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当前位置:文档库 › 新目标人教版九年级英语被动语态专项练习题及答案





( )1. ____ a new library _____ in our school last year?

A. Is; built

B. Was; built

C. Does; build

D. Did ; build

( )2. An accide nt ____ on this road last week.

A. has bee n happe ned

B. was happe ned

C. is happe ned

D. happe ned

()3.Cotton (棉花) _________ i n the southeast of China.

A. is grow n

B. are grow n . grows D. grow

( )4.So far, the moon __ by man already.

A. is visited

B. will be visited

C. has bee n visited

D. was visited

( )5.A talk on Chin ese history ___ in the school hall n ext week.

A. is give n

B. has bee n give n

C. will be give n

D. gives

( )6.How many trees _____ this year?

A. are pla nted

B. will pla nt

C. have bee n pla nted

D. pla nted ( )7.A lot of things ____ by people to save the little girl now.

A. are doing

B. are being done

C. has been done

D. will be done

( )8.--Whe n __ this kind of computers _____ ? --Last year.

A. did; use

B. was; used

C. is; used

D. are; used

()9.The Great Wall ______ all over the world.

A. knows

B. knew

C. is known

D. was known

()10.Who _______ this book ______ ?

A. did; writte n

B. was; writte n by

C. did; writte n

D. was; writte n

( )11.A story _____ b y Granny yesterday.

A. was told us

B. was told to us

C. is told us

D. told us

( )12.The mon key was see n ____ off the tree.

A. jump

B. jumps

C. jumped

D. to jump

( )13.The school bag __ behi nd the chair.

A. puts

B. can be put

C. can be putted

D. can put

()14.Older people ______ well.

A. looks after

B. must be looked after

C. must look after

D. looked after

( )15.Our teacher _____ carefully.

A. should be liste ned to

B. should be liste n

C. be liste ned

D. is liste ned ( )16. Rubbish _______ into the river in order to protect the en vir onment.

A. must throw

B. mustn ' t be thrown

C. can ' t be thrown

D. may be thrown ( )17. After the lights ________ , we left the classroom.

A. turned off

B. is turned off

C. were turned

D. were turned off

( )18 Whe n the accide nt _______ , we were going by the hospital.

A. take place

B. were taken place

C. were happened

D. happened

( )19. A knife _______ cut thin gs, like apples, water melons.

A. is used to

B. is used for

C. used to

D. use to

( )20 Mr. Zhang ________ eat ing Shandong food now.

A. was used

B. is used to

C. used to

D. will be used for

( )21. Just now Tom was see n _____ with James.

A. to fight.

B. fight ing

C. fight

D. fought.

( )22. The broke n chairs n eed ______ at on ce.

A. repaired

B. to be repaired

C. being repaired

D. repair

()23 _________ my TV _______ here ?

A. Can, be repaired

B. Is , can repaired

C. Can ‘repaired

D. Can, repair

()24. When ________ the bridge ______ ?

A. did, build

B. was, built

C. did, set

D. was, build

( )25. ______ many polluted things _______ out of the city yet?

A. Are, being moved

B. Have, been moved

C. Have, moved

D. Did, move ( )26. the floor by the stude nts on duty at the mome nt?

A. Are , cleaned

B. Is, swept

C. Is, being swept

D. Does, sweep


I. 1 t's said据说)that the long bridge ____________ ( build)in two mon ths.

2. Where to have the meeting ____________ (discuss) now.

3. Which Ianguage _____ the most widely ______ (speak) in the world ?

4. The lost boy ___________ (not find) so far.

5. Last year a large number of trees ___________ cut) down.

6. The stude nts ____ ofte n _____ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.

7. The old man is ill. He ______ (must send) to the hospital.

8. Vegetables, eggs and fruits ________ (sell) in this shop.

9. What ______ knives _______ (make) of ?

They ______________ (make) of metal金属)and wood.

10. Can the magaz ine _______ (take) out of the library?

II. The room ____________ (clea n) by me every day.

12. The stars can ' t _______________ (see) in the daytime.

13. Some flowers _______________ (water) by Li Mi ng already.

14. This kind of shoes _________ (sell) well.

15. How long ____ your un cle _____ (be) in the city?

16. The food _____________ (smell) delicious.

17. Look! Some one ________ (dan ce).


1) We pla nt trees every spri ng.

__________________ by _____ every spri ng.

2) They will build a new bridge at the start of the Chan gjia ng River in 2018.

_________________________________________ at the start of the Chan gjia ng River in 2018.

3) We should grow millio ns of trees in China.

Millio ns of trees _________________________ i n Chi na.

