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1. 普通名词和专有名词


1 )个体名词:指人或物的个体,如girl,dog, rose, desk, piece 等。

2) 集体名词:指一群人或物的总称,如: audience, class, committee, company, family,government, police, people, poetry, machinery 等。

3) 物质名词:表示不能个别存在的物质形态,如:缸~ wat叽cotton,sand,岛od,pape民wood, money 等。

4) 抽象名词:表示人或物的品质、状态等抽象的概念,如education,knowledge,strength, happiness, honesty,企iendship,peace, information, philosophy 等。

(2) 专有名词:表示特定的或者是独一无二的人或物,构成专有名词的实词首字母要大写,如Asia,Einstein, the Great Wal1, the Pacific, China Daily, the United Nations等。

2. 可数名词和不可数名词


可数名词分单数和复数,单数前面可以用不定冠词a 或an ,复数前面可以加数词。个体名词和大多数有生命的集体名词是可数名词。

a book→(two) books an apple→(five) apples a family→(three) families

(2) 不可数名词

不可数名词只有单数形式,不能在前面加不定冠词a 或an,也不能加数词。专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词以及无生命的集体名词是不可数名词。

Einstein is a famous scientist.

Water is important to human beings.

Happiness lies in contentment.

They have bought some new machinery.

(3) 兼类名词


1 )物质名词←→个体名词

chicken (鸡肉)←→a chicken (小鸡)→chickens

iron (铁)←→an iron (奥斗)→irons

beer (啤酒)←→a beer (一杯啤酒)→beers

fruit (水果)←→a fruit (一种水果)→fruits

2) 抽象名词←→个体名词

beauty (美)←→a beauty (美人)→beauties

room (空间)←→a room (房间)→rooms

difficulty (困难)←→a difficulty (一个难题)→difficulties

power (权力)←→apower (强国)→powers

noise (噪音)←→a noise (一阵噪音)→noises

3 )专有名词←→个体名词

Smith (史密斯)←→a Smith (一个叫史密斯的人)→Smiths

London (伦敦)←→a London (一个像伦敦的城市)→Londons

3. 简单名词和复合名词

(1)简单名词:由一个单词构成,如book,mother, society, iron,teacher, happiness等。

(2) 复合名词:由两个或两个以上的单词构成,有些复合名词中间有连字符,有些则没有。复合名词按照各组成部分的词性来分,主要有以下几种:

1)名词+名词generation gap 代沟birth-control 人口控制

2) 形容词+名词green1iouse 温室black tea 红茶

3)动名词+名词drinking water 饮用水walking stick 拐杖

4) 名词+动名词horse-riding 骑马sight-seeing 观光

5) 名词+动词nightfall 黄昏watersupply 给水

6) 动词+名词swearword 骂人话breakwater 防波堤

7) 动词+副词setup 体制,机构show-off 炫耀

8) 副词+动词income 收入downfall 垮台

9) 其他形式wel1-being 福利daughter-in-law )儿媳



1. 名词作主语、宾语

The book ìs very ìnterestìng.

The boy broke his leg last week.

He lost the game.

2. 名词作表语、宾〈主)语补足语

She is a liar.

We cansìder him a good teacher.

He was appoìnted ambassador to Great Britain.

3. 名词作定语

名词作定语时通常要使用单数形式,如evening paper,night club,family tree,heart trouble, science fictìon,jìre wall 等,但有时也要用复数形式,如:sports car,careers guìdance,savings bank 等。

The winter vacation ìs coming.

The world is faced with population explosion and energy crisis.

In American, people pay sales tax on many ìtems they buy.

4. 名词作状语

He stayed there (for) five days.

The meeting lasted hours.

5. 名词作同位语

1, your father, should advise you about your marriage.

He, afamous writer, is easy to get along wìth.

Ilike Hemingway's works, especially The Old Man and the Seα.

The daily necessities-that is clothes,food,water, etc.-were supplied.


