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A- arm (悬架)A形臂,=wishbone

abbreviation(s) 缩略语

ability 能力.性能,本领

absolute 绝对的.纯粹的.无条件的

absolute pressure sensor 绝对压力传感器

absorber 1.减振(震)器.阻尼器2.吸声层.吸收器(剂) absorption 1.吸收,(取,附)

accelerating 加速(的)

accelerating ability 加速能力

acceleration 1.加速(过程.作用)2.加速度acceleration cable 加速踏板拉索.节气门拉索acceleration capability 加速性能acceleration—dependent 与加速相关的,依赖加速的acceleration enrichment (混合气)加速加浓

air baffle 1.挡风板,折流板2.(风冷发动机)导风板

air bag或airbag 安全气囊

air—bag assembly 安全气囊组件

air bag module 1.同上2.安全气囊控制模块

air bellow (波纹式)空气箱

air bellows (空气悬架)空气弹簧(气囊)

air bleed 放气(孔)

air bleeder 放气阀

air brake 气压制动(器)

air brake cylinder 气压制动缸,制动气室

air brake(braking) system 气压制动系

air cell 空(蓄)气室

air cell chamber (柴油机)空气室燃烧室

air chamber 空气腔

air charge 空气充入,进气

air charge temperature 进气温度

air cleaner 空气滤清器

air-cleaner cover 空气滤清器盖

air compressor 空气压缩机,空压机

air conditioner 空调装置,空调

air conditioning 1.同上2.空气调节

air control 1.空气调节2.(压缩空气)气动控制3.(客厢通风)风量调节杆,风量控制

air-controlled 压缩空气操纵的,气动的

air control valve 空气控制阀

air-cooled 空气冷却的,风冷的

air cooler 空气冷却器

air cooling 空气冷却,风冷

air cushion 气垫,安全气囊

air cutoff valve (二次)空气切断阀

air damper 1.空气阻尼器,气动缓冲器2.空气活门,风门

air dam skirt 1.(汽车空气动力学)阻风板2.导流板,阻风板,风挡

air deficiency (进气系统)空气不足

air deflector 1.导流板,气流(偏)导板2.(货车驾驶室)导风板,导流罩air density 空气密度

air director 导风罩

air distribution 空气(风量)分配

air door 1.空气阀门(闸板)2.(客厢通风)风门,空气节气门

air drier 空气干燥器

air-driven 气(压驱)动的,风动的

air-dry 气干的

air duct 风管,空气(导,输送)管

air-fast 不透气的,密封的

air filter 空气滤清器

airflow 1.(空)气流2.空气流量

air flow meter(sensor)空气流量计

air/fuel (进气系统)空气/燃油

air-fuel mixture (进气系统)空气、燃油混合气,(可燃)混合气

air/fuel ratio 空燃比

air funnel 1.空气道2.(连续燃油喷射)空气漏斗8.(进气系统)进气喇叭口

air gap 1.气隙2.(火花塞)跳火间隙

air gauge 气压表

air horn 1.气喇叭2.(化油器)上盖,进气(喇叭)口(=air inlet) air-hydraulic 气动液压的

air injection 1.空气喷射2.(排放控制系)二次空气喷射

air injection diverter 二次空气喷射分流器

air injection pump (二次)空气喷射泵

air injection reactor 二次空气喷射反应器

air inlet 1.空气进口2.进气

air intake 1.进气2.空气吸入孔,进气管

air intake door (空调)空气进气节气门

air intake heater 进气加热器

air intake system 进气系统

airless injection 机械压力喷射

air lever (通风/控制器)空气控制杆

air management 空气管理

air mass (进气系统)空气质量,进气质量

air—mass flow 进气质量流量

air mass meter(sensor)质量型空气流量计

air-meter 空气流量计

air mixture door (空调器)空气混合风门

air—out 出气,出气口

air outlet 1.空气出口,出气口2.空气排(流,放)出

air—over hydraulic 1.气动-液压系统(俗称气顶油)2.气动液压的

air over hydraulic brake system 气动液压制动系

air—powered (压缩)空气驱动的,气动的

air pressure 气压,大气压力

air pressure horn 气喇叭

airproof 密封的,气密的,不漏气的

air rate 空气流量

air reservoir 储气筒,空气储存容器

air shield=air deflector

angular velocity 角速度

annular groove 环(形)槽

annular opening 环形孔

annulus 1.内齿轮,(齿)圈,(行星齿轮系)内齿圈2.环形物,环形套筒antenna 天线

anti-dazzle (动,名)防眩(目)

antidazzle cap (前照灯)遮光帽,防眩(目)灯罩

anti-dive (制动时)防俯冲(装置)

antifreeze 1.防冻(的)2.防冻剂,不冻液

antifreezing fluid 防冻液

antifriction bearing 滚动轴承

antiglare 防眩光的,遮光的

anti-interference 防干扰(的)

antiknock 1.抗爆燃(的)2.抗爆(燃)剂

antiknock additive (汽油)抗爆添加剂

antiknock quality (汽油)抗爆性

ANTI LOCK (显示器用字符)防抱死制动

anti-lock brake 防抱死制动系统,ABS

anti-lock brake system 同上

antiroll(ing) 1.横向稳定的,防侧倾(的)2.抗滚(动)(的),抗倾翻(的) anti-roll (车辆转弯时)抗侧倾

anti-roll bar (悬架)横向稳定杆

anti-roll bar link 横向稳定杆铰接(头)

antirust 防锈(的),耐锈(的)

antiskid 1.防滑移的2.(制动系)防(车轮)抱死的

antiskid system (制动系)防抱死系统

antislip 防滑(转)

