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2016学年第一学期初三英语期中复习卷(三) number_____________ name________________ sore _____________ 1.choices: 1.look! There is _________army in the square. They are standing _________line. A. a/in B an/in C a/on D an, on 2. Avatar is such _______wonderful science movie that I want to see it ______second time. A. a, a B a, the C /, the D. /,a 3. The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, ________? A did they B didn’t they C did it D didn’t it 4. It’s raining hard outside. Mary will have no choice but __________until it stops. A. waiting B waits C waited D to wait 5. That pile on the left are the ones that have been ______ for the library.

A. picked up B picked out C picked off D picked on 6. personally, I am extremely satisfied with his appearance. Which word has the closest meaning of the underline word? A. very B also C often D too 7. Reading some books _________good for all of us, ____________? A. are, aren’t they B is, isn’t it C have, don’t they D has, doesn’t it 8. Our classroom is made _____________every day. A. to clean B to cleaning C clean D cleaned 9. Mary had to explain it again ______________. A. making her understand B to make herself understand C. making herself understand D to make herself understood


2017年上宝中学初三第一学期月考英语试卷 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇) II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分) What is the correct phonetic symbol of the word “browse”? 【A】[bra?s] 【B】[bra?z] 【C】[br??z] 【D】[br??z] 【答案】B Young people preferred to apply for the internship position advertised . 【A】on Internet in the 1990. 【B】on the Internet in the 1990’s. 【C】on Internet in the 1990’s. 【D】on the Internet in 1990s. 【答案】B It’s common knowledge that he has practical knowledge of computer science. 【A】a,a 【B】/,/ 【C】/,a 【D】a,/ 【答案】C Since then the population of London almost 50,000 a year-an increase largely fuelled by immigration. 【A】rose by 【B】have risen by 【C】has risen by 【D】rose to 【答案】C The opportunities available will your previous work experience and qualifications.

上海民办上宝中学八年级上册生物 期末选择题试卷(带答案)-百度文库

上海民办上宝中学八年级上册生物期末选择题试卷(带答案)-百度文库 一、选择题 1.制作泡菜时要用特殊的坛子,坛子口必须加水密封,其目的是() A.隔绝空气,抑制细菌繁殖 B.阻止尘埃、细菌入坛,防止污染 C.造成缺氧的环境,利于乳酸菌发酵 D.阻止气体对流,利于醋酸菌无氧呼吸 2.同学们参观标本室时看到了图所示的动物头骨,请猜测该动物最可能是() A.野马B.羚羊C.野狼D.野兔 3.下列关于动物运动的叙述,正确的是( ) A.骨骼肌的两端固着在同一块骨上 B.只要运动系统完好,人体就能正常运动 C.伸肘时,肱二头肌收缩,肱三头肌舒张 D.人体运动系统由骨、骨骼肌和骨连结组成 4.上课了,老师推门进入教室,关于推门动作的分析正确的是() A.推门动作很简单,无需神经系统的协调 B.完成这个动作一定要消耗能量 C.推门伸肘时肱二头肌会收缩,肱三头肌会舒张 D.完成这个动作时,相关的骨和关节都起杠杆的作用 5.下列各项中,属于鲫鱼与水中生活相适应的特征是() ①卵生②用鳃呼吸③用鳍游泳④体表覆盖鳞片,有黏液 A.①②③B.①③④C.②③④D.①②④ 6.如果你去市场买鱼,可根据下列哪种情况判断其新鲜程度的标志() A.鱼鳞未脱落B.身体完好无损 C.鳃丝鲜红D.体表湿润 7.蝴蝶身体分为头、胸、腹三部分,有三对足,两对翅,这是昆虫的主要特征.下列不属于昆虫的是() A.蜻蜓B.蝗虫C.蜜蜂D.蜘蛛 8.有口无肛门,有刺细胞的动物是() A.水螅B.涡虫C.蛔虫D.蚯蚓 9.控制环境温度,降低食品自身的含水量,都能减缓微生物的繁殖速度,延长食品的保质期。下列食品保存的方法与原理不一致的是( ) A.牛奶盒装——加热灭菌并隔绝外界空气

