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2019-2020年高二年级第一次月考试卷(英语) 一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分30分) 1. The explorer traveled to several remote villages, _____a lot of unusual information. A. gathering B. having gather C. to gather D. gathered 2. ___________ the news has been good so far, there may be days ahead when it is bad. A. While B. When C. As D. Since 3. If he continues like this, he will ____________ a stone only to have it drop on his own foot, just as the old saying goes. A. end up to lift B. end up lifting C. end up in lifting D. end up with lifting 4. The speech ____________ by Professor Smith was so interesting that the students talked about it all that day. A. to be delivered B. to be given C. being delivered D. delivered 5. We should take exercise now and then. I believe we will ___________ it a lot. A. benefit from B. benefit C. do good to D. be beneficial for 6. It was not until then that I realized putting the project in practice ___________ so much money and work. A. involving B. to involve C. involves D. involved 7. Don’t worry if the food ___________. I’m going shopping this afternoon. A. runs out B. uses up C. is run out of D. is run out 8. Unfortunately, the research was limited __________ increasing economic profits, _________ protecting the environment. A. to; other than B. by; rather than C. to; rather than D. by; more than 9. ____________ abroad for a tour can be a great honor for an ordinary person like me. A. Taken B. Being taken C. Taking D. Having been taken 10. ___________ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for. A. The girl was educated B. The girl educated C. The girl’s being educated D. the girl to be educated 11.--- What does Canada export(出口)? --- Large amounts of wheat ___________ sent abroad. A. is B. are C. have D. is being e is now double ____________it was five years ago. 12.Much to the couple’s fort, their in A. that B. than C. which D. what 13. The old man is badly ill and he needs ___________ to hospital at once. A. to take B. taking C. being taken D. taken 14. I ___________ to go to the lecture yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor. A. meant B. would mean C. was to mean D. had meant 15. What is ____________ is that try as they may, they can’t avoid the economic crisis. A. beneficial B. difficult C. effective D. obvious 16. This book tells _____ life story of John Smith, who left ______ school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16. A. the; 不填 B. the; the C. a; the D. a; 不填 17. It was ______ of you not to give others a ride in your new car.


职高高一年级组英语月考(二)试卷分析 (2014-2015学年第一学期) 一、整体情况分析 本次考试总分为120分,考试时间为100分钟,考试内容主要以职高英语基础模块上Unit 1-4为主,重点考查学生应该掌握的英语基础知识和基本能力,旨在夯实学生的基础,注重阶段内知识的考查和消化。试卷选材上注重题材、体裁的多样性,所选文章内容贴近生活,贴近实际,具有时代感,体现了职高英语新课程的理念。 三、试题和答题情况分析 1.单选 本部分重点考查语音、词汇、语法知识以及交际用语等,主要是最近学过的内容,所以大部分学生得分较高,少数学生在某些词汇用法和语法运用方面,以及语音方面还存在着不少问题。一部分学生的1-5题, 6. 20. 21. 25题的得分率较低。由此可见,经常复习以前的知识从而达到使学生巩固已学内容并能熟练运用是非常重要的,而且有必要强化语音知识的理解和积累。 2.完形 完型填空考查学生在阅读理解的基础上对语篇、词汇和语法知识掌握情况,要求学生综合运用所学知识,选出最佳选项,是综合性较强的题型。从试卷可以看出,学生在某些句子的理解和具体语境的处理上还欠缺能力,特别是对第32.36.38.39题学生理解不到位。学生读题不够细心,不注意上下文相关联内容,容易犯习惯性错误,由此可见,应该指导学生做题的严谨性, 同时要增加完型练习量。 3.阅读 本次阅读理解有三篇,文章比上次月考难度适当增加,题量适宜。一部分学生得分较高,丢分的主要是对49题和50题判断失误。但是对于基础较差者,失

