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1)dis- (not, the opposite of)

disadvantage(不利条件, 缺点, 劣势), dislike, disagree, disappear, disarm(解除武装, 缓和), disaster, disastrous *, disappoint, disable *(使残废, 使失去能力), disability, discharge(卸下, 放出, 清偿, 履行, 解雇), disclose *, discount(折扣), discourage, discover, discovery, discrepancy *( 差异, 矛盾), disease(疾病, 弊病), disguise(假装, 伪装, 掩饰), disgust(厌恶, 嫌恶), dishonest, dismay *(沮丧, 惊慌), disorder, dispatch *(分派, 派遣), disperse *(分散, 疏散), displace *(转移, 取代), disregard *(漠视, 忽视), distort *( 扭曲, 歪曲, 误报), distract *(转移)

2)in- (not, in, into)

inability(无能, 无力), incorrect, incapable, inhuman, injustice(不公平, 不讲道义), informal, inside, include, inclusive *, income, increase, increasingly, incredible, indefinite(模糊的, 不确定的), independence, independent, indifferent(无关紧要,漠不关心), indirect, indispensable(不可缺少的, 绝对必要的), individual, indoor, inertia *(惯性, 惯量), inevitable(不可避免的, 必然的), infamous (声名狼籍的), infinite(无穷的, 无限的, 无数的), inhabit *( 存在于, 占据, 栖息), inhabitant(居民, 居住者), inherent *(固有的, 与生俱来的), inject *(注射, 注入), injection, inland *(内陆的, 国内的), inlet * (进口, 入口, 水湾), inner, innocent(清白的, 无罪的, 天真的), innumerable *(无数的, 数不清的), input, inquire, inquiry, insane *(患精神病的, 精神病患者的), insert, inside, insight(洞察力, 见识), insist, inspect, inspiration *(灵感), inspire, install, installation, installment *(部分,分期付款), instance, instant, instinct(本能), insulate *(使绝缘, 隔离), intense(强烈的, 剧烈的, 热切的), interior (内部的, 内的), internal(内在的, 国内的), into, intrinsic(固有的, 内在的, 本质的), invade, invalid *(有病的, 无效的), invaluable *(无价的, 价值无法衡量的), invariably *(不变地, 总是), invasion, invert *(使颠倒, 使转化), investigate, invisible, involve, inward(向内的, 内在的)

3)im- (not, in, into)

impossible, imbalance(不平衡, 不均衡), immature, immoral(不道德的, 邪恶的, 放荡的), impatient, implicit *(暗示的, 盲从的, 含蓄的), impress, impression, import, immigrate(使移居入境), imprison(监禁, 关押), immerse(沉浸, 使陷入)

4)il- (not)

illegal(违法的, 不合规定的), illogical(不合逻辑的, 不合理的)

5)ir- (not)

irregular(不规则的, 无规律的), irresponsible, irrespective *(不顾的, 无关的)

6)un- (not)

unable, uncover(揭开, 揭露), undo, undoubtedly, undress(使脱衣服, 暴露), uneasy, unemployment *, unexpected, unfold *(打开, 显露), unfortunately, unimportant, unlike, unload (卸货, 卸载), unusual

7)non- (not)

nonsmoker, nonexistence, non-cooperation, nonstop, nonmetal(非金属), nonresident(没有任何住所的), nonsense(胡说, 废话)

8)mis- (wrong, wrongly)

misjudge(判断错), misunderstand, mislead(误导), misspell, misstep(失足), misfortune(不幸, 灾祸), misuse

9)de- (showing the opposite, to remove, to reduce)

deform(变形), deface(丑化, 使失面子), demobilize(复员), destruction, deforest(采伐森林, 清除树林), denationalize(解除国有化), depress(使沮丧, 使消沉, 压下), depression, devalue (减值, 贬值), decode (解码, 译解)^, decrease, degenerate *(退化), degrade *(降级, 堕落, 退化), descend(下来, 下降), descendant *(子孙, 后裔, 后代), descent *(降下, 降落)