4) The students picked many apples on the hill that time.

Many apples ______________ by the stude nts on the hill that time.

5) I didn ' t hear them talk in class

They ________________________________ b y me in class.

6) She has see n the film already.

The film ______________________ by her already.

2. 用动词的正取形式填空:

1) A call ___________ (should give ) to meas soon asyou _______ ( arrive ) in Beiji ng.

2) Wood _____________ ( use ) for making paper.

3) Don' t worry. All the childre n _______________ ( take ) good care of here.

4) The pen ___________ ( must give ) back to me soon. I n eed it.

5) Great cha nges ___________ ( take ) place in the last 35 years in Chi na.

6) She _________ ( happe n) to find her home ________ (steal) last ni ght.

7) You' d better __________ ( not talk ) now because the meet ing is start ing in a minute.

8) The task _________ (fini sh) right away.

9) Just now Mr Zhang ___________ ( ask ) to give a talk tomorrow after noon.

10) Many build ings _________________ (build) in the rece nt years.


1.Is tea grow n in South Chi na (改为主动语态)

______ people _________ tea in South China

2.I am given a birthday present by my parents every year (同义句转换)

A birthday present _______ ________ ________ _______ by my parents every yea r

3. The work is going to be finished in two days.对戈U线提问)

How ______ _______ the work going to be finished ?

4. The childre n will si ng an En glish song.改为被动语态)

An English song _____ ______ ________ by the children.

5. You need n't do it now.改为被动语态)

It _____ _________ _________ by you now.

6. People use metal for making machines.改为被动语态)

Metal ________ _________ _______ making machines.

7. He made me do that for him.改为被动语态)

I ______ _________ _________ ______ that for him.

8. They are watch ing the football match.

The football match ______ ________ _______ by them.

9. Did they build a bridge here a year ago?改为被动语态)

_________ a bridge ____________ h ere by them a year ago?

10. They have sold out the light green dresses改为被动语态)

The light gree n dresses _________________ ____________ o ut.

11. We call the game “ Lianlian改为被动语态)

The game ________________ “ Lianliankan ” by us.


①The new bike ______ ______ _____ _____ (买给我)by my parents as a present last week.

② ______ y our mobile pho ne ______________ __________ (是国产的吗)?

③The whole mountain is _______ _________ 覆盖)the snow.

④The hall ________ __________ 充满)with many people.

⑤Bamboo ________ __________ 用来)to make paper.


①I have a lot of homework to be done toni ght ___________

②Is your history teacher liste ned carefully in class ___________

③Lei Fen g's n ame remembered by all Chin ese people _______________

④The music is soun ded beautiful. ___________

⑤By who was this new educati onal CD-ROM desig ned ? ___________



1. B

2. D


4. C





9.C 10. B 11.B 12.D 13.B

14. B 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.B 21A 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.B 26.C


1. will be built

2. is being discussed

3. is spoke

4. hasn ' t been found

5. were cut

6.are told

7. must be sent

8. are sold

9.are made , are made 10. be taken 11.is cleaned 12. be seen 13. have been watered 14. sells 15. has bee n 16. smells 17 is dancing

三、1. 1.将下列句子变为被动语态:

1)Trees are pla nted, us 2 )A new bridge will be built 3 )should be grow n

4 )were picked

5 )were n'theard to talk

6 )has bee n see n

2. 用动词的正取形式填空:

1)should be given, arrive 2)is used 3)are taken 4)must be given 5)have taken

6)happened, was stolen 7)not talk 8)should be finished 9)was asked 10)have been built


1.Do, grow

2. is given to me

3.soon is

4. will be sung

5. needn ' t be done is used for

7. was made to do 8. is being watched 9. was built 10. have been sold 11. is called

五、根据所给汉语完成句子,一空一词: ① was bought for me ② Is made in China ③ covered with ④ was filled ⑤ is used


①be done改为do② listened 改为listened to ③ remembered 改为was remembered

④ is sounded 改为sounds⑤ By who 改为By whom


英语被动语态讲解及练习 一、什么是被动语态? 英语中时态很多,但语态不多,只有两种,即:主动语态和被动语态。所谓“被动语态”,相当于中文中常说的“被……”、“由……”的句式,如:“他的自行车被偷了。”,“这座楼房是由他们建造的。” 二、被动语态的结构 那么,英语中被动语态是怎么样构成的呢?请看下面的例句(注意划线部分): His bicycle was stolen. The building has been built in 2000. 通过上面的例句,可以看出,“被动语态”的构成是: be + 过去分词+ (by+动作执行者) 三、被动语态的运用 什么情况下要用被动语态呢?一般地说,有下面几种情况: (1)不知道谁是动作的执行者或没有必要。例如: Paper is made from wood. (纸是由木材生产出来的。) The house is quite old. It was built in 1950. (这座房子太旧了。它是1950年建成的。) He was wounded in the fight. (他在战斗在受伤了。) Electricity is used to run machines. (电是用来开动机器的。) (2)需要强调动作的对象时。例如: Calculator can't be used in the maths exam.