分较多。很明显学生在概括要点、细节理解、推理判断上还需要加强训练。 4.词义搭配得分相对较高。 5.补全对话的67题和69题是这次容易丢分题,而且分值很高,主要是学生分辨能力还有待提高。 6.单词考查 本次单词考查题中所填单词主要是以1-4 单元为主要选择范围,因为是刚刚学过,大多数学生得分在及格以上。但是基础较差的学生不注意单词词形变化,甚至写不出原词,得分仍然困难。 7.改错 多数学生得分8分或高于8分。少数学生对这种题型的把握较差,不注意规范答题。因此,在今后的教学中应该加强这方面的练习,这也体现了学生基础知识较差的现状,在今后应该加强对学生基础知识的巩固和提高。 8.书面表达 这次考试的书面表达题是给自己的父母写封信,汇报自己在新的学校里的生活和学习,以及自己的打算等情况。选材非常贴近学生的生活实际,学生有话可说,应是易得分题,但学生忽视了书信语言的表达,内容缺乏有序性和连贯性,对句子不能灵活处理,语法知识欠缺;部分学生审题不清,所表达内容与要求话题不符;还有部分学生书写潦草,卷面涂抹,导致失分;同时还有少许学生东抄西拼,抄袭阅读,以图蒙混过关。时态运用错误是普遍现象。有些虽然得分较高,但是完全写得清楚的同学也不是很多。 三、对下一阶段英语教学工作的思考和建议 1、夯实语言基础知识 从学生在单项填空、完形填空部分的解答以及单词拼写可以看出,很多学生的词汇和语法知识仍不够扎实,还存在较多问题,因此,强调基础知识的学习是关键。但需要注意的是,此处的基础知识指的是语言知识(语法和词汇)的灵活运用,而非一条条的语法规则,必须结合具体语境,倡导在语境中教学,在语境中学习,语境中运用。另外,在平时词汇教学中,抓重点单词,特别是动词的教学,适当扩充该词的其他相关用法。并把检查单词记忆等情况落实,使学生真正养成学习语言的习惯。 2、培养阅读能力 新课标在谈到教学中应该注意的几个问题时,明确说明加强“听、说、读、写”综合运用,侧重培养阅读能力。因为阅读是理解和吸收语言信息的最重要手段,它能给学生提供更为丰富的教育教学资源,有助于他们开阔视野、丰富语言知识、扩大词汇量和了解英语国家的社会及文化等。在平时教学中,应争取让学


2019届湖南省长沙市雅礼中学高考模拟(二)数学(理)试 题 一、单选题 1.集合10A x R x ??=∈≤???? ,{}2|10B x R x =∈-<,则A B =U ( ) A .(]1,0- B .()1,0- C .(),1-∞ D .(),1-∞- 【答案】C 【解析】求出A 与B 中不等式的解集确定出A 与B ,利用并集定义求A 与B 的并集即可. 【详解】 由题得{|0}A x x =<,{|11}B x x =-<<, 根据并集的定义知:{|1}A B x x ?=<, 故选:C . 【点睛】 本题主要考查了并集及其运算,意在考查学生对这些知识的理解掌握水平,熟练掌握并集的定义是解本题的关键. 2.复数()1z i i -=(i 为虚数单位),则z 的共轭复数在复平面上对应的点位于( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 【答案】C 【解析】由复数除法求出z ,写出共轭复数,写出共轭复数对应点坐标即得 【详解】 解析:()()()1111111222i i i i z i i i i +-+= ===-+--+Q ,1122 z i ∴=--, 对应点为11(,)22 --,在第三象限. 故选:C . 【点睛】 本题考查复数的除法运算,共轭复数的概念,复数的几何意义.掌握复数除法法则是解题关键.

3.如图是甲、乙两位同学在六次数学小测试(满分100分)中得分情况的茎叶图,则下列说法错误.. 的是( ) A .甲得分的平均数比乙大 B .甲得分的极差比乙大 C .甲得分的方差比乙小 D .甲得分的中位数和乙相等 【答案】B 【解析】由平均数、方差公式和极差、中位数概念,可得所求结论. 【详解】 对于甲,1798882829391 85.86x +++++=≈; 对于乙,2727481899699 85.26 x +++++=≈, 故A 正确; 甲的极差为937914-=,乙的极差为997227-=,故B 错误; 对于甲,方差2126S ≈.5, 对于乙,方差2 2 106.5S ≈,故C 正确; 甲得分的中位数为8288852+=,乙得分的中位数为8189 852 +=,故D 正确. 故选:B . 【点睛】 本题考查茎叶图的应用,考查平均数和方差等概念,培养计算能力,意在考查学生对这些知识的理解掌握水平,属于基础题. 4.已知向量()1,2a =r ,()2,2b =-r ,(),1c λ=-r ,若() //2c a b +r r r ,则λ=( ) A .2- B .1- C .12 - D . 12 【答案】A 【解析】根据向量坐标运算求得2a b +r r ,由平行关系构造方程可求得结果. 【详解】 ()1,2a =r Q ,()2,2b =-r ()24,2a b ∴+=r r


