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当前位置:文档库 › 戴炜栋《新编简明英语语言学教程》(第2版)章节题库(第7~12章)【圣才出品】





I.Multiple choices:

1.The______century is considered to be the beginning of modem English.







2.Which of the following does NOT belong to the methods of the addition of new words?



C.Functional shift

D.Semantic shift.


【解析】新词的添加主要通过以下几种方式:coinage创新词,clipped words缩略词, blending紧缩词,acronyms词首字母缩略词,back-formation逆构词法,functional shift功能转换,borrowing借用。Semantic shift属于词义的变化。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

3.“Fridge”is a______and“B2B”is______.

A.blend,clipped word

B.clipped word,acronym

C.back-formation,loan word

D.acronym,coined word


【解析】fridge是较长的词refrigerator的缩写,是缩略词(clipped word);B2B是由几个词Business-to-Business的首字母构成的词,是词首字母缩略词acronym。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

4.The following words are the examples for“back-formation”EXCEPT______.

A.to hawk

B.to baby-sit

C.to bug

D.to beg


【解析】back formation是逆构词法,通过“去掉”一个被认为是旧词的一部分的词缀

而创造出的新词被称为“逆构词”,如:edit(from editor),hawk(from hawker),beg(from beggar),baby-sit(baby-sitter)等。单词可以不通过加词缀就从一个词类转到另一个词类,如:名词bug可通过功能转换(functional shift)生成动词to bug。因此,本题的正确答案是C。

5.The following words are the examples for“blending”EXCEPT______.






【解析】紧缩词blending是通过组合其他词某些部分而构成的词,如:smog(smoke+ fog),motel(motor+hotel),brunch(breakfast+lunch)。Gym是长词gymnasium 的缩写,是clipped word缩略词。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

6.Which of the following words is NOT the example of semantic narrowing?








7.Which of the following words is the example of semantic broadening?







8.The new words such as“police officer”,“chairperson”are created because ______.

A.science and technology are developing rapidly

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d98216885.html,puter and internet technology are more and more popular

C.women have taken up activities formerly reserved for men

D.the children can remember them as quickly as possible


【解析】语言变化的原因有很多种:有科技的进步,妇女地位的转变。“police officer”,“chairperson”等词以前为:policeman,chairman,因为当时从事这一行业的几乎都是男性。但是如今女性也都加入到这些行业中,所以出现了一些中性化的词语。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

9.As science and technology develops,the word“planet-friendly”is coined in the ______.domain.

A.space travel

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d98216885.html,puter and interact language





10.“Quarantine”once had the restricted meaning“forty days’isolation”.This is an example of______.

A.semantic broadening

B.semantic narrowing

C.semantic shift

D.loss of words



11.The word“holiday”originally meant a holy day;but now the word signifies any

day when we don’t have to work.This is an example of______.

A.meaning shift

B.widening of meaning

C.narrowing of meaning

D.loss of meaning


【解析】从any day就可以知道词义扩大。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

Ⅱ.Fill in the following blanks:

1.______is a relatively complex form of compounding in which a new word is formed by joining the initial part of one word and the final part of another word. For example,the English word smog is made from______and______.(人大2006研)




大二(上) Vocabulary Check C Unit1 P9 1. They fought to liberate the black people from slavery. (liberation) 2. He watched helplessly as the train left without him. (help) 3. Prof.Ding is a very respectable person. (respect) 4. Thomas is an English historian . (historical) 5. I spoke to him concerning his behavior. (concern) 6. His room is in a state of confusion (confuse) 7. My mother cooked many tasty dishes today. (taste) 8. Sparing him is a merciful act. (mercy) Unit2 P25-26 1. You need to read the instructions carefully before you use the machine. (instruct) 2. The police found the deaths of the three men accidentally. (accident) 3. The rarity of air on a high mountain is bad for people with weak hearts. (rare) 4. I’ve had no response to my letter. (respond) 5. If you want to go to a movie, you’ll have to make a reservation or there will be no tickets. (reserve) 6. He is very proud of his spotless kitchen. (spot) 7. I have no inclination to be a doctor. (incline) 8. We put up pictures and other decorations in the classroom. (decorate) Unit3 P42 1. His father is an eye specialist (special) 2. Pushy parents get their children into the best schools. (push) 3. John kicked the door open , which was typical of him . (type) 4. My mother learned to operate a sewing machine at a very early age. (operation) 5. My sister is in charge of the registration of births. (register) 6. His mother is employed in a hospital. (employee) 7. The teacher was confused by what the student said. (confusion) 8. The two small shops combined to make a larger one. (combination) Unit4 P57 1. For further enquiries , please call us at 8333555 . (enquire) 2. Her mother is a fashion designer. (design) 3. After a lot of persuasion , she agreed to go. (persuade) 4. She walked from room to room , pretending to supervise the operations.


