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1 日照职业技术学院2012—2013年第二学期期末考试


一、简述题(2题,每题20分,共计40分) 1. 大学生心理健康教育这门课给你那些有意义的知识,结合自己的实际谈谈自己的认识和感想 2.简述人际交往过程中存在哪些心理效应?你在日常的人际交往中是如何利用这些效应的? 二、论述题 (2题,每题30分,共计60分) 1.学会控制自己的情绪可以使大学生更好地解决社会生活中的各种问题,控制情绪的心理调节方法有哪些?日常生活中你是如何利用这些心理调节方法调控自己情绪的? 2.适应大学生生活过程中,有那些事或那件事对你触动很大?你是如何看待的

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XX小学2016-2017学年度第二学期 期末考试质量分析报告 2016-2017学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测工作已经结束,?这次考试 1-6年级由县教育局统一出题,联校组织考试(四五年级全县统考)。现对我校 (1-6年级)各科成绩做如下分析报告:? 一、试卷评价方面 本次考试由县教育局统一命题。各科试卷,内容覆盖面广,重点突出,有一定的代表性,试卷题量适中,难易适度,有一定的层次性,较好地体现了 《课程标准》的新理念和目标体系,既注重对基础知识的考查,又注重对学生能力的培养,较全面地检查了学生对本学期所学基础知识的掌握情况。? 、考试质量方面 二、成绩取得方面:? 1、立足基础,恰当评价学生对基础知识和基本技能的理解和掌握。? 语文学科大部分学生对拼音、生字、词等基础知识掌握较好,说明任课教师重视基础知识教学,加强训练,反复巩固,常抓不懈。本次考试中学生基础知识的得分率较高,书写、看拼音写词语、组词、联系上下文选择词语、古诗名言积累等学生掌握比较熟练、牢固。? 2 、关注差异,不同的学生有不同的体验、收获。?

将开放题引入试卷,引入教育评价,试题反映的不仅仅是“会”与“不会”、“对”与“错”,也反映对问题理解的深度与广度,为学生提供自己进行思考并用他们自己的观点表达的机会,要求学生建构他们的思维反应而不是选择一个简单的答案,允许学生表达他们对问题的深刻理解。? 3、题型灵活多变,体现课改理念。? 试题注重学生动手、思维能力的培养,如动手画一画,解决问题等学生的 综合能力得到了锻炼。? 四、存在问题方面? 从整个学科考试情况来看,存在问题比较大的是科学学科,主要原因是师资力量薄弱,教学水平不高,缺少教师,一人担任多个班级或不同年级课程。下面以语文、数学两科为例分析:? 语文学科存在的问题主要有:? 1、盲目复习,忽视基本功训练。? 学生书写不规范,习作中错别字较多,对易混淆的字,各年级都有部分学生没有完全掌握,导致失分,其实,学生的基础知识的掌握到技能的形成,需要一个实践操作、反复训练的过程。? 2、急于求成,缺乏对学生学习习惯的培养。? 如一年级学生灵活运用能力较差,不能照样子完成类似的问题,看图写话 时部分学生表达能力较差,写话格式不正确;中、高年级语文教师对一些很重要的基本运用训练没有引起足够的重视,缺少长期的、反复的、坚持不懈的训练,使学生基本功较差。试卷中无论是作文还是阅读理解回答问题,都出现较多错别字。其实,语文能力无外乎听、说、读、写,只要老师们持之以恒的坚持多读、多写、多听、多练、多记、多问,养成良好


---初一英语 第 1 页 共 9 页 2014-2015学年度第一学期第二次 七年级英语月考试卷 时间:100分钟 总分:120分 得分___________ 一、单项选择(15分) ( )1. There is ‘s’and ‘u’in the word ‘suit’ . A. a ; an B. a; a C. an; an D. an; a ( )2. Mum likes making pies and the pies she cooks always tastes _______. A. good B. well C. bad D. badly ( ) 3.Our teacher asks us to do _________every day . A. many exercise B.much exercise C.morning exercises D.eye exercise ( )4. He’s _________ in the USA now. A. in a holiday B. for holiday C. to holiday D. on holiday ( )5. People can play tricks __________ others __________ April 1st. A. at; on B. on; in C. on; on D. at; in ( )6. --- I want to a dragon at the Dragon Boat Festival. A. dress at B. dress in as C. dress up D. dress up as ( )7. ---Could I have __________ oranges? --- Sorry, we don’t have __________. A. any, any B. some, any C. some, some D. any, some ( )8. Vegetables are good _____us. A. at B. on C. for D. with ( )9. Mr Wang is too busy and ________exercises. It’s not good for him. A. always B. seldom C. often D. sometimes ( )10. Simon ’s lifestyles isn’t healthy and he pl ans _______________ it. A. change B. to change C. changing D. changes ( )11. We would like to two _____ of_____. A. kilo chickens B. kiloes chicken C. kilos chickens D. kilos chicken ( )12. --- Happy New Year, Millie! --- . A. All right B. That’s OK C. Thank you D. The same to you ( )13. There _____ some books and a pencil case in my schoolbag. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( )14. Tom is fat. The doctor asks him to ________ and ________.