1. 可数名词的数


1)大多数可数名词的复数是在单数名词后加s 。

desk→desks day→days friend→friends computer→computers 2) 以字母x,s,ch,sh 结尾的可数名词,在词尾加es。bus→buses box→boxes watch→watches brush→brushes

3) 以辅音字母加y 结尾的可数名词,改y 为i ,再加es。baby→babies party→parties lady→ladies

4) 以字母f,fe 结尾的可数名词的复数形式

5) 以字母o 结尾的可数名词的复数形式

6) 字母、数字和缩略词的复数形式

a→a's 字母a s→s'es 字母s

4→four 4 's/4s 4个4 1990→1990's/1990s 20世纪90年代

P→P.P/pages 页VIP→VIPs/VIP's 大人物

(2) 不规则变化的可数名词复数形式

1 )有些单数名词通过改变内部元音变为复数形式。

foot→feet mouse→mice man→men

woman→women goose→geese tooth→teeth


2) 单数名词通过词尾加en 变为复数形式。

chìld→children ox→oxen

3) 一些外来词仍保留原语言中变化形式。

crisis→crises analysis→analyses basis→bases

medium→media datum→data phenomenon→phenomena

bacterium→bacteria criterion→criteria formula→formulae

index→indices diagnosis→diagnoses stimulus→stimuli

2. 不可数名词的数



a piece/sheet of paper a slice of meat/cake a loaf/piece of bread

a bar of chocolate/gold a cake of soap a lump of sugar

aflash oflightning an article of clothing a cube of ice

a bottle of beer/juice a tin of beer a basket of fruit

a tube of toothpaste a handful of sand a drop/mouthful of water

a grain of rice a kilo of sugar a game of football

a piece of news/advice a species of insect a pair of shoes/jeans/socks

(2) 用单位词表示群体,更多地用于复数可数名词。

a crew of sailors a troop of soldiers a host of friends

a gang of thieves a crowd of people a pack of wolves

a flock of sheep/birds a school of whales a swarm of bees

a herd of elephants a set of fumiture/equipment a shelf of books

a string of pearls a bouquet of flowers a bunch of grapes

(3) 用单位词表示行为或状态。

a ray of hope a fit of anger/coughing a burst of applause

a f1ash of lightning a shower of criticism an attack of fever

an act of kindness a stroke of luck a peal of laughter

3. 复合名词的数



traffic light→traffic lights blood type→blood types

man-eater→man-eaters hair-style→hair-styles

shoemaker→shoemakers footman→footmen

(2) 名词+介词+名词构成的复合名词,将第一个名词变成复数。

son-in-law→sons-in-law editor-in-chief-→editors-in-chief

man-of-war→men-of-war comrade-in-arms→comrades-in-arms

(3) 其他词类+名词构成的复合名词,将名词变成复数。

greenhouse→greenhouses reading-room→reading-rooms

dark~room→dark-rooms looker-on→lookers-on

runner-up→runners-up bride-to-be→brides-to-be

(4) 其他词类构成的复合名词,通常把最后一个词变成复数。

go-between→go-betweens grown-up→grown-ups

stand-by→stand-bys good-for~notbing→good-for-nothings

get~together→get-togethers outlook→outlooks

income→incomes hold-up→hold-ups

forget-me-not→forget-me-nots touch-me-not→touch-me-nots

(5) 由man 或woman 构成的复合名词,要把两个词都变成复数。

man~servant→men-servants woman doctor→women doctors

【注意] lady doctor→lady doctors girl friend→girl friends

4. 单复数形式相同的名词的数


sheep→sheep deer→deer aircraft→aircraf

means→means series→series works→works

species→species fish→fish Chinese→Chinese

5. 只有复数形式的名词的数



scissors 剪刀trousers 裤子compasses 圆规

shorts 短裤glasses 眼镜shockings 袜子

scales 天平spectac1es 眼镜pants 裤子

(2) 一些词尾为-ings 的名词

savings 储蓄findings 调查结果surroundings 环境

earnings 薪水belongings 所有物lodgings 住所

tidings 消息takings 收入greetings 问候

writings 著作pickìngs 好处、利益doings 所作所为



remains 遗体(址) outskirts 市郊arms 武器clothes 衣服

ashes 骨灰customs 关税stairs 楼梯thanks 谢意

waters 水(海)域brains 头脑sands 沙滩contents 目录

