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2012 江苏职称英语卫生类






61. His ill-health may well be ______malnutrition. 他的健康不佳可能是由于营养


A. due to 由于C. thanks to 幸亏

B. next to 挨着D. up to 取决于

62. His body temperature has been ______ for 3 days, the highest point reaching

40.5C. 他的体温一直连续3 天不正常,最高点达40.5C。

A. uncommon 罕有的

B. disordered 混乱的

C. abnormal 反常的

D. extraordinary 特别的

63. These areas rely on _______ agriculture almost, having few mineral resources and

a minimum of industrial development. 这些地区依赖专门农业几乎没有矿产资源和小的工业发展。

A. respectively 独自, C. incredibly .极为

B. extraordinarily 非常D. exclusively 唯一

64. People's expectations about the future may have more influence on their sense of well-being than their _______ state does. 人民对未来的预期比当前状态可能更容易影响他们的幸福感。

A. current 当前C. modern 现代

B. initial 初期D. primitive 原始

65. The findings paint a unique picture of the shopping habits of customers, plus their motivation and ________。结果画了顾客的购物习惯,独特的画面,再加上他们的动机和喜好

A. privileges .C. possessions

B. possibilities D. Preferences

66. _______ either by cooling or by depriving the fire of oxygen, and most do both . 灭火器的几乎都是通过冷却或剥夺火灾氧气工作。.

A. Working fire extinguishers

C. Fire extinguishers work 灭火器工作B. Fire extinguishers that work

D. The work of fire extinguishers

67. The introduction of mass-production methods enabled many people _____ and gave them an unprecedented amount of mobility. 批量生产的引入使得许多人去购买他们自己的汽车,并给他们一个前所未见的大量流动性。

A. to purchase their own automobiles 去购买自己的汽车


B. their own to purchase automobiles

C. to their own purchase automobiles

D. own their automobiles to purchase

68. France Perkins, _______ of the United States cabinet, served in the cabinet as secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945。法国帕金斯,美国内阁第一位女议员,从1933 年到1945 年在内阁担任劳工部长。

A. the first female member 第一位女议员

B. was the first female member

C. the first female member who

D. of whom the first female member

69. When ________ to dough and heated, carbon dioxide is released, causing the

dough to rise. 当泡打粉添加到面团并加热,二氧化碳被释放出来,造成面团上升。

A. is added baking powder C. is baking powder added

B. added baking powder is

D. baking powder is added 添加泡打粉

70. Chromosomes( 染色体) are regarded today as the major carriers of genetic material, ______ of DNA and various types of protein 染色体在今天被视为遗传物质的主要载体,由DNA 和各类蛋白质组成。

A. consisting 组成C. consist

B. as to consist 在于D. which consisting

71. He asked me to lend him some money , which I agreed to do,_______ that he paid me back the following week. 他要我借给他一些钱,我同意了,条件是只要下一周要还给我。

A. on occasion 有时

B. on purpose 故意的

C. on condition 只要.

D. only if 只要就

72. ______ I like economics, I like sociology much better 虽然我喜欢经济学,但我更喜欢社会学。

A. As much as 差不多C. How much 多少So much 非常D. Much as 虽然

73. She managed to save _______ she could out of her wages to help her best friend。她设法节省一点钱,她可以拿出她的工资,以帮助她最好的朋友。

A. how little money

C. what little money 仅有的钱B. so little money

D. such little money

74. My brother would have finished his college education, but he ____and find a job to support the family. 我兄弟就已经完成了他的大学教育,他已经和找工作来养家。

A. had had .

B. has

C. had

D. would have

75. Lily was _______ the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute. 莉莉是在一个月前已经开始实验,但她在最后一刻改变她的想法。

A. to start

C. to be started B. to have started .

D. to have been starting

76. We will show the samples we have ______ new samples in the smaller size to the customer and we may need 我们需要将展示样品我们手头上的更小的体积的新样品给客户。

A. by hand 用手C. at hand 在附近

B. in hand 在掌握中D. on hand 在手边

77. Science needs more competition between hypotheses and even more _____ tests as well. 科学需要更多的假设和更需要更严格的测试。

A. ridiculous .可笑的

B. rigorous 严格的

C. ambiguous 模糊的

D. anonymous 匿名的

78. Many functions available from modern software are quite _____ and have a number of options. 许多功能可以从现代软件非常灵活的获得,而且有很多种选择。

