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Learning styles

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Learning styles are various approaches or ways of learning[1]. They involve educating methods, particular to an individual, that are presumed to allow that individual to learn best. It is commonly believed that most people favor some particular method of interacting with, taking in, and processing stimuli or information.[citation needed] Based on this concept, the idea of individualized "learning styles" originated in the 1970s, and has gained popularity in recent years.[citation needed] It has been proposed that teachers should assess the learning styles of their students and adapt their classroom methods to best fit each student's learning style[2][3]. The alleged basis for these proposals has been extensively criticized.[citation needed]


[edit] David Kolb's Model

The David Kolb styles model is based on the Experiential Learning Theory, as explained in David A. Kolb's book Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development(1984)[4]. The ELT model outlines

two related approaches toward grasping experience: Concrete Experience and Abstract Conceptualization, as well as two related approaches toward transforming experience: Reflective Observation and Active Experimentation. According to Kolb’s model, the ideal learning process engages all four of these modes in response to situational demands. In order for learning to be effective, all four of these approaches must be incorporated. As individuals attempt to use all four approaches, however, they tend to develop strengths in one experience-grasping approach and one experience-transforming approach. The resulting learning styles are combinations of the individual’s preferred approaches. These learning styles are as follows:





Convergers are characterized by abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. They are good at making practical applications of ideas and using deductive reasoning to solve problems[5].

Divergers tend toward concrete experience and reflective observation. They are imaginative and are good at coming up with ideas and seeing things from different perspectives[5].

Assimilators are characterized by abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. They are capable of creating theoretical models by means of inductive reasoning[5].

Accommodators use concrete experience and active experimentation. They are good at actively engaging with the world and actually doing things instead of merely reading about and studying them[5].

Kolb’s model gave rise to the Learning Style Inventory, an assessment method used to determine an individual's learning style. An individual may exhibit a preference for one of the four styles – Accommodating, Converging, Diverging and Assimilating – depending on his approach to learning via the experiential learning theory model [4].

[edit] Honey and Mumford’s Model

In the mid 1970’s Peter Honey and Alan Mumford adapted David Kolb’s model for use with a population of middle/senior managers in business. They

published their version of the model in The Manual of Learning Styles (1982)[6] and Using Your Learning Styles (1983)[7].

Two adaptations were made to Kolb’s experiential model. Firstly, the stages in the cycle were renamed to accord with managerial experiences of decision making/problem solving. The Honey & Mumford stages are:

1.Having an experience

2.Reviewing the experience

3.Concluding from the experience

4.Planning the next steps.

Secondly, the styles were directly aligned to the stages in the cycle and named Activist, Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist. These are assumed to be acquired preferences that are adaptable, either at will or through changed circumstances, rather than being fixed personality characteristics. The Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire(LSQ)[8] is a self-development tool and differs from Kolb’s Learning Style inventory by inviting managers to complete a checklist of work-related behaviours without directly asking managers how they learn. Having completed the self-assessment, managers are encouraged to focus on strengthening underutilised styles in order to become better equipped to learn from a wide range of everyday experiences.

A MORI survey commissioned by [The Campaign for Learning][1]in 1999 found the Honey & Mumford LSQ to be the most widely used system for assessing preferred learning styles in the local government sector in the UK.

[edit] Anthony Gregorc's Model

Dennis W. Mills, Ph.D., discusses the work of Anthony F. Gregorc and Kathleen A. Butler in his article entitled “Applying What We Know: Student Learning Styles”. Gregorc and Butler worked to or ganize a model describing how the mind works[9]. This model is based on the existence of perceptions—our evaluation of the world by means of an approach that makes sense to us. These perceptions in turn are the foundation of our specific learning strengths, or learning styles.

In this model, there are two perceptual qualities 1) concrete and 2) abstract; and two ordering abilities 1) random and 2) sequential[9].

Concrete perceptions involve registering information through the five senses, while abstract perceptions involve the understanding of ideas, qualities, and concepts which cannot be seen.

In regard to the two ordering abilities, sequential involves the organization of information in a linear, logical way and random involves the organization of information in chunks and in no specific order[9].

Both of the perceptual qualities and both of the ordering abilities are present in each individual, but some qualities and ordering abilities are more dominant within certain individuals.

There are four combinations of perceptual qualities and ordering abilities based on dominance: 1) Concrete Sequential; 2) Abstract Random;

3) Abstract Sequential; 4) Concrete Random. Individuals with different combinations learn in a different ways—they have different strengths, different things make sense to them, different things are difficult for them, and they ask different questions throughout the learning process[9].

[edit] Sudbury Model of Democratic Education

Some critics of today's schools, of the concept of learning disabilities, of special education, and of response to intervention, take the position that every child has a different learning style and pace and that each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding.

Sudbury Model democratic schools assert that there are many ways to study and learn. They argue that learning is a process you do, not a process that is done to you. That is true of everyone; it's basic.[10]The experience of Sudbury model democratic schools shows that there are many ways to learn without the intervention of teaching, to say, without the intervention of a teacher being imperative. In the case of reading for instance in the Sudbury model democratic schools, some children learn from being read to, memorizing the stories and then ultimately reading them. Others learn from cereal boxes, others from games instructions, others from street signs. Some teach themselves letter sounds, others syllables, others whole words. Sudbury model democratic schools adduce that in their schools no one child has ever been forced, pushed, urged, cajoled, or bribed into learning how to read or write; and they have had no dyslexia. None of their graduates are real or functional illiterates, and no one who meets their older students could ever guess the age at which they first learned to read or write.[11] In a similar form students learn all the subjects, techniques, and skills in these schools.

Describing current instructional methods as homogenization and lockstep standardization, alternative approaches are proposed, such as the Sudbury Model of Democratic Education schools, an alternative approach in which

children, by enjoying personal freedom thus encouraged to exercise personal responsibility for their actions,learn at their own pace and style rather than following a compulsory and chronologically-based curriculum.[12][13][14][15] Proponents of unschooling have also claimed that children raised in this method learn at their own pace and style, and do not suffer from learning disabilities.

Gerald Coles asserts that there are partisan agendas behind the educational policy-makers and that the scientific research that they use to support their arguments regarding the teaching of literacy are flawed. These include the idea that there are neurological explanations for learning disabilities.[16]

[edit] Other models

Aiming to explain why aptitude tests, school grades, and classroom performance often fail to identify real ability, Robert J. Sternberg listed various cognitive dimensions in his book Thinking Styles (1997). Several other models are also often used when researching learning styles. This includes the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the DISC assessment.

One of the most common and widely-used [17] categorizations of the various types of learning styles is Fleming's VARK model which expanded upon earlier Neuro-linguistic programming (VAK) models[18]:

1.visual learners;

2.auditory learners;

3.reading/writing-preference learners;

4.kinesthetic learners or tactile learners[1].

Fleming claimed that visual learners have a preference for seeing (think in pictures; visual aids such as overhead slides, diagrams, handouts, etc.). Auditory learners best learn through listening (lectures, discussions, tapes, etc.). Tactile/kinesthetic learners prefer to learn via experience—moving, touching, and doing (active exploration of the world; science projects; experiments, etc.). Its use in pedagogy allows teachers to prepare classes that address each of these areas. Students can also use the model to identify their learning style and maximize their educational experience by focusing on what benefits them the most.

[edit] Yet another model and perspective on learning styles

Chris J Jackson's neuropsychological hybrid model of learning in personality argues Sensation Seeking provides a core biological drive of curiosity, learning and exploration. A high drive to explore leads to dysfunctional learning consequences unless cognitions such as goal orientation, conscientiousness, deep learning and emotional intelligence re-express it in more complex ways to achieve functional outcomes such as high work performance. Latest research is summarized here.[19]Evidence for this model is allegedly impressive[20][21][22][23][24]. It is a new model of learning and therefore remains in need of verification by independent research. Siadaty & Taghiyareh (2007)[25] report that training based on Conscientious Achievement increases performance but that training based on Sensation Seeking does not. These results strongly support Jackson's model since the model proposes that Conscientious Achievement will respond to intervention whereas Sensation Seeking (with its biological basis) will not. Jackson's papers can be downloaded here.