10)pre- (before, in advance)

prefix , pre-historic, precaution(预防, 警惕), precede *(领先, 在...之前, 先于), preceding(在前的, 前述的), preclude *(排除), predecessor *(前辈, 前任), predict, predominant *(卓越的, 支配的, 主要的), preface(序文, 前言), prejudice(偏见, 成见), preliminary(预备的, 初步的), premature *(未成熟的,早熟的), premier *(总理), premise *(提论,假定), premium *(额外费用, 奖金, 保险费), preparation, prepare, prepay(预付), preside *(主持), president, presumably(推测起来, 大概), presume *, pretext *(借口, 托辞), prevail(流行, 盛行), prevent, previous(在前的, 早先的), prewar

11)ante-, (before, in advance)

anteroom(接待室, 前厅), ante-Christian, antemeridian(上午的), anticipate(预期, 期望), antique(古物, 古董)

12)fore- (in advance, before, in or at the front)

forehead, foreman(领班, 工头, 陪审团主席), foretell ^(预言, 预示), foresee *, forefather ^(祖先, 祖宗), foreleg, forerunner(先驱, 预兆), foremost(最先的, 最初的), forecast(预见, 预测), forewarn(预先警告)

13)ex- (former)

ex-minister(前部长), ex-president(前总统), ex-Soviet Union, ex-wife(前妻), export, exclude (把...排除在外, 排斥), exclusive(排外的, 唯一的), excursion(远足, 离题), exhibit, exile *(放逐, 流放), exit, exotic *(异国情调的, 奇异的), expand, expansion, expedition *(远征, 探险队), expel *(驱逐, 开除), expend *(花费, 消耗), expenditure *(支出, 花费), expense, explode(爆炸, 爆发), explosion, explosive, expose(使暴露,使曝光), exposition *(博览会, 展览会, 说明), exposure(暴露, 揭露), express, expression, extend, extension(延长, 扩充), extensive(广大的, 广泛的), exterior(外部的, 外在的), external(外部的, 客观的), extinct(熄灭的, 灭绝的, 耗尽的), extra, extract *(摘录, 析取)

14)post- (later than, after)

postgraduate(研究生), post-war, postmeridian ^(午后的), postpone(推迟, 延迟), postscript ^(附言, 后记)

15)sub- (under, below, less important)

subject(受制于...的, 受...影响的), subway(地道, 地铁), subtitle(副题, 说明对白的字幕), submarine *(潜水艇, 潜艇), sub-zero, submerge(浸没, 淹没), submit(服从, 提交), subordinate *(次要的, 从属的, 下级的), subscribe *(捐款, 订阅), subsection(分段, 小部分), subsequent(后来的, 并发的), subsidiary *(辅助的, 补充的), subsidy *(补助金, 津贴), substance, substantial(坚固的, 实质的,), substitute(代替, 替换, 替代), subtract(减去, 减), suburb(表面下的, 地下的)

16)infra- (under)

infrastructure ^(基础设施), infrared ^(红外线)

17)re- (again, back to a former state)

react, reaction, recall(回忆, 回想), recede *(后退), receipt(收据, 收到), recipient *(容纳者, 容器), reclaim *(要求归还, 收回), recognize, recognition, record, recorder, recover(痊愈, 复原, 胜诉), recovery, recreation(消遣, 娱乐), recur *(复发, 重现), recycle *, redundant *(多余的), reflect, reflection(反射, 映象, 倒影), reflexion(反射, 反射光), reform, refrain *(节制, 制止), refresh, refreshment *(点心, 饮料, 精力恢复, 爽快), refund *, refute *(驳倒, 反驳), reinforce(加强, 增援, 补充), reject(拒绝, 抵制, 否决), remember, remind, removal, remove, renaissance *(复兴, 新生, 文艺复兴), renew, repay *(偿还, 报复), repeat, repeatedly, repel *(击退, 抵制), repetition(重复, 循环, 复制品), replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representative, repression *(镇压, 抑制), reproduce, respect, respond, response,

responsibility, responsible, restore(恢复, 使回复, 归还), resume(再继续, 重新开始), return, reunion *(团圆, 重聚), reuse, review, revise(修订, 校订), revive*(复兴, 复活)

18)co-, col-, com-, con-, cor- (with together)

co-existence(共存), cooperate(合作), cooperative *, co-author(合作作者), coalition *(合并, 接合, 联合), coherent *(一致的, 连贯的), coincide *(一致, 符合), coincidence *, collaboration