A. probable 可能的

B. reliable 可靠的

C._____ .灵活的

D. feasible 可行的

79. We feel that the foregoing analysis is ______ and dangerous


A. descriptive 描述的C. deceptive 欺骗性的

B. impressive 感人的

D. indicative 暗示性的

80. You would take things as they came . All you had to do was think a little harder and ______ a new solution. 你要既来之则安之,如果您觉得有点困难,你可以提出一个新的解决方案。

A. come up with 提出C. put up with 容忍

B. look up to 尊敬D. clear up 整理



29. Meat and cheese are the best sources of usable animal protein and


next comes milk, fish and eggs.


答案 D

本题解析:应该为come 是复数,不是单数;


32.Despite it is both the largest and the northernmost state in the United States,


Alaska has the smallest population.


答案 A


后要跟that 从句,需插入the fact。



33. The evolving European youth market has both similarities and differences from


the American market.

本题解析:应该用similarity n. 类似;相似点,and 前后应保持一致都是名




34. Scientists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment which there are


many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses


will experience greater intellectual development.


答案 B

本题解析:where 引导的定语从句,修饰environment ;C 中的which 引导的也是定语从句,修饰stimuli;


35. Whatever is featured in newspapers and magazines and on television attract


enough attention that people begin to inform themselves and to express opinions.


答案 C

本题解析:attract 应该是被引起重视,用被动语态attracted;


36. At the party the film star sang a song for us and later dances for the elderly .


答案 C

本题解析:and 前后时态应该保持一致,前面用的是sing 的过去式,所以后面也应该用一般过去式danced;


37. Without the radio receiver , the large antenna will be of no use。



本题解析:应改为would---由连词suppose,provided 或介词without,but for 等引导的句子,谓语动词应用虚拟形式


38. You have to practice to speak English as much as possible now since you


are going to England next year.



本题解析:应该为specking 词组:practice doing sth


39. My roommate is generous , inconsiderate and easy to get along with .





40. We have to make clear to each worker that everybody must observe these rules.



本题解析:在make 后加it---宾语为动词不定式或从句时,必须在动词与宾语补足语之间加上形式宾语it。)



阅读下面短文并完成后面的题目。在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够回答所提问题的最佳答案In the early days of nuclear power, the United States made money on it. But today opponents have so complicated its development that no nuclear plants have been ordered or built here in 12 years. 在早期的核能,让美国赚

到很多钱。但是今天的对手有这么复杂的发展,没有核电站预定或或建造已经12 年。

The greatest fear of nuclear power opponents has always been a reactor "meltdown." Today, the chances of a meltdown that would threaten US public health are very little. But to even further reduce the possibility, engineers are testing new reactors that rely not on human judgement to shut them down but on the laws of nature. Now General Electric is already building two advanced reactors in Japan. But don't expect them ever on US shores unless things change In Washington. 核能的反对者最大的恐惧一直是反应堆熔毁”。“今天,灾难将威胁美国公共卫生的机会

非常小。但是,甚至进一步减少的可能性,工程师正在测试新的核反应堆, 只在自然的法则而不依赖人类的判断去关闭他们。现在,通用电气在日本已经构建两个先进的反应堆。但是不要期望他们建造在美国海岸除非事情改变华盛顿想法。

The procedure for licensing nuclear power plants is a bad dream. Any time during, or even after, construction: an objection by any group or individual can bring everything to a halt while the matter is investigated or taken to court. Meanwhile, the

builder must add nice but not necessary improvements, some of which force him to knock down walls and start over. In every case where a plant has been opposed, the Nuclear Regulation Commission has ultimately granted a license to construct or operate. But the victory often costs so much that the utility ends up abandoning the plant anyway.