[edit] Assessment Methods

[edit] Learning Style Inventory

Th e Learning Style Inventory (LSI) is connected with Kolb’s model and is used to determine a student’s learning style[2]. The LSI diagnoses an indiv idual’s preferences and needs regarding the learning process. It does the following: (1) allows students to designate how they like to learn and indicates how consistent their responses are, (2) provides computerized results which show the student’s prefer red learning style, (3) provides a foundation upon which teachers can build in interacting with students, (4) provides possible strategies for accommodating learning styles, (5) provides for student involvement in the learning process; 6) provides a class summary so students with similar learning styles can be grouped together[2].

[edit] Other Methods

Other methods (usually questionnaires) used to identify learning styles include Fleming's VARK Learning Style Test, Jackson's Learning Styles Profiler (LSP), and the NLP meta programs based iWAM questionnaire. Many other tests have gathered popularity and various levels of credibility among students and teachers.

[edit] Criticism

Learning-style theories have been criticized by many.

Some psychologists and neuroscientists have questioned the scientific basis for these models and the theories on which they are based. Writing in the Times Educational Supplement Magazine (29 July 2007), Susan Greenfield said that "from a neuroscientific point of view [the learning styles approach to teaching] is nonsense".

Many educational psychologists believe that there is little evidence for the efficacy of most learning style models, and furthermore, that the models often rest on dubious theoretical grounds.[26]According to Stahl,[27] there has been an "utter failure to find that assessing children's learning styles and matching to instructional methods has any effect on their learning." Guy Claxton has questioned the extent that learning styles such as VAK are helpful, particularly as they can have a tendency to label children and therefore restrict learning.[28]

[edit] The critique made by Coffield, et al.

A non-peer-reviewed literature review by authors from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne identified 71 different theories of learning style.[29] This report, published in 2004, criticized most of the main instruments used to identify an individual's learning style. In conducting the review, Coffield and his colleagues selected 13 of the most influential models for closer study, including most of the models cited on this page. They examined the theoretical origins and terms of each model, and the instrument that was purported to assess types of learning style defined by the model. They analyzed the claims made by the author(s), external studies of these claims, and independent empirical evidence of the relationship between the 'learning style' identified by the instrument and students' actual learning. Coffield's team found that none of the most popular learning style theories had been adequately validated through independent research, leading to the conclusion that the idea of a learning cycle, the consistency of visual, auditory and kinesthetic preferences and the value of matching teaching and learning styles were all "highly questionable."

One of the most widely-known theories assessed by Coffield's team was the learning styles model of Dunn and Dunn, a VAK model.[30]This model is widely used in schools in the United States, and 177 articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals referring to this model [29]. The conclusion of Coffield et al. was as follows:

Despite a large and evolving research programme, forceful claims made for impact are questionable because of limitations in many of the supporting studies and the lack of independent research on the model.[29]

In contrast, a 2005 report provided evidence confirming the validity of Dunn and Dunn's model, concluding that "matching students’

learning-style preferences with complementary instruction improved academic achievement and student attitudes toward learning." This

meta-analysis, made by one of Rita Dunn's students, does not take into account the previous criticism of the research.[31]

[edit] Coffield's critique of Gregorc's Style Delineator

Coffield's team claimed that another model, Gregorc's Style Delineator (GSD), was "theoretically and psychometrically flawed" and "not suitable for the assessment of individuals."

[edit] The critique regarding Kolb's model

Mark K. Smith compiled and reviewed some critiques of Kolb’s model in his articl e, “David A. Kolb on Experiential Learning”. According to Smith’s research, there are six key issues regarding the model. They are as follows: 1) the model doesn’t adequately address the process of reflection; 2) the claims it makes about the four learning styles are extravagant; 3) it doesn’t sufficiently address the fact of different cultural conditions and experiences; 4) the idea of stages/steps doesn’t necessarily match reality; 5) it has only weak empirical evidence; 6) the relationship between learning processes and knowledge is more complex than Kolb draws it[5].

[edit] Other critiques

Coffield and his colleagues and Mark Smith are not alone in their judgements. Demos, a UK think tank, published a report on learning styles prepared by a group chaired by David Hargreaves that included Usha Goswami from Cambridge University and David Wood from the University of Nottingham. The Demos report said that the evidence for learning styles was "highly variable", and that practitioners were "not by any means frank about the evidence for their work." [32]

Cautioning against interpreting neuropsychological research as supporting the applicability of learning style theory, John Geake, Professor of Education at the UK's Oxford Brookes University, and a

research collaborator with Oxford University's Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain, commented that

We need to take extreme care when moving from the lab to the classroom. We do remember things visually and aurally, but information isn't defined by how it was received.[33]

[edit] Applications: Learning Styles in the Classroom

Various researchers have attempted to provide ways in which learning style theory can take effect in the classroom. Two such scholars are Dr. Rita Dunn and Dr. Kenneth Dunn.

In their book, Teaching Students Through Their Individual Learning Styles: A Practical Approach, they give a background of how learners are affected by elements of the classroom and follow it with recommendations of how to accommodate students’ learning strengths. Dunn and Dunn write that “learners are affected by their: (1) immediate environment (sound, light, temperature, and design); (2) own emotionality (motivation, persistence, responsibility, and need for structure or flexibility); (3) sociological needs (self, pair, peers, team, adult, or varied); and (4) physical needs (perceptual strengths, intake, time, and mobility) ” [2].

They analyze other research and make the claim that not only can students identify their preferred learning styles, but that students also score higher on tests, have better attitudes, and are more efficient if they are taught in ways to which they can more easily relate. Therefore, it is to the educator’s advantage to teach and test students in their preferred styles[2].

Although learning styles will inevitably differ among students in the classroom, Dunn and Dunn say that teachers should try to make changes in their classroom that will be beneficial to every learning style. Some of these changes include room redesign, the development of small-group techniques, and the development of Contract Activity Packages[2]. Redesigning the classroom involves locating dividers that can be used to arrange the room creatively (such as having different learning stations and instructional areas), clearing the floor area, and incorporating student thoughts and ideas into the design of the classroom[2].

Small-group techniques often include a “circle of knowledge” in which students sit in a circle and discuss a subject collaboratively as well

as other techniques such as team learning and brainstorming[2]. Contract Activity Packages are educational plans that facilitate learning by using the following elements: 1) clear statement of what the students needs to learn; 2) multisensory resources (auditory, visual, tactile, kinesthetic) that teach the required information; 3) activities through which the newly-mastered information can be used creatively; 4) the sharing of creative projects within small groups of classmates; 5) at least 3 small-group techniques; 6) a pre-test, a self-test, and a post-test[2].

Another scholar who believes that learning styles should have an effect on the classroom is Marilee Sprenger, as evidenced by her book, Differentiation through Learning Styles and Memory.

Sprenger bases her recommendations for classroom learning on three premises: 1) Teachers can be learners, and learners can be teachers. We are all both. 2) Everyone can learn under the right circumstances. 3) Learning is fun! Make it appealing[3].

She details various ways in which teachers can teach so that students will remember. She categorizes these teaching methods according to which learning style they fit—visual, auditory, or tactile/kinesthetic.

Methods for visual learners include ensuring that students can see words written down, using pictures when describing things, drawing time lines for events in history, writing assignments on the board, using overhead transparencies/handouts, and writing down instructions[3].

Methods for auditory learners include repeating difficult words and concepts aloud, incorporating small-group discussion, organizing debates, listening to books on tape, writing oral reports, and encouraging oral interpretation[3].

Methods for tactile/kinesthetic learners include providing hands-on activities (experiments, etc.), assigning projects, having frequent breaks to allow movement, using visual aids and objects in the lesson, using role play, and having field trips[3].