高一英语期末测试卷 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — When shall we meet again? —Make it ____ you like; it’s all the same to me. A. one day B. any day C. another day D. some day 22. With the old worker ____ , we finished the work on time. A. help us B. helped us C. helping us D. to help us 23. —What are you going to do this afternoon? —I’ll probably go for a walk later on ____ it stays fine. A. as far as B. so long as C. even if D. as if 24. More and more people come to realize that much must be done to prevent pollution ____ well. A. from living B. to live C. to go D. from going 25. — Mrs. Brown will come to visit our school tomorrow, you know? — Tomorrow? I ____ she ____ today.. A. think; comes B. think; will come C. thought; is coming D. thought; was coming 26. The train ____ arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late. A. was supposed to B. was likely to C. was about to D. was certain to 27. —Let Pete take the place. He’s older and should be more experienced. —I don’t think so. A man doesn’t necessarily grow wiser ____ he grows older. A. because B. that C. than D. as 28. —This is only between us. — I see. I will ____. A. keep it secret B. keep it a secret C. I won’t let the secret out D. all of the above 29. ____ the window, his finger was cut but it was not serious. A. Cleaning B. While cleaning C. To clean D. When he was cleaning 30. My computer crashed, and ____ I didn’t make a copy of what I had typed. A. what’s worse B. on top of that C. in addition D. all of the above 31. My parents had to use ____ they had to buy the house in which we are now living.. A. what B. what that C. all what D. that 32. — Did you hear the gunshot last night? — Yes, ____ was when I was just about to enter the room ____ I heard it. A. there; when B. it; when C. it; that D. there; that 33. After ____ seemed a very long time, the badly wounded soldier came back to life. A. that B. it C. which D. what 34. —Who would you rather have ____ your computer? —My friend. A. repairing B. to repair C. repaired D. repair 35. You can never imaging what great difficulty I have ____ your house. A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。


2018-2019学年第一学期第二次月考试卷 七年级英语 一、单项选择。(共25小题,25分) ( )1.Bob has _____ baseball and he likes to play _____ baseball. A. a; the B. a ; 不填 C. the ; 不填 D. 不填; 不填 ( )2. ----Let's play computer games. ----__________ A. That sounds good. B. No, I don't. C. Well, let's play soccer. D. No, I don't have a ball. ( )3.David isn’t ____. Look! His books are everywhere. A. fine B. nice C. tidy D.happy ( )4. Mike is 13 and I’m 13, too. _______ are in t he same school. A. Their B. Our C. We D. They ( )5.Anna’s sister _______ an English dictionary. A. don’t has B. don’t have C. doesn’t have D. doesn’t has ( )6.Alice likes _____ and she eats _____ apple every day. A. apple; a B. apple; an C. apples; an D. apples; a ( )7. —Do you _______ a ping-pong ball? —Yes. It’s in my schoolbag. A. go B. have C. think D. eat ( )8.Lucy eats _____, and she is very _____. A. well; health B. well; healthy C. good; healthy D. good; health ( )9. We have some _____ and _____ every morning. A. milk; egg B. milk; eggs C. milks; eggs D. milks; egg ( )10. I like the white socks, ________ my parents don’t like them. A. so B. and C. but D. then ( )11. Look! Some _______ are in the box. A. bed B. book C. rooms D. keys ( )12. Look at those ________. They are _______. A. photoes; her B. photos; his C. photo; her D. photoes; mine ( )13.Playing too many computer games _______ students. A. is bad to B.is bad for C. are bad to D.are bad for ( )14.I will meet him ______ the morning of October 2nd . A. at B.of C. on D.in ( )15.You can go to the library with _______ and ______ sister. A.his;his B.him;his C. him;he D.he;his ( )16. Ed often _______ sports games ________TV A. watch, on B watch, in C. watches, in D. watches, on ( )17. The T-shirt is too long for me. I want a _______ one. A. big B. short C. tidy D. blue ( )18.My hat is on the chair. Let me ___ it. A.gets B.get C.to get D.to gets ( )19.What do you have ___ breakfast? A. with B.for C.in D.at