富民小学英语六(下)阶段性测试一 班级_______________ 姓名______________ 成绩____________ 听力部分(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,听1遍。(10分) ()1. A. wake B. word C. walk ()2. A. then B. them C. ten ()3. A. mouse B. house C. horse ()4. A. live B. give C. lion ()5. A. some B. small C. sweet ()6. A. at a time B. on time C. all the time ()7. A. sharp B. help C. deep ()8. A. a little B. a few C. a lot of ()9. A. too many B. too much C. so much ()10. A. diet B. diary C. dentist 二、听录音,选出最佳的应答,听2遍。(5分) ()1. A. It’s between the chairs. B. It was over there. C. It’s my sister’s. ()2. A. Yes, they were. B. Yes, they did. C. Yes, it did. ()3. A. By bus. B. Ten yuan. C. I’m eleven. ()4. A. She reads a book. B. She read a book. C. She is reading a book. ()5. A. she is singing happily. B. she is watching excitedly. C. She is reading quietly 三、根据所听内容,给下列图片排序。(两遍)(5分) ()()()()()四、听录音,填空。(10分) Peter always has some ________ and ________ for breakfast. He usually has a ________ rice, some chicken and some ________ soup for ________. He has some ________, some ________, and some ________ for ________ . He ________ an apple every day. He ________ fruit very much. 笔试部分(共70分) 五、英汉互译。(共10分)

人教版高中英语选修七高二年级半月考试卷( 英语 )

高二年级半月考试卷(英语) 使用时间:2015年4月2日测试时间: 90分钟总分: 120分 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A A woman who lived in a coma(昏迷)for 42 years, unendingly cared for by her family, died Wednesday in her home in Miami Gardens, Fla. Edwarda O’Bara was a 17-year-old high school student in 1970 when she became sick from her diabetes(糖尿病)medication and slipped into a diabetic coma. Just before she lost consciousness, Edwarda asked her mother, Kaye O’Bara, to never leave her side, and her family never d id. Edwarda’s father, Joe O’Bara, and Kaye took care of their daughter—reading to her, playing her music, making sure she was turned every two hours, bathed, given insulin(胰岛素)and given nourishment through a feeding tube—until their deaths in 1976 and 2008, respectively. After that, Edwarda’s sister Colleen O’Bara took over. Her family’s unending care for her became a story told across the world. And visitors from across the world traveled to the Miami Gardens home every year, sometimes appearing at the doorstep on random days, other times for Edwarda’s yearly birthday party, a cheerful affair with decorations, balloons and cake. Through it all, Edwarda remained in a coma. But to her family and followers she remained alive. Colleen O’Bara described her as “the best sister in the whole wide world.” “She taught me so much, especially after she was in the coma, ” Colleen O’Bara said, “She taught me so much about unconditional love that I couldn’t say I had it before. She taught me about patience that I didn’t have before. I learned so much from taking care of my sister. It’s like I grew up overnight. ” In an announcement of Edwarda’s death posted Thursday on a website, Colleen O’Bara wrote: “Yesterday while taking care of Edwarda I noticed her looking directly a t me and gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen. She then closed her eyes and joined my Mom in Heaven. ” 1. How old was Edwarda O’Bara when she died? A. 56. B. 57. C. 58. D. 59. 2. Edwarda’s parents did everyt hing below to take care of her EXCEPT_____________. A. reading to her B. playing her music C. taking a walk with her D. turning her every two hours 3. What’s the main idea of the passage? A. Edwarda’s family’s selfless care for her became a story told across the world. B. Edwarda became sick from her diabetes medication and slipped into a diabetic coma. C. Edwarda died after 42 years of coma and her family kept their promise to take good care of her. D. Edwarda smiled when she died. B When Josephine Cooper was growing up, she learned the importance of charity from her parents.