By using a variety of teaching methods from each of these categories, teachers are able to accommodate different learning styles. They are also able to challenge students to learn in different ways. Just as Kolb suggested that students who use all 4 approaches of his learning cycle learn more effectively, students who are able to learn through a variety of ways are more effective learners.[citation needed]

[edit] See also

?Individual differences psychology


?Montessori method


?Constructivism (learning theory)


?Cognitive styles

?Big Five personality traits

?Forer effect

?Educational psychology

?Educational psychology for teachers

[edit] References

1.^ a b LdPride. (n.d.). What are learning styles? Retrieved October 17,


2.^ a b c d e f g h i Dunn, R, & Dunn, K (1978). Teaching students through their

individual learning styles: A practical approach. Reston, VA: Reston

Publishing Company.

3.^ a b c d e Sprenger, M. (2003). Differentiation through learning styles

and memory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

4.^ a b Kolb, David(1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source

of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

5.^ a b c d e f Smith, M. K. (2001). David A. Kolb on experiential learning.

Retrieved October 17, 2008, from:


6.^Honey, P & Mumford, A, (1982). The Manual of Learning Styles. Maidenhead,

UK, Peter Honey Publications

7.^Honey, P & Mumford, A, (1983). Using Your Learning Styles. Maidenhead,

UK, Peter Honey Publications

8.^Honey, P & Mumford, A (2006). The Learning Styles Questionnaire, 80-item

version. Maidenhead, UK, Peter Honey Publications

9.^ a b c d Mills, D. W. (2002). Applying what we know: Student learning styles.

Retrieved October 17, 2008, from:


10.^ Greenberg, D. (1987) The Sudbury Valley School Experience Back to


11.^ Greenberg, D. (1987) Free at Last, The Sudbury Valley School, Chapter

5, The Other 'R's.

12.^Greenberg, D. (1992), Education in America, A View from Sudbury Valley,

"Special Education" -- A noble Cause Sacrificed to Standardization.

13.^Greenberg, D. (1992), Education in America, A View from Sudbury Valley,

"Special Education" -- A Noble Cause Run Amok.

14.^Greenberg, D. (1987), Free at Last, The Sudbury Valley School, Chapter

1, And 'Rithmetic.

15.^Greenberg, D. (1987), Free at Last, The Sudbury Valley School, Chapter

19, Learning.

16.^Gerald Coles (1987). The Learning Mystique: A Critical Look at "Learning

Disabilities". Accessed November 7, 2008.

17.^ Leite, Walter L.; Svinicki, Marilla; and Shi, Yuying: Attempted

Validation of the Scores of the VARK: Learning Styles Inventory With Multitrait–Multimethod Confirmatory Factor Analysis Models, pg. 2. SAGE Publications, 2009.

18.^ Thomas F. Hawk, Amit J. Shah (2007) "Using Learning Style Instruments

to Enhance Student Learning" Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education doi:10.1111/j.1540-4609.2007.00125.x

19.^Jackson, C. J. (2009). Using the hybrid model of learning in personality

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21.^ Jackson, C. J. (2008). Measurement issues concerning a personality

model spanning temperament, character and experience. In Boyle, G., Matthews, G. & Saklofske, D. Handbook of Personality and Testing. Sage Publishers. (pp. 73 – 93)

22.^ Jackson, C. J., Hobman, E., Jimmieson, N., and Martin. R. (2008).

Comparing Different Approach and Avoidance Models of Learning and

Personality in the Prediction of Work, University and Leadership Outcomes.

British Journal of Psychology, 1-30. Preprint. DOI:


23.^O’Connor, P. C. & Jackson, C. J. (2008). Learning to be Saints or

Sinners: The Indirect Pathway from Sensation Seeking to Behavior through Mastery Orientation. Journal of Personality, 76, 1 - 20

24.^Jackson, C. J., Baguma, P., & Furnham, A. (In press). Predicting Grade

Point Average from the hybrid model of learning in personality:

Consistent findings from Ugandan and Australian Students. Educational Psychology.

25.^ Siadaty, M. & Taghiyareh, F. (2007). PALS2: Pedagogically Adaptive

Learning System based on Learning Styles. Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007)

26.^ Curry, L. (1990). One critique of the research on learning styles.

Educational Leadership, 48, 50-56.

27.^ Stahl, S. A. (2002). Different strokes for different folks? In L.

Abbeduto (Ed.), Taking sides: Clashing on controversial issues in

educational psychology (pp. 98-107). Guilford, CT, USA: McGraw-Hill.

28.^ "Guy Claxton speaking on What's The Point of School?". https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dc8294654.html,.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dc8294654.html,/talks/49-whats-the-point-of-school. Retrieved 2009-04-23.

29.^ a b c Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E., Ecclestone, K. (2004). Learning

styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning. A systematic and critical review.

London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.

30.^ Dunn, R., Dunn, K., & Price, G. E. (1984). Learning style inventory.

Lawrence, KS, USA: Price Systems.

31.^ Lovelace, MK (2005). Meta-Analysis of Experimental Research Based on

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32.^ Hargreaves, D., et al. (2005). About learning: Report of the Learning

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33.^ Revell, P. (2005). Each to their own. The Guardian.

以《江南Style》为例—— 浅析当代歌曲的传播及文化影响

以《江南Style》为例—— 浅析当代歌曲的传播及文化影响 【摘要】继《忐忑》、《最炫民族风》之后的又一神曲——风靡全球的《江南Style》从一夜爆红到之后的各种层出不穷的“升级版本”,身受大众的喜爱,也成为了各大媒体竞相追逐的娱乐热点。究竟是什么推动了当代歌曲的盛行?或许,有些只是稍纵即逝,然而这些广为流传的歌曲却对我们的文化产生了不可轻视的影响。 【关键词】《江南Style》传播互联网媒体文化影响当今是一个信息化、全球化的时代,数字化新媒体在这个时代背景下出现了蓬勃发展的趋势,文化传播在社会发展中扮演着重要角色。随着大众对精神生活需求的不断提高,文化产业的新媒体营销应运而生,成为当今时尚、创新的营销方式之一,互联网已经成为文化传播的主要手段之一。 《江南Style》是典型的互联网文化的产物,在YouToBe上有4亿的点击量,它虽然发轫于韩国,却引发了全世界网民模仿、改编的热潮。刚被上传到网络时,就已经有大量网友关注这一事件,随后,各大媒体、网络、电视、报纸、新闻、杂志等纷纷报道,无论是草根阶层还是明星群体,都不约而同地根据自己的生活经验、经历对歌曲本身作出了个性化的解读,各种山寨、草根版本的演绎,彻底将《江南Style》恶搞到底,绝对称得上是全球范围内的娱乐盛宴。也正是因为这些“手”将《江南Style》推向了潮流的巅峰,它的传播速度

就好比一个病毒一样肆虐全球,连广场上、公园里跳舞的阿姨们也都紧追起了时尚的潮流,用《江南Style》替代了原本的《最炫民族风》…… 当下流行歌曲的流行并不值得大惊小怪,但《江南Style》等神曲通过网络媒体的大肆宣传,能够快速度的让受众接受并且模仿,可以说这些歌曲是多么的成功、多么的火爆。如果说仅仅是在网络上传播,相信即便是再火也不会这么大的范围,所以说,这《江南Style》的成功在于娱乐明星的参与和模仿,同时还有社会各界人士积极参与和模仿,才使得这首歌曲的影响力如此之巨大。 虽然在短期内引起了如同“精神病毒”般的跟风模仿,但是当大众挖掘所造就的风潮结束后,凭借什么依然维持着神曲的魅力,这一点是值得我们深思的。 在如今的互联网和全球化时代里,网络媒体影响了大众传媒,而大众传媒的加入,助推了网络媒体的传播,一起滚大了雪球,最大程度地超越了时空的局限,汇集了来自世界各地的信息,日益显示出文化传递、沟通、共享的强大功能。网络媒体上,受众除了可以选择看或不看,还能让自身参与到传播中来,《江南Style》就是通过互联网才得以迅速在全球传播开来,它在社会上造成的冲击力和震撼力是十分巨大的,舆论焦点和热点都集中在了它的身上。因为网络的快速传播,导致了更多受众对其的关注,在互联网高速发展的信息爆炸时代,只要掌握好网络快车的这把利刃,必能够攻无不克战无不胜。《江南Style》搞笑嘻哈的画面风格,在合理的运用骑马舞以及快节奏动感的音乐能够点燃群众的细胞,再加上媒体和电视台对其的关注,想不红