damages 赔偿金greens 蔬菜troops 部队looks 相貌

trons 镣铐papers文件regards 问候valuable 贵重物品

minutes 会议记录goods货物terms 条件funds资金

manners 礼貌sprits 情绪letters文学times 时代


英语的名词有三个格:主格、宾格和所有格,其中主格和宾格形式相同,称为通格。名词所有格表示所有关系,由名词加's 构成。

1. 名词所有格的构成

(1)大多数单数名词和不规则变化的复数名词的所有格是由名词词尾加's 构成的。

Mr. Smith s house the boy s book men s work my children s toys

(2) 以s 结尾的单数名词在词尾加's 或只加“'”。

Dickens'(s) novels the actress'(s) performance Jones'(s) plays

(3)以s 结尾的规则变化的复数名词的所有格是由名词加咐"构成的。

the students' reading room the Smiths' house the hens' eggs

(4) 复合名词或名词短语的所有格是在最后一个词尾加's 构成的。

her brother-in-law's car the Government of China's po1icy

somebody else's problem Mary and Jane's room

Mary's and Jane's rooms=Mary's room and Jane's

2. 名词所有格的用法


the dog's bark the cat's paw a bird's nest a bee's sting

(2) 名词所有格用于表示时间、度量、国家、城市、价值、自然现象、由人组成的集体等无生命的名词。

today's newspaper five minutes ' walk a pound's weight China's population

London's weather a dollar's worth the sun's energy the government's policy


my grandfather's (home) her ancle's (home)

St. Poul's (Cathedral) Queen's(College)

the barber's/baker's/tailor's/butcher's (shop) the dentist's(office)

(4) 名词所有格用于特指和类指。


a girl's love=the love of a girl

her mother's friend=the friend of her mother

our dog's life=our miserable life

a driver's license=the license of a driver ( 特指,意为“一个司机的执照”)

a driver's license=a driving license(类指,意为"一个驾驶执照”)


a country's dance=a country dance the traveler's check=the traveler check

the doctor's degree= the doctor degree a dog's bone=a dog bone

consumer's goods=consumer goods the state's policy=the state policy

five years 'struggle= five years struggle her student's life= her student life

men's room= men room a teachers 'college= a teachers college

(5) 名词所有格用于一些习惯用语。

a stone s throw 一石之地to one s hearl s content 尽情地

at wit's end 黔驴计穷for God's sake 看在上帝的份儿上

in one s mind's eye 在,心目中by a hair's breath 千钧一发

a bird's eye view 鸟瞰for health's sake 为了健康

3. 表示所有关系的其他用法

( 1 ) of所有格的用法


the cover of a magazine the color ofher dress the leg of the table

the inside ofthe box the cost ofliving the price of success

2) 名词或代词后有后置定语时,要用of 所有格。

the suggestion ofthose present at the meeting

the name of the girl standing at the gate

the book of the boy behind the door

3 )由定冠词加分词或形容词构成的表示一类人或物的名词后要用of 所有格。

the living condition of the unemployed

the education of the young

[注意】表示人、动物、时间、机构、组织等名词后往往可以用of 所有格代替特指的名词所有格。

Dickens s works=the works of Dickens

Friday s party=the party of Friday

the government s plan=the plan of the government

a dogs bark=the bark of a dog

the country s safety=the safety of the country

(2) 双重所有格


a friend of my brother's another mistake of yours

some bad habits ofyour son's which novel ofthe writer's

two daughters of Mr Smith's this lovely child of your sister's

that long face of John's those bright eyes of hers


当of前是具有动作意味的名词opinion,praise, criticism 等时,of 所有格表示动宾关系;当of前是picture,photo,portrait,statue 等名词时,of 所有格表示同位关系。双重所有格通常表示主谓关系。

an opinion of Mary (别人对玛丽的看法)

an opinion of Mary's (玛丽对别人的看法)

a photo of her father (她父亲的照片,照片是她父亲本人)

a photo of her father's (她父亲拥有的照片中的一张,照片不一定是她父亲本人)



