况及付款方面的信誉状况告知我方,我方将非常感激。6.、、、fall/come within the scope of our business activities 、、、是我们的业务范围 7.、、、enter into/establish direct business relations 建立直接的业务关系8.FOB:Free on Board 离岸价CFR;Cost and Freight CIF;Cost,Insurance and Freight 9. pay on demand 见票即汇at a future fixed time Bearer 持票人at a 60 days sight Sight bill 即期汇票time bill 远期汇票 Seventy-five thousand only(整) Negotiable 转让drawer 出票人drawee 授票人endorsement 背书10.Collection 托收Document Against Payment D/P 付款交单Document Against Acceptance D/A 承兑交单 Shipping documents货运单据:Performa invoice 形式发票, Commercial invoice商业发票,Bill of landing提单(B/L) Inspection certificate 商检证Shipping advice 装运通知 Policy of insurance 保险单Customs declaration 报关单 Bill of exchange 汇票(Draft)Letter of Credit 信用证(L/C) Certificate of origin 产地证明Clean bill 清洁提单Unclean bill


商务英语翻译课程总结 一、教学 商务英语翻译课程于英语专业第五学期开设,是英语专业课程体系高年级阶段的专业核心技能课程。该课程总学时36学时,含实践课程12学时。本课程着重讲解了商务英语翻译过程中的技巧和方法,是一门专业性与实践性很强的课程。 本课程选用的教材为《世纪商务英语:翻译教程(第三版)》是普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材,以培养学生翻译实践能力为核心,以英语实用文体的分类为整体框架,围绕商务英语专业知识和商务业务环境中的各种"真实材料",结合相关翻译方法和技巧的讲解,以及文化背景知识的介绍,并提供有针对性的培养和强化学生实践能力的各种类型的翻译练习。全书共设12个单元,以实用文体的分类进行排列,涵盖了标识、商标、商用表格、单证、产品说明、公司介绍、广告、公关文稿、商务信函、商务报告、报刊文摘等常见文体。每单元由八大模块组成:(1)Introduction; (2) Lead-in;(3) Methods and Techniques; (4) Useful Words and Expressions; (5) Complimentary Reading (6) Notes (7) Practice; (8) Classic Translation. 授课过程中本人采取讲解为辅,学生练习为主的授课方法。并采用了多媒体等现代化教学手段来提高教学质量。同时加强了对学生课外学习和课外实践活动的指导和组织,使课外学习和实践活动成为教学工作中的一个组成部分和教师工作的一部分。另外,在充分利用现有的教学设备和条件的基础上,开发新的教学资源,例如网络资源,督促学生自觉地利用网络上丰富的翻译资源进行自学和自我测试,不断提高学生的学习自觉性,是现代教育技术为现有的教学方式和手段提供重要的补充。 在讲授新的课程单元之前,分配学生预习工作,要求他们以小组的形式分工合作,通过网络以及查阅各种课外书籍的方式寻找所需资料。并以任务完成情况作为他们期末考试的依据之一,在一定程度上调动了学生的学习积极性,避免了老师上课“一言堂”的现象的发生。 在实践课程的教学环节中,针对大三学生即将面临的工作应聘需要,实训课的授课内容主要与学生就业求职的工作岗位需要联系起来。本人指导了学生学习