oppa 江南style 江南style 白天非常温暖充满人性的女人 有着知道要有喝杯咖啡小憩的品格的女人一到了夜晚就会让人心似火烧的女人 那种有反转的女人 我是男子 白天像你一样和气融融的那种男子汉 连咖啡都会趁热一饮而尽的男子汉 到了晚上就会心似爆炸的男子汉 那种男子汉 好美丽好妩媚 没错是你hey~没错就是你hey~好美丽好妩媚 没错是你hey~没错就是你hey~从现在开始到走的时候一起走吧 oppa 江南style 江南style oppa 江南style 江南styl oppa 江南style Eh- Sexy Lady oppa 江南style Eh- Sexy Lady

虽然看起来贤淑但该玩的时候玩的女人 只要到这个时候就会立马开窍的女人 虽然遮住但是比若隐若现还要性感的女人那种令人充满快感的女人 我是男子汉 虽然看起来文雅但是该玩的时候玩的男子汉每逢那个时候就完全疯掉的男子汉 与肌肉相比思想更加丰满的男子汉 那种男子汉 好美丽好妩媚 没错是你hey~没错就是你hey~ 好美丽好妩媚 没错是你hey~没错就是你hey~ 从现在开始到走的时候一起走 oppa 江南style 江南style oppa 江南style 江南style oppa 江南style Eh- Sexy Lady oppa 江南style Eh- Sexy Lady

人外有人天外有天baby baby 我还是有点料的家伙 人外有人天外有天baby bab 我还是有点料的家 You know what I’m sayin oppa 江南style eh~sexy lady oppa江南style eh~ sexy lad oppa 江南style


江南STYLE中文谐音(一) 我爸刚弄死他 刚弄死他 拉进了大厦那货即开要价 靠屁孩子啊腰扭了那频高也能要价 爸没有性交易搞基能要价 轱辘床~单~也能要价 弄了仨男孩 那街的罗马肯大厦弄去了仨男孩 可必须一同缴纳往下来领了仨男孩 爸没有性交易他叫爸领了仨男孩 酷啊仨男孩 家人带我~三次了喔~ 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 家人带我~三次了喔~ 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 即刻闷头开始搞基干不干 干~干~干~ 干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干! 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 诶诶诶诶诶诶~ 成熟的Boy寂寞不但都能要价 你带他西木苗圃观灯没弄不能要价 他要寂寞马上弄去不都也很要价 轱辘床~单~找你要价 弄了仨男孩 床下的Boy寂寞弄他弄了仨男孩 呆下关门玩就要强抱一弄仨男孩 可要爆他傻傻的玩重口就要仨男孩 酷啊仨男孩 家人带我~三次了喔~ 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 家人带我~三次了喔~ 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!)

即刻闷头开始搞基干不干 干~干~干~ 干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干! 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 诶诶诶诶诶诶~ 非得弄~口我也拿来弄 背背~背背~哪都摸~脚拿来弄 非得弄~口我也拿来弄 背背~背背~哪都摸~ 脚拿来(脚能玩到射) 我爸刚弄死他 诶诶诶~诶诶~诶~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 诶诶诶诶诶诶~ 我爸刚弄死他 网址:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dc8294654.html,/whbm/20121015/0/87OSSFI2acac08FF.shtml (二) 我爸刚弄死他 刚弄死他 拉进了大厦那货即开要价 靠屁孩子啊腰扭了那频高也能要价 爸没有嬉皮易搞基能要价 轱辘床~单~也能要价 弄了仨男孩 那街的罗马肯大厦弄去了仨男孩 可必须一同缴纳往下来领了仨男孩 爸没有**易他叫爸领了仨男孩 酷啊仨男孩 家人带我~三次了喔~ 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 家人带我~三次了喔~


鸟叔-朴载相-江南style-大全 1. 鸟叔-朴载相介绍 2. 江南style 歌词及其翻译 3. 江南Style 歌词中文谐音音译 朴载相 韩国Hip Hop 艺人,PSY 的演唱会一直被誉为不可错过的演唱会,除了非常High 的现场live 之外,每次都会表演韩国著名女歌手的歌舞。发表6辑《Psy6甲》,主打歌《江南style 》在mnet 、melon 等6个主要榜单allkill 。 查看精彩图册 中文名: 朴载相 外文名: P SY 别名: 鸟叔 国籍: 韩国 出生日期: 1977年12月31日 职业: 歌手 经纪公司: Y G Entertainment 朴载相 发行音乐专辑 ? PSY's Best 6th Part 1 ( 2012) ? PSY Five ( 2010) ? Sa Jib(Sa House) ( 2006) ? 3 PSY ( 2002) ? Sa 2 ( 2002) ? PSY from the PSYcho World ( 2001) 目录 人物简介 演艺经历 从艺经过 演唱会 主要作品 专辑作品 广告代言 其他个人作品 综艺节目 江南style 哥哥就是我的Style F1 style 荣誉记录

歌谣节目 所获奖项 psy鸟叔《江南Style》红遍全球 相关新闻 江苏卫视花千万邀鸟叔跨年 亮相麦当娜个人演唱会 为泰国王生日献唱 成《时代》年度人物候选人 中国首秀会 世界音乐大奖三项提名 PSY在美国华盛顿演出,奥巴马进行观看 参加湖南卫视2013跨年晚会 展开 人物简介 演艺经历 从艺经过 演唱会 主要作品 专辑作品 广告代言 其他个人作品 综艺节目 江南style 哥哥就是我的Style F1 style 荣誉记录 歌谣节目 所获奖项 psy鸟叔《江南Style》红遍全球 相关新闻 江苏卫视花千万邀鸟叔跨年 亮相麦当娜个人演唱会 为泰国王生日献唱 成《时代》年度人物候选人 中国首秀会 世界音乐大奖三项提名 PSY在美国华盛顿演出,奥巴马进行观看 参加湖南卫视2013跨年晚会 展开 编辑本段人物简介 [1]家庭情况:姐姐foodstylelist朴在恩,爸爸企业家朴元浩[2]。 2006年结婚,已有一对双胞胎女儿