*(协作, 通敌), colleague, collide *, collision(碰撞, 冲突), compassion(同情,怜悯), concentric(同中心的), conjoin(结合, 连结), coordinate(同等, 调和), correlation(相互关系, 相关)

19)inter- (between, among)

international, interchangeable(可互换的), interdependent(相互依赖的, 互助的), interpersonal (人与人之间的), interview(面试,会见), interact *(相互作用), interaction, intercourse *(交往, 交流), interface ^(分界面, 接触面), interfere(干涉, 干预, 妨碍), interference, Internet, interrupt(打断,中断), interval(间隔, 距离, 幕间休息), intervene *(干涉, 介入)

20)macro- (large)

macroeconomics ^(宏观经济学), macrocosm ^(宏观世界), macrostructure(宏观结构)

21)micro- (extremely small)

microcomputer(微型电子计), microeconomics ^(微观经济学), microscope(显微镜), microphone, microsurgery(显微外科)

22)super- (greater or more than)

super, supermarket, supersonic *(超声波), superman, superpower(超级强权), supernatural, supervise *(监督, 管理), superb(庄重的,华丽的, 极好的), superficial(表面的, 肤浅的), superintendent *(主管, 负责人), superior(较高的, 上级的), superiority *, supreme(极度的, 极大的, 至高的)

23)sur- (more than, beyond)

surplus(剩余, 过剩), surtax(附加税), surface(表面, 外表), surpass *(超越, 胜过), surround, survival, survive, suspect(怀疑, 对...有所觉察)

24)ultra- (beyond, very, too)

ultramodern(超现代化的), ultrasound(超频率音响), ultra-violet *(紫外线的, 紫外的)

25)auto- (of or by oneself)

auto, autocriticism, autoland(自动着陆), automobile, automation *(自动控制), automatic(自动的, 机械的), autobiography ^(自传), autonomous *(自治的), autonomy *(自治)

26)mal- (bad, badly)

malfunction(故障), maltreat ^(虐待, 滥用), malnutrition ^(营养失调, 营养不良), malpractice


27)tele- (at or over a long distance, by or for television)

telegram(电报), television, telegraph, telephone, telecommunications *(远程通讯), telescope, telescreen(电视屏幕,荧光屏), teleswitch(遥控键,遥控开关), televise ^

28)semi-, hemi- (half)

semicircle ^, semiconductor(半导体), semi-colony ^, hemisphere *(半球)

29)uni-, mono- (one)

uniform(制服,统一), unify *(统一, 使成一体), union, unique, unit, unite, unity, universe, universal, university, monologue ^(独白, 独脚戏), monopoly *(.垄断, 垄断者), monotonous *(单调的), carbon monoxide(一氧化碳)

30)bi-, di- (two)

biweekly(双周的,半月刊), bicycle, bilateral ^(有两面的, 双边的), billion(十亿), dialogue, carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)

31)tri- (three)

tricycle ^(三轮车), triangle(三角形), trilogy ^(三部剧, 三部曲), triple(三倍数)

32)quadri-, quadru- ^ (four)

quadruple ^(四倍), quadrangle ^(四角形, 四边形, 方院)

33)penta- ^ (five)

pentagon(五边形), Pentagon(五角大楼), Pentium(奔腾处理器)

34)hexa- ^ (six)

hexagon(六角形, 六边形), hexangular(六角的)

35)sept(i)- ^ (seven)

September, Sept-Wolves

36)octa- ^ (eight)

octagon(八边形, 八角形), octave(八度音阶), octopus(章鱼), October

37)nona- ^ (nine)

nonagon(九边形), November

38)deci-, deca- (ten)

decade, decimal *(十进的, 小数的)

39)centi- (hundredth part)

centigrade(百分度的, 摄氏温度的), centimeter(厘米), centipede ^(蜈蚣), century(世纪)40)kilo- (thousand)

kilo, kilometer(千米), kilogram(me)(千克), kilowatt ^(千瓦)

41)mill- (thousand)

millennium ^(太平盛世, 一千年), millimeter(毫米)

42)multi- (many)

multi-purpose, multinational(跨国的), multiple(多样的, 多重的), multiply(繁殖, 乘, 增加), multitude(多数, 群众)

