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李 昭






易 杰





摘 要 采用有限元模拟技术,对不同浇注方式下A356铝合金大型薄壁件的充型和凝固过程进行仿真,预测了不同浇注方式下薄壁件可能出现缺陷的位置,对比分析了各种浇注系统的优缺点。结果表明,雨淋式浇注系统有利于铝合金大型薄壁件的充型,其充型过程平稳,凝固有序,卷气、缩孔、缩松现象较少。选用雨淋式浇注系统,获得尺寸为1272mm @506mm @4.7mm 的汽车前盖板合格铸件。

关键词 A356铝合金;数值仿真;薄壁件;浇注系统

中图分类号 T G249.2;O 242 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-2249(2010)02-0120-04DOI:10.3870/tzzz.2010.02.007



第一作者简介:李昭,男,1982年出生,硕士研究生,湖南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙(410082),电话:158********,E -m ail:lizhaozhao98@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dc12363941.html,





1 数值模拟

1.1 浇注系统方案的选择


表1 3种浇注系统方案





1.1.1 方案1


图1 顶注式浇注系统

1.1.2 方案2


图2 阶梯式浇注系统

1.1.3 方案3


图3 雨淋式浇注系统


计算机应用技术特种铸造及有色合金 2010年第30卷第2期

1.2 几何模型的建立

使用UG 软件对铝合金薄壁铸件进行实体造型,铸件尺寸为1272m m @506mm @5.0mm 。然后经Pa -r asolid 格式的转换导入Pr oCAST 中进行网格划分、参数设置、计算等处理。为了得到精确的仿真结果和减少计算量,有限元模型采用非均匀四面体网格对几何模型进行网格划分,即浇道和铸件采用较小的网格尺寸进行


真计算过程采用对称计算来进一步减少计算时间,提高计算效率[8]。1.3 充型状态



(a)t =3.27s (b)t =4.13s (c)t =5.92s



(a)t =2.63s (b)t =4.22s (c)t =5.61s



(a)t =1.96s (b)t =5.64s (c)t =6.58s

图6 雨淋式浇注系统在不同充型时刻的充型状态

由图4可以看出,合金液进入型腔后,在A 、B 处形成卷气;在图4a 、图4b 中,最左端的内浇道处无合金


由图5a 可以看出,当合金液进入型腔,直浇道和横浇道在底角C 处有对流,产生飞溅和卷气现象;图5b 中,充型速度过快,内浇道处呈喷射状,在D 处产生卷气现象;图5c 中,铸件里的铝液通过内浇道E 回流入


由图6可以看出,当合金液进入型腔,横浇道充型良好,合金液平稳向前推进,从而使得产生卷气、涡流和飞溅的可能性降低,铸件的大部分空间被金属液填满。此时,铸件型腔内的气体也被推到远离铸件浇口的地方(这些部位是最容易形成缩孔、缩松的区域),聚集在冒口附近的F 、G 处,从而使得产生缩孔、缩松的可能性大大降低[3]。


基于数值仿真的铝合金大型薄壁件的浇注系统设计 李 昭 等

1.4 充型完成时刻的温度场

由图7a 可以看出,方案1在充型完成时刻,距离直浇道较远处到直浇道附近处有明显的温度梯度。距离直浇道较远的N 处温度较低,约为600e ,直浇道附近M 处温度较高,约为690e ,相互之间温差较大,且凝


由图7b 可以看出,方案2在充型完成时刻,



图7 不同浇注系统下充型完成时刻的温度场

分布不均匀,铸件中上部位的温度在620e 左右,其中P 处只有590e 左右,底角部位Q 处温度在710e 左右,温差较大,容易形成冷隔和热应力。其原因是,内浇道分布不均匀,铸件中上部位距离浇口较远,铝液从浇口充型到上部,温度下降比较大。

由图7c 可以看出,方案3在充型完成时刻,温度场分布均匀,铸件各个部位温差不大,从周边向中间浇道附近依次凝固,内浇道附近最后凝固,可以起到补缩的效果,凝固顺序合理,出现冷隔和热应力的可能大大降低,铸件凝固情况良好[3]。1.5 浇注系统的确定


2 试验验证


合金大型薄壁件的浇注系统。选用A356铝合金为试验材料,熔炼过程中变质剂为A-l Sr 合金,细化剂为

A-l 5T-i 1B 合金,试验过程中的浇注工艺参数与仿真时的一致(见表2)。

表2 浇注工艺参数







通过试验,获得尺寸为1272mm @506mm @4.7mm 的汽车前盖板的完整铸件,见图8。



图8 汽车前盖板铸件

3 结语


参 考 文 献

[1] 邱庆荣,孙宝德,周尧和.铝合金铸件在汽车上的应用[J].铸造,


[2] 周永江,洪润洲.薄壁复杂铝合金精铸件真空吸铸工艺研究[J].