编号:TQC/K544 小学六年级语文期末考试复习计划完整版 According to the characteristics of different time periods, the specific implementation plan is put forward. At the same time, considering the cost, according to their own choice of appropriate way, in order to achieve low cost and achieve good results. 【适用制定规则/统一目标/规范行为/增强沟通等场景】 编写:________________________ 审核:________________________ 时间:________________________ 部门:________________________

小学六年级语文期末考试复习计划 完整版 下载说明:本计划资料适合用于根据不同时间段的特点,推出各项具体执行方案。主要特点是细致、周密,操作性强和不乏灵活性,同时考虑费用支出事项,根据自身力量选择合适的方式,以实现较低费用取得良好效果。可直接应用日常文档制作,也可以根据实际需要对其进行修改。 一、指导思想 1、明确复习课的目的。复习课是为了帮助学生系统地整理所学过的知识,使遗忘的内容得以重视,薄弱的环节得以巩固,涵盖着全部教学内容。 2、复习课过程要尊重学生。让学生感受到爱、进步与成功,会让他们更有复习的动力。卡耐基说过:“使一个人发挥最大能力的方法是赞美和鼓励。” 3、复习课要内容新颖,形式多样。拓


四、选词填空。(12分) 1._______ up!

A. Get B. get C. look 2.Look out ______ the window! A. of B. at C. / 3.Let’s _____ snowballs. A. make B. throw C. play 4.November is in_________. A. spring B. summer C. winter 5.She often _______swimming in summer. A. go B. goes C.\ 6. Good ______! A. / B. idea C. look 五、连词成句。(10分) 1. home / go / Let’s ( . ) ———————————————————— 2. birthday / is / your /when (? ) ———————————————————— 3. weather / how’s / the / ( ? ) ———————————————————— 4. often / he / goes / in / spring / boating ( . ) ———————————————————— 5. season / do / like / you / which / best ( ? ) ———————————————————— 六、连线题。( 10分) A B 1.Is October in winter? a. No,it’s cloudy.

2.Is it rainy? b. You may use mine. 3.I haven’t got an umbrella. c. Yes.I’m going to have a party. 4.Is your birthday coming? d. I’m drawing a picture. 5.What are you doing? e. No, October is in autumn. 七、情景选择。(24分) 1.放该回家了,你会对你的同学说:() A.Class is over. B.Let’s go home. C.Look out of the window! 2. 当你需要某件东西,却发现自己没带,你如何说:() A.Don’t worry. B.I’m sorry. C.Oh, too bad! I haven’t got … 3.别人给你提供帮助后,你会如何说:() A.Thanks a lot. B.Don’t worry. C.Oh,great! 4. 当你看到下雨而没带雨具时,你会说:() A.I’m sorry. B.Wonderful! C.Oh, too bad! 5. 当别人给你一个很好的主意时,你会说:() A.Thank you. B.Good idea! C. How are you? 6. 当你想知道好朋友的生日时,你该如何说:() A.What’ your name? B.When is your birthday? C. Happy birthday! 7. 当你想给别人一个好的建议时,你该说:() A.May I help you? B. You should …