第五章原子结构和元素周期表 本章总目标: 1:了解核外电子运动的特殊性,会看波函数和电子云的图形 2:能够运用轨道填充顺序图,按照核外电子排布原理,写出若干元素的电子构型。 3:掌握各类元素电子构型的特征 4:了解电离势,电负性等概念的意义和它们与原子结构的关系。 各小节目标: 第一节:近代原子结构理论的确立 学会讨论氢原子的玻尔行星模型213.6E eV n = 。 第二节:微观粒子运动的特殊性 1:掌握微观粒子具有波粒二象性(h h P mv λ= =)。 2:学习运用不确定原理(2h x P m π???≥ )。 第三节:核外电子运动状态的描述 1:初步理解量子力学对核外电子运动状态的描述方法——处于定态的核外电子在核外空间的概率密度分布(即电子云)。 2:掌握描述核外电子的运动状态——能层、能级、轨道和自旋以及4个量子数。 3:掌握核外电子可能状态数的推算。 第四节:核外电子的排布 1:了解影响轨道能量的因素及多电子原子的能级图。 2。掌握核外电子排布的三个原则: ○ 1能量最低原则——多电子原子在基态时,核外电子尽可能分布到能量最低的院子轨道。 ○ 2Pauli 原则——在同一原子中没有四个量子数完全相同的电子,或者说是在同一个原子中没有运动状态完全相同的电子。 ○ 3Hund 原则——电子分布到能量简并的原子轨道时,优先以自旋相同的方式

分别占据不同的轨道。 3:学会利用电子排布的三原则进行 第五节:元素周期表 认识元素的周期、元素的族和元素的分区,会看元素周期表。 第六节:元素基本性质的周期性 掌握元素基本性质的四个概念及周期性变化 1:原子半径——○1从左向右,随着核电荷的增加,原子核对外层电子的吸引力也增加,使原子半径逐渐减小;○2随着核外电子数的增加,电子间的相互斥力也增强,使得原子半径增加。但是,由于增加的电子不足以完全屏蔽增加的核电荷,因此从左向右有效核电荷逐渐增加,原子半径逐渐减小。 2:电离能——从左向右随着核电荷数的增多和原子半径的减小,原子核对外层电子的引力增大,电离能呈递增趋势。 3:电子亲和能——在同一周期中,从左至右电子亲和能基本呈增加趋势,同主族,从上到下电子亲和能呈减小的趋势。 4:电负性——在同一周期中,从左至右随着元素的非金属性逐渐增强而电负性增强,在同一主族中从上至下随着元素的金属性依次增强而电负性递减。 习题 一选择题 1.3d电子的径向函数分布图有()(《无机化学例题与习题》吉大版) A.1个峰 B.2个峰 C. 3个峰 D. 4个峰 2.波函数一定,则原子核外电子在空间的运动状态就确定,但仍不能确定的是() A.电子的能量 B.电子在空间各处出现的几率密度 C.电子距原子核的平均距离 D.电子的运动轨迹 3.在下列轨道上的电子,在xy平面上的电子云密度为零的是()(《无机化学例题与习题》吉大版) A .3s B .3p x C . 3p z D .3d z2 4.下列各组量子数中,合理的一组是() A .n=3,l=1,m l=+1,m s= +1/2 B .n=4,l=5,m l= -1,m s= +1/2 C .n=3,l=3,m l=+1,m s= -1/2 D .n=4,l=2,m l=+3,m s= -1/2 5.第四周期元素原子中未成对电子数最多可达()(《无机化学例题与习题》吉大版) A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7

中国近代史纲第五章试题库 (2)

