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中美高等教育对比The Differences of Higher Education between China and America

中美高等教育对比The Differences of Higher Education between China and America
中美高等教育对比The Differences of Higher Education between China and America


Education has become a symbol of the national power. Every year a great number of students from all over the world come to American for studying. On the contrary, China as an ancient country civilization with over five thousand years, only have several famous universities. This paper aims to study the difference of higher education between China and America and find out the merit of American education. Then take the essence and discard the dregs to improve the quality of our own education.

Key words: Higher Education; Difference; China; American


Higher education is an educational level that follows a completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school, or a gymnasium. Higher education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education vocational education and training. Colleges, universities and institutes of technology are the main institutions that provide higher education.In many developed countries, a high proportion of the population, now enter higher education at some time in their lives. Higher education is therefore very important to national economic, both as a significant industry in its own right and as a source of trained and educated personnel for the rest of the economy. College educated workers command a significant wage premium and are much less likely to become unemployed than less educated workers.

The American university has been considered as models by the world, although it only has a history of 300 years. Every year thousands of students from all over the world come to American for studying, including a large number of Chinese excellent students. With the development of economic, China also attracts a lot of oversea students in recent years, but there still are many differences on higher education between China and America. As a result, we should learn from America and make improvement in our education.

I The Differences of Higher Education between China and America

Firstly, they are different in teaching methods.In American, inspiring students is great important for teaching. In classroom, teachers will specially put forward some inspiring questions for students. In such a teaching mode, students in the classroom have a higher degree of freedom, and they can be ready to make their own doubt for teachers which made the teaching atmosphere lively and vivid. This method of teaching helps students develop the ability of independent thinking and solving problem. However, China’s higher education pays more attention to the systematic study. When teaching the curriculum, teachers should follow in accordance with certain teaching programs. Although students have certain interactive questions, this kind of questions tend to be concentrated after the class, rather than in the classroom. It is the main mode that class is taught by teachers and students just listen to the records. This approach is conductive to help the students learn systemic knowledge, and they have less sense of innovation.

Secondly, they have differences in the dependence of students. In America, college students are likely to be more independent of their parents. Students often make decisions by themselves, no matter on studying and live. And students are often expected, as part of learning to be an adult, to pay for part or all the costs of college by themselves. On the other hand, pa rents also give more freedom for children to the best of their abilities. Some American college students thrive in this new found freedom, and some flounder. Many grow up quickly during college, while others fail and leave college to find full-time jobs. In China, college students are likely to be their parents’ only child—the focus of family pride, concern, and hope. Their parents’ work hard to help them succeed, including helping them study for the dreaded college entrance exams. And parents try their best to teach traditional Confucian values of honoring family, teacher, and education and the modern realities of rapidly expanding commerce and technology.

Thirdly, they have different targets. In American, every university has its reasons to exist, no matter how small it is. And each university knows what their target is. For example, the economic institute of Stanford university has three goals for undergraduate. There is no doubt the number of universities in China is increasing but

most university don’t know why it should be established and exists. Just because China has a large population, more universities can let more students go to the university. In addition, the development of Chinese universities behaves a bit impulsive, for example, many universities are seeking for certain “world rankings” but overlook the formal development of themselves. And most of students choose to go to university is to get a diploma which can help them find a job easily.

II The Reasons for the Differences

China and America has different social environment. America is open social. The society’s openness urges the American college to abandon the old education on thought which European traditional university sticks to, adopts open policy to absorb all advantages from other countries and establishes diverse and open education control system which emphasizes the actual effects. America is the biggest immigrant country which has very strong containing nature in the culture. American economy emphasizes on the practical value, matter reward as well as individual value realization with fast development, rich material life, strong material idea and etc. The American advocates the independent way of life and work. The American owns full creative humanities spirit, the innovation is the forever subject in their brains. They pursue the high-tech and prefer to compete.

Contrast with young American, China is the great nation with glorious history and cultural traditions. The Chinese people have the excellent moral of modesty, rigorous and implicit, but also have been over cautious and conservative. Through Chinese economy and technology is quite backward, it has very strong potential development. Therefore, China implements the policy of opening up, abundantly absorbs the benefit and enriches itself.

Besides, Education is a cultural phenomenon, different education response to a different culture. So we can see the cultural difference in the view of higher education. From ancient on, Chinese people are always very conservative, which result in they lack of spirit of adventure and innovative conscious. As a result, the student in the

classroom is not very active. By contrast, America is a nation of immigrants with a short history. With the influence of multi culture and different values, it is easy for them to be more lively and free.

III Enlightenment from the Concept of American Higher Education Nowadays, China’s higher education is shift from the examination-oriented education to quality education. Indeed what kind of education principles and practices to choose is not only related to quality of education, but related to the future of the Chinese nation and all young students’life development. The reform of higher education should respect history and national conditions with compatible absorption and innovation. Here is some enlightenment from the concept of American higher education.

Firstly, teaching management should achieve the reunification of system and flexibility. Teaching management system is a set of regulations and criterions to ensure the normal functioning of teaching and extracurricular life. In the development of teaching management system, standard and uniformity nature of the system if often focused, while the humanities, reasonableness and flexibility is consider insufficiently.