2018-2019学年上宝中学八上英语单元练习卷 上海市 英语试卷

上宝中学2018学年第一学期预初英语U1&U2试卷 Part 1 Listening Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar II. Phonetics A. Write the words according to the English sounds 26. Playing _________ [?b?dm?nt?n] is a good habit. 27. The couple has one son and three _________ [?gr?nd?:t?z] 28. Sam is __________ to become a soldier when he grows up. [d??t?:m?nd] 29. Students in our school are taught in a good and safe _________ [?n?va?r?nm?nt] 30. Tom has _________ never to lie to you from now on. [?pr?m?st] B. Choose the best answers 31. You have to complete the research before Sunday. A. [?k?mpli:t] B. [k?m?pli:t] C. [?k?mpli:t] D. [k?m?pli:t] 32. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A. Don’t w o rry if you can’t finish it. B. Bitter words from you will only wound her. C. I love my motherland for good. D. He lives in southern part of China. III. Vocabulary and Grammar A. Choose the best answer 33. Yesterday is ________ unusual day, but today is ________ usual day. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an 34. ________ Frank’s birthday, we sang and danced _________ his birthday party. A. At, on B. On, at C. On, on D. At, at 35. ________ present, the international situation is quite complicated, but ________ the past, it’s much simpler. A. In, at B. At, in C. At, at D. In, in 36. The whole class _________ the instructions when the teacher came into the classroom. A. is reading B. are reading C. is watching D. are watching 37. How about ________ shopping this weekend? A. go B. goes C. to go D. going 38. About ________ people have been driven away by the noise. A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. two hundred D. two hundreds 39. One of the cleverest ________ in our class. A. student is B. students is C. student are D. students are 40. Alice always shares food ________. A. among others B. among the others C. with others D. with the others 41. Kitty is a _________ girl and she often does some _________. A. hard-working, hard works B. hard-working, hard work C. work hard, hard works D. work hard, hard work 42. Friends of the Earth are discussing ________ the problem _________ each other.


1、()1232111x y x y +?=???+-=? 2、361463102463361102x y x y +=-??+=? 3、4258mx y x y +=?? +=? 4、 5、1:14:3)4(:)(:)6(=+-+-y x y x x 4.方程199119891990=-y x 的一组正整数解是( ) (A)12768,12785 ==y x (B)12770,12785==y x 11941,11936)(==y x C 12623,13827 )(==y x D 5、已知a 是不为0的整数,并且关于x 的方程374ax a a =-+有整数根,求a 的值 6、若k 是为正整数,则使得方程(k-2008)x=2010-2009x 的解也是正整数的值有多少个。

7、已知关于x y 、的方程组2647 x ay x y -=?? +=?有整数解,即x y 、都是整数,a 是正整数, 求a 的值. 8、已知关于x y 、的方程组()312y kx b y k x =+???=-+?? 分别求出k,b 为何值时, 方程组的解为: ⑴有唯一解; ⑵有无数多个解; ⑶无解? 9、今年6月初三(1)班同学毕业合影留念,拍摄一张宽幅彩色合影需支付底片费及摄影师劳务费合计58元;冲印一张彩照需3.5元,每位同学预定1张,惠赠6张母校留存;结果参加合影同学分摊的费用没超过5元,问参加合影的同学至少有多少人? 10、某中学新建了一栋4层的教学大楼,每层楼有8间教室,这栋大楼共有4道门,其中两道正门大小相同,两道侧门大小也相同.安全检查中,对4道门进行了训练:当同时开启一道正门和两道侧门时,2分钟内可以通过560名学生;当同时开启一道正门和一道侧门时,4分钟可以通过800名学生. (1) 求平均每分钟一道正门和一道侧门各可以通过多少名学生? (2) 检查中发现,紧急情况时因学生拥挤,出门的效率将降低20%.安全检查规定,在紧急情况下全大楼的学生应在5分钟内通过这4道门安全撤离.假设这栋教学大楼每间教室最多有45名学生,问:建造的这4道门是否符合安全规定?请说明理由.