(计算器不能用于数学考试。) Books and newspapers in the reading room mustn’t be taken away. (阅览室的书籍和报纸不准带走。) He was awarded first prize in that contest. (他在比赛中获得了第一。) (3)为了使语气婉转,避免提到是谁做的这件事。例如: The construction of the new lab must be completed by the end of next month. (新实验室必须在下个月底前完工。) 四、各种时态的被动语态举例 一般地讲,被动语态可用于英语的各种时态。为了能准确地运用被动语态,重点是要掌握be动词的各种时态变化。各种时态的被动语态举例如下: 1、一般现在时的被动语态. am / is / are + 动词的过去分词 Our classroom is cleaned every day. This car is made in China. 2、一般过去式的被动语态: was / were + 动词的过去分词 His desk was cleaned just now. The station was built in 1928. 3、现在进行时的被动语态: am / is / are + being + 动词的过去分词 A new factory is being built in our city now. Some trees are being cut down in the park. 4、过去进行时的被动语态: was / were + being + 动词的过去分词


新目标九年级英语教材分析 一,教材分析 我校九年级使用的英语教材是人民教育出版社的《义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语GO FOR IT,它采用任务型语言教学模式,融会了话题、交际功能和语言结构形成了一套循序渐进地深化的学习程序,本书共有15个单元,供九年级全年使用,其中每个单元都列出明确的语言目标、主要的功能与语言结构以及需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A和B两部分,A部分是基本的语言内容,展开目标句型,提供部分示例和指导性练习,B部分是知识的扩展和语言的综合运用,每个单元还附有SELF CHECK部分,供学生用来自我检测本单元所学的语言知识,使学生对学过的目标句型运用自如,该教材把直接法,听说法等教学方法有机地柔和在一起,充分考虑了12-15岁年龄段学生的心理和生理特点,照顾到了知识性,趣味性和运用性诸方面,突出了学生主体性,兼顾了个别差异,发展了学习策略,本册教材要求学习和掌握的语法知识有情态动词,情态动词的被动语态,被动语态现在完成时态,宾语从句定语从句等,要求学习和掌握的常用的表达结构有by doing something,used to do something,I would if I hope to Id like love to ,prefer Id rather do I wish I feel think believe agree that ,be supposed to 等,要求学习和掌握一些常用的短语动词put up,put off call up run out of think up set up give out等等。 教材加大了语言训练密度,语言材料特别丰富,促进了学生英语语音素质和语言运用能力及其表达能力的提高,充分调动了学生课堂活动的积极性,九年级已经处于初、高中衔接的重要转折时期。为了加强学生的阅读能力,本册在每个单元的后面还设置了具有跨文化内容的语篇及相关的练习。语篇内容均能激发学生阅读的欲望和兴趣,引导学生在轻松愉快的语言环境中运用学过的知识表达自己的思想。 本册教材的内容充分体现了时代性和趣味性和实用性,从英语学习,个人爱好旅游文化古代发明,到风俗习惯等,这些教学板块都极富鲜明的时代特征,大大地激发和培养了学生的学习兴趣,但教材的词汇量极大,学生在掌握词汇方面有困难,在语法的综合运用上易混淆,所以教师应该教会学生学习方法,俗话说授之于鱼不如授之于渔,与其让学生被动地接受,不如教会他们怎样去学习。 同时加强口语联系,创设良好的语言学习情景,让孩子们从听说读写等方面都有提高,并为高中阶段的学习打下良好基矗总之,本册教材给我们提出了新的要求,在本教材的教学中,我们一定要始终坚持课程改革的理念,一定要以激励学生、培养学生为宗旨,在继续更新教学理念,改进教学方法,探索更新的、更优化的教学模式同时,还要注意准备毕业和升学考试,所以教学中仍然不能放弃许多必须坚持的活动或实践形式,比如我们学校形成的课前热身运动模式英语歌曲值日报告每日英语和疯狂英语活动等。 二,教学总目标 根据课程标准要求,在教学中我们一定要以教材为载体,密切结合教材,在课堂上努力创设各种情景夯实语言知识及语言技能,从而激发学生主动学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的记忆、观察、思维及想象能力,为学生的终身学习奠定基矗三,教学计划 我校英语周课时量为6课时,计划在第一学期内完成前12个单元。第1周到第18周,上新课和巩固练习。后2周进行复习迎接期末考试。在第二学期内完成后3个单元,其余时间进行总复习。