高一物理期末精选综合测试卷(word 含答案) 一、第五章 抛体运动易错题培优(难) 1.如图所示,一小球从一半圆轨道左端A 点正上方某处开始做平抛运动(小球可视为质点),飞行过程中恰好与半圆轨道相切于B 点。O 为半圆轨道圆心,半圆轨道半径为R ,OB 与水平方向夹角为30°,重力加速度为g ,不计空气阻力,则小球抛出时的初速度大小为( ) A (323)6gR + B 332 gR C (13)3 gR +D 33 gR 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 根据题意,小球在飞行过程中恰好与半圆轨道相切于B 点,可知速度的方向与水平方向成600 角,根据速度方向得到平抛运动的初速度与时间的关系,再根据水平位移与初速度及时间的关系,联立即可求得初速度。 【详解】 小球在飞行过程中恰好与半圆轨道相切于B 点,可知速度的方向与水平方向成60°角,则有 0tan60y v v = 竖直方向 y gt =v 水平方向小球做匀速直线运动,则有 0cos30R R v t += 联立解得 0(323)6 gR v += 故A 正确,BCD 错误。 故选A 。 【点睛】 解决本题的关键是掌握平抛运动在水平方向和竖直方向上的运动规律,抓住速度方向,结合位移关系、速度关系进行求解。

2.一种定点投抛游戏可简化为如图所示的模型,以水平速度v1从O点抛出小球,正好落入倾角为θ的斜面上的洞中,洞口处于斜面上的P点,OP的连线正好与斜面垂直;当以水平速度v2从O点抛出小球,小球正好与斜面在Q点垂直相碰。不计空气阻力,重力加速度为g,下列说法正确的是() A.小球落在P点的时间是1 tan v gθ B.Q点在P点的下方 C.v1>v2 D.落在P点的时间与落在Q点的时间之比是1 2 2v v 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A.以水平速度v1从O点抛出小球,正好落入倾角为θ的斜面上的洞中,此时位移垂直于斜面,由几何关系可知 111 21 1 2 tan 1 2 v t v gt gt θ== 所以 1 1 2 tan v t gθ = A错误; BC.当以水平速度v2从O点抛出小球,小球正好与斜面在Q点垂直相碰,此时速度与斜面垂直,根据几何关系可知 2 2 tan v gt θ= 即 2 2tan v t gθ = 根据速度偏角的正切值等于位移偏角的正切值的二倍,可知Q点在P点的上方,21 t t<,水平位移21 x x >,所以 21 v v >,BC错误; D.落在P点的时间与落在Q点的时间之比是11 22 2 t v t v =,D正确。


高一下学期英语第二次月考试卷 一、阅读理解 1. 阅读理解 Plan your 2020 vacation. The followingfour places are your fantastic destinations. You can enjoy a completelydifferent experience. Panama Costa Rica and the Caribbean oftenenjoy much more popularity than Panama, but visitors should consider the centreAmerican country if they want a” less-crowded paradise”. The travelsite states,” Here, horses are still the primary means of transportationand local fishermen serve fresh seafood and fruit from their home kitchens forroughly $ 6 a plate.” Israel If you’relooking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, National Geographic Travel saysvisitors should head to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter with thousands ofpilgrims . If the crowds get too huge, visitorsare told to take a boat ride to K ing Herod’s 2000-year-old Masada fortress or set off on a peaceful morning boatride across the sea of Galilee. Svalbard If you’re a fan of winter activities, butare in need of some sun, then perhaps a trip to Svalbard is a good choice. NationalGeographi c Travel notes,” The Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard is locatedabout 620 miles south of the


期末考试目标及复习措施 目标: 通过复习,使学生对本学期所学的知识进行系统整理和复习,进一步巩固数的概念,提高计算能力和解决问题的能力,发展空间观念、统计观念,获得自身数学能力提高的成功体验,全面达到本学期规定的教学目标。 在复习过程中,学生要有良好的学习态度和状态,努力做好每一件事情,而且做任何事不拖拉,掌握适合自己的学习方法,利用好时间,争取做到人人有进步。 一、每天巩固课堂所复习的知识点,发现问题及时解决。 二、每天认真对待作业,一定认真,数学作业有不少知识点的巩固。 三、坚持做少量习题,把每题弄明白。 四、也要反复复习错误的题目,特别是一些经典的题型。 五、每个周末要积累一周的概念及重要题型,多做一些提高的练习,减小对基础部分的扣分。 措施: 一、专题复习,形成体系。