初二(上)第二次月考数学试卷 一、填空题 1. 正比例函数图像上有两点与,则的值为____________ ()1,3-(),21a a +a 2. 若二次三项式在实数范围内不能分解因式,则m 的范围是____________ ()2132m x x +-+3. 已知反比例函数的图象经过点,则m 的值为____________2y x = (),1A m 4. 若点在反比例函数的图像上,则当函数值时,自变量(),2A m -4y x =2y ≥-x 的取值范围是____________ 5. 过反比例函数图象上一点A ,分别作轴、()0k y k x =≠x y 轴的垂线,垂足分别为B 、C ,如果的面积为3,则k 的值为____________ ABC 6. 已知点在双曲线上,且OA=4,过A 作AC 垂直(),A a b 6y x =x 轴于点C ,OA 的垂直平分线交线段OC 于B ,则ABC 的周长为____________ 7. 如图,ABC 中,∠B=22.5°,∠C=60°,边AB 的垂直平分线交BC 于D ,交AB 于E ,已知,则的面积为____________ BD =ABC 8. 如果要通过平移直线得到的图像,那么直线13y x =-53x y --=13 y x =-必须向____平移____个单位 9. 关于的一次函数x ()313 y m x m =--+的图像不过第四象限,则试求m 的取值范围____________ 10. 直线交轴、轴于A 、B 两点,P 是反比例函数6y x =-x y ()40y x x =>图象上位于直线下方的一点,过点P 作轴的垂线,垂足为点M ,交AB 于点E ,过点P 作x 轴的垂线,垂足为点N ,交AB 于点F 。则____________ y AF BE ?=11. 如图4,已知在ABC 中,AB=AC ,∠A=120°,AC 的垂直平分线分别交AC 、BC 于点D 、E ,若设,DE x =,求与之间的关系式____________ BC y =y x 12. 如图5,直线与双曲线交于A 、B 两点,其横坐标分别为1和5,则不等式1y k x b =+2k y x = 的解集是____________21k k x b x +≤


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 上宝中学2013学年第一学期期中考试 初三数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1. 已知在△ABC 中,点D 、E 、F 分别在边AB 、AC 和BC 上,且DE ∥BC , DF ∥AC ,那么下列比例式中,正确的是( ) A. BC DE EC AE = ; B. FB CF EC AE =; C .BC DE AC DF = ; D. BC FC AC EC = 2. 已知在Rt△ABC 中,∠C=90°,∠A、∠B、∠C 的对边分别是a 、b 、c ,则下列关系式错误的是( ) A .a =b tan A ; B .b =ccos A ; C .a =c sin A ; D .c = sin b A 3. 如图,平行四边形ABCD 中,过点B 的直线与对角线AC 、边AD 分别交于点E 和F .过点E 作EG∥BC,交AB 于G ,则图中相似三角形有( ) A .7对; B .6对; C .5对; D . 4对 第3题 第4题 4. 二次函数y =ax 2+bx +c (a ,b ,c 是常数,a ≠0)图象的对称轴是直线x =1,其图象的一部分如图所示.对于下列说法: ①abc >0; ②a -b +c <0; ③3a +c <0; ④当-1<x <3时,y >0. 其中正确的结论是( ). A .①②; B .①④; C .②③; D .②③④ 5. 下列说法正确的个数有( )