1. 通过不同名词形式表示的阳性名词或阴性名词

man→woman, unc1e→aunt, stallion→mare, bull→cow, sir→madam, monk→nun,nephew→niece, dog→bitch, male→female, bridegroom→bride, widower→widow,hero→heroine,landlord→landlady 等。

2. 通过在阳性名词词尾加-ess 构成的阴性名词

actor→actress,waiter→waitress, conductor→conductress, host→hostess,prince →princess, god→goddess, lion→lioness, tiger→tigress 等。

3. 通过名词前加表示性别的代词或名词构成的阳性或阴性名词

boy friend→girl friend,man teacher→woman teacher, male reader→female reader 等。

4. 习惯上看作阳性或阴性的名词

(1)习惯上看作阳性的名词有general,lawyer, fellow, soldier, sailor 及拟人化的名词war, mountain, sun, ocean, tiger, lion, wolf 等。

(2) 习惯上看作阴性的名词有nurse,typist, dressmaker, housekeeper 及拟人化的名词moon,earth, ship, car, China, cat 等。


1. accident, event, incident

( 1 ) accident 指"意外的事件"特指不幸的"意外事故"如摔坏,车祸等。

He was killed in a car accident.

She was late--I do hope he hasn't met an accident.

(2) event 一般指比较重要、引人注意的事件。

The 2008 Olympic Games is one of the chief events of China.

It was quite an event when a woman first became prime minister.

( 3 ) incident 一般用于指附属或次要的事件,在政治上特指引起国际争端或战争的事件。

He could remember every incident in great detail.

Frontier incidents have been common on the border.

2. bank, beach, coast, shore, seaside

( 1) shore 通常指海或湖的边缘或水边的狭长陆地,意为"海岸"或“湖畔”,强调从陆地着眼说明它与水面相衔接。

We could see a boat about a mile off/from the shore.

They camped on the shore of Lake Qinghai.

The sailors were warned not to get into trouble while they were on shore.

(2) bank 多指江向和模流边的陆地,意为“河岸”。

My house is on the south bank .

There are many willows on both banks of the river.

(3) coast 指沿海狭长的陆地,尤指视为边界的"海岸线"与shore 相反,coast 强调从水面着眼说明它与陆地相衔接。

The ship sank three miles offthe French coast.

We live at/on the Atlantic coast of the South America.

(4) beach 是shore 的一部分,指海水退潮后露出的部分,较为平坦,适合游泳和日光浴,意为"海滩"。

They went down to the beach for a swim.

The beach was crowded with sunbathers.

(5) seaside 是指人们前往度假的沿海地区,与beach 接近,但施围比较大。

Beidaihe is a famous seaside resort.

We're spending August at the seaside.

3. clothes, clothing, dress,suit

( 1 )clothes 为普通用词,多指上衣、内衣或裤子等具体的一件件衣服,不能与a,this,that 或数词连用,但可以和some,many, these, those, a few 等连用。

She has got some beautiful clothes.

What do you think of this suit of clothes?

The boy has outgrown his clothes.

( 2) clothing 是衣服的总称,为不可数名词,除衣裤外还包括帽子、鞋袜等。

Food, clothing and shelter are all basic necessities oflife.

Coats, overcoats,trousers, shorts, shirts and socks are articles of clothing.

(3) dress 的范围比clothes,clothing 都窄,通常指妇女、儿童的服装或正式场合穿的衣服,如礼服或某种特殊的服装。

Her mother doesn't care much about dress.

She makes all her own dresses.

Do you have to wear evening dress 岛r this party?

(4) suit 指一套服装,一般有几件配成一套的套装。

The man is wearing a dark suit.

He looks so smart in that suit! The tai10r makes the man.

4. error, mistake, fault

( 1) mistake 为普通用语,泛指思想、行为或认识上的判断失误或理解方面的错误。

Your essay is full of mistakes.

It was a mistake to go there on holiday.

I took your dictionary by mistake.