围绕专题复习,那往往要打破章节之间的界限,搞清 楚章节之间内在的联系,把所学的知识“串”起来,使之 成为一个有机的整体。或者说,在头脑中形成一个学科知 识的总体框架和主线索。 二、梳理方法、突出重点。 要搞清楚问题解决的全过程,而少追求一些特殊的巧解;不在不理解或一知半解的记忆上化工夫、浪费时间。 最基础最一般的思路和方法往往也就是最重要的、适用性 最广泛的,这是首先要掌握好的。 三、强化练习,熟能生巧 练习时要注意练习的“质”和“量”。这里讲的“质”,一是要求练习是真正通过独立分析而解答正确的,并力求能举一反三。 四、团结协作,共同提高 复习中(平时学习也一样)还应提倡同学间的互相讨论、互相解疑,以达到共同提高的目的。 五、补差帮困,因材施教 面向全体学生,为每一位学生负责,让每一位学生都 有进步的态度。加强补差的力度,强调补差帮困的实效性,激发学习兴趣,利用一些课余时间及时做好补缺、补差工


初二英语试题及答案 注:1. 卷面分3分。 一、听力测试(25分) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后选出每个句子的正确应答语。(10分) 1. A.I visited my aunt. B.Thank you. C.It was great. 2. A. No, she didn’t. B. Yes, she didn’t. C.Yes, he did. 3. A.A watch. B. Talk shows. C.Reading. 4. A.My school uniform. B.At school. C. On Monday. 5. A. It takes 25 minutes. B. How about you? C.I take a train. (二)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 6. A. Yes, I do. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she doesn’t. 7. A.In the classroom. B. In the garden. C.In the hallway. 8. A.He went to the beach. B. He visited her aunt. C. He was at home. 9. A.She takes a train. B.She drives a car. C.She takes a ship. 10. A.Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don’t know. (三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 11. A.He takes the subway. B. He takes the bus. C.He gets to school on foot. 12. A. An hour. B.Two hours. C.Around thirty minutes. 13. A.She rides a bike. B.She takes a taxi. C.She walks. 14. A. Around two hours. B.Around five minutes. C.About twenty-five minutes. 15. A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. (四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,判断下列各句正(T)误(F)。 16. Jeff had a great vacation. 17. Jeff went across the USA by train. 18. The weather was cool in big cities. 19. Jeff loved the houses in the mountains very much. 20. The houses in the mountains were big and quiet. 二、单项填空(20分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。 21. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me.


河南省洛阳市孟津二高2020届高三英语第五次模拟试题 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Chinese Language and Culture Summer Camp in China Shanghai is the city which will present you how modernization meets tradition, and how western culture dances with eastern civilization. So it offers a best place for you to participate in Chinese language and culture summer camp. Interactive Chinese Lessons Our Chinese courses focus on developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in a well-balanced way, while each has its own focus. The teaching materials we use, offering 12 levels of classes, are written specially for our program. For beginners, speaking and listening abilities will be stressed while for advanced level students, the course will develop in depth their skills on Chinese characters recognition, long paragraph reading and writing, as well as fluent conversation. Small Size Classes Our students come from all over the world, mostly between 11 and 17


小学生期末考试通知书班主任评语 小学生期末考试通知书班主任评语怎么写?你是一个很有个性的女孩,能力很强,常 常能帮老师做很多事情。在学习上,你毫不马虎,课堂纪律方面也比以前好,能够认真听讲,积极发言,能和同学和睦相处,互相帮助。小编精心收集了小学生期末考试通知书班主任评语,供大家欣赏学习! 1. 你是一只美丽的小百灵,朗读课文的声音甜美动听,你是一只可爱的孔雀,表演 《小白船》时迷人的舞姿让所有的人陶醉了。这学期,你的进步真不小,养成了许多好习惯,继续努力,灿烂的明天在等着你! 2. 你的书画作品在百年校庆艺术展中获得了金奖,这与你平时的努力是分不开的。这 学期你的进步很大,写字本上,经常的三颗星;课堂上,你的小手常常举起;最值得称赞的,是改掉了上学迟到的坏习惯。希望你在下学期多方面继续努力,更上一层楼! 3. 你虽然个子不高,但你有较高的境界,每当同学遇到困难时,你总是二话不说伸出 援助之手,乐于助人,具有强烈的集体荣誉感,与人相处友善,关系融洽。作为课代表, 你是老师得力的助手,能够做到尽职尽责。老师希望你在学习上能够更加细致严谨,避免 粗心大意,一定能在新学期取得更大的进步! 4. 活泼开朗的你,成绩优异,热爱集体,关心同学,是同学学习的榜样,细致耐心的 解答同学们的疑问,使得你的人际关系更加的融洽,但是“亲极反疏”,与人相处时,不要 总把别人当自己,与任何人相处,都要保持自己的安全距离,也许,在高中阶段,全身心的投入到学习中,会让你有更为平和的情绪! 5. 你是一个懂礼貌明事理的好孩子,你待人热情,能和同学友好相处,对待学习态度 端正,上课认真听讲,下课认真完成作业,但有时你粗心大意,还未全身心的投入学习中,相信经过努力,你一定会取得满意的成绩! 6. 你坚强勇敢、乐观大方的性格让老师非常欣赏。学习上始终保持着上进好学的决心 和韧性,生活中始终能做到豁达开朗,还有着良好的审美和绘画的专长,令人钦佩!以入 世的态度做事,以出世的态度做人,这是我送你的一句话,希望你保持好心态,迎接新的 学习生活。 7. 最有希望得成功者,并不是才干出众的人,而是那些最善于利用时机去努力开创的人。你是很有才华的孩子,老师希望你能把握好机会,求得上进。你聪明,但也有着许多 人共同的毛病——粗心大意和缺乏毅力,若能集中精力持之以恒,坚定目标致力于学习, 定能大限度地发挥你的聪明才智!