《江南style》给我们的启示 丁启阵 夜郎自大,这个讽刺人无知、妄自尊大的成语,咱们中国人使用起来格外得心应手,因为,咱们是大国!当周边国家有人发表对我国有不恭敬意味的言论时,我们都可以使用这个成语,表示不屑,加以鄙视。仿佛,这个成语是我们中国人的祖传法宝,独门暗器。 但是,我们却往往忽略了一件事:当我们为拥有这件祖传法宝、独门暗器而陶醉的时候,那些我们所不屑、鄙视的对象,却在那里悄悄地变大,变强,直到有一天,给予我们一记棒喝,乃至致命的一击。 致命的一击(其实不止一击),众所周知,来自东边岛国日本。这个话题过于沉重,此时不打算提它。这里我想说的是,韩国影视歌等流行文化,给予我们的启示,或者说警示。 只有五千多万人口的韩国,一直入不了许多国人的法眼,一直被许多国人用“夜郎自大”这个成语加以鄙视。本人在韩国待过两年时间,耳闻目睹过不少韩国人“夜郎自大”的事迹: 文化杂志上,拜读过不止一位韩国学者的文章,称韩国泡菜是全世界最美味的食物,要让全世界人民都吃上这种美味;称韩袍是世界上最美丽的服装,要让全世界人民都穿上根据韩袍设计的时装。 在韩国最大的故宫景福宫,听到过一位韩国导游对台湾游客说,欧洲之所以发生了持续200年的十字军东征,是因为罗马天主教教皇得知消息,朝鲜王国景福宫里有大量宝藏。 听韩国学生讲过一个段子,说英国人在根据sun(太阳)创造出son(儿子)这个词以后,再也想不出称呼女儿的词。于是派遣使节到朝鲜,请世界上最聪明博学的世宗大王,赐予名称。因为世宗大王一直忙于国政,无暇接待。英国使节在朝鲜苦苦等待近一年,都没有得到召见。英国人民无词称呼女儿,英国国王心急如焚,敕命使节不择手段年底前必须得到世宗大王的赐名。英国使节只好闯宫求赐。时当年尾,世宗大王正在拨拉算盘,计算国家该年度财政收支情况,并没有注意听英国使节的来意,自顾自抬头说了一句话“道-得-而-特”(意思是“又算错了”)。英国使节以为,这就是世宗大王的赐名,如获至宝,火速告知英国国王。从此,英国人便以“道-得-而-特”(daughter)称呼女儿。此类段子还有不少,有说加拿大、美国等国国名,都是世宗大王根据它们国民的愚弱情况赐予的。 在韩国中部一座历史博物馆,看到墙上一幅挂图,关于韩国“三一运动”(1919年3月3日爆发的抗日运动,后来被韩国政府确定为“独立运动纪念日”)对世界各国影响的。线条标示的影响,遍及世界各国,形同密集的航空线路图。我国的“五四”运动,赫然在列。 上述耳闻目睹,都不妨被我们当作鄙视韩国人夜郎自大的有力证据。 但是,曾几何时,韩国人经过“汉江奇迹”在我们还非常贫穷的时候富裕起来了;在我国首都第一次承办亚运会之前,他们的首都已经举办过了奥运会;不久,又跟日本人联合,举办了世界杯足球赛;他们国家足球队的精气神和成绩,足以令十三亿人口大国的足球队羞臊得无地自容;他们的影视歌舞流行文化,开始风靡中国,风靡日本,风靡东南亚,在亚洲乃至全世界形成了一股强劲的“韩


中文翻译是江南范儿。下面看看歌词的中文翻译吧(绝对搞笑):【江南style】-psy 我爸刚弄死他 刚弄死他 拉进了大厦那货即开要价 靠屁孩子啊腰扭了那频高也能要价 爸没有性交易搞基能要价 轱辘床~单~也能要价 弄了仨男孩 那街的罗马肯大厦弄去了仨男孩 可必须一同缴纳往下来领了仨男孩 爸没有性交易他叫爸领了仨男孩 酷啊仨男孩 家人带我~三次了喔~ 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 家人带我~三次了喔~ 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 即刻闷头开始搞基干不干 干~干~干~ 干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干! 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 诶诶诶诶诶诶~ 成熟的Boy寂寞不但都能要价

你带他西木苗圃观灯没弄不能要价 他要寂寞马上弄去不都也很要价 轱辘床~单~找你要价 弄了仨男孩 床下的Boy寂寞弄他弄了仨男孩 呆下关门玩就要强抱一弄仨男孩 可要爆他傻傻的玩重口就要仨男孩 酷啊仨男孩 家人带我~三次了喔~ 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 家人带我~三次了喔~ 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 即刻闷头开始搞基干不干 干~干~干~ 干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 诶诶诶诶诶诶~ 非得弄~口我也拿来弄 背背~背背~哪都摸~脚拿来弄 非得弄~口我也拿来弄 背背~背背~哪都摸~ 脚拿来(脚能玩到射) 我爸刚弄死他


偶吧刚囊style 刚囊style 那届len大萨龙欧银噶叫gin姚家 考皮哈加内要舆论阿拉giao一嫩姚家巴米嗷秒心酱一byu高我几嫩姚家gyu老板酱因嫩姚家 那嫩撒狼黑 哪姐南闹吗苦大萨楼ong kiao 撒狼诶考比熙衣钩焦内我瞎带丢 撒狼诶吧米嗷喵西甲你怕家吧你嫩 撒狼诶 kyu楼撒狼诶 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 哭了闹(嘿~)K个把不闹(嘿~) 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 哭了闹(嘿~)K个吧本闹(嘿~) 西哥们他本大噶及giao本格 偶吧刚囊style 刚囊style 偶偶偶偶哦吧刚囊style 刚囊style 偶偶偶偶哦吧刚囊style 诶sexy lady 偶偶偶偶哦吧刚囊style 诶sexy lady 偶偶偶偶偶ei ei ei ei ei ei~ 强苏K无一几码母den都嫩姚家 你带大西噗面母高到毛离谱嫩姚家 kia聊机慢问马蓝毛去毛大亚哈姚家gyu老干噶叫gi姚家 那嫩撒狼黑 桥家吗毛一级嘛闹得恼怒 撒狼诶乃噶乃米昂完酱米乔包一怒 撒狼诶个鸟bou噶撒撒诶无同过同么撒狼诶 kyu楼撒狼诶 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 哭了闹(嘿~)K个把不闹(嘿~) 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 哭了闹(嘿~)K个吧本闹(嘿~) 西哥们他本大噶及giao本格偶吧刚囊style 刚囊style 偶偶偶偶哦吧刚囊style 刚囊style 偶偶偶偶哦吧刚囊style 诶sexy lady 偶偶偶偶哦吧刚囊style 诶sexy lady 偶偶偶偶偶ei ei ei ei ei ei~ V嫩no 哭we也那嫩no baby baby那嫩沫就那嫩no 滴嫩no 哭we也那嫩no baby baby那嫩沫就那嫩no 哟把嫩say 偶吧刚囊style ei ei ei ei ei ei~ 诶sexy lady 偶偶偶偶哦吧刚囊style 诶sexy lady 偶偶偶偶偶ei ei ei ei ei ei~ 偶吧刚囊style 74595726


gangnam style psy 偶吧刚囊style 刚囊style 那届len大萨龙欧银噶叫gin姚家 考皮哈加内要舆论阿拉噗giao一嫩姚家 巴米嗷秒心酱一byu高我几嫩姚家 gyu老板酱因嫩姚家 那嫩撒狼黑哪姐南闹吗苦大萨楼ong kiao 撒狼诶考比熙衣钩焦内我瞎带丢 撒狼诶吧米嗷喵西甲你怕家吧你嫩 撒狼诶 kyu楼撒狼诶 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 哭了闹(嘿~)K个把不闹(嘿~) 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 哭了闹(嘿~)K个吧本闹(嘿~) 西哥们他本大噶及giao本格 偶吧刚囊style 刚囊style 偶偶偶偶吧刚囊style 刚囊style 偶偶偶偶吧刚囊style (music~0 0) 偶偶偶偶吧刚囊style (music~0 0) 偶偶偶偶偶(ei ei ei ei ei ei~)verse 2 强苏K无一几码母den都嫩姚家 你带大西噗面母高到毛离谱嫩姚家 kia聊机慢问马蓝毛去毛大亚哈姚家 gyu老干噶叫gi姚家 那嫩撒狼黑桥家吗毛一级嘛闹得恼怒 撒狼诶乃噶乃米昂完酱米乔包一怒 撒狼诶个鸟bou噶撒撒诶无同过同么 撒狼诶

? ? ?5 kyu楼撒狼诶 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 哭了闹(嘿~)K个把不闹(嘿~) 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 哭了闹(嘿~)K个吧本闹(嘿~) 西哥们他本大噶及giao本格 偶吧刚囊style 刚囊style 偶偶偶偶吧刚囊style 刚囊style 偶偶偶偶吧刚囊style (music~0 0) 偶偶偶偶吧刚囊style (music~0 0) 偶偶偶偶偶(ei ei ei ei ei ei~) V嫩no 哭we也那嫩no baby baby那嫩沫就那嫩no 滴嫩no 哭we也那嫩 no baby baby那嫩沫就那嫩no(哟把嫩say) 偶吧刚囊style (music~0 0) 偶偶偶偶吧刚囊style (music~0 0) 偶偶偶偶偶(ei ei ei ei ei ei~) 偶吧刚囊style