人教新目标英语九年级 全册教案 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

Unit 1 How can we become good learners 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白 “一份耕耘,一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with… pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型:How do you study English I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法或 途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成:动词后加动名词doing,相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 课时划分 Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period 2 Section A 2 (3a-3b) Period 3 Section A 3 (Grammar Focus—4c) Period 4 Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period 5 Section B 2 (3a-selfcheck) Unit 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Step 1 Warming up T: How do you study English Do you study English by the following ways (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English S: I study English by ______. by working with friends. by making word cards. by asking the teacher for help. by reading the textbook. by working with a group. by listening tapes. Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study. ___ a. by working with friends. ___ b. by making word card. ___ c. by reading the textbook. ___ d. by listening to tapes


人教版新目标英语九年级下册Unit 10 测试 Unit 10 听力 限时:20分钟满分:20分一、听录音,选图片(每小题1分,共5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5.

A. B. C. 二、听对话和问题,选择正确的答案(每小题1分,共5分) 6. A. Shake hands. B. Bow. C. Kiss. 7. A. Some flowers. B. A basketball. C. A box of chocolate. 8. A. Table manners. B. Some sayings. C. Food. 9. A. fish B. beef C. chicken 10. A. China. B. South Korea. C. Canada. 三、听两段长对话,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分) 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题 11. What happened to John? A. He had an easy exam. B. He may fail an exam. C. He lost interest in study. 12. What's the girl's advice for him? A. Try to change the result. B. Try to pay more attention to the exam. C. Try to pay more attention to the future study. 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题 13. Why does not Lingling eat too many peaches in summer? A. Because she doesn't like peaches. B. Because eating too many of them may make you uncomfortable. C. Because they are too expensive. 14. How may you feel if you eat too many peaches? A. Very hot. B. Very angry. C. Very thirsty.


Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A Period 1 Section A (1a-2d) 本单元围绕“做一个优秀的学习者”这一话题,首先引入了 “I study by working with a group.”这一重点句型,接下来学习how引导的特殊疑问句及其答语和复习现在完成时态。Section A包含两个教学重点:其一要求学生学习、掌握“I study by working with a group.”这一重点句型,;其二,学习how引导的特殊疑问句及其答语。Section B是在Section A基础上的拓展,主要是语言的学习、运用和巩固阶段。另外,本单元介绍了许多优秀的英语学习习惯与方法,可引导同学们借鉴采用。 【知识与能力目标】 (1)熟练掌握下列词汇: aloud,pronunciation,discover,repeat, note,pronounce, increase,speed, partner, create, active, connect, review, knowledge, wisely, born, attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语: work with friends, ask the teacher for help read aloud, look up, practice pronunciation, connect…with…, pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型: ---How do you study English? --- I learn by working with a group. ----Do you learn English by reading aloud? ----Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. ----- How can I read faster? ----You can read faster by reading word groups. ------How can I improve my pronunciation? ----One way is by listening to tapes. ----But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits 【过程与方法目标】 本单元的主题是谈论学习方法与习惯,可引导学生采用Listening for specific information,