第五章中国革命的新道路 一、单项选择题 1.中国共产党独立领导革命战争和创建人民军队的开始是() A南昌起义B八七会议C秋收起义D广州起义 2.中国共产党创建初期,其主要精力是放在() A发展党的组织B发动工人运动 C解决农民问题D开展军事斗争 3.中国共产党开创的第一块农村革命根据地是() A晋察冀根据地B井冈山根据地 C湘鄂西根据地D鄂豫皖根据地 4.最早确立党对军队的绝对领导是在() A南昌起义B秋收起义C八七会议D三湾改编 5.与中共一大相比较,中共二大最重要的贡献是确立了 ( ) A以工人运动为中心的任务B在民主革命阶段的纲领 C民主集中制的原则D为共产主义奋斗的目标 6.与孙中山领导的反对北洋军阀的斗争相比,北伐战争的一个显著特点是 ( ) A依靠"新军"反对北洋军阀B依靠革命武装反对北洋军阀 C依靠会党反对北洋军阀D依靠地方军阀反对北洋军阀 7.1928年蒋介石在南京建立政权,其性质是 ( ) A地主阶级政权B官僚资产阶级政权C资产阶级政权D大地主大资产阶级政权 8.中国共产党一向认为中国革命的基本问题是() A党的问题B农民问题C工人问题D民族资产阶级问题 9.1931年11月,中国共产党成立了中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府,其政权性质是()A资产阶级专政B各革命阶级(包括民族资产阶级和小资产阶级)联合专政 C抗日民主专政D工农民主专政 10.中国革命的主要形式是() A议会斗争B群众斗争C地下斗争D武装斗争 C《反对本本主义》D《新民主主义论》 二、多项选择题 1.南昌起义的主要领导人是() A周恩来B贺龙C叶挺D朱德E刘伯承 2.中共八七会议的主要内容是() A坚决纠正了以陈独秀为代表的右倾投降主义错误 B撤消了陈独秀的职务,确定毛泽东的领导地位 C把发动农民举行秋收起义作为当前党的主要任务 D确定实行土地革命和武装反抗国民党的总方针 E决定把进攻的重点由城市转向农村 3.第一次国共合作得以实现的条件有( )


1. When was the last time you were in _______ with your childhood friends? A. context B. contact C. control D. content 2. Like a boat at sea, his mind started to _______ when he wasn't interested. A. float B. soar C. sink D. drift 3. Mrs Jones didn't trust Jack, so she was very _______ to let him cut her grass. A. reluctant B. reluctantly C. enthusiastic D. enthusiastically 4. My house seems to be in a _______ state of disrepair—something is always broken! A. perpetually B. perpetual C. perpetuity

D. perpetuate 5. The problem needs to be looked at from a historical _______ .

A. prospective B. directive C. perspective D. executive 6. Dr. Carter has written _______ about the brain and its influence on our emotions. A. extensively B. intensively C. extensive D. intensive 7. The accident of last week _______ a review of school safety policy. A. prompted B. prompt C. prompting D. prompts 8. I am easily _______ by ice cream, so it's probably the best if I don't look at the dessert menu. A. tempt B. tempts C. tempting


Chapter 1 Introduction What is linguistics? 什么是语言学 [A] The definition of linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language (对语言进行的科学研究) Process of linguistic study: ① Certain linguistic facts are observed, generalization are formed; ② Hypotheses are formulated; ③ Hypotheses are tested by further observations; ④ A linguistic theory is constructed. [B] The scope of linguistics General linguistics普通语言学: the study of language as a whole从整体研究 1.Phonetics: the general study of the characteristics of speech sounds (or the study of the phonic medium of language) (How speech sounds are produced and classified) 2.Phonology: is essentially the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language.(How sounds form systems and function to convey meaning) 3.Morphology: the study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words (how morphemes are combined to form words) 4.Syntax: the study of those rules that govern the combination of words to form permissible sentences (how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences) 5.Semantics: the study of meaning in abstraction 6.Pragmatics: the study of meaning in context of use Sociolinguistics: the study of language with reference to society Psycholinguistics: the study of language with reference to the workings of the mind Applied linguistics: the application of linguistics principles and theories to language teaching and learning Anthropological linguistics, neurological linguistics; mathematical linguistics; mathematical linguistics; computational linguistics [C] Some important distinctions in linguistics ① Prescriptive vs. Descriptive 规定性与描写性 ② Synchronic vs. Diachronic 共时性与历时性(现代英语多研究共时性) The description of a language at some point in time; The description of a language as it changes through time. ③ Speech and writing 言语与文字 Spoken language is primary, not the written ④ Langue and parole 语言和言语 Proposed by Swiss linguists F. de Sausse (sociological)