A case in point is the Shoreham plant on New York's Long Island. Shoreham was a virtual twin to the Millstone plant in Connecticut, both ordered in the mid- 1960s,Millstone, completed for $101 million, has been generating electricity for two decades; Shoreham, however, was singled out by anti-nuclear activists who; by sending in endless protests, drove the cost over l$ 5 billion and delayed its use for many years

一个恰当的例子是肖勒姆建设纽约长岛。肖勒姆实际上在美国康乃迪克州康涅狄格州是一样的建造的,两个命令在60 年代中期,重担,完成 1.01 亿美元的发电20 年来; 然而,肖勒姆被反核人士单独挑出来,通过发动无尽的抗议活动,把成本l 50 亿美元的核电站推迟使用多年

Shoreham finally won its operation license. But the plant has never produced a watt of power.. Governor Mario Cuomo, an opponent of a Shoreham start up, used his power to force New York's public utilities commission to, accept the following settlement; the power company could pass the cost of Shoreham a long to its consumers only if it agreed not to operate the plant! Today, a perfectly good facility, capable of servicing: hundreds of homes, sits rusting; .

肖勒姆最终赢得经营许可证。但是这种工厂的从来没有产生一瓦特的电能. .马里奥科莫州长,一个创业对手肖勒姆,用他的权力来迫使纽约的公用事业委员会, 接受以下结算, 肖勒姆电力公司可以通过成本给消费者,就必须同意不开发电厂。今天,一个完美的设施,能够数为百计的房屋服务,坐等生锈;。

1. What has made the procedure for licensing nuclear power plants a bad dream? 到


A. The inefficiency of the Nuclear Regulation Commission: 核监管委员会效率


B. The enormous cost of construction and operation. 巨大的建筑操作成本

C. The length of time it takes to make investigations, 所花的调查时间长,

D. The objection of the opponents of nuclear power. 反对核能的反对者。

2, It can be inferred from Para,2 that ______第二部分可以推断出

A. it is not technical difficulties that prevent the building of nuclear power plants in the US.这不是技术上的困难,防止核电站的建设在美国。

B. .there are not enough safety measures in the US for running new nuclear power plants 没有足够的安全措施在美国为运行新的核发电厂

C. there are already more nuclear power plants than necessary in the US. 已经有


D. the American government will not allow Japanese nuclear reactors to be installed in the US. 美国政府不会允许日本核反应堆被安装在美国。

3. Any objection, however trivial it may be, can ———


A. force the power companies to cancel the project .

B. delay the construction or operation of a nuclear plant . 推迟的建设和运行一个核电站

C. cause a serious debate within the Nuclear Regulation Commission

D. take the builders to court

4. Governor Mario's chief intention in proposing the settlement was to ___


A. stop the Shoreham plant from going into operation 停止肖勒姆广场付诸行动

B. help the power company to solve its financial problems

C. urge the power company to further increase its power supply

D. permit the Shoreham plant to operate under certain conditions

5.The authors attitude toward, the development of nuclear power is______


A. negative 消极

B. neutral 中立.

C. positive 积极,

D. Questioning 质问

As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors, such as .poor eating habits, smoking and failure to exercise. The line of thoughts involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious foods, who feels ok but exercises only occasionally, .who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while -drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.

正如我们已经看到的,医疗保健的焦点在我们的社会已经将从治疗疾病预防疾病特别是从改变我们的许多不健康的行为,如。不良的饮食习惯、吸烟和失败去锻炼。这个思路参与这种转变可以进一步探索。一个人是正常体重,但不吃有营养的食物,谁觉得好但只是偶尔锻炼一下。他每天去上班,但不一定是优秀的工人, 每晚在家喝几杯啤酒但不喝酒开车,没有胸痛或不正常血细胞计数,但睡很多,虽然常常感到疲倦。这个人不算生病。他甚至没有任何特定疾病的风险。但是我们可以想象,这个人可以更健康。

The field of medical has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely "not ill' and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body's special needs. Both types have simply been called "well. " In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms "well" and "wellness"

only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. .People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise and they make. a point of monitoring their body's condition. Most important, perhaps people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related-to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap(缺陷) may be "well," in this new sense, if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. "Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life . 这个领域的医学没有传统的区分,仅仅是“没有患病的人与那些健康状况极佳, 并注重人体的特殊需要。这两种类型仅仅是被称为“好”。然而,近年来,一些健康 专家已经开始应用术语“好”和“健康”只给那些正在积极努力维持和改善他们 的健康。好的人关心营养和锻炼,并且经常检查他们的身体状况。如果他们努力 保持最佳健康可能他们可以在面对他们的身体限制。 健康”可能被看作最好的。 作为国家,人们可以实现,但作为一种理想,人们可以争取。健康的人当他们身体受 到病毒攻击更能够抵御疾病和抵抗疾病。关注对健康的生活方式、健康的概念可 以产生有益的影响方式,使人们的日常生活的挑战。 1. Which of the following behaviors is NOT healthy according to the writer?


