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1.I come to China / at an important time. (口译:我到中国来访问,正逢一个重要的时刻。)

2.They built the bridge / in two months. (口译:他们建这座桥,只花了两个月。)

3.Aristotle, the greatest of the ancient Greek writers, / had written a work containing all the

knowledge of his time. (口译:亚里士多德,这位最伟大的古希腊作家,曾写了一部囊括同时代所有知识的著作。)

4.It is nevertheless many years since / our two worlds first touched. (口译:但是,很久以前我


5.Several more fundamental proposals are advanced / for consideration by the General

Assembly / for possible action in the longer term. (口译:一些更基本的建议也提了出来,供大会审议,以便采取更长期的行动。)

6.Twentieth century history shows / the impressive adaptive capacity of international relations /

based on multinational principles and norms. (口译:二十世纪的历史表明,国际关系具有惊人的调整适应能力,而这种国际关系的基础是多边原则与准则。)

7.The United Nations must further strengthen its capacity / for launching coherent and

coordinated humanitarian actions, / under the guiding principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality. (口译:联合国必须进一步加强其能力,发起一致而又协调的人道主义的行动。这一切指导原则是人道、中立、公正。)

8.This can only be achieved / translating principles and norms into concrete deeds / affecting the

way people live. (口译:要实现这一点,只有把原则和准则化为具体的行动,对人民生活方式产生影响的行动。)

9.They are steadily finding new means / of protecting themselves and others from radioactivity.


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d98745600.html,ernments have a crucial role to play / in promoting social human development and / in

providing the poor with the necessary working skills. (口译:政府要发挥十分重要的作用,以促进社会的人力开发、并使穷人获得必要的劳动技能。)

11.These developments are bound to affect the patterns of international trade, production and

investment / of both members and non-members of regional groupings. (口译:这些发展情况必将影响国际贸易、生产和投资的格局,对区域组织的成员国和非成员国都是如此。)12.It is a great privilege / while we are guests in your country / to be able to welcome you and the

Chinese who are present here / as our guests this evening. (口译:非常荣幸有机会在贵国做客期间欢迎您和今晚在座的诸位中国客人。)

13.I was surprised / at what he said. (口译:我很吃惊,他竟然这样说话。)

14.They have been working busily / since 8 o’clock in the morning. (口译:他一直忙着干活儿,


15.He has established a dialogue / on human rights at the highest levels of government / and with

regional and national institutions worldwide. (口译:他已经开始了对话,就人权问题在政府最高一级进行对话,并与世界各地的区域和国家机构进行对话。)

16.They will get the preparation done / before considering other proposals. (口译:他们要把准




1.First of all, let’s make a rollcall before we put the draft resolution to vote.(让我们首先点点


2.He had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experiment. (他仔细通读了


3.We shall decide on procedural matters before we start a general debate.(我们将决定程序问


4.More tests should be conducted before we can come to a conclusion.(需要进行更多的实


5.Hence the French Government reflected at length and scru tinized the Treaty’s provisions

carefully, taking into account also the progress of related work,before deciding to ratify this new international agreement.(所以法国政府非常认真地考虑并仔细审查了该条约的各项条款,考虑了有关工作的进展,然后才决定批准这个国际协定。)


1.They are going to visit the country after examining all the relevant reports.(他们要访问该


2.Our meeting will resume after the delegates have read the text.(我们会议要继续开,但先


3.We should discuss the problem at hand in detail after we had our dinner. (让我们详细地讨


4.We shall vote on the draft decision after we have voted on the amendments.(我们将表决决议



1.Nothing is more harmful to the peaceful settlement of the dispute than his ill-timed


2.No nation can live in peace without these principles.(任何国家要和平生存就必须遵守这些


3.The air of lowlands is not so cool as that of hills.(低地的空气比山上的空气暖和一些。)

4.Not until the jet engine had come into use could planes travel at supersonic speeds.(直到喷


5.Nothing could show more clearly that South Africa has over-come the shadows of its cast.(这


6.Brazil is not insensitive to the question you have raised.(巴西关心您提出的问题。)

7.I could not agree more with you.(我完全同意您的意见。)

8.I would fail in my duty if I did not mention the tremendous assistance rendered by the


9.No one would accumulate weapons and war materials if not with the idea of some day using



1.Gradualism can be useful and effective, only if the leader-ship is fully committed to


2.These countries experienced negative growth rates of gross domestic product of as much as 10

per cent or more.(这些国家的国内生产总值呈负增长,即负百分之十,甚至更低。)

3.This machine is less expensive.(这台机器更便宜。)

4.There are few island developing countries large enough to offer a sufficient spread of



1. A brand name can be seen, spoken out and written out, whereas a brand log can only be seen

instead of being spoken out. (品牌名称是能看得见、能说出来、能写出来的,而品牌标识只能看见而不能说出来的。)


1.I hope my presence here tonight is further proof of the importance we in Britain attach to the

relation with your great country. (我希望我今晚来到这里,可以进一步证明,我们英国高度重视和你们伟大国家的关系。)