人教版新目标英语九年级 Unit9单元知识点小结

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 短语归纳 24. take sb to sp. 带某人去某地 25. Chinese folk music 中国民间音乐 26. be played on the erhu 由二胡演奏的 27. move sb. 感动某人 (sb. be moved by sth.) 28.strangely beautiful 异常的/出奇的美 29. sense a strong sadness and pain 感觉到一种强烈的伤感和痛苦 30. the most moving pieces of music 最令人感动的乐曲 31. the city of Shantou = Shantou city 汕头市 32. by age 17 到十七岁的时候 33. musical ability 音乐才能 34. develop a serious illness 得了一种很重的病 35. become blind 成了盲人;变瞎 36. make money 赚钱 37. get married (to sb.) (和某人)结婚 38. continue to do sth. 继续去做某事(另一件事) continue doing sth. 继续做着某事(同一件事) 39. perform in this way 用这种形式表演 40. during/ in one's lifetime 在某人有生之年 41. by the end of ... 到……末为止(时间) at the end of ... 在……尽头/末梢(时间、地点) 42. It's a pity that ... 遗憾的是…… 43. in total 总共 44. be recorded for the future world to hear 被记录下来供后人聆听 45. praise ... for ... 因为……赞美 46. China's national treasures 中国的国家珍宝 47. paint a picture of ... 描绘了一幅……画 48. recall one's deepest wounds 唤起某人最深的伤痛 49. painful experiences 痛苦的经历 50. a time for spreading joy 传播快乐的时间 1. dance to music 随着音乐起舞 2. sing along with 随着……一起唱 3. musicians who play different kinds of music 弹奏不同类型音乐的音乐家 4. electronic music 电子音乐 5. not much=nothing much 没什么(事) 6. suppose sb. to do sth. 猜想某人做某事 be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 suppose sb (to be) +adj. 原以为…… 7. have spare time 有空闲时间 in one's spare time 在某人的空闲时间 spare the time to do sth. 抽时间做…… 8. think too much 想得太多;过度思考 9 in that case 既然那样 10. World War II 第二次世界大战 11. smooth music 悦耳的音乐 12. prefer A to B 比起B 来更喜欢A prefer doing A to doing B 愿意去做A 而不是去做B prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A 而不做B 13. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 =want to do sth. =would like to do sth. 14. stick to 坚持,固守 15. be down 悲哀,沮丧 16. cheer sb up 使… 高兴/ 振奋 17. have a happy ending 有个美满的结局 18. less serious 不那么严重 19. a good way to do sth. 做某事的好办法 20. shut off 关闭 21. in time 及时 on time 按时/准时 22. once in a while 偶尔的;有时 =sometimes /at times 23. write one's own lyrics 自己写歌词


Unit 11 Could you tell me where restrooms are? 内容提示 本单元围绕问路这个话题,让学生学会礼貌地询问信息,熟练地表达问路和为他人指明方位,学会利用形容词描述某地的环境。引导学生正确地利用业余时间,提高学生对公共场所卫生环境的认识。通过各种活动提高学生运用英语的能力。 语言目标 1.学会问路以达到购物或办事目的。 2.学会为他人指明方向和路线。 3.学会利用活动和购物场所来表达自己的爱好和看法。 认知目标 1.学习礼貌地询问信息。 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Excuse me.Do you know where I can save money? 2.学习含宾语从句的间接问句,对宾语从句的形式进行归纳、总结。 情感目标 通过帮助别人来培养乐于助人的良好思想品德。 课时安排 4课时 第一课时:Section A:la,1b,lc,2a,2b,2c 第二课时:Section A:3a,3b,4

第三课时:Section B:la,lb,2a,2b,2c 第四课时:Section B:3a,3b,3c 4 and Self check 第一课时 教学目标 1.学会问路以达到购物或办事的目的。 2.学会为他人指明方位以达到帮助他人的目的。 教学过程 一、导入: 教师可以使用学生熟悉的生活用品图片。上课时,教师先问:What’s this? What’re they? 让学生快速回答。我们可以选择下列图片shampoo,magazines,dictionary,writing paper,some stamps等等。 教师要对一些新单词进行解释。接着问学生:Where can you do the following things? 例如:buy shampoo,get some magazines,make a telephone call,get a dictionary,get some information about the town, buy some writing paper,buy some stamps,save money等,让学生举手回答, 说明:可能学生会有多种多样的答案,我们要鼓励学生踊跃发言。让学生在轻松的气氛中进入最佳的学习状态。 二、介绍: 介绍目标语言:Can you tell me where the main office? Could you tell me how to get to the library?


九年级英语被动语态 在九年级第九单元中,系统地学习了被动语态,虽然以前接触过这种语法,但学生们接受起来比较慢,效果不好.我课前下了大量的功夫总结好语法,集中 讲解便于学生们理解。主要讲解如下: 一、语态概述 英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,相当于小学学过的”把”字句.被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。相当于小学学过的”被”字句. 二、被动语态的构成 被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化 是通过be的变化表现出来的。 三、被动语态的用法 (1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。 (2)强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。 四、主动语态变被动语态的方法 (1)把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。 (2)把谓语变成被动结构(be+过去分词)(根据被动语态句子里的主语的 人称和数,3)把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。尽管讲解很系统,很到位,但一做题,学生就丢三拉四。.为了充分发挥学生的主动学习能力,首先我列出初中阶段最常用的几种找宾语. 用横线划出主语,用波浪线划出谓语动词,用括号括出宾语.宾语的出现一目了然.把宾语作为被动语态中的主语. 第二找到be.分两小步进行a) 看原句的时态.一般现在时用am / is/ are,过去时用was/ were, 一般将来时用will/ shall现在完成时用have/ has been 情态动词用can/ must/ may be b)看改成被动语态的主语的单,复数。结合a 来选择相应的be。第三,把动词的过去分词放到be的后面,然后将其他成分落下,by某人不妨放到最后。 在教学过程中由于学生基础的差异性,开始就能熟练掌握被动语态的学生不多, 所以我在教学过程中,有意将教材化难为易,化多为少,精讲多练,这样才能让 学生更好的去掌握新的语态。 同时,我还注重与学生沟通,让学生消除对英语学习的恐惧感,只有对英语感兴趣,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得好成绩。刻板的学习,不仅会影响英语学习的效果,适得其反让他们厌恶学习英语。 “他山之石可以攻玉。”教学上也是如此。然而照搬照抄反而会适得其反。因此,材料的整合至关重要。九年级上册二、三、四模块语法知识为被动语态。本周结 束四模块的教学后,我们对被动语态做了简单的总结归纳,以便学生及时形成知识框架。我在参考了许多材料、课件之后,针对本班学生的特点及之前的教学实际,将被动语态总结如下: 一、什么是被动语态 主动语态与被动语态:英语的动词有两种语态,即主动语态(The Active Voice)与被动语态(The Passive Voice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者; 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。 e.g. 1.They make trains in Zhuzhou . 主动