Secondly, students’ sense of participation should be fully prominent in teaching practice. The stress of individualized education is to awaken and mobilize students’main principle, promote students’ initiative and creativity. It not only emphasizes the lead role of teachers in the process of teaching, but also give the main role to students in the process of learning. Therefore, teaching should focus on taking individualized teaching methods, strategies and techniques, widely apply the science teaching methods.

Furthermore, our education system should have appropriately change. Every university should adjust its direction and position in a timely manner with the social development, so that it keep pace with the times, and successfully transform the university into a higher level.


From what has mentioned above we know the differences of higher education between America and China as well as its reason. There is no point saying which kind of education is superior. We should improve ourselves continuously only if we could find out our weaknesses in this comparison and learn from the best. American higher education is the heaven for the students to learn what they like and what they need actually.Higher education in China is continuously growing, changing and developing. Higher education in China has played a significant part in economic growth, scientific progress and social development in the country by bringing up large scale of advanced talents and experts for the construction of socialist modernization. At the end of the paper lists some enlightenment from the concept of American higher education. If we can follow these changes, Chinese higher education will go to a bright future and American also can get something they lack of from our higher education.


中美高等教育的主要差别在哪里 差别很多,只谈教育模式与教育内容。 解放后,中国摒弃了高等教育传统,照搬了苏联专业教育的高等教育模式,并延续至今。由于学科的专业化和分化,不同学科之间缺乏沟通,各个学科所从事的研究、所开设的课程,甚至同一学科的不同分支所从事的研究、所开的课程与其他学科或者其他分支之间似乎没有关系,因此学生所学到的无非是一些支离破碎的知识。人类作为整体所建立的知识体系反而成为把人们从知识上,甚至在观念和行为上隔离开来的栅栏。这种专业教育模式和教育内容为学生提供某一学科的专业训练,使学生在毕业之后能够从事相应的专业研究,或者谋得相应的职业,成为社会生产大机器中的一个零件。这种专业化的教育客观上相当于西方教育中的职业教育。即使到现在,在我国大学教育的主要导向,仍然是专业和就业。这可能也是我国高等教育整体上处于西方国家职业教育层次,没有高水平大学教育的原因所在了。 与我国的专业教育模式不同,通识教育是美国大学本科教育自19世纪后期以来的又一重要传统,几乎所有大学都有详尽的通识教育计划。以哈佛大学为例。1978年,哈佛大学发动了“学术界平静的革命”,文理学院的教授以182票对65票通过决议,用“基础课程”代表原先的“普通课程”。所谓基础课程,就是“综合传统独立学科中的基本内容,以向所有学生提供共同知识背景为目的的一种课程设置”。基础课程由六大类十个领域组成,分别是“文学和艺术”(其中分ABC三个领域),“科学”(其中分AB两个领域),“历史”(其中分AB两个领域),“社会分析”,“外国文化”和“道德理性”。所有文理科学生都必须从这十个领域中选修八个领域的课程,并在大学前两年内修完(主要是前三学期)。[1] 为了确保通识教育能够达到预期的目标,担任通识教育课程教学任务的教师必须是教授或高级讲师,教学效果经评估必须达到优良。[2] 通识教育课程涉及自然科学、社会科学、历史、文化等多个方面,通过高水平教师的讲授,使学生在进入大学专业课程学习之前,就可以对人类文明在各个领域的成果有一个概括性的认识和体验。所以,他们专业课程的学习应该是建立在人类文明成果这个坚实的大平台之上的,这为他们继续学习某一专业的课程奠定了多学科的、良好的基础,也为其以后的工作或研究提供了一个非常有价值的平台。 通识教育使高等教育站在人类文明进步的“巨人肩膀上”,直接聆听知名教授对某些领域的深刻体会与理解,站到文明与发展的前沿,他们每迈出一步可能就是创新。而我们高等教育,担任公共课程教学的教师往往是在学校里不受重视和水平也值得怀疑的一些人。整个


中美大学课堂教育对比 一、课堂特点 中国课堂:任务、纪律、整齐划一 ○1学生端端正正地坐在拥挤的教室里,注意力高度集中听讲。老师滔滔不绝地讲,学生静静地听。 ○2学生要抄写大量笔记,单调的灌输式教学方式使学生对学习往往失去兴趣。 ○3老师占用课堂大部分时间,老师讲课时一般不提问学生。 美国课堂:形散而神不散 ○1上课如开研讨会,学生分组活动,发言积极,课堂上欢声笑语。 ○2课堂上不断有提问与回答,学生可以随时接住同伴的话题继续进行,老师观察指导。 ○3教师很敬业,讲课充满热情,鼓励、启发学生,学生知识面广,善于表达。 二、学生的学习方式 中国学生:独立学习 ○1中国的教育过分重视学生课内的学习,而忽视学生课外的实践学习。 ○2学习中,要求学生独立完成作业,过分强调独立思考,课堂上不提倡与别人讨论,学生在学习中不喜欢求教他人,喜欢独立思考。 ○3学习中很少分享,同伴间的学习互相保守,谈不上积极帮助。 美国学生:合作学习 ○1除在课内学习外,强调学生在课外的合作学习。 ○2提倡团队协作、合作,强调小组和团队、集体的力量和作用,注意培养与他人的合作能力,提倡在协作中提高自我。 ○3提倡分享,注重交流与沟通,重视别人的不同意见,重视从不同渠道获得的知识和 信息。 三、学习时间 中国:全天学习 美国:半天学习 四、教材 中国的教材强调夯实基础 美国的教材比较浅显 五、师生关系:中国:传统的师生关系美国:融洽的朋友关系 六、育人目标:中国:重视基础知识的掌握美国:重视创造力的培养