①平分弦的直径,平分这条弦所对的弧; ②在等圆中,如果弦相等,那么它们所对的弧也相等; ③等弧所对的圆心角、弦、弦心距都分别相等; ④过三点可以画一个圆. A .1个; B .2个; C .3个; D .4个 6. 下列命题中,错误命题的个数有( ) ①如图,若AB DE BC EF =,则////AD BE CF ; ②已知一个单位向量e ,设a 是非零向量,则1a e a =; ③在△ABC 中,D 在AB 边上,E 在AC 边上,且△ADE 和△ABC 相似,若AD = 3,DB = 6,AC = 5,则它们的相似比为13 或35 ; ④对于抛物线f (x )=x 2-4x +c ,有f (1)>f (-1); ⑤在△ABC 中,AB =23,AC =2,BC 边上的高AD =3,则BC =4,∠B =30°. A .5个; B .4个; C .3个; D .2个 二、填空题(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7. 在比例尺为1:50000的地图上,某地区的图上面积为20平方厘米,则实际面积为 平方千米. 8. 在△ABC 中,|cosA – 32 |+(1– cotB)2 = 0 ,则△ABC 的形状 是 . 9.将二次函数5422+-=x x y 图象向左平移1个单位,再向下平移2个单位后,所得图 象的解析式是 . 10. 如图,梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,E 、F 分别是AB 、CD 上的点,且EF ∥BC ,53 AE BC BE AD ==,若AB a =,DC b =, 则向量EF 可用a 、b 表示为 _____________________. 第10题 第11题 第12题 第6题


上宝中学2017学年第一学期期末考试初三物理加试卷 1、把一个玻璃球分成A、B、C、D、E五块,其截面如图所示,其中能使平行光会聚的是 .能使平行光发散的是 【答案】A、C、D、E、B 【解析】 根据凸透镜的特点:中间厚,边缘薄,如图所示,ACDE是属于凸透镜的, 并且凸透镜对光线有会聚作用,所以ACD选项是正确的E; 根据凹透镜的特点:中间薄、边缘厚,如图所示,B是凹透镜的, 并且凹透镜对光线有发散作用,所以B选项是正确的. 2、A、B、C三种不同的液体,他们的质量分别为m1m2m3,他们的比热容分别为c1c2c3,它们的温度分别为15°25°和35°.将AB混合后温度是21°.将BC混合后温度是32°,求将AB C3种不同液体混合后温度是多少?假设混合过程中没有热损失. 【答案】T = 29.17 度 【解析】 将A、B混合后,A 吸收的热量 = B 放出的热量 M1×C1×(21-15) = M2×C2×(25-21) 3×M1×C1 = 2×M2×C2 M1 C1 = (2/3) M2 C2 同理对 B C 混合 M2 C2 (32-25) = M3 C3 (35 -32) 7 M2 C2 = 3 M3 C3 M3C3 = (7/3) M2 C2 设将A、B、C混合后的温度为 T 每个物体的热量变化均可表示为 Q = MC(T-T0) 如果 T > T0 , 则 Q > 0,表示吸热,反之表示放热. “整个”体系的热量变化为0 M1C1(T-15) + M2C2(T-25) + M3C3(T-35) = 0 (2/3)M2C2 (T-15) + M2C2(T-25) + (7/3)M2C2(T-35) = 0 (2/3)(T-15) + (T-25) + (7/3)(T-35) = 0 2(T-15) + 3(T-25) + 7(T-35) = 0 12T - 350 = 0 T = 29.17 度 3、如图所示,滑轮重、绳重和等因素不计,若用力F=30N,拉动机械,求两个弹簧测力计的示数与墙所受的拉力___. 【答案】10N、20N、30N. 【解析】 由图知,1、2、3由同一根绳子缠绕而来,可知F1=F2=F3=13F=13×30N=10N;


一、选择题 1. ) A B =± C .23<< D 2÷= 2.下列各式中,正确的是( ) A .3= B 3=± C 3=- D 3= 3.已知x ,y 为实数,y 2= ,则y x 的值等于( ) A .6 B .5 C .9 D .8 4.下列运算正确的是 ( ) A B C .1)2=3-1 D 5. ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 6x 的取值范围是( ) A .1≥x B .1x > C .1x ≤ D .1x = 7.若0 B .2x ≠ C .2x < D .0x ≠ 12.计算 ) A .-3 B .3 C .-9 D .9 二、填空题 13.当2<a <3时,化简:2a -______.