阅读《江南style 》为什么这么红(附答案) 阅读《江南style 》为什么这么红 《江南style 》为什么这么红 所有人都想知道,一个挺着肚腩的男人,重复着几句莫名其妙的歌词,做出纵马疾驰时的蹦跳动作,以此制成的音乐视频为什么会在20XX年红遍全球。根据 最新统计,这段名为《江南style 》的视频成为全世界观看人数最多的YouTube 视频。其观看次数达到了82200万次,超过贾斯汀?比伯的《宝贝》。 社会学家分析说,这首“神曲”充满了对韩国首尔上流社区江南的讽刺。在韩国,日益扩大的贫富差距已经成为总统选举中的议题。心理学家则认为,演唱者朴载相的形象迎合了西方对亚洲男性的固有想象:“在这里亚洲男人要么是功夫武士,要么是引用孔子语录的先知,要么是高中里的怪才。” 相比之下,科学家另有一番解释。美国辛辛那提大学市场学教授詹姆斯?凯拉瑞斯指出,《江南style 》之所以风靡世界,与一种名叫耳朵虫的大脑神经运动有关。 耳朵虫并不是一种虫子,也跟耳朵没有太大关系。凯拉瑞斯打比方说,它是一种认知瘙痒。某些音乐片段能激发脑部的不正常反应,这些不正常的反应就像皮肤上的瘙痒,让脑子不断地注意这些音乐,结果只能是越痒越挠、越挠越痒。 这一现象和19 世纪德国记忆心理学家艾宾浩斯提出的不自主记忆提取现象有关。在我们的大脑中,信息往往都是根据信息之间的相关性进行存储。有些提取的线索一旦出现,就会自动触发相关的信息。譬如看多了由《最炫民族风》伴奏的各种视频,下次看到有节奏的舞蹈,就会不由自主地哼唱起“你是我天边最美的云彩”。 《江南style 》更是如此。有人评价说:“身形偏胖的朴载相,不断重复着扬鞭套马、策马狂奔的动作,配上音乐节奏,让人莫名就有了跟着一起舞蹈的冲动 人们很早就发现,节奏简单且不断重复的片段更容易绕梁三日。在美国作家马克?吐温1876年创作的一篇短篇小说中,主人公只是在报纸上读到了一段有着华尔兹旋律的顺口溜就因此着魔。在镇上晃荡的时候,他的脚跟着顺口溜机械地踏着节拍。有人对《江南style 》进行研究发现,它有5 个音节每秒就会重复4 次,在整首歌中重复了100 次以上。 关于耳朵虫最有趣的是它揭示了我们脑袋中有一部分很明显是不受自己控 制的。”英国广播公司网站一个叫做“神经黑客”的栏目如此介绍这一奇特的现象。


哦吧刚囊死大 刚囊死大 那届愣大萨龙欧银噶叫gin姚家 考皮哈加内要舆论阿拉噗高一嫩姚家巴米嗷秒心酱一byu高我几嫩姚家古老板酱因嫩姚家 那嫩撒啦黑 那街的罗马肯大厦弄ong 呼撒啦黑可必须一同缴纳往下来领了撒拉黑吧米嗷喵西甲你怕家吧你嫩撒拉嘿酷啊撒拉嘿 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 古嫩咯 hey 古嫩把能咯 hey 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 古嫩咯 hey 古嫩把能咯 hey 西哥们他本大干急干不干 哦吧刚囊死大 刚囊死大 哦哦哦哦吧刚囊死大 刚囊死大 哦哦哦哦吧刚囊死大 Eh- Sexy Lady

哦哦哦哦吧刚囊死大 Eh- Sexy Lady 哦哦哦哦哦(ei ei ei ei ei ei~)成熟K Boy寂吗不但都能要价 你带他西木苗圃观灯没弄不能要价 他要寂寞马航弄去不然也很要价 古老板卡因嫩姚家 那嫩撒啦黑 床下那Boy寂寞弄他弄了撒拉嘿 呆哈关门玩就要强抱一弄撒拉嘿 可要爆他傻傻的玩重口就要撒拉嘿 酷啊撒拉嘿 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 古嫩咯 hey 古嫩把能咯 hey 大楞带我撒狼俗了我 ]古嫩咯 hey 古嫩把能咯 hey 西哥们他本大干急干不干 哦吧刚囊死大 刚囊死大 哦哦哦哦吧刚囊死大 刚囊死大 哦哦哦哦吧刚囊死大

Eh- Sexy Lady 哦哦哦哦吧刚囊死大 Eh- Sexy Lady 哦哦哦哦哦(ei ei ei ei ei ei~)比能咯~酷比也那冷咯 baby baby 哪能摸~脚哪能摸 比能咯~酷比也那冷咯 baby baby 哪能摸~脚啊能摸 You know what I'm saying 哦吧刚囊死大 Eh- Sexy Lady 哦哦哦哦吧刚囊死大 Eh- Sexy Lady 哦哦哦哦(ei ei ei ei ei ei~)哦吧刚囊死大


江南style的文化社会学分析 ————社会学系孙瑞2011300110058 论文背景:今年韩国歌手psy的江南style成为火遍世界的神曲,我们不禁发问,为何这首歌可以达到如此神奇的高度。在33个国家和地区排行榜首。以及在youtube上的惊人点击率,让世界人民为之疯狂,所以我们自然想在文化社会学角度思考一下这个问题。 论文目的:将江南style作为在文化社会学角度对其进行分析,得出其得以广泛传播的社会学原因。此外,对比其它国家的文化现象总结出流行文化的意义以及其带来的影响等因素。与此同时将其作为借鉴,从中尽可能的吸取经验,使得我们的文化推广得到进一步加强。 论文关键词:江南style 文化现象文化分析 论文结构:第一部分,简单介绍目前这首歌的情况 第二部分,结合歌词,韩国以及歌手的具体情况,通过文化社会学,社会学等的知识对其进行分析 第三部分,结合第二部分的分析结果得出一些借鉴性的认识,以及从中得到的启发 第一部分 《江南Style》作为韩国歌手Psy第6张专辑的主打歌曲于7月15日登录YouTube网站,短短26天点击率就突破了2000万次。到8月27日,《江南Style》成功问鼎itunesMV实时排名第一位。此后,其一直以当下HOT歌曲的姿态,霸占韩国各大音乐榜单的首位,截至9月3日上午,MV在Youtube的点击次数达到了9300万次,已经超过少女时代的《Gee》,成为了Youtube 上点击次数最高的韩国MV,破亿指日可待。“一秒钟,可以变疯子”,是很多人看完韩国艺人“鸟叔”Psy的《江南Style》之后的感觉。2012年11月11日,江南style 的点击率超过七亿,并创下多项世界纪录。无数的欧美亚洲明星纷纷推荐,各种版本的模仿简直让人目不暇接。点击率超过三亿的速度要高于贾斯汀比伯和很多欧美人气歌星。不得不说江南style已经成为了一种不能被忽视的文化现象(文化事象是文化发展中带有典型和标志作用的事情,是群众在共同需要、共同心理的基础上所形成的和不断给予陶冶的结果。它往往是思想观念及其物化形式的综合) 歌词里的江南指的是韩国首都首尔的江南区,是当地人眼中的富人聚集区,许多有钱人和社会名流在此居住 第二部分 为什么会那么火?接下来我们就从多个角度对其进行社会学的分析。 1)文化生产。江南style是怎么产生出来的?表面上看是音乐人的作品,但是霍华德贝克告诉我们,把艺术生产视为集体行动,艺术作品本质上是一个社会过程。分析单