职业中专英语试题 及答案

2018—2019学年度第二学期期末考试英语试题 班级姓名成绩 一、英语知识运用(本题30个小题,每个小题1分,共30分。在每个小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,填涂在答题卡上) 1.Jack ________ worried about his weight from last weekend. A. become B. became C. is D. were 2. Last weekend, a young man ___ to visit Xiaoming . A. com B. to come C. came D. coming 3. ______he make an apology to his mother?. A. Did B. Do C. Were D. Was 4. Did they have a chat with old man? ______. A. Yes they did B. No, they did C. Yes, they didn’t D. No, they didn’t 5.How _____ your trip to London last month? -It’s wonderful. A. is B. are C. was D. were 6. I am sorry ,I didn’t call you up. ______. A. That’s all right B. I am very sorry C. I am glad to hear that D. Oh, terrible 7. I called you last night, but no reply._______? Sorry, I went to see a film with parents. A. What do you do B. What did you do C. What were you do D. What were you did 8.My sister______ playing the piano last night. A. practice B. piacticed C. piactices D. is practicing 9.Yesterday,about 20 thousand visitors _______ to the beach. A. go B. goes C. went D. going 10.We _______ together yesterday. Lili went to the seaside with her parents. A. don’t B. didn’t C. weren’t D. wasn’t 11.On the Spring Festival, people have a family get-together _______eat dumplings.. A. and B. but C. or D. as 12. The Christmas tree is so beautiful ________I like it very much. A .but B. or C. and D. for 13.We can make a card ________buy a card for him. A. as B. but C. or D. for 14. Will you stay at home _______ travel around with your mother. A. but B. or C. and D. to 15.I want to go swimming________ my mum will not allow me. A. and B. but C .or D. as 16.I’m going _______ Now Year’s Day with my classmates. A. to celebrate B. celebrate C. celebrating D. celebrated 17.Dumplings are the ________ in China. A. tradition food B. traditional food C. traditional foods D. tradition foods 18. Our family will hold a party________ Christmas Eve. A. at B. in C. on D. to 19. Who ________the Christmas tree last night? A. decorates B. decorated C. decorating D. decorate 20.I_______a gift on my birthday, but I didn't ________ it. A. received; accept B. accepted; receive C. receive; accepted D. accept; received 21-What's the matter with you? -I caught ______ bad cold and had to stay in ______ bed. A. a:/ B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the 22.—I'd like to invite you to have dinner this afternoon, Mr. Smith. A. Oh, no. Let's not B. I'd rather stay at home C. I'd love to, but I have other plans D. Oh, no. That'll be too much trouble 23.What shall we do to celebrate Teacher's Day? -We can make a card ______buy a card for Miss Wang. A. but B. and C. or D. then 24.一I'm going to Dalian to spend the holiday tomorrow. ---___________ A. Congratulations B. That's true C. Have a good time D. That's nothing 25.-___ drive so fast, Jack! It's very dangerous. ----Sorry, I won't. A. Not B. Don't C. No D. Doesn't 26.一How was your weekend?


长沙市雅礼中学物理内能专题练习(解析版) 一、初三物理 内能 易错压轴题(难) 1.在探究“冰熔化时温度的变化规律”的实验中。 (1)将适量碎冰放入试管中,利用水给冰加热,目的是______; (2)某时刻观察到温度计的示数如图甲所示,为______°C ; (3)图乙是根据所测数据绘制成的图象。由图象可知,冰的熔化特点是:持续吸热、______;AB 和CD 两段图象的倾斜程度不同,原因是______; (4)若不计热量损失,物质在AB 和BC 两段吸收的热量分别为Q 1和Q 2,则 12:Q Q =______。 【答案】使冰受热均匀 -4 温度不变 该物质状态不同时比热容不同 2:3 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 (1)[1]将装有冰的试管放入水中加热,这是水浴法,这样冰的温度变化比较均匀,并且变化比较慢,便于记录实验温度。 (2)[2]由图甲知,温度计的分度值是1°C ,此时是零下,液柱上表面对准了0°C 下面第4个小格处,读作?4°C 。 (3)[3]由图像知冰在熔化过程中持续吸热、温度不变。 [4]冰化成水质量不变,但比热容发生了变化,所以同样受热情况下,温度变化快慢不同。 (4)[5]因为同一加热装置,在相同的时间内吸收的热量相同,已知在AB 段时间为2min ,BC 段为3min ,则 12:2:3Q Q 2.小军利用如图所示装置和器材,探究不同物质的吸热能力。 时间(min ) 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