A. Eating nutritious food. 吃有营养的食物

B. Taking cigarettes. 吸香烟。

C. Doing proper exercises. 做适当的运动。

D: Losing weight 减肥

2; What is the focus of medical care nowadays?


A. Keeping people in a healthy mental condition.


B. Making people develop good living habits. 使人们养成良好的生活习惯

C: Providing people with nutritious food. 翻译为人们提供营养的食物。

D. Reminding people of the importance of physical examination. 提醒人们身体检 查的重要性。

3. What kind of persons can be considered "well" in the traditional medical care? 什么样的人可以被认为是“好”的传统医疗呢?

A. The one who strives for the improvement of his health.


B. The one who has physical disease or handicap. 有身体疾病或残疾

C. The one who tries to maintain the best possible health he can. 一个人试图保 持最佳健康

D. The one who is not sick and free from disease. 没有生病的人,远离疾病。

4. What kind of people can be considered well in the new sense? 什么样的人可以被认为是在新的意义呢?

A. The one who tries to be as healthy as possible. 一个人试图尽可能健康。

B. The one who has the right weight but eats junk food.

C. The one who can hardly get some infectious diseases. 这个人很难得到一些传染病。

D. The one who can recover from illness very quickly. 他能很快从疾病中康复。

5. Which of the following statements about "wellness" is TRUE?下面哪个陈述关于“健康”是正确呢?

A. It is a perfect state that people may achieve.

B. It can help people resist disease and fight disease.

C. It mainly focuses on healthy ways of living. 它主要关注健康的生活方式。,

D. It keeps a proper balance between work and leisure.



13. These findings challenge the assumption that people find it easier to get over a trauma even if they write about it.

Keeping a diary is bad for your health, say UK psychologists. (A) They- found that people who regularly keep diaries suffer from headaches, sleeplessness, digestive problems and social awkwardness more than people who don't. (These findings challenge the assumption that people find it easier to get over a trauma even if they write about it.) The researchers asked the diarists recruited to say how often they made entries and for how long they had kept diaries. (C) Statistically, the diarists scored much worse on health measures than the non diarists. (D) The worst affected of all were those who had written about trauma.


14. This knowledge has caused egg sales to drop in recent years, which in turn has brought about the development of several alternatives to eating regular egg.

Though they are an extensive supplier of vitamin, minerals and high-quality protein, eggs also contain a high level of blood cholesterol, one of the major causes of heart disease. (A) One egg yolk, in fact, contains a little more than two-thirds of the cholesterol the body needs daily. (B) Yet, the producers of these eggs claim that eating their eggs will not raise the blood cholesterol all in human. (C) One alternative is to


eat substitute eggs. (D) A second alternative to regular eggs is a new type of egg,

sometimes called "designer" eggs.

虽然他们是一个广泛的供应者的维生素、矿物质和高质量的蛋白质, 蛋也含 有高水平的心脏病主要原因之一血胆固醇。(A)一个蛋黄,事实上,包含有超过身体 每天需要的三分之二的胆固醇。【B/这一知识已经引起了鸡蛋销售额下降近年来, 从而带来了发展若干替代正常鸡蛋饮食】然而,这些鸡蛋的生产者声称吃了它们 的蛋,就一定不会提高所有人的血液胆固醇。(C)方案之一是吃鸡蛋替代品。(D) 第二个替代普通鸡蛋是一种新型的鸡蛋,有时被称为“设计”鸡蛋。

15.Mehuioma is particular harmful because it can occur at a young age and the tumor is hard to distinguish from ordinary brown mole.