商务英语翻译中词语的选择 商务英语翻译中词语得选择 1 商务英语 11商务英语 随着经济全球化,国际间商务交往活动日益频繁,作为沟通各国商务活动和经济交流得语言工具——商务英语, 已成为职场生活中一门跨学科得综合性专业学科.国际商务英语是在国际商务得背景下进行跨文化交际得一种共通语言.学术界认为它属于应用语言学得研究范围,是专门用途英语得一个重要分支和英语得一种社会功能变体.国际商务得丰富内容和繁杂活动决定了国际商务英语翻译得复杂性、特别性和多样性,它不仅涉及两种文字和文化得转换,更涉及国际商务理论知识、国际商务各个领域得专业语言特点和各种国际商务文体得行文和专门表达法[2]. 12商务英语得语言特点 121商务英语得语言得专业性 商务英语在词汇使用上得最大特点是其专业词汇量大, 同时使用特别准确, 其中所包含得大量得专业词汇是具有商务意义得一般词汇或复合词, 以及大量得缩略词, 其语言具有极强得专业性.例如:benefits(利润), dam ages(赔偿金额) , forward pricing(远期估价), hedge (套期保值) , bar code(条形码),value- added service(增值服务), c b d (交货前付款), iou (欠条)等等. 122 商务英语句子结构复杂, 意思完整 商务英语涉及双方或多方利益, 商务合同、文件、或一个合同所给得定义、条款和内容必须做到准确无本文由论文联盟收集整理误, 不能产生任何异议.wWwcoM鉴于此, 在用英语书写这些文件、合同时, 必须用词准确, 同时大量使用从句、短语来限定其内容, 其结果是大多数句子错综复杂, 结构严谨.例如:should any shortage, missing, damage or cases which are not in conformity with the quality standards in the previous articles of the contract be found of the delivered equipment and materials during the open -package inspect ion, check and test in the presence of the representatives of both parties, a detailed record shall be made and signed by them (双方代表在开箱检验、核对和测试期间, 若发觉交付得设备和材料有短缺、丢失、损坏或不符合本合同中得条款规定得质量标准时, 应做详细记录, 并由他们签字.)123 商务英语中大量使用被动语态、祈使句、非谓语动词和情态动词 为了做到语言简洁, 内容表达客观公正和有关事项描述得准确无误, 在商务英语中大量使用被动语态、祈使句、情态动词以及各种从句.例如: during the period from the date of effectiveness to the termination of this contract the two parties shall ho ld a meeting every year to discuss problems in the execution of the contract to exchange views on technical development and improvement and thus to lay a foundation for further technical cooperation the meeting shall be held in the two countries in turn the content and conclusion o f such discussions shall be written in memorandum the number o f attendants of each party shall not exceed five persons each party shall bear its own expenses (从合同生效之日起到合同终止得期间内, 双方每年凉快一次正式会晤, 以便讨论合同执行中存在得咨询题, 以及就技术改进与创新咨询题进行交流, 为进一步得技术合作奠定基础.双方得会晤轮流在两国进行凉爽.讨论得内容和结论载入备忘录中.每方参加人员不得超过5人, 且费用自理)[1]. 2 商务英语翻译中选词存在得咨询题 21对专业词汇不了解 作为科技英语得一个分支,商务英语拥有数量可观得词汇.要真正读明白商务英语文章,除了商务谈判和交际中所涉及得各种词汇外,还需要了解许多固有得经济词汇.这些词汇不仅

商务英语翻译心得 张留芳 1156110309

商务英语翻译心得 从开学到现在,商务英语翻译(汉译英)共学习了两大类,一类为产品说明的翻译,包括商业广告、产品说明书、商名; 一类为企业旅游类,包括企业单位宣传材料、学校简介、旅游宣传材料。现将所学内容详细进行总结。 I.产品说明类汉译英 1. 商业广告的汉英翻译 1.1商务广告的主要功能有三个:传播商业信息,诱发公众需求;塑造企业形象,提高企业知名度; 展示商情,为公众咨询提供方便。要取得这些功能,作为促销手段的广告首先必须引人注目,即具有“注意价值”(attention value)和“可读性”(readability)。例如“谁跑到最后,谁笑得最好------He who lasts last laughs best(某一轮胎广告)”,该广告是模仿某句谚语“He who laughs last laughs best”改编而来的,读起来朗朗上口又颇具意味,达到了上述的注意价值和可读性;其次,必须具有“说服力”(persuasive power)或“推销能力”(selling power),能使人产生购买所促销售产品的欲望。例如“美酒酿出世界的爱------Good liquor helps you to get love everywhere”该翻译运用you这个单词,使酒与消费者很好的融为一体,达到了推销的作用。 1.2 商务广告的翻译要符合以下几点要求:鲜明突出,简明通俗,新颖别致以及生动形象。 例一:日本航空:舒适与温馨撒满世界 A world of comfort.(Japan Airlines) 例二:我们肆无忌惮的知道如何卖鸡蛋 We know Eggsactly how to sell Eggs 例三: 你会像阳光一样明媚。(阳光衬衫广告) You will be as charming as the Sunshine(一语双关,生动形象) 2.产品说明书的汉英翻译 2.1 产品说明书简介 产品说明书通常翻译做“Instruction Manual 或Operation Manual”. 内容包括1)产品的一般特性:安装,使用,维修。2)产品的具体特征:注意事项,基本原理,结构,安装调整步骤,使用,维修,故障/疑难排除,备件单。 2.2 产品说明书的语言及文体特点 2.2.1 语言特点 1)广泛使用一般现在时和主动语态;多使用祈使句以实现说服功能 例:药片溶解后,溶液应置于阴凉避光处保存。 Store away from light in a cool place after dissolving a tablet. 2)多使用省略句省去不必要的词; 例:本品配方温和,膏体轻盈,含防止过敏成份,不会令皮肤干燥。 This product is extremely gentle, the lightweight formula contains anti-irritants and will not over-dry the skin. 红色的字是要注意的地方,并不一定要逐字翻译,例如这个句子就将“配方温和”和“膏体轻盈”结合在一起翻译了,“extremely gentle”,“lightweight formula”。“令皮肤干燥”我们一般可能会翻译成“make our skin dry”,就不如“over-dry”来的简练。 3)常使用动词的非谓语形式以简化表达; 例:请确认存储器剩余的容量及要下载的文件大小

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