anti-slip control 驱动防滑控制系统

anti-slip regulation 同上

antisplash 防溅污的,挡泥的

anti-squat (车辆)防尾部下沉,防后坐

anti squeal 消声(的)

anti-theft (汽车)防盗(装置)

anti-theft alarm 防盗报警(装置)

aperture 孔,洞,隙缝

A pillar (车身)前柱,A柱

appearance 外观,外表

appliance 用具,设备,仪表,附件

applicable 1.适用的2.适当(合)的

application 1.应用,运用2.作用,施加

application force 作用力

application of brakes 制动

application pressure (制动蹄)作用压力

application time 作用时间

apply (动)1.应用,实施,运用2.施加,作用(力,载荷) appointments 装置,设备

approach angle 接近角


approximate 近似(的),大约(的),左右

apron (围)裙,(防护)挡板,裙板

arbor (心,枢,主)轴,(刀)杆,芯骨

arc 1.电弧,弧光2.弧形的

arch 1.拱(形,顶),弓形2.(车身)轮室

arched tire 拱形轮胎

area 1.地区,区域,领域,范围,场地2.面积

areometer 液体密度计

arm 1.臂,(手)柄,杆,(条,轮)辐2.指针,指示器3.支架,扶手

armature 电枢

armature coil 电枢线圈

armored hose 铠装软管

arm rest (内部设施)肘*

arm support (内部设施)肘*,放手垫

arrangement 1.排列,布置2.装置,设备

arrow 箭(头),指针

articulate (动)1.用关节相连,铰(链)接(合),活动连接2.铰链的,曲柄的,活节的

articulated 1.铰接的,铰链连接的,有关节的2.摆动的,回转的articulated vehicle 铰接式车辆,带半挂车的牵引车

ash 灰,粉尘,尘埃

ash tray(case) 烟灰盒

aspect angle 视界角

aspect ratio (轮胎)高宽比

assemble (动)装配,安装,组合

assembled 装配式(的),安装的,组合的

assembled camshaft 组合式凸轮轴

assembled crankshaft 装配式曲轴

assembly 1.装配,组装2.总成,组(合)件

assembly&disassembly 装配和拆卸,组装和分解

assembly drawing 装配图

assembly instructions 装配指南,安装说明(书)

assembly line data link 汇编行数据通信链路

assist (动,名)1.帮助,促使2.加速(器),辅助装置3.助手assistant 1.助剂,辅助物2.辅助的

assistant driver seat (货车)副驾驶座椅

assist grip (车内)扶手,拉手

assist handle (客车)扶手

assist spring 辅助弹簧,副簧

assist strap (客车)吊带,拉手

assist type 1.辅助装置型式2.(制动系)助力(器)型式asymmetric(al) 不对称的,不平衡的

atmospheric(al) 1.大气(中)的2.空气的.常压的atmospheric pressure 大气压力,气压

atmospheric suspended 大气悬浮式(参阅air suspended type2.) attach (动)1.附着,连接2.固定,吊挂

attached 附上…的,连接的,固定的

attachment 1.附着,连接,固定2.附着物,附件attemperator 温度调节器,恒温器

Audi (德)奥迪(汽车,公司)(大众的子公司)

audio system 音响系统

authorized 允许的,特约的,指定的

authorized axle load (底盘)允许轴荷载

authorized service shop 特约维修站

authorized workshop 特约修理厂

auto 1.自动的2.汽车

auto- (词头)1.自身(的)2.同源(的)3.自动(的)

auto accessories 汽车附件

auto antenna 1.汽车天线2.自动天线

autobulb 汽车灯泡

autoignition 1.(汽油机)自动点火,自燃2.(柴油机)压燃

automaker 汽车制造商

automatic 1.自动(化,操作)的2.自动装置

automatic air conditioner 自动空调器

automatic brake (制动系)自动制动器

automatic compensation 1.自动补偿2.(间隙)自动调整

automatic control 自动控制

automatic gearbox 自动变速器

automatic heater 自动加热器

automatic locking differential 自动锁止式差速器

automatic ride control 行驶平顺性自动控制

automatic shift 自动换档

automatic stability control 加速防滑控制系统(=traction control system) automatic timing 1.自动调节配气相位2.自动正时

automatic transaxle 自动变速驱动桥

automatic transmission 自动变速器

automatic transmission fluid 自动变速器液

automobile 汽车(尤指私人乘用车)

automobile technique 汽车技术

automotive equipment 汽车装备

automotive parts 汽车零(部)件,汽车配件

Automotive Service Excellence/ASE (美国)汽车维修技能鉴定协会(汽车维修技师的技能鉴定组织)

automotive stabilization system 汽车稳定系统

auto-parts 汽车零部件

autoshift (自动变速器)自动换档

autothermic piston 防热膨胀活塞

auto tire 汽车轮胎

auto-truck 货车,载货汽车,卡车

auxiliary 1.辅助的2.附件,辅助设备

auxiliary air 1.二次空气2.辅助空气

auxiliary brake 1.(行车制动器)辅助制动(器),缓速器2.驻车制动器auxiliary chamber 副燃烧室

auxiliary device 辅助装置

average 1.平均的,普通的2.平均(数,值)

average braking (制动系)中等制动

average consumption 1.平均消耗(量)2.(发动机)平均耗油量

awning 篷

awning pipe 篷杆

axial 轴向的,轴流式的

axial ball bearing 轴向推力球轴承

axial bearing 轴向推力轴承

axial clearance 轴向间隙

axial flow 轴流(式),轴向气流

axial line 轴线

axial play 轴向间隙

axial runout 轴向偏摆

axis 1.(旋转物体所绕以旋转的)轴2.轴线, 坐标轴(线)