七、教育理念:中国:事先安排好学习内容美国:学生自主选择学习内容,提倡学生学习自己感兴趣的东西 八、考试制度:中国:考试目的在于淘汰人和升学的需要美国:在于寻找自身存在的不足,查漏补缺,以利于今后学习的开展。 九、班级规模:中国:大班授课美国:小班授课 十、对待成绩的态度:中国:成绩公布,学生和老师很重视成绩美国:成绩属于隐私,不公布,学生和老师不太重视成绩 中美课堂教育差异的原因:1、历史原因2、社会因素3、中美教育评价标准与教育价值观不同4、中国教育重知识,重灌溉的课堂教学方式,美国重实践、重创造的课堂教学模式 建议:○1注重培养学生的合作学习能力○2注重培养学生的实践、创新能力○3推进人才模式改革,尊重学生个性和发展需求○4营造平等、民主、宽松的课堂氛围○5采用多元化的考核方式○6注重课堂信息反馈○7增强教师责任意识,提高服务水平。 总结:中国依旧是传统式教育、不大实用;美国偏重于实际动手能力、比较符合社会发展的需要 教育是一种文化现象,不同的教育反映的是不同文化内涵,适宜美国社会的教育体制并不一定适合中国。每一种教育方式都有其优点,我们要理性地看待。 谢谢观看! University classroom education of China and the United States First:class characteristics Chinese class: task, discipline, uniform Students sitting in a crowded classroom, seriously from concentration to the lecture.Teacher speak reel, students listen. Students want to copy a lot of notes, monotonous force-feeding teaching methods so that the students tend to lose interest in learning. The teacher to take up the classroom, most of the time don't usually ask students when the teacher lectures.


中美孩子教育对比清单-如何培养孩子独立性和自主能力 引导语:中国孩子与美国孩子有何不同:中国孩子抱大,美国孩子爬大。 中国的家长望子成龙心切,他们更重视学业的倾向,认为给孩子一个良好的学业开端是幼儿园重要的任务,而美国的家庭则将培养孩子独立性和自主能力放在一个重要的任务。 在中国,如果一个孩子积极的帮助父母做家务,那一定会被夸张为孝顺,不过,在外国朋友看来,孩子做家务并不是什么稀奇事。或许是文化的差异导致教育方式的不同,不过我们应该要认识到的是,相比如今许多家庭对孩子的过分宠溺,导致那些已经成年的大学生都还没有自理的能力,国外的家庭教育实在要比我们高明的多。 在美国,大多数的孩子都有家务活清单。父母们认为,孩子参与做家务,不仅仅是为了减轻父母的负担,更重要的是:可以让孩子们更好地体验自己是家庭一员的感觉,从小培养孩子的独立性和责任心。 根据年龄大小,他们分别设计了适合不同阶段孩子的家务活,比如: 9-24个月,自己扔尿布 2-4岁,扔垃圾、整理玩具、浇花、喂宠物……


8-12岁,做简单的饭、清理洗手间、使用洗衣机…… 13岁以上,换灯泡、做饭、洗衣、修剪草坪…… 中国的家长望子成龙心切,他们更重视学业的倾向,认为给孩子一个良好的学业开端是幼儿园重要的任务,而美国的家庭则将培养孩子独立性和自主能力放在一个重要的任务。 美国人在教育、培养孩子的优良品质和个性方面,有许多值得我们借鉴的做法与经验。竞争充满着美国整个社会乃至每一个家庭。人人凭本事吃饭,没有人身依附,“靠自己的双手挣钱”成为孩子们的自觉行为,勤奋、节俭蔚成风气。 中国孩子与美国孩子有何不同:中国孩子抱大,美国孩子爬大。 编后语:我们每个人都处在亲子关系之中,是处于与孩子的亲密与融洽的关系,孩子是通过母亲来到这个世界,但并不是为你来的,在他来到这个世界之前就注定了他是独立的,父母的存在是帮助孩子成为他所想要成为的那样一个人。


Abstract Education has become a symbol of the national power. Every year a great number of students from all over the world come to American for studying. On the contrary, China as an ancient country civilization with over five thousand years, only have several famous universities. This paper aims to study the difference of higher education between China and America and find out the merit of American education. Then take the essence and discard the dregs to improve the quality of our own education. Key words: Higher Education; Difference; China; American Introduction Higher education is an educational level that follows a completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school, or a gymnasium. Higher education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education vocational education and training. Colleges, universities and institutes of technology are the main institutions that provide higher education.In many developed countries, a high proportion of the population, now enter higher education at some time in their lives. Higher education is therefore very important to national economic, both as a significant industry in its own right and as a source of trained and educated personnel for the rest of the economy. College educated workers command a significant wage premium and are much less likely to become unemployed than less educated workers. The American university has been considered as models by the world, although it only has a history of 300 years. Every year thousands of students from all over the world come to American for studying, including a large number of Chinese excellent students. With the development of economic, China also attracts a lot of oversea students in recent years, but there still are many differences on higher education between China and America. As a result, we should learn from America and make improvement in our education.