43)counter-, anti-, contra- (opposite, against)

counterattack(反击, 反攻), counterclockwise(反时针方向), counterrevolutionary(反革命), antibiotic(抗生素), antimatter(反物质), antiwar, contradict *(同...矛盾, 同...抵触), contradiction, contramissile(反导弹), contranatural(违背自然的), contrary(相反的, 逆的), contrast(对比, 对照)

44)mini- (smallest, short)

minibus(面包车), miniskirt(超短裙), minimum(最小值, 最小化), minister, minimize, ministry, minor(较小的, 次要的), minority(少数, 少数民族), minute(微小的, 详细的)

45)max- (greatest)

maximum, maximal ^(最大的, 最高的), maximize ^(取...最大值, 最佳化)

46)out- (outside, beyond)

outdo(胜过), outwit(瞒骗, 以智取胜), outlive(比...长命, 比...耐久), outnumber(数目超过, 比...多), outdoor, outstanding, outskirts ^(外边, 郊区), outward, outcome, outer, outing *(外出, 旅行, 散步), outline, outlook, output(产量, 输出, 输出量), outrage *(暴行, 侮辱), outside 47)over- (too much, above, additional)

overwork, overuse, overtake(赶上, 追上,压倒), overpass *(天桥, 胜过,通过, 忽视), overthrow *(推翻, 打倒), overturn *(推翻, 颠倒), overall(全部的, 全面的), overdue ^(迟到的,过期的), overhead(在头上的, 高架的), overhear *(无意中听到, 偷听), overlook(俯瞰, 远眺, 没注意到), oversea(外国的, 海外的),

48)trans- (across, on or to the other side of)

transaction *(学报, 交易), transatlantic(大西洋彼岸的), transcend *(超越, 胜过), transfer

(转移, 调转, 调任), transform(转换, 使...变形), transistor *(晶体管), transit *(横越, 通过, 经过), transition *, translate, translation, transmission(发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播), transmit, transmitter (转送者, 让渡者), transparent(透明的, 显然的), transplant(移植,移民,), transport, transportation

49)under- (too little, below)

underdevelopment(不发达), underestimate(低估), undergraduate(尚未取得学位的大学生), underground, underlie ^(位于...之下, 成为...的基础), underline(下划线), undersea(海面下的), underlying *(在下面的, 根本的), undermine *(破坏), underneath(在下面), underwear^(内衣)

50)neo- (new)

neo-Nazism ^(新纳粹主义), neolithic ^(新石器时代的)

51)be- (cause to be or have)

befriend(待人如友, 帮助), belittle(轻视, 使...显得渺小)

52)bio- (life)

biology, biography *(传记), autobiography, antibiotic

53)en- em- (cause to become, put into the stated condition)

embody(具体表达, 使具体化, 包含), empower, endanger, enlarge, enrich

54)extra- (outside, beyond)

extracurricular(课外的, 业余的), extraordinary(非常的, 特别的)

55)mid- (middle)

midday, midnight

56)poly- (many)

polycentric(多中心的), polydirectional(多方向的,多向性的)

57)pseudo- (not real, false)

pseudomemory(记忆错误), pseudoscience(假科学, 伪科学)

58)thermo- (heat)

thermochemistry(热化学), thermometer(温度计)

59)vice- (next in rank below)

vice-chairman, vice-president

2. Suffixes


1)–ant, -ent

applicant, component(成分), servant, student

2)–er, -or, -ar

employer, interviewer, trainer, painter, New Yorker, Northerner, lighter(点火者, 打火机), cooker, conductor(领导者, 经理), beggar


absentee, abandonee(被遗弃者), employee, interviewee, trainee


engineer, pioneer

5)–an, -ian, -arian

historian(历史学家, 史家), humanitarian(人道主义者), librarian, musician, Canadian


Chinese, Japanese


artist, Marxist, capitalist(资本家, 资本主义者)


socialism, capitalism, mechanism(机械装置, 机构, 机制)