泰兴市供销职业技术学校 高一对口单招班英语月考试卷2017 年5 月 出卷人:刘萍审核人:陈玉 第一部分:语言知识运用(共40小题;每题1分,满分40分) 第一节在本节中,你将读到10个句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. It was lovely weatherwe decided to spend the holiday on the beach. A. such a; that B. such; that C. such; as D. so; that ( ) 2. this dictionary, I have another two ones. A. Except for B. Except C. Besides D. In addition ( ) 3.Henry seldom came here to help us, ? A. didn't he B.doesn't he C. does he D. did he ( ) 4. My friend lent me a few reference books, but of them was useful for my school project. A. neither B. none C.either D .all ( ) 5. The day we look forward to . A. come B. coming C. arriving D. is coming ( ) 6.When to superiors, address them as “Mr.” or “Ms.” unless they give you permission to call them by their first names. A. speak B. speaking C. spoke D. Speaks ( ) 7.Try to the habit of looking out for these signs and reacting accordingly. A. get on B. get over C. get into D. get up ( ) 8. You may use my dictionary ____ you don?t keep it too long. A. as soon as B. as long as C. as well as D. as far as ( ) 9.The more effort you put into your studies, . A. the better will be your result B. the better your result will be C. your result will be better D. will be better your result. ( ) 10. Was it in 1969 the American astronaut succeeded landing on the moon? A. when; on B. that; on C. when; in D. that; in 第二节在本节中,你将读到15个短对话或片段,从题后所给的A、B、C、D、四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 11. —What do you think about the TV series House of Cards? — ________. A. Wonderful, I think B. I think a lot about it . C. I don?t think so. D. All right ( ) 12. —May I speak to Anna? —Sorry, she is not in.______ A. May I leave a message? B. Can I give a message? C. Would you like to leave a message? D. Can you receive a message? ( ) 13. —What will the weather be like tomorrow? — A. It was raining outside. B. What a fine day! C. The weather forecast says it will be fine D.We'll fly kites if it is fine. ( ) 14.一May I take your order, sir? 一What would you recommend? 一Baked fish and garlic chicken are always popular here. 一 A. Help yourself. B. It's too cheap. C. Take it easy. D. The garlic chicken, please ( ) 15.一Why not put off the picnic until next month? 一 A. A good match. B. A good idea. C. Good job. D. Good luck. ( ) 16. 一_____ 一Thank you. I certainly will. A. I wish you success. B. Will you help me with my work? C. May I help you? D. Please remember me to your family. ( ) 17. —Although it?s a good opportunity, I?ve decided not to accept your offer.—_______.I do wish you?d think it over. A. I?m glad to hear that. B. I?m sorry to hear that.. C. I don?t think so. D. Forget it. ( ) 18.—Have you ever been to Maldives? —______. A. I …m not sure B. sometimes C. It depends D. Never been there ( ) 19. —His mother dances well. —So _____ and so _____. A. she does; his father does B. does she; his father does C. she does; does his father D. does she; does his father ( ) 20. —Shall I bring you a cup of black coffee as you look so sleepy? —Thank you. __________. A. If you like B. Of course you can ( ) 21. The manager expresses his feeling of ___________. A. sadness B. annoyance C. surprise D. happiness

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