国内外高等教育体制对比研讨 有幸到明尼苏达大学以访问学者的身份学习了三个月。在这三个月里,所见,所闻,所感,非三言两语能表达。总之,感触颇多。 明尼苏达大学始建于1851年,拥有四所校园,是美国最具综合性的高等学府之一,位居美国最富盛名的大学之列。明大是美国的赠地大学之一,具有优秀的教育和为社会服务的传统,也是美国重要的研究机构,有很多在美国和国际上享有盛名的学者。作为世界一流的本科、研究生教育学府和学术研究机构,明大每年的教育预算高达16亿美元,在校学生近6万人,在美国所有公立大学中位居第三。在三个月的学习中,笔者还参观了包括普林斯顿大学、圣约翰大学在内的十几所私立、公立大学,对美国的高等教育体制有了大致的了解。经过对比,笔者发现,中美高等教育体制上存在着以下差异。 一、教育理念不同 中国的教育理念与美国的教育理念截然不同,最大的区别是:中国偏重于灌输式教育。中国学生的根基非常扎实,这是优点,但也有缺点,中国的学生面对新事物总有畏缩心理,与美国学生比起来,创新意识较差,无论是各门课程的课程学习报告、设计报告还是期末考试,中国大学更为重视

学生的答案是否符合“标准”;而美国大学更看重实践以及实践过程中的创造性思维。这也是国内教育与西方教育的重要区别。 国内的学生往往有惊人的记忆能力和良好的数学基础,这也是中国学生能在应试教育中取得佳绩的原因,但是美国的高等教育更多地要求学生去参与、实践、创造,许多课程都安排有案例学习与讨论的时间以及学生进行案例分析与陈述等以学生为中心的教学活动。老师对学生的面授时间很短,大约为学生所用学习时间的30%左右。其余时间要靠学生自学、到图书馆查阅资料、同学之间相互讨论,才能学懂有关的知识。在参与和实践的过程中,学生自学和自己解决问题的能力得到了提高。由于他们变被动的学习为主动的学习,态度不同,学习的效果就有天壤之别。 美国的课堂气氛非常活跃,学生可以随时打断老师的讲课并提问。虽然有些问题看起来非常简单,但老师都会认真解答。而有的问题则非常尖锐,学生甚至可对老师的观点进行反驳。课程作业一般要求学生对现行政策或评估方法进行批判性的论述。美国高校老师对学生的课程报告或者课程设计的评阅多以鼓励为主:对思维独特、见解不一般的学生大加褒扬;即使一些学生的报告刚刚过关,老师也可以从报告中找到文章的亮点予以鼓励。这些鼓励极大地增强了学生的自信心,并可明白自己报告中存在的问题。


中国与西方高等教育制度差异之我见 为期12周的的世界各著名大学揽胜选修课即将结束,在过去的12周里,老师带我们领略了世界各国著名大学的风采,在羡慕和向往中我们也认识到了中西方高等教育制度的差异,这次的作业我就来谈谈中国与美国高等教育制度的差异 一、教育理念不同 中国的教育理念与美国的教育理念截然不同,最大的区别是:中国偏重于灌输式教育。中国学生的根基非常扎实,这是优点,但也有缺点,中国的学生面对新事物总有畏缩心理,与美国学生比起来,创新意识较差,无论是各门课程的课程学习报告、设计报告还是期末,中国大学更为重视学生的答案是否符合“标准”;而美国大学更看重实践以及实践过程中的创造性思维。这也是国内教育与西方教育的重要区别。 国内的学生往往有惊人的记忆能力和良好的数学基础,这也是中国学生能在应试教育中取得佳绩的原因,但是美国的高等教育更多地要求学生去参与、实践、创造,许多课程都安排有案例学习与讨论的时间以及学生进行案例分析与陈述等以学生为中心的教学活动。老师对学生的面授时间很短,大约为学生所用学习时间的30%左右。其余时间要靠学生自学、到图书馆查阅资料、同学之间相互讨论,才能学懂有关的知识。在参与和实践的过程中,学生自学和自己解决问题的能力得到了提高。由于他们变被动的学习为主动的学习,态度不同,学习的效果就有天壤之别。 美国的课堂气氛非常活跃,学生可以随时打断老师的讲课并提问。虽然有些问题看起来非常简单,但老师都会认真解答。而有的问题则非常尖锐,学生甚至可对老师的观点进行反驳。课程作业一般要求学生对现行政策或评估方法进行批判性的论述。美国高校老师对学生的课程报告或者课程设计的评阅多以鼓励为主:对思维独特、见解不一般的学生大加褒扬;即使一些学生的报告刚刚过关,老师也可以从报告中找到文章的亮点予以鼓励。这些鼓励极大地增强了学生的自信心,并可明白自己报告中存在的问题。 美国的教育体制更看重学生的全面,看重学生与人沟通、交流等社交活动的能力,培养学生的团队意识;而国内学生更看重的是考试成绩和自我发展、提高方面,团队意识不强。 美国高等教育重视信息素养能力标准,要求每一个学生在学习的过程中能够主动学习,通过各种渠道来搜索信息,确定实际而全面的计划,有条不紊地自我吸纳知识。美国高校专业的信息素养教育重在培养学生有高度的责任感、社会感、自我管理能力,具有一定的道德素养,成为一个有信息素养的人。 由于教育体制不同,中国学生主动学习的意识较差,高校大学生的外语、机、基本的信息检索技能不如美国学生,不知道如何学习,形成自己的新观点,制定