Skin cancer is by far the most common cancer in the US.About l million people will be diagnosed with the disease each year. (A) Skin cancer occurs when your skin cells lose its capability to grow at its natural rate, and instead produces harmful

tumors that can spread through the body. (B) And sunburns cause damage to the skin, which can cause wrinkles in the future and even skin cancer.(C) Ultra violet ray is the determining factor which results in melanoma.(Melanlanoma is particular harmful because it can occur at a young age and the tumor is hard to distinguish from ordinary brown mole.) Since 1973, melanoma has been increasing by 4 percent each year.

皮肤癌是目前最常见的癌症在美国。约百万人被诊断患有这种疾病每年 。(A ) 皮肤癌发生时,你的皮肤细胞失去其能力的增长在其自然率,相反是产生有害的 肿瘤可以扩散到身体。(B )紫外线对皮肤造成损害,这可能会导致皱纹,甚至 皮肤癌。(C )紫外线是导致黑色素瘤决定性因素。【D/黑素瘤是特别有害的因为 它可以发生在一个年轻人得身上而且黑色素瘤是和普通褐色痣很难区分。】1973 以来,黑素瘤已经以每年百分之四的增长。

16、 Obesity is a worldwide phenomenon, affecting children as well as adults and forcing all but the poorest countries to divert scarce resources away from food security to take care of people with preventable heart disease and diabetes.

Here is a great irony of 21st century global health. (A) While hundreds of

millions of people lack adequate food as a result of economic inequities, political corruption or warfare, hundreds of millions more are overweight to the point of

increased risk for diet-related chronic diseases .(B ) To reverse the obesity epidemic, we must address the fundamental cause. (C) Market economies turn people with expendable income into consumers of aggressively marked foods that are high in energy but low in nutritional value, and of cars, television sets and computers that promote sedentary behavior. (D) Overweight comes from consuming more food energy than is expended in activity.

这里是对二十一世纪全球健康一个伟大的讽刺。(A )因为经济不平等,政 治腐败或战争,而导致亿万人缺乏足够的食物,其他数百万人却是超重与饮食有 关慢性疾病风险增加。【B 肥胖是一个全球性的现象,影响儿童与成人。强制所有 最贫穷国家稀缺资源转移减少,从食品安全到照顾患有可预防心脏病和糖尿病 人】扭转肥胖,我们必须解决的根本原因。(C )市场经济体拥有不菲收入,积






①The tool is the laser and it is being used by more and more surgeons all over the world.

②Later, he used sharp bone or horn, metal knives and more recently, rubber

and plastic and that was where we stuck, .in surgical instrument terms, for many

③The word "laser" means;' light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

④Thousands of years ago, man used handy rocks for his surgical operations.

⑤In the 1960s ,a new tool was developed, one which was, first of all, to be of great practical use to the armed forces and industry, but which was also, in time, to revolutionize the art land science of surgery.

A31425 B31524 C42513 D42135



⑤在60 年代,一个新的工具的被发,首先,在装部队和工业有很大的实际使用,但这也,同时,带来革命性的艺术的科学的外科手术。




①. In the traditional gall bladder operation, doctors make a large cut across the person's abdomen to remove the gall bladder.

②The bile is released into the intestine to help the body digest and take in food;

③The gall bladder is an organ that stores bile produced in the liver.

④But tiny stones can form in the gall bladder.

⑤Patients must spend up to l0 days in the hospital and they often suffer pain

for as long as six weeks while they recover from the operation.

6. The stones can block the-tube leading to the intestine, which can cause severe pain.

A153246 B342615 C132465 D324615






⑤患者必须花费高达10 天在医院里,他们从手术中恢复,常常遭受痛苦需要六星期


1. To accomplish this, a small weak or dead strain of the disease is actually injected into the patient in a controlled environment.

2..This makes sure that when the patient later comes-into contact with the real problem, his body is well equipped and trained to deal with it.

③.In-the most serious cases, in,which the entire population of a region or country may be at grave risk, it is deemed necessary to offer the people vaccination so that the disease will not spread.

④Information on how ,to penetrate the -disease's defences is transmitted to all elements of the patient's immune system in a process, in which genetic information is passed from cell to cell.

⑤The process of vaccination allows the patient's body to develop immunity to the virus or disease so that, if it is encountered, one can ward it off naturally. .