实用标准文案 文档大全Unit 8 Gender Difference Objective 1. read a story about how men and women think differently; 2. Learn some pairs of words showing gender differences; 3. Get some idea of how men differ from women when shopping; 4. Get some tips about the predictive clause in English; 5. Learn how to respond to invitation cards or letters; Focuses 1. Vocabulary in words and expressions of Text A and Text B. 2. Comprehension of Text A and Text B. 3. Grammar (The Relative Clause) 4. Practical Writings: How to write an invitation letter Outline: 1. Background Information; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check (Band C) 2. Discussion of Text A and the follow-up exercises (A and B) 3. Active Words and Vocabulary Check; Grammar Tips 4. Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercises 5. Comprehensive Exercises (Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of the class beforehand) 6. Practical Writing


《汽车发动机原理》作业题库 第五章 5-1 柴油机燃烧初期的预混合燃烧阶段与汽油机的预混合燃烧有何异同? 解:同:都是燃烧开始前油气先混合的燃烧过程。 异:柴油机的预混相比于汽油机不够均匀,且柴油机的燃烧过程是多点自燃,而汽油机则是火花点火,火焰传播的过程。 5-2 柴油机燃烧过程滞燃期包括哪些物理和化学过程?与低温多阶段着火过程是什么关系? 解:物理过程:雾化、蒸发、扩散和与空气混合等。化学过程:低温多阶段着火。 5-3 试述直喷式柴油机喷油规律、混合气形成速率(气流与喷雾)和燃烧放热规律之间的相互关系?并由此说明控制柴油机放热规律的主要手段有哪些? 解:柴油机喷油规律会影响混合气的形成速率。一般初期喷油快且喷油压力高的预混合气的量就多。混合气形成速率影响燃烧放热规律,燃烧开始前形成混合气的速率越快,初期放热率就越高。燃烧过程中混合气的形成速率决定了放热持续期的长短,混合快的放热时间短。 5-4 直喷式柴油机燃烧中为什么会出现“双峰”放热现象?若喷油规律相同,“双峰”形状随柴油机负荷不同会怎样变化?为什么? 解:dQ B/dφ曲线的双峰,第一个峰对应速燃期的预混合燃烧阶段,而第二个峰则对应缓燃期的扩散燃烧阶段。 负荷变化会引起形状的变化,小负荷时,第二个峰不明显,因为负荷小时,扩散燃烧阶段的放热量减少。 5-5 分析柴油机的几何供油规律和实际喷油规律的主要差别;说明形成这些差别的主要原因是什么。 解:供油规律早于喷油,供油最高速率要大于喷油最高速率。喷油时间大于供油时间,且喷油量小于供油量。 燃油的可压缩性;压力波的传播滞后;压力波动;高压容积变化。 5-6 比较柴油机空间雾化混合方式与壁面油膜混合方式的原理差异;简述促进空间雾化混合的基本原则。 解:空间雾化将燃油喷射到空间进行雾化,通过燃油与空气的相对运动和扩散,在空间形成可燃混合气。因此混合能量主要来源于喷油射束,空气被动参与混合,油找气的方式。混合一般不够均匀。壁面油膜蒸发混合方式在燃烧室壁面上形成很薄的薄膜,在强烈涡流作用下,油膜边蒸发变燃烧。 采用多空高压喷油,合理组织涡流。 5-7 柴油机燃烧室中形成可燃混合气时一般会利用哪几种气流形式?如何产生和控制这些气流运动? 解:进气涡流,压缩涡流,挤流和逆挤流,湍流。 进气涡流:通过设计进气道的形状产生进气涡流。通过改变流通面积和角度来改变强