9)-ability, -ibility

ability, flexibility(弹性, 适应性)


postage(邮资), shrinkage(收缩)


arrival, refusal

12)–ance, -ence

appearance, reference

13)–ancy, -ency

emergency(紧急情况, 突然事件), expectancy(期待, 期望)


accuracy, bankruptcy(破产)


freedom, kingdom, wisdom


bravery, cookery(烹调术)


actress, lioness(雌狮)


cigarette, novelette(中篇或短篇小说), cassette(盒子, 盒式磁带)


handful, spoonful(一匙)


childhood, brotherhood, neighborhood(邻居关系)


economics, electronics(电子学), mechanics(机械学、力学), physics, mathematics, politics

22)–ion(-sion, -ssion -ition, -ation)

decision, discussion, inflation(胀大, 夸张, 通货膨胀), translation, action, correction

23)–ity, -ty

reality, curiosity, purity, security, certainty, cruelty, difficulty, loyalty(忠诚, 忠心), poverty, safety


movement, agreement, harassment(折磨)


carelessness, greatness, friendliness, weakness, tiredness


futurology, geology(未来学), biology, musicology, psychology(心理学, 心理状态), anthropology



hardship, friendship, sportsmanship(运动家精神)


birth, death, breadth, strength, truth


closure, exposure(暴露, 揭露)


30)–able, -ible

acceptable, admissible(可容许的, 可接纳的), avoidable, eatable, countable, notable *(值得注意的, 显著的), suitable, variable


educational, additional, normal, natural, essential(本质的, 实质的)

32)–an, -arian, -ian

suburban, disciplinarian(训练者, 规律), Canadian

33)–ant, -ent

different, resultant(作为结果而发生的, 合成的)

34)–ary, -ory

advisory, customary(习惯的, 惯例的)


considerate(考虑周到的), fortunate(幸运的, 幸福的)


golden, wooden, woolen(毛纺的)


northern, southern


Chinese, Japanese


carefree(无忧无虑的, 不负责的), troublefree


careful, painful

41)–ic, -ical

atomic(原子的,微粒子的), biological, economic, economical, historic, historical, scientific, medical, mechanic, mechanical


selfish, childish, womanish, greenish, reddish, yellowish, Swedish, Danish


creative, decisive, supportive


useless, fruitless(不结果实的), boundless(无限的, 无边无际的), groundless(无根据的, 没有理由的), hopeless, jobless


childlike, ladylike


manly, monthly

47)–ous,–ious, -uous, -eous

various, continuous, courageous


airproof, bulletproof(防弹的), fireproof, waterproof


tiresome ^, lonesome, quarrelsome(喜欢吵架的, 好争论的), troublesome, worrisome ^


downward, homeward


hairy, noisy



deepen, fasten, lengthen, strengthen, harden


beautify, classify, electrify, horrify, modify(更改, 修改), simplify

54)–ize, -yze, -ise, -yse

analyze, modernize, industrialize, popularize, specialisation ^, professionalisation ^



clearly, easily, quickly

56)–ward, -wards

inward, outward, upward, downward, homeward, northwards


clockwise, otherwise

3. Stems

1)aero (air)

aerial *(航空的, 空气的), aeroplane, aeronautics ^(航空学, 航空术)

2)agri (land)

agriculture, agronomy ^(农艺学, 农学)

3)ann (year)

anniversary(周年纪念), annual, semiannual(每半年的, 半年的), centennial(百年纪念)

4)astro, aster (star)

astrology ^(占星术), astronomy *(天文学), astronaut ^, disaster, asteroid(小游星, 小行星)

5)audi (to hear)

audience, auditorium ^(听众席, 观众席), audit ^, auditor ^, auditory ^(耳的, 听觉的)audio-visual

6)bell (war)

rebel, rebellion(谋反, 叛乱), rebellious, belligerent(好战的, 交战的)

7)ced (to go)

precede(领先, 在...之前, 先于), precedent(先例), unprecedented(空前的), exceed(超越, 胜过), proceed(进行, 继续下去, 发生), succeed

8)cid, cis (to cut, to kill)

decide, decision, decisive *, concise(简明的, 简练的), suicide(自杀, 自毁), homicide(杀人, 杀人者), pesticide(杀虫剂)

9)claim (to cry, to shout)

exclaim(呼喊, 惊叫), proclaim(宣布, 声明), acclaim(喝彩, 欢呼), clamor(喧闹, 叫嚷)