axis of rotation 旋转轴

axle 1.(车辆)车桥,轴2.心捧,(轴)杆3.半轴

axle air vent 桥壳通气(阀,口)

axle arm (悬架)车桥(定位,控制)臂

axle base (底盘)轴距,前后桥距

axle bearing 1.半轴轴承2.轴支承

axle body (底盘)轴身,车桥壳

axle bracket (底盘)车桥支座

axle case 桥壳,半轴轴壳

axle end 1.轴端2.(非转向和非驱动桥)车桥轴颈3.半轴轴端4.半轴轴颈axle housing (车)桥壳

axle load (底盘)车桥载荷

axle nut 半轴螺母

axle ratio 主传动比,驱动桥速比

axle shaft (车桥)半轴,驱动轴

axle side shake 车轴横向振动

axle sleeve 1.轴壳2.半轴套管

axle spindle 车轴轴颈

axle spread 轴距

axle tube 半轴套管,驱动桥壳管

babbit metal 巴氏合金

babbit(t) 巴氏合金(的)

back 1.背(面,部),后部2.(座椅)*背

backbone 1.构架,骨架,主干,脊骨2.(底盘/车架)脊骨型3.(人体)脊骨

back door (车身)后背门

back engine (车辆)后置发动机

back fire (内燃机)回火,放炮

backfiring 同上

backing.1.背衬,衬(垫,板,底,里) 2.底座,基础,垫片3.支架*背4.倒车,向后行驶,倒转

back lamp 尾灯

backlash 间隙

back light 1.尾灯2.(车身)后窗玻璃

backlite (车身)后窗(玻璃)(=backlight)

back mirror 后视镜

back panel 1.(货车驾驶室)后围板2.(车身后端)后板

back plate 1.(离合器)盖2.底板,背(面)板3.(车身/驾驶室)后围板4.(鼓式


back-play 游隙,空隙

backpressure 1.背压2.反压(力)

back pressure transducer 背压传感器

backrest (座椅)*背

back side panel 后侧板

back tilt adjuster *背倾角调节器

back-up 1.(车辆)倒车2.备件3.(作)备件用的,备用的4.备用功能,失效保护功能

back-up buzzer 倒车报警器

back-up fuse 备用熔断器(丝)

backup lamp(light) 倒车灯

backup power 备用电源

back-up ring (密封件)挡环

back valve 背压阀

back view 后视图

back wall 1.(客车)后围2.后板

baffle 1.隔板2.导流板3.(动)阻碍,阻断,挡回

baffle plate 1.隔板,挡板2.(液力变矩器) 导流叶片3.(油底壳)稳定板,机油挡板

bag 袋,气囊

baggage 行李

baggage compartment (车身)行李箱

baggage holder 行李架

balance 平衡,均衡,均势

balance bar 平衡杆

balance block 平衡块

balanced 平衡的,处于平衡状态的

balancer 1.平衡器,配重2.(车间/车轮)动平衡机

balance weight 平衡质量,平衡配重

balancing 平衡,补偿

ball 球(状物),滚珠

ball-and-cage constant velocity joint 球笼式等角速万向节

ball-and-nut steering gear 球和螺母转向器

ball-and-socket 球窝式的,球节的

ball-and-socket joint 球接头,球(窝)关节

ballast 1.镇定物,平稳器2.(电气)镇流器(电阻)3.(前照灯)控制器ballast resistance 镇流电阻

ballast resistor 1.(点火系)附加电阻2.镇流电阻器

ballast weight 平衡重,压舱重(物)

ball bearing 球轴承

ball-bearing race 球轴承座圈

ball cup 球(头)座

ball head 球头(轴)

bellows 1.波纹管,伸缩软管2.橡胶气囊

belt 1.带,皮带2.(轮胎)带束层

belt anchorage 安全带锚定

belt drive 带传动

beltline (车身)腰线

belt pulley (传动)带轮

belt tension 带张力

belt tensioner 带张紧器

bench 1.(客厢)长条座椅,长凳2.(工作)台,架,座,(试验)台架bench seat 长条座椅

bend 1.弯曲2.弯管,弯曲物

bendable 可挠曲的

bending 弯曲(度),扭弯

Bendix drive (起动机)惯性式离合器

bent 弯曲的

Benz (德)奔驰(汽车,公司)

berth (货车驾驶室)卧铺

bevel 1.斜角,(斜)边,坡口2.倾斜的,斜角的,圆锥的


bevel epicyclic hub reductor 行星锥齿轮式轮边减速器

bevel gear 1.锥齿轮2.锥齿轮传动

bevelled 1.倾斜的,有斜面的,切有倒角的2.锥形的,(活塞环)锥面的bezel 1.装饰圈,(仪表)框(架),玻璃框2.(前照灯)装饰圈,边框3.照明刻度盘4.


bias 1.偏差2.偏斜的

bias-belted tire 带束斜交轮胎

bias ply (轮胎)斜交帘布层

bias tire 斜交(帘线)轮胎

big end (连杆)大头

bi-level (空调出风)双向

bilge 弯度

bimetallic 双金属的

bimetallic vacuum switching valve 双金属真空开关阀

bind (动)捆,绑,扎

binding 1.(车身)压条2.结合3.扎线,包带4.粘合的,捆扎的

black 黑色

black oil 黑油,齿轮油

black smoke (排气)黑烟

bladder accumulator 囊式蓄压器

blade 1.叶(片)2.刀(片,刃,口),刃3.(插头和插座式连接器)插片4.(刮水器)刮片

blade element (刮水器)橡胶刮片

blade ring 叶片圈

blade socket 片式插座

blade terminal 接线片,片式插头

blade wheel 叶轮,(叶轮泵)转子

blast (动,名)1.(车间)喷洗,喷砂2.鼓风

bleed (动)放出,泄漏,放(油,气,水)