A35142 B35421 C14235 D51423


1. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than the one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. :

②It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born

3, Our intelligence, to some extent, is given to us at birth; and no-amount of special education can make a genius out of a child -born with low intelligence.

④This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.

⑤Thus, the limits of a person intelligence are fixed at birth, but whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment.

A31524 B32541 C32451 D31542









下面五题中文句子,每题均有 A.B.C.D四个英文翻译选项,从中选出一个最佳答案。

(16) Scientists stress they have yet to prove it reduces stroke risk, but their work could have major public health implications.








(17) Previous radiation experiments on animals may give a clue for the increase in

male births. Tests showed that radiation caused damage to the X chromosome in sperm, Dr. Scherb said.


索。舍布博士称实验表明核辐射会对精子的X 染色体造成损害。

B.舍布博士称,先前在动物身上做的核辐射实验对于男婴出生率的增高可能会提供一些线索;实验表明核辐射会对精子的X 染色体造成损害


增高可能会提供一些线索。那些实验表明核辐射会对精子的X 染色体造成损害。


提供一些线索;因为实验表明核辐射会对精子的X 染色体造成损害。

(18) According to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, 18 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions are from meat production and experts say

rising demand for meat, particularly in countries with growing economies, could drive livestock production up by 85 percent from 2000 levels by 2030.


到2030 年,不断增长的肉类需求,尤其是发展中经济体的肉类需求,将推动家畜产量在2000 年的基础上增长85%。


家称,到2030 年,不断增长的肉类需求,尤其是经济不断发展国家对肉类的需求,将推动家畜产量在2000 年的基础上增长85%

C.联合国粮农组织的数据显示,18%的温室气体排放来自于肉类生产。专家称,到2030 年,不断增长的肉类需求,尤其是发展中经济体的肉类需求,将推动家畜产量在2000 年的基础上增长85%。

D 根据联合国粮农组织的数据,18%的温室气体排放来自于肉类生产。专家称,到2030 年,不断增长的肉类需求,尤其是发展中国家对肉类的需求,将推动家畜产量在2000 年的基础上增长85%。

(19) Compared to smokers, people who said they had quit cigarettes were more likely

to adopt healthier behaviors, such as drinking less alcohol, being more physically active, and eating more fruits and vegetables, Sabia reported in the journal Archives

of Internal Medicine.








(20) The thyroid gland is a small organ in the neck that requires iodine for good health. But people exposed to high levels of radioactive iodine can get thyroid A.甲状腺是颈部的一个小器官,它需要碘来维持身体健康。但暴露于高水平的放射性碘环境中的人会患上甲状腺癌。





下面五题中文句子,每题均有 A.B.C.D四个英文翻译选项,从中选出一个最佳答案


A. As for the humans interference, many animals are facing distinction.

B. Many animals face extinction as the result of human interference.

C. Because the human interference, many animals are facing extinction.

D. Many animals are faced with extinction due to human's interference.


A. For the purpose of controlling and defeating these terrible diseases ,it is necessary to have agreed action.

B. In order to control and defeat the dreadful diseases that trouble humanity, it is necessary to have agreed action.

C. In order to control and defeat the dreadful diseases that trouble humanity, concerted activity is necessary.

D. For the purpose of controlling and defeating these terrible' diseases, concerted activity is necessary.


A. Most operations are successful and the patient progresses smoothly to complete recovery and rehabilitation.

B. Most operations are successful and the patient is recovering smoothly and completely.

C. Most operations are successful and the patient is progressing,to recovery and rehabilitation.

D. Most operations are successful and the patient is making progresses in recovering.


A.I do not have time to explain to you with detail, but for your safeness,

please leave the city quickly.

B.I have no time to express it to you with detail, but for your security, leave the city as soon as possible.

C. There is not enough time for me to explain in detail, but for your safe, please leave the city as soon as possible.

D.I have no time to explain it to you in detail, but for your safety, leave the city as soon as possible.


A. The mood of spiritual patient changes quickly, either very excited or really depressed.

B. The mental patient's mood alternates at once, both with excitement and depression.

C. The mental patient alternates between great excitement and deep depression.

D. The psychiatric patient changes his mood suddenly from excitement to depression.

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