温度 909294969798989898 (℃) (1)小军设计的电路中的R甲、R乙的阻值大小必须满足的条件是______; (2)只闭合开关S2,他首先观察了水的加热过程,测得数据如上表。分析数据可知,该地区气压______(选填“高于”或“低于”)标准大气压; (3)接着断开S2,待水冷却后,继续探究物质的吸热能力。小军控制水和煤油的质量、初温都相同,他应首先闭合开关______,再闭合另外一个开关,同时控制加热过程中水的末温度应低于______℃。实验表明:水的末温比煤油______,水的吸热能力比煤油强。 【答案】R甲=R乙低于 S1 98 低 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 (1)[1]探究不同物质的吸热能力时,应选用相同的热源,由图示电路图可知,两电阻并联,它们的电压相等,要使电阻在相等时间内产生的热量相等,应控制两电阻的阻值相等,即R甲=R乙。 (2)[2]由表中实验数据可知,在水沸腾后,水不断吸收热量,但温度保持98℃不变,所以水的沸点是98℃,说明该地区气压低于标准大气压。 (3)[3]要探究水与油的吸热能力,应控制水与煤油的质量、初温相等,还要控制水与煤油在相同时间内吸收的热量相等,所以应控制两个电阻丝同时开始加热,则由图可知应先闭合支路开关S1,然后再闭合干路开关S2。 [4]实验过程中水不能沸腾,所以应控制加热过程中水的末温度应低于98℃。 [5]实验表明:水的末温比油低,水的吸热能力比煤油强。 3.阅读短文,回答问题 “鲲龙”AG600 国产大型水陆两栖飞机“鲲龙”AG600成功实现水上起降,如图所示。“鲲龙”AG600是国家为满足森林灭火和水上救援的迫切需要,研制的大型特种用途民用飞机,既能在陆地上起降,又能在水面上起降,是一艘会飞的船。AG600可以在20秒内一次汲水12吨,单


1 / 7 六年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷 一、从下列每组单词中选出与其他两个不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. younger B. better C. river ( ) 2. A. heavy B. strong C. older ( ) 3. A. drank B. thank C. cleaned ( ) 4. A. yesterday B. today C. weekend ( ) 5. A. third B. bird C. first 二、按照要求写出下列单词的正确形式。 1. big(比较级) ______________ 2. happy(比较级)______________ 3. thinner(原级)_____________ 4. nicer(原级)_________________ 5. foot(复数)_______________ 6. get(ing形式)_______________ 7. play(过去式)_____________ 8. do(过去式)________________ 9. had(原形)________________ 10. slept(原形)________________ 三、单项选择。

( ) 1.—____________________ —He's 1.61 metres. 2 / 7 A. How tall are you? B. How tall is he? C. How taller is he?( ) 2. That's the ________ dinosaur in this hall. A. tall B. taller C. tallest ( ) 3. Zhang Peng is __________ than John. A. old B. older C. oldder ( ) 4. Your ruler is longer than _______. A. my B. me C. mine ( ) 5. I _______ my room yesterday morning. Then I ________ a book.A. cleaned, read B. cleaned, readed C. clean, read( ) 6.—Did Mike watch TV last night? —________________________ A. Yes, he did. B. Yes, he didn't. C. Yes, he was.( ) 7. He _______ ill last weekend. His parents _______ very worried. A. is, are B. was, was C. was, were ( ) 8.—______________________ —I saw a film. A. What do you do on the weekend? B. What are you going to do