bleed air (液压系统)放出空气

bleeder 1.放气装置2.放水阀

bleed(er)screw 放气螺钉

bleeder valve 放泄阀

bleed hole 1.放气孔2.溢流孔

bleeding 1.(液压系统)放气3.渗漏

bleeding valve 放泄阀,溢流阀

blending 混合

blending box (供暖装置)混合室

blending door (供暖装置)混合风门

blind 1.盲的,单凭仪表操纵的2.封闭的,堵死的,不通的3.帘,幕,



blind hole 不通孔,盲孔

blinding 1.眩目的2.模糊(的)

blind nut 闷盖螺母

blister 1.气泡2.局部隆起,起泡

block 1.块(体,材,料,形),方块2.部分,区(段,组,间)3.单元,部件4.(气)缸


block diagram (方)框图

blocking 阻塞,闭锁,中断

blocking device 锁定装置

blocking element 闭锁元件

blocking ring (同步器)锁环

blow 1.(名)1.吹(风),喷2.打(击)3.(熔断器)烧断


blow back (动)(发动机)反冲

blow-back (发动机)反冲,回火

blow-by (活塞环)窜气,不密封

blow-by gas (活塞环)漏气

blower 鼓风机,风扇

blower unit 鼓风机(装置)

blow hole 1.气孔2.气眼,砂眼

blowing 1.吹风,鼓风2.漏气,起泡,喷出3.发火4.(熔断器)熔断blown (熔断器)熔断的

blow off (动)放,排(出)

blow out (动)1.熔断3.爆破,漏气

blowout 1.爆裂,爆破2.熔断

blue 蓝色

blue smoke (排放)蓝烟

board 1.板,台2.管理局3.车载(的)

bob weight 配重,平衡锤

body 1.车身,(货车)车厢,货箱2.车身,机壳3.(活塞)裙部4.(人)身体body accessories 车身附件

body care 车身维护

body cavity 车身空腔

body-chassis unit 承载式车身

body door 车门

body electrics 车身电气设备

body gate (车辆)1.车身盖2.货箱(活动)栏板

body member 1.(车辆)车身组成部分,车身元

body rail (车辆)车身梁

body shell 1.(乘用车)车身本体(不含附件及装饰件、未涂漆的车身,俗称“白车身”)


统计学术语中英文对照Absolute deviation 绝对离差 Absolute number 绝对数 Absolute residuals 绝对残差 Acceleration array 加速度立体阵 Acceleration in an arbitrary direction 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal 法向加速度 Acceleration space dimension 加速度空间的维数 Acceleration tangential 切向加速度 Acceleration vector 加速度向量 Acceptable hypothesis 可接受假设 Accumulation 累积 Accuracy 准确度 Actual frequency 实际频数 Adaptive estimator 自适应估计量 Addition 相加

Addition theorem 加法定理 Additivity 可加性 Adjusted rate 调整率 Adjusted value 校正值 Admissible error 容许误差 Aggregation 聚集性 Alternative hypothesis 备择假设 Among groups 组间 Amounts 总量 Analysis of correlation 相关分析Analysis of covariance 协方差分析Analysis of regression 回归分析Analysis of time series 时间序列分析Analysis of variance 方差分析 Angular transformation 角转换 ANOVA (analysis of variance)方差分析


汽车、汽车零部件、配件中英文对照表 汽车类 Automobile English 整车 Finished Automobile 轿车 Passenger Car 休旅车 Recreational Vehicle (RV) 小型商用车(3.5吨以下) Light Duty Commercial Car (Less Than 3.5 Tons) 大型商用车(3.5吨以上) Heavy Duty Commercial Car (More Than 3.5 Tons) 散装车 Bulk Truck 搅拌车 Mixer Truck 环境卫生车 Garbage Truck 液罐车 Refueling Truck 倾卸车 Dumper Truck 曳引车 Tractor Truck 消防车 Fire Fighting Truck 堆高机 Forklift 拖板车 Pallet Truck 运钞车 Armor Cash Carrier 冷气客车 Air-Conditioned Car 冷冻车 Freezer Car

拖车 Trailer 车体打造(改装) Car Body Building (Refitting) 瓦斯车 LPG Car 底盘车 Chasis Truck 引擎零件 Engine Parts 引擎 Engine 引擎波司 Engine Bush 引擎修理包 Engine Gasket Kits 引擎零件 Engine Parts 凸轮轴 Camshaft 凸轮轴链轮 Sprocket Camshaft 皮带张力器 Tensioner 曲轴 Crankshaft 曲轴皮带盘 Crankshaft Pulley 曲轴轴承片 Crankshaft Bearing 汽门 Valve 汽门座 Valve Seat 汽门摇臂 Valve Arm 汽门摇臂盖 Rocker Cover 汽门弹簧 Valve Spring 汽门导管 Valve Guide 汽缸头(盖) Cylinder Head


电子信息工程专业课程名称中英文翻译对照 (2009级培养计划)