(2) error 为mistake 的正式用语。

There are a lot of spelling errors/mistal?s in his composition.

Everyone is liable to errors/mistal?s.

The letter is sent to you in error (=by mistake).

(3) fault 侧重造成错误的个人责任,还可以指人的缺点或缺陷。

He lost his job, but it was his own fault for telling lies.

He is alwaysfindingfault with me.

I like him despite hisfaults.

5. salary, wage, pay

(1 ) salary 主要指非体力劳动雇员的"薪水"通常按月计。

Has your salary been paid yet?

Should teachers' salary be higher?

(2) wage 常用作复数,指体力劳动雇员的"工资"通常按周计。

Wages are paid on Fridays.

Tax and insurance are deducted from your wages.

(3) pay 为普通用语,指"报酬"。

He doesn't like the job, but the pay,is good.

What is your pay like in your job?

6. factory, mill, plant, works

factory为普通用语,指产品生产或装配的工厂;mill 指对原材料进行加工的轻工业工厂;plant 多指电气化或机器制造业工厂,一般并不生产产品works 指重工业工厂。

a car fact。可汽车制造厂 a shoe factory 制鞋厂 a clothing factory 服装厂

a papermill 造纸厂 a cotton mill 棉纺厂 a woolen mill 毛纺厂

a steel mill 钢厂 a power plant 发电厂 a chemical plant 化工厂

a gasworks 钢铁厂an iron works煤气厂 a machine works 机械工厂

7. weather,climate

weather 指某一时间内的天气情况,如阴晴、冷暖等,为不可数名词c1imate 指某一地域相对稳定的天气状况,为可数名词。

We have good weather on our holiday.

The weather is very changeable in this city.

Britain has a temperate climate.

Strawberries grow best in a cool, moist climate.

8. fee, fare, bill

fee 指“入场费,手续费,服务费”等fare 指“车费,船费,旅差费,飞机票”等;bill指“账单,票据,单据”等。

A student in our college has to pay school fee of 8,000 yuan a year.

If you want to join the club, you will have to pay an entrance fee of $20.

What is the busfare to London?

Have you paid the telephone/gas/heating bill?

9. travel,journey, trip,tour,voyage,outing

( 1 ) travel 为普通用语,是"旅行"的不可数名词形式。travels 指时间稍长的各处旅行,尤指出国旅行。

Travel broadens the mind.

Travel in the mountains can be slow and dangerous.

Did you go to Rome during your travels?

(2) journey 多指在陆地上的长距离旅行,也指旅程。

Did you have a goodjoumey?

How long is your joumey to work?

(3 )trip 指短期的旅行或观光,从某地出发又返回原地,既可以是旅游,也可以是因事外出,有时可以和journey 互换。

They made a honeymoon trip to Hainan last week.

I'll make a business trip to Hongkong next month.

(4) tour 指为游玩而到几个地方观光的长途或短途旅行。

We went on a guided tour around the cast1e.

They are going on a round-the -world tour.

(5) outing 指娱乐性的远足、郊游。

In warm weather, we usua11y go out for an outing.

Next week they wi11 go on an outing to the seaside.

(6) voyage 指在水上和空中的旅行。

The voyage 企om England to India used to take six months.

When 1 give up my work, 1 sha11 go on/make/take a sea voyage.

10. land, ground, soil, earth, floor

( 1) land 常表示陆地,与海洋相对;earth 表示大地,与太空相对。

After sailing to the west for a month, we caught sight of land.

After a week in space, the spacecraft returned to earth.

(2) ground 和floor 都表示地面,但ground 表示户外,而floor 表示室内。

He slipped from the ladder and fe11 to the ground.

The plate fell to the floor.

( 3) land, ground 都可以表示可耕种的土地。

There is good land/ground for growing com.

He planted a few po饲toes in a small piece of ground/land.

( 4) ground, soil, earth 都可以表示泥土、土壤。

Tea grows we11 in red soil/earth.

We should fill the hole with earth/soil.

(5) land 和soil 都可以表示国家,比count可正式。

China is my native