[3] 韩洁丽,龙思远,曹韩学,等.镁合金的发展动态和前景展望[J].


[4] 柳百成,荆涛.铸造工程的模拟仿真与质量控制[M ].北京:机械工


[5] 张红松,张希俊,张方.铸造过程计算机数值模拟的国内外研究概


[6] 冯志军,申泽骥.大型铝合金铸件低压铸造[J ].铸造,2003,52


[7] 叶俊杰.砂型铸造充型过程数值模拟技术研究[D].北京:清华大


[8] 张立强,李落星,朱必武.基于数值模拟的铝合金薄壁件金属型低

压铸造工艺设计[J ].铸造技术,2008,29(9):1178-1182.


特种铸造及有色合金 2010年第30卷第2期




摘要采用有限元技术模拟6061铝合金在室温下等通道转角挤压(ECAP)过程,分析了模具圆心角、摩擦因数对ECA P 过程的影响。结果表明,圆心角减小,试样等效应变值增大且较为均匀,但是挤压载荷增加;摩擦对载荷的影响明显。单道次挤压后,试样变形不均匀。


中图分类号T G146.2+1;O242文献标志码A文章编号1001-2249(2010)02-0123-05



等通道挤压[8,9](Equal Channel Ang ular Pressing, ECAP)是基于大塑性变形理论的一种加工技术。采用此工艺材料可重复挤压,经多次挤压后,材料的晶粒达到超细尺度,使材料的综合力学性能大大提高。目前,国内外对等通道挤压的过程做了不少研究分析,然而,影响等通道挤压变形的因素很多,通过试验来对等通道挤压进行定量研究还存在一定的局限性。本课题采用有限元模拟软件Deform-3D模拟了6061铝合金在不同转角、不同摩擦因数情况下ECAP过程中金属流动规律、应力场、应变场等的大小和分布,为ECAP工艺的优化提供参考。





图1ECA P模型和ECA P模型内金属的剪切面示意图







第一作者简介:杨智强,男,1983年出生,硕士研究生,昆明理工大学材料与工程学院,昆明(650093),电话:136********,E-m ail:yz q2007202074@163. com

通讯作者:史庆南,男,1956年出生,教授,昆明理工大学材料与工程学院,昆明(650093),电话:139********,E-mail:s hikus t@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dc12363941.html,


变形和热裂缺陷的预测[J].中国铸造装备与技术,2003(1):-l4. [10]史东奎,顾力强.汽车金属阀壳铸造过程模拟[J].特种铸造及有









refining gr ain size.Further more,the for ming mecha-nism of the Al11La3phase w as described.

Key Words:A-l35La Alloy,As-cast Structure,Periodic Two-phase Dendrite,Mechanical Properties

Effects of Ta and Zr on Properties and Microstructure of Solid Solution Ti Alloy Xie Hua sheng1,2,Lou Yan-chun1,Liu Shibing1,Zhao Jun1,Su Guiqia o1,Xue Songha i1(1.Shenyang Research Institute of Fo undry, Shenyang,China; 2.School o f M aterials Science and Eng ineer ing,Shenyang Univer sity of T echno logy, Shenyang,China)2010,30(2)0111~0113

Abstract Effects o f T a,Zr on properties and micr o-structure of solid solutio n T i alloy w ere investigated by analyzing T-i A Nb-T a,T-i A Nb-B T a-Zr series a-l loys.Solid so lution T-i A Nb-Ta,T-i A N b-B Ta-Zr se-r ies alloy s exhibit low er elastic mo dulus in w hich the low est v alue is58GPa and excellent plastic per for m-ance in w hich m ax imum value o f elo ng ation and con-tractio n of ar ea reach32%and80%,respectiv ely. With increasing in Ta and Zr contents,tensile streng th of the alloys is increased in rang e of500~700 MPa.M icro structure of the solid solutio n alloy is com po sed of residual B phase and acicular martensite A d,in w hich w ith increasing in Ta and Zr,residual B phase is increased w ith the decrease of acicular mar-tensite A d.