第五章 线性系统的频域分析与校正 练习题及答案——2 5-12 已知)(1s G 、)(2s G 和)(3s G 均为最小相角传递函数,其近似对数幅频特性曲线如图5-79所示。试概略绘制传递函数 G s G s G s G s G s 412231()()() ()() = + 的对数幅频、对数相频和幅相特性曲线。 解:(1) ?L K 11204511()lg .ω== ∴ =K 1180 则: G s K 11()= (2) G s K s s 22 08 1()(.)=+ 20201 022 lg /lg K K ω== , K 21= (3) ? L K K 333202001110()lg lg .ωω=== s s K s G K 9)(,9111 .01 333==== ∴ (4) ?G s G G G G 4 12 23 1()=+ 将G G G 123,,代入得:G s s s 418 01251()(.) =+ 对数频率特性曲线如图解5-12(a)所示,幅相特性曲线如图解5-12(b)所示:

图解5-12 (a) Bode图 (b) Nyquist图5-13试根据奈氏判据,判断题5-80图(1)~(10)所示曲线对应闭环系统的稳定性。已知曲线(1)~(10)对应的开环传递函数如下(按自左至右顺序)。 题号开环传递函数P N N P Z 2 - =闭环 稳定性 备 注 1 G s K T s T s T s () ()()() = +++ 123 1110 -1 2 不稳定 2 G s K s T s T s () ()() = ++ 12 110 0 0 稳定 3 G s K s Ts () () = + 210 -1 2 不稳定


U n i t8F o c u s o n G l o b a l W a r m i n g Text comprehension I. A II. 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. F; 5. F. III. 1. Paragraph 2. Because global warming may be the single largest threat to our planet(the earth). Low-lying nations could be awash in seawater, rain and drought patterns across the world could change, hurricanes could become more frequent, and El Ninos could become more intense. 2. Paragraph 3. Our factories, power plants, and cars burn coal and gasoline and spit out carbon dioxide, produce methane by allowing our trash to decompose in landfills and by breeding large herds of methane-belching cattle, and release nitrogen oxide by using nitrogen-based fertilizers. 3. Paragraph 4. The increased concentrations of greenhouse gases prevent additional thermal radiation from leaving the Earth, so cause the global warming. 4. Paragraph 7. A slight increase in heat and rain in equatorial regions would increase vector-borne带菌媒介引起的diseases such as malaria; more intense rains and hurricanes could cause more severe flooding and more deaths in coastal regions and along riverbeds; even a moderate rise in sea level could threaten the low-lying islands; hotter summers couldlead to more cases of heatstroke, hospital admissions and deaths among vulnerable people with heart problems or respiratory problems. 5. Paragraph 8 and 10. We can curb our consumption of fossil fuels and use technologies to reduce the emission of heat-trapping gases like carbon二氧化碳 dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides, and protect the forests in the world, and we can also advocate policies that will combat global warming over the long term, things like clean cars, environmentally responsible renewable energy technologies, and stopping the clear-cutting of valuable forests. IV. 1. Global warming will probably be the most serious threat to our Earth, if we do not take into account of some other possible disasters, such as another world war, collision of our Earth with some small orbiting planet, or spread of incurable diseases. 2. In terms of human health, the people of the poorer countries will suffer most, because their countries do not have money to protect them when climate changes. Structural analysis Sub-ideas in the second part. 1) the causes of the rising concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Paragraphs 3 and 4)


第五章资本主义发展的历史进程 一、单项选择题 1.国家垄断资本主义的产生和发展,从根本上说是(D) A.国内市场竞争的结果 B.国际竞争激烈化的结果 C.垄断统治加强的结果 D.生产社会化和资本主义私人占有制之间矛盾发展的结果 2.当代资本主义国际垄断组织的主要形式是(C) A.国际卡特尔 B.混合联合企业级 C.跨国公司 D.国际康采恩 3.金融资本是由(C) A.产业资本和商业资本融合或混合生长而成的 B.银行资本的工业资本融合或混合生长而成的 C.垄断的银行资本和垄断的工业资本融合或混合生长而成的 D.垄断银行资本和银行资本融合或混合生长而成的 4.在垄断资本主义阶段占统治地位的资本是(D) A.工业资本 B.农业资本 C.银行资本