【人教新目标版】初中英语9九年级【全册】 教案(新教材)

【人教新目标版】初中英语九年级上册 (全册教学设计) 特别说明:本教案为最新人教新目标版教材(新版)配套教案,各单元教学内容如下: Unit 1 How can we become good learners. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Review of Units 1-5 Unit 6 When was it invented? Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands. Review of Units 6-10 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Review of Units 11-14

人教版(新目标)初中英语九年级下册Unit 9 自学知识点

Unit 9单词(音标) U n i t 9 知识梳理 02 【重点短语】

1.dance to (music) 随着(音乐)跳舞 2.sing along with 随着…一起唱 3.musicians who play different kinds of music 弹奏不同类型音乐的音乐家 4.electronic music 电子音乐 5.not much 没什么(事) 6.suppose sb to do sth. 猜想某人做某事 7.be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 8.suppose sb (to be) +adj. 原以为… 9.have spare time 有空闲时间 10.in one’s spare time在某人的空闲时间 11.spare the time to do sth 抽时间做… 12.a film director 一名电影导演 13.think too much 想太多 14.in that case 既然那样 15.World War II 第二次世界大战 16.smooth music 悦耳的音乐 17.prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A 18.prefer doing A to doing B 19.prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 20.feel like doing sth 想要做某事 21.stick to 坚持,固守 22.be down 悲哀,沮丧 23.cheer sb up 使… 高兴/ 振奋 24.have a happy ending 有个美满的结局 25.try one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做… 26.less serious 不那么严重 27.a good way to do sth 做某事的好办法 28.make me feel even sadder 让我感觉更伤心 29.provide plenty of information about a certain subject 提供了大量的关于某个主题的信息 30.shut off my brain 关闭我的大脑

新 九年级新目标英语下册教学计划

20XX年九年级下学期英语工作计划 一、指导思想 认真学习学科教学大纲和全册教材,根据教材和学生的实际,确定重点难点。面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心。突出学生主体,尊重个体差异,实行分层次教学。引导学生在用中学英语,在做中学英语。改变学生的观念,“我要学”而非“要我学”!让学生在学习英语的过程中体会学习英语的乐趣和感受成功。完成《新课标》所规定的教学内容。为社会培养有用人才,为高一级学校输送合格新生。 二、学情分析 从学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,大部分学生学习积极性高,学习目的明确,上课认真,作业能按时按量完成,且质量较好,能起到较好的模范带头作用。但也有少部分学生,基础知识薄弱,学习态度欠端正,书写较潦草,作业有时不能及时完成,还有三个学习能力有很大欠缺。已经对英语失去了信心,还有一部分学生觉得英语越来越难,渐渐力不从心了,不感兴趣了,学生上课的注意力也不集中了,发言也不是很活跃。针对这种情况,教学的时候需要注意在备课中增加趣味性,以此来提高学生对英语学习的兴趣。 三、教材分析 我们使用的是新目标教材,由人民教育出版社与汤姆森学习出版集团合作改编而成的。具有如下的特点:

1.教材内容体系的安排由浅入深,循序渐进,由简单到复杂逐步过渡;重视新旧知识的结合和语言语言现象的复现。 2.体例体系新,教材创造了国内最新版课标英语教材编写体例、体系,编写思路清晰,符合学生认知发展规律,方便初学者培养英语学习兴趣,从而很快进入英语学习的状态。单元按语言功能意念项目编排,每一话题四个小节(section)按听说读写的语言技能编排。3.语言地道,对话之中融入情感态度和文化意识,使学生能在交流中用英语介绍祖国文化,加深对中华民族文化的理解。 4.好教易学,教材充分体现新课标的指导思想,把任务型教学与交际教学法灵活地运用于英语课堂。 四、教学措施与教学方法 本期要复习完成好初中三年来所学的全部内容。本期的重点是对初中三年来所学的语法和常用表达法进行归类,如:各种时态,近义词的辨析;难点是名词的拓展用法和动词短语,这些重难点都应通过在语言材料的学习中及时强化和总结。利用多媒体图文并茂、生动活泼地呈现教学内容,把语言学习和实际生活结合起来,增强学生的听说能力。并通过开展各种任务性活动,巩固所学的知识。鼓励学生通过思考、体验、参与、合作等方式来学习,增强学生独立思考的良好习惯以及口语表达和合作学习的能力;通过阅读训练,培养学生根据不同的阅读任务,运用适宜的阅读策略获取信息的本领,达到提高学生的英语理解能力和语言运用能力的目的。同时,注重学生学习兴趣的培养,以不同方式最大限度的激发学生的学习动机;并让他们了解英语


2017-2018年人教版新目标英语九年级全册 教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白“一份耕 耘,一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with… pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型:How do you study English I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法或途 径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成:动词后加动名词doing,相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、 表语、定语等。 课时划分 Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period 2 Section A 2 (3a-3b) Period 3 Section A 3 (Grammar Focus—4c) Period 4 Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period 5 Section B 2 (3a-selfcheck) Unit 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Step 1 Warming up T: How do you study English Do you study English by the following ways (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English? S: I study English by ______. by working with friends. by making word cards. by asking the teacher for help. by reading the textbook. by working with a group. by listening tapes. Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study. ___ a. by working with friends. ___ b. by making word card. ___ c. by reading the textbook. ___ d. by listening to tapes ___ e. by asking the teacher for help. …


155******** 一单元 SECTION A 1a 我通过制作抽认卡来学习。通过和朋友一起学习。通过听磁带。通过做抽认卡。通过向老师求助。通过读课本。通过制作单词本。 1c A:你怎么为考试而学习。B:我通过参加学习小组来学习。 2a 1、你是通过看英文录像学英语的吗? 2、你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗? 3、听磁带怎么样? 4、大声朗读以练习发音怎么样?5、我曾经通过参加学习小组的方式学习过吗? 2b A是的,我通过那种学习方式学到了很多。B、哦,是的,它提高了我说英语的能力。C、有时那样做。我觉得他有用。D、不。(通过看英语录像学习)太难了,无法理解录像中的人所说的话。 2c A你曾经通过参加学习小组来学习吗?B、是的,我参加赤字,通过那种方式我学到了很多。 Grammer Focus 你怎么为准备一场考试而学习?我靠听磁带。你怎样学习英语?我通过参加学习小组来学习。你通过大声朗读来学习英语吗?是的,我是。你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗?哦,是的,他提高了我说英语的能力。你曾经通过参加学习?小组来学习吗?是的,我参加过。通过那种方式我学习到了很多。 3a如何才能学得最好 这星期我们询问了新星高中的同学关于学习更多英语的最佳方法的问题。许多同学说他们通过使用英语为学习它,一些还有很特别的建议。比如,李莉莲说学习新单词的最好的方法是阅读英语杂志。她说记忆浒音乐的歌词也有一些作用。当我们问及学习语法的问题时,她说:“我从不学习语法。它太枯燥了。” 魏明有不同的看法。他学习英语已经6年了,并且确实喜欢英语。他认为学习语法是学习一门语言的一种好方法。他还认为观看英语电影也不错,国灰他可以看到演员说话的情形。但是,有时候他发现看英语电影是件很头痛的事情,因为那些演员说话太快了。 刘畅说加入学校英语俱乐部是提高英语最好的方法。学生有很多练习的机会并且他们也有很多乐趣。她补充说和朋友练习会话一点用处也没有。“我们会因为某件事变得很激动,最后用汉语来讲,”她说。 3b A:我正在作一个关于学习英语的调查。我能问你一些问题吗?B:当然。A:太好了!你叫什么名字?B:魏明。A:那么你是怎样学习英语的,魏明?B:…… 4 A:你列词汇表吗?B:噢,是的。我常那样做。SECTION B 1a我不会发其中一些单词的音。我不会拼写一些英语单词。我听不懂英语口语。我在语法上犯错误。我读得很慢。1b我不知道怎么使用逗号。2a 1、不能正确发音。 2、忘记很多生词。 3、人们和我说话时我不能每次都听懂。 4、不能理解杂志中的单词。 5、没有获得很多写作训练。 2B A、你可以一直将生词写在你的笔记本里,并在家学习它们。B、你应该找一个笔友。C、听力能起作用。D、为什么不加入一个英语俱乐部来练习说英语呢? 2C A:我没有搭档来练习英语。B、也许我应该加入一个英语俱乐部。 3a我是怎样学习英语的 去年英语课对我来说很难。首先,对我来说听懂老师说话很难。开始,她说的太快,我不能听懂每个单词,后来,我意识到如果你听不懂每个单词并没有关系。而且我害怕在班上说话,因为我认为同学们可能会嘲笑我。我也不是总能造出完整的句子。然后我开始看英文电视。那很有用。我认为做大量听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘决之一。另一件我觉得很难的事是英语语法。所以我决定在每节课上记大量语法要点。然后我开始用我正在学的语法自己写新句子。这样作用处之大令人惊奇。现在我很喜欢学英语并且这学期我得了个A。我的老师对我印象很深。作者觉学英语很难是因为……1、老师发音差。2、她说话时人们总是嘲笑她。3、她在造完整的句子方面有困难。4、英语语法很难。当她开始…她的英语提高了。5、和说英语的朋友一起出去。6、大量的听力练习。7、在自己组织的句子里使用语法。 3b 亲爱的,我知道学英语不容易,但我有一些想法可能有用。你说你不能理解说话太快的人。那么,你可以尽量听最重要的单词,而不是每个单词。 4 1、关于学英语什么不容易。2、就这一点你作了什么? 3、你最喜欢的学习更多英语的方式是什么?韩文说如果人们语速太快听力有时就很难。 SELF CHECK 1 你应该在词汇表中写下新的英文单词。2、如果你不知道怎样拼写生词,就查词典。3、最好的提高你的英语(水平)的方法是加入英语俱乐部。4、另一件他觉得很困难的事是英语语法。5、这种纸摸上去非常柔软。 2 READING Section 2使用词典词典是有用的学习工具,但许多英语单词有不同的含义和用法。我们需要确定我们从词典中找到的含义与语境匹配。 我们该怎样解决我们的烦恼? 无论贫富、老少,我们都有烦恼。并且除非我们解决了问题,否则我们会轻易变得不开心。为我们的问题担忧会影响我们在学校的表现。它也会影响我们同家人相处的方式。所以我们该怎么解决我们的烦恼呢?有许多方法。它不是烦恼----它是挑战。享受面对它(的过程)。 通过学会忘记