超级搞笑版 00:09 我爸刚弄死他 00:14 刚弄死他 00:18 拉进了大厦那货即开要价 00:22 靠屁孩子啊腰扭了那频高也能要价 00:25 爸没有性交易搞基能要价 00:29 轱辘床~单~也能要价 00:32 弄了仨男孩 00:34 那街的罗马肯大厦弄去了仨男孩 00:38 可必须一同缴纳往下来领了仨男孩 00:41 爸没有性交易他叫爸领了仨男孩 00:45 酷啊仨男孩 00:47 家人带我~三次了喔~ 00:51 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 00:54 家人带我~三次了喔~ 00:58 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 01:01 即刻闷头开始搞基干不干 01:04 干~干~干~ 01:06 干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干! 01:10 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 01:14 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 01:17 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 01:20 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 01:24 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 01:28 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 01:31 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 01:35 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 01:38 诶诶诶诶诶诶~ 01:40 成熟的Boy寂寞不但都能要价 01:43 你带他西木苗圃观灯没弄不能要价 01:47 他要寂寞马上弄去不都也很要价 01:50 轱辘床~单~找你要价 01:54 弄了仨男孩 01:56 床下的Boy寂寞弄他弄了仨男孩 01:59 呆下关门玩就要强抱一弄仨男孩 02:03 可要爆他傻傻的玩重口就要仨男孩 02:06 酷啊仨男孩 02:09 家人带我~三次了喔~ 02:12 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 02:16 家人带我~三次了喔~ 02:20 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 02:23 即刻闷头开始搞基干不干 02:26 干~干~干~ 02:27 干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干! 干!干! 02:31 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 02:36 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 02:39 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 02:43 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 02:46 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 02:49 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 02:53 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 02:57 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 03:00 诶诶诶诶诶诶~ 03:02 非得弄~口我也拿来弄 03:05 背背~背背~哪都摸~脚拿来弄 03:09 非得弄~口我也拿来弄 03:12 背背~背背~哪都摸~ 03:14 脚拿来(脚能玩到射) 03:17 我爸刚弄死他 03:18 诶诶诶~诶诶~诶~~~~~~ 03:22 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 03:26 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 03:29 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 03:33 诶诶诶诶诶诶~ 03:35 我爸刚弄死他 04:05 我爸刚弄死他


江南style中文歌词 ??????? O ppan gang nam seutail 哥哥是江南style ????? gang nam style 江南style ????????????? na je neun tta sa lo un in gan jeo gin yeo ja 白天是充满温暖人情味的女人 ???????????????? keo pi han ja nui yeo yu leul a neun pum gyeo giss neun yeo ja 有著懂喝杯咖啡的情调的性格的女人 ?????????????? ba mi o myeon sim jang i tteu geo wo ji neun yeo ja 如果到了晚上心脏是火热热的女人 ???????? geu leon ban jeon iss neun yeo ja 有那种反差性格的女人 ????? na neun sa na i 我是男子汉

??????????????? na je neun neo man keum tta sa lo un geu leon sa na i 白天是像你那样温暖的男子汉 ??????????????? keo pi si ggi do jeo ne won syas ttae li neun sa na i 就算喝咖啡也是乾杯的男子汉 ??????????????? ba mi o myeon sim jang i teo jyeo beo li neun sa na i 如果到了晚上心脏会爆发失控的男子汉 ?????geu leon sa na i 是那样的男子汉 ????????? a leum da wo sa lang seu leo wo 美丽的可爱的 ???hey ????? hey geu lae neo hey geu lae ba lo neo hey 没错是你Hey没错就是你Hey ????????? a leum da wo sa lang seu leo wo 美丽的可爱的 ???hey ????? hey geu lae neo hey geu lae ba lo neo hey

江南Style 歌词(罗马字、韩文、中文对照)

????? - ?? / 江南Style – Psy op pan gang nam seutail gang nam style ???????????? / 哥哥是江南style 江南style na je neun tta sa lo un in gan jeo gin yeo ja ????????????? / 白天非常温暖充满人性的女人 keo pi han ja nui yeo yu leul a neun pum gyeo giss neun yeo ja ???????????????? / 有着知道要有喝杯咖啡小憩的品格的女人ba mi o myeon sim jang i tteu geo wo ji neun yeo ja ?????????????? / 一到了夜晚就会让人心似火烧的女人 geu leon ban jeon iss neun yeo ja ???????? / 那种有反转的女人 na neun sa na i ????? / 我是男子汉 na je neun neo man keum tta sa lo un geu leon sa na i ??????????????? / 白天像你一样和气融融的那种男子汉 keo pi si ggi do jeo ne won syas ttae li neun sa na i ??????????????? / 连咖啡都会趁热一饮而尽的男子汉 ba mi o myeon sim jang i teo jyeo beo li neun sa na i ??????????????? / 到了晚上就会心似爆炸的男子汉 geu leon sa na i ????? / 那种男子汉 a leum da wo sa lang seu leo wo ????????? / 好美丽好妩媚 geu lae neo hey geu lae ba lo neo hey ??? hey ????? hey / 没错是你(hey~)没错就是你(hey~) a leum da wo sa lang seu leo wo ????????? / 好美丽好妩媚 geu lae neo hey geu lae ba lo neo hey ??? hey ????? hey / 没错是你(hey~)没错就是你(hey~) ji geum bu teo gal de kka ji ga bol kka ??????????? / 从现在开始到走的时候一起走吧 op pan gang nam style gang nam style ???????????? / 哥哥是江南style 江南style op pan gang nam style gang nam style ???????????? / 哥哥是江南style 江南style op pan gang nam style Eh- Sexy Lady ??????? Eh- Sexy Lady / 哥哥是江南style Eh- Sexy Lady op pan gang nam style Eh- Sexy Lady ??????? Eh- Sexy Lady / 哥哥是江南style Eh- Sexy Lady Oh Oh Oh Oh ???? / eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh jeong su ghae bo i ji man nol ttaen no neun yeo ja ????????????? / 虽然看起来贤淑但该玩的时候玩的女人 i ttae da si peu myeon muk keoss deon meo li pu neun yeo ja ??????????????? / 只要到这个时候就会立马开窍的女人 ga lyeoss ji man wen man han no chul bo da ya han yeo ja ??????????????? / 虽然遮住但是比若隐若现还要性感的女人


2012十大年度网络流行语:“碉堡了”排榜首 2013年01月19日09:55 大洋网-广州日报我有话说(415人参与) 如此网络时代,当2012年的各种盘点纷纷火热出炉之际,少不了的便是网络流行语的年度盘点。这看似一场来源于虚拟世界的热闹游戏,然而网络潮语仅仅存在于网络之中,它们不但是一年以来各种热门事件的见证,同样也掺杂在我们日常生活的应用中。一个词语就可以让你想起一个时代,那些曾经口口相传的网络潮语,有多少你也曾应用自如、朗朗上口…… 文、图片搜集/ 记者黄岚 No.1“碉堡了。” 来源:音译词,源自周杰伦的口头禅。其后在百度“李毅吧”知名度扩大,其用法迅速风靡网络。另一说法是,由于智能拼音输入法的打字习惯,周杰伦的口头禅容易打成“碉堡”二字。 解析:表示某件事物或某个人物,能力很强大,或者效果很惊人,与“弱爆了”形成反义。另外,除了表示“强大”之外,在不同的场合也有不同的引申意思,例如“震惊了”,“悲剧”了。 造句:瑞典20岁女飞贼碉堡了啊,偷!火!车!还真给她开走了…… No.2 “元芳,你怎么看?” 来源:源自《神探狄仁杰》系列电视剧,剧中狄大人常对李元芳说:“元芳,此事你怎么看。”而李元芳的回答也固定化,“大人,我觉得此事有蹊跷。”或者“此事背后一定有一个天大的秘密。”前有网友截图吐槽这段对答成为剧中一成不变的管用手段,后有更多网友跟风模仿,“元芳体”应运而生。 解析:前面陈述一件事情,最后加上一句“元芳,你怎么看?”其中隐藏的含义很多,有打趣的,有调侃的,也有风马牛不相及的。这除了是一场“自娱自乐的网络狂欢”,同时也引发人们对某些社会现象的深思。 造句:最新出台的2013年放假安排,春节放假7天,节后连上7天班。元芳,你怎么看? No.3“XX style” 来源:源自韩国歌手“鸟叔”一曲红遍全球的《江南style》,该曲发布之后,YouTube网站点阅率在公开76天后突破3亿人次大关。“江南style”从歌曲演变成流行词、流行体,数字峰值也到达其热度顶峰,而“xx style”也成为网络上最常提起的话语之一。 解析:指代某一种风格,例如理工科男style、学前儿童style等等。 造句:公司年会party,美女如云,争芳斗艳,很有车模style。 No.4“正能量” 来源:在奥运火炬传递期间,很多网友发表“点燃正能量,引爆小宇宙!”之类的帖子,后有网友将此励志口号与伦敦火炬传递结合起来,“正能量”一词也借此在中国走红,且经常出现在电视及报刊媒体的新闻报道和各种宣传中。 解析:指一种健康乐观、积极向上的动力和情感,给人向上的信心和希望,鼓舞人不断追求幸福生活。 造句:好的音乐,带给人的不只有愉悦,还有满满的正能量。 No.5“躺枪”