D.金融资本 5.国家垄断资本主义的发展(B) A.改变了经济的资本主义性质 B.符合垄断资本家的整体利益 C.代表了个别资本家的利益 D.消灭了私人垄断资本主义的基础 6.国家垄断资本主义的形式中,最主要、最重要的形式是(B) A.国家市场垄断经济 B.国家调节经济 C.公私合营经济 D.国家自然垄断经济 7.垄断资本主义国家的“经济计划化”(B) A.可以从根本上解决资本主义基本矛盾 B.使生产的无政府状态得到一定的缓解 C.导致资本主义向社会主义和平过渡 D.可以消除资本主义经济危机 8.经济全球化发展趋势的现实基础是(C) A.新科技革命 B.生产国际化 C.国际贸易的高度发展 D.国际金融的迅速发展 9.下列不属于经济全球化发展趋势的选项是(D)

A.市场经济成为全球经济体制 B.区域经济集团日益发展 C.跨国公司的主导作用增强 D.国际经济新秩序的建立 10.资本主义的历史地位是(D) A.寄生的资本主义 B.腐朽的资本主义 C.不断发展的资本主义 D.过渡的资本主义 11.资本社会化的最高形式是(B) A.垄断资本主义 B.国家垄断资本主义 C.生产社会化 D.经营管理社会化 二、多项选择题 1.私人垄断资本主义向国家垄断资本主义过渡(ABC) A.是资本主义生产社会化的客观要求 B.是资本主义基本矛盾发展的必然结果 C.在一定程度上促进了资本主义生产的发展 D.能够从根本上解决资本主义的基本矛盾 2.国家垄断资本主义产生的具体原因是(ABCD) A.市场问题日益严重,要求利用国家力量来扩大


Unit 2Food, Glorious Food Active Reading 1 Reading and understanding 2. Choose the best way to complete the sentences 1. b 2. B. 3. a 4. a. 5. C Dealing with unfamiliar words 3. Match the words in the box with their definition 1. frank 2. resort 3. yummy 4. juicy 5. gloomy 6. innocence 7. perception8. Nonsense 4. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of thewords in the box1 The waves were very large in size as they fell onto the beach. (enormous)2There was so much seafood that it was holding tightly onto the plate. (clinging)3 In the area of land where they were visiting, it wasn ' t usual to eat fish and chips.(region) 4 When he had eaten the shellfish, he got rid of the shells. (discarded) 5 To eat shellfish you need special tools to break open the shells and dig out thefood.(implements; crack; scrape) 6 The boy was especially fond of his mother ' s bread and cakes from theoven.(baking) 7 Because they ' re smooth, wet and quite difficult to hold, it ' s qu challengeto tryyour first oysters. (slippery) 5. Answer the questions about the words in the box. 1 Which word means feeling? (emotion) 2 Which word means a feeling that a situation is so bad that there youcando to change it? (despair)


. . Unit 8 Gender Difference Objective 1. read a story about how men and women think differently; 2. Learn some pairs of words showing gender differences; 3. Get some idea of how men differ from women when shopping; 4. Get some tips about the predictive clause in English; 5. Learn how to respond to invitation cards or letters; Focuses 1. Vocabulary in words and expressions of Text A and Text B. 2. Comprehension of Text A and Text B. 3. Grammar (The Relative Clause) 4. Practical Writings: How to write an invitation letter Outline: 1. Background Information; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check (Band C) 2. Discussion of Text A and the follow-up exercises (A and B) 3. Active Words and V ocabulary Check; Grammar Tips 4. Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercises 5. Comprehensive Exercises (Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of the class beforehand) 6. Practical Writing Procedures: Classroom Activities I. Warm-up Discussion Question: In what ways do men and women differ? Hint:Men differ women in numerous aspects, for instance(1)communication; (2)thinking; II. Vocabulary in Text A 1. thought n.念头,想法;思想 e.g. After much thought he decided not to buy the car. 考虑再三后,他决定不买那辆车。think v. 想,思考;认为 thoughtful adj 深思的;思考的;体贴的;关切的