高等数学Advanced Mathematics 大学物理College Physics 线性代数Linear Algebra 复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variable and Integral Transforms 概率论与随机过程Probability and Random Process 物理实验Experiments of College Physics 数理方程Equations of Mathematical Physics 电子信息工程概论Introduction to Electronic and Information Engineering 计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer Application 电路原理Principles of Circuit 模拟电子技术基础Fundamentals of Analog Electronics 数字电子技术基础Fundamentals of Digital Electronics C语言程序设计The C Programming Language 信息论基础Fundamentals of Information Theory 信号与线性系统Signals and Linear Systems 微机原理与接口技术Microcomputer Principles and Interface Technology 马克思主义基本原理Fundamentals of Marxism 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论 和“三个代表”重要思想 概论 Thoughts of Mao and Deng 中国近现代史纲要Modern Chinese History 思想道德修养与法律基 础 Moral Education & Law Basis 形势与政策Situation and Policy 英语College English 体育Physical Education 当代世界经济与政治Modern Global Economy and Politics 卫生健康教育Health Education 心理健康知识讲座Psychological Health Knowledge Lecture 公共艺术课程Public Arts 文献检索Literature Retrieval 军事理论Military Theory 普通话语音常识及训练Mandarin Knowledge and Training 大学生职业生涯策划 (就业指导) Career Planning (Guidance of Employment ) 专题学术讲座Optional Course Lecture 科技文献写作Sci-tech Document Writing 高频电子线路High-Frequency Electronic Circuits 通信原理Communications Theory 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing 计算机网络Computer Networks 电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave


新会计科目表 1 资产 assets 11~ 12 流动资产 current assets 111 现金及约当现金 cash and cash equivalents 1111 库存现金 cash on hand 1112 零用金/周转金 petty cash/revolving funds 1113 银行存款 cash in banks 1116 在途现金 cash in transit 1117 约当现金 cash equivalents 1118 其它现金及约当现金 other cash and cash equivalents 112 短期投资 short-term investment 1121 短期投资 -股票 short-term investments - stock 1122 短期投资 -短期票券 short-term investments - short-term notes and bills 1123 短期投资 -政府债券 short-term investments - government bonds 1124 短期投资 -受益凭证 short-term investments - beneficiary certificates 1125 短期投资 -公司债 short-term investments - corporate bonds 1128 短期投资 -其它 short-term investments - other 1129 备抵短期投资跌价损失 allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market 113 应收票据 notes receivable 1131 应收票据 notes receivable 1132 应收票据贴现 discounted notes receivable 1137 应收票据 -关系人 notes receivable - related parties 1138 其它应收票据 other notes receivable



统计学名词中英文对照三 统计学名词中英文对照A abscissa 横坐标 absence rate 缺勤率 absolute number 绝对数 absolute value 绝对值 accident error 偶然误差 accumulated frequency 累积频数 alternative hyothesis 备择假设 analysis of data 分析资料 analysis of variance(ANOVA) 方差分析 arith-log aer 算术对数纸 arithmetic mean 算术均数 assumed mean 假定均数 arithmetic weighted mean 加权算术均数asymmetry coefficient 偏度系数

average 平均数 average deviation 平均差 B bar chart 直条图、条图 bias 偏性 binomial distribution 二项分布 biometrics 生物统计学 bivariate normal oulation 双变量正态总体 C cartogram 统计图 case fatality rate(or case mortality) 病死率census 普查 chi-sguare(X2) test 卡方检验 central tendency 集中趋势 class interval 组距 classification 分组、分类 cluster samling 整群抽样 coefficient of correlation 相关系数


汽车类Automobile English 整车Finished Automobile 轿车Passenger Car 休旅车Recreational Vehicle (RV) 小型商用车(3.5吨以下) Light Duty Commercial Car (Less Than 3.5 Tons) 大型商用车(3.5吨以上) Heavy Duty Commercial Car (More Than 3.5 Tons) 散装车Bulk Truck 搅拌车Mixer Truck 环境卫生车Garbage Truck 液罐车Refueling Truck 倾卸车Dumper Truck 曳引车Tractor Truck 消防车Fire Fighting Truck 堆高机Forklift 拖板车Pallet Truck 运钞车Armor Cash Carrier 冷气客车Air-Conditioned Car 冷冻车Freezer Car 拖车Trailer 车体打造(改装) Car Body Building (Refitting) 瓦斯车LPG Car 底盘车Chasis Truck 引擎零件Engine Parts 引擎Engine 引擎波司Engine Bush 引擎修理包Engine Gasket Kits 引擎零件Engine Parts 凸轮轴Camshaft 凸轮轴链轮Sprocket Camshaft 皮带张力器Tensioner 曲轴Crankshaft 曲轴皮带盘Crankshaft Pulley 曲轴轴承片Crankshaft Bearing 汽门Valve 汽门座Valve Seat 汽门摇臂Valve Arm 汽门摇臂盖Rocker Cover 汽门弹簧Valve Spring 汽门导管Valve Guide 汽缸头(盖) Cylinder Head 汽缸衬套Cylinder Liner 汽缸体Cylinder Block 波司垫片Washer 活塞Piston 活塞肖Piston Pin 活塞环Piston Ring 活塞衬套Piston Liner 飞轮Flywheel 飞轮环齿轮Ring Gear of Flywheel 时规炼条/皮带Timing Chain/Belt 连杆Connecting Rod 连杆轴承片Connecting Rod Bearing 摇臂轴Rocker Arm Shaft 汽门锁Valve Cotter 止推垫片Thrust Washer 共鸣箱Resonator 喷油嘴Injection Nozzle 燃料系统Fueling System 油箱Fuel Tank 油箱浮筒Gauge Fuel Tank 空气滤清器Air Cleaner 空气滤清器盖Air Cleaner Cover 空气滤清器导管Air Intake Tube 空气滤蕊Air Cleaner Element 消音器Exhaust Muffler 排气歧管Exhaust Manifold 排气管Exhaust Pipe 进气歧管Intake Manifold