中美老师讲灰姑娘的故事之对比 中美老师讲灰姑娘的故事之对比 中国老师是如何讲灰姑娘的故事的: 上课铃响,学生,老师进教室。 一、引入新课 老师:今天上课,我们讲灰姑娘的故事。大家都预习了吗? 学生:这还要预习?老得掉渣了。 老师:灰姑娘是格林童话还是安徒生童话?他的作者是谁?哪年出生?作者生平事迹如何? 学生:......书上不都写了吗?不会自己看啊? 老师:这故事的重大意义是什么? 学生:得,这肯定要考的了。 老师:好,开始讲课文。谁先给分个段,并说明一下这么分段的理由。 学生:前后各一段,中间一段,总分总…… 老师:开始讲课了,大家认真听讲。

学生:已经开始好久了…… 老师:说到这里,大家注意这句话。这句话是个比喻句,是明喻还是暗喻?作者为什么这么写? 学生:n人开始睡觉…… 老师:大家注意这个词,我如果换成另外一个词,为什么不如作者的好? 学生:又n人开始睡觉…… 老师:大家有没有注意到,这段话如果和那段话位置换一换,行不行?为什么? 学生:我又不是你,我怎么会注意到啊?又有n人开始睡觉…… 老师:怎么这么多人睡觉啊?你们要知道,不好好上课就不能考好成绩,不能考好成绩就不能上大学,不能上大学就不能……你们要明白这些做人的道理。 剩下的还没睡觉的,并且认真听课的学生,真不愧是"精英"啊。中国式的教育………… 二、指导预习 ①提示预习的要点(可用投影或小黑板出示) A、体会本文中童话语言和推理语言的特点。 B、分析作者怎么样从故事中提出问题,逐步推论,进而最后得出结论的写作特色。 C、识记文中自己认为生疏的词语和"自读提示"中要求学生掌握的词语。

②学生各自默读(朗读)课文并完成作业(教师指导完成,并及时修正) A、边读边标示自然段和生疏的词语。 B、认读并理解下列词语 a祈祷:一种宗教形式。"祈"就是向神求祈,"祷"义同于"祈"。 b无暇顾及:没有空注意到。"暇"空闲;"顾"注意、照管;"及"达到。 c修道院:天主教和东正教等教徒出家修道的机构。也指天方教会中神甫的机构。 d伦理:指人与人之间相处的各种道德准则。 C、本文《灰姑娘的时钟》所记叙的"灰姑娘"的故事是属于哪一种主要情节的故事?请用一句话简明概括。("以约定时间为主要情节的故事",这句话在第13段中。) 三、研读课文 ①朗读全文并思考怎样划分段落(分析文章的结构层次)。 (朗读课文可以请若干个同学进入角色,逐段连续读完;也可以组为单位朗读并分析文章的结构。) ②学生回答如何划分段落层次。(学生各学习小组回答问题,教师引导并修正后概括板书。) ③组织学生分析归纳本文的论点。(论点是"时间等于金钱",这话在末段的首句中。) 四、研讨问题(问题与答案分别用投影打出来)