14.把四张形状大小完全相同宽为1cm 的小长方形卡片(如图①)不重叠地放在一个底面为长方形(长为21cm ,宽为4cm )的盒子底部(如图②),盒子底面未被卡片覆盖的部分用阴影表示,则图②中两块阴影部分的周长和是_________. 15.82 _____. 16.计算22(2)(3)x x -+-________. 17.化简-15827102÷31225a =___________. 当1<x <4时,|x -221x x -+=____________. 18.比较大小:3105 19.已知8817y x x =--,则x y +的平方根为_________. 20.3x -有意义的x 的取值范围是______. 三、解答题 21.已知a ,b ,c 满足22|81025(18)0a b b c +-+=.试问以a ,b ,c 为边能否构成三角形?若能,求出其周长;若不能,请说明理由. 22.计算下列各题 (111274833 (20() 220803215- 23.计算 (1)38232182)(325)(325) 24()2 0143220202π-??+-- ??? 25.3272922-+. 26.先化简,再求值:21()111 x x x x -÷---,其中x 3.


上宝中学2013学年第一学期期中考试初三数学试卷 姓名:_____ 学号:_______ 一、选择题(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1. 已知在△ABC中,点D、E、F分别在边AB、AC和BC上,且DE∥BC,DF∥AC,那么下列比例式中,正确的是() A. BC DE EC AE =; B. FB CF EC AE =; C . BC DE AC DF =; D. BC FC AC EC = 2. 已知在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A、∠B、∠C的对边分别是a、b、c,则下列关系式错误的是() A.a=b tan A;B.b=ccos A;C.a=c sin A;D.c= sin b A 3. 如图,平行四边形ABCD中,过点B的直线与对角线AC、边AD分别交于点E和F.过点E作EG∥BC,交AB于G,则图中相似三角形有() A.7对;B.6对;C.5对;D. 4对 第3题第4题 4. 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a,b,c是常数,a≠0)图象的对称轴是直线x=1,其图象的一部分如图所示.对于下列说法: ①abc>0;②a-b+c<0;③3a+c<0;④当-1<x<3时,y>0. 其中正确的结论是(). A.①②; B.①④; C.②③; D.②③④ 5. 下列说法正确的个数有() ①平分弦的直径,平分这条弦所对的弧; ②在等圆中,如果弦相等,那么它们所对的弧也相等; ③等弧所对的圆心角、弦、弦心距都分别相等; ④过三点可以画一个圆. A.1个;B.2个; C.3个; D.4个 6. 下列命题中,错误命题的个数有() 第6题

①如图,若 AB DE BC EF = ,则////AD BE CF ; ②已知一个单位向量e ,设a 是非零向量,则1a e a =; ③在△ABC 中,D 在AB 边上,E 在AC 边上,且△ADE 和△ABC 相似,若AD = 3,DB = 6,AC = 5,则它们的相似比为13或3 5 ; ④对于抛物线f (x )=x 2 -4x +c ,有f (1)>f (-1); ⑤在△ABC 中,AB =23,AC =2,BC 边上的高AD =3,则BC =4,∠B =30°. A .5个; B .4个; C .3个; D .2个 二、填空题(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7. 在比例尺为1:50000的地图上,某地区的图上面积为20平方厘米,则实际面积为 平方千米. 8. 在△ABC 中,|cosA – 32 |+(1– cotB)2 = 0 ,则△ABC 的形状是 . 9.将二次函数5422 +-=x x y 图象向左平移1个单位,再向下平移2个单位后,所得图 象的解析式是 . 10. 如图,梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,E 、F 分别是AB 、CD 上的点,且EF ∥BC , 5 3 AE BC BE AD ==,若AB a =,DC b =, 则向量EF 可用a 、b 表示为_____________________. 第10题 第11题 第12题 第13题 11. 如图,在△ABC 中,点D 是AB 的黄金分割点(AD >BD ),BC=AD ,如果∠ACD=90°,那么tanA= . 12.如图AD 是△ABC 的中线,E 是AD 上一点,且AE=1 3 AD ,CE 的延长线交AB 于点F ,若AF=1.2,则AB= . 13. 如图所示,在△ABC 中,DE∥AB∥FG,且FG 到DE 、AB 的距离之比为1:2.若△ABC 的面积为32,△CDE 的面积为2,则△CFG 的面积S=