[00:06.57]哦吧刚囊style [00:10.70]刚囊style [00:12.14] [00:15.26]那届愣大萨龙欧银噶叫gin 姚家 [00:18.45] 考皮哈加内要鱼儿阿拉噗高一嫩姚家[00:22.01]巴米嗷秒心酱一byu 高我几嫩姚家[00:25.64]古老板酱因嫩姚家 [00:27.89] [00:29.27]那嫩撒啦黑 [00:30.64]那街的罗马肯大厦弄ong 呼撒啦黑[00:34.14]可必须一同缴纳往下带领了撒拉黑[00:37.89]吧米嗷喵西甲你怕家吧你嫩撒拉嘿[00:41.46]骷髅撒拉嘿 [00:43.14] [00:43.95]大楞带我撒狼俗了我 [00:47.20]古嫩咯hey 古嫩把能咯hey [00:50.83]大楞带我撒狼俗了我 [00:54.33]古嫩咯hey 古嫩把能咯hey [00:58.26]西哥们他本大干急干不干 [01:01.40] [01:06.52]哦吧刚囊style [01:10.64]刚囊style [01:11.77]哦哦哦哦吧刚囊style [01:17.89]刚囊style [01:18.95]哦哦哦哦吧刚囊style [01:22.51]Eh- Sexy Lady [01:26.08]哦哦哦哦吧刚囊style [01:29.63]Eh- Sexy Lady [01:33.26]哦哦哦哦哦(ei ei ei ei ei ei~) [01:36.14] [01:36.94]成熟K Boy几码不炖都嫩哟家 [01:40.20]你带那西圃苗木国灯猫弄圃能哟家[01:43.76]卡要寂们马了弄去不大也很哟家 [01:47.26]古老干嘎脚gin 姚家 [01:49.88] [01:51.01]那嫩撒啦黑 [01:52.45]床下那Boy 寂寞弄dan 弄了撒拉嘿[01:55.94]呆嘎国内瓜你焦米强抱一弄撒拉嘿 [01:59.51]可鸟包他傻傻你哦痛吧痛啊撒拉嘿 [02:03.26]骷髅撒拉嘿 [02:04.70] [02:05.70]大楞带我撒狼俗了我 [02:08.88]古嫩咯hey 古嫩把能咯hey [02:12.76]大楞带我撒狼俗了我


《江南Style》主持词 主持词一 主持人a:一首歌从亚洲唱向欧洲,从网络唱向现实,可以说它是2014年着实火了一把的“神曲” 主持人b:是呀,跑马场、海滩、酒店、热闹的街市,它无处不在,几乎可以融合于生活中的每一个环境。 主持人a:它曾同时位居多个国家和地区单曲排行榜榜首,有上亿超级粉丝。 主持人b:究竟是一首怎样的神曲?如此疯狂?下面有请haoword带来的撩人心弦的《江南Style》 主持词二 主持人a:**呀,你知道现在最流行,最火爆的神曲是什么吗? 主持人b:sorrysorry? 主持人a:no.no 主持人b:noboby? 主持人a:no.no.no.大家知道现在唱的最火爆的韩国神曲是什么吗? 观众回答:江南Style(没人回答,可以说回答有奖品哦!最好是事先指定一个人) 主持人a:是的江南Style,下面有请来自***的著名演唱家***带来《江南Style》,掌声有请

《江南对《江南Style》的体会Style》,是韩国歌手psy有的一首单曲。歌名“江南Style”来自韩国俚语,指首都首尔一个象征着富裕与时尚的上流社会聚集的地区——江南区,豪华奢靡的生活方式。 歌曲(请你关注:)作者鸟叔”在接受媒体采访时说,“我知道自己不是帅哥,但我像韩式拌饭,口味大众化。其实我的外表土里土气,一点都没有江南范儿,所以我唱这首歌就有了亮点。当体型宛如摔跤手般结实、一脸憨厚老实相的psy戴上墨镜,悦动感十足的做“苍茫的大地我的爱”状一路“策马扬鞭”时,相信所有人都会觉得异常憨厚可掬。一个穿黑西服的韩国胖男人“鸟叔”,在桑拿室、马房、旅游巴士中傻傻地跳着骑马舞的mv,引爆了全地球人的集体大high,这让许多人困惑。再咱们中国的的眼中这或许是十分雷人的一件事情。而在生活压力很大的21世纪,这首歌曲无疑为我们的生活增添了很多的笑点。 这首歌在网络上的传播速度十分快,这也让更多的人知道了 《江南Style》。歌曲中的骑马舞毫无疑问是最经典的一幕。其实当时听说这首歌在世界上那么火的时候,我觉得很不可思议,可能作为个人的欣赏角度不同。 对《江南Style》的模仿,上到联合国秘书长潘基文,下到平民老百姓,各个阶层无所不在,在这一点上看,这首歌无疑使十分成功的。“骑马舞”无疑是《江南Style》的一个亮点正是这个看似搞笑但


江南Style 中文版歌词音译00:09 我爸刚弄死他 00:14 刚弄死他 00:18 拉进了大厦那货即开要价 00:22 靠屁孩子啊腰扭了那频高也能要价 00:25 爸没有性交易搞基能要价 00:29 轱辘床~单~也能要价 00:32 弄了仨男孩 00:34 那街的罗马肯大厦弄去了仨男孩 00:38 可必须一同缴纳往下来领了仨男孩 00:41 爸没有性交易他叫爸领了仨男孩 00:45 酷啊仨男孩 00:47 家人带我~三次了喔~ 00:51 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 00:54 家人带我~三次了喔~ 00:58 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 01:01 即刻闷头开始搞基干不干 01:04 干~干~干~ 01:06 干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干! 01:10 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 01:14 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 01:17 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 01:20 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 01:24 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 01:28 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 01:31 我爸刚弄死他~诶~~~~~~~~ 01:35 歇歇~累了~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 01:38 诶诶诶诶诶诶~ 01:40 成熟的Boy寂寞不但都能要价 01:43 你带他西木苗圃观灯没弄不能要价 01:47 他要寂寞马上弄去不都也很要价 01:50 轱辘床~单~找你要价 01:54 弄了仨男孩 01:56 床下的Boy寂寞弄他弄了仨男孩 01:59 呆下关门玩就要强抱一弄仨男孩 02:03 可要爆他傻傻的玩重口就要仨男孩 02:06 酷啊仨男孩 02:09 家人带我~三次了喔~ 02:12 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 02:16 家人带我~三次了喔~ 02:20 狗来弄(嘿!)狗来把我弄(嘿!) 02:23 即刻闷头开始搞基干不干 02:26 干~干~干~ 02:27 干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干!干! 02:31 我爸刚弄死他(啊~) 02:36 刚弄死他~喔~喔~喔~喔~ 02:39 我爸刚弄死他(啊~)

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