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d21263950.html, 中美高等教育模式对比分析 作者:梁莎 来源:《文理导航》2017年第33期 【摘要】通过对比中美教育在信息化手段应用普及度、教学方式、教学规模等方面存在的差异,分析了中美教育差异对学生学习习惯、学习效果和创新能力的潜在影响,并结合我国当前的教育现状提出教师应转变观念,学生应培养良好的学习习惯等以此强化学生创新能力等培养。 【关键词】中美教育差异;高职;翻转课堂 2017年1月,笔者到美国南新罕布什尔大学进行了为期4个月的学习交流,期间参加了语言学习,同时观摩学习了两门专业课程。美国灵活开放的教育理念、先进的信息化教育模式以及师生互动,学生高度参与的课堂教学氛围让我受益匪浅。通过对美国和中国教育存在的差异分析,探寻对我国高职教育发展的启示。 一、信息化手段应用普及度对比 1.美国学校信息化普及度高,信息化教育资源丰富 在美国,学生在学校学习和生活过程中,所有的信息都可以从学校官网获取,包括作业信息、作业提交、学习资料下载、社团活动、体育馆场地使用信息等,哪怕是遭遇恶劣的雨雪天气学校无法正常上课的通知都可以在官网上第一时间查询到。同时校园官网也是教师与部门之间,部门与部门之间协调办公的重要手段,因为美国人习惯用发邮件的方式进行沟通交流。笔者在美国学习期间也养成了每天登陆学校官网查看课程信息和接收邮件的习惯,同时可以了解学校各项活动介绍及时间。 笔者在美国进行语言学习过程中使用的语言学习教材是牛津大学出版社的听说和读写教程(Q:Skills for Success,Reading and Writing,Listening and Speaking)老师上课的内容主要以教材为主,同时要求学生配合相应的学习网站——IQonline进行学习。网站上教学资源多样,包括PPT、音频、视频、教学互动考核试题等。学生可以通过课下时间进行预习和复习,老师可以通过平台看到学生的学习情况,同时会结合学习网站上的相关学习资源进行课堂授课和互动学习。丰富的教学资源对老师的教学和学生的学习都带来了许多便利,帮助学生拓展了课堂以外的学习知识和技能。 2.中国校园信息化普及度有待进一步加强,教育资源需要整合


一、中美教育管理体制的比较 1.教育管理机构的权力设置不同 根据我国宪法, 最高教育立法机关为全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会, 国务院有权“领导和管理教育、科学、文化、卫生、体育和计划生育工作”。国家教育部是国务院主管全国教育工作的职能部门, 负责掌握教育的大政方针, 统筹规划教育事业的发展; 指导、组织和协调各地、各部门有关教育的工作; 统一部署和指导教育改革, 努力提高劳动者的素质, 培养德智体全面发展的各类人才。而在美国, 教育权为各州所拥有, 最高教育立法机关为各州议会,决定重要的教育运作事项, 其中包括: 州教育委员会成员的产生; 规定各级各类学生的入学条件、课程设置和教育年限; 审核州内教育预算等事项。基本上取得州内教育的主导权, 并推行其既定政策的机关为州教育委员会与州教育厅。 而美国联邦教育部迟至一九七九年才成立, 主要负责: 分配和管理联邦补助的教育经费; 搜集全国教育类数据, 提供信息服务和开展教育研究。联邦教育部的设立并不减少州、地方所拥有的职权, 在教育人事、课程、与经费权上联邦教育部拥有的权限极低, 主要处在辅导和建议的地位上。 2.教育管理机构的独立性不同 在我国, 教育部为国务院职能部门, 其下的省、市、县教委( 教育局) 也是地方政府的一部分。此外如教育人事与教育经费也一并在普通行政之运作中考虑, 并未独立分开执行。因此, 我国各级教育行政组织均采取从属制。相比之下, 美国的教育行政组织形式多样。国家联邦教育行政组织属于政府组成机构, 采取的是从属制。州教育行政组织采取半独立制, 美国的州教育董事会虽独立于州政府机关之外, 但其经费预算及部分州教育董事仍由州政府控制或指派, 故属于半独立制。而地方教育行政组织则采取独立制, 美国地方( 学区) 的教育董事会享有组织、人事及经费的自主权。 3.教育管理机构的决策体制不同 我国从国家教育部到各地方教育厅( 局) 均采用行政首长负责制,而美国各州及地方的教育行政机关, 均采用委员会制, 设有教育董事会( 或委员会) 为决策机构, 教育局为执行机构。 二、对两国教育管理体制的分析及得到的启示 1.中央集权和地方分权的关系 美国作为联邦制国家, 采取的是地方分权制。而我国作为单一制国家, 采取中央集权制。教育行政权力分配的集中与分散各有利弊, 不能一概而论。 中央集权制的长处在于: 有利于统一教育的目的、方针政策, 使国家的整体利益得到实现; 有利于集中国家的财力、物力, 按照国家的某项需要实施重点发展, 保证国家的重点人才需要; 有利于国家通过行政干预对教育事业的管理与控制, 推动教育事业的改革与发展; 并且有利于保持各地区教育的平衡发展, 消除教育机会不均等现象。其弊端在于: 一是地方政府和教育行政机关缺乏自主权, 限制了办学的积极性; 二是整齐划一的目标模式, 压抑人的个性发展, 培养出的人才不能适应当地经济社会发展需要; 三是难于发挥社会、集体、个人的办学积极性;四是机构臃肿, 中间环节过多, 权责界限不明, 行政效率较低。地方分权制的长处在于: 有利于调动地方政府办学的积极性, 增加对教育的投入; 有利于教育为当地经济社会发展服务, 培养所需的人才; 有利于调动社会、集体、个人的办学积极性和创造性, 促进教育事业的不断壮大; 同时, 还有利于建立相对灵活的学校办学机制, 推动教育教学改革, 形成特色学校。但也存在不少弊端, 一是容易造成国家整体上“失控”, 国家重点需要的建设人才难以得到保障; 二是缺乏统一的发展教育的目标和标准, 教育质量参差不齐, 甚至可能扩大教育机会不均等现象; 三是国家整体上的协调、控制、评价、督导等规范化管理难以实施, 行政管理能力削弱。如在美国, 教育经费来自于各学区的税款, 一些贫困的学区由于资金短缺而面临困境。 2.教育管理机构和政府机构的关系 美国的部分教育管理机构享有人事权和财政权, 独立于政府机构, 而我国各级教育管理机构都隶属于地方政府机构, 属于从属制。 从属制的优点有:(1) 教育行政为普通行政之一部分, 在国家教育政策的执行和事权统 一方面较有优势。(2) 教育部门与其他部门同属于普通行政, 彼此能互相配合与相辅相成。家在维持一定教