2015年上学期高二英语5月份考试试卷 考试总分:150分考试时间:120分钟 一、单项选择(共30题,每小题1分,共30分) ( )1. How do you study _____ a test? -- I study _____ making flashcards A. by, for B .for ,for C. for , by D. by , by ( )2.Don’t make so much _______ ! I can’t hear the t elephone. A .sound B .shout C . voice D. noise ( )3.– Hello! Would you like to go the party with me tonight? –I’m sorry I can’t . Mother won’t ______me to go out in the evening . A. let B. allow C. offer D .ask ( )4.--Don’t ______ too late , or you will reel tired in class -- I won’t , Mum . Good night! A. wake up B. get up C. stand up D. stay up ( )5.I wanted to do my homework last night , but ended up ________ to the cinema. A .go B. to go C. going D. went ( )6.He preferred to sit rather than __________ A .sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps D. to sleeping ( )7.You look tired .______ working indoors you should be out for a walk. A .Because of B. Instead of C. Thanks to D. As for ( )8. _______wonderful advice you have just _______me! A. How; told B. What a; given C. How a; sent D. What; given ( )9.. --do you often hear Lucy ________in her room? -- Yes, listen! Now we can hear ________her in her room. A. sing; sing B. singing; singing C. singing; sing D. sing; singing ( )10.I __________ be afraid to sleep alone in my room, but now I _________ sleeping there alone. A Was used to, used to B used to, am used to C used to , used to D am used to , used to ( )11. Dongying_________ a lot in the last 3 years .It’s now one of the important cities in Shandong. A .changed B. changes C. has changed D. had changed ( )12.Jack is afraid of flying . He feels ________ before he gets on a plane. surprised B excited C patient D nervous ( )13.He _________ for two years. We are still sad about his _________. A died, dead B died , death C has been dead , dead D has been dead, death ( )14._____ the waiter didn’t understand what the old lady was saying , he knew what she wanted. A. Unless B. Because of C. Even though D. Because ( )15.Good parents should be _______ with their children. A. patient B .frustrated C .unfair D. funny ( )16.People ,especially teens, think it ______great fun to surf on ________Internet. A.a;the B.a;/ C./;the D.the;the ( )17.---Don’t _____too late,or you will feel tired in class. -----I won’t ,Mum. Good night! A. wake up B. get up C. stand up D. stay up ( )18.There’s a smile on the teacher’s face. I think she’s ______our work. A. worried about B. pleased with C. sorry for D. afraid of ( )19.---Have you found ______here in the room? ----Everything is OK ______the broken window. A. special thing; except B. anything special; besides C. special thing; besides D. anything special; except ( )20.None of the shoes in the shops are the right size. They are _____too big ____too small. A. both; and B. neither; nor C. either ;or D. not only; but also ( )21.The price of this computer is the _______of the three. A. smallest B. biggest C. highest D. tallest ( )22.No one can be sure ________in a million years. A. what will man look like B. what will happen on the earth C. where will humans live D. how many people are there in the world ( )23.A neighbor helped to keep our dog. It _______while we were on holidays. A. was taken good care of B. took good care of C. is taken good care of D. takes good care of ( )24.---What delicious bread! ---It would taste _______with jam. A. well B. good C. better D. delicious ( )25.Not only Tom but also his brother _______the Greener China for two years . A. has become a member of B. have joined C. have been a member of D. has been in ( )26.----Have you seen my toy car, Bill ? ----It’s ______my way, so I put it ______. A.in; away B. on; out C. in; out D. by; away ( )27.After school I found Mother was in bed sick. _____Mother was ill, I should do something for her. A. So B. Though C. Since D. If ( )28.------_______weather it is today !Let’s go out for a walk. ------That sounds good! A. How fine B. How bad C. What a fine D. What fine ( )29.-----What should I do, doctor ? -----______healthy, you should take more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Having kept ( )30.----Must we finish giving out the posters today? -----Yes, we _______.It can’t be put off any longer. A.can B. may C. must D. needn’t 二、完形填空(20题,每题1分,共20分) In order to be a success in the American business wor ld, you must “get along” with people. You must learn to conduct yourself in such a way _31_ you earn the affection and respect of others._32_ we have already pointed out, Americans_33_ business and pleasure. Therefore, learning how to _34_ informally can be a help with your American business _35_.Americans like to talk about a _36_of different topics—sports, politics, cars, popular movies and television shows and personal

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