Memorandum of Understanding This Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)is made and entered into this 8th day of sep,2012 between: The Consortium whose principal place of business is in PRC and consisting,inter alia of i)China International Fund Limited; ii)China Railway Construction Corporation; (the Consortium)of the one part, and the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone(GOSL) The Consortium and GOSL are sometimes referred to in this MOU individually as a “Party”and,collectively, as the “Parties” WHEREAS A. In furtherance of the mutual desires of the Parties to develop a strategic partnership and cooperation to ensure that the rich potential resources of Sierra Leone benefit the people of Sierra Leone through improved welfare of the People of Sierra Leone through the provision of services and infrastructure and the strengthening of Sierra Leone’s national development through experience sharing(South-South Cooperation) particularly in the sphere of construction of core infrastructure assets; B.To bring to the People of Sierra Leone, in the spirit of mutual respect and with a view of transferring relevant technical, organizational and management skills necessary to bring to the C.Republic of Sierra Leone to a higher level of development and prosperity; D.GOSL desires assistance in sourcing,implementing or prequalifying skilled and competent contractors and financiers for the purpose of its national development priorities award of contracts for projects specifically in the following priority areas; 1.MINISTRY OF WORKS,HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE - Remedial Roads Rehabilitation - Development of new city - Construction and Operation of Ⅰ) Affordable Social Housing Infrastructure Ⅱ) National trunk and feeder roads Ⅲ) National railways Ⅳ) Bridges and drainage systems at national ,regional and local levels Ⅴ) Airports 2.MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND WATER RESOURCES: - Construction and operation of: Ⅰ) Thermal electric generation systems Ⅱ) Hydro power systems & infrastructure Ⅲ) Water supply systems & infrastructure Ⅳ) Other renewable power generation systems 3.PETROLEUM DIRECTORATE


资产类Assets 流动资产Current assets 货币资金Cash and cash equivalents 1001 现金Cash 1002 银行存款Cash in bank 1009 其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents '100901 外埠存款Other city Cash in bank '100902 银行本票Cashier's cheque '100903 银行汇票Bank draft '100904 信用卡Credit card '100905 信用证保证金L/C Guarantee deposits '100906 存出投资款Refundable deposits 1101 短期投资Short-term investments '110101 股票Short-term investments - stock '110102 债券Short-term investments - corporate bonds '110103 基金Short-term investments - corporate funds '110110 其他Short-term investments - other 1102 短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling price reserves 应收款Account receivable 1111 应收票据Note receivable 银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance 商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance

1121 应收股利Dividend receivable 1122 应收利息Interest receivable 1131 应收账款Account receivable 1133 其他应收款Other notes receivable 1141 坏账准备Bad debt reserves 1151 预付账款Advance money 1161 应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable 库存资产Inventories 1201 物资采购Supplies purchasing 1211 原材料Raw materials 1221 包装物Wrappage 1231 低值易耗品Low-value consumption goods 1232 材料成本差异Materials cost variance 1241 自制半成品Semi-Finished goods 1243 库存商品Finished goods 1244 商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price 1251 委托加工物资Work in process - outsourced 1261 委托代销商品Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis 1271 受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis 1281 存货跌价准备Inventory falling price reserves 1291 分期收款发出商品Collect money and send out the goods by


统计学词汇中英文对照完整版 Absolute deviation, 绝对离差 Absolute number, 绝对数 Absolute residuals, 绝对残差 Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵 Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度 Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度 Acceleration vector, 加速度向量 Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设 Accumulation, 累积 Accuracy, 准确度 Actual frequency, 实际频数 Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量 Addition, 相加 Addition theorem, 加法定理 Additive Noise, 加性噪声 Additivity, 可加性 Adjusted rate, 调整率 Adjusted value, 校正值 Admissible error, 容许误差 Aggregation, 聚集性 Alpha factoring,α因子法 Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设 Among groups, 组间 Amounts, 总量 Analysis of correlation, 相关分析 Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析 Analysis Of Effects, 效应分析 Analysis Of Variance, 方差分析 Analysis of regression, 回归分析 Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析 Analysis of variance, 方差分析 Angular transformation, 角转换 ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析 ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型 ANOVA table and eta, 分组计算方差分析 Arcing, 弧/弧旋 Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换 Area 区域图 Area under the curve, 曲线面积 AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差


统计学名词中英文对 照

统计学名词中英文对照默认分类 A abscissa 横坐标 absence rate 缺勤率 absolute number 绝对数absolute value 绝对值 accident error 偶然误差accumulated frequency 累积频数alternative hypothesis 备择假设analysis of data 分析资料analysis of variance(ANOVA) 方差分析 arith-log paper 算术对数纸arithmetic mean 算术均数assumed mean 假定均数arithmetic weighted mean 加权算术均数 asymmetry coefficient 偏度系数average 平均数 average deviation 平均差 B bar chart 直条图、条图 bias 偏性 binomial distribution 二项分布 biometrics 生物统计学 bivariate normal population 双变 量正态总体 C cartogram 统计图 case fatality rate(or case mortality) 病死率 census 普查 chi-sguare(X2) test 卡方检验 central tendency 集中趋势 class interval 组距 classification 分组、分类 cluster sampling 整群抽样 coefficient of correlation 相关系 数 coefficient of regression 回归系 数 coefficient of variability(or coefficieut of variation) 变异系数 collection of data 收集资料 column 列(栏) combinative table 组合表 combined standard deviation 合 并标准差 combined variance(or poolled variance) 合并方差 complete survey 全面调查 completely correlation 完全相关 completely random design 完全 随机设计 confidence interval 可信区间, 置信区间 confidence level 可信水平,置 信水平 confidence limit 可信限,置信限 constituent ratio 构成比,结构相 对数 continuity 连续性 control 对照 control group 对照组 coordinate 坐标 correction for continuity 连续性 校正 correction for grouping 归组校正 correction number 校正数 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