第五章试题清单( 含答案) 一. 单选题 1. 导致生产集中和资本集中的根本原因是:() A. 资本家对剩余价值的追逐( √) B. 资本家的联合( ) C. 资本主义国家的计划( ) D. 资本家对生产技术的改进( ) 2. 垄断资本主义取代自由竞争资本主义,表明资本主义生产关系:() A. 实现了自我否定( ) B. 发生了根本变化( ) C. 仍无任何变化( ) D. 有局部调整,但没有改变本质( √) 3. 资本主义自由竞争引起生产和资本集中,生产和资本集中发展到一定程度必然产生:() A. 社会化大生产超出国界( ) B. 商品输出替代资本输出( ) C. 垄断( √) D. 资本输出替代商品输出( ) 4. 金融资本是:() A. 工业资本和农业资本溶合而成的资本( ) B. 工业资本和商业资本溶合而成的资本( ) C. 工业资本和银行资本溶合而成的资本( ) D. 工业垄断资本和银行垄断资本在垄断的基础上溶合的而成的资本( √) 5. 垄断利润是通过:() A. 操纵市场获得的( √) B. 改进技术获得的( ) C. 扩大投资获得的( ) D. 增加贷款获得的( ) 6. 国家垄断资本主义能够:() A. 消灭私人垄断资本( ) B. 实行计划经济,消灭危机( ) C. 消灭资本主义基本矛盾( ) D. 在不改变资本主义制度的前提下,对生产关系进行某些调整( √) 7. 国家垄断资本主义的产生是:() A. 科学技术发展的必然产物( ) B. 生产高度社会化和资本主义基本矛盾尖锐化的结果( √)

C. 资本主义国家实行生产资料全部国有化的结果( ) D. 商品经济发展的一般规律( ) 8. 当代资本主义的新变化:() A. 意味着资本主义生产关系的根本性质发生了变化( ) B. 从根本上改变了资本主义社会( ) C. 从根本上适应了生产的社会化( ) D. 从根本上说是人类社会发展一般规律作用的结果( √) 9.资本主义国家资本输出的根本目的是 A 获得高额利润(√) B 帮助落后国家() C 替代商品输出() D 达到政治目的() 10.发达资本主义国家之间的关系是 A 利益共同体() B 有共同利益,也有矛盾斗争(√) C 有共同的政治利益,同时也有经济矛盾() D 有共同的经济利益,同时也有政治矛盾() 11.国际货币基金组织是 A 政府间的国际金融组织(√) B 联合国机构() C 多边贸易机构() D 商业流通联合体() 12.当前世界贫富差距拉大的根本原因是 A 地区局部战争() B 自然资源不均衡() C 国际经济旧秩序(√) D 国际经济新秩序() 13.垄断形成后,价值规律改变了 A 内容() B 作用() C 后果() D 表现形式(√) 二. 多选题 1. 垄断没有消除竞争是因为:() A. 竞争是一切社会生产所共有的( ) B. 竞争是商品经济一般规律,垄断并没有消灭商品经济( √)


Unit 1 Persistence Full in each blank with a word given below、Change the form where necessary、(P8) 1.Although we have tried very hard to achieve the goal,we still encounter great difficulties in our work、虽然我们很努力来达到我们得目标,我们仍在我们得工作遇到很大得困难。 2.I have tried all kinds of ways , but still cannot bend my daughter to my will、 我已经尝试了各种方式,但仍然不能让我得女儿屈从于我得意志。 3.It is natural that babies tumble when they are learning to walk、 婴儿学步时摔倒就是很自然得。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d98216885.html,st time he failed in the exam, so this time he made a serious attempt to pass it、 上次她考试不及格,所以这次她认真地试图通过考试。 5.After so many misfortunes, the mother was not able to stand this heavy blow 在这么多得不幸之后,母亲不能忍受这次沉重得打击。 6.He suddenly took a swipe at her face and knocked her down on the ground、 她突然猛打她得脸,把她撞倒在地上。 7.I’m afraid that his efforts will be of no avail 我担心她得努力将不起作用 8.They attempted to escape from the prison, but failed、 她们试图逃离监狱,但失败了。 B、Full in the blanks with the proper form of the given words、(P9) 1、For years, his persistent (persistence )attempts had enabled him to gain the position in the government、 多年来,她坚持不懈得努力使她得以在政府中获得职位。 2.A severe flood struck the food base of the city and consequently (consequence)caused a shortage of food、 一场严重得洪水袭击了这个城市得食物基地,因此造成了食物短缺。

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