新目标九年级英语全册经典例句及答案 Unit 1 1.-----How do you()() a test? 你怎么为考试而学习? 2.-----()() vocabulary lists/ By asking the teacher for help 通过制作词汇列表/通过向老师寻求帮助 3.What about()() to practice pronunciation?大声阅读来练习发音怎么样? 4.I don’t know()() use commas. 我不知道怎么用逗号特殊疑问词+to do 5.Why don’t you() an English club to practice() English? 你为什么不参加英语俱乐部练习英语呢? 6.I don’t have a partner to practice English(). 我没有搭档一起练英语。 7. She added that having conversations with friends was()()()().。补充说和 朋友们交谈一点都没有帮助。 8. We get excited about something and then ()()()in Chinese. 在某些事情上我们越谈越起劲,最后干脆用中文说。 9. I ()()()grammar.在语法方面,我屡次出错。 10. Later on,I()that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word. 随后我认识到如果无法每个单词都弄明白,那也不碍事。 11. So I decided to ( )( )( )()()in every class. 因此我决定每节课多做些语法笔记。 12.Also I ()()()speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. 我也害怕在课堂上发言,因为我以为同学们会笑话我。 13.If you don’t know how to spell new words,()()()() a dictionary. 如果有拼写不出来的新单词,你就查查字典。 14.He learns English by ()()conversations.他通过编(写)对话来学习英语。 15.( )( )( ),good friendship may be lost.随着时间的消逝,友情也会淡漠消失。 16. How do we ( ) ( )our problems?我们要如何处理这些棘手的事情呢? 17. Most of us have probably been ( )( )our friends, parents or teachers. 我们绝大多数人也许都和师友、父母发过火/生气过/闹过别扭。 18. As young adults, it is our duty to( )( )( ) to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. 作为年轻人,在老师的帮助下尽力处理好受教育过程中面临的每个挑战是我们的职责。 19. We can’t solv e a problem ( )( )( )a friendship. It’s unfair. 我们不能以中断友情来解决问题,这样对朋友不公平。 Unit 2 1. I( )( ) be afraid of the dark.我以前怕黑。

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