2.I believe the ship’s arrival in Guangzhou today is a symbol of the friendship that has always

existed between Sweden and China in the past 260 years. (我相信,这艘船今天来到广州,象征着我们的友谊,它一直存在于瑞典和中国之间,长达260年。)

3.My delegation commends the international community for its contribution in searching for

solutions to the problems of terrorism and conflict in Africa. (我国代表团赞扬国际社会积极致力于寻求解决非洲恐怖主义和冲突问题的办法。)

4.The UN is an indispensable vehicle for the preservation of civilization in the interest of all

nations of the world. (联合国是一个不可缺少的工具,以维护文明,造福于各国人民。)5.In this regard, we support the movement towards renewal and restructuring away from the

static stereotypes of the past.(在这方面,我们支持进行更新和改组,摆脱过去那些僵硬的一成不变的做法。)

6.I believe this can contribute to(have a positive impact on)the future relations between the

developed and the developing countries.(我认为这将有助于(积极影响)今后发展中国家与发达国家的关系。)

7.We noted the secretary general’s view that any sizable of reduction of the peacekeeping force

would be inadvisable at this stage. (我们注意到秘书长的观点,他认为现在要大大削减维和部队是不合适的。)

8.We have all noted the secretary general’s report on the increasingly perilous state of financing.


9.He reiterated the position of his delegation that... (他重申他们代表团的立场,主张……)

10.It is my great honor to be present at this unprecedented gathering of officials from 9 countries

in Central and East Asia for the first of a series of UNDP-sponsored workshops on the issues and challenges of economic transition. (我感到很荣幸来参加这次空前的集会,有来自中亚和东亚9个国家的官员参加,这是联合国开发署主办的一系列讲习班的第一次来讨论由经济转轨带来的一些问题和挑战。)


1.It is a long way from Peking to London((等一下)北京和伦敦相距遥远。)

2.It will be very difficult to make a decision without knowing all the facts.((等一下)要做决


3.They defined the aim of the organization as to make international organizational trade ‖a

key instrument of economic development.(它们把这个组织的目的确定为:使国际贸易成为(等一下)经济发展的一种工具。)

4.Capacity-building is ‖an issue that is at the forefront of the global development agenda.


5.The General Assembly decided that capacity-building should remain ‖an essential part of

the United Nations system operational activities.(大会决定能力建设应当继续成为(等一下)联合国业务活动的一个基本部分。)

6.To make use of atomic energy, we must first know ‖the complex structure of the atom.(为


7.There is a common desire among cocoa producing and cocoa consuming countries ‖to

continue their cooperation in the world cocoa economy.((等一下)可可生产国和可可消费国抱有共同愿望,愿在世界可可经济方面继续进行合作。)

8.It is no harm that we recheck the figures.((等一下)我们重新核对这些数字,这是没有


9.Ten years later we were one of the first ‖West European countries to recognize the People’

s Republic of China.(十年之后,我们成了最早(等一下)承认中华人民共和国的西欧国家之一。)

10.Trade should be developed between Britain and China.((等一下)英中之间应发展贸易。)

11.The General Assembly invited the Economic and Social Council to consider capacity-building

as ‖one of the three focus areas at its substantive session next year.(大会请经社理事会将能力建设视为(等一下)其明年实质性会议的三个重点领域之一。)

12.There is no possibility that human beings will ever be controlled by robots.((等一下)人类


13.Since my first visit in 1977 ‖there have been many changes in the world,‖and there

have been changes in China,too.(从我一九七七年第一次访华以来,(等一下)世界上发生了很大的变化,(等一下)中国也发生了变化。)

14.The United Nations is ‖also best placed to build bridges of cooperation and the necessary

partnership /for development among Governments, the private sector,civil society and regional and global organizations.(联合国(等一下)在建立合作渠道和必要的伙伴关系以促进发展方面,即在各国政府、私人部门、公民社会、区域组织和全球性组织之问这样去做,可发挥最佳作用。)

15.Indeed, ‖the historic mission of the United Nations is not merely to act upon, ‖but also to

expand the elements of- common ground that exist among nations.(的确,(等一下)联合国的历史使命不仅要遵循,而且要扩大各国之间的共识。)

16.The development of the enterprise becomes synonymous with development in general.((等一


17.Football is played all over the world.((等一下)全世界都踢足球。)

18.In recent years, post-conflict peace-building has assumed ‖new prominence in United

Nations agenda.(近年来,冲突后缔造和平(等一下)在联合国的工作中占据新的突出地位。)

19.The strengths and potential of the United Nations in this area are considerable.((等一下)联


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d98745600.html,ernment authority and civil society are increasingly ‖threatened by transnational

networks of crime,narcotics, money-laundering and terrorism.(政府当局和公民社会日益受到(等一下)跨国犯罪、毒品、洗钱和恐怖主义网络的威胁。)

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