Key Words:Ti Alloy,Elastic Modulus,Microstruc-ture,Solid Solution,Mechanical Properties

Effects of Melt Thermal Treatment with Composition C ompensation on the Morphology of Primary Si in High Si Aluminum Alloy Wang Lia ndeng1,2,W ang Yoush-eng1,Zhu D ingyi1,Yi W eifa1,Hua ng Liguang2(1. School of M aterials Science and Eng ineering,Fuzhou Univer sity,Fuzhou,China; 2.Co lleg e o f M echanical Eng ineer ing and A utom ation,Fuzho u U niversity, Fuzhou,China)2010,30(2)0114~0116

Abstract Effects of the melt thermal treatment w ith com po sitio n com pensatio n on morpholog y of pr im ar y Si in hy pereutectic A-l20Si alloy w ere investigated. The results show that the technolog y can refine g rain size o f pr im ary Si to approx imately36L m w ithin100 min,ex hibiting an o bv io us mo dification effect o n the prim ary Si and a long duration tim e.So the m elt ther-m al treatment w ith com position co mpensation is a sim-ply and practical techno logy for m odifying the pr im ar y Si in the A-l20Si alloy w ithout mo difier addition.Key Words:A-l20Si Alloy,Composition Compensation, Melt Thermal Treatment

Optimized System Design for Electro-slag Casting based on Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Rao Lei,Li Xiaolong,Zha ng Ying,Geng M aopeng (Schoo l of M echanical and Electronic Engineering, Nanchang University,N anchang,China)2010,30(2) 0117~0119

Abstract Electro-slag casting is a technolo gy combining refinem ent w ith form ing,w hich exhibits a mult-i ob-jectiv e problem due to not only utilizing the adv antages of pur ifying materials but also considering pr oduct ef-ficiency and cost.T he purification coefficient o f con-sumable electro de end,melting ratio of consum able e-lectrode and effectiv e pow er facto r are presented to be taken as the optim ized target.A mult-i objective opt-i mized system of pro cessing parameter s for electroslag casting w as established o n the Matlab platfo rm based on artificial neural netw or k and g enetic algo rithm the-ory by designing remelting current,depth of slag pool and flow rate o f coo ling w ater as variables,show ing a po sitive reference for practical pr oduction.

Key Words:Artificial Neural Network,Genetic Algo-rithm,Optimization,Electroslag C asting

Design of Gating System for Large Thin-walled Alum-i num Alloy Components based on Numerical Simulation Li Zha o1,2,Zhang Liqiang1,2,Zhu Biwu1,2,Yi Jie1,2, Li Luoxing1,2(1.State Key Laboratory of A dvanced Desig n and M anufacturing for Vehicle Body,H unan University,Changsha,China; 2.Co llege of M aterials Science and Engineering,H unan U niversity,Chang-sha,China)2010,30(2)0120~0123

Abstract Filling and solidification of larg e thin-w alled A356alum inum alloy components w ere simulated by the FEM(finite elem ent method)in condition o f dif-ferent pouring w ay s to predict the potential defect po-sition occur red in the thin-w alled com ponents,and the merits and demerits of different g ating system s w er e co mparatively analyzed.The results show that show er gating system is favorable for the filling pr ocess o f large thin-w alled aluminum alloy components,in w hich entrapped-g as and shrinkag e por osity(ho le)ar e decr eased as a result o f sm ooth filling and sequential so lidification.The qualified fro nt cover plate for veh-i cle w ith1272m m in leng th and506m m in w idth and 4.7mm in thickness can be successfully produced by


em plo ying the show er gating sy stem.

Key Words:A356Aluminum Alloy,Numerical Simula-tion,Thin-walled Components,Gating System

Finite Element Analysis of6061Aluminum Alloy by E-qual C hannel Angular Pressing(ECAP)Yang Zhiqia ng1,Shi Qingnan1,Qi Hua rong1,W a ng Xiao-qi1,Kang Liw ei1,Xiao Xia o1,Luo Xu2(1.Faculty of Mater ials and M etallurgical Eng ineer ing,Kunming U-niversity of Science and T echnolo gy,Kunm ing,Ch-i na; 2.Panzhihua Iron&Steel Research Institute,Pan-zhihua,China)2010,30(2)0123~0127

Abstract Effects o f central ang le,fr ictio nal coefficient on the forming o f ECAP w ere analy zed by sim ulating ECAP pro cess o f6061alum inum alloy at r oom tem-perature w ith the help of FEM(finite elem ent m eth-o d).T he results reveal that w ith decr easing in central ang le,equivalent strain of the samples is increased w ith m ore homog eneous distributio n,ho w ever,press-ing load is increased.Fr ictio n co efficient is closely re-lated to the form ing load.The samples ex hibit heter o-g eneous defo rmatio n after one pressing.