10)clar (clear)

declare, clarify(澄清, 阐明), clarity *

11)cord (heart)

cordial(热忱的, 诚恳的, 兴奋的), concord(和谐, 一致), discord ^(不一致, 意见不合), accord(一致, 符合)

12)cred (to believe, to trust)

credible(可信的, 可靠的), incredible, credulous(轻信的), credit, credential(国书, 信任壮)13)dent (tooth)

dental, dentist *(牙医)

14)dict (to say)

contradict(同...矛盾, 同...抵触), dictate, dictator, predict, indicate, indicative(指示的, 预示的)15)fact (to do, to make)

factory, manufacture(生产), benefactor(恩人, 捐助者), malefactor(犯罪分子)

16)flu (to flow)

fluent(语言流利的), influence, influenza(流行性感冒), fluid(流动的, 不固定的)

17)geo (earth)

geography, geometry, geology *, geopolitics ^(地缘政治学)

18)gram, graph (to draw, to write)

diagram(图表), telegram, program, photograph, geography, telegraph

19)insul (island)

insulate(使绝缘, 隔离), insulator ^, insular, peninsular(半岛的)

20)ject (to throw)

project, inject(注射, 注入), reject, subject, eject(驱逐, 喷射)

21)liber (free)

liberate, liberty(自由), liberal(自由主义者), liberalism ^

22)liter (letter)

literate ^, literacy(有文化,有教养), illiterate(文盲), illiteracy, literature(文学), literary(文艺的, 精通文学的, 书), literal *(文字的, 照字面上的), literally*

23)log (to speak)

dialogue, apology(道歉), prologue(序言), monologue(独白), logic

24)manu (hand)

manuscript *(手稿, 原稿), manufacture, manufacturer, manual(手动的, 手工的, 体力的), manage, management, manager

25)medi (middle)

immediate, medium, media, mediate(仲裁, 调停), medieval(中世纪的), median(中部, 当中)26)mort (death)

mortal(必死的, 人类的), immortal(不朽的), mortality(死亡率)

27)nov (new)

novel, novelty(新颖, 新奇的事物), novice(新手, 初学者), innovate(改革, 创新)

28)ori (to rise)

orient(东方的, 上升的), oriental, Oriental, orientation(方向,定位), origin(起源), original, originate, disorient(使失去方向感, 使迷惑)

29)pend (to hand, money)

depend, dependent, dependency, dependable, independent, suspend(吊, 悬挂,延缓), expend (花费, 消耗), spend, expenditure, expense, expensive, pension(养老金, 退休金)

30)port (to carry)

portable(手提的), import, export, deport(.举止, 驱逐), porter, support

31)pur (pure)

purify *(净化), purity *(纯净, 纯洁), Puritan ^(清教徒的)

32)rect (correct, straight)

correct, rectify *(矫正, 调整,), erect(直立的, 竖立的)

33)rupt (to break)

interrupt(打断, 中断, 妨碍), disrupt(使中断, 使分裂, 使瓦解), bankrupt, bankruptcy, corrupt(腐烂, 堕落)

34)sal (salt)

salary, salad

35)sist (to stand)

resist, resistance, resistible, consist(由...组成, 一致), assist, exist, insist, persist(坚持, 持续)

36)spect (to look)

spectacle(展览物, 奇观), spectacular(引人入胜的, 壮观的), prospect(前景, 前途, 期望), retrospect(回顾), inspect, respect, suspect, circumspect(慎重的, 周到的), spectator *(观众), conspicuous *(显著的), perspective(透视图, 远景,看法)

37)spir (breath)

inspire, inspiration(灵感), spirit

38)tract (to draw)

tractor(拖拉机), attract, protract(延长), contract, abstract, extract(拔出, 榨取,析取), distract (转移)

39)urb (city)

urban, suburb, suburban

40)vac (empty)

vacant(空的, 空白的,空虚), vacation, vacuum(真空)

41)vit (life)

vital(生死攸关的, 重大的), vitality(活力, 生命力, 生动性), vitamin(维生素), vitalize(激发)

42)vis (to see)

visible, vision(视力, 视觉,梦见, 想象, 显示), visual, visit, visitor, advice, supervise(监督,管理), television

43)viv (to live)

survive, survival, survivor, revival(苏醒, 复兴, 复活), vivid(生动的, 鲜明的), vivacity(活泼)




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