1. Family Education. At present, the majority of family educational expert consider that family education can be divided in narrow and broad sense. Generalized family education indicates that family members teach each other in their daily life. In a narrow sense, it indicates that the elder members (especially for parents) of a family teach younger in their daily life. Family education as one part of family, school and society education has an irreplaceable meaning to other two educations. Family education is not only attaching importance to the health of children, but also their mental health which makes them more adaptable to competitive society in the future. More often than not, education is also an interaction between children and parents which means that they both be educated during the process of it. 2.1The Feature of Chinese Family Education. First, Chinese parents usually charge of whole things of their kids to make them have enough time to study. Especially for those parents who have only child provide them anything what their kids need. There is also a new phenomenon that we can see most of elementary school students have mobile phones, digital camera, MP5 which are top grade cons umer goods. It’s detrimental to develop children’s independent ability and imperceptibly make them spend freely on money which given by their parents. A lot of Chinese parents only pay attention to their kids’ basic necessities of life but not their inner mind which easily make them have mental or moral character problems. In the meantime, it’s easy to make their kids have personality defect and lose ability of living all by themselves. Therefore, this kind of education is absolutely unreasonable and lack short of scientific. Second, the matters of family education one-sided emphasize test score. Chinese parents only attach importance to intelligent development of their kids but seldom evenly conduct the education of morality, intelligence, physique and art to their children. So that it’s the main cause of uneven in development of Chinese students’ integral ability. We also see a phenomenon that a lot of only children are high intelligent, vulnerable and sensitive. But in the fields of developing intelligence of children, Chinese parents only care for their result of ability of memory, comprehension and computational problem. On the contrary, innovation-oriented society is pressed for practical ability and creative ability. Third, Chinese parents always regard their kids as private property. They are concerned more about face-saving than their kids. They deserve their kids are their own and have right to control the children’s behavior. When their kids betray their orders, they also use their dignity or effect violence to their children but do not know it is illegal. They believe the concept of family education needs violence sometime to their naughty behavior. Furthermore, Chinese parents also think if they love their kids, whatever methods of expression, the kids should accept it and unconditional comply with it. As the times passes, the children would not like to communicate with their parents who will not be told by their kids when they have something mental problems.


毕业论文 中国和美国高等教育之间的差异 The Differences of Higher Education between America and China

Abstract H igher education is an important approach to cultivate talented person. Different countries have different system of higher education. This paper aims at discussing the differences of higher education between China and America, and it not only puts forward the contrast analysis on the social environment, cultural tradition, education system and graduates ‘ability between China and America, but also analyzes the differences of the education reform measures between these two countries. Key words: Higher education; Difference; America; China

中文摘要 高等教育是培养人才的重要手段。不同国家拥有不同体制的高等教育。本文旨在讨论中、美两国高等教育的差异,它不仅提出了中、美两国社会环境和文化传统,教育制度和毕业生能力的对比分析,还分析了这两个国家教育改革措施的差异。 关键词:高等教育;不同; 美国;中国


浅析中美高等教育体制差别 一、引言 在许多家长的眼里,中国的教育体制(包括高等教育)存在的问题太多,教育专家们纷纷给出各自的改革方案,尤其是向美国学习的呼声渐高。然而,美国的教育专家们也在研究本国的教育体制问题,借鉴亚洲教育经验。在教育过程中,受不同的文化传统的影响,教育参与者的思维方式和行为方式呈现出差异化,必然形成不同的教育模式。而在当今信息的时代、变革的时代,任何教育模式都存在适应性问题。教育特别是高等教育对各项事业的快速发展具有引领和推动作用,各国都十分重视高等教育的发展。从世界大学排名来看,美国一流大学在数量和质量上均领先于全世界。中国高等教育经过211工程教育振兴行动计划以及985工程的实施,也实现了跨越式的发展,但是与世界一流大学相比,还存在着一定的差距。因此,比较分析不同的高等教育模式特别是中美高等教育模式,博采众长,融贯中西,对推动高等教育体制改革具有重大现实意义。 二、比较与分析 (一)教育理念差异巨大 一个国家的高等教育制度的形成和发展,都与这个国家的文化传统有着必然的联系,同时,不同的高等教育制度体现着不同的文化传统和文化特色。因此,受文化传统以及教育传统的影响,中美在高等教育理念诚如诸多教育专家学者研究所说,确实存在着很大不同。一般