樣品中心工程作業系統中英文對照 PAGE 1 OF 8 REV 00 一. 目的: 规范英文的使用, 了解图面上的英文注解. 二. 适用范围: NFE制造工程部 三. 常用英文: 缩写英文全称中文解释 A/P Assembly组装 A Assembly组装 ACC Accept接受 ADM Absolute Dimension Measurement全尺寸测量 AM Ante Meridiem午前 ASAP As Soon As Possible尽可能快的 ASS'Y Assembly组装 C/P Conncctor of PC电脑连接件 CONN Connector连接器 D/C Date Code生产日期码 DIA Diameter直径 DIM Dimension尺寸 DQA Design Quality Assurance设计品质保証 DR Designing Review设计复查 DWG Drawing图面 DT Desk T op卧式(机箱) EAC Engineering Analysis Capabilities工程分析能力 ECN Enginccring Change Noticc工程变更通知 ECO Engineering Change Order工程改动要求(客户) F A Final Audit最后一次稽核 F AA First Article Assurance首件确认

樣品中心工程作業系統中英文對照 PAGE 2 OF 8 REV 00 F AI First Article Inspcction妆件检验 FDD Floppy Disk Drive软驱 FQC Final Quality Control最终品质管制 HDD Hard Disk Drive硬驱 ID/C Identification Code识别码 I/O Input/Output输入输出 IS Inspect Standard检验标准 IS Inspection Specification成品检验规范 IWS Intemational W orkmanship Standard工艺标准 JIT Just In Time及时 L/N Lot number批号 LCL Lower Ccntral Limit 管制下限(管制图中尺寸允许的最低值) MAJ Major主要的MA TL Material材料 MAX Maximum最大 ME Manufacture Engincering制工 MIN Minor轻微的MT Mini-T ower立式(机箱) N/A Not Applicable不适用NG No Good不良 NHK North of Hong Kong中国大陆ODM Original Design Manufacture原设计制造OEM Original Equipment Manufacture原设备制造OS Operation System操作系统P/N Part Number料号 P AL Pallet栈板 PC Personal Computer个人电脑PCB Printed Circuit Board印刷电路板


完整英文版资产负债表、利润表及现金流量表来源:冯硕的日志 资产负债表Balance Sheet 项目ITEM 货币资金Cash 短期投资Short term investments 应收票据Notes receivable 应收股利Dividend receivable 应收利息Interest receivable 应收帐款Accounts receivable 其他应收款Other receivables 预付帐款Accounts prepaid 期货保证金Future guarantee 应收补贴款Allowance receivable 应收出口退税Export drawback receivable 存货Inventories 其中:原材料Including:Raw materials 产成品(库存商品) Finished goods 待摊费用Prepaid and deferred expenses 待处理流动资产净损失Unsettled G/L on current assets 一年内到期的长期债权投资Long-term debenture investment falling due in a yaear 其他流动资产Other current assets 流动资产合计Total current assets 长期投资:Long-term investment: 其中:长期股权投资Including long term equity investment 长期债权投资Long term securities investment *合并价差Incorporating price difference 长期投资合计Total long-term investment 固定资产原价Fixed assets-cost 减:累计折旧Less:Accumulated Dpreciation 固定资产净值Fixed assets-net value 减:固定资产减值准备Less:Impairment of fixed assets 固定资产净额Net value of fixed assets 固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets 工程物资Project material 在建工程Construction in Progress 待处理固定资产净损失Unsettled G/L on fixed assets 固定资产合计Total tangible assets 无形资产Intangible assets 其中:土地使用权Including and use rights 递延资产(长期待摊费用)Deferred assets 其中:固定资产修理Including:Fixed assets repair 固定资产改良支出Improvement expenditure of fixed assets 其他长期资产Other long term assets


A abscissa横坐标 absence rate缺勤率 absolute number绝对数 absolute value绝对值 accident error偶然误差 accumulated frequency累积频数 alternative hypothesis备择假设 analysis of data分析资料 analysis of variance(ANOVA)方差分析 arith-log paper算术对数纸 arithmetic mean算术均数 assumed mean假定均数 arithmetic weighted mean加权算术均数asymmetry coefficient偏度系数 average平均数 average deviation平均差 B bar chart直条图、条图 bias偏性 binomial distribution二项分布 biometrics生物统计学 bivariate normal population双变量正态总体 C cartogram统计图 case fatality rate(or case mortality)病死率 census普查 chi-sguare(X2) test卡方检验 central tendency集中趋势 class interval组距 classification分组、分类 cluster sampling整群抽样 coefficient of correlation相关系数 coefficient of regression回归系数 coefficient of variability(or coefficieut of variation)变异系数 collection of data收集资料 column列(栏) combinative table组合表 combined standard deviation合并标准差 combined variance(or poolled variance)合并方差complete survey全面调查