Key Words:6061Aluminum Alloy,EC AP,FEM,Cen-tral Angle,Frictional Coefficient,Grains

Preparation of C-TiAl Alloy Based Sheet Liu Jia ngping, Su Yanqing,Guo Jingji e,Luo Lia ngshun,Fu Heng-zhi(Schoo l of M aterials Science and Eng ineering,H ar-bin Institute of Technolog y,H arbin,China)2010,30 (2)0127~0130

Abstract Fo ur kinds of manufacturing m ethods to pre-pare C-TiAl allo y based sheet w er e described.T he special rolling method exhibited relative mature w ith a narro w pro cessing w indow.Low impur ities can be ob-served in the sheet by fo il metallur gy and EB-PVD methods.M icr ostructure show s hetero geneous in the sheet prepared by rolling-casting metho d.Effects of alloying elements and heat treatment on m icrostruc-ture of the C-TiAl alloy based sheet w ere expounded, and developing future of the m ethods w as pr edicted. Key Words:TiAl Based Alloy,Sheet,Microstructure, Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Behavior of AZ91D-3Ca Magnesium Alloy Prepared by Pulsed Magnetic Field during Sem-i solid C ompression Zhou Qua n,Tu Xurong,Chen Leping (Schoo l of Aer onautical M anufacturing Eng ineering, Nanchang H angkong U niv ersity,Nanchang,China)2010,30(2)0131~0133

Abstract M echanical behavior of A Z91D-3Ca magnes-i um alloy prepared by pulsed magnetic field during sem-i solid co mpr ession was investigated w ith help o f the Gleeble-1500hot simulato r to understand effects o f deformation temperatur e and str ain rate o n sem-i solid co mpressive stress.T he results reveal that,com pared w ith that pr epar ed by conv entio nal casting,compres-sive behavior of m ag nesium alloy prepared by pulsed magnetic field is similar during com pressive deforma-tio n at400e,how ever,low er defo rmatio n r esistance can be observed at sem-i solid tem perature(510e). When o ther conditio ns keep the sam e,w ith the in-crease of defor mation tem perature or the decrease o f strain rate,deform ation resistance o f the alloy is de-creased.Deform ation resistance m akes in range o f 0.38~1.6M Pa w ith0.005~0.5s-1and510~520e deformation temperatur e.

Key W ords:Pulsed Magnetic Field,AZ91D-3Ca Mag-nesium Alloy,Compressive Deformation

Ignition-proof of High Bauxite Coating for Permanent Mold Casting Magnesium Alloy Zhang Liang,W a ng Yingxin,Peng Lim ing,Ding W enjia ng(Natio nal En-gineering Research Center of Lig ht Allo y Net Fo rm-ing,Key State Laboratory of M etal M atrix Co mpo s-ites,Shang hai Jiao to ng U niversity,Shang hai,China) 2010,30(2)0134~0137

Abstract Ignitio n-pro of of hig h baux ite coating for per-manent mo ld casting magnesium alloy w as investiga-ted.T he results reveal that chemical r eaction betw een alloy m elt w ith high baux ite can be easily conducted o n the runner of permanent mold,leading to the failure o f the coating.M g2Al3and M g2Si phase can be observed in the r eaction pro ducts.Reaction betw een the alloy melt and hig h bauxite can be w eakened by adding in-hibito r,and the service life of the coating is increased w ith increasing in inhibitor additio n.The desirable in-hibito r additio n is appr oxim ately6%.

Key W ords:Magnesium Alloy,High Bauxite C oating, Ignition-proof,Inhibitor

Design of Die C asting Die for Driving End C over Hu Ya nhui1,Pi Zhim ou1,Ren Chenggao1,Hua ng Guo-fa2,Cheng Li1(1.H unan Co llege o f Industry Po ly-technic,Changsha,China; 2.Wuhan Institute of Ma-chinery Research Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan,China)2010, 30(2)0137~0139