认为,存在以下几个方面:首先,美国高等教育制度体现出个人主义和实用主义,中国高等教育制度体现出权威主义和功利主义。美国通过融合原著民以及一系列的战争取得独立成为世界上最大的移民国家,并形成了独特的自由平等的思想,体现在社会生活的各个方面。而中国是一个有着悠久历史的国家,文化上讲究天人合一,强调群体观念而轻视个人观念。其次,美国的社会开放多元,美国的高等教育制度兼容并包、灵活多样。作为历史悠久的文明古国,中国的社会稳定有序,吸纳性强,更强调以我为主,洋为中用。再次,美国高等教育注重学生对知识的应用与实践,而中国高等教育注重学生对知识的传承和构建。从另外一个角度看,相对而言,中国的学生比美国的学生更尊重知识和权威,美国的学生比中国的学生对知识和权威更容易质疑。 由于这种文化背景及教学理念的差异,我们可以看到美国的课堂气氛非常活跃,学生可以随时打断老师的讲课并提问。虽然有些问题看起来非常简单,但老师都会认真解答。而有的问题则非常尖锐,学生甚至可对老师的观点进行反驳。课程作业一般要求学生对现行政策或评估方法进行批判性的论述。美国高校老师对学生的课程报告或者课程设计的评阅多以鼓励为主:对思维独特、见解不一般的学生大加褒扬;即使一些学生的报告刚刚过关,老师也可以从报告中找到文章的亮点予以鼓励。这些鼓励极大地增强了学生的自信心,并可明白自己报告中存在的问题。而中国教育尊重老师权威性,主要以讲授为主,互动少,学生更看重的是考试成绩和自我发展、提高方面,团队意识


步入大学的门槛:在中国从古至今都非常重视考试,一卷定终身的高考是应试教育体系下的产物。很多学生都是通过“题海战术”挤进大学的门,忽略了能力的培养。 大学教育的目标:由于历史和经济发展水平等诸多原因,本科教育被定为成培养某方面专业人才的专业教育。在于培养工具式的人才。 任何高等院校的内部结构都是纵横交错的,纵的方向是本科教学,横的方向是科学研究。不同的学校其内部结果是不一样的。 高校的内部结构:我国的高校在纵横方面趋于雷同。依国际经验,我国的本科教学的方向不能多,横向的交叉学科,研究机构可以多些,但我国的高中生考入高校往往被分入几十个不同的系、院。 中国教师地位较高,上课计划、内容、方法、考试由国家教育部统一规划处理,重于基础。老师与学生不等位。 由于中国国情,大学生毕业面临就业压力大,而大学的教育培养与市场需求脱节,教育教学过程与就业指导脱节,教育中,学校重视招生而轻就业,导致学生就业之后很难提升空间与自身发展。 总结:每种教育制度,都是由各国传统文化结合国家发展需求所制约与联系。国情不同,教育体制本质不同,结构内容,教育方法,教育方向便有本质区别,各有所缺。能做到的,是适合性的调整与改善,针对性与普遍性并存的取优教育。 24次考试机会,可择最高分报考大学。分数只为进大学小比例条件。其课外活动,老师推荐更为重要,社会与家长给予升学压力小。 美国人认为大学本科教育是一个自由人最基本的教育,它帮助一个体成长为一个具有理性思辨能力和批判精神的健全人,使其成为一个称职的文明社会公民。 国外的一流的研究型大学纵向简洁,横向丰富。把广博教育放在培养本科生的首位,把专业培训放在次要位置;一流的高等职业学校丰富,而横向简洁。 美国老师地位中等,上课计划、内容、方法、考试基本上由任课老师定,思维比较活跃,重于学生的实际运用知识的能力。老师与学生关系平等。 美国各高校方面加强人才培养改革,强化学科交叉,注重学生的通识教育和能力培养,注重培养学生的创业精神,帮助学生了解自我的能力、特性,确立专业兴趣,树立正确的择业观,进行准确的职业定位,做出适合自己的职业生涯规划。


The differences of the university students between China and America ①American higher education was considered as the best education in the world. Comparing the elementary education between American and China, people's universal view will be: China's elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while US's education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. Now Chinese students are generally regarded as intalents with few intelligence and high scores. ②What causes for such a view? Because the Chinese students study more, actually pay little attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of application. Therefore, it is very important for Chinese higher education to cultivate the idea of unifying the study and prctice. ③What does the education in China and America pay more attention to? US's education pays more attention to raise student's self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself, but China's education emphases on training the students to be strict,rigorous spiritual. Obviously, Chinese education may fruitfully develop and ultilize the function of cerebrum, but US’s higher education could expand the function of cerebrum by ultilizing and synthesizing the information outside. The American higher education system is extremely diverse and flexible, which is solo in the world higher education; In China, the student may choose the specialty according to own interest and hobby, but change of specialty in the school is not easy, and transformation of school is more difficult. When American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memory or description. The American students don’t need the mechanical memorizing, but display creative thought as far as possible; This can cultivate student's study interest, raise the ability of doing it by themselves and make the study be one kind of creative action. Many teachers still adopted old teaching ways in the Chinese universities, thus take a test which needs mechanical memorizing.