1资产a s s e t s? 11~12流动资产c u r r e n t a s s e t s? 111现金及约当现金c a s h a n d c a s h e q u i v a l e n t s? 1111库存现金c a s h o n h a n d? 1112零用金/周转金p e t t y c a s h/r e v o l v i n g f u n d s? 1113银行存款c a s h i n b a n k s?0g 1116在途现金c a s h i n t r a n s i t? 1117约当现金c a s h e q u i v a l e n t s? 1118其它现金及约当现金o t h e r c a s h a n d c a s h e q u i v a l e n t s? 112短期投资s h o r t-t e r m i n v e s t m e n t? 1121短期投资-股票s h o r t-t e r m i n v e s t m e n t s-s t o c k? 1122 短期投资-短期票券short-term investments -short-term notes and bills? 1123短期投资-政府债券s h o r t-t e r m i n v e s t m e n t s-g o v e r n m e n t b o n d s? 1124短期投资-受益凭证s h o r t-t e r m i n v e s t m e n t s-b e n e f i c i a r y c e r t i f i c a t e s? 1125短期投资-公司债s h o r t-t e r m i n v e s t m e n t s-c o r p o r a t e b o n d s? 1128短期投资-其它s h o r t-t e r m i n v e s t m e n t s-o t h e r? 1129 备抵短期投资跌价损失allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market? 113应收票据n o t e s r e c e i v a b l e? 1131应收票据n o t e s r e c e i v a b l e? 1132应收票据贴现d i s c o u n t e d n o t e s r e c e i v a b l e? 1137应收票据-关系人n o t e s r e c e i v a b l e-r e l a t e d p a r t i e s? 1138其它应收票据o t h e r n o t e s r e c e i v a b l e? 1139 备抵呆帐-应收票据allowance for uncollec-tible accounts-notes receivable? 114应收帐款a c c o u n t s r e c e i v a b l e? 1141应收帐款a c c o u n t s r e c e i v a b l e? 1142应收分期帐款i n s t a l l m e n t a c c o u n t s r e c e i v a b l e? 1147应收帐款-关系人a c c o u n t s r e c e i v a b l e-r e l a t e d p a r t i e s?



统计学中英文对照表 2008-03-21 11:39 Absolutedeviation,绝对离差 Absolutenumber,绝对数 Absoluteresiduals,绝对残差 Accelerationarray,加速度立体阵Accelerationinanarbitrarydirection,任意方向上的加速度Accelerationnormal,法向加速度Accelerationspacedimension,加速度空间的维数Accelerationtangential,切向加速度Accelerationvector,加速度向量Acceptablehypothesis,可接受假设 Accumulation,累积 Accuracy,准确度 Actualfrequency,实际频数 Adaptiveestimator,自适应估计量 Addition,相加 Additiontheorem,加法定理 Additivity,可加性 Adjustedrate,调整率 Adjustedvalue,校正值 Admissibleerror,容许误差 Aggregation,聚集性 Alternativehypothesis,备择假设 Amonggroups,组间 Amounts,总量 Analysisofcorrelation,相关分析Analysisofcovariance,协方差分析Analysisofregression,回归分析Analysisoftimeseries,时间序列分析Analysisofvariance,方差分析Angulartransformation,角转换 ANOVA(analysisofvariance),方差分析ANOVAModels,方差分析模型 Arcing,弧/弧旋 Arcsinetransformation,反正弦变换Areaunderthecurve,曲线面积


序号使用车间零件英文名称零件中文名称 1 总装 ACTR&ELECCONT ASSY 作动器及电控装置总成 2 总装 ACTR-FRDOORLOCK,LH 前门执行器,左 3 总装 ADJ-SEATBELT,RH 安全带调节器 4 总装 ADPT ASSY 带蓝牙接头的免提主机 5 总装 AIRGUIDE-COND,LH 空调挡板(左) 6 总装 AMPLASSY-POWERWDW, 电动窗放大器总成 7 总装 ANT ASSY-GPS GPS天线 8 总装 ANTSET-RADIO 天线放大器总成 9 总装 ARMASSY-WSWIPER,AS 雨刮摇臂总成(左) 10 总装 ASHTRAYASSY-CONSOLE 烟灰盒总成 11 总装 AUDIOSTEERINGSW 方向盘音响控制开关 12 总装 AUTOTRANSASSY-SHIP 变速箱总成 13 总装 BANDASSY-FUELTANK 油箱绑带总成(右) 14 总装 BAR-BATFIX,A 蓄电池压板 15 涂装 BAR-TRUNK LID TORSION,LH 行李箱扭杆,左 16 焊装 BASE-FUEL FILLER 加油基座 17 焊装 BASE-RR SUSP SPR,LH 后悬弹簧支架,左 18 总装 BAT 蓄电池 19 总装 BELTASSY-BUCKLE,RR 后安全带锁扣 20 总装 BELT-COMPR 压缩机皮带 21 总装 BELT-PSOILPUMP 转向泵皮带 22 总装 BELTSET-FRSEAT,LH3PT 前座椅安全带(右) 23 总装 BLADEASSY-WSWIPER 雨刮叶片总成 24 总装 BLOWERCOMPL,FR 鼓风机总成 25 总装 BLUETOOTH-CONT 蓝牙主机 26 总装 BMPR ASSY-RR 后保险杠总成(宝石黑+K7) 27 总装 BMPR-BOUND,FRSUSPS 前悬减震垫 28 涂装 BMPR-FUEL FILLER 加油口盖减振胶垫 29 总装 BMPR-HOODROD 撑杆座 30 涂装 BMPR-RUB 行李箱盖减振垫 31 总装 BODYASSY-STRGWHEEL 方向盘总成 32 焊装 BODY-SIDE,OTR RH 侧围外板,右 33 总装 BOLT 六角螺栓 34 总装 BOLT-COMPRBRKT 螺栓—吊耳 35 总装 BOLT-CONN,OILCLOOER 连接螺栓 36 总装 BOLT-EYE 接头螺栓 37 总装 BOLT-SPL 螺栓 38 总装 BOOSTERASSY-BRAKE,V 真空助力器 39 总装 BOOTASSY-CONSOLE,M/T 换档杆装饰罩,M/T 40 总装 BOOTASSY-PKB 手刹橡胶套 41 焊装 BOW-ROOF,CTR 顶盖中弓形梁 42 总装 BOXASSY-TRUNKLID 行李箱盖工具盒 43 焊装 BRACE ASSY-CHECK LIN 前限位器支座

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