2018-2019学年上宝中学8A期中测试卷 上海市 英语试卷

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar II. Choose the best answer 26. Which of the following underlined parts has the different pronunciation from the others? A. welcome B. collection C. computer D. company 27. --I noticed you didn’t eat anything over ________ lunch. You just stared at all the dishes. Why? --Because I had ________ heavy breakfast this morning. It made me feel full. A. the, a B. the, the C. / a D. /, / 28. I told him how I walked ________ the desert when we rowed our boat ________ the bridge. A. across, through B. through, across C. across, across D. through, through 29. Mr. Liang likes singing very much, so he sings ________ in his office. A. more often than any teacher B. oftener than any other teacher C. more often than anyone else D. oftener than all the teachers 30. Since everyone is here, let’s get down to business. What does the underlined part mean? A. buying or selling goods B. company C. matters that need to be dealt with D. trade 31. It’s time for us to ________ those foolish ideas and become serious about this problem we’ll face. A. put away B. put off C. put up with D. put out 32. I haven’t heard from my pen pal Jane for a long time. What do you suppose ________ to her? A. has happened B. to be happened C. had happened D. was happening 33. After doing some ________ exercises at the desk for a long time, he did some ________ exercise to relax. A. physics, physics B. physical, physics C. physical, physical D. physics, physical 34. Nobody but Simon and Jerry ________ me with my study these days. I feel so grateful to them. A. are helping B. helps C. have helped D. is helping 35. Our school holds the sports meeting every November. Are you going to ________ any events this year? A. take part in B. attend C. enter for D. join 36. As soon as I entered my room, I saw a card, together with some flowers, ________ on the desk. A. lying B. laid C. lay D. lied 37. I found ________ impossible to finish the task the teacher assigned to me ________. A. it is, by my self B. it, on my own C. it was, with my own D. it, on myself 38. Some scientists believe that it won’t be long ________ artificial intelligence completely takes the place of human beings. A. before B. after C. since D. when 39. On seeing the robber approaching him, the smart boy put his umbrella ________ to trip him. A. by the way B. all the way C. in the way D. on the way 40. --Do you know ________ of the school leavers go to university? --About five percent. A. how many percent B. what percentage C. what’s percentage D. how much percent 41. Could you tell me ________? A. how many times you have gone to Beijing B. what’s your name C. if you would fly to HongKong next Monday D. when you are leaving for Beijing


2019-2020上海市上宝中学数学中考一模试题(含答案) 一、选择题 1.“厉行勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费”势在必行,最新统计数据显示,中国每年浪费食物总量折合粮食大约是230000000人一年的口粮,将230000000用科学记数法表示为( ) A .2.3×109 B .0.23×109 C .2.3×108 D .23×107 2.地球与月球的平均距离为384 000km ,将384 000这个数用科学记数法表示为( ) A .3.84×103 B .3.84×104 C .3.84×105 D .3.84×106 3.将抛物线2 3y x =向上平移3个单位,再向左平移2个单位,那么得到的抛物线的解析式为( ) A .23(2)3y x =++ B .23(2)3y x =-+ C .23(2)3y x =+- D .23(2)3y x =-- 4.在“朗读者”节目的影响下,某中学开展了“好书伴我成长”读书活动.为了解5月份八年级300名学生读书情况,随机调查了八年级50名学生读书的册数,统计数据如下表所示: 册数 0 1 2 3 4 人数 4 12 16 17 1 关于这组数据,下列说法正确的是( ) A .中位数是2 B .众数是17 C .平均数是2 D .方差是2 5.如图,直线l 1∥l 2,将一直角三角尺按如图所示放置,使得直角顶点在直线l 1上,两直角边分别与直线l 1、l 2相交形成锐角∠1、∠2且∠1=25°,则∠2的度数为( ) A .25° B .75° C .65° D .55° 6.如图,将一个小球从斜坡的点O 处抛出,小球的抛出路线可以用二次函数y=4x ﹣12 x 2刻画,斜坡可以用一次函数y= 1 2 x 刻画,下列结论错误的是( )

上海市上宝中学数学全等三角形章末训练(Word版 含解析)

上海市上宝中学数学全等三角形章末训练(Word版含解析) 一、八年级数学轴对称三角形填空题(难) 1.如图,P为∠AOB内一定点,M,N分别是射线OA,OB上一点,当△PMN周长最小时,∠OPM=50°,则∠AOB=___________. 【答案】40° 【解析】 【分析】 作P关于OA,OB的对称点P1,P2.连接OP1,OP2.则当M,N是P1P2与OA,OB的交点时,△PMN的周长最短,根据对称的性质可以证得:∠OP1M=∠OPM=50°,OP1=OP2=OP,根据等腰三角形的性质即可求解. 【详解】 如图:作P关于OA,OB的对称点P1,P2.连接OP1,OP2.则当M,N是P1P2与OA、OB 的交点时,△PMN的周长最短,连接P1O、P2O, ∵PP1关于OA对称, ∴∠P1OP=2∠MOP,OP1=OP,P1M=PM,∠OP1M=∠OPM=50° 同理,∠P2OP=2∠NOP,OP=OP2, ∴∠P1OP2=∠P1OP+∠P2OP=2(∠MOP+∠NOP)=2∠AOB,OP1=OP2=OP, ∴△P1OP2是等腰三角形. ∴∠OP2N=∠OP1M=50°, ∴∠P1OP2=180°-2×50°=80°, ∴∠AOB=40°, 故答案为:40° 【点睛】 本题考查了对称的性质,正确作出图形,证得△P1OP2是等腰三角形是解题的关键.

2.如图,△ABC 中,AB =AC ,∠A =30°,点D 在边AB 上,∠ACD =15°,则 AD BC =____. 【答案】2. 【解析】 【分析】 根据题意作CE ⊥AB 于E ,作DF ⊥AC 于F ,在CF 上截取一点H ,使得CH =DH ,连接DH ,并设AD =2x ,解直角三角形求出BC (用x 表示)即可解决问题. 【详解】 解:作CE ⊥AB 于E ,作DF ⊥AC 于F ,在CF 上截取一点H ,使得CH=DH ,连接DH . 设AD=2x , ∵AB=AC ,∠A=30°, ∴∠ABC=∠ACB=75°,DF 1 2 =AD=x ,AF 3=, ∵∠ACD=15°,HD=HC , ∴∠HDC=∠HCD=15°, ∴∠FHD=∠HDC+∠HCD=30°, ∴DH=HC=2x ,FH 3=, ∴3x , 在Rt △ACE 中,EC 1 2 = AC=x 3+,AE 3=3=, ∴BE=AB ﹣AE 3=﹣x , 在Rt △BCE 中,BC 22BE EC = +=2x ,


上宝中学2016学年第二学期初二英语月考试卷 Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar II. Choose the best answer. 26. With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish. A. / 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. It’s time to b uy our differences and be friends again. B. I’ll bet my bottom dollar that the train will be late again. C. He took the measure of the cliff before he climbed it. D. You are asking for trouble when you behave in that way. 28. We didn’t perform a _________e xperiment of the __________change of copper. Instead, the ________teacher asked us to dictate the ___________symbols. A. chemistry, chemistry, chemical, chemical B. chemical, chemical, chemistry, chemistry C. chemistry, chemical, chemistry, chemical D. chemical, chemistry, chemical, chemistry 29. Your hometown is really nice! The air quality is as good as _______of Sanya. A. it B. one C. that D. those 30. We could hear their voice growing fainter as they walked down the road. What does the word in Italics mean? A. stronger B. smaller C. more tired D. weaker 31. These plants provide forty percent of the country’s electricity. Which of the following word has the same meaning as the word in Italics? A. works B. factory C. work D. trees 32. __________of my classmates _________sports. A. Two thirds/ likes B. Two thirds/ like C. Two third/ like D. Two three/ likes 33. Sometimes things don’t __________the way we think they’re going to. A. turn up B. turn out C. turn to D. turn over 34. The volunteers _________a lot of help to the community in the past ten years. A. offered B. will offer C. are offering D. have offered 35. Mr. Baker needs ________money to buy a new flat. A. large amount of B. quite a lot

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